. January Vol. 631 Pretona, 12 J . 2018 anuane No. 41375


Table of Contents

Legal Notices

BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS Gauteng...... 12 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 12 KwaZulu-Natal...... 13 ORDERS OF THE COURT • BEVELE VAN DIE HOF Gauteng...... 14 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 17 KwaZulu-Natal...... 18 SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 20 GENERAL • ALGEMEEN Gauteng...... 21 Mpumalanga...... 22 North West / Noordwes...... 23


Form/Vorm J295 ...... 24 Notice of curator and tutor Kennisgewings van kurators en voogde Gauteng...... 24 KwaZulu-Natal...... 24 Form/Vorm J193 ...... 25 Notice to creditors in deceased estates Kennisgewings aan krediteure in bestorwe boedels Gauteng...... 25 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 29 Free State / Vrystaat...... 30 KwaZulu-Natal...... 31 Limpopo...... 33 Mpumalanga...... 33 North West / Noordwes...... 34 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 34 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 34 Form/Vorm J 187 ...... 38 Liquidation and distribution accounts in deceased estates lying for inspection Likwidasie- en distribusierekenings in bestorwe boedels wat ter insae lê Gauteng...... 38 Eastern Cape / Oos-Kaap...... 41 Free State / Vrystaat...... 42 KwaZulu-Natal...... 43 Limpopo...... 46 STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 3

Mpumalanga...... 46 North West / Noordwes...... 47 Northern Cape / Noord-Kaap...... 47 Western Cape / Wes-Kaap...... 47


Form/Vorm J 28 ...... 50 Estates or companies sequestrated or wound up provisionally Boedels of maatskappye wat voorlopig gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is Form/Vorm J29 ...... 51 First meetings of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of sequestrated estates, companies being wound-up or placed under provisional judicial management Eerste byeenkomste van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuld-briefhouers van gesekwestreerde boedels, maatskappye in likwidasie of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur Form/Vorm 1 ...... 56 Appointment of trustees and liquidators and proof of claims in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Aanstelling van kurators en likwidateurs en bewys van vorderings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 2 ...... 58 Meeting of creditors in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Byeenkoms van skuldeisers in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 4 ...... 59 Liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 5 ...... 60 Payment of dividends and collection of contributions in sequestrated estates or companies being wound up Uitkeer van dividende en insameling van kontribusies in gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie Form/Vorm 6 ...... 62 Application for rehabilitation Aansoek om rehabilitasie Form/Vorm 7 ...... 64 Notices of trustees Kennisgewings van kurators Form/Vorm 9 ...... 65 Notices of surrender of a debtor’s estate Kennisgewings van oorgawe van ‘n skuldenaar se boedel 4 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

Closing times for ORDINARY WEEKLY LEGAL A, LEGAL B and LEGAL C 2018 The closing time is 15:00 sharp on the following days:

➤ 28 December 2017, Thursday for the issue of Friday 05 January 2018 ➤ 05 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 January 2018 ➤ 12 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 January 2018 ➤ 19 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 January 2018 ➤ 26 January, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 February 2018 ➤ 02 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 February 2018 ➤ 09 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 February 2018 ➤ 16 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 February 2018 ➤ 23 February, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 March 2018 ➤ 02 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 March 2018 ➤ 09 March, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 March 2018 ➤ 15 March, Thursday for the issue of Friday 23 March 2018 ➤ 22 March, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 29 March 2018 ➤ 28 March, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 06 April 2018 ➤ 06 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 April 2018 ➤ 13 April, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 April 2018 ➤ 19 April, Thursday for the issue of Thursday 26 April 2018 ➤ 25 April, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 04 May 2018 ➤ 04 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 11 May 2018 ➤ 11 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 18 May 2018 ➤ 18 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 25 May 2018 ➤ 25 May, Friday for the issue of Friday 01 June 2018 ➤ 01 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 08 June 2018 ➤ 08 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 15 June 2018 ➤ 15 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 22 June 2018 ➤ 22 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 29 June 2018 ➤ 29 June, Friday for the issue of Friday 06 July 2018 ➤ 06 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 13 July 2018 ➤ 13 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 20 July 2018 ➤ 20 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 27 July 2018 ➤ 27 July, Friday for the issue of Friday 03 August 2018 ➤ 02 August, Thursday for the issue of Friday 10 August 2018 ➤ 10 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 17 August 2018 ➤ 17 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 24 August 2018 ➤ 24 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 31 August 2018 ➤ 31 August, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 September 2018 ➤ 07 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 September 2018 ➤ 14 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 21 September 2018 ➤ 20 September, Thursday for the issue of Friday 28 September 2018 ➤ 28 September, Friday for the issue of Friday 05 October 2018 ➤ 05 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 12 October 2018 ➤ 12 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 19 October 2018 ➤ 19 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 26 October 2018 ➤ 26 October, Friday for the issue of Friday 02 November 2018 ➤ 02 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 09 November 2018 ➤ 09 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 16 November 2018 ➤ 16 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 23 November 2018 ➤ 23 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 30 November 2018 ➤ 30 November, Friday for the issue of Friday 07 December 2018 ➤ 07 December, Friday for the issue of Friday 14 December 2018 ➤ 13 December, Thursday for the issue of Friday 21 December 2018 ➤ 19 December, Wednesday for the issue of Friday 28 December 2018 STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 5 6 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018 STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 7 8 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018 STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 9 10 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018 STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 11 12 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018


BUSINESS NOTICES • BESIGHEIDSKENNISGEWINGS ALIENATION, SALES, CHANGES OF PARTNERSHIP, NAME, ADDRESS, ETC. Notice is hereby given in terms of section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, to interested parties and creditors of the intended transfer in terms of a contract of businesses, and/or goodwill, goods or property forming part of businesses, after a period of 30 days from the last publication of the relevant advertisements. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Township or district, division, county; (2) seller, trader, partnership; (3) business or trade, kind, name and/or style, and the address at which carried on; (4) purpose and intent (alienation, sale, abandonment, change or dissolution of partnership, removal or change of address, change of name, cancellation of sale, etc.); conditions, and date or period of time if other than 30 days; (5) purchaser, new proprietor and/or owner or partner, or contracting party; (6) business and address, if other than under (3); notes, comment; (7) advertiser and/or agent, address and date.

VERVREEMDING, VERKOPE, VERANDERINGS VAN VENNOOTSKAP, NAAM, ADRES, ENS. Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 34 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, aan belanghebbende partye en skuldeisers van voorgenome oordrag in terme van ‘n kontrak van besighede en/of klandisie, goedere of eiendom wat ’n deel vorm van besighede, na ’n tydperk van 30 dae vanaf die laaste publikasie van betrokke advertensies. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Dorpsgebied of distrik, afdeling, county; (2) verkoper, handelaar, vennootskap; (3) besigheid of handel, soort, naam en/of styl, en adres waar gedryf; (4) doel en voorneme (vervreemding, verkoop, oorgawe, verandering of ontbinding van vennootskap, verhuising of adresverandering, naamverandering, kansellasie van verkoop, ens.); voorwaardes, en datum of tydperk indien anders as 30 dae; (5) koper, nuwe besitter en/of eienaar of vennoot, of kontrakterende party; (6) besigheid en adres, indien anders as onder (3); opmerkings, kommentaar; (7) adverteerder en/of agent, adres en datum.


Sandton. (2) Partnership; (3) Tiefenthaler Attorneys, Block B, Rivonia Close, 322 Rivonia Boulevard, Sandton, Johannesburg; (4) Notice in terms of Section 34(1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936; (5) Tiefenthaler Attorneys Incorporated; (6) Block B, Rivonia Close, 322 Rivonia Boulevard, Sandton, Johannesburg; (7) Tiefenthaler Attorneys; Block B, Rivonia Close, 322 Rivonia Boulevard, Sandton, Johannesburg, 5 January 2018.

ERVEN 684 STRUBENSVALLEI EXT 3 & 1418 WILGEHEUWEL TOWNSHIP. (2) PRINIA RIVERVIEW PROPERTY HOLDINGS - 2016/271443/07; (3) SALE OF A BUSINESS and Rental Enterprise KNOWN AS RIVERVIEW CENTRE, BY PRINIA RIVERVIEW PROPERTY HOLDINGS - 2016/271443/07 - situated at : CNR FLORIN RD AND KRUGERRAND ROAD, WILGEHEUWEL; (4) Sale of a Business (Shopping centre) situated at the above properties; (5) FTX INVESTMENTS PROPRIETARY LIMITED - 2009/007761/07; (6) -; (7) CAROL COETZEE & ASSOCIATES, Ground Floor, Glen Eagles Building, Fourways Golf Park, Roos Street, Fourways, 2068.

Edenburg. (2) The Trustees of the Tumiel JH Trust respect of Southern Palace Investments 123 (Pty) Limited; (3) commercial letting enterprise conducted as Erf 26 Edenburg Township Gauteng; (4) sale of shares in commercial letting enterprise - effective date end of February 2018; (5) Dlogan Properties Limited company number 2016/347581.07; (6) attention Jan Tumiel PO Box 4095 Rivonia 2128; (7) John Isabelle Attorneys.



Kenton-On-Sea. (2) Dayzees Coffee Shop Trust IT No 28/99 t/a Spar Sunshine Coast; (3) Spar Sunshine Coast, The Jecana Centre, 435 Kenton Road, Kenton-On-Sea; (4) Transfer of business to new owners; (5) Sunshine Coast Retail CC; (7) Neave Stotter Inc, 37 Campbell Street, Port Alfred 2017/11/29. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 13

Kenton-On-Sea. (2) Mystery Movers Trading CC t/a Tops Sunshine Coast; (3) Tops Sunshine Coast, The Jecana Centre, 435 Kenton Road, Kenton-On-Sea; (4) Transfer of business to new owners; (5) Sunshine Coast Retail CC; (7) Neave Stotter Inc, 37 Campbell Street, Port Alfred 2017/11/29.


DURBAN. (2) Dave James & Associates CC (Registration No. CK2002/095495/23); (3) Small Property Admin, 113 Musgrave Park, 18 Musgrave Road, Durban; (4) Sale and transfer of business as a going concern; (5) Wakefields Property Management (Pty) Ltd (Registration No. 1994/002490/07); (6) 3rd floor FNB Building, 151 Musgrave Road, Durban; (7) NSG Attorneys, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave, Durban, 4001.

. 14 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018



Case No: 58661/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) PRETORIA, 7 November 2017, Before the Honourable Mr Justice Phiyega, AJ In the matter between: BUSINESS PARTNERS LTD (REG NO: 1981/000918/06), Applicant and K2014223106 (PTY) LTD (REG NO: 2014/223106/07), Address: 5 TUNGSTEN ROAD, STRIJDOM PARK, RANDBURG, GAUTENG, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record, IT IS ORDERED THAT 1.) The abovementioned respondent company be and is hereby placed under provisional winding-up order. 2.) A rule nisi be and is hereby issued calling upon all persons concerned to appear and show cause, if any, to this court at 10:00 on 26 January 2018 why the respondent company should not be placed under final winding-up order. 3.) Service of this rule nisi be effected upon the respondent company at its registered office and by publication forthwith once in each of the GOVERNMENT GAZETTE and CITIZEN newspaper. 4.) Cost of this application, is cost in the liquidation. BY THE COURT. t

Case No: 64727/2017 DX 30, Pretoria IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 7 November 2017, Honourable Mr Justice Mothle in the matter between The Body Corporate of Brentwood Gardens, Applicant and Thabo Piet Phama (ID: 650125 5854 08 6), Respondent

Having Heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The estate of the respondent is placed under provisional sequestration. 2. The respondent is called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the Court should not order final sequestration of the said estate on 26 January 2018 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. 3. A copy of this order is to be furnished to the respondent. 4. A copy of this order is to be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette. 5. A copy of this order is to be published forthwith once in the The Citizen newspaper, 6. Costs to be costs in the sequestration of the respondent’s estate. t

Case No: 64728/2017 DX 30, Pretoria IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 7 November 2017, Honourable Mr Justice Hiyega AJ in the matter between The Body Corporate of Brentwood Gardens, Applicant and Mamontsheng Elizabeth Phama (ID: 791208 0448 08 6), Respondent STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 15

Having Heard counsel for the applicant and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. THAT: The estate of MAMONTSHENG ELIZABETH PHAMA, be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this court on 26 JANUARY 2018 at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be made against her estate. 2. Costs to be costs in the sequestration of the respondent’s estate. t

Case No: 56768/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 11 December 2017, Honourable Mr Justice Davis, AJ In the matter between: Belinda Pienaar, First Applicant; Nicholas Johannes Pienaar, Second Applicant and Clive Edward Hewitt, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The estate of CLIVE EDWARD HEWITT be and is hereby placed under provisional sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court and that a rule nisi do issue calling upon the respondent to appear and show cause, if any, to this court on 1 MARCH 2018 at 10:00 why a final order of sequestration should not be granted against his estate. 2. The provisional order be served upon the respondent personally. 3. The provisional order be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen newspaper. 4. The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration of the respondent’s estate. BY THE COURT - REGISTRAR Attorney: Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Address: 876 Pretorius Street, Arcadia, Pretoria t

Case No: 63334/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Division, Pretoria) Pretoria, 7 December 2017, Honourable Mr Justice Prinsloo In the matter between: Maryna Estelle Symes N.O, First Applicant; Lebogang Morake N.O, Second Applicant and Stephen Papaioannou, Respondent

HAVING HEARD counsel for the applicant(s) and having read the notice of motion and other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The respondent’s estate be provisionally sequestrated and placed in the hands of the Master of the High Court. 2. The respondent or any interested party is called upon to advance reasons, if any, why the Court should not order the final sequestration of the respondent’s estate on 2 February 2018 at 10h00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. 3. The provisional order be served upon the respondent personally. 4. The provisional order be published in the Government Gazette and the Citizen newspaper. 5. The costs of this application be costs in the sequestration of the respondent’s estate. BY THE COURT - REGISTRAR Attorney: HES Address: 2ND FLOOR EASTWOOD LAW CHAMBERS, 876 PRETORIUS STREET, ARCADIA, PRETORIA t 16 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018


Having heard counsel for the applicant and having considered the documents filed of record: IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The respondent company is hereby placed under provisional winding up. 2. All persons who have a legitimate interest are called upon to put forward their reasons why this court should not order the final winding up of the respondent on 16 February 2018 at 10h00 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard. 3. A copy of this order be served on the respondent at its registered office. 4. A copy of the order be published forthwith once in the Government Gazette. 5. A copy of this order be forthwith forwarded to each known creditor by prepaid registered post or by electronically receipted telefax transmission. 6. A copy of the provisional winding-up order must be served on - 6.1. The employees of the respondent by affixing a copy of the application to any notice board to which the employees have access inside the respondent’s premises, or if there is no access to the premises by the employees, by affixing a copy to the front gate, where applicable, failing which to the front door of the premises from which the debtor conducted any business at the time of the presentation of the application; 6.2. The South African Revenue Service; and 6.3. The Master of the above Honourable Court. 7. The costs of the application are costs in the winding up. t

Case No: 2017/20681 172 Johannesburg IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg) Johannesburg, 29 November 2017, Before the Honourable Judge Keightley In the matter between: FirstRand Bank Limited, Applicant and FAMILGIA INVESTMENTS CC, 1st Respondent, DE WET VAN DER RIET, 2nd Respondent, CARMEN JANET VAN DER RIET, 3rd Respondent, THE COMPANIES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY COMMISSION, 4th Respondent, THE MINISTER OF FINANCE N.O, 5th Respondent, MINISTER OF PUBLIC WORKS N.O, 6th Respondent, REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, JOHANNESBURG, 7th Respondent and SOUTH AFRICAN REVENUE SERVICE, 8th Respondent

1. That a rule nisi be issued returnable on 12th of February 2018 at 10h00 calling upon all interested persons to show cause why an Order should not be made in the following terms: 1.1 The dissolution of the close corporation known as FAMILGIA INVESTMENTS CC with registration number 1988/002887/23 (“FAMILGIA”), which dissolution occurred upon FAMILGIA’S deregistration as a close corporation on 26 August 2016, be declared void in terms of Section 83(4)(a) of the Companies Act, Act 71 of 2008. 1.2 That the 4th Respondent be directed to restore the registration of FAMILGIA’S name to the company register. 1.3 That FAMILGIA’S assets immediately prior to its dissolution on 26 August 2016, and declared to be no longer bona vacantia and are re-vested in FAMILGIA. 1.4 That FAMILGIA’S liabilities immediately prior to its dissolution on 26 August 2016, be declared to re-vest in FAMILGIA. 1.5 That FAMILGIA, upon its restoration to the register, be liable to pay the costs of this application. 2. The applicant is hereby authorised and directed to ensure publication of this order prior to the stipulated return day, which publication shall afford all interested parties 21 business days’ notice of the proposed restoration, in the following manner: 2.1 By publication in a local newspaper (The Citizen) circulated within the area of FAMILGIA’S registered address; 2.2 By publication in the Government Gazette; 3. A copy of this rule nisi is to be served on the first- to sixth respondents as well as the South African Revenue Service. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 17


Case No: 5452/2017 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (EASTERN CAPE LOCAL DIVISION, MTHATHA) MTHATHA, 5 December 2017, HONOURABLE NOTUNUNU AJ In the application of: PERI FORMWORK SCAFFOLDING ENGINEERING (PTY) LTD APPLICANT and ANIX TRADING 129 CC RESPONDENT In re: APPLICATION FOR LIQUIDATION PROVISIONAL LIQUIDATION ORDER IT IS ORDERED: 1. That the application be heard as one of urgency and that the non-compliance with the Rules of the above Honourable Court with regard to time limits and service be condoned to the extent necessary; 2. That the Respondent be and is hereby placed under provisional winding up in the hands of the Master of the High Court; 3. That a Rule Nisi do issue calling upon the Respondent and any other interested parties to show cause, if any, to the above Honourable Court on Tuesday 30 January 2018 at 10;00 or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why the Respondent should not be placed under final liquidation; 4. That a copy of this order be served (as stipulated in Section 346A of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 (the Act)) as follows: 4.1 On the Respondent at its registered office; 4.2 On the Respondent’s employees where the Respondent conducts its business, being 3 Kalika Street, Vulindlela Heights, Mthatha by affixing a copy thereof to any notice board to which the employees have access inside the premises or by affixing a copy to the front door of the premises; 4.3 On each trade union of which the Respondent’s employees are members, if applicable; and 4.4 On the South African Revenue Services; 5. That in addition to the methods of service stipulated in the Act, that a copy of this order be Published in the Daily Dispatch and Government Gazette on or before 18 January 2018. 6. That the cost of this application will be costs in the winding up. t

Case No: 4041/17 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth) Port Elizabeth, 19 December 2017, before the Honourable Mr Justice Smith In the ex parte application of: Valotone 161 cc Valotone 161 cc, Applicant

Having heard Advocate Rossi, Counsels for the Applicant, and having read the documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED: 1. That a rule nisi is hereby issued calling upon all interested parties to show cause, if any, to the above Honourable Court, on TUESDAY the 16 day of JANUARY 2018 at 09h30, or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, why an Order in the following terms should not be granted: 1.1 that the Conditions contained in paragraph 3 (b) and (c) pages 2 to 3 stipulated in Deed of Transfer no. T10789/2016 pertaining to Erf 138 Greenbushes, be deleted in their entirety and the Registrar of Deeds be ordered to give effect thereto by endorsing the Deed of Transfer, which conditions read as follows: 3. The erf shall be subject to the following further conditions provided especially that where, in the opinion of the Administrator after consultation with the Townships Board and the local authority, it is expedient that the restriction on any such condition should at any time be suspended or relaxed, he may authorise the necessary suspension or relaxation subject to compliance with such conditions as he may impose:- (a) … (b) It shall be used only for the purpose of erecting thereon one dwelling together with such outbuilding as are ordinarily required to be used therewith. (c) No building or structure or any portion thereof expect boundary walls and fences shall be erected nearer than 7,87 metres to the street line which forms a boundary of this erf, not within 3,15 metres of any other boundary. On consolidation of any two or more erven this condition shall apply to the consolidated area as one erf. 18 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

2. That a copy of the aforesaid rule nisi be delivered by registered post upon the owners of erven 139, 156, 137, 54/8 and 4/8 Greenbushes. 3. That a copy of the aforesaid rule nisi be delivered by hand upon: 3.1 The Municipal Manager of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality; 3.2 The Director-General of the Province of the Eastern Cape; and 3.3 The Registrar of Deeds in Cape Town in compliance with the provisions of Section 97 of the Deeds Registry Act. 4. That a copy of the rule nisi which this Honourable Court may grant be published: 4.1 Once in the Eastern Province Herald in English; and 4.2 Once in Die Burger, Ooskaap in Afrikaans; and 4.3 Once in the Government Gazette. And that it be stated, in such advertisement, that the papers relating to this application may be inspected at the offices of the Applicant’s attorney and of the Registrar of this Honourable Court during business hours. BY ORDER OF COURT.-B LUCAS (MS), pp REGISTRAR KAPLAN BLUMBERG, Applicant’s Attorneys, Southern Life Gardens, Block A, First Floor, 70 Second Avenue, Newton Park, PORT ELIZABETH. Tel: 041 363 6044. Fax: 041 363 6046.Email: [email protected] (Ref: K Morris/mve/MAT15282)


Case No: 8826/2017 91, Durban IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) Durban, 20 October 2017, Honourable Judge Madam Steyn In the matter between: Jazira Holdings LLC, Applicant and Astute Trading (Pty) Ltd (Registration No: 2004/035601/07), Respondent IT IS ORDERED 1.That ASTUTE TRADING PTY LTD (hereinafter called “the respondent”) and all other interested parties are called upon to show cause, if any, before this court on the 5th December 2017 at 09h30 in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up 2. This order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the respondent 3. A copy of this order shall be served upon:- (a) The South African Revenue Service; (b) The Respondent at its registered address at Suite 121-123 Ridgeton Towers, 6-14 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal 4. This order shall be published on or before the 20th day of November 2017, once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal t

Case No: 8829/2017 91, Durban IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) Durban, 20 October 2017, Honourable Judge Madam Steyn In the matter between: Jazira Holdings LLC, Applicant and Ocean Air Trading (Pty) Ltd (Registration No: 2005/032317/07), Respondent IT IS ORDERED 1.That OCEAN AIR TRADING PTY LTD (hereinafter called “the respondent”) and all other interested parties are called upon to show cause, if any, before this court on the 5th December 2017 at 09h30 in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up 2. This order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the respondent 3. A copy of this order shall be served upon:- (a) The South African Revenue Service; (b) The Respondent at its registered address at Suite 121-123 Ridgeton Towers, 6-14 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal 4. This order shall be published on or before the 20th day of November 2017, once in the Government Gazette and once in STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 19 a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal t

Case No: 8828/2017 91, Durban IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) Durban, 20 October 2017, Honourable Judge Madam Steyn In the matter between: Jazira Holdings LLC, Applicant and Central Zone Trading (Pty) Ltd (Registration No: 2005/019932/07), Respondent IT IS ORDERED 1.That CENTRAL ZONE TRADING PTY LTD (hereinafter called “the respondent”) and all other interested parties are called upon to show cause, if any, before this court on the 5th December 2017 at 09h30 in the forenoon or as soon thereafter as counsel may be heard, why the Respondent should not be wound up 2. This order shall operate as an order provisionally winding up the respondent 3. A copy of this order shall be served upon:- (a) The South African Revenue Service; (b) The Respondent at its registered address at Suite 121-123 Ridgeton Towers, 6-14 Aurora Drive, Umhlanga Rocks, KwaZulu-Natal 4. This order shall be published on or before the 20th day of November 2017, once in the Government Gazette and once in a daily newspaper published in Durban and circulating in KwaZulu-Natal. t

Case No: 8826/2017 91, Durban IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) Durban, 5 December 2017, Honourable Judge Ploos Van Amstel In the matter between: Jazira Holdings LLC, Applicant and Astute Trading (Pty) Ltd (Registration No: 2004/035601/07), Defendant IT IS ORDERED The matter is adjourned to 26 January 2018. t

Case No: 8828/2017 91, Durban IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) Durban, 5 December 2017, Honourable Judge Ploos Van Amstel In the matter between: Jazira Holdings LLC, Applicant and Central Zone Trading (Pty) Ltd (Registration No: 2005/019932/07), Respondent IT IS ORDERED The matter is adjourned to the 26 January 2018 t

Case No: 8829/2017 91, Durban IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (KWAZULU-NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN) Durban, 5 December 2017, Honourable Judge Ploos Van Amstel In the matter between: Jazira Holdings LLC, APPLICANT and Ocean Air Trading (Pty) Ltd (Registration No: 2005/032317/07), RESPONDENT IT IS ORDERED The matter is adjourned to the 26 January 2018. 20 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018 t


Upon the motion of Counsel for the Applicant and upon reading the NOTICE OF MOTION and the other documents filed of record IT IS ORDERED 1. that the Rule Nisi do hereby be issued, calling upon the Respondents, or any other party, to show cause on the 15th January 2018 as to why the following Order should not be made final:- (a) that the Applicant is assigned guardianship to one Luyanda Sangweni, being a female minor child born on 1 September 2007(“the minor child”), in accordance with section 24 of the Children’s Act 3 of 2005, pending an application for the adoption of the minor child to be instituted by the Applicant; (b) No order as to costs unless the application is opposed, whereupon the costs are to be paid by the Respondent/s jointly and severally liable, with one paying the other abslved; (c) Further and/or alternative relief; and (d) The Applicant is directed to publish the rule nisi in the Government Gazette and the Isolezwe Newspaper circulating in the Maphumulo Area, KwaZulu-Natal.


SUPERSESSIONS AND DISCHARGE OF PETITIONS Notice is hereby given by the Master of the High Court of South Africa, as stated, of the supersession of provisional orders of sequestration/liquidation and the discharge of petitions. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number; (2) the applicant; (3) the respondent; (4) the date of the provisional order granted; (5) the High Court Division; (6) the date of the discharge order. TERSYDESTELLINGS EN AFWYSINGS VAN AANSOEKE Kennis word hiermee deur die Meester van die Hoë Hof van Suid-Afrika, soos vermeld, gegee van die tersydestelling van voorlopige bevele van sekwestrasie/likwidasie en die afwysing van aansoeke. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer; (2) die applikant; (3) die verweerder; (4) die datum van uitreiking van die voorlopige bevel; (5) die Afdeling van die Hoë Hof; (6) die datum van die afwysingsbevel.


Ref-C835/2017--—(2) Absolute Vending (pty) ltd, Applicant; (3) Henque 2890 CC t/a Brazier & Associates, Respondent; (4) 8 December 2017; (5) Western Cape Division- Cape Town; (6) 15 December 2017. C581/2015—(2) BLAAUWBERG MEAT (PTY) LTD & GROENLAND MEAT TRADERS (PTY) LTD, Applicant; (3) SHAUKAT ALLIE HASSAN SONDAY, Respondent; (4) 8 September 2015; (5) WESTERN CAPE DIVISION, CAPE TOWN; (6) 17 May 2017.




Case/Application No: 43773/17 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA ((GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA)) In the matter between: HATTINGH, ROY CARL - First Applicant; HATTINGH, SALOME - Second Applicant and THE REGISTRAR OF DEEDS, PRETORIA - Respondent NOTICE OF MOTION TAKE NOTE THAT the abovenamed applicants intend making application to the above Honourable Court for an order in the following terms:- 1. The applicants are authorised in terms of Section 88 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 and Section 21 (1) of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 to execute a notarial contract (annexed hereto marked “FA2”) such notarial contract to be registered within 2 (two) months of the date of this order with the registrar; 2. Directing the respondent to record in the Deeds Registry of the respondent the order in 1 above according to law; 3. This order:- 3.1 will lapse if the notarial contract is not registered by the Registrar of Deeds within 2 (two) months of the date of the granting of this order; 2 will not prejudice the rights of any creditor of the applicants only as at the date of registration of the notarial contract; 4. Directing the respondent to pay the costs of the application only in the event of the respondent opposing the relief sought herein; 5. Further and/or alternatively relief. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER THAT the affidavit of ROY CARL HATTINGH attached hereto will be used in support of this application. KINDLY TAKE NOTICE FURTHER THAT the applicants will accept service of all process in these proceedings at EUGENE MARAIS ATTORNEY c/o PAUL DU PLESSIS ATTORNEY, 568 NORVAL STREET, MORELETA PARK, PRETORIA. KINDLY TAKE NOTICE THAT should you intend opposing this application you are required to file your notice of intention to oppose within 5 (five) days after service upon you of this application and thereafter within 15 (fifteen) days to file your answering affidavit. TAKE NOTICE FURTHER THAT you are required to appoint an address, within 15 (fifteen) kilometres of the seat of the Court, at which you will accept notice and service of all documents in these proceedings. IF NO such notice of intention to oppose is given, application will be made on the 30 day of JANUARY 2018 AT 10H00 or so soon thereafter as counsel may be heard. Eugene Marais Attorneys, Block B, Ground Floor, The Ambridge Office Park, 28 Vrede Avenue, Bryanston, Tel: (011) 704 4831, Fax: (011) 704 4837, Email: [email protected]. t

Case/Application No: 80874/17 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) In the ex parte application of: Charles Victor Strydom and Celesté Strydom (Born Le Roux) Charles Victor Strydom and Celesté Strydom, Applicants and N/A In re: APPLICATION TO CHANGE MATRIMONIAL REGIME IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) NOTICE OF APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 21(1) OF ACT 88 OF 1984 Notice is hereby given that CHARLES VICTOR STRYDOM (Identity No: 891115 5023 08 8) and CELESTÉ STRYDOM (Identity No: 900614 0016 08 8) of 51 Albrecht Street, Annlin, Pretoria, Gauteng, who were married in community of property on 14 January 2017, intends to apply to the abovementioned Honourable Court on 28 February 2018, for an Order ordering that their current matrimonial property system shall no longer apply and authorizing them to enter into a notarial contract by which their future matrimonial property system is regulated. The application and proposed notarial contract are available at the offices of Chantel van Heerden Attorneys, 1015 Marlin Street, Garsfontein X13, or at the offices of the Registrar of the High Court, Cnr Paul Kruger and Madiba Street, Pretoria. Should you wish to object to the said application you may do so by notice in writing setting out the grounds of your objection, which notice must be delivered to the aforesaid premises by no later than 16h30 on 13 February 2018. CHANTEL VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, PO Box 2003 Garsfontein East 0060, Tel: (012) 993 5907, Fax: 086 5177 463, Email: [email protected]. 22 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018 t

IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION Notice is hereby given that it is the intention to apply for the cancellation of the registration of BOND NR: B138055/2004 Registered on: 16 NOVEMBER 2004 Passed by: ABSA BANK LTD (REGISTRATION NUMBER 1986/004794/06); For the amount of: R1,300,000.00 In favour of: 1. STEPHANUS DANIEL PYPERS, Identity Number 741016 5107 08 1, Married Out of Community of Property; And 2. JOLINE PYPERS, Identity Number 760222 0072 08 2, Married Out of Community of PropertyIn respect of certain ERF 583 MEYERSPARK EXTENTION 2 TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION JR, PROVINCE OF GAUTENG; which bond has been lost or destroyed, and of which the registration duplicate has also been lost or destroyed. All persons having objection to the cancellation of the registration of such bond are hereby required to lodge same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at the deeds registry in which the bond is registered, within a period of six weeks after the date of the first publication of this notice, being 20 November 2017. JARVIS JACOBS RAUBENHEIMER INC, WOODPECKER PLACE, HILLCREST OFFICE PARK, 177 DYER ROAD, HILLCREST, PRETORIA, GAUTENG, Tel: (012)362-5787, Fax: 0866760331, Email: [email protected].



REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES TE MPUMALANGA AANSOEK OM VERLORE AKTE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 38 VAN DIE AKTESWET 47 VAN 1937 STEFANIS SIGEMUNDUS LOOTS, IDENTITEITSNOMMER 550315 5165 08 5 EN JACOBA WILHELMINA LOOTS, IDENTITEITSNOMMER 570824 0004 088, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar, Eiser In re: AANSOEK OM VERLORE AKTE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 38 VAN DIE AKTESWET 47 VAN 1937 AANSOEK OM VERLORE AKTE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 38 VAN DIE AKTESWET 47 VAN 1937 VERLORE TITELBEWYS Vorm vir publikasie kragtens Artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937 Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel 38 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937, ek die Registrateur van Aktes Mpumalanga te Nelspruit, voornemens is om ‘n Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van Akte van Transport T91325/2007 gedateer 12 Julie 2007 gepaseer deur JACOMINA ALETTA VAN STRYP, IDENTITEITSNOMMER 301011 0028 00 4, Ongetroud, ten gunste van STEFANIS SIGEMUNDUS LOOTS, IDENTITEITSNOMMER 550315 5165 08 5 EN JACOBA WILHELMINA LOOTS, IDENTITEITSNOMMER 570824 0004 08 8, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar, ten aansien van sekere ERF 648 AMSTERDAM DORPSGEBIED, REGISTRASIE AFDELING I.T, PROVINSIE VAN MPUMALANGA GROOT 2855 (TWEE DUISEND AGT HONDERD VYF EN VYFTIG) VIERKANTE METER wat verlore geraak het of vernietig, onvolledig of onbruikbaar is Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes Mpumalanga te Nelspruit, Bellstraat 25, Nelspruit, 1200 of Privaatsak 11239, Nelspruit 1200 binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant. Gedateer te NELSPRUIT op hede die 24 dag van NOVEMBER 2017 REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES VORSTER, ROBBERTSE & COETZEE ING., POSBUS 50, PIET RETIEF, 2380, Tel: 017/826 4351, Fax: 017/826 0332, Email: [email protected]. t STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 23

REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES TE MPUMALANGA AANSOEK OM VERLORE AKTE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 38 VAN DIE AKTESWET 47 VAN 1937 STEFANIS SIGEMUNDUS LOOTS IDENTITEITS NOMMER 5503155165085 EN JACOBA WILHELMINA LOOTS IDENTITEITSNOMMER 5708240004088 Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar In re: AANSOEK OM VERLORE AKTE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 38 VAN DIE AKTESWET 47 VAN 1937 AANSOEK OM VERLORE AKTE IN TERME VAN ARTIKEL 38 VAN DIE AKTESWET 47 VAN 1937 VERLORE TITELBEWYS Vorm vir publikasie kragtens Artikel 38 van die Akteswet 47 van 1937 Hierby word kennis gegee dat kragtens die bepalings van artikel 38 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet, 1937, ek die Registrateur van Aktes Mpumalanga te Nelspruit, voornemens is om ‘n Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel uit te reik in plaas van Akte van Transport T91325/2007 gedateer 12 Julie 2007 gepaseer deur JACOMINA ALETTA VAN STRYP IDENTITEITSNOMMER 3010110028004 Ongetroud ten gunste van STEFANIS SIGEMUNDUS LOOTS IDENTITEITSNOMMER 5503155165085 EN JACOBA WILHELMINA LOOTS IDENTITEITSNOMMER 5708240004088 Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met mekaar ten aansien van sekere ERF 648 AMSTERDAM DORPSGEBIED REGISTRASIE AFDELING I.T, PROVINSIE VAN MPUMALANGA GROOT 2855 (TWEE DUISEND AGT HONDERD VYF EN VYFTIG) VIERKANTE METER wat verlore geraak het of vernietig, onvolledig of onbruikbaar is Alle persone wat teen die uitreiking van sodanige Sertifikaat van Geregistreerde Titel beswaar het, word hierby versoek om dit skriftelik in te dien by die Registrateur van Aktes Mpumalanga te Nelspruit, Bellstraat 25, Nelspruit, 1200 of Privaatsak 11239, Nelspruit 1200 binne ses weke na die eerste publikasie in die Staatskoerant. Gedateer te NELSPRUIT op hede die 24 dag van NOVEMBER 2017 ______REGISTRATEUR VAN AKTES VORSTER, ROBBERTSE & COETZEE ING., POSBUS 50, PIET RETIEF, 2380, Tel: 017/826 4351, Fax: 017/826 0332, Email: [email protected]. t

IN THE MAGISTRATE’S COURT FOR WHITE RIVER PIE CITY PIE CITY Dissolution of PIE CITY, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No.2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/296. Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 28 (7) of the Pension Funds Act (No 24 of 1956) that a preliminary liquidation account, a preliminary balance sheet and a preliminary distribution statement of PIE CITY, a participant in the Corporate Selection Umbrella Retirement Fund No.2 (in liquidation) Fund PF 12/8/36438/296, will be open for inspection for the period 2018-01-12 to 2018-02-12 at the offices of: 1. The Registrar of Pension Funds, Riverwalk Office Park, Block B, No 41 Matroosberg Road, Ashlea Gardens Extension 6, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 2. The Magistrates Court, Chief Mgiyeni Khumalo Drive, White River, 1240 3. The registered office of the Fund shall be situated at the Head Office Liberty Life 1 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg 2001. Any interested persons who have objections to the aforesaid accounts and statements may lodge such objections in writing to the Registrar of Pension Funds, P.O Box 35655 Menlo Park 0102, not later than 2018-02-26 Liberty Life, 25 Ameshoff Street, Braamfontein, 2001, Tel: 0114085289, Email: [email protected].



LOST TITLE DEED Notice is hereby given that under the provisions of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act, 1937, I the Registrar of Deeds at Pretoria intend to issue a Certificate of Registered Title in lieu of Deed of Transfer TG135263/2000 registered on 1 November 2000 in favour of 24 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

1. THE ESTATE LATE: JOSHUA MUSE SHONGWE, Estate Number: 002002/2015 2. BETTY SHONGWE, Identity Number: 621008 0400 08 7, Unmarried As Surviving Spouse, who was married in community of property to THE LATE JOSHUA MUSE SHONGWE in respect of the following: ERF 613 WINTERVELD TOWNSHIP, REGISTRATION DIVISION J.R., NORTH WEST PROVINCE, MEASURING 204 (TWO HUNDRED AND FOUR) SQUARE METRES, which together with the registry duplicate thereof, has been lost or destroyed. All persons having any objections to the issue of such Title are hereby required to lodge the same in writing with the Registrar of Deeds at PRETORIA within 6 weeks from date of first publication in the Government Gazette. SAVAGE JOOSTE & ADAMS ATTORNEYS, 141 BOSHOFF STREET, NIEUW MUCKLENEUK, PRETORIA, 0001, Tel: 0124528200, Fax: 0866629053, Email: [email protected].


Form/Vorm J295


In terms of section 75 of the Administration of Estates Act No. 66 of 1965 (as amended), notice is hereby given of appointments of persons as Curators or Tutors by Masters of the High Court, or of termination of such appointment (their having ceased in their respective capacity) The information is given in the following order: (1) Number of matter; (2) person under curatorship, or minor, and address; (3) curator or tutor; name and address of curator or tutor; (4) whether appointment or termination (cease in capacity), and date; (5) Master of the High Court.


Ingevolge artikel 75 van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965 (soos gewysig), word hierby kennis gegee van die aanstelling van persone as kurators of voogde deur Meesters van die Hoë Hof, of van die beëindiging van aanstellings in sodanige hoedanighede. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van saak; (2) persoon onder kuratele, of minderjarige, en adres; (3) kurator of voog; naam en adres van kurator of voog; (4) of aanstelling of beëindiging daarvan, en datum; (5) Meester van die Hooggeregshof.



2469/1995/PMB—(2) KEVIN DEAN HOLLINSHEAD, Curatorship; 249 IPHALA ROAD, AMANZIMTOTI, KZN, 4126; (3) Curator: STEPHEN ROY HOLLINSHEAD, 249 IPHALA ROAD, AMANZIMTOTI, KZN, 4126; (4) Appointment; 2 October 2017; (5) PMB. CR0000762017DBN—(2) DANISHA SOOBRAMONEY, Curatorship; FLAT 1038, DOOR 36, BUFFELSDALE, TONGAAT; (3) Curator: AJITKUMAR SEVERAJ, 26/28 CYPRESS AVENUE, STAMFORDHILL, DURBAN; (4) Appointment; 12 December 2017; (5) DURBAN. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 25

Form/Vorm J193


All persons having claims against the under-mentioned estate must lodge it with the Executor concerned within 30 days (or as indicated) from date of publication hereof. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname and christian names, date of birth, identity number, last address; (3) date of death; (4) surviving spouse’s names, surname, date of birth and identity number; (5) name and address of executor and authorised agent; (6) period allowed for lodgement of claims if other than 30 days.


Alle persone wat vorderinge teen die onderstaande boedels het, moet dit by die betrokke eksekuteur in dien binne 30 dae (of soos aangedui), van die datum van publikasie hiervan. Die inligting word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam en voorname, geboortedatum, identiteitsnommer, laaste adres; (3) datum oorlede; (4) nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam, geboortedatum en persoonsnommer; (5) naam en adres van eksekuteur of gemagtigde agent; (6) tydperk toegelaat vir lewering van vorderings indien anders as 30 dae.


1203/2010—(2) MAKGALE, GAREGAYE ISHMAEL MAKGALE, 24 October 1924, 2410245159081, 2208 XABA STREET, TOKOZA, ALBERTON; (3) 15 July 2009; (5) SUSARA THEUNET RAS, 101 PETER MOKABA AVENUE, POTCHEFSTROOM. 015520/2017—(2) SMIT, ROBERT, 27 Januarie 1945, 4501275102088, VERMEULENSTRAAT 10, NESERHOF, KLERKSDORP; (3) 16 Oktober 2017; (4) VERA SMIT, 13 Augustus 1946, 4608130106087; (5) SANET RAS PROKUREURS, PETER MOKABA LAAN 101, POTCHEFSTROOM. 24236/2017—(2) BLAIR, ROBERT WILLIAM, 13 January 1948, 4801135161187, 32 HONEYBADGER, 16 TAYLOR ROAD, HONEYDEW MANOR; (3) 28 August 2017; (4) MARRIED BLAIR, 16 March 1947, 4703160145186; (5) ALAN ROBERT BLAIR, C/O BREYTENBACH MOSTERT SKOSANA INC., UNIT 4, 39 EMPIRE ROAD, PARKTOWN, ref: Daan Mostert/ BD0415. 21993/2016—(2) MOULDER, JOHANNES HENDRIK, 1 May 1924, 2405015041089, UNIT 16, RENAISSANCE RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 174 BELLAIRS ROAD, GLEN VISTA; (3) 15 June 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) GEORGE ROSS MUNRO, 44B WIERDA ROAD WEST, WIERDA VALLEY, SANDTON. 016192/2017—(2) Pienaar, Susanna Margaretha, 15 Februarie 1932, 3202150029089, 25ste Laan 807, Rietfontein; (3) 9 November 2017; (5) Heyns en Vennote Ingelyf, 168 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, 7460. 12492/2017—(2) VILJOEN, ANDRIES LODEWIKUS, 30 Julie 1949, 4907305046080, PRETORIASTRAAT 1140, BOOYSENS, PRETORIA; (3) 4 September 2017; (4) MARTIENA HERMINA ELIZABETH VILJOEN, 25 Januarie 1952, 5201250063087; (5) IDP BURGER, VDT PROKUREURS INGELYF, BROOKLYN PLACE, H/V BRONKHORST & DEYSTRAAT, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA. 005778/2017—(2) Diamond, Johannes Jacobus, 15 June 1943, 4306155017087, 37 Teengs street, Neserhof, Klerksdorp; (3) 6 November 2015; (4) Petronella Fredrika Diamond, 28 March 1944, 4403280009087; (5) William Martin Diamond, Plot 32 Buffelsdrift, 0035. 023403/2017—(2) Brits, Johannes Gedeon Andries, 16 July 1948, 4807165052089, 1735 Hern Road, Henley on Klip; (3) 13 August 2017; (4) Susanna Jouzina Magdalene Brits, 2 September 1950, 5009020031080; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P.O. Box 1291, Parklands, 2121; (6) 30. 016725/2017—(2) VITTONE, LIVIO, 12 November 1943, 3311125022184, 11 FLEISCHER ROAD, TURFFONTEIN WEST EXTENSION 2, JOHANNESBURG, 2190; (3) 16 September 2017; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA 0001. 016727/2017—(2) APPELGRYN, HESTER CATHARINA MARIA PETRONELLA, 31 August 1960, 6008310151086, 232 RIVIER STREET, POTCHEFSTROOM, 2531; (3) 16 October 2017; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, ABSA TRUST 337 PETROLEUM STREET, BARCLAYS ABSA CAMPUS, WATLOO, PRETORIA. 016723/2017—(2) DIGOLO, MALESELA GILBERT, 21 April 1950, 5004215419083, 13 TWENTIETH AVENUE, ATTERIDGEVILLE, 0008; (3) 30 April 2017; (4) CHIKONJIWE REBECCA DIGOLO, 24 June 1954, 5406240852081; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA 0001. 016735/2017—(2) GREGORY, JACK PATRICK, 10 February 1954, 460210505008, 11 KIRK PATRICK AVENUE, BRAKPAN NORTH, 1541; (3) 5 November 2017; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA 0001. 016739/2017—(2) KRAMER, JACOBUS JOHANNES, 22 December 1964, 6412225183087, PORTION 189, WATERVAL 273 JR, PYRAMID, 0120; (3) 9 November 2017; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA 0001. 26 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

016743/2017—(2) MONEGI, RAPULA JOSEPH, 28 April 1954, 5404285786082, PSTAND NO 936 TLASENG SECTION, LUKA, 0322; (3) 28 October 2017; (4) SEAPEI ERNESTINA MONEGI, 6 April 1956, 5604061039081; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA 0001. 016724/2017—(2) OLIVIER, MARTHA REGINA, 15 April 1944, 4404150088086, 491 JASMAINE STRAAT, SILVERTON, 0082; (3) 29 October 2017; (5) MAREESE LUCILLE JOSEPH, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA 0001. 016807/2017—(2) THOMAS, SHEILA ELIZABETH, 25 January 1927, 4211050024081, UNIT 161 ARBOR VILLAGE, 5 SMITH STREET, BEDFORDVIEW, 2007; (3) 12 November 2017; (5) BOITUMELO VANESSA NDHLOVU, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA. 10912/2017—(2) VAN DE POL, CATHARINA, 15 Januarie 1935, 3501150038184, DE MEERPAAL AFTREE-OORD, STELLENBERGWEG, EQUESTRIA, PRETORIA; (3) 7 Augustus 2017; (4) MAARTEN VAN DE POL, 28 Julie 1929, 2907285052183; (5) CATHARINA ANDERSON, POSBUS 908432, MONTANA, 0151. 013142/2017—(2) Smith, Mark Peter, 2 December 1971, 7112025211083, 41 Maitland Street, Johannesburg; (3) 20 March 2017; (4) Rozell Regina Smith, 28 February 1974, 7402280016081; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 1291, Parklands. 2195; (6) 30. 026519/2017—(2) Thompson, Anna Maria, 17 July 1936, 3607170021082, 195 Erica, Panorama Estate, Rangeview; (3) 30 August 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Second Floor Rosebank Corner, 191 Jan Smuts Ave, Park Town North; (6) 30. 026532/2017—(2) Adamski, Stefan, 25 August 1928, 2808055029080, St Georges Village Frail Care Centre, Bedfordview, Johannesburg; (3) 24 September 2017; (4) Jacoba Hendrika Adamski, 25 August 1927, 2708250009087; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Rosebank Corner, 2nd Floor, Parktown North. 028499/2017—(2) BENNETTS, GEORGE HENRY, 31 May 1941, 4105315014087, 6 YEW AVENUE, PRIMROSE, GERMISTON, 1401; (3) 2 July 2017; (4) YNETTE RAY BENNETTS, 20 August 1948, 4808200007088; (5) REKHA CHETTY, FNB BUILDING,3RD FLOOR, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 2196. 028502/2017—(2) DESMEULES, ROLAND OTTO, 21 February 1946, 5008310051089, 7 MASSEL STREET, HARMELIA, EDENVALE, 1609; (3) 9 October 2017; (4) KAREN DESMEULES, 31 August 1950, 5008310051089; (5) REKHA CHETTY, FNB BUILDING,3RD FLOOR, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 1609. 025514/2017—(2) HENDERSON, JEAN, 21 November 1933, 3311210039085, UNIT 55 ROSEBANK VILLAGE, 16 JELLICOE AVENUE, 2196; (3) 29 September 2017; (5) REKHA CHETTY, FNB BUILDING,3RD FLOOR, CNR CRADOCK & TYRWHITT AVENUE, ROSEBANK, 2196. 026532/2017—(2) Adamski, Stefan, 25 August 1928, 2808055029080, St Georges Village Frail Care Centre, Bedfordview, Johannesburg; (3) 24 September 2017; (4) Jacoba Hendrika Adamski, 25 August 1927, 2708250009087; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, Rosebank Corner, 2nd Floor, Parktown North. 018487/2017—(2) MAKHATHA, MAHLOMULA, 16 March 1963, 6303165589088, 692 MOSELEKE SECON, KATLEHONG; (3) 18 November 2016; (4) NOMPUMELELO FLORAH MAKHATHA, 28 December 1964, 6412280850083; (5) NOMPUMELELO FLORAH MAKHATHA, 692 MOLEEKI SECTION, KATLEHONG. 016305/2017—(2) KOEKEMOER, ALETTA CATHARINA, 20 September 1926, 2609200040083, AVONDRUS RETIREMENT VILLAGE, MONUMENT ROAD DUNCANVILLE, VEREENIGING, 1939; (3) 27 October 2017; (5) MARTHINUS CHRISTOFFEL BARNARD - NOMINEE OF ABSA TRUST LIMITED, 337 PETROLEUM STREET, WALTLOO, PRETORIA,0184. 1831/2014—(2) DE BEER, MURIEL ELIZABETH, 11 May 1955, 5505110025080, 35 VAN RIEBEECK STREET, CARLETONVILLE, GAUTENG; (3) 28 September 2013; (5) DEONÉ BOOYSEN, 44 LOSBERG AVENUE FOCHVILLE 2515. 016687/2017—(2) ENGELBREGHT, DANIEL JOHANNES, 11 July 1932, 3207115017087, 69 MIGMATITE DRIVE, ERF 733, ZWARTKOP EXT 8; (3) 23 November 2017; (5) MADELEYN KRUGER, C/O SOLOMON MAHLANGU DR & DISSELBOOM AVE, WAPADRAND, PRETORIA EAST; (6) 30. 4754/2016—(2) WILSON, COLIN ROBERT, 14 April 1974, 7404145066087, SS THE WILLIAN 556, UNIT 65, GLEN FERNES, FOURWAYS EXT 55, 2616; (3) 10 October 2015; (5) MADELEYN KRUGER, C/O SOLOMON MAHLANGU DR & DISSELBOOM AVE, WAPADRAND, PRETORIA EAST; (6) 30. 023065/2017—(2) Meintjes, Susanna Francina, 22 November 1954, 5411220056083, 677 Vaalkop Street, Faerie Glen, 0081; (3) 27 August 2017; (4) Philippus Johannes Meintjes, 4 June 1953, 5306045175086; (5) Dirk Bijker, 269 Beyers Naude Drive, Blackheath, 2195. 015557/2016—(2) Nel, Eric Reyno, 24 January 1968, 6801245139089, Plaas Hartebeesfontein, Hekpoort, Krugersdorp, Gauteng; (3) 16 June 2016; (4) Monique Nel, 16 August 1972, 7208160245082; (5) Dirk Bijker, 269 Beyers Naude Drive, Blackheath, 2195. 016576/2017—(2) SWANEPOEL, SUSANNA MARIA, 22 February 1947, 4702220032087, 1228 LEONIDE STREET, MOUNTAIN VIEW, PRETORIA; (3) 5 December 2017; (4) RUDOLF JOHANNES HENDRIK SWANEPOEL, 10 December 1945, 4512105010086; (5) ROELIEN GILDENHUYS and BELINDA DOBSON, PO BOX 35629, MENLO PARK, 0102. 15399/2017—(2) KLEYNHANS, HESTER JOHANNA, 18 Maart 1929, 2903180046081, MONTANA RETIREMENT VILLAGE 291, KLIPPAN ROAD 900, MONTANA, PRETORIA; (3) 9 Augustus 2017; (5) NICOLAAS WILHELM MENTZ, FUCHS ROUX INC, HATFIELD PLAZA, 4TH FLOOR, NORTH OFFICE TOWER, HILDA STREET, HATFIELD, PRETORIA. 012636/2017—(2) Malele, Maureen, 24 April 1957, 5704240694085, 119 Second Street, Atteridgeville, 0008; (3) 29 August 2017; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys, 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 016557/20107—(2) Theart, Cornelia Magrieta, 24 August 1957, 5708240088081, Erf 10619, 6 Maroela Street, Stellenbosch, Western Cape; (3) 21 February 2011; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 026828/2017—(2) Burchell, Leonard Robert, 12 January 1925, 2501125070180, 30 Flemming Street, Bryanston,021; (3) 30 August 2017; (4) n/a n/a; (5) Cranko Karp & Associates, P O Box 2585, Johannesburg, 2000. 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016457/2017—(2) Phosa, Modjadji Annastacia, 18 February 1977, 7702180930087, Erf 260, 1158 Mofifi Street, Soshanguve-vv, Gauteng; (3) 26 June 2017; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 016273/2017—(2) MOLOANYAMA, MAITE PATRICIA, 10 June 1938, 3806100233086, 338 THALASSA STREET SIDIBENG TEMBISA; (3) 2 February 2017; (5) Fedgroup Trust Administrators, PO Box 782823, Sandton, 2146. 22914/2017—(2) Vogelzang, Lidwina Philomena Vogelzang, 12 February 1927, 2702120034185, Elphin Lodge, St Andrews, Bedfordview, GERMISTON; (3) 7 August 2017; (5) GIUSEPPE FIZZOTTI ATTORNEY, P O Box 751900, Gardenview, 2047. 015221/2017—(2) OBERHOLSTER, JANNIE GERHARDUS, 10 March 1930, 3003105021084, WILGERS RETIREMENT FRAILCARE CENTRE, ERLON STREET, WILGERS, PRETORIA; (3) 29 June 2017; (4) MARTHA MAGDALENA OBERHOLSTER, 3 May 1933, 3305030009088; (5) PJ STRODE, PO BOX 236, DAMODORYN 0280. 027084/2017—(2) ROSS, JEAN BICKNELL, 16 February 1950, 5002160072188, 39 HIBISCUS AVENUE, ARCON PARK, VEREENIGING; (3) 3 April 2017; (5) LAUREN ROSE HEAN AS AGENT, POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801. 27647/2017—(2) Pieterse, Ernest, 15 August 1932, 3208155046085, 2 Tuscany, 121 Toman Lane, Hyde Park, Johannesburg, 2196; (3) 1 November 2017; (4) N/A; (5) Zamie Liknaitzky Attorneys, Longridge Office Suites, Mezzanine Level, 53 Ridge Road, Glenhazel 2192. 8492/2017—(2) Bekker, Brian Eric, 2 February 1939, 3902025102082, 38 Killarney Estates, 12 Hilton Street, Eldoraigne; (3) 21 May 2017; (4) Caroline Catherine Bekker, 14 August 1939, 3908140100083; (5) Savage Jooste & Adams Inc, 141 Boshoff Street, Nieuw Muckleneuk. 015499/2017—(2) VASILJEVIC, DRAGOLJUB, 29 Augustus 1938, 3808295053188, B120 TWEE RIVIERE AFTREEOORD, EREMOMELA STREET 1733 MONTANA TUINE PRETORIA 0182; (3) 8 November 2017; (4) ARNETTE MAY VASILJEVIC, 1 Februarie 1944, 4402010026080; (5) CAROLUS JOHANNES VENTER, RAYSTRAAT 20 H/V ELIZABETH PRETORIA 0182; (6) 30. 015342/2017—(2) XABA, ELIZABETH BETTA, 10 December 1980, 8012100326088, 241 GRACELAND ESTATE CNR SAREL HATTINGH & HEIDELBERG ROAD ELSBURG GERMISTON; (3) 25 March 2015; (4) KHEHLA GEORGE XABA, 25 April 1978, 7804255283085; (5) VAN RENSBURG INC., 221 GORDON ROAD HATFIELD PRETORIA. 016683/2017—(2) Krijnauw, Elizabeth Maude, 1 April 1938, 3804010002089, 52 Berg Street, Panorama Estates, Swanevelder Road, Krugersdorp; (3) 4 December 2017; (5) Etienne Doyle Vlok, Ground Floor, Butrich Building, 21 Clew Street, Monument, Krugersdorp; (6) 30. 016683/2017—(2) Krijnauw, Elizabeth Maude, 1 April 1938, 3804010002089, 52 Berg Street, Panorama Estates, Swanevelder Road, Krugersdorp; (3) 4 December 2017; (5) Etienne Doyle Vlok, Ground Floor, Butrich Building, 21 Clew Street, Monument, Krugersdorp; (6) 30. 009532/2012—(2) MNCUBE, CYNTHIA DUDUZILE, 14 February 1968, 6802140320089, PORTION 6 OF ERF 815 SOUTH GERMISTON; (3) 11 March 2012; (4) ENOCH MZONJANI MNCUBE, 10 July 1961, 6107105615089; (5) VAN RENSBURG INC., 221 GORDON ROAD HATFIELD PRETORIA. 018566/2017—(2) RAMOSHABA, TUMELO TREVOR, 9 September 1985, 8509096094083, 14 FLORA PLACE NATURENA, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 13 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) WILLIAM MOHALE RAMOSHABA, 37 LANDSBOROUGH STREET, JOHANNESBURG; (6) N/A. 027658/2017—(2) DANNHAUSER, CATHARINA MARIA, 4 January 1934, 3401040015080, 112 REIER ROAD, ATLASVILLE EXT 1, BENONI; (3) 21 May 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) IGNATIUS PETRUS DANNHAUSER, 37 LANDSBOROUGH STREET, ROBERTSHAM, 2091; (6) N/A. 012577/2015—(2) SEBOKA, KEDIBONE DEBORAH, 23 April 1955, 5504230437085, 11296 ORANGE STREET, EXTENTION 6, KAGISO 2.; (3) 6 December 2014; (4) MOTSHWARATEU WYCLIFF SEBOKA, 11 March 1947, 4703115313087; (5) LETHEBA MAKGATO & ASSOCIATES, 70 EXNER STREET, ROODEPOORT, 1724. 024616/2017—(2) Moralo, Noah, 6 April 1963, 6304065872087, 2363 Koma Road, Jabulani Extension.; (3) 15 June 2017; (4) Priscilla Modiegi Moralo, 9 April 1964, 6404090655083; (5) Priscilla Modiegi Moralo, 2363 Koma Road, Jabulani Extension.. 024079/2017—(2) KEKANA, MATSOBANE EDWARD, 22 December 1934, 3412225156089, ERF17364 DIEPKLOOF TOWNSHIP; (3) 22 July 2017; (4) MANALE RUTH KEKANA, 23 December 1940, 4012230268089; (5) MAKOLA ATTORNEYS, 37 PIKKEWYN AVENUE, RANDPARK RIDGE,2169. 23933/2017—(2) Else, Lorrain, 20 May 1957, 5705200052081, 38 Alexandra Street, Florida, Roodepoort; (3) 10 June 2016; (4) Michael James Else, 1 May 1950, 5005015072089; (5) Dykes van Heerden Inc, 19 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort. 005014/2017—(2) Aucamp, Tjaart Johannes, 21 October 1953, 5310215073089, 14 Chris Hani Street, Bethal; (3) 31 August 2017; (5) Natasja Melinda Roodt, Private Bag X5, Menlopark, 0102. 028519/2017—(2) Bennie, Minjoola, 10 April 1951, 5104100580088, Rynpark 4, Rynfield, Benoni; (3) 3 September 2017; (5) LINDA NIENABER, FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD, PO BOX 27521, GREENACRES, 6045. 014503/2017—(2) KOCK, JOHANNES GERHARDUS, 1 Januarie 1945, 4501015039087, 8 DE KLERK STREET FLORENTIA EXT1 ALBERTON GAUTENG 1449; (3) 6 September 2017; (5) A. G. Van Brakel & Ass. Inc., No. 3 Judy Place, 23 Clew Road, Monument, Krugersdorp; (6) 30. 014503/2017—(2) KOCK, JOHANNES GERHARDUS, 1 Januarie 1945, 4501015039087, 8 DE KLERK STREET FLORENTIA EXT1 ALBERTON GAUTENG 1449; (3) 6 September 2017; (5) A. G. Van Brakel & Ass. Inc., No. 3 Judy Place, 23 Clew Road, Monument, Krugersdorp; (6) 30. 009920/2017—(2) FREEMANTLE, LENNOX ROBERTS, 9 September 1934, 3409095010088, 3 CONSTANCE ROAD BEDFORDVIEW JOHANNESBURG; (3) 1 Junie 2017; (5) A. G. Van Brakel & Ass. Inc., No. 3 Judy Place, 23 Clew Road, Monument, Krugersdorp; (6) 30. 28 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

0257102017—(2) NGCOBO, SIPHIWE, 25 January 1979, 7901255274088, 23222 SCRECENT STREET, PROTEA GLEN EXT 26, 1818; (3) 25 October 2017; (4) PHILILE JULIET NGCOBO, 8 July 1986, 8607081167086; (5) PHILILE JULIET NGCOBO, 23222 SCRECENT STREET, PROTEA GLEN EXT 26, 1818. 14296/2017—(2) Koster, Denys Selwyn, 29 December 1933, 3312295019083, 6 Glenletta Court 70 Ilkey Road Lynnwood Glen Pretoria; (3) 23 September 2017; (5) MJ Welgemoed, 5 Goedehoop Way Seaview Port Elizabeth. 009321/2017—(2) ESAU, AGNES WINNIE, 31 August 1947, 4708310136084, 18 ORANJEZICHT STREET, ELDORADO PARK EXT 4; (3) 13 September 2016; (5) MARIUS SWART ATTORNEYS, PO BOX 3074, SYMRIDGE, 1420; (6) 30. 028767/2017—(2) Nyaka, Seford Constance, 9 May 1936, 3605090206080, 3628 A Zone 3, Diepkloof, Soweto; (3) 2 October 2017; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (N10557), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 028775/2017—(2) Van Zyl, Anna Susanna, 19 August 1948, 4808190064081, 792 Prince George Avenue, Brenthurst, Brakpan; (3) 3 November 2017; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (V5580), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 028777/2017—(2) Terblanche, Johannes Watson, 20 June 1946, 4606205061088, Portion 440 of the Farm nr. 31 Rietfontein; (3) 25 October 2017; (5) Ross & Jacobsz Attorneys (T5741), 457 Rodericks Road, Lynnwood, Pretoria, 0002. 028800/2017JHB—(2) SMIT, BONITA RENSKI, 25 October 1969, 6910250251083, 18 CHEMICO STREET, CRYSTAL PARK, BENONI, GAUTENG; (3) 28 September 2016; (5) ROBERT GEORGE MORROW, P.O BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900. 016571/2017PTA—(2) JOHNSTON, ALAN, 19 December 1945, 4512195072087, PLOT 77, DE WAGENSDRIFT, GAUTENG; (3) 3 October 2017; (5) FANIE JACOBS, P.O BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900. 016353/2017—(2) GOTTSMANN, FRITZ WOLFGANG, 27 August 1926, 2608275012084, BROOK 7, MIDFIELD, GAUTENG; (3) 20 June 2015; (5) BURKHARD GERT FRIEDRICH GOTTSMANN, P.O BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900. 026039/2017—(2) SIEBERT, ALETTA HENDRINA, 7 November 1951, 5111070003082, 2 Tuscia Place, 29 Piet Myburgh Street, Meyersdal, Alberton, Gauteng; (3) 13 June 2017; (5) DEAN AUBREY SIEBERT, 9 GREENSIDE ROAD, GREENSIDE. 20840/2017—(2) WALLIS, PETRUS JOHANNES, 23 April 1943, 4304235088087, SHUMANNSTRAAT 16, S.W.5, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1911; (3) 22 Maart 2017; (4) N.V.T N.V.T; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES WALLIS, p/a HENDRIK VAN ECK BOULEVARD 4, VANDERBIJLPARK, 1911. 027007/2017—(2) ESROCK, FANNY ETHEL, 20 February 1924, 2402200015085, 29 Christeen Avenue, Cyrildene, Johannesburg; (3) 9 September 2017; (5) BRUCE ALEXANDER ESROCK and CECILE RADUS, 29 Christeen Avenue, Cyrildene, Johannesburg; (6) NA. 024188/2017—(2) HIN, HO TOEN, 31 March 1938, 3803315030084, 11 DION ROAD, STRATHAVON, SANDOWN ESTATE, 2196; (3) 3 July 2017; (4) YEE-HAR AGNES HIN, 13 February 1946, 4602130111080; (5) C B SLOANE CA(SA), P O BOX 55, WITKOPPEN, 2068 (38 GROSVENOR ROAD, BRYANSTON, 2021) 0824464107. 027610/2017—(2) Armstrong, Teresa, 1 December 1935, 3512010006188, 117 Barry Hertzog Avenue, Emmarentia, Johannesburg, 2195; (3) 25 September 2017; (4) Charles Neil Armstrong, 18 January 1936, 3601185009182; (5) Arnel Moeketsi Mooko, 191 Jan Smuts Avenue, 2nd Floor, Rosebank Corner, Parktown North; (6) N.A.. 023038/2017—(2) Volkmann, Ernst August, 4 December 1929, 2912045090184, Huis Hoeveld, 13 Plein Street, Albertville, Johannesburg 2195; (3) 15 June 2017; (5) Peter Frederick Caldwell, 74 - 5th Avenue, Linden, Johannesburg 2195. 022728/2017—(2) Van Diggelen, Maarten Tromp, 14 December 1933, 3312145023087, 77 Elm Park Retirement Village, Suzanne Crescent, Northcliff, Johannesburg, Gauteng.; (3) 28 August 2017; (5) Thomas Brian Phillips - Appointed Executor, 8 Humewood Links, Panners Lane, River Club, Sandton, Gauteng.. 015778/2017—(2) BOSHOFF, ANDRIES, 13 September 1943, 4309135055086, 40 MOONEY CRESCENT, HIGVELD, CENTURION; (3) 10 November 2017; (4) CECILIA JOHANNA BOSHOFF, 10 January 1942, 4201100042084; (5) FREDERIK RUDOLPH BOTHA, 273 CRADOCK AVENUE, LYTTELTON, CENTURION,0140. 1750/2009—(2) Myende, Mondli Lawrence, 27 December 1976, 7612275285283, Erf 535, 19 Mbopha Circle, Umlazi BB, Kwazulu Natal; (3) 15 January 2009; (5) MUSTAFA MOHAMMED, 319 ALPINE ROAD LYNNWOOD , PRETORIA. 20246/2017—(2) GORDON, ANNA SOPHIA, 19 September 1940, 4009190024080, FLAT 10, MH SUMMERFIELD PARK, 41 CARLTON STREET, JUKSKEI PARK, JOHANNESBURG; (3) 4 May 2017; (5) DONICE PERKINS, P O BOX 24175, BAYWEST, PORT ELIZABETH, 6034. 028984/2017—(2) SEGOE, SOPHIE GOMOTSANG, 28 August 1949, 4908280424086, 13 MODUBANE STREET, MEADOWLANDS; (3) 6 November 2017; (5) MOGOROSI NEO SEGOE, 13 MODUBANE STREET, MEADOWLANDS; (6) N/A. 028527/2017—(2) TLHOMELANG, MUSINYANE ISHMAEL, 27 November 1949, 4911275612087, 46 BANGOR ROAD, RIDGEWAY; (3) 3 December 2017; (4) CHRISTINA TLHOMELANG, 10 September 1966, 6609100268087; (5) CHRISTINAH TLHOMELANG, 46 BANGOR ROAD, RIDGEWAY; (6) N/A. 028988/2017—(2) SIBANDA, NOSISANA HAPPINESS, 1 January 1971, 7101012945084, 23 GREEN STREET, GOUDRAND EXT 3, ROODEPOORT; (3) 9 December 2017; (4) THEMBA SIBANDA, 24 April 1967, 6704245932182; (5) THEMBA SIBANDA, 23 GREEN STREET, GOUDRAND EXT 3, ROODEPOORT; (6) N/A. 029039/2017—(2) MONTOELI, SANDRA RITA, 4 November 1954, 5411040784088, 8794 PIMVILLE ZONE 5, SOWETO, 1809; (3) 8 December 2017; (5) ORATELE ODIRELE MOGAMASI, 8794 PIMVILLE ZONE 5, SOWETO; (6) N/A. 028292/2017—(2) MAZIBUKO, SIBUSISO ABRAHAM, 29 April 1939, 3904295231088, 38 MINNAAR STREET, FOREST HILL, JOHANNESBURG,2109; (3) 22 November 2017; (5) SIZILE PRETTY MAZIBUKO, 1054 SHABALALA STREET, WHITE CITY JABAVUU, KWA-XUMA; (6) N/A. 028289/2017—(2) DLAMINI, NOMCEBO SIBONGILE, 12 October 1972, 7210121328080, 29 RIGA STREET, COSMO CITY EXT 7,1188; (3) 14 November 2017; (4) DUMISANI ENOCK DLAMINI, 15 February 1968, 6802156100284; (5) DUMSANI ENOCK DLAMINI, 29 RIGA STREET, COSMO CITY EXT 7,1188; (6) N/A. 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4024/2017—(2) Adams, Reynold Benjamin, 5 August 1957, 5708055162088, 19 Pearl Road, Victoria Park, Queenstown; (3) 18 September 2017; (4) Aggie Lemore Adams, 30 March 1955, 5503300003082; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Ground Floor, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban; (6) 30. 512/2017—(2) TYHULU, LIZZY, 24 May 1979, 7905240196082, 3 DISA ROAD, QUEENSVIEW PARK, QUEENSTOWN; (3) 11 January 2017; (4) MANDLA FRANS TYHULU, 27 July 1977, 7707275646084; (5) MANDLA FRANS TYHULU, PIETER JACOBUS COETZEE, BOWES, McDOUGALL INC, 27a PRINCE ALFRED STREET, QUEENSTOWN 5319. 005576/2017—(2) COONEY, HERBERT VICTOR, 15 March 1927, 2710315035081, 13 Groendal Avenue, Morningside, Port Elizabeth; (3) 16 May 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PAUL BESTER, 89 NEWTON STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045. 005140/2017—(2) JOPSON, PHILIP HOWARD, 23 December 1949, 4912235099084, 6 Skegness Road, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 17 August 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) PAUL BESTER, 89 NEWTON STREET, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH,6045. 006322/2017/MTH—(2) Wogqoyi, Mpitizeli Merrieman, 21 March 1952, 5203215828083, Timane A/A Dutywa; (3) 3 October 2017; (4) Ntombesoka Mirriam Wogqoyi, 20 August 1954, 5408200231082; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 006338/2017—(2) Arndt, Zenda, 25 March 1959, 5903250098084, 13 Holand Street, Despacth, Eastern Cape; (3) 14 October 2017; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, 1 Kingsmeadway, Kingsmead, Durban, 4000; (6) 30. 3852/2017—(2) McDOUGALL, PAT, 10 January 1933, 3301100030088, 409 ELDORADO, SOUTHERNWOOD, EAST LONDON; (3) 27 October 2017; (5) JAMES MICHAEL GUICHARD McDOUGALL, PIETER JACOBUS COETZEE, BOWES, McDOUGALL INC, 27a PRINCE ALFRED STREET, QUEENSTOWN 5319. 005502/2017—(2) Crawford, Douglas Low, 20 November 1925, 2511205002086, 98 River Road, Bushmansriver Mouth, 6185; (3) 11 July 2017; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited, PO Box 27726, Greenacres, 6057; (6) 30. 005712/2017—(2) Mccabe, Juliahana Elaine, 5 February 1938, 3802050314083, 31 Eglantine Street, Booysenpark, Port Elizabeth; (3) 1 May 2017; (5) Standard Trust Ltd formerly known as Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 005712/2017—(2) Mccabe, Juliahana Elaine, 5 February 1938, 3802050314083, 31 Eglantine Street, Booysenpark, Port Elizabeth; (3) 1 May 2017; (5) Standard Trust Ltd formerly known as Standard Executors and Trustees Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 023467/2014—(2) VOSLOO, WILLEM ANDRIES, 3 Mei 1942, 4205035074088, SANDELHOUTT STRAAT 12, ALGOA PARK,PORT ELIZABETH,6001; (3) 29 September 2014; (5) WILLEM ANDRIES VOSLOO, WHYTELEAF DRIVE 159,ALGOA PARK,PORT ELIZAABETH,6001. 006343/2017—(2) Van Der Merwe, Jacobus Hendrick Francious, 6 September 1934, 3409065020083, 49 Compton Road, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) 18 November 2017; (5) FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057. 6428/2017—(2) Myburgh, Douglas John, 12 February 1931, 3102125047085, Aanmymering Old Age Home, Uitenhage; (3) 21 December 2017; (5) JS Levy & Levy Inc., P O Box 10, Uitenhage, 6230. 003707/2017—(2) Wallace, Frances Mary, 25 January 1921, 2101250059080, El Dorado Court, 54 St Peters Road, East London; (3) 12 October 2017; (5) Linda Nienaber, FNB Fiduciary, 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045. 005617/2017—(2) STEFFENS, SHIRLEEN MARGERET, 28 February 1942, 4202280104082, KABEGA-OORD 101,KABEGA PARK PORT ELIZABETH,6025; (3) 22 October 2017; (5) Fedgroup Trust Administrators, PO Box 782823, Sandton, 2146. 6364/2017—(2) Heath, Michael James, 20 December 1946, 4612205098088, 11 Jonanda Villas, Mount Pleasant, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) 2 September 2017; (4) Mary Mathilda Heath, 25 June 1947, 4706250089081; (5) Absa Trust Ltd, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 6336/2017—(2) Dlabantu, Mandisa Nomnyamazana, 7 October 1952, 5210070787080, 148 Sakuba Street, Zwide, Port Elizabeth, 6204; (3) 16 November 2017; (5) Absa Trust Ltd, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 003313/2017—(2) Mpahlwa, Cynthia Nomawethu, 11 October 1955, 5510110217083, 2 B Pell Street, Beacon Bay, East London; (3) 19 June 2017; (5) Marthinus Christiaan Pienaar, PO Box 5560, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 6363/2017—(2) Repko, Dirk, 27 November 1937, 3711275057080, 23 Amandel Avenue, Eden Glen Retirement Village, Jeffreys Bay, 6330; (3) 14 November 2017; (5) Absa Trust Ltd, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 003775/2017—(2) Futter, Brian Nygel, 24 June 1949, 4906245086081, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 14 September 2017; (4) Evon Mary Futter, 28 June 1951, 5106280003005; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 003817/2017—(2) Norma Winnie, Bentley, 26 May 1939, 3905260015083, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 27 September 2017; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 005968/2017—(2) Calitz, Johannes Jacobus, 2 February 1967, 6702025128088, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 7 October 2017; (4) Madelein Calitz, 22 September 1971, 7109220051082; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 0062568/2017—(2) Patel, Mani Babubhai, 19 April 1940, 4004190123081, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 5 September 2017; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 30 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

003606/2017—(2) HANDLEY, GRACE MUIR, 8 July 1945, 4507080110182, COTTAGE 15, SUNSET PARK, HORTON ROAD, PORT ALFRED, 6170; (3) 29 September 2017; (5) C B SLOANE CA(SA), P O BOX 55, WITKOPPEN, 2068 (38 GROSVENOR ROAD, BRYANSTON, 2021) 0824464107. 5895/2017—(2) WOLMARANS, PAUL STEPHANUS, 29 September 1931, 3109295062083, 11 MOSSELSTRAAT, JEFFREYSBAAI, OOSKAAP PROVINSIE; (3) 27 Oktober 2017; (5) STEPHANUS PHILLIPUS SLABBERT, SLABBERT ATTORNEYS, 21 SCHELDE STREET, JEFFREYS BAY 6330. 006330/2017—(2) Hartley, Brian John, 25 September 1926, 2609255009082, 45 Inngs Avenue, Uitenhage, 6229; (3) 12 November 2017; (5) Linda Nienaber, FNb Fiduciary, 16 Newton Place, Newton Park, 6045. 5894/2017—(2) KENNEDY, WILLIAM THOMAS, 30 September 1929, 2909305060089, 3 DOMBEYA STREET, JEFFREYS BAY, EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE; (3) 5 November 2017; (5) STEPHANUS PHILLIPUS SLABBERT, SLABBERT ATTORNEYS, 21 SCHELDE STREET, JEFFREYS BAY 6330. FREE STATE / VRYSTAAT

9856/2017—(2) ROOD, ELIZABETH EUREKA, 5 September 1933, 3309050028085, HUIS SORGVRY, REITZ, 9810; (3) 13 Oktober 2017; (5) CORNELIS LODEWYK BOSHOFF, 17A MARKSTREET, FRANKFORT, 9830. 004038/2017—(2) SWARTS, CHRISTIAAN DANIEL JOHANNES, 8 Mei 1968, 6805085290084, SMITHSTRAAT 26, BOTHAVILLE, 9660; (3) 25 April 2017; (4) NANCY SUSANNA SWARTS, 17 Februarie 1968, 6802170061082; (5) NANCY SUNANNA SWARTS, PRESIDENTSTRAAT 13, BOTHAVILLE, 9660; (6) 30 DAE. 11216/2017/BFN—(2) Oosthuizen, Gwendoline Joan, 8 July 1936, 3607080009086, Bredellstraat 18, Parys, Vrystaat; (3) 17 October 2017; (4) Hendrik Arnoldus Oosthuizen, 27 April 1934, 3404275015080; (5) Standard Trust Beperk, Ground Floor, Standard Bank Centre, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban; (6) 30. 10921/2017—(2) MOQOLO, NKUZANA MAVIS, 3 October 1968, 6810030332080, 11544 LEPHOI STREET, BLOEMANDA, BLOEMFONTEIN; (3) 24 March 2015; (4) MOTSAMAI SAMUEL MOQOLO, 3 January 1965, 6501035584086; (5) KARIN SMIT, 26 ALIWAL STREET, CBD, BLOEMFONTEIN. 11017/2017—(2) FICK, ANNA CATHARINA FICK, 1 Januarie 1937, 3701010060085, BONTEBOKSTRAAT 31, FAUNA, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; (3) 23 November 2017; (4) NVT NVT; (5) VL & SA SCHOEMAN, P/A PHATSHOANE HENNEY, POSBUS 152, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; (6) 30 DAE. 009476/2017—(2) VAN DEVENTER, WILHELMINA ELIZABETH, 31 Januarie 1929, 2901310014086, HUIS-BRON- VAN-HEIL TE HUIS, DORP HEILBRON, PROVINSIE VRYSTAAT; (3) 13 September 2017; (5) J G POTGIETER, J G POTGIETER EN VENNOTE INGELYF, BREESTRAAT 33, POSBUS 199, HEILBRON, VRYSTAAT, 9650. 9670/2017—(2) SCHULTZ, WILLIAM, 21 August 1932, 3208215044088, 46 HARRISON STREET, DAGBREEK, WELKOM; (3) 11 December 2010; (4) HELENA SCHULTZ, 14 September 1957, 5709140067084; (5) André Styger, 2 Heerenstraat, Welkom, 9460. 10772/2017—(2) BEETON, DOREEN BLANCHE, 6 December 1947, 4712060046089, 49 Oberon Street, Bedelia, Welom; (3) 4 October 2017; (5) André Styger, 2 Heerenstraat , Welkom, 9460. 27470/2017—(2) STEENKAMP, NICO, 22 July 1946, 4607225126083, 19 CASCAIS VANDERBIJLPARK 1911; (3) 27 October 2017; (4) ISABELLA HENDRINA STEENKAMP, 7 April 1950, 5004070099087; (5) AV Theron & Swanepoel Inc, PO BOX 471 SASOLBURG 1947; (6) 30. 010953/2017—(2) Nicholson, Christina Johanna, 8 Augustus 1932, 3208080032085, Bultfontein Versorgingsdienste, Bultfontein; (3) 13 November 2017; (5) EE Pohl, Symington & de Kok, Posbus 12012, Brandhof 9324. 11278/2017—(2) BADENHORST, GERHARDUS JOHANNES, 22 November 1946, 4611225104082, GLADSTONEWEG 54, BAYSWATER, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (3) 24 Oktober 2017; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 11404/2017—(2) BARNARD, JAN HENDRIK, 17 September 1935, 3509175017083, BILLINGHAMSTRAAT 23, SASOLBURG, 1947; (3) 30 September 2017; (4) JOHANNA LOUISA BARNARD, 26 Januarie 1942, 4201260025085; (5) ABSA TRUST BEPERK, ABSA STREEKKANTOOR, H/V NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY, BRANDWAG BLOEMFONTEIN. 010775/2017—(2) JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, MARTHA MAGDALENA CATHARINA ELIZABETH, 14 October 1946, 4610140045081, 18 GEMSBOK AVENUE, VAALBANK-SOUTH, BLOEMFONTEIN ,9301; (3) 25 July 2017; (4) NICOLAAS MARTHINUS JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, 20 November 1943, 4311205003087; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, 1ST FLOOR PROVINCIAL OFFICE, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 011276/2017—(2) HUMAN, ANNA SUSANNA MAGDALENA, 19 December 1925, 2512190031080, HOME EMILY HOBHOUSE , 6 FIFTH STREET KOPPIES 9540; (3) 7 October 2017; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, 1ST FLOOR PROVINCIAL OFFICE, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 010770/2017—(2) NONKWANI, MATOBAZANA MARIA, 5 January 1956, 5601050656081, 4384 WEST STREET, BOHLOKONG, BETHLEHEM; (3) 14 September 2017 NEL; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, 1ST FLOOR PROVINCIAL OFFICE, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 011038/2017—(2) STRAUSS, HESTER SUSANNA CHRISTINA CHARLOTTE, 11 May 1928, 2805110001088, 149 CALIBAN STREET , BEDELIA , WELKOM , 9459; (3) 4 July 2017; (5) PETRUS JOHANNES VORSTER, 1ST FLOOR PROVINCIAL OFFICE, CNR NELSON MANDELA AND DONALD MURRAY AVENUE, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301. 11364/2017—(2) EDWANA, MZWANDILE BRADWELL, 28 June 1952, 5206285623086, 20476 MABILO STREET, PHELINDABA, BLOEMFONTEIN, FREESTATE.; (3) 12 December 2017; (5) ZOLILE GWABENI, C/O McINTYRE VAN DER POST ATTORNEYS, 12 BARNES STREET, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; (6) 30 days. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 31

110777/2017—(2) jeru, florence busisiwe, 28 June 1940, 4006280254080, 10435 pampiri street phelindaba bloemfontein 9323; (3) 24 September 2017; (5) stephanus andries daniel du toit, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301. 11080/2017—(2) deon, martins, 17 August 1956, 5608175022081, beckstreet nr 6 hilton bloemfontein 9301; (3) 17 November 2017; (4) clara isabella martins; (5) stephanus andries daniel du toit, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301. 11304/2017—(2) msingisane, motsepe julius, 24 February 1953, 5302245666081, 1868 mziza street ward 8 bohlokong bethlehm 9701; (3) 7 September 2017; (5) stephanus andries daniel du toit, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301. 11274/2017—(2) nel, elizabeth susanna margreta, 8 April 1951, 5104080056083, president brandweg 36 parys 9585; (3) 31 August 2017; (5) stephanus andries daniel du toit, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301. 8751/2017—(2) wolmarans, gerad oswald, 14 May 1956, 5605145015088, eeufees street 39 christina 2680; (3) 8 August 2017; (4) maria jacoba wolmarans, 14 September 1951, 5205250139086; (5) stephanus andries daniel du toit, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301.


012154/2016/Dbn—(2) Mqabane, Gertrude, 3 August 1919, 1908030106085, C308 Kwa Mashu, Mdloti Road, Kwa Mashu; (3) 9 September 1998; (5) Aidan Maurice Fayle, 1 Nollsworth Park, Nollsworth Crescent, La Lucia Ridge. 8833/2017—(2) ADENDORFF, MARTHA MAGDALENA, 24 Januarie 1939, 3901240060083, PLAAS RIETSPRUIT, INGOGO, NEWCASTLE 2940; (3) 20 Oktober 2017; (5) THERON & NEETHLING PROKUREURS, POSBUS 50, MEMEL 2970. 015530/2017—(2) Ndlovu, Sizo Blessing, 4 February 1968, 6802045547083, 4 Montrose Close, New Germany; (3) 16 September 2017; (4) Sibongile Rosemary Ndlovu, 10 June 1969, 6906100558081; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Bank Centre, Ground Floor, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban; (6) 30. 0133112017dbn—(2) Naidu, Kaniappen, 12 October 1959, 5910125017082, 30 Dacca Road Merebank Durban; (3) 17 May 2017; (4) na na; (5) Phipson De Villiers, 74 Madeline Road Morningside Durban; (6) 30 days. 0094702016—(2) Laloo, Amichand Laloo, 25 September 1956, 5609255151089, 12 A Trollip Street Lennoxton Newcastle; (3) 11 May 2016; (4) Ritadevi Laloo, 27 August 1960, 6008270135087; (5) Kavitha Laloo, 12 A Trollip Street Lennoxton Newcastle; (6) N/A. 9285/2017—(2) van Wezel, Estelle, 17 November 1968, 6811170030088, 8 Waterbuck, Hutten Heights, New Castle, 2940; (3) 13 November 2017; (4) Deon Quinn van Wezel, 13 November 1961, 6111135180080; (5) Goldberg & de Villiers Inc, 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 9285/2017—(2) van Wezel, Estelle, 17 November 1968, 6811170030088, 8 Waterbuck, Hutten Heights, New Castle, 2940; (3) 13 November 2017; (4) Deon Quinn van Wezel, 13 November 1961, 6111135180080; (5) Goldberg & de Villiers Inc, 13 Bird Street, Central, Port Elizabeth, 6001. 16133/2017DBN—(2) MAHARAJ, DEENDAYAL, 1 June 1944, 4406015243087, 48 DUNLEN PLACE, NORTHCROFT, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 20 February 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MESSRS R. MAHARAJ AND COMPANY INCORPORATED, P.O. BOX 60353, PHOENIX, 4068; (6) 30 DAYS. 16109/2017DBN—(2) NAIDOO, GOVINDAMAH, 28 May 1938, 3805280050088, 78 ALMOND ROAD, HAVENSIDE, CHATSWORTH, 4030; (3) 30 July 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) MESSRS R. MAHARAJ AND COMPANY INCORPORATED, P.O. BOX 60353, PHOENIX, 4068; (6) 30 DAYS. 16135/2017DBN—(2) KOWLASAR, SHAMLALL, 12 December 1967, 6712125224083, 68 ROUNDSIDE ROAD, CANESIDE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 14 November 2017; (4) SHERITHA KOWLASAR, 13 July 1973, 7307130517081; (5) MESSRS R. MAHARAJ AND COMPANY INCORPORATED, P.O. BOX 60353, PHOENIX, 4068; (6) 30 DAYS. 009120/2017—(2) Bloem, Nolan Wallace, 11 September 1953, 5309115013088, 56 Station Road, Matatiele; (3) 9 September 2016; (4) Sylvia Bloem, 6 December 1951, 5112060023080; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Bank Centre Durban, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30. 016036/2017—(2) Du Preez, Albertus Stephanus Jacobus, 7 February 1929, 2902075048087, 14 Foaty Gardens, 24 York Road, Gillitts, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 21 August 2017; (4) Elsie Jeanette Du Preez, 25 December 1934, 3412250066085; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Bank Centre Durban, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30. 016040/2017—(2) Jacobs, Saraspathy, 22 November 1947, 4711220167082, 65 Pastoral Road, Asherville, Durban; (3) 13 July 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, Standard Bank Centre Durban, 1 Kingsmead Way, Kingsmead, Durban, 4001; (6) 30. 3179/1997/PMB—(2) SURAJPAL, SURAJPAL, 9 March 1924, 2403095065086, 54 NAIDOO ROAD, RAISETHORPE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 2 March 1997; (5) LILAMATHIE SORPHAL, 4 KISMET CRESCENT, ALLANDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 009377/2017—(2) HAZELHURST, WAYNE SIDNEY, 12 September 1939, 3909125042084, 132 AMBER VALLEY, HOWICK, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) 30 October 2017; (5) NATALIE KING, 11 MONTPELIER COURT, 276 MONTPELIER ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, KWAZULU-NATAL; (6) 30 DAYS. 002647/2017—(2) VEREEN, RENE SHANE, 18 October 1978, 7810185151086, 12 SOETDORINGSEKEL ARBORETUM RICHARDS BAY; (3) 21 March 2017; (5) JOSIAS CONRADIE MARAIS, P O BOX 1202 RICHARDS BAY 3900. 32 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

16118/2017/DBN—(2) NAYANAH, MOONSAMY, 18 February 1929, 2902185049082, 83 SAUNDERS CIRCLE, BELVEDERE, TONGAAT; (3) 25 October 2017; (5) CHETTY AND KISTAN ATTORNEYS, 31 RUSSOM STREET, VERULAM. 0160452017—(2) Haripersad, Nilesh Shonlall, 26 August 1979, 7908265167087, 36 Victor Road Redhill Durban; (3) 13 September 2017; (4) na na; (5) Phipson De Villiers, 74 Madeline Road Morningside Durban; (6) 30 days. 0161722017—(2) Reddy, Donoghue Joseph, 28 June 1973, 7306285290080, 54 Stonebridge Drive Stone Bridge Phoenix; (3) 9 April 2017; (4) Ushakeeran Reddy, 6 December 1972, 7212060055088; (5) Phipson De Villiers, 74 Madeline Road Morningside Durban; (6) 30 days. 016468-2017-DBN—(2) VILJOEN, FREDERICK JOHANNES, 23 August 1952, 5208235152083, 151 Cardinal Road Phoenix KwaZulu-Natal; (3) 22 October 2017; (5) JOHN MILNE MURRAY, 43 Ranleigh Crescent Durban North. 015553/2017 DBN—(2) GOVENDER, SHUNMUGAM, 13 November 1947, 4711135097085, 15 REDBERRY DRIVE, ROCKFORD, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) 3 September 2017; (4) INDRANI GOVENDER, 29 March 1952, 5203290111082; (5) LN ATTORNEYS INC., 45 STONEBRIDGE DRIVE, STONEBRIDGE,PHOENIX,4068. 16668/2017 DBN—(2) METCALF, NOLAN LESLIE METCALF, 12 November 1955, 5511125068081, 4 SPECTRUM BEACH ROAD, BLOUBERGSTRAND; (3) 22 October 2017; (5) GORDON HENRY DE BEER, PO BOX 517, GILLITTS, 3603. 9392/2017/PMB—(2) KENNEDY, JOAN SHIRLEY, 12 July 1947, 4707120065087, FLAT 25 SEA HORSE ARBUTHNOT STREET SCOTTBURGH; (3) 19 November 2017; (5) Mason Incorporated, P.O. BOX 100, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200; (6) 30. 015288/2017—(2) VAN DUSSELDORP, UTE, 2 December 1942, 4212020009186, MARGATE RETIREMENT VILLAGE, MARGATE; (3) 20 August 2017; (5) SHANAZ SINGH, P O BOX 4130, THE SQUARE, UMHLANGA, 4320. 015289/2017—(2) Mbhele, Bekitheba Caleb, 14 September 1946, 4609145454082, N1516, Spring Road, Umlazi; (3) 29 June 2017; (4) Bapakamile Mildred Mbhele, 8 December 1947, 4712080462084; (5) Shanoj Ishwarduth Ramdhani, P O Box 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320. 015286/2017/DBN—(2) Kirstein, Elred Christo, 3 November 1935, 3511035022089, 90 Lighthouse Road, Bluff, Durban, 4001; (3) 14 September 2017; (5) Shanoj Ishwarduth Ramdhani, 2nd Floor, FNB Acacia House, 2 Kikembe Drive, Umhlanga, 4320. 015287/2017DBN—(2) Naidoo, Subramoney, 2 May 1941, 4105025403083, 124 Moorten Drive, Chatsworth, 4092; (3) 26 June 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4130, The Square, Umhlanga, 4320. 014831/2017—(2) Wilkinson, Heather Lesley Wilkinson, 6 March 1937, 3703060012081, 88 Doone Village, 1 Beare Drive, Pinetown, 3610; (3) 1 November 2017; (5) William Adam McFarlane, 33 Doone Village, 1 Beare Drive, Pinetown, Natal. 005035/2017—(2) Ngcobo, Olga, 15 August 1930, 3008150193084, House 0795 Section L, Umlazi; (3) 1 November 2016; (5) J H NICOLSON STILLER & GESHEN, 2nd Floor, Clifton Place, 19 Hurst Grove, Musgrave, Durban 4001; (6) 30. 91232017—(2) GOLDSTONE, ROY EDWARD, 10 January 1944, 4401105101089, 71 ECHO ROAD, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 21 November 2017; (5) DESMOND MAYNE AND COMPANY, 56 KITCHENER ROAD, CLARENDON, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 008625/2017—(2) MNGADI, NHLANHLA LUCKY, 20 February 1953, 5302205168086, 101 TURNBULL ROAD, RIDGEPARK, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201; (3) 30 October 2017; (4) PHYLLIS NOZIPHO MNGADI, 24 March 1956, 5603240781084; (5) PHYLLIS NOZIPHO MNGADI, 101 TURNBULL ROAD, RIDGEPARK, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 014898/2017—(2) JONES, THOMAS HENDERSON, 28 October 1931, 3110285047084, 30 MILDEN PARK, DURBAN NORTH; (3) 19 October 2017; (4) MARGARET ROSEMARY JONES, 4 June 1934, 3406040038081; (5) KENNETH BENJAMIN GAUTIER, 15 SHERBORNE VILLAGE, 36 WESTRIDING ROAD, HILLCREST, 3610. 015384/2017—(2) NAIDU, SREERAMULU KISTAPPA, 25 October 1958, 5810255093087, 26 DORNVALE PLACE, RYDALVALE, PHOENIX; (3) 27 September 2017; (4) THULADEVI NAIDU, 11 May 1964, 6405110156085; (5) THULADEVI NAIDU, SUITE 205 FNB HOUSE , 151 MUSGRAVE ROAD , DURBAN , 4001. 008612/2017—(2) MOORE, PATRICIA MARY, 24 August 1921, 2108240029081, GARLINGTON, HILTON, KWAZULU- NATAL; (3) 5 September 2017; (5) ADRIAN MICHAEL MOORE, P O BOX 12, CAMPERDOWN, 3720. 14095/2017—(2) THISELTON, MICHAEL ANTHONY, 21 October 1961, 6110215152084, PLOT NO T01-275-0-0 JSM MATSEBULA STREET SWAZILAND; (3) 7 July 2017; (5) DICKINSON & THEUNISSEN INC, 72 DAWNCLIFFE ROAD WOODSIDE WESTVILLE 3629. 009366/2016—(2) HOLLINSHEAD, ROY ERNEST, 3 March 1939, 3903035154089, 249 IPHALA ROAD, ATHLONE PARK, 4126; (3) 14 May 2016; (4) PATRICIA ANNE HOLLINSHEAD, 9 September 1940, 4009090136083; (5) K J CASSIDY CA(SA), P O BOX 33024, MONTCLAIR, 4061. 014512/2017—(2) MGOBHOZI, BABA WILFRED, 21 August 1945, 4508215424084, 772 ITHENDELE DRIVE, NTUZUMA; (3) 29 June 2017; (4) SIBONGILE MARGARET MGOBHOZI, 3 May 1949, 4905030575084; (5) SIBONGILE MARGARET MGOBHOZI, C/O SEVERAJ INCORPORATED, 26/28 CYPRESS AVENUE, STAMFORDHILL, DURBAN; (6) 30 DAYS. 005185/2017—(2) NAIDOO, DELLA BHAGOO, 15 April 1920, 2004150044089, 35 FINNMORE STREET , NEWCASTLE, KWA ZULU -NATAL; (3) 29 October 2015; (5) DABIDEEN ATTORNEYS, 1 HOPEDENE GROVE, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN. 9855/2017 DBN—(2) BANGER, PHILLIP MAYNARD, 2 March 1952, 5203025046082, 43 Ambergate, 10 Bramley Place, Bluff, Kwa-Zulu Natal.; (3) 13 March 2016; (4) GAIL BERYL BANGER, 10 October 1950, 5010100031081; (5) GAIL BERYL BANGER, GAIL BERYL BANGER. 678/2009/PMB—(2) MATTHEE, LLOYD REGINALD, 15 October 1948, 4810155598087, 4 HIGHWAY RIDGE ROAD, SCOTTSVILLE, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 2 January 2009; (5) HEPBURN INCORPORATED, P O BOX 11324, DORPSPRUIT, 3206. 15359/2017—(2) CROSS, BETTY YVONNE, 29 December 1928, 2812290045083, 34 UNDERWOOD ROAD, UMGENI PARK, DURBAN; (3) 1 April 2017; (4) N/A; (5) JERUSHA CHETTY, 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, RIDGESIDE OFFICE PARK, UMHLANGA, 4320; (6) 30 DAYS. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 33

15355/20177—(2) HAMILTON, ESME ALICE, 25 October 1921, 2110250021081, 23 PRINCE STREET, DURBAN; (3) 4 November 2017; (4) N/A; (5) JERUSHA CHETTY, 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, RIDGESIDE OFFICE PARK, UMHLANGA, 4320; (6) 30 DAYS. 009397/2017/PMB—(2) PATHER, BALAKRISHNA, 8 October 1953, 5310085030086, 28 TRELAWNEY ROAD, BISLEY, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 20 November 2017; (5) MOGAMBAL PATHER, 295 PITERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 009477/2017/PMB—(2) NDLOVU, BAHLAZILE LEPHINA, 8 October 1947, 4710080527088, 1930 Zunga Road, Unit 3, Imbali, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 9 November 2017; (4) REGGIE NDLOVU, 19 February 1943, 4302195428087; (5) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick and Margaret Mary McCullough, c/o J Leslie Smith & Co, 332 Jabu Ndlovu Street, P O Box 297, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (6) 30. 015104/2017/Dbn—(2) Scutts, John, 17 June 1935, 3506175022089, c/o Bluff Yacht Club, Bluff, 4036; (3) 22 August 2017; (4) Elena Ingeborg Scutts, 19 June 1936, 3606190011081; (5) Adele Van Den Bergh, P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 015110/2017 Dbn—(2) Miles, Kenneth, 26 October 1931, 3110265144182, 39 Glen Anil Street, Glen Anil, Durban, 4051; (3) 11 October 2017; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 015037/2017 Dbn—(2) Evans, Sophia Elisabeth, 2 November 1936, 3611020052081, 28 Ashley Grove, 22 Gardenia Road, Pinetown, 3610; (3) 5 September 2017; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 016610/2017—(2) Parekh, Bharati Goolabchand, 3 March 1951, 5103030104084, 93 Las Vegas, 167-171 Snell Parade, Durban; (3) 4 December 2017; (4) N/A N/A, N/A; (5) Vasantha Naidoo and Associates, P.O.Box 613 Verulam 4340. 009484/2017/PMB—(2) Gearing, Patricia Lumley, 4 February 1930, 3002040017082, 15 Cypress Way, Woodgrove, Pietermaritzburg; (3) 1 December 2017; (5) William Gregory Gearing / Rodney John Trotter, 295 Pietermaritz Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201. 008921/2017/PMB—(2) PRIDMORE, LARRAINE, 14 May 1947, 4705140019183, 6 CARNOUSTIE ROAD, MUSWELL HILL, PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) 26 August 2017; (5) RODNEY JOHN TROTTER, 295 PIETERMARITZ STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201. 9471/17/PMB—(2) Ladner, Delyse Idaline, 11 January 1944, 4401110060080, 168 Waltdorf, 771 Townbush Road, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) 11 October 2017; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, P.O.Box 2174, Durban,4000. 8727/17/PMB—(2) Van Heerden, Stephanus Jacobus Johannes, 30 April 1949, 4904305082082, 16 Hydra Way, Catoridge, 3680; (3) 24 September 2016; (4) Elizabeth Johanna Van Herdeen, 4 January 1950, 5001040166087; (5) Jan Abraham Nel, P.O.Box 2174, Durban,4000. 11102/10CT—(2) Wagner, Herman John Frederick, 16 January 1921, 2101165015086, C1 Panarama Palms, Hendrick Verwoed Drive, Panarama, Parow, 8000; (3) 26 June 2010; (5) Jan Abraham Nel;, 4th Floor ABSA Ridgeside Office KZN, 33 Richefond Circle, Umhlanga, 4319. 9055/17DBN—(2) Adams, Jimmy, 30 August 1944, 4408305125081, Clinker Court 8 , Olienhoustraat Vryheid 3100; (3) 28 September 2017; (4) Roselind Amanda Adams, 31 December 1950, 5012310044086; (5) JAN ABRAHAM NEL;, 10TH FLOOR ABSA TOWERS ,291 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET DURBAN 4001.


14552/17—(2) Viljoen, Anna Maria, 3 August 1935, 3508030033087, 6 Haak & Steek Street, Onverwacht, Lephalale; (3) 16 October 2017; (5) E du Preez, 369 Huron Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, 0081. 34/2017—(2) Masalesa, Malose Elias, 10 August 1981, 8108105420080, House 666, Sterkwater, Gapila Phase 2; (3) 14 November 2015; (4) __ __; (5) Borman Snyman & Barnard Ingelyf, Thabo Mbeki Rylaan 100, Mokopane, 0600. 008823/2017—(2) Buys, Yvonne, 27 January 1927, 2701270006084, Kokanje RetirementVillage, Unit 52C, Kokanje; (3) 19 November 2017; (5) Jasper Martin Buys, Postnet suite 205, Private Bag X 1007, Lyttelton, 0140. 8548/2017—(2) Emslie, Werner Grant, 10 Februarie 1962, 6202105006080, Plaas Waterval Lephalale distrik, Limpopo provinsie; (3) 20 September 2017; (5) A Forssman p/a Forssman & Vennote, Van Heerden Straat 60, Mokopane, 0600. 2533/2017—(2) MAYIMELE, XIMANE LAZARUS, 19 March 1957, 5703195589084, STAND A1726 WATERVAL-A; (3) 25 October 2017; (4) SOPHIE TINYIKO MHLARI, 21 August 1959, 5908210392089; (5) KERN & DEKKER INC., 105 KROGH STREET LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920. 2503/2017—(2) MABUNDA, NDZALAMA EUGINE MABUNDA, 14 August 1986, 8608145787083, STAND THOHOYANDOU; (3) 16 October 2017; (5) KERN & DEKKER INC., 105 KROGH STREET LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920.


004793/2017—(2) Paynter, Richard Edgar, 13 May 1938, 3805135051182, 24 Kruger Street, Volksrust, 2470; (3) 23 August 2017; (4) Jacoba Anette Magdalena Paynter, 10 October 1943, 4310100048080; (5) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635. 34 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018


14567/2017—(2) Fourie, Jan Petrus, 22 January 1937, 3701225091081, 28 Tugella Street, Stilfontein, 2551; (3) 28 September 2017; (4) Anna Christina Fourie, 11 May 1942, 4205110006088; (5) Anna Christina Fourie, c/o Meyer van Sittert & Kropman, 5 Roma Avenue, Flamwood, Klerksdorp, 2571. 006699/2017—(2) LABUSCHAGNE, JAN ABRAHAM LABUSCHAGNE, 5 September 1942, 4209055030087, OOS STRAAT 22, BLOEMHOF, 2660; (3) 30 September 2017; (4) ERIKA JOHANNA LABUSCHAGNE LABUSCHAGNE, 18 Junie 1945, 4506180012082; (5) JH MYNHARDT, P/A PHATSHOANE HENNEY, POSBUS 152, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300; (6) 30 DAE. 005870/2017—(2) JANSEN VAN RENSBURG, ELSIE SUZANNA, 15 March 1921, 2103150020089, PANORAMAPARK 52, OUDORP, NORTH WEST, 2571; (3) 20 September 2017; (5) BOITUMELO VANESSA NDHLOVU, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA. 006711/2017—(2) MOTHUPI, KABELO EBENEZER, 6 May 1963, 6305066137081, HOUSE NO 4561, UNIT 13, MMABATHO, 2735; (3) 14 June 2017; (4) DINEO DALENTY MOTHUPI, 9 September 1964, 6409091335080; (5) BOITUMELO VANESSA NDHLOVU, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA. 006438/2017—(2) ROBBERTZE, ELIZABETH CATHARINA WILHELMINA, 25 January 1927, 2701250007086, 58 KOK STRAAT, WOLMARANSSTAD, 2630; (3) 10 September 2017; (5) BOITUMELO VANESSA NDHLOVU, PO BOX 383 PRETORIA. 6997/2017—(2) VAN ZYL, Magdalena Elizabeth, 27 August 1929, 2908270003082, Huis-Sering Old Age Home, Kock Street, Rustenburg 0299; (3) 21 November 2017; (5) Zietsman-Horn Inc, 208 Beyers Naude Drive, Rustenburg 0299. 6919/2017—(2) VAN NIEKERK, COENRAAD THERON ERASMUS, 2 June 1940, 4006025022081, 27 NOORDRANDWEG, BARTLETTS, BOKSBURG-NOORD; (3) 20 July 2017; (5) Volker Helmut Johannes Krüger, Van Velden-Duffey Incorporated, @Office Building, North Block 04, 67 Brink Street, Rustenburg; (6) 30.


3666/2017—(2) VENTER, MARIA JACOBA, 17 Desember 1937, 3712170037086, TIPTOLWEG 9, KEIDEBEES, UPINGTON, 8801; (3) 16 November 2017; (4) PIETER JACOBUS VENTER, 4 November 1935, 3511045052084; (5) PIETER JACOBUS VENTER, MALAN & VENNOTE, POSBUS 27, UPINGTON, 8800; (6) 30 DAE. 2106/2010—(2) SEPTEMBER, HANS, 8 Augustus 1948, 4808085162081, DEMINGO SINGLE 11, UPINGTON, NOORD- KAAP; (3) 24 Junie 2010; (4) ANNA SEPTEMBER, 13 Junie 1952, 5206130007089; (5) BECKER BERGH & MORE ING., KOOPERASIESTRAAT 13, UPINGTON, 8801. 3614/2017—(2) DE ROUBAIX, EUMANUEL HERMANN FRANCOIS, 22 April 1956, 5604225099088, HANTAM STRAAT 8, CALVINIA, 8190; (3) 28 Oktober 2017; (4) N.V.T.; (5) JOHANNES THEODORUS DE VRYE VISAGIE, WATERSTRAAT 20, CALVINIA, 8190. 2689/2017—(2) Van Wyk, Martha Catharina Johanna, 4 March 1944, 4403040119085, 24 Murray Street, Noupoort, Northern Cape; (3) 5 August 2017; (4) Johannes Petrus Van Wyk, 21 March 1942, 4203215005089; (5) TRACY UNSWORTH, FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD, 7th Floor, FNB Newton Place, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 3732/2017—(2) stiglingh, johannes, 23 November 1941, 4111235107084, graham eden street 26 klisserville kimberley 8300; (3) 14 September 2017; (4) sylvia maranda stiglingh, 7 April 1945, 4504070089088; (5) stephanus andries daniel du toit, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301. 3763/2017—(2) damons, ivan clive, 3 February 1952, 5202035116083, 15 - 4th street homvale kimberley 8301; (3) 22 September 2017; (4) colleen estelle damons, 25 May 1952, 5205250139086; (5) stephanus andries daniel du toit, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301. 3758/2017—(2) malherbe, jacomina christina johanna, 22 June 1936, 3606220069083, overberglaan 7 springbok 8240; (3) 23 August 2017; (5) stephanus andries daniel du toit, cnr nelson mandela and donald murray street, bloemfontein, 9301.


19237/2017—(2) Cronje, Magrieta Cornelia Christina, 17 November 1920, 2011170006089, AL 11, Oude Westhof Village, Bellville; (3) 30 Oktober 2017; (5) Voogdy Trust (Pty) Ltd, Posbus 2355, Dennesig, 7601. 009905/2017—(2) Sasman, Kenneth Stephen, 3 January 1950, 5001035105082, 44 Roscommon Road, Heathfield, Cape Town; (3) 13 June 2016; (5) Yasmin Jadwat, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg. 019313/2017—(2) Watson, Joyce, 24 October 1923, 2310240023086, Helen Keller Society, Pinelands, Cape Town; (3) 12 November 2017; (5) Yasmin Jadwat, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg. 011165/2017—(2) Muller, Engela Marieta, 1 Januarie 1955, 5501010086082, Stanbridgestraat 10, Beaufort-Wes, 6970; (3) 21 Februarie 2017; (4) Gerrit Muller, 13 Julie 1954, 5407135115089; (5) Crawfords Prokureurs, Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes, 6970; (6) 30. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 35

005567/2017—(2) Meyer, Sophie, 25 Mei 1935, 3505250024085, Dawidstraat 13, Beaufort-Wes, 6970; (3) 16 Februarie 2017; (5) Crawfords Prokureurs, Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes, 6970; (6) 30. 019943/2017—(2) Nieuwoudt, Aletta Susanna, 27 September 1943, 4309270121081, Van Der Merwestraat 2, Beaufort- Wes, 6970; (3) 25 Oktober 2017; (5) Crawfords Prokureurs, Posbus 25, Beaufort-Wes, 6970; (6) 30. 16296/2015—(2) JOHNSON, MOEGAMMAD CASSIEM, 3 January 1948, 4801035142089, 6 SARINGA CLOSE, WESTRIDGE, MITCHELL’S PLAIN, CAPE TOWN, 7798; (3) 26 September 2011; (4) GADIJA JOHNSON, 24 July 1956, 5607240141082; (5) BRONWEN ANNE HENWOOD, P O BOX 15581, VLAEBERG, 8018; (6) N/A. 20387/2017—(2) Hauptfleisch, Margaret McDonald, 4 Februarie 1931, 3102040010085, Constantiastraat 68, Twin Palms, Strand; (3) 10 Desember 2017; (5) Riana Lemmer en Schoonees Ing, Posbus 9, Strand. 019840/2017—(2) Van Dalen, Marie Yvonne, 29 Maart 1955, 5503290011087, Wagenaarstraat 67, Monte Vista; (3) 24 September 2017; (4) Charles Henry Van Dalen, 27 Julie 1951, 5107275034088; (5) Heyns en Vennote Ingelyf, 168 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, 7460. 20392/2017—(2) Wessels, Jacobus Nicholas, 4 Desember 1938, 3812045024085, Oudtshoornstraat 13, Robertson; (3) 3 Desember 2017; (4) Sophia Christina Wessels, 12 April 1942, 4204120089085; (5) Riana Lemmer en Schoonees Ing, Posbus 9, Strand. 017160/2017—(2) BEUKES, CORALENE JOHANNA, 25 April 1951, 5104250078081, 139 WALLACE STREET GOODWOOD; (3) 17 Augustus 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) OLD MUTUAL (PTY) LIMITED, NEDBANK CLOCKTOWER, CLOCKTOWER PRECINCT, V/A WATERFRONT, CAPE TOWN; (6) 30. 017155/2017—(2) SAUL, LESLIE GEORGE, 30 December 1937, 3712305075084, 35 ASCOT ROAD KRAAIFONTEIN; (3) 24 July 2017; (4) JOAN CATHERINE SAUL, 23 January 1942, 4201230082083; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST(PTY) LIMITED, NEDBANK CLOCKTOWER, CLOCKTOWER PRECINCT, V/A WATERFRONT, CAPE TOWN; (6) 30. 020214/2017—(2) GROBLER, DAPHNE, 25 July 1935, 3507250047082, 39 RIVERGLADE RETIREMENT VILLAGE, RAVENS COURT, PARKLANDS, 7441; (3) 5 November 2017; (4) HENDRIK WERNICH GROBLER, 9 August 1934, 3408095028082; (5) SUSANNA VIVIER, P O BOX 3866, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 020193/2017—(2) Olivier, Johannes Matheus Jacobus, 18 Januarie 1958, 5801185141088, Clydestraat 59, Oakdale, Bellville; (3) 1 April 2017; (4) Marinda Olivier, 21 Maart 1961, 6103210086084; (5) Heyns en Vennote Ingelyf, 168 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, 7460. 015723/2017—(2) Van Bosch, Dante, 1 Julie 1982, 8207015063087, Tygerbergstraat 112, Goodwood; (3) 2 September 2017; (5) Heyns en Vennote Ingelyf, 168 Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, 7460. 19277/2017—(2) Neethling, Pieter Gysbert Steyn, 5 Februarie 1920, 2002055002087, Riverside No. 2, Rokewoodweg 49, Stellenbosch, 7600; (3) 19 Oktober 2017; (5) Nielen Marais Inc., McIntyrestraat No. 16, Parow, 7500. 166322017—(2) Williams, James, 24 October 1946, 4610245068087, 12 Foxglove Circle, Belhar; (3) 6 February 2017; (4) EDITH LOUISA WILLIAMS, 16 August 1948, 4808160065084; (5) Esau Shapiro, Burman & Tinkler Inc., 5th Floor, Sunclare, Dreyer Street, Claremont. 200092017—(2) Johnson, Sadieya, 18 May 1946, 4605180062087, 48 Lodewyk Road, Newfields Estate, Athlone; (3) 27 October 2017; (4) Mogamat Salie Johnson, 12 November 1944, 4411125071089; (5) Esau Shapiro, Burman & Tinkler Inc., 5th Floor, Sunclare, Dreyer Street, Claremont. 18177/2017—(2) HAUPT, SHEILA MAUREEN, 20 March 1931, 3103200197084, 6 KAROO ROAD, CRAWFORD; (3) 9 August 2008; (4) JAMES JOHN HAUPT, 5 June 1931, 3106055051082; (5) KEITH JENKINGS ATTONREYS, 7 SUNNINGHILL ROAD, WYNBERG. 18989/2017—(2) VAN ZYL, CHRISTINE, 14 June 1957, 5706140005080, 703 ARNHEM, LOXTON ROAD, MILNERTON; (3) 4 November 2017; (5) IRMA DICK, PRIVATE BAG 9018, CAPE TOWN. 019883/2017—(2) MICHAELIDES, PRAXIA EFTICHIA, 7 March 1939, 3903070044088, 10 THE VILLAGE CORNER, GLADSTONE STREET, DURBANVILLE, 7550; (3) 1 October 2017; (4) BASIL ANDREW MICHAELIDES, 30 November 1934, 3903070040088; (5) THALIA VICTORIA PEPLER, BUILDING 2, TYGERVALLEY OFFICE PARK, CNR WILLIE VAN SCHOOR & OLD OAK ROADS, BELLVILLE. 019830/2017—(2) BASSON, NICHOLAS JOHN FRANCOIS, 23 August 1940, 4008235010088, 25 RHEAZICHT, RIDGEWORTH ESTATE, 7530; (3) 18 November 2017; (4) PATRICIA LOUISE BASSON, 4 May 1942, 4205040323082; (5) PATRICIA LOUISE BASSON, BUILDING 2, TYGERVALLEY OFFICE PARK, CNR WILLIE VAN SCHOOR AND OLD OAK RDS, BELLVILLE, 7530. 014807/2017—(2) JORDAAN, JOHANNES NICHOLAS, 6 December 1943, 4312065061082, 58 HERBERT STREET, OAKDALE, BELLVILLE; (3) 29 August 2017; (4) NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE; (5) FPS ATTORNEYS, 8 GERT KOTZE STREET, BRACKENFELL, 7580. 020142/2017—(2) Jaffe, Iris, 22 August 1934, 3408220031084, 315 Goodhope Park, 157 Beach Road, Sea Point, 8005; (3) 18 November 2017; (5) Mazars, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings, Precinct, Century City, CAPE TOWN 7441. 020476/2017—(2) MYBURGH, ALBERTUS JOHANNES, 25 February 1939, 3902255036083, ROOM 2, PLUMSTEAD RUSOORD, 1 BIRMINGHAM ROAD, PLUMSTEAD; (3) 17 September 2017; (5) Yasmin Jadwat, Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg. 1288/2016—(2) Maile, Trevor, 7 April 1977, 7704075272088, 54 Stimberg Street, Dunoon, Cape Town; (3) 17 November 2015; (5) M N Jassiem & Associates (Attorneys, Conveyancers & Notaries), 9 Japonika Road, Belhar, Cape Town. 017550/2017—(2) Gracie, Neville Charles, 11 August 1923, 2308115031085, 16 Franshoek Road, Durbanville Hills 7550; (3) 21 September 2017; (5) A S Gracie, 16 Franshoek Road, Durbanville Hills 7550. 36 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

010406/2017—(2) Helm, Keith, 17 October 1929, 2910175070083, 12 Silvermine Retirement Village Noordhoek; (3) 31 May 2017; (4) Lorna Helm, 4 July 1930, 3007040050082; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited, PO Box 86 Cape Town 8000. 018507/2017—(2) JOSEPHS, MARIA, 21 November 2017, 4511210220085, 3RD AVENUE 61, RACENMEAD, 7493; (3) 18 May 2017; (4) ERNEST VICTOR JOSEPHS, 7 February 1946, 4602075092089; (5) A V Dawson (Agent), 7 LINK ROAD, BELGRAVIA, BELLVILLE. 007310/2017—(2) COLLINSON, MADGE IRIS, 4 October 1922, 2210040029087, 6 ORIOLE ROAD, FISH HOEK; (3) 12 March 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) WILLEM ADRIAAN HEYNS, HEYNS CONSULTING, PO BOX 1121, KRAAIFONTEIN, 7569. 0182722017—(2) Pretorius, Hendrik Lodewyk, 14 May 1933, 330514021085, Negester Retirement Village, Onrusrivier, Western Cape; (3) 2 September 2017; (5) Amanda Botha, 1 Wingate Park, Barnardstreet, Wingate Park, Pretoria. 016113/2017—(2) King, Annemarie Katharina, 7 January 1945, 4501070146082, 36 Lighthouse Road, Kommetjie; (3) 25 July 2017; (5) Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited, Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30 days. 20067/2017—(2) MULLETT, STEVE DAVID, 14 October 1978, 7810145054081, 2 CHAPMANS WAY, PINEHURST, CAPE TOWN; (3) 26 October 2017; (5) C&A FRIEDLANDER ATTORNEYS - CHRISTOPHER DOUGLAS MIDDLEBROOK, PO BOX 855 SUN VALLEY 7985. 018507/2017—(2) JOSEPHS, MARIA, 21 November 2017, 4511210220085, 3RD AVENUE 61, RACENMEAD, 7493; (3) 18 May 2017; (4) ERNEST VICTOR JOSEPHS, 7 February 1946, 4602075092089; (5) A V Dawson (Agent), 7 LINK ROAD, BELGRAVIA, BELLVILLE. 021232/2016—(2) LYNCH, ROBERT JAMES PATRICK, 7 April 1947, 470405116080, D6 AVONDRUST,ROUWKOOP ROAD ,RONDERBOSCH 7700; (3) 17 July 2016; (4) N/A N/A; (5) DOROTA BARBARA BUTLION, 39 ALAMEIN ROAD, MILNERTON. 6196/2011—(2) Herman, Lilly, 24 February 1945, 4502240450081, 23 Koodoo Street, Kewtown, Athlone, Cape Town; (3) 23 February 2011; (5) TRACY UNSWORTH, FNB FIDUCIARY (PTY) LTD, 7th Floor, FNB Newton Place, 16 Newton Street, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth, 6045. 020583/2017—(2) NOVELLA, HENDRIK FREDERIK, 17 August 1930, 3008175004084, 6 ESPERIA STREET VREDENBURG; (3) 26 October 2017; (4) GLOUDINA MAGDALENA NOVELLA, 11 September 1935, 3509110082085; (5) OLD MUTUAL TRUST PTY LTD, PO BOX 86, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 019928/2017—(2) Aubin, John Armstrong, 17 February 1933, 3302175037081, F30 Panorama Palms Uys Krige Drive Panorama; (3) 9 November 2017; (5) Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited, Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Limited, P O Box 86, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30 days. 015440/2017—(2) Collins, Brian Raymond, 19 March 1932, 3203195018087, 11 Wyland Road, Bothasig and 110 Fynbos Park, Hermanus 7200; (3) 4 September 2017; (5) Pauline Bongers of Proactive Wills & Estates and Allan John Robert Baker, P O Box 300, Milnerton, 7435; (6) 30. 19412/2017—(2) Brynard, Daniel, 12 January 1963, 6301125082087, 1 Koraal Close Welgelegen 7500; (3) 6 November 2017; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 111 The Cliffs Niagara Way Tygerfalls. 20277/2017—(2) Jacobs, Claude Burnett, 6 October 1972, 7210065084087, 98 12th Avenue Retreat; (3) 17 November 2017; (4) Selena Francis Jacobs, 9 February 1975, 7502090161082; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 111 The Cliffs Niagara Way Tygerfalls. 019697/2017—(2) MAGILL, JOSEPH KENNETH, 30 June 1938, 3806305240183, 52 MEENT STREET, HEATHERPARK, GEORGE,6529; (3) 3 April 2017; (5) LAUREN ROSE HEAN, POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801. 20266/2017—(2) Jones, Lee, 11 January 1973, 7301115163086, 15 Binneman Street Bellville; (3) 8 November 2017; (4) Talana Elizabeth Jones, 8 April 1979, 7904080030089; (5) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd, Unit 111 The Cliffs Niagara Way Tygerfalls. 19699/2017—(2) CUTHBERT, MARGARET SHIRLEY, 24 October 1935, 3510240087085, 27 KENSINGTON ROAD, MUIZENBERG; (3) 30 August 2017; (5) LAUREN ROSE HEAN, POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801. 20064/2017—(2) BROWELL, ROBERT FOREMAN, 8 July 1944, 4407085038183, 18 ZANDVLIET ROAD, KIRSTENHOF; (3) 20 November 2017; (5) LAUREN ROSE HEAN, POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801. 016660/2017—(2) Blicher Hansen, Christian, 26 November 1965, 0000000000000, 7 Baviaanskloof Estate, Baviaanskloof Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town 7806; (3) 5 August 2017; (4) Ingred Sharon Blicher Hansen, 1 August 1970, 7008010234082; (5) Ingred Sharon Blicher Hansen, 7 Baviaanskloof Estate, Baviaanskloof Road, Hout Bay, Cape Town 7806. 19802/2017—(2) CHALLIS, IAN, 25 April 1934, 3404255030083, 10 TALANA CLOSE, CLAREMONT; (3) 11 November 2017; (5) GRANT CHALLIS (executor) / ADAM VICTOR PITMAN (agent), C/O TANNERY PARK, 21 BELMONT ROAD, RONDEBOSCH. 019059/2017—(2) MARCHBANK, GORDON, 19 November 1934, 3411195029083, 6 VAN RENSBURG ROAD, GOODWOOD,7460; (3) 31 October 2017; (5) STEPHEN WALTER WALLACE, POSTNET SUITE 205, PRIVATE BAG X3, PLUMSTEAD, 7801. 20139/2017—(2) MACKIE, ISABEL AGNES, 26 September 1928, 2809260062080, 66 RATHFELDER, ALNWICK ROAD, DIEP RIVER, 7800; (3) 12 September 2017; (5) FAIRBRIDGES WERTHEIM BECKER ATTORNEYS, 16TH FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER, THE TOWERS, HEERENGRACHT, CAPE TOWN, 8001; (6) 30. 020376/2017—(2) Marais, Eugene, 2 February 1979, 7902025079088, 31 Charnwood Road, Kraaifontein; (3) 9 October 2017; (4) Rozanne Marais, 4 November 1980, 8011040014085; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 37

020275/2017—(2) Knaggs, Martha Maria, 8 February 1928, 2802080047084, 177 heritage Manor, Heritage Park, Somerset West; (3) 23 September 2017; (5) Standard Trust Limited, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 20083/2017—(2) BLAINE, ELIZABETH ESME, 15 June 1926, 2606150043083, UNIT 601 NORFOLK PLACE, 94 HARFIELD ROAD, KENILWORTH, 7708; (3) 23 October 2017; (5) FAIRBRIDGES WERTHEIM BECKER ATTORNEYS, 16TH FLOOR, SOUTH TOWER, THE TOWERS, HEERENGRACHT, CAPE TOWN, 8001; (6) 30. 18660/2017—(2) MTWETWE, NOLINDILE GLADYS, 5 October 1959, 5910050210082, NO. 7 TSHOTO STREET, NYANGA; (3) 28 March 2017; (5) DEBORAH-LEE BOTES, 1ST FLOOR GROVE EXCHANGE, 9 GROVE AVENUE, CLAREMONT. 16446/15—(2) Meyer, Bernhard Carl, 2 October 1954, 5410025049087, 2 Jena Close, Strandfontein Village, Cape Town; (3) 20 December 2011; (5) Tarryn Meyer, 104 2nd Avenue, Belgravia, Cape Town. 019768/2017—(2) Castle, Ann, 16 May 1952, 5205160668083, 1 Buttermore Road, Steenberg; (3) 27 September 2017; (4) Samuel David Henry Castle, 3 October 1951, 5110035102088; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Old MutualTrust (Pty) Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town; (6) 30. 015873/2017—(2) SNYMAN, ANNA SUSANNA, 27 December 1937, 3712270066084, GLEN EDEN VILLAGE NO. 1, PLETTENBERG BAY, 6600; (3) 5 August 2017; (5) MARINA SIDI, 23 ROSELANE, BLOEMDAL EAST, BLOEMFONTEIN,9301. 015409/2017—(2) Saunders, Donald Bingham Rankin, 27 March 1936, 3603275112082, 69 Sunderland Street, Kensington; (3) 21 July 2017; (5) Standard Trust Ltd, P O Box 5562, Cape Town, 8000; (6) 30. 019775/2017—(2) Austin, Alfred De Villiers, 8 June 1923, 2306085004082, 14A Devon Road, Lakeside; (3) 9 December 2016; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town; (6) 30. 19922/2017—(2) Wepener, Willem Abraham, 20 Desember 1924, 2412205010080, Baron van Reedestraat 74, Oudtshoorn, 6625; (3) 10 Oktober 2017; (5) Absa Trust Ltd, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 20022/2017—(2) KNOETZE, ELIZABETH CATHARINA, 19 Julie 1929, 2907190012082, 120 GROENKLOOF SEKURITEITSOORD, MOSSELBAAI.; (3) 28 Augustus 2017; (5) BAREND JOHANNES KRUGER N.O. RAUCH GERTENBACH ING, POSBUS 3, KERKSTRAAT 10, MOSSELBAAI, 6500; (6) 30. 016067/2017—(2) Truter, Ruth Shirley, 1 October 1924, 2410010078086, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) 8 August 2017; (5) Morne Fourie, Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057. 018358/2017—(2) van der Merwe, Roelof Abraham Lodewyk, 28 September 1934, 3409285038089, Libertas Aftreeoord, Wallace Straat, Townsend Estate, Goodwood, 7460; (3) 12 Oktober 2017; (5) Jurgens Johannes Tubb, 295 Durban Road, Bellville, 7530. 020349/2017—(2) Niemann, Aletta Johanna, 4 June 1938, 3806040009083, No 8 Saunders Close, Fish Hoek; (3) 19 October 2017; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town; (6) 30. 019530/2017—(2) Hooper, Sybil Elizabeth, 31 December 1920, 2012310055085, 145 Woodside Village, Norton Way, Rondebosch; (3) 17 August 2017; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town; (6) 30. 020354/2017—(2) Ameermia, Mohamed Nasses, 1 July 1956, 5607015108084, 26 Rhodes Avenue, Newlands; (3) 26 November 2017; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Nedgroup Trust (Pty) Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town; (6) 30. 020344/2017—(2) Pillay, Naransamy, 7 August 1946, 4608075140083, 93 Duiker Street, Muizenberg; (3) 5 August 2017; (5) Michelle Williams as nominee of Old Mutual Trust (Pty) Ltd, Nedbank Clocktower, Clocktower Precinct, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town; (6) 30. 016047/2017—(2) GUNTHER, PATRICIA AVERY, 19 June 1959, 5906190096084, 3 RESIDENTIA AVENUE, MORNINGSIDE, SOMERSET WEST, WESTERN CAPE.; (3) 2 May 2017; (4) N/A N/A; (5) BRUCE ALAN HARKNESS, BRUCE ALAN HARKNESS, 1ST FLOOR EAST WING, 67 - 7TH STREET, LINDEN, JHB. 008311/2017—(2) Vermeulen, Amori, 19 January 1936, 3601195021086, 15 Belmont Road, Sunningdale; (3) 7 March 2017; (4) Johanna Vermeulen, 2 April 1937, 3704020012088; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 018893/2017—(2) Strube-Petersen, Brigitte Hella Gertrud, 2 October 1949, 4910020092181, 18 Jacobus Crescent, Melkbosstrand, Duynefontein; (3) 26 September 2017; (5) Miltons Matsemela Inc., P O Box 11204, Bloubergrant, 7443; (6) 30. 11134/2017—(2) VAN DER ROSS, MARIE CONSTANCE, 19 January 1931, 3101190036080, 19 EVERGREEN, HOMESTEAD AVENUE, BERGVLIET; (3) 14 May 2017; (5) MANDY CUPIDO, 9TH FLOOR VUNANI CHAMBERS 33 CHURCH STREET CAPE TOWN 8001. 38 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

Form/Vorm J 187


In terms of section 35 (5) of the Administration of Estates Act, No. 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interested therein for a period of 21 days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the latter, and at the offices of the Masters of the High Court and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. The information is given in the following order: (1) Estate number, (2) surname, christian name(s), identity number, last address, (3) description of account other than first and final; (4) if deceased was married in community of property the surviving spouse’s names, surname and identity number; (5) period of inspection (if shorter or longer than 21 days), Magistrate’s Office; (6) Advertiser details.


Ingevolge artikel 35 (5) van die Boedelwet No. 66 van 1965, word hierby kennis gegee dat duplikate van die likwidasie en distribusierekenings (eerste en finale, tensy anders vermeld) in die boedels hieronder vermeld, in die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste soos vermeld en gedurende ’n tydperk van 21 dae (of korter of langer indien spesiaal vermeld) vanaf gemelde datums of vanaf datum van publikasie hiervan, welke ook al die laaste is, ter insae lê van alle persone wat daarby belang het. Indien binne genoemde tydperk geen besware daarteen by die betrokke Meesters ingedien word nie, gaan die eksekuteurs oor tot die uitbetalings ingevolge gemelde rekenings. Die inligting word soos volg verstrek: (1) Boedelnommer, (2) familienaam, voornaam(name), identiteitsnommer, laaste adres, (3) beskrywing van rekening as dit anders as eerste en finale is; (4) indien oorledene in gemeenskap van goedere getroud was die nagelate eggenoot(note) se name, familienaam en identiteitsnommer; (5) tydperk van insae (indien korter of langer as 21 dae), Landdroskantoor; (6) Adverteerder besonderhede.


126752013—(2) ELS, CORNELIUS (7203145101088); 100A PAUL KRUGER STREET MODIMOLLE 0510; (3) First and final; (4) ZELDA ELS (8102230026086); (5) (MODIMOLLE, JOHANNESBURG). (6) ANNE-MARIE KOTZEE PROKUREURS; 105A THABO MBEKI DRIVE MODIMOLLE; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 014-7172525. 3245/2017—(2) NESBITT, STELLA VICTORIA (3108150010088); UNIT 84, HENLEY RIVER RETIREMENT VILLAGE, 1797 EWELME RD, HENLEY ON KLIP, GAUTENG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MEYERTON, SOUTH GAUTENG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) McLOUGHLIN PORTER INC.; 3rd FLOOR, MUTUAL BUILDING, 9 KRUGER AVENUE, VEREENIGING, 1939; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0164211513. 7487/2017—(2) Fuhri, Gert Johannes (5502205097082); 15de Laan 717, Wonderboom South, Pretoria; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Naomi Steyn; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: Naomi. [email protected]; Tel: 0357531394. 12492/2017—(2) VILJOEN, ANDRIES LODEWIKUS (4907305046080); PRETORIASTRAAT 1140, BOOYSENS, PRETORIA; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) MARTIENA HERMINA ELIZABETH VILJOEN (5201250063087); (5) (PRETORIA). (6) LOUISE KLUYTS, VDT PROKUREURS INGELYF; H/V BRONKHORST & DEYSTRATE, BROOKLYN, PRETORIA; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 012 452 1308. 9132/2011—(2) GARDNER, WALTER JOHN (6508085020085); KRUGERSTRAAT 15 STANDERTON; (3) N.A.; (4) HEIDI GARDNER (7303120190088); (5) (STANDERTON, PRETORIA). (6) Langeveldt & Nel Prokureurs; P.O. Box 73 Standerton 2430; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 017 - 7125311. 15806/2015—(2) ERASMUS, JACOBUS JOHANNES (2801195020085); ERF 684 VOLKSRUST MPUMALANGA; (3) N.A.; (4) LORRAINE MAGDALENE ERASMUS (3203110035083); (5) (STANDERTON, PRETORIA). (6) Langeveldt & Nel Prokureurs; Posbus 73 Standerton 2430; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 017-7125311. 023869/2017—(2) Burrows, Irene (5204030182086); 4 Olienhout Street Dal Fouche Springs, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Springs, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; PO BOX 52297; Email: Catherine. [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 39

026893/2017—(2) Glasson, Cheryl (4602180009085); Unit 3 Piperpoint Melba Avenue Roodepoort Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 023827/2017—(2) Barnard, Georgette Charlotte Antoniazzi (2901260047086); Room 602 Arbor Village Rosebank, Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0873432178. 029202/2016—(2) Thrupp, Judith (4902250081083); 77 Audley Road Sandton Johannesburg; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Randburg, Johannesburg). (6) FNB FIDUCIARY (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED; P O BOX 52297; Email: Catherine.nkosi@ fnb.co.za; Tel: 0873432178. 3435/2017—(2) DU PLESSIS, PETRUS ALBERTUS (4110305036082); PLOT 156, ELOFF, 2210; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) GERTRUIDA LOUISA JOHANNA DU PLESSIS (4609120023084); (5) (DELMAS, PRETORIA). (6) JAN VAN DER LAAN; POSBUS 206, DELMAS, 2210; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0136651609. 36343/2014—(2) SUETSANE, EDWARD LEHLONON (4210215130080); ERF 545 SEBOKENG UNIT 10 EXT 2; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (SEBOKENG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) S I ADMINISTRATORS PTY LTD; 12 RIKIE POSTMA VANDERBIJLPARK SW 1; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0169321494. 00552/2016—(2) Hall, Michael John Claydon (4708095002089); 10 Belkraan Street Atlasville Ext1 Boksburg 1459; (3) First and final; (4) Glynis Shirley Hall (5307170812089); (5) (Boksburg, Gauteng South). (6) Michael Swemmer; P.O. Box 14409 Farrarmere 1518; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0835560273. 013420/2017—(2) MAGUBANE, NOMTHANDAZO JOSEPHINE NEBUBELE (6212190642087); 11 PRINCES STREET, TROYVILLE JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) JULIANAH SOCIWA ATTORNEYS & CONVEYANCER; 235 EYER STREET, SUITE J2 3RD FLOOR GERMISTON; Email: julianasoc@ yahoo.com; Tel: 0815627941. 9325/2017—(2) VAN DER HOVEN, JOHANNES HENDRIK VAN DER HOVEN (3405085041083); 1004 ELDORAIGNE AFTREE OORD, WILLEM BOTHA STRAAT, ELDORAIGNE, GAUTENG; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH VAN DER HOVEN (3602240042085); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) CARIEN LOUW INGELYF; 257 HAAKDOORNBULT, ERASMUSRAND; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0823228869. 29672/2012—(2) KHOZA, PHUMELELO GEORGE (4603265399086); 893 ROODEKOP TOWNSHIP; (3) First and final; (4) NOMAKHUZA LIZZIE KHOZA (4912280542087); (5) (GERMISTON, JOHANNESBURG). (6) JULIANAH SOCIKWA ATORNEYS & CNVEYANCERS; 235 MEYER STREET, SUITE J2 3RD FLOOR, GERMISTON; Email: julianasoc@yahoo. com; Tel: 0815627941. 014608/2017—(2) SWARTS, ELIZABETHA MAGRIETA (3606010023084); MYRDELSTRAAT 13, VALHALLA , 0185; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA). (6) LUCY HARTELL - ABSA TRUST; PO BOX 383, PRETORIA,0001; Email: lucy. [email protected]; Tel: 0112258409. 24464/2008—(2) Deen, Bela Alexander Herman (4208125072186); 63 Shannon Road, Krugersdorp; (3) First and Final; (4) Ann Gay Deen (5509200077084); (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) Dykes van Heerden Inc; 19 Ontdekkers Road, Roodepoort; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0112795000. 012656/2017—(2) Hendriks, Elizabeth Maria (5911200055088); 3 Russel Street, Noordheuwel Ext 4; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Krugersdorp, Johannesburg). (6) Miemie Hendriksz & Ass; P O Box 1095 Rant en Dal 1751; Email: miemieh@ mweb.co.za; Tel: 0116606800. 017236/2017—(2) Rossouw, Joseph Heinrich (3201205032080); 67 Wilro Park Retirment Village, Hexrivier Rd Wilro Park; (3) First and final; (4) Anna Adriana Rossouw (3502200044081); (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Miemie Hendriksz & Ass; P O Box 1095 Rant en Dal 1751; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116606800. 016546/2015—(2) GOUWS, GERT STEPHANUS (4609195002088); 324 LEVITON STREET, WIERDAPARK, CENTURION, 0157; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) SCHOOMBIE AUDITORS; 17 PHILIRENE AVENUE, RASLOUW ESTATE, CENTURION, 0109; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0126668831. 11316/2015—(2) Bester, Louis Stephanus (4611125001081); 110 Bantry Road, Bronberrick, Centurion, Pretoria; (3) Tweede en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Beperk; Privaatsak X25, Hatfield, 0028; E-pos: marlene. [email protected]; Tel: 012-366-0321. 015779/2017—(2) Ellis, Adolf Christiaan (3712155067082); 470 Eendrag Street, Die Wilgers X64, Pretoria; (3) First; (4) Valerie Ellis (4104270040088); (5) (Pretoria). (6) Standard Trust Beperk; Privaatsak X25, Hatfield, 0028; Email: marlene. [email protected]; Tel: 012-366-0321. 015885/2017—(2) NDLANGAMANDLA, BHEKITHEMBA ERNEST (6610125709089) (N/A); 35 KOESTER STR, GAUTENG PROVINCE; (3) First and Final; (4) DIVORCED; (5) (KEMPTON PARK) (6) FOUT ATTORNEYS; 58 MARSHALL STREET, MARSHALLTOWN, JHB; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0104923831. 8814/2017—(2) REYNOLDS, BERYL CONSTANCE (2807300024185); 13 PARKER STREET, RYNFIELD, BENONI, 1501; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (BENONI, JOHANNESBURG). (6) GRANT THORNTON; PRIVATE BAG X5, NORTHLANDS, 2116; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (010)590-7470. 13435/2017—(2) MCDONALD, RAYMOND DOUGLAS (3305175015080); 395 HIGHLAND ROAD, KENSINGTON, 2094; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (N/A, JOHANNESBURG). (6) CLIFFE DEKKER HOFMEYR INC.; PRIVATE BAG X40, BENMORE, 2010; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)562-1250. 015494/2016—(2) Perkes, Wesley Basil (3408055038089); Fontana Hotel, 1 Joubert Park Hillbrow; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) — (6) Cranko Karp & Associates Inc; 61 Oxford Road, Saxonwold, Johannesburg; Tel: 0116433909. 40 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

3825/2014—(2) Page, Daniel (2806255008086); Plot 78, Onspoed District, Bronkhorstspruit; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Bronkhorstspruit, Pretoria). (6) Savage Jooste & Adams Inc; P O Box 745, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124528200. 4515/2017—(2) CHIBA, IRWIN (4701035172088); 345 MENDHI STREET LAUDIUM 0037; (3) First and Final; (4) VASSHANTIE CHIBA (5205250192085); (5) (PRETORIA, PRETORIA). (6) J NARSAI; PO BOX 6394 PRETORIA 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0827897840. 008337/2016—(2) Ledingham, Alice Iris (2303020020083); The Olive Branch, 60 Cowley Road, Bryanston, 2021; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Randburg Magistrates Court, Pretoria). (6) Dawn Pretorius; 11 Slangkop Ave, Randpark Ext 4, Randburg 2194; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0833071850. 7172/2017—(2) Madube, Legogu Samuel (4706255482083); 945 Vaalbank, Mbibane; (3) First and final; (4) Dintletse Patricia Madube (5705160368089); (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) Savage Jooste & Adams Inc; PO Box 745, Pretoria, 0001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0124528200. 4570/2012—(2) DHLAMINI, BUSISIWE GALLINA (4806090208089); 1089 Zulu Drive, Mofolo Village, Soweto, Johannesburg; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) MICHAEL RODNEY DANSKY; 3RD FLOOR FRAMEWORK HOUSE, 4 BOUNDARY ROAD, ROUXVILLE, JOHANNESBURG, 2192; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)485-2799. 12958/2016—(2) FREED, RUTH (5304130658082); 7 FIRST AVENUE, HOUHTON ESTATE, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MICHAEL RODNEY DANSKY; 3RD FLOOR FRAMEWORK HOUSE, 4 BOUNDARY ROAD, ROUXVILLE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)485-2799. 5757/2015—(2) LAGANIN, VESELIN (5905045861080); 115 WEDGEWOOD GREEN, 1 SMITH STREET, BEDFORDVIEW, JOHANNESBURG; (3) First and final; (4) SLADJANA LAGANIN (6608081315081); (5) (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) MICHAEL RODNEY DANSKY; 3RD FLOOR FRAMEWORK HOUSE, 4 BOUNDARY ROAD, ROUXVILLE, JOHANNESBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)485-2799. 3890/08—(2) BLIGNAUT, VALERIE MAVIS (3009040056085); COLONEL ROWLAND HOME, PINE AVENUE, BEDFORDVIEW; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (N/A, PRETORIA). (6) KERN & PARTNERS; 31 PRINCESS OF WALES TERRACE, PARKTOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0116434020. 017015/2017—(2) LEIGH, RUTH (3006250034083); 115 DARENWOOD VILLAGE, 1ST STREET, LINDEN; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) Ken Braude & Associates; Ground Floor Autoparks House, 13 Park Crescent, Glenhazel, 2192; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0117889440. 005813/2017—(2) Schutjes, Sheila Anne (3812040044088); 43 Canyon Avenue, Berario, 2195; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (Johannesburg, Pretoria). (6) Gary Schutjes; 43 Canyon Ave, Berario, 2195; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0833071850. 014550/2015—(2) Mcgloughlin, Karen Jane (6703090054084); 16 Seymour Avenue, Parktown, 2193; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Accumulo Consulting (Pty) Ltd; 11B Berdfordview Office Park, 3 Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114501255. 009616/2016—(2) Mc Kenna, Francis (4809295056188); 29 Laurel Crescent, Meyersdal, 1448; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Accumulo Consulting (Pty) Ltd; 11B Bedfordview Office Park, 3 Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114501255. 002465/2017—(2) Hermanson, Bernard (3107235027083); 31 Silver Chalets, 4 Heather Road, Malanshof, 2194; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Accumulo Consulting (Pty) Ltd; 11B Bedfordview Office Park, 3 Riley Road, Berdfordview, 2007; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114501255. 005888/2017—(2) Kerr, Mary (2211220214184); 68 Homestead Gardens, Chesterton Street, Benoni, 1509; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Accumulo Consulting (Pty) Ltd; 11B Bedfordview Office Park, 3 Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114501255. 16766/2015—(2) Bristol, Robert (4408205035182); 27 Vincent Avenue, Edenvale, 1613; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg). (6) Accumulo Consulting (Pty) Ltd; 11B Bedfordview Office Park, 3 Riley Road, Bedfordview, 2007; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0114501255. 12864/2017—(2) van Dyk, Sophia Magdelena (3709160028083); 13 Engel Avenue, Ravenswood, Boksburg, 1459; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Boksburg Magistrates Court, C/o Trichardt & Adderly Streets, Boksburg South, Boksburg, 1459, Johannesburg). (6) Renier van der Bank c/o Thomson Wilks Inc.; 23 Impala Road, Chislehurston, Sandton, Johannesburg, 2196; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (011)7848984. 017544/2016—(2) VAN BRAKEL, GABRIEL JOHANNES BARNADIS (3503205057086); KRUINPARK RETIREMENT VILLAGE ROODEPOORT; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (ROODEPOORT, PRETORIA). (6) A. G. Van Brakel & Ass. Inc.; P.O. Box 367, PAARDEKRAAL 1752; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0119555112. 014396/2017—(2) Van Niekerk, Matthys Zondagh (4908165001082); 615 Dalmatiandrive, Garsfontein x 10, Pretoria; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria, Pretoria). (6) E B van Niekerk; 615 Dalmatiandrive, Garsfontein x 10, Pretoria; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0823277748. 017285/2017—(2) BUYS, PHILLIPPUS JACOBUS CHRISTOFFEL (3710035039081); 22 POPLAR STREET, PRIMROSE; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (GERMISTON) (6) MARIUS SWART ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 3074, SYMRIDGE GERMISTON; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118282259. 23267/2016—(2) van Roon, (4711140020080); 6 Rankdoring AVe., Weltevreden Park, Roodepoort; (3) Amended First & Final; (4) —; (5) (Roodepoort, Johannesburg). (6) Jeremy Woods; P.O. Box 85430, Emmarentia. 2029; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0118888495. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 41

17951/2013—(2) MABASA, MBHAZIMA ABEL (4304125479081); 8301 PHAKOE STREET, VOSLOORUS EXT 09, 1475; (3) First and final; (4) SHALATI ROSE MABASA (4701180298084); (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) NEMAVHOLA INC ATTORNEYS; 98 HIGHVELD ROAD, KEMPTON PARK 1619; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 011 970 1130. 010076/2016—(2) COLLETT, BRIAN ROBERT (4905225055082); 74A Stiglingh Road, Rivonia, Sandton, 2128; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (JOHANNESBURG). (6) MK TANNER; P.O. BOX 781754, SANDTON, 2146; Email: mktanner@mweb. co.za; Tel: 0825678646. 8356/2017—(2) NEL, LYNETTE (5101210065083); No. 15 Bellevue, 129 Nicola Street, Wonderboom, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) WILLEM JACOBUS NEL (4802215055083); (5) 21 Days; (PRETORIA NORTH, PRETORIA). (6) AMAX LEGAL (PTY) LTD.; 260 JACK HINDON STREET, PRETORIA NORTH; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0127617850. 7648/2017—(2) Schmidt, Eberhard Alfred (3403055078185); 75 Ninth Street, Parkhurst Johannesburg 2193; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Johannesburg, Johannesburg). (6) GTC Pty Ltd; P.O Box 55118, Illovo, 2116; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0105976880. 18790/2017—(2) MOHLALA, SHELENI PIENAAR (4508225242088); 33 JIVE CLOSE ELSPARK X4, GERMISTON 1400; (3) First and Final; (4) KEITUMETSE BERTHA MOHLALA (4211300209086); (5) N/A; (JOHANNESBURG, JOHANNESBURG). (6) A M NONYONGO ATTORNEYS; 6TH FLOOR MARBLE TOWERS, 208 JEPPE STREET, JOHANNESBURG 2000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113330183.


000000040992017—(2) JANTJIES, MAFU SOLOMON (6904265287083); 51 MCEMEME STREET, MOTHERWELL NU7, PORT ELIZABETH, 6211; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Wynand du Preez; P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041)-3916129. 000000040982017—(2) KLEINBOOI, ROSIE (4006070114080); 28 KLEINSKOOL ROADBETHELSDORP EXT 28, PORT ELIZABETH, 6058; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Wynand du Preez; P O Box 34880, Newton Park, 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (041)-3916129. 002261/2017—(2) NAUDE, MARTHA MAGDALENA NAUDE (2908070010089); ATTWELLSTRAAT 12, LADY GREY, 9755; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (LADY GREY, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) Theron du Plessis; Bankstraat 15, Aliwal Noord, 9750; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-6338000. 001163/2017—(2) LATEGAN, PETRUS NICOLAAS LATEGAN (4709105017083); PLAAS VOORSPOED, BURGERSDORP, 9750; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (ALIWAL NOORD, GRAHAMSTAD). (6) Theron du Plessis; Bankstraat 15, Aliwal Noord, 9750; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051-6338000. 2173/2013—(2) LOCKE, DEBORAH (5404260004089); 31 KEURBOOM CLOSE, RANGLAGN ROAD, RONDEBOSCH; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Grahamstown, Grahamstown). (6) SUSAN GRAHAM McNAUGHTON; 10 AFRICAN STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0466222348. 2173/2013—(2) LOCKE, DEBORAH (5404260004089); 31 KEURBOOM CLOSE, RANGLAGN ROAD, RONDEBOSCH; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Grahamstown, Grahamstown). (6) SUSAN GRAHAM McNAUGHTON; 10 AFRICAN STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0466222348. 362/2015—(2) TORLESSE, CATHERINE ROSEMARY (2905120057086); 5 MATHER-PIKE STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (GRAHAMSTOWN, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) DOLD & STONE INC.; 10 AFRICAN STREET, GRAHAMSTOWN, 6139; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0466222348. 1634/2017—(2) Bendeman, Marcus Cedric (6709235053089); 132 Adam Road, Charlo, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, PORT ELIZABETH). (6) NEDGROUP TRUST (PTY) LIMITED Ref: Mehupu Okoro; P O Box 27528, Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413988050. 4898/2017—(2) Du Preez, James Freddie (3512235047082); Unitedweg 23, Westering, Port Elizabeth, 6025; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) Cathrine Elizabeth Du Preez (3703280045085); (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD, PRIVATE BAG X60571, GREENACRES, 6057; MOFFETT OFFICE PARK, 2ND FLOOR, CNR WILLIAM MOFFET & OVERBAAKENS RD, FAIRVIEW; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906398. 3270/2017—(2) Pottas, Johanna Magdalena (4708080110087); Plaas de Hoop, Willowmore, 6445; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Willowmore, Grahamstad). (6) ABSA TRUST LTD, PRIVATE BAG X60571, GREENACRES, 6057; MOFFETT OFFICE PARK, 2ND FLOOR, CNR WILLIAM MOFFET & OVERBAAKENS RD, FAIRVIEW; E-pos: maleekah.bellairs@absa. co.za; Tel: 0413906398. 442/2007—(2) Talmakies, John (also known as Johannes) Dominic (5507155063083); 55 Chesterfield Road, Buffalo Flats , East London; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (East London, Grahamstown). (6) Changfoot Van Breda Inc; 57 Recreation Road, EAST lONDON , 5201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0437431351. 6420/2016—(2) SCHROEDER, TREVOR JAMES (5004165134088); 303 GUINEA FOWL WAY, SARDINIA BAY, PORT ELIZABETH, 6000; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) KAPLAN BLUMBERG ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 27028 GREENACRES 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0722759409. 1691/2017—(2) CLAASEN, NICHOLAAS JOHANNES (2402185055080); 25 HILLCREST DRIVE, BLUEWATER BAY, PORT ELIZABETH, 6001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) KAPLAN BLUMBERG ATTORNEYS; PO BOX 27028 GREENACRES 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0722759409. 4478/2017—(2) CRAWFORD, IRENE (5101180070188); 160 HORSE SHOE DRIVE, CHELSEA, PORT ELIZABETH, 6070; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) LEGAL DOCS SPECIALISTS; P O BOX 35134, NEWTON PARK, 6055; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0722759409. 42 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

002857/2017—(2) OBEREM, EVELYN CHRISTENA (3410270017088); DEROSA FARM, KWELERA, EAST LONDON, 5259; (3) First and final; (4) BASIL FRANKLIN OBEREM (2907215015086); (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) DEREK PUCHERT ATTORNEY; 20 DONALD ROAD, VINCENT, EAST LONDON, 5247; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 043-726-5221. 000520/2016—(2) Breakfast, Theodora Ruth Nontsasa Nomalizo (3601310089083); 15 Nduli Crescent, Fort Gale, Umtata, Eastern Cape; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Mthatha). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: CV; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413674540. 00002041/2017—(2) NAUDE, CHARL (3310155025083); HUIS SILWERJARE, SOMERSET EAST 5850; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (SOMERSET EAST, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) Gerber Botha and Gowar Somerset East INC; 21 Nojolistreet Somerset East 5850; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0422431128. 2720/2017—(2) Hooper, Aletta Elizabeth (3004200069085); Lapa Munik Old Age Home, 1 Seymour Street, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Fiduciary (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 27511 Greenacres 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 335 0831. 004804/2017—(2) Danoher, Patrick Lawrence (2503155008080); 3 Ipswich Road, Sherwood, Port Elizabeth, 6001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) FNB Trust Services (Pty) Ltd; P O Box 27521, Greenacres, Port Elizabeth, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0877362570. 2391/2017—(2) SAAYMAN, CHARLOTTE MARY (3407180015087); HOUSE LOUISA MYBURGH; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A; (5) 21 DAYS; (MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, PORT ELIZABETH, EASTERN CAPE). (6) VAN ROOYEN & EFSTRATIOU ATTORNEYS; 57 SIXTH AVENUE, NEWTON PARK, PORT ELIZABETH, 6045; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413652844. 001799/2016—(2) MAITLAND, TERRENCE (4908225162080); 9 CHERRYWOOD ROAD, MORGAN BAY, EASTERN PROVINCE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (EAST LONDON, GRAHAMSTOWN). (6) MICHAEL MATTHEWS & ASSOCIATES; SUITE D1, WESTLAKE SQUARE, 1 WESTLAKE DRIVE, WESTLAKE,7945; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217023070. 4197/2017—(2) VAN EEDEN, RIA (3406010014088); SALVIA SINGEL 112, LINTON GRANGE, PORT ELIZABETH; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (PORT ELIZABETH). (6) GREYVENSTEINS ING; POSBUS 754, PORT ELIZABETH; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0415015546. 004701/2017—(2) Smith, Gwendoline Julia (2705020006088); Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Elizabeth). (6) Yongama Mvinjelwa; Absa Trust Limited, Private Bag X60571, Greenacres, 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413906404. 001266/2017—(2) Van Rensburg, Riaan (6309245080089); 45 Beethoven Avenue, Walmer Heights, Port Elizabeth, 6070; (3) First and final; (4) Marlene Ann van Rensburg (6307180141080); (5) (Port Elizabeth, Port Elizabeth). (6) Evan van Rensburg; 7 Woodlands Avenue, Port Elizabeth, 6070; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0845494501.


3786/2017—(2) MULLER, ALBERTUS JOHANNES (4809075089086); WATERVALRANDLAAN 3, RUSTENBURG, 0299; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (RUSTENBURG, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) WEBBERS ATTORNEYS; CHARLES STRAAT 96, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9301; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0514301340. 23372/2014—(2) NTHOBA, MOKETE JAMES (7405155434081); 18480 C PEETE STREET, MANGAUNG; (3) First and final; (4) GLADYS PORTIA PATIECE NTHOBA (7707100189086); (5) (BLOEMFONTEIN, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) HACK STUPEL & ROSS ATTORNEYS; STANDARD BANK CHAMBERS, 2ND FLOOR, CHURCH SQUARE, PRETORIA; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0123254185. 8297/2017—(2) Pieterse, Myrtle Rosie (4812100149081); Besembosstraat 7, Bothaville, 9660; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Bothaville, Bloemfontein). (6) Human le Roux Meyerowitz; Posbus 563, Bethlehem, 9700; E-pos: rika@dupbosch. co.za; Tel: 0583070300. 6304/2017—(2) ARCHONTAKIS, JOHN (3401165205083); NYALA HOUSE, STATEWAY, WELKOM; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (WELKOM, BLOEMFONTEIN). (6) NEUMANN VAN ROOYEN; 2 HEERDEN STRAAT; Email: bernedette@nvrlaw. co.za; Tel: 0579166666. 732/2014—(2) Jasong, Ramakatu Wilson (5106275406080); 18593 Taelo Moloisioa Street, Bloemfontein; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) Ntaoleng Annah Jasong (5307020233080); (5) (Bloemfontein, Bloemfontein). (6) Monyamani & Ngcangiso Inc; Office 3 Rea Hola Complex Botshabelo; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 051-534-0056. 6875/2017—(2) Smith, William Cornelius (2510265027082); Torbetstraat 12A, Noordhoek, Bloemfontein; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (-, Bloemfontein). (6) EE POHL; SYMINGTON & DE KOK, P.O. BOX 12012, BRANDHOF 9324; E-pos: epohl@ symok.co.za; Tel: 051 505 6668. 11080/2017—(2) martins, deon (5608175022081); beckstreet nr 6 hilton bloemfontein 9301; (3) First and final; (4) clara isabella martins (6210030020084); (5) 30; (bloemfontein). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. 11077/2017—(2) jeru, florence busisiwe (4006280254080); 10435 pampiri street phelindaba bloemfontein 9323; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 30; (bloemfontein). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: jose.els@absa. co.za; Tel: 0514010630. 11304/2017—(2) msingisane, motsepe julius (5302245666081); 1868 mziza street ward 8 bohlokong bethlehem 9701; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 30; (bethlehem, bloemfontein). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 43

11274/2017—(2) nel, elizabeth susanna margreta (5104080056083); president brandweg 36 parys 9585; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 30; (parys, bloemfontein). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: jose.els@ absa.co.za; Tel: 0514010630. 8751/2017—(2) wolmarans, gerald oswald (5605145015088); eeufee street 39 christiana 2680; (3) First and final; (4) maria jacoba wolmarans (5109140021084); (5) 30; (bloemfontein). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630.


008463/2017/PMB—(2) Mordecai-Jones, Irene Joyce (3302100023180); Amberfield Care Centre, 4 Wagtail Lane, Howick; (3) First; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Naomi Steyn; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357531394. 2357/2014—(2) Takoorpersad, Renila (5410060077084); 33 Nizam Crescent, Bombay Heights, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; (3) First and final; (4) Manickchund Takoorpersad (5210145162087); (5) (Pietermaritzburg, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Cajee Setsubi Chetty Incorporated; 195 Boshoff Street, Pietermaritzburg, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3456719. 122762016dbn—(2) Palavar, Muniamma (3602030084057); 45 Fiddlewood Mpushini Park Eshowe; (3) First and Final; (4) na na; (5) 21 days; (Eshowe, Durban). (6) Phipson De Villiers; 74 Madeline Road Morningside Durban; Email: nalini@ xtradsl.co.za; Tel: 0313033740. 8036/2017/PMB—(2) Jordan, Edmund Michael (4102165092081); 8 Heuvel Street, Huttenheights, Newcastle; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Newcastle, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: Naomi Steyn; Private Bag 54319, Durban 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357531394. 2688/2015/PMB—(2) NISBET, SARAH ELIZABETH (2809140074081); 10 LANNER LANE, AMBERVALLEY HOWICK; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (HOWICK, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) ASH, HELLBERG & VAN ROOYEN; SUITE 2, THE MEWS, REDLANDS ESTATE, 1 GEORGE MACFARLANE LANE, WEMBLEY, PMB, 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333946695. 005905/2017—(2) Kirby, Robert John (4701305029182); 4 Somme Villas, 48 Somme Road, Durban 4001; (3) First and Final; (4) Not Applicable Not Applicable (N/A); (5) 21 days; (Durban) (6) Mark Edward Stewart; Rydallviews Building, 5A Rydall Vale Office Park, 38 Douglas Saunders Drivers, La Lucia Ridge, 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5147000. 3049/2016—(2) MOLOI, SBONGILE GRETTA (5806260751081); 2 STEEPLE CRESCENT,NORTHDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG 3201, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU-NATAL). (6) SURENDRA SINGH & ASSOCIATE; 225 LANGALIBALELE STREET; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0824529517. 5769/2017 DBN—(2) Norris, Magdalena Jacoba (3101220062080); 135 Garden Grove, St Thomas Road, Durban, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban). (6) John Hudson & Company; 303 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313033002. 005608/2017—(2) STOW, GREGORY DERYCK (4901295057082); 43 BAILDON DRVE, WATERFALL, DURBAN, KWAZULU-NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) MANDY STOW (6110140126088); (5) 21 DAYS; (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) THORNHILL & COMPANY; P O BOX 132 HILLCREST 3650; DX 7 HILLCREST; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317651984. 014790/2017—(2) De Jager, Maria Catharina (6404240025088); 54 Link Street, Umtentweni, 4235; (3) First And Final; (4) Isak Stefanus De Jager (5808025024085); (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Sanlam Trust Ref: BS/um; PO Box 27428, Port Elizabeth 6057; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0413925207. 6506/2017—(2) Yougappe, Ramsamy (3705155134084); 179 Cassia Circle Cool Air Dalton; (3) First and final; (4) Radhamani Yougappen (4702180125087); (5) (New Hanover, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Schoerie & Sewgoolam Incorporated; 181 Burger Street Pietermaritzburg 3201; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (033)-8459300. 3896/2017/Dbn—(2) Schneebeli, Lilla (2506220030187); APN Retirement Home, 53 Harboth Road, New Germany; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Goodrickes Attorneys; P.O. Box 5244, Durban, 4000; Email: amf@ goodrickes.co.za; Tel: (031)301-6211. 002394/2017/DBN—(2) Goss, Hester Susanna (2912220004083); Kingswood Village, 317 Gay Street, Newlands, Pretoria; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pretoria Central, Durban). (6) Christopher Trevor Wensley; 403 Lilian Ngoyi (formerly Windermere) Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)303-1080. 015118/2016/DBN—(2) Marais, Judith Catherine Conmy (2802270032086); Frail Care, Kloof Rest Home, 40 Abelia Road, Kloof, 3610; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) John Julian Thornton; 29 Caister Lodge, 264 Musgrave Road, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)303-1080. 13613/2017—(2) Kelly, Betha Anna (3910220003088); 6 Jeanette Smit Centre, 31 James Henderson Crescent, Glenwood, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and Final; (4) Noel Patrick Kelly (3511015098083); (5) (not applicable, Durban). (6) Prior and Prior Attorneys; PO Box 17338, Congella, 4013; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-2050239. 11848/2017—(2) Scribante, Cornelia Antonia Johanna (4701290008084); 22 The Lakes, Crystal Downs, Mount Edgecombe Estate 2, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and Final; (4) not applicable not applicable; (5) (Verulam, Durban). (6) R M Strauss Attorneys; PO Box 94, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5368418. 1882/2017/PMB—(2) RASMUSSEN, KATHLEEN MAY (2401140039080); 4 BUDLEIGH ROAD WINTERSKLOOF HILTON PIETERMARITZBURG; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (NOT APPLICABLE, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Mason Incorporated Ref: MRS K KIDSON; P.O. Box 100, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333454230. 44 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

012374/2017—(2) ALEXANDER, LESLEY DIANNE (5205290124080); 3 ST GEORGE’S, MOODIE STREET, UMKOMAAS, KZN; (3) First & Final L & D Account together with Redistribution Agreement; (4) —; (5) (SCOTTBURGH, DURBAN). (6) DOLBERG FIDUCIARY (SA) (PTY) LTD; P O BOX 354, KUILS RIVER, 7579; Email: renee.beukman@dolberg- fiduciary.com; Tel: 0861873255. 13911/13 DBN—(2) Loureiro, Railton Oreste (3501115073086); 133 Riverside Park, 81 Anthony Road, Durban North, 4051; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Durban, DURBAN). (6) MEUMANN WHITE ATTORNEYS Ref: 151339.KB; PO BOX 50171, MUSGRAVE 4062; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 087 350 7800. 17023/2010DBN—(2) Coetsee, Gertryda Maria (2605100025083); 31 Bridlington Road Sea View Durban 4001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kwa-Dukuza Natal, Durban). (6) Elsie Alleta Coetzee; PO Box 861 Kwa-Dukuza Natal 4450; Email: techds@ telkomsa.net; Tel: 0845708509. 4926/2013—(2) PILLAY, ASOTHIAMMA (4410110465082); 27 HOPECROFT PLACE, LONGCROFT, PHOENIX, KWAZUU-NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) VEDACHALLAM PILLAY (4405245457087); (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) PERUMAULS ATTORNEYS; P. O. BOX 60890 , PHOENIX , 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315001274. 4075/2017 DBN—(2) NICHOLAS, MALCOLM (3701045030087); 99 Manfred Drive, Rosehill, Durban; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) Tate, Nolan & Knight Inc.; 15 Ennisdale Drive, Durban North, 4016; Email: candice@tnk. co.za; Tel: 031-5631874. 18881/2011 DBN—(2) TIMOL, ABDUL HAQUE (4011025095087); 31 MELROSE AVENUE, WESTVILLE, 3629; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) ISMAIL SALEJEE AND KADWA; 25 DELTA ROAD, ISIPINGO BEACH, 4115; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0319029786. 12003/2017 DBN—(2) NUNKISSOR, KUMLAVATHEE (5005060636085); 24 STONEBRIDGE DRIVE, STONEBRIDGE, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) NIVESH HIRALALL ATTORNEYS; P O BOX 60271, PHOENIX, 4080; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5003401. 4795/2017 DBN—(2) HAFFEJEE, MAHOMED SALEH AHMED (5604205102084); 110 PERCY OSBORN ROAD, MORNINGSIDE, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) ABDUL SHAIKJEE ATTORNEYS INC.; 180 MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD, SPINNAKER BUILDING, OFFICE 6, 6TH FLOOR, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (031)332 2880. 4117/2017/PMB—(2) IVINS, BARBARA ANN (3407080017084); RIVERSIDE PARK HOME, 450 BULWER STREET, PIETERMARITZBURG 3201; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) SHEPSTONE & WYLIE; P O BOX 1368, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 033-3551780. 3606/2017/PMB—(2) Maddocks, Kathleen Annie (4810280053081); 24 Higgs Road, Empangeni; (3) First and final; (4) George Thomas Neville Maddocks (4511025051089); (5) (EMPANGENI, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) VAN DER WESTHUIZEN & MARSHALL ATTORNEYS; STERLING HOUSE, 7 MAXWELL STREET, EMPANGENI; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357721648. 5044/2007 PMB—(2) KARRIM, SHAMIMA (6503150075080); 1151 WESTHAM DRIVE, UNIT 12, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21 DAYS; (DURBAN, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) ABDUL SHAIKJEE ATTORNEYS INC.; 180 MAHATMA GANDHI ROAD, SPINNAKER BUILDING, OFFICE 6, 6TH FLOOR, DURBAN; Email: shaikjeeattorneys@ telkomsa.net; Tel: (031)332 2880. 15932/2016—(2) MC DONALD, ALASTAIR WILLIAM (3402085019086); 15 YORK ROAD GILLITTS 3610; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) DICKINSON & THEUNISSEN INC; P. O BOX 691 PINETOWN 3600; Email: elaine@ dtinc.co.za; Tel: 031 7029356. 8873/2013—(2) MAZIBUKO, SIMANGELE MATILDA TALITHA MAZIBUKO (2609180115087); NTUMENI RESERVE, ESHOWE; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) 21 DAYS; (ESHOWE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) JERUSHA CHETTY; 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, RIDGESIDE OFFICE PARK, UMHLANGA - 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315705639. 6504/2016/PMB—(2) MLABA, MBONGENI DAVID (6503075686086); A279 SHODWANA ROAD, HAMMASDALE, PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) THULELENI PRETTY MLABA (7807290341081); (5) 21 DAYS; (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) SIPHO NGUBANE INCORPORATED; P.O.BOX 100217, SCOTTSVILLE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3209; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; Tel: 033-345-0371. 11239/2007/PMB—(2) MKHULISI, MANDLA ELEXIUS (6307075595085); 11 PALMER ROAD, RICHMOND, PIETERMARITZBURG, KWAZULU NATAL; (3) First and Final; (4) PRINCESS NORMA MKULISI (7006190378083); (5) 21 DAYS; (PIETERMARITZBURG, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) SIPHO NGUBANE INCORPORATED; P.O.BOX 100217, SCOTTSVILLE, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3209; Email: [email protected]; [email protected]; Tel: 033-345-0371. 7274/2012—(2) KHAN, EBRAHIM (5406055046084); 132 ALFRED STREET, ESTCOURT; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) NOT APPLICABLE; (5) 21 DAYS; (ESTCOURT, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) JERUSHA CHETTY; 41 RICHEFOND CIRCLE, RIDGESIDE OFFICE PARK, UMHLANGA - 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315705639. 3735/2015—(2) HIBBERT, OLIVE MAY (3104300016083); 426 FREEMANTLE ROAD HILLARY 4094; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) DICKINSON & THEUNISSEN INC; P. O BOX 691 PINETOWN 3600; Email: elaine@ dtinc.co.za; Tel: 031 7029356. 004027/2017/PMB—(2) BAM, ANDREW SAREL (6905225029085); House no. 6, Fairacres Farm, Greytown, 3250; (3) First And Final; (4) Teresa Bam BAM; (5) (Greytown, Pietermaritzburg). (6) J Leslie Smith & Company - Howick Ref: MMM/ LN/17DE1022; P O Box 297, PIETERMARITZBURG 3200; Tel: 0333303360. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 45

004850/2016—(2) TOWEEL, JOHNNY PETER (4105135063082); 17 CONSTANCE DRIVE, UVONGO, 4270; (3) n/a; (4) —; (5) n/a; (PORT SHEPSTONE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) CHANTEL ELLIOTT AND CO; P O BOX 805, SHELLY BEACH, 4265; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393150500. 9256/2016—(2) BAM, LUES PETER (4704175017089); 15 Station Road, Sunwich Port, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (PORT SHEPSTONE, PIETERMARITZBURG). (6) PETER BROWN ATTORNEYS INCORPORATED Ref: L MULDER/ad; P O BOX 13267, CASCADES 3202; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0333473997. 003502/2017/PMB—(2) Whitaker, Desmond Arnold (2605135017089); Unit 584, 7 Heuglins Lane, Amber Valley, 3 Karkloof Road, Howick, 3290; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Howick, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Christopher Walter Whitaker; c/o Mowat & Partners, P O Box 25, Margate, 4275; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0393121403. 16185/2016/DBN—(2) Bennett, Norma Marian (4503270090086); 10 St Johns Road, Southport, KZN; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Chamber Administrators CC; P O Box 246, Shelly Beach 4265; Email: agatha@ chamberadmin.co.za; Tel: 0393151081. 7807/2017 DBN—(2) VENCATSAMY, RAMSAMY (4505075114086); 30 LANCEGROVE CIRCLE, GROVE END, PHOENIX 4068; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) ATTORNEYS SALOMIE STEPHEN & ASSOCIATES; 144 HIGH RIDGE ROAD DURBAN NORTH 4051; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315647936. 11271/2016/DBN—(2) Janse Van Rensburg, Tersia (5107280162080); 32 Louis Botha Avenue, Amanzimtoti; (3) Second and Final; (4) —; (5) (Amanzimtoti, Durban). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 5178/2017—(2) Steyn, Brigitta Maria Anna Steyn (4101260114188); 46 Seymour Road Bluff; (3) First and Final; (4) Pieter Johannes Steyn (4812125147086); (5) (BLUFF, DURBAN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 111, 1st floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219141831. 012589/2017/Dbn—(2) Baker, Beatrice Elisabeth (5306230077188); 1057 Fishermans Drive, Leisure Bay, 4278; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Port Shepstone, Durban). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 007968/2017/Dbn—(2) Peen, Peter Edward (3604155034180); c/o Bill Buchanan Association for the Aged, 1 Goodwin Drive, Morningside, Durban, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 10203/2015/DBN—(2) Roscini, Domencio (4302025353182); 26 Adams Road, Amanzimtoti; (3) Second; (4) Maria Giovanna Roscini (5503250310180); (5) (Amanzimtoti, Durban). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 20586/2014/DBN—(2) Naidoo, Kisten (4701125093087); 53 Lotus Drive, Lotus Park; (3) Second and Final; (4) Janaki Munsami Naidoo (6202120709080); (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 007971/2017/DBN—(2) Groves, Donald James (4911045118084); 95 Park Avenue, Northfleet, Gravesend, Kent, DA11 8DN; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 6347/2016/Pmb—(2) Schulte, Patricia Edith (4712190061081); 44 Edward Drive, Vryheid, 3100; (3) Amended Supplementary; (4) —; (5) (Vryheid, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Sentinel International Trust Company (Pty) Limited; P O Box 2763, Westway Office Park, 3635; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031 2653320. 007295/2017/PMB—(2) Sibiya, Vusumuzi Zebulon (6011295158084); Section A-483, Intondolo Street, Ezakheni, 3381; (3) First and final; (4) Gladys Sibiya (6608070239086); (5) (Ladysmith, Pietermaritzburg). (6) Dion Roder Attorneys; 10 Victoria Road, Ladysmith, 3370; Email: [email protected]; Tel: (036)637-2220. 8738/2016 DBN—(2) MUNSAMY, MANIMAGELAY (4112120405088); 70 SWANVALE PLACE, RYDALVALE, PHOENIX; (3) First and Final; (4) GABRIEL MUNSAMY (3810025053082); (5) — (6) JO-ANNE JOHN ATTORNEYS; POSTNET SUITE #142, PRIVATE BAGX1040, RICHARDS BAY, 3900; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0837994992. 1352/2005DBN—(2) KHUMALO, MZWAKE SIPHIWE (3808275254087); ERF 134, ESIKHAWINI J, EXT 2; (3) First and Final; (4) SITOMBI MAYVIS KUMALO (4710010397081); (5) (EMPANGENI, DURBAN). (6) MORROW AND MORROW INC; P.O BOX 30287, RICHARDS BAY, 3900; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0357897246. 002898/2017/DBN—(2) VAN EDEN, HENRY CARL (5509245232082); 21A USAVOLO ROAD, KLOOF, 3610; (3) Second and Final; (4) JENNIFER RENEE VAN EDEN (6409190080082); (5) (PINETOWN, DURBAN). (6) STANDARD TRUST LIMITED; PRIVATE BAG 54319, DURBAN, 4000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0315002341. 2619/2016/DBN—(2) GOVENDER, KOGILA (6110200026087); 23 RAYMOND AVENUE, SCOTTBURGH SOUTH, 4180; (3) Supplementary Second and Final; (4) NEELAKANDAN PARASURAMAN GOVENDER (5611045104089); (5) (SCOTTBURGH, DURBAN). (6) STANDARD TRUST LIMITED; PRIVATE BAG 54319, DURBAN, 4000; Email: RONIKA. [email protected]; Tel: 0313741000. 13486/2016 DBN—(2) GOVENDER, RUBIAMA (4808250117084) (N/A); 10 ORANGEWOOD GARDENS, WOODVIEW, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) JACKSON & AMEEN ATTORNEYS; SUITE 2803, 28TH FLOOR, DURBAN BAY HOUSE, 333 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313013333. 13486/2016 DBN—(2) GOVENDER, RUBIAMA (4808250117084) (N/A); 10 ORANGEWOOD GARDENS, WOODVIEW, PHOENIX, 4068; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A (N/A); (5) 21; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) JACKSON & AMEEN ATTORNEYS; SUITE 2803, 28TH FLOOR, DURBAN BAY HOUSE, 333 ANTON LEMBEDE STREET, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313013333. 46 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

1846/2017 DBN—(2) NAIDOO, MERVYN AVANDRAY (5908045187084); Number 9 Shalimar Gardens, Park Avenue, Desainagar, 4405; (3) n/a; (4) MARLENE THOOTHEGEE NAIDOO (6404020169080); (5) n/a; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC; 7 TORSVALE CRESCENT, LA LUCIA RIDGE OFFICE ESTATE, UMHLANGA, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5705578. 2066/2017 DBN—(2) PALLET, TAVERNER JOHN (2005115056084); 19 HILKEN DRIVE, UMHLANGA ROCKS, 4319; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) n/a; (VERULAM, DURBAN). (6) GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC; 7 TORSVALE CRESCENT, LA LUCIA RIDGE OFFICE ESTATE, UMHLANGA, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5705578. 851/2017 DBN—(2) DRAGT, JACOBUS FERDINAND JAN (2901305064088); 6 SUNFIELD PLACE, BROADWAY, DURBAN NORTH, 4051; (3) N/A; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) GARLICKE & BOUSFIELD INC; 7 TORSVALE CRESCENT, LA LUCIA RIDGE OFFICE ESTATE, UMHLANGA, 4320; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 031-5705578. 11156/2008/DBN—(2) CELE, THEMBA HECTOR (6409245640088); ERF 784 UMLAZI J- 56 PIGOGO ROAD, UMLAZI J; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (UMLAZI, DURBAN). (6) YUSUF CASSIM & ASSOCIATES; SUITE 1, DORSET COURT, 450 WINDERMERE RD, MORNINGSIDE, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313124793. 010921/2017/DBN—(2) Gray, William Robert (2907025038088); 429 Pinehaven Society, 14 Meller Road, Pinetown, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Pinetown, Durban). (6) Peacock, Liebenberg & Dickinson Inc.; 4 Pastoll Road, Sarnia, Pinetown, 3610; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0317082266. 14907/2015—(2) MARAIS, ANNIE LOUISA (3208010044085); 167 CROTON ROAD, AUSTERVILLE, DURBAN; (3) First and Final; (4) CHARLES MARAIS (2907155072089); (5) (DURBAN, DURBAN). (6) HUGHES ATTORNEYS INC; UNIT 1, 484 MARINE DRIVE, BLUFF, DURBAN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0314671071. 2803/2014DBN—(2) Gilbert, Jonathan (2408225011082); 77 Adrossan Road, Redhill, Durban, 4001; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Durban, Durban). (6) Clifford Athman Attorneys; 4 Domenic, 108 Florida Road, Morningside, Durban, 4001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0313033047.


7178/2015—(2) PRETORIUS, WILLEM BEKKER (5003195015085) (NVT); PIETERSBURGSTRAAT 98, LADANNA, POLOKWANE, 0699, LIMPOPO PROVINSIE; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (POLOKWANE, POLOKWANE). (6) J DE KLERK INGELYF h/a DE KLERKS PROKUREURS; ALBATROSSENTRUM No. 5, MARKSTRAAT 21, POLOKWANE, 0699, LIMPOPO PROVINSIE; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0152954017. 6857/2017—(2) Viljoen, Tertius (6805105144089); 69 Steenbok Street, Thabazimbi, 0380; (3) First and final; (4) Madeleine Elizabeth Viljoen (7010270185087); (5) (Thabazimbi, Polokwane). (6) Walter Vermaak Attorneys; 12 Landros Street, Rustenburg, 0299; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145942171. 290/2015—(2) WHITE, SONET AMELIA (7111050083086); OLIFANT STRAAT 73, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (LOUIS TRICHARDT, THOHOYANDOU). (6) KERN & DEKKER ING.; KROGH STRAAT 105, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0155160136. 1041/2017—(2) LOOTS, PIETER STEPHANUS (5411225167083); 165 PRESIDENT STEYN ST, LOUIS TRICHARDT, 0920; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (LOUIS TRICHARDT, THOHOYANDOU). (6) LOUISE DEKKER; 105 KROGH STREET LOUIS TRICHARDT 0920; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0155160136.


002324/2015—(2) SOKO, MFANIMPELA ABRAHAM (5407285559086); 9 MELKHOUT STREET, PULLENS HOPE 1096; (3) First and final; (4) NTOMBIFUTHI TRYPHINE DUBE (8010201123081); (5) (MIDDELBURG, NELSPRUIT). (6) M. DAVEL, C.o VAN RENSBURG KRUGER RAKWENA; PO BOX 5, WITBANK, 1035; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 013- 656 9600. 1226/2016—(2) RUNSEY, BRUCE KEITH (5401235012080); 12 JOCHEM VAN BRUGGEN STREET, MIDDELBURG, Mpumalanga; (3) FIRST AND FINAL; (4) Not applicable Not applicable; (5) 21; (MIDDELBURG, NELSPRUIT). (6) HELGARD DU PREEZ; c/o TERBLANCHE - PISTORIUS INC incorporated HELGARD DU PREEZ; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0132827304. 000601/2015—(2) CRONJE, PHILIPPUS JACOBUS (4411145016080); SANDBAKEN, HOLMDENE, 2432; (3) First And Final; (4) HERMINA CHRISTINA CRONJE (4712270092089); (5) (STANDERTON, NELSPRUIT). (6) Van der Merwe Auditors; P O BOX 450, STANDERTON 2430; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0177122124. 008478/2016—(2) VAN DE VYVER, THEUNIS SIMON CHRISTOFFEL (4809165010083); PLAAS WELGELEGEN, CHRISSIESMEER, 2332; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) (ERMELO, PRETORIA). (6) LLOYD & JANSEN; POSBUS 99, ERMELO, 2350; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0178191112. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 47


846/2016—(2) BASSON, MARLENE SYBIL (6109080012084); SCHOLTZSTRAAT 21, LICHTENBURG, 2740; (3) EERSTE EN FINALE; (4) —; (5) (LICHTENBURG, MAFIKENG). (6) VAN RENSBURGS PROKUREURS; PLEINSTRAAT 34, SANNIESHOF, 2760; E-pos: [email protected] / [email protected]; Tel: 0186321725. 5603/2017—(2) BURGER, Willem Francois (5310185014089); 162(a) President Mbeki Drive, Rustenburg 0299; (3) First and final; (4) Engela Catharina Burger (5909250115083); (5) (Rustenburg, Mahikeng). (6) Zietsman-Horn Inc; 208 Beyers Naude Drive, Rustenburg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 014 592 0221. 6678/2016—(2) MODISE, THABO JOHN (7501016300089); 74 FRANSMAN STREET; PROMOSA; POTCHEFSTROOM; (3) First and final; (4) SHIREEN MODISE (7111130116088); (5) (POTCHEFSTROOM, MAFIKENG). (6) MEYER VAN DER WALT ATTORNEYS; 66 RETIEF STREET; POTCHEFSTROOM; 2523; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0182932901. 160/2016—(2) MATLHABADIE, RALETSATSI STEPHEN (5802286201086); HOUSE 2475 MORULENG RUSTENBURG; (3) First and final; (4) MAMAPHONDO JANE MATLHABADIE (6104080130085); (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) COMBRINK KGATSHE INC.; 75 BRINK STREET, RUSTENBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145920311. 10311/2010—(2) PHOKELA, ROSETTA (5310280813088); ERF 3698 MERITING UNIT 3 NORTH WEST; (3) First and final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) (RUSTENBURG, MAHIKENG). (6) COMBRINK KGATSHE INC.; 75 BRINK STREET, RUSTENBURG; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0145920311.


914/2016—(2) STADLER, ANNA CHRISTIENA (5509230006087); HOOFSTRAAT 2, KANONEILAND, 8806; (3) Amended First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 DAE; (KEIMOES, KIMBERLEY). (6) MALAN & VENNOTE; SCHRODERSTRAAT 25, UPINGTON, 8801; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 054-3321127. 1982/2017—(2) Mohapi, Ramonne Carel (5411225705080); 162 Kwena Street, Ipeleng, Kimberley; (3) First and final; (4) Maria Matshidiso Valencia Mohapi (5606100734085); (5) (Kimberley). (6) Haarhoffs Inc.; 1 Halkett Road, New Park, Kimberley; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 053 8325211. 2518/2017—(2) VERMEULEN, PETRUS JOHANNES DU PLESSIS (4401145028086); CILLIERSSTRAAT 1 FRASERBURG 6960; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) SARAH VERMEULEN (7210230467084); (5) (FRASERBURG, KIMBERLEY). (6) GB KEMPEN EN DE WET NEL; VICTORIASTRAAT 9 CARNARVON 8925; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0533823011. 1481/2016—(2) BOCK, MIETJIE SUSANNA (4012150081082); DAFFODILSTRAAT 84, UPINGTON 8801; (3) First and Final; (4) ANDRIES STEPHANUS BOCK (4203075081089); (5) (UPINGTON, KIMBERLEY). (6) BECKER BERGH & MORE INC.; 13 KOOPERASIE STREET, UPINGTON, 8801; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 054 337 9100. 1370/2015—(2) Nieuwoudt, Stefanus Francois (3701045073087); Primulastraat 3, Kuruman; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) Hester Maria Nieuwoudt (4306110080089); (5) (Kuruman, Kimberley). (6) EE POHL; SYMINGTON & DE KOK, P.O. BOX 12012, BRANDHOF 9324; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 051 505 6668. 3732/2017—(2) stiglingh, antonie johannes (4111235107084); graham eden street 26 klisserville kimberley 8300; (3) First and final; (4) sylvia maranda stiglingh (4111235107084); (5) 30; (kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630. 3758/2017—(2) malherbe, jacomina christina johanna (3606220069083); overberg laan 7 springbok 8240; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) 30; (springbok, kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: jose.els@ absa.co.za; Tel: 0514010630. 3763/2017—(2) Damons, Ivan Clive (5202035116083); 15 - 4th street homevale kimberley 8301; (3) First and final; (4) colleen estelle damons (5202035116083); (5) 30; (kimberley). (6) absa trust ltd; absa trust, p o box 2413, bloemfontein, 9300; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0514010630.


4613/1978—(2) PEDRO, ABRAHAM ISAAC (940919); 18 GELDERBLOEM STREET, LAVALIA, GEORGE, 6529; (3) First and final; (4) HESTER ROSINA PEDRO (920404); (5) (GEORGE, CAPE TOWN). (6) G.J. WILLIAMS ATTORNEYS; GEORGE MULTI CENTRE 12, 104 MEADE STREET, GEORGE, 6529; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0448736712. 12185/2017—(2) Alberts, William Charles (3912195025088); Protea Aftree-Oord, Eenheid 23, Mosselbaai; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) 21 dae; (Mosselbaai, Kaapstad). (6) DEKKER PROKUREURS; KLEINE LIBERTAS, KERKSTRAAT 33, MOSSELBAAI; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 044-690 5653. 4280/2017—(2) Walters, Susanna de Villiers (3703310050089); 3 Walters Street, Kuils River, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) Albertus Barend Brandt Walters (3504075064087); (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Voogdy Trust (Pty) Ltd; PO Box 2355; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0218613100. 48 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

4279/2017—(2) Walters, Albertus Barend Brandt (3504075064087); 3 Walters Street, Kuils River, Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Kuils River, Cape Town). (6) Voogdy Trust (Pty) Ltd; PO BOx 2355, Dennesig, 7601; Email: ilse@ voogdy.co.za; Tel: 0218613100. 1322/2016—(2) La Grange, Paul Roux (4501015021085); 68 Kusweg Melkbosch Strand; (3) First and final; (4) n/a; (5) (Atlantis, Cape Town). (6) Mindes; PO Box 4040 Tygervalley 7536; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219189000. 5353/2017—(2) Harding, Elizabeth Mary (2209250055089); Rose Suite, Cle Du Cap Retirement Village, Pollsmoor Road, Kirstenhof; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Pincus Matz Attorneys; Pincus Matz House, Wynberg Mews, Brodie Road, Wynberg; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0217978191. 21001/2016—(2) HOWE, ANNE GEORGINA (3408010040188); ROOM 25, CONSTANTIA PLACE, CONSTANTIA, CAPE TOWN, 7848; (3) First and Final; (4) N/A N/A; (5) N/A; (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) B A HENWOOD; PO Box 15581, Vlaeberg, 8018; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214610942. 008666/2016—(2) Daames, Edward Edmund (3806105096082); 30A Van Zyl Avenue, Worcester; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21; (Worcester, Cape Town). (6) Shalene Schreuder; 7 Park Road, Cnr Koeberg and Park Road, Durbanville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219760585. 10779/2017—(2) RIDDLES, OLIVE MAUREEN (3309240027088); 10 BOUWERSTREET, CONVENT GARDENS, ROSEMOOR, 6529; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MOSSEL BAY, CAPE TOWN). (6) RAUCH GERTENBACH INC; LACHE HOUSE, 120 YORK STREET, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0446019900. 014347/2016—(2) XABA, XAKIE SOPHIE (4006080502084); 166 Mqwebedu Avenue, Zweletemba, Worcester; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Worcester, Kaapstad). (6) Wilna Roux Attorneys Ref: XAB2/0002; 27 Baring Street, WORCESTER 6850; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0233422098. 016251/2016—(2) Merrington, Henry Charles Karel (5709045142081); Suurbraak, Wes-Kaap; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Swellendam, Kaapstad). (6) Heyns En Vennote Ingelyf; Vasco Boulevard 168; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0215907200. 012824/2017—(2) Hoffman, Catharina Aletta (4107280073080); Othello, Brackenfell; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Kuilsrivier, Kaapstad). (6) Heyns En Vennote Ingelyf; Vasco Boulevard 168; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0215907200. 019554/2016—(2) Smit, Johanna Maria (3107180039083); Huis Moorrees, Moorreesburg; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) —; (5) (Moorreesburg, Kaapstad). (6) Roux & Van Dyk; Hoofstraat 42, Moorreesburg; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (022)433- 2206. 6835/2017—(2) MEYER, JEREMY PAUL (5409185069083); 56 JUFFERNBURCH STREET, IDA’S VALLEY, STELLENBOSCH; (3) Eerste en finale; (4) SIELA MEYER (5508110004089); (5) (STELLENBOSCH, CAPE TOWN). (6) JOOSTE HESWICK INCORPORATED; 12 PAPEGAAI STREET, STELLENBOSCH; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021- 8833043. 7519/2010—(2) Van Zyl, Daniel Johannes (4301295032088); Nicolastraat 3, Noorder-Paarl; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Paarl, Kaapstad). (6) Riana Lemmer en Schoonees Ing; Posbus 9, Strand; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0218510111. 0000007459/2012—(2) LOURENS, JACOBUS MATTHYS (4305245078083); 114, 5DE STRAAT VOëKLIP HERMANUS 7200; (3) Supplementary First and Final; (4) —; (5) (HERMANUS, KAAPSTAD). (6) FRANCOIS PETRUS BREDENKAMP; 21 NAPIER STREET; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 0233427428. 7027/2011—(2) NEER, DESMOND TSILINYANA (4802025712089); 4 NKOMO WAY, SETTLERS PLACE, LANGA, 7455; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (WYNBERG, CAPE TOWN). (6) CURR VIVER INC; P O BOX 3866, CAPE TOWN, 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214249168. 011146/2017—(2) Moller, Hendrik Jacobus (3510045054082); Schoongezicht 25, Scholtzweg 1, Somerset West, 7130; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) 21 days; (Somerset Wes, Kaapstad). (6) Du Plessis & Hofmeyr Ing; Hoofweg 208, Somerset Wes, 7130; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: 021-8514124. 14123/2017—(2) Rademeyer, Beatrice Linda (5010290076086); Regentsingel 9, High Places, Durbanville, 7550; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) Sanlam Trust Bpk; Posbus 1260, Sanlamhof, 7532; E-pos: elmarie. [email protected]; Tel: 0219476382. 18214/2017—(2) Basson, Johanna Magrietha (2308290036081); Gladstonestraat 105, Parow, 7500; (3) Eerste en Finale; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, Kaapstad). (6) Nielen Marais Inc.; McIntyrestraat 16, Parow, 7500; E-pos: [email protected]; Tel: (021)939-3007. 013672/2016—(2) COPPENHALL, EDWARD (3002235054189); 11 SIMONSBERG STREET, KLARADYN RETIREMENT VILLAGE, BRACKENFELL; (3) First; (4) JUNE DOREEN COPPENHALL (4905130007186); (5) (KUILSRIVER, CAPE TOWN). (6) FPS ATTORNEYS, F P STEYN, EXECUTOR; 8 GERT KOTZE STREET, BRACKENFELL; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 021-9820665. 013082/2017—(2) ELS, BAREND JACOBUS (5706175113080); 51 BEYERS STREET, ONRUSTRIVIER, HERMANUS, 7201; (3) First and final; (4) N/A; (5) (HERMANUS, CAPE TOWN). (6) NADINE PILLAY; GROUND FLOOR, BRIDGEPARK WEST, ABSA REGIONAL OFFICE, BRIDGEWAY, CENTURY CITY; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0113544812. 010805/2017—(2) DE WET, GEZINA LE ROUX (1702020023081); Vrederus Old Age Home, 33 Muller Street, Villiersdorp 6848; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Caledon, Cape Town). (6) TJ Boshoff; PO Box 207, Villiersdorp 6848; Email: tjboshoff@ gmail.com; Tel: 028-8401383. 14630/2017—(2) Jordaan, Georg Frederick (2709135046088); 180B Santos Haven, Mossel Bay; (3) First and final; (4) Karin Dorothea Jordaan (3904220049084); (5) (Mossel Bay, Cape Town). (6) Kotze Attorneys; P O Box 934, Little Brak River 6503; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0446965958. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 49

5144/2017—(2) Gelb, Ivona Jane (2608210034086); 5 Sea Glades, Brighton Close, Hout Bay, Province of the Western Cape; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc; 11 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town 8001; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214816380. 15862/2016—(2) WALLABH, BABU (5403115167083); 44 Stockley Road, Kenwyn, Western Cape; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Herold Gie Attorneys; 2nd Floor, Pam Golding on Main, Cnr Main & Summerley Roads, Kenilworth, 7708; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214644700. 12802/2017—(2) Allcock, Maria Aletta Johanna (3205050063082); 18 Shiraz Village 53 La Petite Provence Franschoek 7690; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Paarl, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 111, 1st floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219141831. 4694/2015—(2) ALEXANDER, CUPIDO (4208015103083); 14 HERCULES STREET,NEWTON, WELLINGTON,7655; (3) First and Final; (4) GRACE VERONICA ALEXANDER (4606040095085); (5) (WELLINGTON, CAPE TOWN). (6) Capital Legacy Fiduciary Services (Pty) Ltd; 1st Floor, Wrigley Field, The Campus, 57 Sloane Street, Bryanston, 2191; Email: Winnie@ capitallegacy.co.za; Tel: 0115754495. 6995/2017—(2) Roux, Jakobus Petrus (2208035009080); Oudewesthof Retirement Village 26 Van Riebeeckshof Road Bellville; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (BELLVILLE, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 111, 1st floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219141831. 9992/2017—(2) Euvrard, Daniel Gideon Hugo (3911105014083); 7 Rouge Mont Close La Rochelle Western Cape 7530; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (Bellville, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 111, 1st floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219141831. 4003/2017—(2) Wilkinson, William Turner (3905075052081); 16 Mary Kirk Street Grabouw; (3) First and Final; (4) —; (5) (CALEDON, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 111, 1st floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219141831. 8695/2017—(2) Kruiwagen, Willem Johannes (5910085199086); 15 Minetoka Street Langebaan; (3) First and Final; (4) Cathleen Lucilia Kruiwagen (5811230198082); (5) (Hopefield, CAPE TOWN). (6) CAPITAL LEGACY; Unit 111, 1st floor The Cliffs, Niagara Way, Tygerfalls, Bellville; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0219141831. 14210/2016—(2) Tummon, Patrick Joseph (4903175671180); 100 Rotherfield Road, Plumstead, Cape; (3) First and final; (4) Brigitta Maria Marguerite Tummon (5410210761181); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Karin Smith; 305 Trafalgar Place, Regent Road, Sea Point, 8005; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214348743. 014335/2017—(2) Ford, Alfred John (4804105140082); 20 Eclipse Road Sanddrift 7441; (3) First And Final; (4) Marlene Lynda Ford (5109040137089); (5) (cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Proactive Wills and Estates; PO Box 300, Milnerton 7435; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0215511741. 012345/2017—(2) Lange, Michael Derek (4112175070084); 25 VIOLA ROAD, BLOUBERGRANDT, 7441; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Proactive Wills and Estates; PO Box 300, Milnerton 7435; Email: legacy@ proactivewillsandestates.co.za; Tel: 0215511741. 015045/2017—(2) Trimble, Basil Andrew (4207245537086); 2 Primrose Road Parktown Athlone 7764; (3) First And Final; (4) Letitia Mary Trimble (4402070423086); (5) (Athlone, Cape Town). (6) Proactive Wills and Estates; PO Box 300, Milnerton 7435; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0215511741. 16360/2016—(2) Le Roux, Preston Esselin (4708185033085); 13 Flintdale Road, Southfield, 7880; (3) First and Final; (4) June Martha Le Roux (5208300026089); (5) (Wynberg, Cape Town). (6) Malcolm Black and Associates; Noland House, River Park, River Lane, Mowbray, 7700; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216853811. 014075/2017—(2) Watters, John Maurice Trevelyn (2911055007088); Retirement Village, Murray House, George; (3) First And Final; (4) —; (5) (Cape Town, Cape Town). (6) Standard Trust Limited Ref: MV/BP; PO Box 5562, Cape Town 8000; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214012232. 16446/15—(2) Meyer, Bernhard Carl (5410025049087); 2 Jena Close, Strandfontein Village, Cape Town; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (Mitchells Plain, Cape Town). (6) Tarryn Meyer; 104 2nd Avenue, Belgravia, Cape Town; Email: tarryn.meyer@ standardbank.co.za; Tel: (021)400-6756. 438/2017—(2) LOSPER, DAISY MINA (3711140121087); 19 TAMBOTIE STREET, EASTRIDGE; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (MITCHELL’S PLAIN, CAPE TOWN). (6) KANTOR - FIALKOV ATTORNEYS; 1st FLOOR, GROVE EXCHANGE, 9 GROVE AVENUE, CLAREMONT, 7708; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0216743080. 7700/2017—(2) DAVIDOWITZ, LOUISE (3104040006089); 301 HIGHWICK, 269 HIGH LEVEL ROAD, SEA POINT, CAPE TOWN, 8005; (3) First and final; (4) —; (5) (CAPE TOWN). (6) DE ABREU & COHEN CAPE TOWN INC.; GENERAL BUILDING, 8TH FLOOR, 42 BURG STREET, CAPE TOWN; Email: [email protected]; Tel: 0214222334. 016795/2017—(2) Theunissen, Frederick David George (5706055068081); Kloofstraat 15, Genadendal, Theewaterskloof, Villiersdorp, 6848; (3) First; (4) Lena Jacoba Theunissen (5711060184089); (5) 21; (Caledon, Cape Town). (6) Absa Trust Ltd; PO Box 1032, Sanlamhof, 7530 Ground Floor, ABSA West Building, Bridge Way, Century City, 7441; E-pos: Grant.Horlin@ absa.co.za; Tel: (011)501-8150. 50 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018


Form/Vorm J 28


Pursuant to section 17 (4) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, and section 356 (1) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given by the Masters of the High Court that the estates or companies mentioned below have been sequestrated or wound up provisionally by order of the said Court. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date upon which and (4) division of court by which order is made and (5) upon the application of.


Ingevolge artikel 17 (4) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, en artikel 356 (1) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof kennis gegee dat die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld voorlopig op las van genoemde Hof gesekwestreer of gelikwideer is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum waarop en (4) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is en (5) op die aansoek van.

case 65879/2017—(2) Thresa Ronwin Collette & Issop Sahabodien (7912100223089 & 6004205249085), 19 Mari Gold Court Westbury Johannesburg; (3) 17 November 2017; (4) PRETORIA; (5) NYAMAZELA ELECTRICAL CC

Registrasion number: 2007/087513/23. S47/17—(2) Andrew Shaun te Brugge (761031 5079 08 6), Longwood Farm, Portion 4, Amanzi, Uitenhage; (3) 5 December 2017; (4) Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth; (5) Ex parte. S36/17—(2) Lezaan Vrey (820927 0034 08 4), 66 King Edward Street, Newton Park; (3) 10 October 2017; (4) Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth; (5) Ex parte. S48/17—(2) Fuelserve Petroleum (Pty) Ltd (2014/100651/07), 1 Fleming Street, F.C. Sturrock Building Central, Port Elizabeth; (3) 24 November 2017; (4) Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth; (5) Kepu Fuels (Pty) Ltd. B103/2017—(2) Robow Investments No 49 (Pty) Ltd (1999/022246/07), Private company in liquidation; (3) 14 December 2017; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Ultra Motors (Pty) Ltd. B101/2017—(2) Barak Logistics (Pty) Ltd (2016/365632/07), Private Company in liquidation; (3) 14 December 2017; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Revin Minerals Recovery (Pty) Ltd. B94/2017—(2) The Estate Late Hellmuth Robert Rohde (12987/2012), Insolvent deceased estate; (3) 30 November 2017; (4) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (5) Ex Parte. K34/2017—(2) FGG Logistics (Pty) Ltd (2016/176869/07), Company with registered office at 8 Benedette Manor, 13 Rhodes Ave, Rhodesdene, Kimberley Northern Cape; (3) 21 November 2017; (4) Companies and Intellectual Property; (5) Voluntary. C694/2017—(2) Bowood Management Services (Pty) Ltd (1995/002263/07), 86 Bree Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 30 November 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Rene Engela Jacobs . C694/2017—(2) Bowood Management Services (Pty) Ltd (1995/002263/07), 86 Bree Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 30 November 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Rene Engela Jacobs . C704/2017—(2) Juan Jaco Kros (790920 5145 08 4), 17 Totius Street, Welgedacht, Bellville, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 17 November 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Ex Parte Application. C694/2017—(2) Bowood Management Services (Pty) Ltd (1995/002263/07), 86 Bree Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 30 November 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Rene Engela Jacobs. C714/2017—(2) GSA Marketing (Pty) Ltd (1971/004531/07), Ground Floor, Cloete House, Wynberg Mews, 10 Brodie Road, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 13 October 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Jeffery Alan Hawthorne. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 51

C788/2017—(2) HM Property Development (Pty) Ltd (2016/507867/07), 614 Mutual Heights, 14 Darling Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 22 September 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Michael David Power. C841/2017—(2) DEC SHOPFITTING PROJECTS CC (2004/063816/23), 9 TOTNES ROAD,PLUMSTEAD, WC; (3) 14 November 2017; (4) WYNBERG MAGISTRATE’ S COURT-WC; (5) DARRIN EDWARD CLAY . C181/2016—(2) JACOBA MAGDALENA DU PLESSIS (641011 0009 086), 17 BOKMAKIERIE STREET, SONSTRAAL,DURBANVILLE, WC; (3) 31 August 2017; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION- CAPE TOWN; (5) REGENT BOND DISCOUNTING (PTY) LTD. C511/2017—(2) CAPE OF GOOD HOPE SNACK FOOD (PTY) LTD (2010/008305/07), 15 GOLF COURT ROAD, SYBRAND PARK, WC; (3) 7 November 2017; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (5) JAG 651 (PTY) LTD. C831/2017—(2) CS FLOORING CC t/a CARPET CONNECTION (2009/107017/23), SHOP1, HIRSCH HOMESTORE COMPLEX, 454 KOEBERG ROAD, MILNERTON, WC; (3) 7 December 2017; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (5) NEXT SA TRADING (PTY) LTD. C810/2017—(2) MICHAEL ANTHONY JANSEN (590928 5268 089), 35 BATO WAY, MELKBOSSTRAND, WC; (3) 16 November 2017; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (5) LUCAS DEYSEL CROUSE INC. C648/2017—(2) AUBREY LE ROUX (790312 5240 083), 8 BARONNE ROAD, BRACKENFELL, WC; (3) 20 October 2017; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (5) EX PARTE. Ref-C856/2017--—(2) Orbitrax Telematic Solutions CC (2009/115353/23), 85 St George’s Mall,First Floor, Ceapr Town,W. C; (3) 14 December 2017; (4) Magistrate’s Office-Cape Town; (5) Ryan Brett Robertson. C724/2017—(2) Lionel James Philander & Anthea Philander (7611265114089 & 7703040174080), 25 Southern Cross Street, Elsies River, Goodwood, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 15 November 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Ex Parte Application. C780/2017—(2) Sadia Edries (710826 0206 08 5), No.1 Berram Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) 10 November 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Magnum Carpets CC. C794/2017—(2) John Johannes Kaptein (790107 5097 08 1), 4641 Pretoria Street, Asla Park, Mossel Bay, Western Cape; (3) 13 December 2017; (4) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (5) Ex Parte Application . C784/2017—(2) Gurshen Jackim Macklee September & Iris Leonie September (8409265146089 & 7907270142085), 31 Draai Street, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape; (3) 13 December 2017; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (5) Ex Parte Application.

Form/Vorm J29


The estates and companies mentioned below having been placed under sequestration, or being wound up or having been placed under provisional judicial management by order of the High Court of South Africa, Masters of the High Court hereby give notice, pursuant to sections 17 (4) and 40 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 119 (3), 125 (1) and 196bis (4) of the Companies Act, 1926 and sections 356 (1), 364 (1) and 429 of the Companies Act, 1973, that a first meeting of creditors, contributories, members or debenture-holders of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, the election of trustees, the nomination of liquidators or judicial managers or for the purposes referred to in section 364 or 431 of Act No. 61 of 1973 and considering the statement of affairs of the company, as the case may be. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) date of the provisional and date of the final order, and (4) special resolution and (5) division of court by which order is made, and (6) date, hour and place of meeting. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. 52 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018


Nademaal die boedels of maatskappye hieronder vermeld op las van die Hooggeregshof van Suid-Afrika gesekwestreer, of gelikwideer of onder voorlopige geregtelike bestuur geplaas is, word hierby deur die Meesters van die Hooggeregshof ingevolge artikels 17 (4) en 40 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 119 (3), 125 (1) en 196bis (4) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 356 (1), 364 (1) en 429 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat ’n eerste byeenkoms van skuldeisers, kontribuante, lede of skuldbriefhouers van genoemde boedels of maatskappye op die datums, ure en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, die verkiesing van kurators, of nomminasie van likwidateurs of geregtelike bestuurders of vir die doeleindes bedoel in artikel 364 of 431 van Wet No. 61 van 1973, en die oorweging van die verklaring van die sake van die maatskappy na gelang van die geval, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) datum van die voorlopige en datum van die finale bevel, en (4) spesiale resolusie en (5) afdeling van hof waardeur order gemaak is, en (6) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en op ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

G433-2017—(2) PRESTIGE AND VISUAL SOLUTIONS SA (PTY) LTD (2010/024177/07), CNR SPECTACULAR & BUSH TELEGRAPH RO NORTHLANDS BUSINESS PARK NOTH RIDING; (3) Final Order: 16 March 2017 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATES COURT. G1070-2017—(2) THEODORUS ERNS JACOBS (7104235061085), 29 ST. LUIS SIMMENTALER ROAD NORTH RIDING RANDBURG; (3) Final Order: 23 March 2017 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATES COURT. G1071-2017—(2) DAVID ALAN SPENCER (6212225030084), N/A; (3) Final Order: 4 September 2017 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 24 January 2018, 10:00, MASTERS JHB. G1073-2017—(2) TAAZMIN MAHOMED (6703110151050), 53 EAGLE CREEK 34 HOUGHTON DRIVE HOUGHTON; (3) Final Order: 8 November 2017 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATES COURT. G1074-2017—(2) MAURTI MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD (2009/001950/07), 42 WIERDA ROAD WEST WIERDA VALLEY SANDTON; (3) Final Order: 13 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATES COURT. G1064-2017—(2) TELKOR DOWTY (PTY)LTD (1985/002117/07), LINCOLN WOOD OFFICE PARK 6 WOODLANDS DRIVE WOODMEAD; (3) Final Order: 10 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATES COURT. G437-2017—(2) SPIRIT OF AFRICA DEVELOPMENTS (PTY) LTD (2010/011722/07), 203 ELSTON EVENUE BENONI; (3) Final Order: 3 May 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 25 January 2018, 10:00, BENONI MAGISTRATE. G895-2017—(2) GREEFSPAN PROJECT INVESTMENT 1 (PTY) LTD (2015/326028/07), 4TH FLOOR GLOBAL HOUSE, 28 STURDEE AVENUE ROSEBNAK GAUTENG 2196; (3) Final Order: 4 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 31 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G496-2017—(2) TIPTOPBIZ (PTY) LTD (2013/168866/07), 22 MAIN STREET JOHANNESBURG; (3) Final Order: 18 May 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 29 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G919-2017—(2) JISEP TRADING (RF) (PTY) LTD (2011/011070/07), 4TH FLOOR GLOBAL HOUSE, 28 STURDEE AVENUE ROSEBANK GAUTENG 2196; (3) Final Order: 4 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 31 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G938-2017—(2) OPTIC 1 POWERLINE (PTY) LTD (2005/020470/07), 60 AMELIA LANE LANSERIA CORPORATE ESTATE EXT 46, LANSERIA GAUTENG; (3) Final Order: 27 September 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G577-2017—(2) EZIO TRADING (PTY) LTD (2015/119940/07), 6 REITFONTEIN ROAD, EDENBURG RIVINIA SANDTON; (3) Final Order: 29 May 2017 (4) —; (5) GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 31 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G895-2011—(2) ABED ASHRAF ALI MOHAMMED (640311 5170 086), 25 TURTLEDOVE AVENUE, LENASIA EXTENSION 1; (3) Final Order: 11 September 2016 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, MASTER JHB. G937-2017—(2) H AND D HOLDING (PTY) LTD REG NO (2016/00068/07), 89 RONKETTI CIRCLE, SPRINGS GAUTENG 1559; (3) Final Order: 12 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 26 January 2018, 10:00, SPRINGS MAGISTRATE. G898-2017—(2) EMERALD PANTHER INVESTMENTS 105 (PTY) LTD (2012/149916/07), GLOBAL HOUDE 2ND FLOOR, 28 STURDEE AVENUE ROSEBANK 2196; (3) Final Order: 4 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 25 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 53

G795-2017—(2) MZINDUKO COLLABORATIVE (PTY) LTD (2014/144001/07), 8 HILLSIDE RD, PARKTOWN GAUTENG 2193; (3) Final Order: 6 September 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 29 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G1086-2017—(2) LUNAR PHARMACEUTICALS (PTY) LTD (2010/009503/07), UNIT 5 AND 6 FALCON CREST CRABERR, ROAD CAPITAL HILL BUSINESS PARK MIDRAND GAUTENG 1682; (3) Final Order: 21 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 31 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G889-2017—(2) EAGLE STEELE CONSTRUCTION (PTY) LTD (1986/002815/07), UNIT 10 DORMEHL STREET, ANDERBOLT BOKSBURG 1459; (3) Final Order: 3 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 25 January 2018, 11:30, BOKSBURG MAGISTRATE. G245-2017—(2) DAVID JOHANNES BOOYSEN AND JORDINA WILHELMINA BOOYSENS (610321 5129 0987 AND 640321 0109 088), 55 THE WILLOWS, EMFULWENI DRIVE, VANDERBIJLPARK; (3) Final Order: 20 February 2014 (4) —; (5) SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG; (6) 25 January 2018, 10:00, VANDERBIJLPARK MAGISTRATE. G136-2017—(2) QUESTEK TRANSIT TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD (2007/012830/07), QUESTEK HOUSE, FAIRWAY OFFICE PARK, 52 GROSVENOR ROAD, BRYANSTON 2191; (3) Final Order: 9 February 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 31 January 2018, 09:00, RANDBURG MAGISTRATE. G339-2017—(2) AFRICA BODIES (PTY) LTD (2016/110503/07), CNR KRUGER AND MIMETES STREET, DENVER EST 11, JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG 2093; (3) Final Order: 7 April 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 31 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G1227-2013—(2) MICHELLE LUBBE & LINN-MERI LUBBE (820714 0010 086 & 860510 0029 089), 212 TORBACH FLATS, EDLAW STREET, PRIMROSE 1401; (3) Final Order: 10 October 2013 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 26 January 2018, 09:00, GERMISTON MAGISTRATE. G526-2017—(2) LEMONTCO (PTY) LTD (2002/025733/07), CMA INC OFFICE AND CONFERENCE PARK, 234 ALEXANDRA AVENUE, HALFWAY HOUSE. GAUTENG 1685; (3) Final Order: 13 June 2016 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 25 January 2018, 09:00, MASTER JHB. G1026-2017—(2) DIVILUS (PTY) LTD (2008/017849/07), CLEARVIEW OFFICE PARK, UNIT 12A- BLOCK C, WILHELMINA AVENUE, CONSTANTIA KLOOF 1709; (3) Final Order: 7 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 30 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G69-2017—(2) K2012179806 (PTY) LTD (2012/179806/07), UNIT 2, ROYAL PARK BUSINESS ESTATE, C/O K101 & SUTTIE ROAD, HALFWAY HOU, MIDRAND GAUTENG 1685; (3) Final Order: 19 December 2016 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 31 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G985-2017—(2) ROTIGEN (PTY) LTD (2011/137562/07), 22A HONEYGUIDE CRESCENT, BLUE GILL ESTATE, VELD STREET, KEMPTON PARK,1619; (3) Final Order: 24 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 31 January 2018, 09:00, KEMPTON PARK MAGISTRATE. G1069-2013—(2) SENATHAN TECHNOLOGY (2005/006269/23), 2 SUNPARK VILLAGE, BOUNDARY ROAD, SUNDOWNER 2161; (3) Final Order: 7 June 2013 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 30 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G819-2015—(2) TRIO MINDS RETAIL PTY LTD (2014/065167/07), SUITE 8 NILE GATE NILE DRIVE THREE RIVERS, VEREENIGING 1939; (3) Final Order: 18 August 2015 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 26 January 2018, 10:00, VEREENIGING MAGISTRATE. G885-2017—(2) LOG-DERTIG BELEGGINGS (PTY) LTD (2000/12423/07), 426 KINGS HIGHWAY, LYNNWOOD GAUTENG 0081; (3) Final Order: 29 September 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) SPECIAL RESOLUTION; (6) 30 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER JHB. G874/2016—(2) GRAMATILE CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (1993/026136/23), 153 KIMBERLEY ROAD LORENTZVILLE 2094; (3) Final Order: 3 June 2016 (4) — SOUTH GAUTENG HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG.; (5) —; (6) 24 January 2018, 10:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. E000042/2017—(2) ARCADIA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING (PTY) LTD (1966/004849/07), registered office at 247 Oxford Street East London; (3) Final Order: 19 October 2017 (4) Special Resolution: by creditors.; (5) —; (6) 26 January 2018, 10:00, East London. S36/17—(2) Lezaan Vrey (820927 0034 08 4), 66 King Edward, Newton Park, Port Elizabeth; (3) Final Order: 10 October 2017 (4) —; (5) Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth; (6) 31 January 2018, 14:00, Master Port Elizabeth. SS47/17—(2) Andrew Shaun Te Brugge (761031 5079 08 6), Longwood Farm, Portion 4 Amanzi, Uitenhage; (3) Final Order: 5 December 2017 (4) —; (5) Eastern Cape Local Division, Port Elizabeth; (6) 31 January 2018, 14:00, Magistrate Uitenhage. B94/2017—(2) The Estate Late Hellmuth Robert Rohde (12987/2012), Insolvent deceased estate; (3) Provisional Order: 30 November 2017; (3) Final Order: 30 November 2017 (4) —; (5) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (6) 24 January 2018, 11:00, Magistrate Ladybrand. B104/2017—(2) Leoni Bihanca Pienaar (890722 0017 08 9), Voluntary surrender; (3) Provisional Order: 14 December 2017; (3) Final Order: 14 December 2017 (4) —; (5) In the HIgh Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (6) 24 January 2018, 10:00, Master Bloemfontein. B84/2017—(2) Jacobus Casper and Marlene Drotskie (760910 5097 084/unknown), Insolvent estate; (3) Provisional Order: 26 October 2017; (3) Final Order: 30 November 2017 (4) —; (5) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (6) 29 January 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Sasolburg. 54 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

B102/2017—(2) Johannes Andries van Wijk (831208 5135 08 6), Insolvent estate; (3) Provisional Order: 14 November 2017; (3) Final Order: 14 December 2017 (4) —; (5) In the High Court of South Africa, Free State Division, Bloemfontein; (6) 26 January 2018, 10:00, Magistrate Ficksburg. B46/2016—(2) Dr N Mofolo and Partners Inc (2006/033501/21), Company in liquidation; (3) Provisional Order: 7 July 2016; (3) Final Order: 7 July 2016 (4) Special Resolution: Voluntary resolution in terms of sec 352(2) of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 was duly registered on 07/07/2016.; (5) —; (6) 31 January 2018, 10:00, Master, Bloemfontein. D175/2013—(2) STRATH McBARRON WOOD&KATHLEEN ELIZABETH WOOD (610708 5132 08 9 & 660419 0034 08 5), MEDINA ,OHIO ,UNITED STATES; (3) Provisional Order: 26 November 2013; (3) Final Order: 30 May 2016 (4) — BY REGISTRAR OF COMPANIES.; (5) KWAZULU - NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 17 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. D150/2017—(2) MITCHEL SEAN COX (6411045066084), 2 JESSICA PLACE, KLOOF, DURBAN; (3) Provisional Order: 4 September 2017; (3) Final Order: 11 October 2017 (4) —; (5) KWAZULU - NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN; (6) 7 February 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. K34/2017—(2) FGG Logistics (Pty) Ltd (2016/176869/07), Company with registered address at 8 Benedette Manor, 13 Rhodes Ave, Rhodesdene, Northern Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 21 November 2017; (3) Final Order: 21 November 2017 (4) Special Resolution: Companies and Intellectual Property.; (5) Registrar of Companies; (6) 24 January 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Kimberley, Northern Cape. C540/2016—(2) Cornelia Marlise Fourie (800529 0266 08 0), 5 Montague Avenue, Vredekloof Glen, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 29 July 2016; (3) Final Order: 16 September 2016 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 25 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Kuils River. C694/2017—(2) Bowood Management Services (Pty) Ltd (1995/002263/07), 86 Bree Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 3 October 2017; (3) Final Order: 30 November 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court - Cape Town. C540/2016—(2) Cornelia Marlise Fourie (800529 0266 08 0), 5 Montague Avenue, Vredekloof Glen, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 29 July 2016; (3) Final Order: 16 September 2016 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Kuils River. C540/2016—(2) Cornelia Marlise Fourie (800529 0266 08 0), 5 Montague Avenue, Vredekloof Glen, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 29 July 2016; (3) Final Order: 16 September 2016 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Kuils River. C540/2016—(2) Cornelia Marlise Fourie (800529 0266 08 0), 5 Montague Avenue, Vredekloof Glen, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 29 July 2016; (3) Final Order: 16 September 2016 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Kuils River. C494/2017—(2) Christopher Devenish (740816 5102 08 8), 10 Jancealot Road, Fish Hoek, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 25 July 2017; (3) Final Order: 25 August 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 26 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Simons Town. C694/2017—(2) Bowood Management Services (Pty) Ltd (1995/002263/07), 86 Bree Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 3 October 2017; (3) Final Order: 30 November 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court - Cape Town. C694/2017—(2) Bowood Management Services (Pty) Ltd (1995/002263/07), 86 Bree Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 3 October 2017; (3) Final Order: 30 November 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 23 January 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court - Cape Town. C704/2017—(2) Juan Jaco Kros (790920 5145 08 4), 17 Totius Street, Welgedacht, Bellville, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 17 November 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 26 January 2018, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court - Bellville. C540/2016—(2) Cornelia Marlise Fourie (800529 0266 08 0), 5 Montague Avenue, Vredekloof Glen, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 29 July 2016; (3) Final Order: 16 September 2016 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 25 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Kuils River. C714/2017—(2) GSA Marketing (Pty) Ltd (1971/004531/07), Ground Floor, Cloete House, Wynberg Mews, 10 Brodie Road, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 13 October 2017; (3) Final Order: 27 November 2017 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (6) 25 January 2018, 09:00, Wynberg Magistrate’s Court. C788/2017—(2) HM Property Development (Pty) Ltd (2016/507867/07), 614 Mutual Heights, 14 Darling Street, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 22 September 2017; (3) Final Order: 1 December 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 23 January 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court - Cape Town. C857/2017—(2) CRITICAL LIGHTS WESTERN CAPE (PTY) LTD (2015/438640/07), 10 SONNET CRESCENT, ARUANA, BRACKENFELL; (3) Final Order: 8 December 2017 (4) Special Resolution:; (5) —; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, KUILS RIVER MAGISTRATES COURT. Ref-C656/2017—(2) 33 Chardonnay Property Investments (pty) ltd (2002/020237/07), 86 Bree Street, Cape Town,W C; (3) Provisional Order: 26 September 2017; (3) Final Order: 7 November 2017 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 26 January 2018, 09:00, Master’s Office -CAPE TOWN. Ref-C20475/2014—(2) Walter Jacques Van Staden (681004 5178 080), Tafelberg Road no.3, KLOOFNEK, Cape Town, W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 23 February 2017; (3) Final Order: 23 February 2017 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 26 January 2018, 09:00, Master’s Office- Cape Town W.C. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 55

C181/2016—(2) JACOBA MAGDALENA DU PLESSIS (641011 0009 086), 17 BOKMAKIERIE STREET, SONSTRAAL, DURBANVILLE, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 31 August 2017; (3) Final Order: 3 October 2017 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 2 February 2018, 11:00, BELLVILLE MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C511/2017—(2) CAPE OF GOOD HOPE SNACK FOOD (PTY) LTD (2010/008305/07), 15 GOLF COURT ROAD, SYBRAND PARK, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 7 November 2017; (3) Final Order: 7 December 2017 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 1 February 2018, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C810/2017—(2) MICHAEL ANTHONY JANSEN (590928 5268 089), 35 BATO WAY, MELKBOSSTRAND, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 16 November 2017; (3) Final Order: 12 December 2017 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT- CAPE TOWN; (6) 31 January 2018, 09:00, ATLANTIS MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C648/2017—(2) AUBREY LE ROUX (790312 5240 083), 8 BARONNE ROAD, BRACKENFELL, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 20 October 2017; (3) Final Order: 20 October 2017 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 31 January 2018, 09:00, KUILSRIVER MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C411/2017—(2) JAN PETRUS HUMAN (640731 5090 085), 15 LOBELIA STREET, HELDERVUE, SOMERSET WEST, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 23 June 2017; (3) Final Order: 4 August 2017 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 25 January 2018, 09:00, SOMERSET WEST MAGISTRATE’S COURT. C701/2017—(2) CAPE URBAN VILLAGE PROPERTIES (PTY) LTD (2014/011588/07), SHOP 3, HARFIELD VILLAGE CENTRE, 48 SECOND AVENUE, HARFIELD, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 11 October 2017; (3) Final Order: 22 November 2017 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 1 February 2018, 09:00, WYNBERG MAGISTRATE’S COURT. Ref-C676/2017-—(2) Nolene Jonker (790227 0026 081), 60A Sarel Cilliers Street, STRAND, W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 22 September 2017; (3) Final Order: 27 October 2017 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court- STRAND. C724/2017—(2) Lionel James Philander & Anthea Philander (7611265114089 & 7703040174080), 25 Southern Cross Street, Elsies River, Goodwood, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 15 November 2017 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Goodwood. C391/2017—(2) ALBERTUS JOHANNES HUMAN (660114 5202 080), 12 GERBER BOULEVARD, GANTZ PLAZA , STRAND, WESTERN CAPE; (3) Provisional Order: 23 June 2017; (3) Final Order: 4 August 2017 (4) —; (5) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA: WESTERN CAPE DIVISION-CAPE TOWN; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, STRAND MAGISTRATE’S COURT, WC. C411/2017—(2) JAN PETRUS HUMAN (640731 5090 085), 15 LOBELIA STREET,HELDERVUE, SOMERSET WEST, WC; (3) Provisional Order: 23 June 2017; (3) Final Order: 4 August 2017 (4) —; (5) WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT-CAPE TOWN; (6) 25 January 2018, 09:00, SOMERSET WEST MAGISTRATE’S COURT. Ref-C338/2017--—(2) Hill’s Freight Services (pty) ltd (2014/036581/07), 72 Chamberlain Street, PAROW EAST, W.C; (3) Provisional Order: 1 June 2017; (3) Final Order: 1 August 2017 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division - Cape Town; (6) 26 January 2018, 11:00, Magistrate’s Court -BELLVILLE. C780/2017—(2) Sadia Edries (710826 0206 08 5), No.1 Berram Road, Rondebosch, Cape Town, Western Cape; (3) Provisional Order: 10 November 2017; (3) Final Order: 8 December 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 25 January 2018, 09:00, Wynberg Magistrate’s Court. C794/2017—(2) John Johannes Kaptein (790107 5097 08 1), 4641 Pretoria Street, Asla Park, Mossel Bay, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 13 December 2017 (4) —; (5) High Court of South Africa (Western Cape Division, Cape Town); (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate’s Court - Mossel Bay. C7842017—(2) Gurshen Jackim Macklee September & Iris Leonie September (8409265146089 & 7907270142085), 31 Draai Street, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape; (3) Final Order: 13 December 2017 (4) —; (5) Western Cape Division, Cape Town; (6) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrates Court, Oudtshoorn. 56 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

Form/Vorm 1


Pursuant to sections 40 (3), 56 (3) and 77 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, sections 129, 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) and 402 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or liquidators, as the case may be, and that the persons indebted to the estates or companies are required to pay their debts to them forthwith unless otherwise indicated. Meetings of creditors, members or contributories of the said estates or companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places mentioned below, for proof of claims against the estates or companies, for the purpose of receiving the trustees’ or liquidators’ reports as to the affairs and conditions of the estates or companies and for giving the trustees or liquidators directions concerning the sale or recovery of any parts of the estates or assets of the companies or concerning any matter relating to the administration thereof. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company; (3) name and address of trustee or liquidator; (4) date, hour and place of meeting; (5) period within which debt must be paid, if this is not to be done forthwith. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en ingevolge artikels 40 (3), 56 (3) en 77 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 129, 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikels 339, 366, 375 (5) (b), 386 (1) (d) en 402 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die persone hieronder vermeld as kurators of likwidateurs aangestel is, na gelang van die geval, en dat persone wat enigiets aan die boedels of maatskappye verskuldig is die skulde onmiddellik by genoemde kurators of likwidateurs moet betaal, tensy anders vermeld. Byeenkomste van skuldeisers, lede of kontribuante van genoemde boedels of maatskappye sal gehou word op die datums, tyd en plekke hieronder vermeld, vir die bewys van vorderings teen die boedels of maatskappye, vir die ontvangs van die verslae van die kurators of likwidateurs oor die sake en toestand van die boedels of maatskappye, en om opdragte aan die kurators of likwidateurs uit te reik betreffende die verkoop of invordering van gedeeltes van die boedels of bates van die maatskappye of betreffende aangeleenthede rakende die beheer daarvan. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur, en (4) datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (5) tydperk waarin skuld betaal moet word, indien dit nie onmiddellik moet geskied nie. In ’n plek waarin ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester gehou; en op ander plekke voor die Landdros.

T631/17—(2) Money for Jam Investments 3 (Pty) Ltd (2005/038341/07) (In Liquidation); (3) CB St Clair Cooper & GN Ngobeni, CK Trust P O Box 3065 Tyger Valley 7536; (4) 6 February 2018, 09:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G820/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Garrick Bruce de Saxe (550224 5143 086); (3) A.D. McQuarrie & G.L. Bhikha, P.O. Box 1161, Johannesburg, 2000; (4) 2 February 2018, 09:30, Magistrate Krugersdorp. T2939/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Francois Johan Le Roux (590408 5088 084); (3) Adel Doreen McQuarrie, P.O. Box 1161, Johannesburg, 2000; (4) 6 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T3442/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Andries Jacobus Ludick (800423 5008 087); (3) A.D McQuarrie & M. Moledi, P.O. Box 1161, Johannesburg, 2000; (4) 7 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrate Roodepoort. T1167/17—(2) Middelburg FC (Pty) Ltd (2012/047588/07) (In Liquidation); (3) Adel Doreen McQuarrie, P.O. Box 1161, Johannesburg, 2000; (4) 6 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court Pretoria. T333/2017—(2) STEAMING CUISINE (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (2014/184571/07) (In Liquidation); (3) STEAMING CUISINE (PTY) LTD (IN LIQUIDATION), 5207 HAIL ROAD, BRAMFISCHERVILLE EXT 2, JOHANNESBURG, 2000; (4) 25 January 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE PRETORIA NORTH. G14/2017—(2) CASTELLA TAVERNA CC (IN LIQUIDATION) (1995/029164/23) (In Liquidation); (3) TSHEPO MEDUPE, 5207 HAIL ROAD, BRAMFISCHERVILLE EXT 2, JOHANNESBURG, 2000; (4) 31 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT, JOHANNESBURG. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 57

T2704/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Theunis Byleveld (8511215018084); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 7 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T2813/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Markham (5608240034087); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 7 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Cullinan. T872/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Adriaan Jacobus du Toit (6206215014082); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 6 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G782/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Charmain van Reenen (6409050121083); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 8 February 2018, 11:30, Magistrate, Boksburg. T1099/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hendrik Johannes Lodewyk & Amanda Petronella van der Watt (5412185107085 & 5605110129088); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 8 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark. T485/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jacobus Daniel Appelgryn (7512195144086); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 7 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, klerksdorp. T3793/08—(2) Insolvent Estate: Willem Jacobus & Del-Mari van der Merwe (7902285038089 & 8106230029081); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 6 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. T1491/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Marlene Vilonel (8210040083088); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 9 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Germiston. T1997/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: Piet Mahinda & Zondiwe Annah Phapho (8311035787087 & 8609221018088); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 6 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Kempton Park. T20010/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Wendy Sarah Ngobeni (8709121038085); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 5 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria. G25/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jaqualine Diana Visser (8302220227088); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 7 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Palm Ridge. D64/2017—(2) GABELA PROPERTIES PTY LTD (IN LIQUIDATION) (In Liquidation); (3) EUGENE NEL, P.O. BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202; (4) 31 January 2018, 10:00, THE MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. D174/2016—(2) TNT INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS CC (2010/077949/23) (In Liquidation); (3) EUGENE NEL, P.O. BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202; (4) 1 February 2018, 10:00, MAGISTRATE COURT - PINETOWN. D99/2017—(2) CONTRACT PACKAGING SPECIALIST PTY LTD (1999/000141/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARCEL NEL, P.O. BOX 13446,CASCADES,3202; (4) 31 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. N139/2017/PMB—(2) BRANSON MARKETING PTY LTD (1952/000795/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARCEL NEL, P.O. BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202; (4) 1 February 2018, 10:00, THE MAGISTRATE COURT - HOWICK. D61/2017—(2) VRST LOGISTICS PTY LTD (2008/015439/07) (In Liquidation); (3) MARCEL NEL, P.O. BOX 13446 CASCADES 3202; (4) 31 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - DURBAN. T337/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maria Elizabeth Claassens (7301020086083); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 7 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Bela-Bela. T4101/12—(2) Insolvent Estate: Petrus Jansen Grey & Salome van Vuuren (5201125096080 & 5508090147080); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 9 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Polokwane. T22553/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Lenn Lotter (7303205045082); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 7 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Middelburg. T21652/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jan Auke & Tracey Margaret Compaan (6610235199080 & 6612130541085); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 5 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Brits. T2038/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: William Stephen Smith (5210185015088); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 7 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Klerksdorp. C239/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hester Agnesia Steyn (760305 0026 08 1); (3) DT Majiedt, CK Trust, P O Box 3065, Tygervalley, 7536; (4) 2 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrates Court, George. C771/2016—(2) Grindstone Investments 132 (Pty) Ltd (2004/021971/07) (In Liquidation); (3) T C Van Zyl & T A Cameron, C/O Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441; (4) 29 January 2018, 09:00, The Magistrate, Paarl. C451/2017—(2) Fusion Properties 346 CC (2006/037330/23) (In Liquidation); (3) T C Van Zyl & M F Vallie, Mazars House, Rialto Road, Grand Moorings Precinct, Century City, 7441; (4) 20 February 2018, 09:00, The Master of the High Court, Cape Town. C979/2016—(2) Saphire Medical Instruments (Pty) Ltd (2004/003818/07) (In Liquidation); (3) CB St Clair Cooper & WF Petersen, CK Trust P O Box 3065 Tyger Valley 7536; (4) 31 January 2018, 10:00, Magistrates Court, Strand. C518/2017—(2) Insolvent Estate: ANDRE COETSEE (720226 5168 08 3); (3) DANIE ACKER & MANYAME KISLON MALEMA, 10 CHURCH STREET, MOSSEL BAY, 6506; (4) 31 January 2018, 09:00, MAGISTRATE’S OFFICE, MOSSEL BAY. C163/17—(2) Insolvent Estate: Jeremy Abraham & Conita Arendse (8112265164082 & 8505155164081); (3) Heiko Draht, 1022 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 0157; (4) 9 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Bellville. 58 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

Form/Vorm 2


Pursuant to sections 41 and 42 of the Insolvency Act of 1936, sections 179 and 182 of the Companies Act, 1926, and sections 339 and 366 of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) the number of estate/company; (2) the name and description of estate/company; (3) the date, hour and place of meeting and (4) the purposes of meeting. (5) Any additional annexure or resolutions. Meetings in a place in which there is a Master’s office, will be held before the Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate.


Ingevolge artikels 41 en 42 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikels 179 en 182 van die Maatskappywet, 1926,en artikels 339 en 366 van die Maatskappywet, 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat ’n byeenkoms van skuldeisers in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie hieronder vermeld, gehou sal word. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) die naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) die datum, uur en plek van byeenkoms en (4) die doel van byeenkoms. (5) enige additionele aanhangsels of resolusies. In ’n plek waar ’n kantoor van ’n Meester is, word die byeenkoms voor die Meester en in ander plekke voor die Landdros gehou.

G861/2013—(2) AGRI BIO CHEM PRODUCTS CC (2011/052308/23); (In Liquidation) (3) 29 January 2018, 10:00, THE MASTER, JOHANNESBURG; (4) PROVE CLAIM. T3256/16—(2) Insolvent Estate: HARBER John Thomas and Hendrika Wilhelmina (JT 5005045113085 HW 5803110090083); (3) 26 January 2018, 09:30, Magistrate Krugersdorp; (4) Proof of late claim. T20457/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Rinaldo Botha (8101065023085); (3) 1 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T20249/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Maud Emily Eybers (5405050050083); (3) 2 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) Proof of further claims. T3038/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Petrus Jacobus & Sandra Grobler (7205295003089 & 7712200120080); (3) 2 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; (4) Proof of further claims. T20376/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Belinda Jacobs (8006110075081); (3) 6 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Kempton Park; (4) Proof of further claims. T20469/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Gavin John & Marie Lyle (8802110147080 & 8408205044081); (3) 2 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Germiston; (4) Proof of further claims. T2546/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Andre Francois & Anna Maria Marais (5303185116087 & 5702140064086); (3) 7 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Benoni; (4) Proof of further claims. T20106/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Selwyn Sylvester & Shouneez van Rooyen (7409195201088 & 8106250086086); (3) 1 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Johannesburg; (4) Proof of further claims. T176/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Reginald Clignet Vaudin (8104155105085); (3) 1 February 2018, 10:00, Magistrate, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Proof of further claims. T3909/10—(2) Insolvent Estate: Matseke Levy Joel & Juliah Flatter Ramohlola (4708255566089 & 5407160819084); (3) 9 February 2018, 10:00, Master of the High Court, Pretoria; (4) General Meeting for Adoption of Resolutions; (5) 6. THAT the Provisional Trustee / Trustee be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the moveable assets as well as the immoveable assets of the estate by public auction, private treaty or public tender in his sole discretion and that the mode of sale for any one or more of the assets shall be determined by the Provisional Trustee / Trustee and that all costs incurred in relation thereto, be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. The Provisional Trustee / Trustee is further authorised to sign all documents required and after such advertisement as he in his sole discretion deems fit, all costs incurred in relation thereto, to be costs in the sequestration. The Provisional Trustee / Trustee is further authorised to sign all documents required to effect registration of the transfer of the said property. THAT any previous sale of the movable assets and/or immovable property be ratified and transfer instructions may be given. 9. THAT the Provisional Trustee / Trustee be and is hereby authorised and empowered, in his discretion, to compromise or STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 59 admit any claim against the estate, whether liquidated or unliquidated, as a liquidated claim in terms of Section 78(3) of the Insolvency Act, Number 24 of 1936, as amended, provided that proof thereof had been tendered at a meeting of creditors. 27. THAT That the Trustee(s) be and is/are hereby authorized to sell any immovable property as per the instructions given by the secured creditor at any given time. This includes the proceeding to public auction by the auctioneers nominated by the secured creditor. In such an event the secured creditor will have the opportunity to assess the offer and decide to buy the property in or instruct the trustee to further market the property and / or proceed with a second auction at a later stage T22088/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Dinah Bothma (7403015187080); (3) 8 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Pretoria- North; (4) General Meeting for Adoption of Resolutions; (5) 6. THAT the Provisional Trustee / Trustee be and is hereby authorised to dispose of the movable assets as well as the immovable assets of the estate by public auction, private treaty or public tender in his sole discretion and that the mode of sale for any one or more of the assets shall be determined by the Provisional Trustee / Trustee and that all costs incurred in relation thereto, be costs of administration and paid for by the estate. The Provisional Trustee / Trustee is further authorised to sign all documents required and after such advertisement as he in his sole discretion deems fit, all costs incurred in relation thereto, to be costs in the sequestration. The Provisional Trustee / Trustee is further authorised to sign all documents required to effect registration of the transfer of the said property. THAT any previous sale of the movable assets and/or immovable property be ratified and transfer instructions may be given S10/2017—(2) Versatex Trading 270 (Pty) Ltd t/a BB Transport (2001/018849/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 31 January 2018, 14:00, Master of the High Court, Port Elizabeth; (4) Further proof of Claims. N167/2013—(2) CONSOLIDATED AONE TRADE AND INVEST 6 PTY LTD (2008/004924/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 26 January 2018, 10:00, MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT - PIETERMARITZBURG; (4) TO PROVE CREDITORS CLAIMS. T2808/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: Esther Catharina Maria Jacobs (8001020093084); (3) 5 February 2018, 08:00, Magistrate, Whiteriver; (4) Proof of further claims. T0009/14—(2) Insolvent Estate: Anneline Nel (7608050013088); (3) 5 February 2018, 09:30, Magistrate, Lydenburg; (4) Proof of further claims. C51/2017—(2) African Compass International Cargo (Pty) Ltd (2012/152202/07); (In Liquidation) (3) 8 February 2018, 09:00, Magistrates Court, Wynberg; (4) Proof of claims; Enquiry. C1361/2010—(2) Insolvent Estate: Eric Vaughn Kietzmann (711126 5056 08 3); (3) 26 January 2018, 11:00, Magistrates Court, Bellville; (4) Proof of claims. C530/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Abigail Lachma Marthinus (8009140177083); (3) 24 January 2018, 09:00, Magistrate, Kuilsriver; (4) Proof of claims. Form/Vorm 4


Pursuant to section 108 (2) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 136 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 406 (3) of the Companies Act, 1973, notice is hereby given that the liquidation account and plans of distribution or contribution in the estates or the companies mentioned below will lie open for inspection by creditors or contributories at the offices of the Masters and the Magistrates stated therein, for a period of 14 days, or for such a period as stated therein, from the date mentioned below or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later date. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/ company; (3) description of account; (4) account for inspection at Master’s and Magistrate’s office, (5) date, (6) period (if longer than 14 days).


Ingevolge artikel 108 (2) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 136 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 406 (3) van die Maatskappywet 1973, word hierby kennis gegee dat die likwidasie-, distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die boedels of die maatskappye, na gelang van die geval hieronder vermeld, ter insae van skuldeisers of kontribuante sal lê te die kantore van die Meesters en Landdroste daarin genoem, gedurende ’n tydperk van 14 dae, of die tydperk wat daarin vermeld is, vanaf die datum hieronder vermeld of vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervan, watter datum ook al die laatste is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy; (3) beskrywing van rekening; (4) rekening ter insae by Meesters- en Landdroskantoor, (5) datum; (6) tydperk (indien langer as 14 dae). 60 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

T1711/2015—(2) Little Miracle Products and Services (Pty) Ltd (2003/011028/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First Liquidation Account; (4) Pretoria; n/a G1182/2008—(2) TRANSDECO GTMH (PTY) LTD (1994/008448/07) (In Liquidation), (3) THIRD & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) JOHANNESBURG; N/A; (5) 12 January 2018; (6) 14. T3904/2015—(2) KAREE BLOEM GASTEHUIS CC (2007/027469/23) (In Liquidation), (3) SECOND AMENDED FIRST LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) PRETORIA; NONE; (5) 12 January 2018; (6) 14. T0740/15—(2) CX3 DEVELOPERS CC (2005/131944/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Supplementary first and final liquidation and distribution account; (4) Pretoria; Kempton Park G795/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Ellen Booyens (6308270006084), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Johannesburg; Germiston; (5) 12 January 2018; (6) 14 days. E000001/2017—(2) DOWNSOUTH RESTAURANTS (PTY) LTD, formerly trading as Madibaz Cafe at Nelson Mandel University, Port Elizabeth (2004/016883/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Grahamstown; Port Elizabeth B20047/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: Henry Alexander Harper (640319 5133 087), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Bloemfontein; Sasolburg; (5) 12 January 2018; (6) 14. B129/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: Meintjies, Philippus Jacobus & Henrietha Cornelia (610406 5092 086 & 630101 0047 088), (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Bloemfontein; Welkom; (5) 12 January 2018; (6) 14. D198/2015—(2) EMPIRE MARKETING (PTY) LIMITED (1983/10332/07) (In Liquidation), (3) First and Final Liquidation, Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) Master, Durban; Magistrate, Port Shepstone M000062/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mojapelo, K G (700308 0909 085), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Mafikeng; n/a M41/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Watson, C B (800512 5043 084), (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Mafikeng; Rustenburg M000062/2015—(2) Insolvent Estate: Mojapelo, K G (700308 0909 085), (3) First and Final Liquidation Account; (4) Mafikeng; n/a K50/2015—(2) HENMARDI INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD (2014/227882/07) (In Liquidation), (3) SUPPLEMENTARY FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) KIMBERLEY; KATHU; (5) 12 January 2018; (6) 14. K7/2016—(2) BENAKO TRADING CC (2007/152152/23) (In Liquidation), (3) THIRD & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) KIMBERLEY; HARTSWATER; (5) 12 January 2018; (6) 14. C559/2015—(2) Security Wise Services CC (2001/013339/23) (In Liquidation), (3) Second and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) Cape Town; Bellville C907/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE: MERLIZE STANDER, (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) MASTER OF THE HIGH COURT CAPE TOWN; MAGISTRATE’S COURT, GEORGE; (6) 14 DAYS.

Form/Vorm 5


The liquidation accounts and plans of distribution or contribution in the sequestrated estates or companies being wound up, as the case may be, mentioned below having been confirmed on the dates therein mentioned, notice is hereby given, pursuant to section 113 (1) of the Insolvency Act, 1936, section 139 (2) of the Companies Act, 1926, and section 409 (2) of the Companies Act, 1973, that dividends are in the course of payment or contributions are in the course of collection in the said estates or companies as set forth below and that every creditor liable to contribution is required to pay to the trustee or liquidator the amount for which he is liable at the address mentioned below. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate/company; (2) name and description of estate/company and (3) account; (4) date when account confirmed; (5) whether a dividend is being paid or contribution being collected, or both, and (6) name and address of trustee or liquidator. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 61


Nademaal die likwidasierekenings en distribusie- of kontribusierekenings in die gesekwestreerde boedels of maatskappye in likwidasie, na gelang van die geval, hieronder vermeld op die datums daarin vermeld, bekragtig is, word hierby ingevolge artikel 113 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, artikel 139 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1926, en artikel 409 (2) van die Maatskappywet, 1973, kennis gegee dat uitbetaling van dividende of insameling van kontribusies aan die gang is in genoemde boedels of maatskappye soos hieronder uiteengesit en dat elke kontribusiepligtige skuldeiser die bedrag deur hom verskuldig by die adres hieronder genoem aan die kurator of likwidateur moet betaal. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel/maatskappy; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel/maatskappy en (3) rekening; (4) datum waarop rekening bekragtig is; (5) of ’n dividend uitgekeer of ’n kontribusie ingevorder word, of beide, en (6) naam en adres van kurator of likwidateur.

G158/15—(2) Insolvent Estate: PHAKI JANKIE MATHEBE (6609065350086); (3) FIRST AND FINAL LIQUIDATION SHORTFALL ACCOUNT; (4) 13 December 2017; (5) None; (6) ATA GALENG, C/O KHAMMISSA TRUST, OMA CORPORATE OFFICE PARK, 98 DOREEN STREET, COLBYN, PRETORIA. G629/2010—(2) SHINE CREATIVE (PTY) LIMITED (2000/009369/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 11 December 2017; (5) None; (6) S J Kalianjee, P O box 2749, Parklands, 2121. G949/2016—(2) JADE CORPORATE CLOTHING CONCEPTS (PTY) LTD (1965/000420/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First liquidation distribution and contribution account; (4) 6 December 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) A I Surmany / J Muthanyi / M M Masilo, P O Box 783601 Sandton 2146. G168/2013—(2) MASTERTRONICS (PTY) LTD. (1998/013652/07) (In Liquidation); (3) First and final liquidation and contribution account; (4) 14 December 2017; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) R Miller/G K Mohosh, P O Box 783601 Sandton 2146. S16/2013—(2) Slip Knot Investment 18 CC ( in Liquidation) (2001/076062/25) (In Liquidation); (3) Third and Final Liquidation Distribution and Contribution Account; (4) 13 December 2017; (5) Dividends payable to Secured Creditors and Contribution to be levied; (6) Danie Acker, Jerome V Thomas & Ashraf M Limbada, c/o Rauch Gertenbach Inc, Lache House, 120 York Street, George 6529. S50/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: BRENDEN ALBERT ADRIAANZEN (830721 5097 08 1); (3) SECOND & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 15 November 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid and Contributions are being collected; (6) HANLIE HENNING, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. B113/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: MANUEL RICARDO & SAMANTHA DA SILVA (760122 5134 08 7 & 81017 0190 08 5); (3) FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION, DISTRIBUTION & CONTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 24 October 2017; (5) Contributions are being collected; (6) CBStC COOPER & H HENNING, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. B109/2016—(2) A TO Z RECYCLING CC (2003/054705/23) (In Liquidation); (3) SECOND AMENDED SECOND & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 27 November 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CBStC COOPER & H HENNING, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. B58/2017—(2) FERREIRA’S CATERING EQUIPMENT CC t/a DRAKENSBERG CATERING EQUIPMENT (1994/004657/23) (In Liquidation); (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 21 December 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CBStC COOPER & DT MAJIEDT, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. B97/2016—(2) ZPC HOSPITALITY RENOVATION SPECIALISTS (PTY) LTD (2003/021432/07) (In Liquidation); (3) AMENDED FIRST LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 21 December 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) CBStC COOPER & DT MAJIEDT, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. D20096/2014—(2) Insolvent Estate: NOMAKHOSAZANA AGNES MATAKA (. 690707 0861 083); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Contribution Account; (4) 3 November 2017; (5) Contribution being collected; (6) Neil David Button and Jolene Woycieh, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg 3200 and P O Box 181, Pietermaritzburg 3200. N184/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: JACQUELINE ELIZABETH McALLISTER (681229 0041 083); (3) First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 5 January 2018; (5) Dividend being paid; (6) Neil David Button and Hlamalane Jerry Musi, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg 3200 & P O Box 6513, Pretoria 0001. N164/2016—(2) NOFESA CC (2007/251703/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 21 December 2017; (5) Dividend being paid; (6) Lorenze Jean Simpson, Sharon Amy Potgieter and Irene Susan Ponnen, P O Box 33, Pietermaritzburg 3200. C836/2013—(2) Insolvent Estate: Hayley Theresa & Darren John Hart (8203230091086 & 8908155032085); (3) First & Final Liquidation & Distribution Account; (4) 20 July 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) A Moollajie & T Moodley, PO Box 38009 Gatesville 7780. C505/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: INSOLVENT ESTATE: MICHAEL GROBBELAAR; (3) THE FIRST & FINAL LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 28 December 2017; (5) None; (6) DS NDLOVU, P O BOX 675, CAPE TOWN, 8000. 62 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

C949/2016—(2) Insolvent Estate: PHILIPPA SARAH MORGAN (700909 0530 08 4); (3) FIRST LIQUIDATION & DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT; (4) 11 August 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) HANLIE HENNING, c/o COOPER TRUST, PO BOX 27, BLOEMFONTEIN, 9300. C181/2017—(2) So So Trading No 8 CC (1998/043203/23) (In Liquidation); (3) First Liquidation and Distribution Account; (4) 14 December 2017; (5) Dividends are being paid; (6) JJ Steenkamp, D Ndlovu, J Ngoasheng-Phoshoko, KPMG Services (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 4609, Cape Town, 8000.

Form/Vorm 6


Pursuant to section 124 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, notice is hereby given that the insolvents mentioned below will apply for his or her rehabilitation on the dates, at the times and places and upon the grounds as therein set forth opposite his or her name. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) number of estate; (2) full name and description of insolvent (including his date of birth and identity number) and place of business or residence; (3) date when estate sequestrated, and address, occupation or status of insolvent at the time of that date; (4) division of Supreme Court to which and date and time on which application will be made; (5) ground of application.


Ingevolge artikel 124 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, word hierby kennis gegee dat die insolvente persone hieronder genoem om sy of haar rehabilitasie aansoek sal doen op die datums, tye en plekke en om die redes wat daarin teenoor sy of haar onderskeie name aangedui is. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) nommer van boedel; (2) volle naam en beskrywing van insolvent (met inbegrip van sy/haar geboortedatum en identiteitsnommer) en plek van besigheid of woonplek; (3) datum waarop boedel gesekwestreer is, en woonadres, betrekking of status van insolvent ten tye van daardie datum; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waarby en datum en tyd wanneer aansoek gedoen sal word; (5) rede van aansoek.

T1241/2009—(2) Marais, Yulanda, 18 April 1970, 7004180006087, Human Resources Manager, A Klopper Street, Khomasdal, Windhoek Namibia, Plot 48/135, Brakwater, Windhoek, Namibia, Married out of community of property; (3) Final Date: 18 March 2009, 109 Constantia Street, Mnandi, Centurion, Gauteng, Unemployed; (4) Gauteng Division-Pretoria, 9 March 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124 (2)(a). T4573/2011—(2) Semenya, Choene Charles, 17 February 1982, 8202175452089, Accountant 91 Hans van Rensburg Street, Polokwane, Stand 26, Matamanyane, Polokwane, Limpopo, Single; (3) Provisional Date: 28 July 2011, Final Date: 30 August 2011, 160 Christoffel Street, Pretoria West, Pretoria, Gauteng, Accountant in the employment of Kumba Resources; (4) Gauteng Division - Pretoria, 9 March 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124 (2)(a). G762/2012—(2) Vermaak, Edward Vernon Jacob, 12 April 1965, 6504125138086, Divisional Manager, 12 Albert Avenue, Northcliff, Randburg, Gauteng, Divorced; (3) Final Date: 31 July 2012, 12 Jonathan Road, Croesus, Johannesburg, Gauteng, Unemployed; (4) Gauteng Division-Pretoria, 12 March 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124 (2)(a). T1086/2013—(2) POTGIETER, ALWYN JOHANNES, 14 September 1981, 8109145069085, Sales Representatives, 67 Marne Street, Noordheuwel Ext 4, Krugersdorp, Gauteng, Married in community of property. POTGIETER, SANJA, 16 April 1982, 8204160052080, Admin, 67 Marne Street, Noordheuwel Ext 4, Krugersdorp, Gauteng; (3) Final Date: 16 May 2013, 67 Marne Street, Noordheuwel Ext 4, Krugersdorp, Gauteng, Sales Representatives / Admin; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 27 February 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. T360/2013—(2) GERMISHUYS, NELIA, 4 April 1984, 8404040025088, Personnel Assistant, 21 Ballybunion Crescent, Sunningdale, Western Cape, Married out community of property; (3) Final Date: 6 March 2013, 292 San Isidro Street, Monavoni, Gauteng, HR Manager; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 27 February 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- no claims has been proved against the estate. T4503/2009—(2) VENTER, ADELAIDE, 2 October 1966, 6610020051082, Accountant, 26 Jan Smuts Drive , Simonstad , Western Cape, Married out community of property; (3) Final Date: 6 August 2010, 1 Maroela Street, West Acres, Nelspruit, Limpopo, Developer; (4) Gauteng Division Pretoria, 27 February 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 63

T0053/13—(2) MATJEDING, MPYANE KLAAS, 12 March 1953, 5303125692080, INSPECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND INFRASTRUCTURE, 256 MADIBA STREET, PRETORIA, 92, DEO FAVERE, PARSLEY AVENUE, SINOVILLE, PRETORIA, MARRIED. MATJEDING, NAPE ESTHER, 1 July 1954, 5407010874081, PENSIONER, 92, DEO FAVERE, PARSLEY AVENUE, SINOVILLE, PRETORIA; (3) Provisional Date: 19 November 2012, Final Date: 28 January 2013, 92, DEO FAVERE, PARSLEY AVENUE, SINOVILLE, PRETORIA, INSPECTOR, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND INFRASTRUCTURE; (4) HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA, GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 1 February 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2) Insolvency Act 24 of1936, as amended. . T1190/11—(2) VAN WYK, CHRIS, 15 June 1977, 7706155073088, ELECTRICAL SUPERINTENDENT, OYU TOLGOI, SUKHBAATAR DISTRICT, ULAANBAATAR, MONGOLIA, HOUSE 91, BLYDE WILDLIFE ESTATE, HOEDSPRUIT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE, MARRIED OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY. VAN WYK, CHARLENE, 8 April 1982, 8204080368087, UNEMPLOYED, HOUSE 91, BLYDE WILDLIFE ESTATE, HOEDSPRUIT, LIMPOPO PROVINCE; (3) Provisional Date: 21 April 2011, Final Date: 21 April 2011, 8 VISAREND STREET, PHALABORWA, LIMPOPO PROVINCE, TECHNICAL REPRESENTATIVE; (4) GAUTENG DIVISION, PRETORIA, 26 February 2018, 10:00; (5) SECTION 124(2)(a). T4727/09—(2) Kriel, Leizel Hellen, 23 May 1969, 6905230180089, Office manager at Metal Enhancers (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 49573, Hercules, 112 Annie Botha Avenue, Riviera, Pretoria, Gauteng, Married in community of property. Kriel, Gysbert Johannes Kriel, 13 March 1949, 4903135016088, Businessman at Metal Enhancers (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 49573, Hercules, 112 Annie Botha Avenue, Riviera, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) Final Date: 30 July 2009, 632 Adcock Street, Rietfontein, Pretoria, Gautng, Newspaper delivery agent at F J Distributors; (4) Gauteng Division, 27 February 2018, 10:00; (5) In light of section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936, the insolvent/applicant concerned may apply to the Court for rehabilitation in instances where (1) no claim has been proved against her estate; (2) she has not been convicted of any offence mentioned in paragraph (c) of subsection (2); and (3) if her estate was not sequestrated under any law prior to the sequestration which she desires to end., N/A. T1580/11—(2) Burger, Desire Isabella, 11 December 1984, 8412110027082, Credit Clerk, Kooperasie Huis No 1, Hartsvallei, Jan Kempdorp, Northern Cape, Single; (3) Final Date: 17 May 2011, Regent street 5, Bethal, Mpumalanga, Manager; (4) Gauteng, 27 February 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124 (3) the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936. T1422/2015—(2) Wallace - van der Merwe, Andre, 13 April 1976, 7604135130088, Executive Chef, 5 Klimop Street, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg, Gauteng, Married in community of property. Wallace - van der Merwe, Bradley, 20 September 1985, 8509205154083, Flight Release Officer, 5 Klimop Street, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg, Gauteng; (3) Final Date: 19 May 2015, 5 Klimop Street, Van Dyk Park, Boksburg, Gauteng, Chef and flight operations clerk; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 5 April 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T263/2017—(2) Louw, Hendrik, 29 August 1990, 9008295011088, Maintenance Manager, 17 Vaal Drive, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 3 March 2017, 17 Vaal Drive, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, Manager; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 6 April 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(3) of the Insolvency Act. T2831/2013—(2) Thibane, Nonceba Veronica, 24 February 1986, 8602240524087, Clerk, 18 Jorissen Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, Gauteng, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 17 April 2014, 18 Jorissen Street, Sunnyside, Pretoria, Gauteng, Clerk; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 18 April 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T2409/2013—(2) Labuschagne, Jacobus Johannes Christiaan, 25 September 1980, 8009255063086, Driver, 21 Bogart Street, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, Married in community of property. Labuschagne, Irene Charmaine, 21 January 1974, 7401210081082, Assistant Manager, 21 Bogart Street, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng; (3) Final Date: 27 September 2013, 21 Bogart Street, Vanderbijlpark, Gauteng, Truck Driver and teacher; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 4 April 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T1159/2013—(2) Prinsloo, Hendrik Adriaan, 20 July 1963, 6307205009080, Pensioner, Unit 27, Stenostelma, Saliehout Street, Annlin, Pretoria, Gauteng, Married in community of property. Prinsloo, Louise, 4 July 1963, 6307040130083, Konsultant, Unit 27, Stenostelma, Saliehout Street, Annlin, Pretoria, Gauteng; (3) Final Date: 23 May 2013, 28 Coetzee Street, Wonderboom South, Pretoria, Gauteng, Pastor and Contractor; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 15 March 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T3086/2011—(2) Masebenza, Khanyisa Michelle, 15 September 1981, 8109150559087, Marketing manager, 127 Bogoria, Wroxham Road, Paulshof, Sandton, Gauteng, Unmarried; (3) Final Date: 19 August 2011, 160 Venter Street, Capital Park, Pretoria, Gauteng, Public Relations executive; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pretoria, 30 April 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act. T8187/2009—(2) Raymond, Worrall John, 23 May 1970, 7005235111087, System Analyst - SITA (Pty) Ltd, 731 Gilead Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng, Married out of community of property; (3) Provisional Date: 29 January 2010, Final Date: 29 January 2010, Highwood Villas No. 88, Highwood Street, Faerie Glen, Pretoria, Gauteng, Information Technology Consultant; (4) Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 23 February 2018, 10:00; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act.. T20097/14—(2) MORGAN, FRANK CHARLES, 4 August 1984, 8408045014088, Manager Pretoria, Deysel Street 1179 , Booysens, Pretoria, In community of property. MORGAN, CINDY, 18 November 1986, 8611180036085, Unemployed, Deysel Street 1179 , Booysens, Pretoria; (3) Final Date: 12 May 2014, Marina Street 1105B, Booysens , Pretoria, Admin , Pretoria; (4) Gauteng, 26 February 2018, 10:00; (5) Art 124(5). 64 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

E62/2011—(2) SNYER, JAN JOHANNES, 21 April 1959, 5904215129089, BUILDING CONSULTANT 9 CURRIE STREET, QUIGNEY, EAST LONDON 5201, 3A PEARCE CRESCENT, GONUBIE, EAST LONDON 5257, DIVORCED. SNYER, N/A, , N/A, N/A; (3) Provisional Date: 1 November 2011, Final Date: 1 November 2011, 8 BIRD STREET, BEACON BAY, EAST LONDON 5241, BUILDING SUB-CONTRACTOR FOR WORLD FOCUS, EAST LONDON; (4) EAST LONDON CIRCUIT LOCAL DIVISION, 27 February 2018, 09:30; (5) APPLICATION IN TERMS OF SECTION 124(2)(b) OF THE INSOLVENCY ACT 24 OF 1963. D72/2013—(2) Naidoo, Sagasen, 3 March 1984, 8403035239084, Self employed fruit and vegetable hawker, Unit 33 Somerby Gardens, 151 Wakesleigh Road, Bellair, Durban, Married out of community of property; (3) Provisional Date: 15 May 2013, Final Date: 28 October 2013, 452 Stella Road, Malvern, Durban, Self-employed fruit and vegetable hawker; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pietermaritzburg, 28 February 2018, 09:30; (5) This application will be brought in terms of section 124(2) of the Insolvency Act. N93/2010—(2) Wilkinson, Lynne Hayley, 24 April 1967, 6704240031089, Employed as a Receptionist at Battler Investments (Pty) Ltd, No. 85 Savannah Sands, 29 Gallaway Avenue, Douglasdale, Johannesburrg, Divorced; (3) Final Date: 17 June 2010, No. 2 Ashcombe Park, 150 Prospect Hall Road, Durban North, Office Manager at Mediforce; (4) High Court of South Africa, Pietermaritzburg, 15 March 2018, 09:30; (5) This application will be brought in terms of Section 124(5) of the Insolvency Act. C358/2013—(2) TREU, PAULINE, 15 July 1977, 7707150043084, Costings & Creditors Clerk, 14 Dorper Way, Westridge, Mitchell’s Plain, Single; (3) Final Date: 18 October 2013, 14 Dorper Way, Westridge, Mitchell’s Plain, Debtors Clerk; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 27 February 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency. C1337/2011—(2) ARENDSE, EDWARD, 20 November 1972, 7211205320083, Audio visio sound and music support, 80 Syringa Crescent, Belhar, Cape Town, Divorced; (3) Final Date: 3 February 2012, 94 Aroma Sands, Vredekloof, Brackenfell, IT Support; (4) Western Cape Division, Cape Town, 27 February 2018, 10:00; (5) Section 124(2)(a) of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 :- More than four (4) years have elapsed from the date of insolvency.

Form/Vorm 7


Notice is hereby given that a period of six months having elapsed since the confirmation of the final trustees’ accounts in the estates mentioned below, the trustees of the said estates will, pursuant to section 155 of the Insolvency Act, 1936, destroy all the books and documents in their possession relating to the said estates (except those which are required to be lodged with the Masters) after six weeks from the date of this notice. The particulars are given in the following order: (1) Number of estate; (2) name and description of estate; (3) date of sequestration order; (4) division of the High Court by which order is made; (5) date of confirmation of final account,and (6) name and address of curator. KENNISGEWINGS VAN KURATORS

Aangesien ’n tydperk van ses maande verloop het sedert die bekragtiging van die finale kuratorsrekenings in die boedels hieronder genoem, word hierby kennis gegee dat die kurators van genoemde boedels ingevolge artikel 155 van die Insolvensiewet, 1936, alle boeke en stukke in hulle besit wat betrekking op daardie boedels het (behalwe dié wat by die Meesters ingedien moet word), ses weke na die datum hiervan sal vernietig. Die besonderhede word verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Nommer van boedel; (2) naam en beskrywing van boedel; (3) datum van sekwestrasiebevel; (4) afdeling van Hooggeregshof waardeur bevel gegee is; (5) datum van bekragtiging van finalerekening, en (6) naam en adres van kurator.

G1773/2011—(2) COD Tools CC (1996/045447/23)(In Liquidation); (3) 31 October 2011; (4) Master of the High Court Johannesburg; (5) 26 July 2012; (6) Adel Doreen McQuarrie & Ntloane Androniccah Choshane, P.O. Box 1161, Johannesburg, 2000. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 65

Form/Vorm 9


In terms of section 4 (1) of the Insolvency Act, No. 24 of 1936, as amended, notice is hereby given by a petitioner / debtor of his or her making an application to the High Court on the date and time as stated or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard, for the acceptance of the surrender of his or her estate; or of the withdrawal of such notice of surrender previously made and upon having received the Master’s consent, in terms of section 7 of the Act. The information, where applicable, is given in the following order: (1) Name of petitioner, Identity No, occupation and address, style of partnership or firm, and names and partner Identity No, partner occupation, partner addresses of partners; (2) whether application, Division of High Court and date and time of application, or withdrawal of notice of surrender and date of Master’s consent; (3) date as from which a statement of his affairs will lie for inspection for 14 days, the Master’s Office where lying and, if so, the Magistrate’s Office; (4) attorney for petitioner, address and date. KENNISGEWINGS VAN OORGAWE VAN ‘N SKULDENAAR SE BOEDEL

Ingevolge artikel 4 (1) van die Insolvensiewet, No. 24 van 1936, soos gewysig, word hierby deur ’n versoeker/ skuldenaar kennis gegee van sy of haar aansoek wat by die Hooggeregshof op die dag en tyd soos genoem gedoen sal word, of so spoedig daarna as wat die saak verhoor kan word, om aanname van die oorgawe van sy of haar boedel; of van die intrekking van ’n sodanige vroeëre kennisgewing van oorgawe en na verkryging van die Meester se toestemming, ingevolge artikel 7 van die Wet. Die inligting word, waar van toepassing, verstrek in die volgorde: (1) Naam van aansoeker, beroep en adres, styl van vennootskap of firma, en name en adresse van vennote; (2) of ’n aansoek, die Afdeling van die Hooggeregshof en datum en tyd van aansoek, of intrekking van ’n kennisgewing van oorgawe en datum van Meester se toestemming; (3) datum vanaf wanneer sy vermoëstaat ter insae sal lê vir 14 dae, die Meester se kantoor en, indien so, die Landdros se kantoor waar dit sal lê; (4) die prokureur vir die aansoeker, adres en datum.

Francois Venter, 931013 5829 08 7, Technician, Portion 116 of 45, Zilkaatsnek, Hartbeespoort, Unmarried; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 7 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 12 January 2018, Pretoria, Brits; (4) Wessel Oosthuizen Attorneys, 1018 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 12 January 2018. Christo Jacobs, 690604 5171 08 1, Technician, 90 Zelda Street, Sinoville, Pretoria, Married in community of property; Linda Ester Jacobs, 790510 0084 08 7, Sales Consultant; (2) Application: Gauteng Division, Pretoria, 7 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 12 January 2018, Pretoria, Pretoria-North; (4) Wessel Oosthuizen Attorneys, 1018 Saxby Avenue, Eldoraigne, Centurion, 12 January 2018. AHMED ZOONAID CARRIM & ANISA CARRIM, 630330 5156 087 & 650819 0146 080, UNEMPLOYED MAN & SALES LADY, 593 KATHMANDU LAUDIUM EXT 1 LAUDIUM DISTRICT PRETORIA; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 6 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 January 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, not applicable; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 2 January 2018. GERALDINE HETZER, 850205 0089 082, CHEMIST ASSISTANT, 608 IVOR AVENUE MOUNTAINVIEW PRETORIA; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 8 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 January 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, not applicable; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 2 January 2018. RUDOLF ALBERTUS JAMES SMITH, 790406 5025 088, BUSINESSMAN, NO 1 ALAMEIN STREET SPRINGS; (2) Application: GAUTENG HIGH COURT PRETORIA, 8 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 January 2018, MASTER’S OFFICE PRETORIA, SPRINGS; (4) JOHAN VAN HEERDEN ATTORNEYS, BARNSTABLE NO 17 A LYNNWOODMANOR PRETORIA, 2 January 2018. Sarel Johannes Marthinus Venter, 540115 5024 080 1, Production Manager, 28 Bryntiroid Street, Aston Manor, Kempton Park, Gauteng, Unmarried; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 2 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 12 January 2018, Johannesburg, Kempton Park; (4) Charl van der Merwe, Alberton, 4 January 2018. Mark-Anthony Blundell-Gibson, 720817 5043 08 4, Personal Trainer, Unit 1, 6 Clark Street, Edenglen, Edenvale, Gauteng, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 9 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 12 January 2018, Johannesburg, Germiston; (4) Charl van der Merwe, Alberton, 4 January 2018. Chase Gino Audagnotti, 880810 5079 08 9, Graphic Designer, 13 Glenvale, Amanda Avenue, Glenvista, Johannesburg, Gauteng, Unmarried; (2) Application: Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, 2 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 12 January 2018, Johannesburg; (4) Charl van der Merwe, Alberton, 4 January 2018. 66 No. 41375 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 12 JANUARY 2018

Thomas Willem Pavier, 7602085072086, Safety Officer, 393 Ris street Pretoria North, P Pretorius Attorneys; `, `, `, `; (2) Aansoek: Pretoria / Gauteng, 22 November 2017, 10:00; (3) 23 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Pretoria; (4) P Pretorius Attorneys, 71B Sunbird Avenue, Nina Park, Pretoria, 23 Januarie 2018. Annamaria Hayward, 640228 0027 08 9, Verkoopsdame, 18 Ludlow Straat, Westdene, Johannesburg, Gauteng, Geskei; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 6 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Johannesburg; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 4 Januarie 2018. Andries Stephanus van Staden, 860927 5010 08 0, Werkloos, 52 Doreen Straat, The reeds, Centurion, Gauteng, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Zandre Liezel van Staden, 890329 0031 08 4, Persoonlike assistent, 52 Doreen Straat, The Reeds, Centurion, Gauteng; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 9 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 4 Januarie 2018. Mohube Moses Matjie, 700407 5536 08 1, Onderwyser, 613 Redding Straat, Rooihuiskraal, Gauteng, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Mokalabate Fancy MAtjie, 791207 0954 08 5, Werkloos, 613 Redding Straat, Rooihuiskraal, Gauteng; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 9 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 4 Januarie 2018. Ramakgahlele Meisie Magane, 700606 0617 08 1, Onderwyseres, 223 Terblanche Straat, Villieria, Gauteng, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 8 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 4 Januarie 2018. Liezel Lee-Ann Prinsloo, 881128 004 08 8, Radioloog, The Loop Straat 5, Lynnwood, Pretoria, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 7 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 4 Januarie 2018. Frans Jacobus Hattingh, 720425 5100 08 4, Bestuurder, Plane Straat 67, Drie Riviere, Vereeniging, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 8 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Vereeniging; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Ing, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 15 Januarie 2018. Nicolaas Jacobus Smartryk Mc Laggan, 910823 5023 08 4, Ketelmaker, Esia Groblerstraat 11, Vanderbijlpark, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Susanna Magdalena Mc Laggan, 920303 0039 08 6, Werkloos, Esia Groblerstraat 11, Vanderbijlpark; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 9 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Ing, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 15 Januarie 2018. Maria Elizabeth Stapelberg, 550908 0088 08 6, Operateur, Shake Speare Huis 4, Milton Straat, Vanderbijlpark, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 9 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Ing, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 15 Januarie 2018. Jan Hendrik Petrus Strydom, 530126 5122 08 2, Werkloos, Daisy Straat 36, Arcon Park, Vereeniging, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed; Aletta Elizabeth Strydom, 560420 0020 08 3, Werkloos, Daisy Straat 36, Arcon Park, Vereeniging; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 7 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Vereeniging; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Ing, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 15 Januarie 2018. Hermanus Willem Leonard Trollip, 640508 5056 08 8, Trok Bestuurder, Langenhovenstraat 121, Vanderbijlpark, Getroud binne gemeenskap van goed met; Elizabeth Maria Alletta Trollip, 700903 0389 08 8, Werkloos, Langenhovenstraat 121, Vanderbijlpark; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 8 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Ing, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 15 Januarie 2018. Magiel Frederik Van Den Heever, 690118 5054 08 0, Bestuurder, Van Reenen Crescent 28, Vanderbijlpark, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 6 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Ing, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 15 Januarie 2018. Johan Van Der Berg, 720422 5005 08 2, Tegnikus, Danie Theronstraat 37, Vanderbijlpark, Ongetroud; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 5 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria, Vanderbijlpark; (4) Laage, Schoeman & Stadler Ing, 4 Hendrik Van Eck Boulevard, Vanderbijlpark, 15 Januarie 2018. TANYA MATTHEE N.O AS EKSEKUTRISE BOEDEL WYLE ETTIENE DE LA REY MATTHEE 1644/2014, 770908 0019 085, WERKLOOS, GEDEELTE 520 ROODEKOPIES BRITS; (2) Aansoek: GAUTENG DIVISIE PRETORIA, 9 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, PRETORIA, BRITS; (4) PAM VAN STADEN, KANTOOR 111 I STE VLOER WAVERLEY PLAZA 1116 HERTZOGSTRAAT VILLIERIA, 5 Januarie 2018. TANYA MATTHEE, 770908 0019 085, WERKLOOS, GEDEELTE 520 ROODEKOPIES BRITS; (2) Aansoek: GAUTENG DIVISIE PRETORIA, 9 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, PRETORIA, BRITS; (4) PAM VAN STADEN, KANTOOR 111 I STE VLOER WAVERLEY PLAZA 1116 HERTZOGSTRAAT VILLIERIA, 5 Januarie 2018. Christina Gebrecht Maree, 750217 0023 08 7, Projek Bestuurder, 39 Cork Weg, Centurion, Gauteng, Getroud buite gemeenskap van goed; (2) Aansoek: Noord Gauteng (Pretoria), 20 Februarie 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 Januarie 2018, Pretoria; (4) Herman Esterhuizen Smalman Prokureurs, Eastwood Law Chambers, 2de Vloer, 876 Pretorius Straat, Arcadia, 20 Februarie 2018. STAATSKOERANT, 12 JANUARIE 2018 No. 41375 67

Rupert Koekemoer, 720603 5061 080, Distribution Coordinator at Afrox, 64B Kruger Street, Rustenburg, married out community of property; (2) Application: High Court of South Africa, Mahikeng, 8 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 January 2018, Mahikeng, Rustenburg; (4) Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, 155 Bethlehem Avenue, Rustenburg, 0299, 5 January 2018. Frederik, 7012235087085, Sales Representative, Plaas Rabotali, Dinie Estate Road, Waterkloof, married out of community of property; (2) Application: High Court of South Africa, Mahikeng, 8 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 January 2018, Mahikeng, Rustenburg; (4) Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, 155 Bethlehem Avenue, Rustenburg, 0299, 5 January 2018. Frederik, -, Sales Representative, Plaas Rabotali, Dinie Estate Road, Waterkloof, Married out of community of property; (2) Application: High Court of South Africa, Mahikeng, 8 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 15 January 2018, Mahikeng, Rustenburg; (4) Dionne Lamprecht Attorneys, 155 Bethlehem Avenue, Rustenburg, 0299, 5 January 2018. DANKIEL JACOBUS LIEBENBERG, 8401015091087, equate trader, 39 Gordon Road, Somerset West, Married ANC, unemployed women; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 9 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 12 January 2018, Master Cape Town, Magistrate Somerset West; (4) Etienne Genis, 7de Laan Nr 2, Melkbosstrand, 5 January 2018. HENDRIK FREDERIK JANSEN, 6011225004085, a medical unable, Flat 5, Dorp Street 21, Vredenburg, Married in community of property; KAREN DOROTHEA JANSEN, 5911140022081, unemployed women; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 9 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 12 January 2018, Master Cape Town, Magistrate Vredenburg; (4) Etienne Genis, 7de Laan Nr 2, Melkbosstrand, 5 January 2018. DANIEL JACOBUS LIEBENBERG, 8401015091087, equate trader, 39 Gordon Road, Somerset West, Married ANC; (2) Application: Western Cape, Cape Town, 9 February 2018, 10:00; (3) 12 January 2018, Master Cape Town, Magistrate Somerset West; (4) Etienne Genis, 7de Laan Nr 2, Melkbosstrand, 5 January 2018.