Maharshi Vyasa, Sage Yajnavalkya, Yogi Bhusanda, Dattatreya, Yogi Jaigisavya, Thirumula Nayanar
LIVES OF INDIAN SAINTS I read a bit about the saints of India in a school. We were not taught in a manner whereby one could get composite knowledge about Indian saints, the sole purpose was to mug up and get through the exams. Ever since I left school, in my subconscious mind, there was a desire to find a book that told me about Indian saints. This desire was fulfilled 23 years later when I found a book “Lives of Saints” by Swami Sivananda. What is happiness or knowledge if not shared? So I am reproducing the book for you. My comments are in brackets. You are reading this essay due to the superlative efforts of my assistant Ajay who has typed some eighty pages. This essay is dedicated to all Indian saints particularly Veda Vyasa, Sankara, Samartha Ramdas, Namdev, Mirabai, Guru Govind Singh, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Narayan Guru, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Ramana Maharshi and all Bharityas who have sacrificed their lives for the protection of Bharat. Before you go ahead I must say that no civilization, culture can survive if its people adopt the path of non-violence read to mean not retaliating even when you are attacked. Quoting Swami Sivananda “Who is a saint? He who lives in God or the Eternal, who is free from egoism, likes and dislikes, selfishness, vanity, mine-ness, lust, greed and anger, who is endowed with equal vision, balanced mind, mercy, tolerance, righteousness and cosmic love, and who has divine knowledge is a saint. Saints and sages only can become real advisors to the kings, because they are selfless and possess the highest wisdom.
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