Cleveland-Autumn Conference

Position Papers for:

The Development Programme

Delegation from: the Parliamentary Democracy of Represented by: North Olmsted High School

Position Paper for the Development Programme

The issues presented to the United Nations Development Programme include South-South Cooperation for development and technology sharing for economic development. Belgium, as headquarters of the and NATO, is dedicated to bringing together decision-makers from developed and developing countries to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality and exclusion among countries.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

The Parliamentary Democracy of Belgium highly supports South-South Cooperation for development. South-South Cooperation is a term used to describe the exchange of resources, technology, and knowledge between developing countries. One key goal of the cooperation is to strengthen and improve economic ties amongst countries. Representatives from the developing south meet annually to discuss the development and improvement of financial inclusion strategies and policies. Although there are many developed nations willing to donate resources, technology, and knowledge, one of the biggest challenges the UNDP faces for South-South Cooperation is lack of capital. Another challenge the UNDP faces for South-South Cooperation is that rich and powerful states in the South are most often the only voices heard.

Belgium is a small, highly developed, and densely populated country which allows it to provide financial support to developing nations. Belgium, as well as several other donor countries, has recently provided financial aid for training sessions and the dispatch of Moroccan exports in the areas of fisheries, drinking water and sanitation, machine and road maintenance, and several other areas. South- and Belgium currently has very strong ties in the development of both countries. They have a mutually beneficial trade and investment relationship and scientific partnership based on technological exchanges that enhances the development of both countries. Belgium provides bilateral aid to 18 partner countries in Asia, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa, and the Middle East. In order to improve South-South Cooperation, it is important to consider all aspects of the donation of resources, technology, and knowledge.

The Parliamentary Democracy of Belgium is in favor of improving the standing resolutions and programs that were created to allow for the development of nations. Many countries are hesitant in donating resources, technology, and knowledge because they are in debt and fear that prosperity in one country will lead them to have less opportunities to prosper as well. Belgium would like a resolution to be made that pairs up countries and will provide them with a mutually beneficial trade and investment relationship similar to the one that Belgium and South-Africa have. Belgium would also like to see a program created to raise capital for a South-South Bank that could replace the frequently criticized .II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

The advancement of society as well as the improvement of everyday life has always been the foremost goal of mankind, and shall continue to be so as long as humanity wishes to continue it's existence. For this reason, it is important to address the issue of places in the world that are struggling to advance, and in turn are finding their means of survival challenged. As representatives of countries across the globe, we are tasked with the sizable challenge of coming to a consensus of how to bring an end to the exponentially growing economic challenges that plague our respective inhabitants. Poverty is an issue that affects a large range of individuals, not only is it the daily toil for the impoverished in underdeveloped countries,

2 but similarly effects struggling individuals in even the most prosperous of countries, illuminating poverty as an issue that must be fought by all nations. Clearly, there are nations that have been able to develop, as well as utilize, more advanced technologies than other nations, creating a gap in technological prowess between nations. Additionally, these countries that have reached higher levels of technological status, also have a higher level of financial status for the nation and its’ population as a whole. This does not, and should not act as a tangible display for which countries are superior to others. This common knowledge should instead act as a statement to more developed and economically stable nations; that struggling countries need aid through the sharing of technologies available to them, as a means to assist all societies in advancing both economically and technologically as a whole. A major issue facing poverty stricken nations is the challenge of having enough suitable housing to provide to a large sum of a country’s population. In numerous countries there are a lacking number of housing or the buildings infrastructure are in them self underdeveloped, providing unsatisfactory shelter to its inhabitants. Through more developed nations lending construction equipment, as well as the plans for developing similar tools and more efficient infrastructures; struggling countries with be given the technological boost they need to start combating their own economic difficulties. Additionally the introduction of new technologies to countries will give way to a whole new market of technology related services, development, and maintenance which will in turn stem a multitude of jobs; completely revamping numerous nation’s economies. Offer advanced technology to deteriorating markets, such as textile or other manufacturers, will simultaneously allow them to better provide their products to consumers, which will allow money to flow smoothly between consumers and producers to create an all around steady market for the nation being gifted these advancements. Though the first steps towards the end of poverty and inequality in all societies has already been taken with the recent proclamation of the “Sustainable Development Goals for 2030”; it is now time to take action. Through the passing of resolutions and initiative policies, finally truth and effort can be delivered to the promises made to the citizens of the world. The utter ceasement of poverty and economic uncertainty will come to fruition once all nations can look upon each other as neighbors in need of a helping hand.

3 Delegation from: The Federal Dominion of Canada Represented by: Rocky River High School

Position Paper for The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

The issues that are seen before the Development Programme are that of Topic A- South-South Cooperation for Development and Topic B- Technology Sharing for Economic Development.

A. South-South Cooperation for Development

As The Federal Dominion of Canada has been very active in the South-South Cooperation, this is a topic of great importance to the country. Canada, believes in its youth and through the South- South Cooperation we are able to have exchange programs through education with poverty stricken countries to try and help further the development of these nations.

The South-South Cooperation is a highly seen and regarded as a great plan that will help promote biodiversity for employment opportunities. This is essential for developing countries which is why we see this partnership as a plentiful one. The nation of Canada has just recently done such in relation to the cooperation by passing legislation in 1988 to have a Canadian Multiculturalism Act. This act is proof that diversity is evident in a large 1st world country in which all languages, religions, and customs of others will all be respected.

The Federal Dominion of Canada has also recently created a specific partnership with the Republic of South Africa. This deal is that of which we will support the growing nation by improving service delivery with a focus on the poor, institutional capacity building of South African government and civil society organizations, and also improving management of natural resources. In return for high level of skills, ethics and integrity within government.

The Dominion of Canada believes the South South Cooperation is a success. Thus, leading to more growing nations and development of those that are still developing. We are asking other delegations to push for more partnerships with nations that are in need and to promote development for all countries to expand in education and peace.

B. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

As The Federal Dominion of Canada has been furthering the technological advancements in our own country we see technological sharing as a must for other delegations to further their economic development on the world stage. This will lead to more economic success and also help combat the major issues in our world that can be calculated with improved technological advancements.

The Dominion believes that technology is crucial to a growing economy. Here are just some of the facts: 117 Billion dollars or 7.1% of all of the country’s total economic output is produced by the Economic Sector. Also, in a recent partnership with Wave front and a number of leading tech

4 firms, the Brookfield Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship released a comprehensive report on the state of Canada’s tech sector this week. With the high-growth tech industry responsible for many of the changes we’ve seen in our culture, economy and way of life.

Also we believe that a joint partnership deal with the United States of America is crucial to demonstrating how a cooperation of technology can be greatly expressed to that of other delegations across the globe. For example we have been very keen on the issue of Climate Change and through technology we have been able to see how it affects us as a nation in our Northern Provinces ice is melting and thus we have realized as a nation through technology we need to promote a low-carbon future to emit less emissions into the atmosphere The Dominion of Canada believes that the sharing of technology is crucial. Thus, leading to more growing nations in their own economies and will help development of those that are lacking technology right now. We are asking other delegations to push for more partnerships with nations that will help build economies and also help other nations as a whole grow because technology it is becoming more and more evident that technology is the future and that we must be advancing with it.

5 Delegation from: China Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are: South-South Cooperation (SSC) for Development; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The Delegation of China would like to emphasize the Chinese government's goals and beliefs in supporting South-South Cooperation and believes that technology sharing will further advance economic development.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

The Republic of China recognizes and supports the unique solutions South-South Cooperation provides for developing countries. As one of the largest developing countries in the world, China considers South-South Cooperation to be of utmost importance, and believes that this cooperation is the foundation of its foreign and diplomatic policy. China’s ideals to support other countries in times of hardship is represented in the domestic legislations and actions taken to increase South-South Cooperation.

Recognizing the importance of South-South Cooperation, the UNDP and China have enforced several projects to not only promote cooperation between China and other developing countries, but to also increase China’s involvement in international affairs. According to Wen Jiabao, who served as head of government in China for a decade, China has constructed more than 150 schools, 100 hospitals, over 70 clean water facilities, and more than 60 stadiums for fellow developing countries. China has also sent over 20,000 medical professionals to 70 countries, treating millions of patients. These contributions helped improve the lifestyle of people living in developing nations.

The Republic of China has consistently shown support for the SSC. China participated in many UNDP sponsored cooperation initiatives, which have been important to promote regional security, stability, and development. From 1979-1999, China efficiently enforced over 100 programs involving South-South Cooperation. These programs encompassed most of the important fields in China’s national development and economic system reform. By 2009, the Chinese government cancelled the RMB 25.6 billion yuan (approximately $4 billion) debt owed by poor and least developed nations. China has also loaned out $10 billion to the African Union and $15 billion of credit support to ASEAN (Association of Southeast Nations) countries. In 2010, China signed an agreement with the UNDP, known as the Strengthened Partnership, to further reinforce South-South Cooperation between China and other developing nations. China has contributed to the economic development and each individual’s prosperity of recipient countries, extended their friendship with the developing nations, and set a favorable example of South-South Cooperation. As a result, China’s participation and assistance continues to grow. Therefore, the Delegation of China calls upon all international delegates to support South-South Cooperation, as multiple efforts are needed to enforce the SSC’s goals in providing for developing countries.


II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

The Republic of China believes that technological advancements should be shared for economic prosperity among developing nations. China believes that in order to obtain any advancements in developing countries, they need to be willing to communicate the advancements each country made within its borders. Trusting that this system will result in the maximum amount of development, China took many steps to enforce and strengthen technology sharing between developing nations.

Recognizing the significance of sharing technology, China, using the UNDP’s financial resources, has established hundreds of research and training facilities. Some of the most noted institutions include the Small Hydro Power Center, Meteorological Center, Biogas Center, and the Solar Energy Center. With support from the UNDP, these centers of research and training have immensely improved their research and development capacities and have become proficient in matured technology. These hubs of information have helped many developing countries by giving them places to offer technical service, execute joint research, and train many groups of technical personnel at the same time.

China has efficiently shared technology in order to benefit developing nations. For example, China’s development of green technology and willingness to share this information with other developing nations helped create new markets, employment, and sustainable environmental management. In 2015, President Xi Jinping pledged to help developing countries during his trip to Washington and the United Nations. Within the next five years, he agreed to donate a $2 billion fund to strengthen development programs, a $3 billion fund to attend to the effects of climate change, and to implement training programs for 500,000 experts. The Chinese government has enforced South-South Cooperation as a way to help the sharing of technological advances become renowned through both developing and economically stable countries. As a result, the economy in developing nations has greatly improved due to the many technological advancements these countries have shared. The Chinese Delegation would like to call upon the other international delegates to support the sharing of economic advancements among developing nations because foreign assistance will not only improve the growing economies of developing countries, but will also help Chinese products and enterprises spread throughout the world.

7 The Delegation from: Ecuador Represented by: Lake Ridge Academy

Position Paper for United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

The United Nations Development Program has two major plans for developing third world countries. The South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The South-South Cooperation for Development is very helpful for developing countries like Ecuador. It lets the United Nations recognize these small countries. Next is the Technology Sharing for Economic Development. This shows the benefits of bringing advanced technology to developing countries like Ecuador.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

The South-South Cooperation for Development is a group primarily located in the Southern Hemisphere. The South-South Cooperation for Development is a tool used to help developing countries. On the UNDP website, the objective of the South-South Cooperation for Development is to “share knowledge [between developing countries] and experience, training, technology transfer, financial and monetary cooperation and in-kind contributions.” The South- South Cooperation for development helps countries rely on themselves and not on other countries. It also helps countries greater understand the problems in their country and fix them more efficiently. The UNDP in 2015 created many helpful government projects. This was created for 132 countries where 689 projects were implemented. Ecuador is currently part of the South-South Cooperation for Development. Many foreign powers have donated to help Ecuador’s South-South Cooperation for Development. For example, the European Union has donated almost $63,000,000 in Ecuador. Ecuador has developed more since 2009 mainly due to the donors. The donors are very essential to the success of Ecuador. On top of this, other first world countries give advice to the developing countries in the southern hemisphere. These countries help explain the knowledge that we lack about things like the government, and the economy. Right now, Ecuador is on track with the programs they have in their country. To develop Ecuador further, we need more donors so we can implement more programs that there are already in Ecuador. With our resolution, a fifth of government taxes shall go towards government spending. With this, taxes will not be raised, and a greater amount of money will be progressing toward government projects, such as the South-South Cooperation for Development. Our resolution would make sure that the United Nations would further encourage the South- South cooperation by making sure that developing countries are aware of how helpful it can be for them.

8 II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Technology sharing for economic development is about having a more of a widespread source of technology for countries. Developing countries lack advanced technology that many first world countries use. Having more technology in a country, especially a developing country, will only benefit that country. Technology sharing will benefit the whole world because the countries in the south can give a lot of information that the rest of the world does not know. Many developing countries do not have enough money for more advanced technology. This is because most of the developing countries’ income heavily relies on food exporting. Because Ecuador is a developing country, they lack the “essential” technology for this generation. Overall, the world is becoming more and more technologically advanced, third world countries cannot get left behind in this process. In 2014, Ecuador’s first research university that specializes in technology was built. The president of Ecuador called this project, “the most important project in the history of Ecuador.” Later, in 2015, Ecuador plunged into an economic recession, and did not have enough money to pay for the whole campus. Quickly, the university got worse and worse and could not even afford to by the smallest things, like chairs. The university was never as good as it sought out to be. However, if Ecuador never went into the unexpected recession the university would be thriving. Third world countries like Ecuador need plans like this to push for more technology. Ecuador needs an inexpensive way to acquire the technology it lacks. Our resolution shall make sure that the United Nations can also focus on developing countries for getting necessary technology in the hands of every citizen. In recent years, the United Nations started to focus more on developing countries like Ecuador. With this being said, we think that if the United Nations focused more on technology, our resolution could become a possibility. Our resolution would increase spending for technology and to compensate for the loss of money, Ecuador would ask the United Nations for funding for the developing countries from the main powers of the world.

9 Delegation from: The French Republic

Represented by: Mayfield High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme The issues before the Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development.-----SOUTH SOUTH BG-----The French Republic is committed to educating Southern countries of the benefits of technology sharing, and hopes that there will be advancements made in cooperation between Southern countries to develop their economies.

I: South-South Cooperation for Development The French Republic believes that knowledge and science is what leads to economic growth and development. During the past decades since the South-South Cooperation for Development began, the SSCD has helped engaged countries in continents such as Africa (ASA) for them to become more developed with their hard work implementing policies from Southern- generated solutions. in particular has participated primarily participated in the SSCD through partnerships with developing countries concerning technology. With multiple projects launched, France has been able to be an asset of the SSCD.

The French Republic has been a partner with SSCD, and money donated goes to organizations such as the CIRAD and the FSP. Over time we have launched transfer projects that not only help developing countries, but also our own nation’s integrity and competitiveness. One such project is the Valorisation Sud which was a $12 million tech transfer project, headed by the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development. €350 million is involved in developmental research annually from France. Some issues that the whole SSCD has experienced is of those of international organizations such as the World Bank and IMF. These organizations have been affecting the SSCD because developing countries take loans for capital programs from the World Bank. The loans really hurt the SSCD because with countries taking these out, the SSCD isn’t needed. When the cooperation isn’t needed then development that will help have an unified countries with an unified world, will not happen. Most of France’s relations with the South-South Cooperation deal with technology because a country's development really relies on their technological power.

A solution to the problem discussed above would be joint investment between the developing and donating country for energy and oil to improve economic ties. By doing this both parties could benefit, an over time the once developing country will hopefully have enough resources and/or currency to be able to actually step into the world as a nation that doesn’t need help anymore, but one that will end up helping other developing countries. The donating country will also benefit because they have an relation with another country which can be beneficial in many ways, and will also have some of the resources/profit from what they invested in. There are other tiny solutions that could be implemented but won’t be easy or actually helpful for either countries.

II: Technology Sharing For Economic Development The French Republic believes that involvement in science and innovative ideas are the pathway to stronger economic growth and sustainable development. By working together to develop new innovations

10 in green energy, states can create a stable foundation for not only their businesses, but other areas, such as medicine, education, agriculture, communications, and infrastructure. By exchanging knowledge, but still keeping the intellectual rights, advancements in research can be made. This would allow other countries to enter the market and establish competition between states, further propelling new ideas and adaptation to circumstances and demand.

The United nations has addressed this topic in the 1970, when they realized that southern countries shared socio-economic concerns. At this point, the UN established the Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries, or TCDC. The intentions for this were to boost the self-sufficiency of developing countries and increase the productivity of any other developmental projects. This plan wasn't implemented as planned since the intentions and orientations for each county were different, which made cooperation difficult. Furthermore, very little resources were provided by the UN and other developed countries to provide what was needed for the plan to take action. Already developed countries weren’t as willing to promote South-South trade, and preferred North-South exchanges due to a lack of awareness. Later, the South- South Global Assets and Technology exchange (SS-GATE) was implemented, and proved to be more successful than the TCDC. By providing a transitional platform that allowed market-driven exchanges of technology, assets, and services, the SS-GATE was able to help create 1000 enterprises and had more than 3640 innovative projects listed. An example of it’s success is shown in the exchange between Vietnam and Benin, which helped Benn to develop aquaculture from Vietnamese fish that had not been possible previously.

France believes that the TCDC could be modified to better fit the needs of all countries, North and South, as well as providing a basis for today's rapidly growing technology. Our country can and will support any initiatives made towards this project. The first step towards this would be for each beneficiary country to make their national policies clear, and recognize and grasp their capabilities. They should confirm that they are willing to cooperate with other delegations and take an initiative towards advancement. None of this would be possible without education, since one of the main problems of the TCDC was a lack of awareness. North countries should be taught that they too will benefit since strong ties will be created, and new ideas will be shared with them as well. South countries, similarly should be informed of how much they can grow with the sharing of resources and new ideas. Such initiatives could provide green solutions to dirty water, housing, and heat. Furthermore, there should be an addition of a sharing platform, where owners will be credited for the work, making them more willing to share. The last adjustment that should be made is that specific responsibilities should be assigned to institutions and corporations in the participating countries, and the agreement could provide for the equitable sharing and widespread diffusion of the technologies developed. This would provide means for equal collaboration and a distribution of knowledge.

11 Delegation from: the Republic of India Represented by: Saint Vincent-Saint Mary’s High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The Republic of India is strongly connected to these issues, and is excited for working with other countries to create reasonable solutions to develop the lives of those that will be affected by the decisions made in this committee.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

South-South cooperation is the cooperation between two or more countries to help create a better political, economic, social, cultural, environmental, and technical lifestyle amongst the developing nations. There are multiple objectives of South-South Cooperation including: creating self-dependence for the countries, to help countries form stronger bonds, and to increase the strategies used to develop nations. Benefits to South-South Cooperation would include: strengthening the voice of developing nations, opening channels of communication to new countries, enhancing technology of countries, and improving the lives of citizens of the developing nations.

India being a developing state, has contributed in many ways toward South-South Cooperation. India has been active toward the development of countries in Asia and Africa. India is a key player in the global economy. While only holding 1.7 shares in the world economy, India’s trade still affects the world through bans on exports or the quantity of imports. The Republic of India’s trade and investments are still largely shaped by the country’s needs. India’s Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) are valuable to low-income countries. Even though India does not have the same economic support of those countries such as China and the United States, they stand as a strong partner with experience in the issue of poverty and lack of technology. India has embraced its responsibility as a neighboring country and has instilled an infrastructure in mechanical and technological sectors of economy. Thus India is excited for a future in development and the development of those around them.

India is going to continue creating grant associations with border nations and share their interests. India wishes to stem its South-South Cooperation through the ITEC. This means that India wants to bring their economic enhancements to countries of other continents, not just those that border them.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Technology sharing for economic development is the contribution of technological advancements and/or knowledge by two or more countries in a collective effort to further their respective economies. The concept of a sharing economy is appealing due to its multitude of benefits, the main benefits being more accessible and easier utilization of shared goods and services. The economy also gains from increased digital literacy, micro-entrepreneurship, employment, and consumerism. Sharing allows for suppliers to have increased business due to a

12 wider range of industry, more social mobility in order to benefit millions of workers, and better skill development and utilization by the unskilled workforce. The Republic of India is in the early stages of developing a strong sharing economy and sees the opportunity to expand on the benefits they have already reaped.

India was one of several developing countries that had established one or more focal points for the Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries program that was established to encourage developing countries to cooperate on technological matters. However, India has recently been reclassified by the World Bank to a lower-middle income country rather than a developing country. They have bilateral/multilateral agreements to share certain resources with several countries, including Bahrain, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Mauritius, and Togo. The IPF has also helped fund a $925,000 TOKTEN project for India. India takes interest in the benefits of technology sharing because of their lesser personal asset ownership and due to the fact that sharing economy encourages re-use rather than singular ownership. Because of this, the personal transportation industry has been positively impacted by technology sharing platforms.

The Republic of India feels that the reach of technology sharing can be furthered in three different ways. First, a database/coalition should be established where official information representative of a country’s technological advancements can be accessed by everyone who has access to the internet. Making this information more accessible and easy to locate on a single server furthers everyone’s capabilities as individuals and as a whole. Second, an accessible program to educate and inform individuals about the basics of technology to the advancements made most recently should be established. Finally, bilateral agreements between countries are absolutely essential to completing this task. These agreements are important in that they are the foundation of trust between two or more countries. Collaborating countries’ trust of each other is absolutely imperative to exercising their full potential in sharing technology in the hopes of expanding their respective economies.

13 Delegation from :Japan Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for Development Programme

The issues before the Development Programme are South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Japan hopes to be able to provide aid in the solution to assist less developed countries and believes that all citizens from all countries deserve the right to be able to provide for themselves and their family.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development South-South Cooperation for Development is a program where developed countries partner with developing countries to foster growth between both countries. South-South Cooperation for Development first became popular in the 1970s. Soon after the General Assembly suggested to the United Nations Development Programme that the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation. In 2010 477 communities benefitted from the programs initiated by the office including The Global Alliance for Clean Stoves. This program created a global market for efficient and, more importantly, clean cookstoves which allowed these stoves to be more accessible worldwide and more affordable.

Japan supports the South-South Cooperation for Development as illustrated by the fact that Japan was once a part of the Colombo Plan in 1954 where Japan received financial aid from donor countries to help rebuild after the destruction of World War II. Japan has also taken several actions to verify its support including the ODA Charter approved in 2003 which states that "Japan will actively promote South-South Cooperation in partnership with more advanced developing countries in Asia and other regions. Japan will also strengthen collaboration with regional cooperation frameworks, and will support region-wide cooperation that encompasses several countries." When revised in 2005, the ODA Charter continued to say, “Priority issues will be addressed in line with the following basic principles outlined in the ODA Charter: provision of support for the self-help efforts ("ownership") of developing countries . . . and action in concert with the international community (including South-South Cooperation)."

Japan recognizes that while many steps have been taken to improve South-South Cooperation for Development steps are still needed to ensure further success. Japan believes that South-South Cooperation for Development not only benefits the receiving country but also the global economy in general. Japan views its own story as proof because after World War II Japan had the need for financial assistance but as of 2013, of Japan’s population only 13.6% fell under the poverty line. Japan hopes to aid in further advances to the South-South Cooperation for Development program and hopes that new policies will assist in reaching more communities than ever and further aiding communities that have already benefitted.

I. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Technology Sharing is the idea that all people are exponentially becoming more advanced the more people can use technology to share ideas. Today a 30 year old coder can share a line of code to a engineer in the US. As people share what they learn through the internet they shrink the

14 world around them. People globally no longer have true land borders, anyone one with access to the internet can learn as much as they chose to. Now as the world advances some countries with the lack of means to access the pool of information they have begun to create must be brought forward into the 21st Century.

As the country of Japan has used their expanding pool of knowledge to catapult itself into the position of being one of the economical superpower. As Japan has one of the lower unemployment rates at 13.6%, it also has a large basis in Manufacturing and Services. Japan also owns some of the largest companies in the world like Toyota and Honda. Japan also has helped in the development of countries in Africa through organization like TICAD (Tokyo International Conference on African Development). TICAD was started in 1993 and is proudly aligning with Africa own agenda.

With the conference today Japan hopes to use the technology and research it has acquired to help better the world around us. We are hopeful with the idea that the world will take advice from previous success like TICAD to greatly decreases the amount of countries left in the world without the tools to use technologies to their advantages.

15 Delegation from: Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal Represented by: Mayfield High School

Position Paper for Development Programme (UNDP)

The issues presented to the Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Nepal supports the strengthening of South-South Cooperation and emphasis on peace and prosperity for economic development. I. South-South Cooperation for Development

The Federal Democratic of Nepal supports corporations intended for developing countries. South-South Cooperation for Development is a broad term to describe the vast number of frameworks that interchanges resources, technology and knowledge between developing countries in the global South. South-South Cooperation exists amongst 177 countries and territories, and works with the administration and people to find solutions to worldwide and their own country's development problems.

The Federal Democratic of Nepal believes that by strengthening the ties between other South countries will improve development at home and abroad. The Federal Democratic of Nepal has made crucial steps to support the cooperation, even being one of the least developed countries Nepal would like to continue and increase this cooperation as, it believes that it will do nothing but provide good outcomes for all parties involved, like mainly further development, as well as greater relative peace and prosperity. To show its devotion to South-South Cooperation, Nepal had participated in the 60th Anniversary Conference Summit in Bandung and Jakarta from April 21 to 25 2015, with the theme Strengthening South-South Cooperation to Promote World Peace and Prosperity, with the Prime Minister, Sushil Koirala as the leading Nepali delegate.

The Federal Democratic of Nepal would like to address this topic as an important piece to developing countries. The outcome is to be expected that not only does Nepal benefit from the sharing of resources and technology, but the other South-South countries as well. The Federal Democratic of Nepal would like to see new policies encouraging South-South Cooperation for its global partnership. New policies such as trade and investment policies to help speed up the process of developing countries. Creating new jobs will help break the cycle of poverty in less developed countries. New jobs will stimulate the economy, for the more jobs there are, the more people who have paychecks, and thus they can go and spend that money on consumer products or services. In turn, the businesses the money was spent on, now has the money to hire more employees to accommodate the growing demand of the product or service, which creates more jobs, and then the employees that get hired have money to go out and shop for things and so forth the cycle of money goes on. Another policy Nepal would like to see, is a further use of South- South Cooperation to help fight climate change. Since climate change is such a complex issue, Nepal would like to see united efforts to fight this challenge. With the connections South-South Cooperation makes, countries from around the world can be linked together to help each other search for solutions. They can easily share research , data and possible solutions for this complex problem

16 II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

The Federal Democratic of Nepal is one of the world's poorest countries, making Nepal wholeheartedly supportive of technology sharing for economic development. Technology is essential for economic growth and development. More advanced economies rely on the innovation of new knowledge while developing countries are influenced by the accessibility and adaptability to technology that has already been generated.

The Federal Democratic of Nepal was an isolated society in between China and India up until mid-twentieth century. Nepal emerged in the modern era without any of the modern technologies such as schools, hospitals, roads, power or industry. Despite this, the country has made considerable progress since the 1950s. In February 9 of 2014, 1,000 people gathered for the Nepal Economic Summit, which brought attention to Nepal’s economic development. Transitioning into a federal democratic republic in 2008 from a monarchy had proved to be challenging, however with the help from the summit and the Nepali Congress newly formed Constitutional Assembly, Nepal’s economic issues became addressed and organized. The Summit ended in a 19- point reform agenda to advance economic growth. In addition to the summit conference, Nepal has taken steps to be part of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) or the 21st century version of the ancient Silk Road. Nepal could serve as a gateway to South Asia which will open new opportunities for Nepal. This renovation of the ancient Chinese silk road, which will be funded mainly by Chinese policy banks, will connect nations and bring immense prosperity. The OBOR is expected to raise Nepal’s trade, tourism, water resources and transportation through technology transfers, high standard infrastructure and labor mobility. With about 25 percent of Nepalis living under the poverty line, technology sharing is crucial to Nepal’s economy. Concern was expressed at the Seventh National Conference on Science and Technology organised by the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). During the conference, Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli said that science and technology are the supporting sector for the economic development of Nepal.

All in all, The Federal Democratic of Nepal would like to see technology sharing on a global scale. Possible outcomes and policies it would like to see, is the development of the OBOR, which will benefit Nepal’s economy as well as many other countries that run along the route. Through this route, technologies can be shared easily through the connection of each country, which will help develop the economy. Something like this is what Nepal needs to help improve its economy. Other outcomes Nepal would like to see is increased science and technology sharing. The Prime Minister, had stated in the conference that other countries have made significant progress in technology, so less developed countries should initiate some progress to catching up, otherwise they would lag behind, which can correlate with the economy. Newer, faster, and more efficient technologies will help Nepal’s economy, for it would be able to connect more with more developed countries. Not to mention, with the recent earthquake, April 25, 2015, shared technologies would greatly help the rebuilding of Nepal’s infrastructure. Reconstructing the nation will help the economy, for a stable society is needed for the growth of jobs and consumerism.

17 Delegation from: Netherlands Represented by: Orange High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the Economic and Social Council are: South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The Netherlands is devoted to ensuring that these issues are resolved in a fashion that benefits all people while pursuing international cooperation with other participating delegations in determining feasible resolutions that will benefit all present nations.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology

Across the Global South, the need for greater development through technology is becoming an increasingly pressing issue. According to a 2013 report, developing nations control about three-fourths, or seventy-five percent of the global economy, which is $4.3 trillion in assets controlled by sovereign wealth funds in the world. These developing nations can be greatly aided when the opportunity for development is placed into their own hands by more developed nations, who experience benefits from this because of the large majoritarian impact that developing nations have on the global economy and its subsequent assets. Being that there have been 26,700 direct beneficiaries, 477 communities benefitted, 1,533 indigenous people trained, 3,124 farmers converted to organic production, 673 new products and 179 new services developed, 1,160 women involved in decision-making, and more than $250,000 of sales in 2010, it is clear that the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation has experienced great success in the past and will continue to do so on a larger scale as it continues to expand its influence. This special unit recognizes that is essential and imperative to accord to and recognize the rights of nations to national sovereignty, independence, and other rights of nations, but it has successfully shown the world, and specifically the developed world, the benefits that aiding underdeveloped nations through South-South cooperation can have on the global economy.

The Netherlands has a strong history of support for South-South cooperation in a specific way of promoting the funding of certain projects and initiatives through larger organizations. In 1992, Benin, Bhutan and Costa Rica separately entered into bilateral Sustainable Development Agreements with the Netherlands, which was formalized in 1994. From there, these developing nations have come under the umbrella of the South-South cooperation, and in 2005, they received a grant of over U.S. $13 million. The Netherlands’ main goal in this is to bridge the gap between developed and underdeveloped nations in order to develop reciprocal projects that go on to generate knowledge and empower stakeholders, mobilize governments toward sustainable technology and development, and cooperate by partnering with these countries to promote international commitments and mutuality. For example, the Netherlands has partnered with the Benin-Centre de Partenariat et d'Expertise pour le Développement Durable and the Fundecooperación para el Desarrollo Sostenible to ensure that these goals are met. By using funding from the Netherlands, this South-South cooperation has enabled the 3 named countries to share skills and knowledge on topics like agriculture, environment, and especially means of technology, which has led to huge successes, like how from their Costa Rican counterparts, Beninese farmers have discovered how to grow organic pineapples, and in vice versa, the Costa Ricans learned how to use insects to feed their cattle in a more effective and efficient manner. Essentially, the Netherlands has been dedicated and devoted to providing the seed money for the South-South cooperation, and the projects it has funded have evolved towards more sustainable ones.

The Netherlands is looking to broaden its horizons in a sustainable plan by moving away from solely South-South concepts by including emerging economies like China in a more triangular form of cooperation. This idea has been backed by Obadiah Mailafia, the head of cabinet of the African and Pacific Secretariat, because it is clear that the concepts in the modern-day implementation of strict South-South cooperation can be undeniably limiting, and emerging economies should be included so that more benefits and synergy can be reaped by participating nations through working with emerging economies, which goes on to bring about more rapid means of sustainable development for nations and benefits the globe as a whole.

18 II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

The Global South has much to offer regarding new technology necessary for improving and developing economies. Also, countries that have resources and materials that are needed to achieve this easily accessible to them are crucial to the further development of these economies and modernized technology enhancements. Many of the issues that strike impoverished countries can be solved with new technology from other countries, more developed countries. Many researchers believe the most beneficial way to develop new technology and put it to use is through green systems that will not harm the environment or cause destruction to the already depleted environments of poorer countries. There are also multiple programs in effect that have been created to encourage the developing countries to work for independence from larger, more powerful countries as well as to use the new technology to make their country more updated and better altogether. One example of such programs is TCDC. The first step towards creating a more economically comfortable world is to help developing countries with their technological advancements and help them strive for independence.

The Netherlands is extremely involved in providing financial aid to developing countries and is open to advancing the technology in these countries as well. One of the country’s strengths includes supporting companies from developing countries that are looking for investments. The Netherlands also ranks very high on the charts regarding how updated the technology is and how the country is improving technologically. Nevertheless, the Netherlands has not yet made significant efforts to truly push the modernization of these technological advancements towards such developing countries. Since it is considered one of the weaknesses, the Netherlands is open to exploring possible advancements that could be made in this area.

In order to have the Netherlands aid this process of helping developing countries learn to advance in a technological direction, it would have to further extend its intellectual property rights to these developing countries. The Netherlands already has strong connections with other developed, first world countries, but are still look to expand to help developing countries. The Netherlands is also in a comfortable economic and technological position so it is even more open than other, less comfortable, countries may be to this type of assistance.

19 Delegation from: The Federal Republic of Represented by: Saint Edward High School

Position Papers for the United Nations Development Program

Development is a huge issue in Nigeria. The government needs to maintain a prospering economy to keep jobs open and in return, keep development open.

I. South-South Co-operation for Development

Nigeria is a non-stopping developmental country. New ideas are being put into action everyday. One of these ideas is the development of new roads. This project started in April of 2008, and plans on ending in December of 2016. Over-all it has costed 365 million dollars. This Federal Road Project will make transportation much easier and faster. Many towns and cities are working together to keep Nigeria Africa’s top city. Another project is the trade network. On average, Nigeria exports crude oil, mainly to the US. They account for 405% of the United States oil. At the rate they are trading, the other development ideas will become a reality.

Another great development is the VISA program arranged with South Africa. Recently Nigerians have had a great deal of difficulty with acquiring these. This will make studying abroad and traveling much easier. Our plans for the future are a Bank Of Nigeria. This will centralize the money of our people, and the government. It also is more secure and will start lending money to new entrepreneurs. It will provide money for those who wish to start businesses. The micro, small, and medium enterprises will benefit greatly. Through that, the government will have more money for new projects and for the people.

The next plan is for 7,000mw(megawatts) to be generated in the next 18 months. This will help power gas, pipeline, oil, and the power plants. Which, in return, will provide jobs and keep the economy strong. Lastly, we plan on opening a luxury hotel for tourists. This will keep attractions high, and the economy growing, When people come from all over, it will offer even more money for the government and for new jobs. There is plenty of attractions such as, terrain and architecture; especially Ikoyi. Which is an amusement park. As one can see, Nigeria is full of different developments. The economy will keep growing and remain Africa's top country.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Nigeria gained independence from Great Britain on October 1st 1960. This was only 56 years ago and Nigeria is still a developing country and economy. One of the key factors that create a stable government is a solid education. This is critical because the students are the future of the country and is up to them to become a fully developed country. 77 percent of Nigeria’s land is arable land, meaning it is able to be used to farm. This whole situation is a problem for Nigeria today because since Nigeria is behind in knowledge of technology and technology is the future, Nigerians must be learning more about technology and how it can develop and economy.

Many students in school do not have access to a computer around their home. A solution for this is that the government could supply these necessities. After a recent poll, 27% of the population have smartphones, 62% have normal cellphones, and 11% have no phone. Smartphones are basically portable computers and can not just be used for entertainment, but also for education

20 purposes. A student can learn how to build a well that benefits the community, instead of walking 10 miles to retreive 2 buckets of water. Computers and smartphones can become teachers through tutorials, even when a physical teacher is not present. Nigeria is a very dry and sunny country. This is a perfect environment for a solar panel and can sustain this area of limited power. In Ohio in the United States get, on a yearly average, 7.5 hours of sunlight per day, while in Nigeria, the Nigerians receive 11 hours and 30 minutes of sunlight per day on a yearly average.

According to the Group, “the heart of the development policy of the new administration is security, fighting corruption, and social welfare.” In a renown diagram called Maslow’s Triangle your needs, starting from your physiological needs to your self- actualization needs, but the key is that if you do not reach one of these needs, you will not be closing in on your self-actualization needs, or one’s main goal or full potential. Social welfare is in the basic need category because people can not be starving, people need a home, warmth. The need of security falls into the section of your safety needs. The need of being able to fight corruption is also in the category of Safety needs. Once we have assured these needs, then we must assist in assuring the two before full potential is acquired. The two other needs are your branch off of your psychological needs and they are one’s esteem needs and the belongingness and loving needs. Once these are met then the country of Nigeria can become close to its full potential.

One very eco-friendly way Nigeria can reach full potential is by having a solar panel farm so they can generate power that is present for almost half of the day. This also will help their limited power problem. The other members of UN can also help pay for the cost of these low cost computers so that the people of the future are exposed to some sort of technology, even if it is a very inexpensive computer. Nigeria is mostly made up of arable land with is run by people and some mad controlled machines. Multiple tractor companies have been creating autonomous farming machines that can do the work of hundreds of men which can be modified to be powered by solar charged batteries. This will also fulfill the people’s basic need of food and Nigeria is a major source of petroleum and oil and many other advanced nations in the world today need this. This can be used to Nigeria as an advantage for other technology trades. Soon, Nigeria could be in the top 50, or even 30 economic countries.

21 Delegation from: The Republic of Korea Represented by: Mayfield High School

Position Paper for: United Nations Development Program The issues before the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) are: South-South Cooperation for Development and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The Republic of Korea is committed to the promotion of both South-South Cooperation and technology sharing for the development of the global south.

South-South Cooperation for Development

In the relatively recent past, the idea of south-south cooperation has become popular as a potential way to aid developing nations in the global south in advancing without total reliance on the more developed nations of the global north. This type of cooperation allows developing countries to aid each other by sharing resources, knowledge, and experience, without submitting themselves to the control of larger nations. This makes for a system of aid that serves the needs of developing nations much more readily than traditional North-South development. The Republic of Korea has been an active participant in South-South cooperation for decades, and currently has ongoing joint training programs with Singapore, Chile, and Israel. The Republic of Korea is committed to fostering cooperation between developing nations based on a system of mutual accountability and benefit. “There are more and more institutionalized forms of South- South cooperation in the political and economic spheres. These trends prove that collaboration among developing countries is beneficial and thriving,” explains Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon.

In recent decades, the Republic of Korea has transformed itself into a thriving nation with a growing economy, and has shifted from and official recipient of the Development Assistance Committee to a major donor. Despite this, it was once an extremely impoverished country, and as a result participated in a variety of south-south cooperation events, which helped it to become the nation it is today. It is in part because of this history that the Republic of Korea has committed itself to facilitating south-south cooperation for the development of impoverished countries. To achieve this goal, the Korean Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology, along with the UN Office for South-South Cooperation, formed the Korean Facility for Poverty Reduction through South-South and Triangular Cooperation in Education, Science and Technology. This program, established in 2010, aims to share the Republic of Korea’s experience of development with still-developing countries, and has participated in many developmental projects such as Asian RICE and the Canaan Farmer School, both of witch focus on local education.

The Republic of Korea believes that south-south cooperation is instrumental in maintaining sustainable development throughout the global south. “On combating climate change, South- South and triangular cooperation can contribute to keeping global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius,” asserts Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Past South-South cooperation events have proven to be an effective method of aiding impoverished countries, so what is needed from the UN development program is to organize more south-south cooperation events between a more nations. The Republic of Korea hoes that the UN will support and facilitate cooperative

22 actions between nations of the global south to achieve, through sustainable methods, a higher quality of life for all.

Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Technology sharing for economic development refers to the process through which developing countries share small-scale innovations and developmental experience with each other to promote sustainable economic development. Technology sharing among the global south is so effective in aiding developing countries because many of the nations involved have years of developmental experience and understand local problems much better than more economically developed countries would. These technologies are small scale, inexpensive, and implementable in places without much previous advances infrastructure. Technology sharing also includes the unhindered diffusion of data across nations and the promotion of open-source technologies and publicly funded research. The Republic of Korea believes that technology and data sharing are necessary parts of ecologically sustainable development of the global south. “Over the next 15 years, progress in science, technology and innovation will be key to delivering on all the [sustainable development goals] - from poverty eradication to agriculture and food security, to energy, to water and sanitation, and climate change,” summarized UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon.

The Republic of Korea believes that technology sharing is a viable way to begin closing the income gap between high and low income nations and achieve ecologically sound economic development. Korea’s success as a developing nation was largely due to its focus on science and technology, as well as research and development. Central to Korea’s five-year development plan was the diffusion of and improvement upon technology. This allowed for the creation of research and development jobs, and eventually turned Korea into the advanced nation it is today.

Of course, more developed countries need not remain entirely uninvolved: many of the countries participating in technology sharing may not have the resources or experience to effectively collaborate and create new technologies together. The role of wealthy nations in this process should be to organize events and provide necessary financial aid, but they must not dominate, as developing countries must be allowed to set their own priorities, as they are more aware of their own specific needs.

The Republic of Korea hopes that the committee will consider the potential benefit of technology sharing for development across the global south in terns of promoting stable, sustainable economic growth. The delegation of Korea will support resolutions that promote technology sharing and cooperation among developing nations without the domineering presence of wealthier governments. The republic of Korea believes that this approach is the most effective way to help the global south to develop. These methods are beneficial primarily because they put the needs of developing nations first and allow them to help each other by sharing knowledge and experience gained from the process of developing as a nation.

23 Delegation From: Russian Federation Represented By: Rocky River High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before this council are concerning South-South cooperation for development and Technology sharing for economic development.

I: South-South Cooperation for Development

This topic helps bring to light issues that face “The Global South” which refers to countries that are newer, still developing, and are mostly in the Southern Hemisphere. These countries are more important in 21st century than ever and need help to reach their full potential. Once they become their full potential, then they will be able to help the world prosper and be better overall. This topic will be for discussing possible ways and methods in helping these developing countries. Our country's beliefs and ideas about these southern countries’ futures are optimistic and we would like to help them grow and prosper into great things. In the past, we have not necessarily been known to be the greatest donors, but are now looking to re-emerge and help the rest of the world out. We see the valuable aspects of helping these countries and believe that there can be mutual gain in the relationship. We are prepared to slowly increasing aid in certain forms, but do not want to be pressured or pushed by other countries as we are our own sovereign nation.

We do have some great ideas for how to help these countries exceed, and believe thinking in the long term is the best idea. First of all, some of these countries do not have the most stable governments and the stability is a major issue to economic growth and other successes. We, and hopefully other countries, would like to begin helping a strong, assertive government come in and help straighten out the issues of the country and put them on the path to success. Another issue that could probably use some help is the education system in the country which could eventually lead to long term success for the country by promoting success and wealth as goals for the natives. These ideas and more could help make these countries much more equipped to help fight issues and become prosperous.

As one of the 8 “world powers” we have a large stake and part of the world bank and the United Nations. We believe for a country to gain the rights and benefits of these two immaculate services they must prove that they can themselves put together some success economically and socially so that we (and the rest of the world) does not waste precious time and money. The requirements for success would have to be decided later on more specifically but those are our basic ideas. Overall, we are excited for the opportunity to help these countries and possibly make mutual gains off of it, and hope that it all works out as were emerge into the foreign aid world.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Russia is recognized as one of the world's strongest countries for economic growth. The growth is very large and quick so it is believed that it will not last long. Russia’s continued economic growth will depend on the successful development of the innovative industries of the nation’s

24 economy, particularly innovative infrastructure. This is why our country is very dedicated to making a difference in technology so we and other countries can prosper. Russia's expansion in communication technology caused this growth. 8-12% of the country's GDP is created by communication growth that causes economic growth as well. The boom in the communication industry will also increase the success of oil and gas businesses. The expansion of communication business will increase the need for the other business, which could keep the Russian economy expanding. Russia's economy has grown 4 times faster than any other countries ever. Russia's goal is to use their new communication technology to work with other countries increasing their economy even more.

Expanding tech in Russia allows for a more foreign marketplace. Russia will be able to sell its technology to countries all across the globe. The foreign trade will increase profits in Russia. With the broader market Russia will have the demand to create more communication technology expanding its economy even more.

25 Delegation from: Spain Represented by: Saint Joseph Academy

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

I. South-South Cooperation

The two issues that the country of Spain is dealing with is the South-South Cooperation, and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Spain is trying to figure out how to make their economy thrive, even though they have the best economy in Europe, they are signing contracts with other nearby countries to try and create relationships with them to better the other country. They intend to help other countries with their needs, so in the future if they need help, they can rely on the countries that they once helped.

The country of Spain thinks that the South-South Cooperation plays a large role in helping form today’s society. This cooperation is meant to trade information, technology, and any knowledge they have with other countries to benefit their economic well-being and to achieve the SDG’s. In 2014, the annual World Alliance of Cities Against Poverty meeting was held in Washington D.C. A representative Malaga, Spain, Julio Andrade made an excellent point when he mentioned that for over twenty years, his city in spain had been trading goods, technology and expertise with other cities in Africa for over. He says that they mostly communicate important information to the locals of the city to help them with their needs. This advancement in technology and communication is helping locals immensely in cutting down the the amount of poverty that goes on in cities. Andrade says that ICT’s (information communication technologies) could really help this world’s poverty issues. He says “ICT’s are not a magic formula but they can improve the lives of everyone in this planet. We have tools that can propel us toward Millennium development goals; instruments with which to advance the cause of freedom and democracy; vehicles with which to propagate knowledge and mutual understanding.” Spain is being a major contributor to help make the world a better place. Andrade states the facts when he contributes that the mayor of Malaga is Fransico de la Torre. Spain has put forward close to 20 million euros helping 60 countries with 729 projects. This alone is 0.7% of Spain's budget to promote and fund projects around the world to better other countries.

Spain is one of the main spanish speaking countries located on the Iberian Peninsula. The population is approximately 46.77 million people. With the the capital being Madrid, spain has a interesting geography with many mountains, rivers, and plains. It is made of 17 different regions. The kind in charge of Spain now is King Felipe VI of Spain. Spain’s government is known as a Parliamentary Constitutional Government. Like the USA, Spain’s government consists of a Executive branch (King Felipe VI, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Santamaria), the Legislative branch (Bicameral General Courts), and the Judicial branch (The Supreme Court). There are also 6 spanish political parties, they include: Popular Party, Spanish Social workers party, Podemos, Catalan Agreement of Progress, BAsque Nationalist party, and Democracy and Freedom. In Spain, about ⅓ of children (36%) are are looking at something going wrong in their future, whether it be poverty, inequality, or social exclusion. At this rate, Spain is ranked #6 for risk of poverty.


Spain conducted a survey to see how other countries worked through the projects instituted by the TDC and see how the states work with both companies of TDC SSC. This is helping Spain learn how to work with SSC and TDC in their regular lives to help less fortunate countries through their economic and poverty struggles. This issue is affecting Spain in more of a positive way than a negative way due to the fact that Spain is one of the major donors to Africa to improve their technology, security and well being.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Technology sharing is a crucial skill for countries should know how to communicate with other countries to better the world. On October 12, 2016 (Wednesday) the Prime Minister for Information Technology Communication from Colombia and the MInister for Telecommunications in Spain met in the Capital of Colombia to discuss the Technology sharing in the future of their two countries. Calvo- Selto (Spain) mentioned that the connections between the states would allow technology information, knowledge and expertise to “flow both ways” and help Spain and Colombia accomplish educating the next generation that would lead the ICT (Information Technology Communication). Not knowing much about Colombia’s ICT program, but in Spain it is said to be comprised of about 30,000 industries all working cohesively, within the companies there are 400,,000 representatives making about 100 million euros, in american money, 138 million. It is said that over 70% of Spain's population uses the internet per day. Over the next few days Calvo-Selto wants to meet with a few other important people to close the deal; the defense minister, the health minister, and minister of technology and communication that he previously met with (Molano).

This is an important trade habit to develop with neighboring countries to better your country and better their country. Spain, although lacking the ability to keep children from growing into poverty as adults, has a great economic branch. Probably one of the best in Europe. The more that Spain continues this trend of trying to trade technology, information and expertise with other countries, the better off they will be with bettering their country and hopefully educating more children in more advanced settings to help improve their knowledge and skills of the real world to prevent the poverty risks for the future. At the rate they are going they will probably the country with the most advancements in technology and be the most prepared to communicate with other countries if they have future problems that need to be resolved.

In many ways Spain is trying to improve their economy even though it is growing rapidly. ONe example, the example that was used to talk about the issue in this article is the signing of the contract with Colombia to open up more funs with them to try and gain more understanding of each other's country to help them in the future when they are trying to better educate the people of their country to be active members of the ICT initiative. This is to have good representatives for their country; people to stand up for what is right and people to try and better the economy for a country's well-being.

27 Delegation from: Turkey Represented by: Strongsville High School

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Turkey, being a relatively undeveloped nation, recognizes the importance of spreading technology to all nations in order to improve the overall global economic state. Turkey wants to emphasize the importance of collaboration between sovereign states and private technology firms in order to achieve the most efficient integration of technology into developing economies.

I.South-South Cooperation for Development.

The delegation of Turkey looks favorably upon the initiative of the south-south cooperation. It would like to commend the UN for its efforts but also recognizes that it could be improved. Historically, the South- South cooperation has functioned to increase representation among southern developing countries in global affairs. Also, it has facilitated much needed sharing of culture, technology, environmental and economic ideas. As provided by the official website of G-77 group, a staggering 131 members of G-77 states have become members of the South-South cooperation. Possibly the most noteworthy facet of the South-South system is the idea of triangular cooperation in which two of the developing nations are paired with a developed nation to further perpetuate growth. This system functioned particularly well with Brazil which, following the 2009 ASA summit, reached an international aid provision totaling nearly $1 billion dollars annually.

While Turkey is considered a developing nation, it is in full support of initiative for global welfare and development and has been quite philanthropically active. According to ECOSOC background study of the South South partnership, in 2013, Turkey donated $151 million to other developing Muslim nations. Clearly we wish to help the global economy’s growth. However, it is difficult to properly gauge the effectiveness of the South-South cooperation due to lacking documentation and statistics. UN resolution A/RES/69/239 admits the lack of transparency in the transactions as well. Such a deficiency in statistics could also prevent other nations from fully investing in the triangular cooperation system which clearly has great potential for successfully growing developed areas. Also, much of the funds provided are from particular major southern contributors Such are China, India and South Korea. In fact, in 2006, these nations combined for nearly $12.1 billion in total disbursement and approximately 10% of total international aid flow. This means that the development of these countries are greatly controlled by the countries donating aid.

Turkey believes that the South-South Cooperation has great potential and would like to see it make the greatest difference it can. We call upon the United Nations Development Programme to therefore make the necessary changes to make the South-South Cooperation as effective as possible. Turkey recommends the creation of an independent UN board to perform analytics and keep precise records of the various transactions between the countries in the partnership. By collecting concrete evidence potentially proving the benefits of the partnership, it would encourage more generous partnerships from first world countries.

28 Turkey also believes that in any triangular partnerships be processed using a panel of economic advisors from the receiving nation as well as the UN to guarantee that the funds used are put the most efficient and directly helpful use in the intended nation. Turkey staunchly believes that the UN Development Committee can make the necessary improvements to the South-South Cooperation agreement to make development as efficient and beneficial to all nations involved.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

Turkey realizes a state cannot grow economically without the implementation of advanced technology. Turkey finds itself struggling at an economic level, we currently rank 70th, by the United Nations, in national GDP per capita. With that said Turkey is finding much success growing as a nation through the usage of technology in all aspects of commerce. This is partly to due with the fact that over half of our population is under 30 years old, which is perfect for technological growth. Thus allowing us to be one of the fastest growing nations in regards to the usage of technology and its relation to business. We have brought in over 1 billion dollars of investments in our up-and-coming technological firms. Also with 97% of our businesses being small and independently owned, the usage of technology allows for exponentially greater efficiency than those without. Turkey is essentially the perfect example of how effortlessly technology can turn an economy around.

In reference to the Economic and Social Council's Resolution 2010/3, we would like to reaffirm the vital necessity of implementing technology into national economies. In this resolution we see the repeated importance of the sharing of technology amongst state. It is no secret that nations such as Somalia lack the infrastructure to develop their own technology to increase prosperity. This shows the evidence of the importance of the transfer of technology between nations. In 2015 and 2016, Turkey had fallen victim to a series of brutal terrorist attacks. In this situation, more open trade of technology, especially that which relates to the field of security, could have saved lives.

Turkey would like to call upon all developed nations to relinquish their grip upon technology and economic interfaces in order to provide for the good of the global economy. Turkey too is more than willing to share all information over the success we have found through technology. For countries which have next to no technological infrastructure it will take minute efforts by other more advanced nations to share the technology and information needed to allow for advancement in these struggling countries. If Turkey was accelerated as it hopes to become in the near future it would lead the charge in this venture of sharing any and all technological information, with that said we lack the sheer outreach needed to accomplish this. Which is why Turkey is calling upon all developed nations to seek the good of the world and share all technology they may possess.

29 Committee: United Nations Development Programme Delegation:

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme

The issues before the United Nations Development Programme are: South-South Cooperation for Development; and Technology Sharing for Economic Development. The UK hopes to form strong democratic relations with other delegations as we work to find efficient solutions for these issues.

I. South-South Cooperation for Development

In our constantly changing and developing economic and political climate, infrastructures around the world consistently rely on the developing south’s supply of middle class workers and laborers. In turn, these developing nations rely on major nations financial and governmental support as they work to maintain stable infrastructures for their people. The UN has a longstanding history of fostering these types relationships, as the special unite on South-South Cooperation has been seen evaluated as a great success in creating programs to better these relationships. Agrarian nations, tribal communities, and other underprivileged collections have all benefited immensely from from these programs. These cooperations between powerful and developing countries helps to additionally contribute to the overall economic climate of the world, as new jobs and workers are created in response to various programmes established.

The UK has always been ever present in the fight to better the world economic climate as well as the environments within southern developing nations. The UK has partaken in HMG and DFID programmes to assist these developing nations. Additionally, UK’s Triangular Cooperation initiative has worked to create deeper relations between the United Kingdom and developing allies. This is all part of the Emerging Powers Initiative, which, spearheaded by the UK, has successfully fostered better relationships between developing nations across the world.

The United Kingdom aims to build off of already existing programmes, by creating relevant economic incentives that will effectively increase developed countries participation within said active programmes. These incentives could consist of international tax breaks or tariff breaks. Additionally, designated international diplomats will be selected to visit south-developing countries to not only plan out economic and political restructuring and stabilization but to also create major corporation factories. This will effectively increase jobs within developing communities and greatly improve the global economy.

II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development

With ever evolving technologies, and the possibilities created from these technologies, the UN sees the importance of sharing these new technologies with under developed countries. Debates on how best to promote sustainable and inclusive development are incomplete without a full consideration of issues of science, technology and innovation (STI). Access to new and appropriate technologies promote steady improvements in living conditions, which can be lifesaving for the most vulnerable populations, and drive productivity gains which ensure rising

30 incomes. When we come together globally and promote the various technologies that drive our everyday lives, and change our lives for the better. We can continue to evolve to reach new heights never thought humanly possible. That’s what technology sharing is all about.

The United Kingdom much like the UN sees the importance of technology sharing. In fact, the UK is a plays a pivotal role in the promotion of technology sharing. Not only does the UK see the benefits of sharing it’s own revolutionary technology, but the UK also receives information beneficial to the country through technology sharing. For example this past year the United Kingdom has been investigating the technologies and knowledge developed by radioactive waste management organisations in other countries. This is part of the UK’s collaboration work to learn from the experience of other geological disposal programmes. Dr Samantha King, head of disposal system specification, explained: “We commissioned studies with Sweden’s SKB and Andra in France to explore the benefits of sharing technologies. Both of these countries are at a more advanced stage in planning for geological disposal and therefore are a good starting point for us to assess the potential benefits of technology transfer.” The UK is giving examples of how technology sharing is beneficial to both parties involved.

The UK hopes to see more technology sharing continue in the future, by showing the world just how effective technology sharing can be to both parties involved. To insure technology sharing will continue to improve the world economy, the UK will encourage any and all countries to participate in technology sharing. By making a UN sub committee dedicated to the promotion and preservation of just technology sharing, the UK hopes to promote the importance of technology sharing.

31 Delegation from: Venezuela Represented by: Lake Ridge Academy

Position Paper for the United Nations Development Programme There are two issues that have been presented to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Topic A is South-South Cooperation for Development, and Topic B is Technology Sharing for Economic Development. Venezuela firmly supports the cooperation and willingness to share between countries, and will be supporting the creation of policies to bring about development in Venezuela and in other countries. I. South-South Cooperation for Development Venezuela has been a strong supporter of South-South cooperation, a system where Venezuela and other countries can exchange technology, resources, and information to help countries reach their personal and long-term developmental goals. Some countries have Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These goals are ending poverty and hunger, allowing more people to have access to education, fighting for gender equality, lower child mortality rates, battle diseases such as HIV, AIDS or Malaria, and finding environmental stability. All of this should be accomplished through the collaboration of countries throughout the world. As stated by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon when he addressed extreme poverty and the MDGs, “Ending this scourge will require the combined efforts of all, governments, civil society organizations and the private sector, in the context of a stronger and more effective global partnership for development”. South-South cooperation is just a reflection of what countries can do to help reach developmental goals, through South-South cooperation countries can share resources and information that helps them reach developmental goals, another great aspect of the South-South cooperation is the fact that all countries in the system benefit from cooperation.

Due to Venezuela’s role in the world as a large oil exporter, Venezuela provides a lot of oil to other countries through agreements such as the Caracas Energy Cooperation Agreement, Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), and Petroamerica. This makes Venezuela a large part of energy integration in South America. The Venezuelan government also manages the Petroleos de Venezuela S.A. (PDVSA), an oil company that sells oil to countries that Venezuela usually deals with. One of the countries that Venezuela deals with is Nicaragua. Extreme poverty in Nicaragua decreased from 17.2% to 9.7% in four years, this is due to Venezuela selling oil. Dr. Alejandro Martínez Cuenca notes that Nicaragua’s decrease in extreme poverty is in part because Nicaragua “has had access to unlimited resources from Venezuela”.

The Delegation from Venezuela would like to see policy changes where more importance is placed on the response to natural disasters and setbacks. Natural disasters make it more difficult for countries to reach their developmental goals, because natural disasters increase poverty, and because natural disasters cannot be prevented, disaster relief and response must be invested in. More economic and trade policies must be made to promote South-South cooperation in order to improve the economic strength and integration of Southern countries, this should be done by investing in more countries like PDVSA. Companies like PDVSA have large impacts in economies that they trade with. Policies need to be implemented to promote technology sharing between developing countries, policies that allow more people to have exposure to technology regardless of their socioeconomic status.


II. Technology Sharing for Economic Development Technology sharing among developing economies can provide significant benefits, as is the case with cooperation between the Global South. Developing countries, especially those which possess large amounts of natural resources, can contribute heavily to technological knowledge and more importantly, their economy. The current lack of technology sharing in an age where technology is almost essential in daily life prevents developing countries with poor economies like Venezuela’s from improving our economy and achieving Sustainable Development Goals shared by the global community, which are some of the most resounding reasons to begin technology sharing. These goals include ending poverty, promoting agriculture and food security, creating renewable forms of energy, offering clean water and sanitation, and solving the problems of climate change. The most effective way to implement technology sharing in the future is to create small, affordable technology which assists in offering green, renewable energy to all communities. Venezuela as a developing nation will be committed in solving not only our economic problems, but the economic issues of the world if the global community stays committed to sharing technology among the developing world.

In Venezuela, much of any shared technology is aimed at meeting the needs of the poor. The main purpose of technology in our country would be to improve the lives of the majority of people who live near or below the poverty line. In our country, almost all technology is controlled by the richest citizens; this perpetuates the extreme socioeconomic disparity viewed through the majority of people in Venezuela, and prevents technological freedom among our individuals and among our government. Venezuela would like to encourage use of technology for scientific purposes. In 2000, only 3.4% of Venezuelans had Internet access, while in 2009, as many as 30% of Venezuelans had Internet access, made possible by technology sharing and government programs. Increased access to internet trained many of our people in computer literacy and usage. President Chavez, who also has allocated special funding for technological research, supports sharing technology for the well-being of Venezuela and the achievement of the UNDP’s SDGs.

The Delegation from Venezuela would like to see policies which can create social progress in addition to shared technology. Our main focus in technology sharing is to create new spaces for our communities to network. Realizing these ideas would allow people to communicate in ways which do not involve the private radio and TV channels monopolized by the richest citizens of our country. In Venezuela, many of the computers we have are organized into “infocenters”, spaces with computers meant solely for Internet access. Venezuela would like to eventually offer computers and Internet access to individuals which can slow down internet traffic and bring technology directly to our people. Our government plans to close the technology gap between the elite society and the poor majority of our population. In this age of technology, our nationwide increase in exposure to technology will encourage many economic and social benefits for our country for the developing world.