EDALJI DOSABHAI, Retired Deputy Collccto1', Ahmaddbdd. •!!!•


'!'he Pt~ite,l Printing and General ~-\geucy Company's Pr·e~lil

by Ranchodlal Gungaram:

4lDUPABAD, 1894.

~ ( All Rights Reserved, includin,g the right of tl·anslation ), Retjistered unde1· Act XXV of 1807.

Price Three Rupees. T0














The want of a connected History of the province of Gujar&t having been greatly felt so far back as the year 1S5o,' the Gujartl.t Vernacular Society, then only recently started under the fostering care of the lamented 1\Ir. A. K. Fo1·bes, advertised that a prize would be awarded for such a history written in the vernacular. The present write1· was at that time one of the senior pupil~ in the Government English School, and de· pending mainly on Bird's Translation of the Mirat-i-Ahmadi and Grant Duff's History of the .MaratMs, he set himself to compile a brief compendium of the History of Gujarat. 'l'he book was ap· proved of by the Society, and the prize was duly awarded. Mr. Forbes, in his report of the Society for 1850, wrote as follows:-

" While on this subject, I may add that I have in my possession a compilation by Edalji Dosabhai, written in very good Gujarati, and giving a useful summary of the History of the province. 'l'bis may be published imme­ diately, and may be a very gooJ school-book".

Doctor Seaward, in the report of the following year, stated:- " The second publication is the History of Gujarat by EJalji Dosabhai. It is essentially a school-book and a very useful one too, and is now used in all the Verna­ cular schools of the city. Two hundred copies were puulisbed, of which very few remain". * * •

The author having soon afterwards obtained service under Gorernment, be could not command the leisure necessary for revising and republishing the work. Portions o! it, however, were admitted into several of ~~~ ear~er educational te~_t books. Il and Mr .• Bajibhai Amicha.nd, the proprietor of one of the verna· cular presses at Ahmad&.bd.d,, published a third edition on his own responsibility. · On his retirement from GoYernmei:lt service, the compiler became desirous of re-issuing the book. Since its first public­ ation, however, in 1850, a vast amount of additional information Las become available from the Ras Mala, a storehouse of Gnjarati folk-lore, and from the researches of Dr. Biibler and other. eminent scholars. The author also thought it desir~ble to con· tinue the History to the present time, placing under contribu· tion for this purpose several of tl1e volumes of tl!e Bombay Gazetteer and the official Administration Reports. In the hope that such a connected History from the earliest to the latest times may prove useful not only to students iu Gujarat itself but to all who take an interest in the country, the author, acting on the advice of several of his friends, undertook to com· pile the work in English. He was greatly encouraged in Lis endeavours by the Rev. George P. Taylor, B. D., of the Irish Pi·esbyteriali Mission, author of the Student's Gnjaniti Grammar~ With a. view to ensure correct English idiom and general accu­ racy, this gentleman very kindly undertoc•k to revise the manu­ script, and he further supplied several books on loan from Lis valuable library. Indeed it is owing largely to his cordial as­ sist:mce and encouragement that the work has now been brought to completion, and the author takes the present opportunity of upressing l1is grateful acknowledgments to his kind and es­ teemed friend. He is also under deep obligation to :Mr. E. Giles, 11. A., Educational Inspector, ~.D., for his kindness in going through the whole of the manuscript and for many useful sug· fl'esiions and corrections. His warm interest in the work has 0 gtea.tly eneouraged the author to proceed "'ith its publication.· III

The information eontained in this Ilistory haa been gathered mainly from the undermentioned sources:- 1. Mr. A. K. Forbes's Ras Mala. 2. Mr. Bird's Translation of the Mirat-i-Ahmadi. 3. Sir E. C. Bayley's Local Muhammadan Dynasties of Gujarat. 4. I.ieut. Col. J. W. Watson's History of Gujanl.t. 5. Grant Duff's History of the Maratlu~ll. G. Volumes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Bomb:ty Gazetteer. 7. Administration Reports.

Several otl1er trustworthy works by eminent scholars such as Sir William Hunter's Indian Empire, Lieut. Col. Tod's Rajas­ than, :Mr. Dutt's Ancient India, Mr. Eliot's Rulers of Baroda, and Elphinstone's History ofGujarat have also been of much use. In the spelling of proper names the Hunter ian system Las been followed in the maio. For the sake of ready reference, in addition to the usual index a detailed chronological summary bas been given in the Table of Contents. In conclusion the author Legs to state that in the hope of making the book as useful as possible, he l1as spared no pains to obtain full and accurate information i and he will feel himself amply rewarded, should his work meet with the approbation of the reading public and especially of scholars interested in the annals of Guj


CHAPTER I. jj, C. 1400 Subjugation of OkMmandal by Kt'ishna 2 1400 The Pandavs in Onjarat ! !r63-222 Rule of Ashoka the Great 2 57 The Vikramaditya or Sam vat et'a 5 A. D. 78 The Saka Salivahana era. 5 1st century Ka-nisbka.'s Conquest of Gujarat 3 144 Foundation of Wadnagar 3 i0-3i8 The Kshatrap rulers 3 319-470 The Gautamputras and the Guptas ... 3 471-628 The Valabhi Kings 4 479 Fo11ndation of Valabhipur 4 629-645 Houen '£siang's visit to Valabhipur ... 5 (i50 Destruction of Valabhipur 7

650 Re-establishment of kingdom at Panchasar .. ! 7 696 Conquest of Panclu.l.sar by Bhuwar Rdja 8 69G Birth of Van Raj Chavada ... 9 746 Foundation of Anhilwar Patan 11 1 806 ' an Raj's death 11 841-902 The rule of his successors 11

ADYE~T OF THE P ARSIS, Their conne:x.ion with India 12 697 Their settlement at Diu 13 716 Their 1·emoval to Sanjan 13 DATE. SuBJECT. PAGE, ' .

CHAPTER II. Accession of Mul Raj Solanki Repulse of an invasion by the Raja of Tel· ingana 15 94-5 Temple of Rudra Mal built ... 15 9S6 Subjugation of Sorath and Kachh 16 976 Subjugation of the Lath country 17 997 :Mul Raj's gifts to Bn:l.hmaus and audication. 18 Ebhal Valli. 18 1009 Chaltlund's abdicaliou and Yalabhsen's ac· cession 19 1010 Expedition ngainst Mahni., ·and demise of Valabhsen 19 1010 Accession of DudaLh-sen 19 1010-1022 Construction of the Durlabh tank ... 19 1022 DurlauL's audication in favom ofBhim Dev I. 19 CHAPTER III. 1025 Malunud of Ghaznavi's sack of Sommith and conquest of Anhilwar Patan 21 l02G His return to Ghazni 23 SanJal-wood gates of Somnath 23 The Dabisalims 1030 ' .Mahmud's death 1031 Bhim Dcv I. Regains Gujarat 25 1032 Temple built at Dchnha by Bhim Dev's minister 25 1043 Hindu confederacy ngainst M nsalman rule • 25 1043 Regaining of Uhor and other cities by HinJus 25 DJ.TE. St"BJECT. PAGE.

1046 Visal Dev of Ajmel"'~ attack on Gujarat. 26 1046 Foundation of Yisalungar . . . :!6 104-7 Subjugation of Sindh 26 Bhoj Raja, the contemporary of Bltim De\', 26 The noble works of Bhim-Dev'~ time. 26 1072 His nbdicatiou in fa \'Our of his son Karan. 26

CHAPTER IV. 1073-74 Subjugation of the Mewas ... 27 Foundation of Karuan1.ti • • • 27 1093 Constmction of Karan Sagar ; the course of the Rupeyn river altered 27 1094 Karan's death 27 1094 Accession of Siddh-Raj Jaysingh !7 End of tile Malav tank at Dholka 27 11th cen~ :Mansarovar at Yirarngam ... . 27 tury. Chauge of the uame Shristl1al to Siddbpur .. • ·28 Between Twelve years' war with MaJwa, and taking 1094.--114:3 of Dhar ...... 29 War with Ra Khengar and capture of. JtmaghaJ .•. 30 llOO Fight Letween the Hindus and Muham. madans of Camuay ... :n Siddh Raj's justice and character 32

CHAPTER v. 1143 Siddh Raj's death. Accession of Kumar Pal. 33 Between Defeat of the King of Nagor 34 1143 an

1157 Expedition against the Konkan, and pro- clamation of Kumar Pal's authority io that country ... 35 The Monk Hemacharya, the chief adviser of Kumar Pal 35 1169 Restoration of the ruined temple of Som- nll.th, and erection of new temples at Del­ w,ra, Cam bay, and Dhandhukli ... 35

CHAPTElt VI. 1174 Kumar Pal's death and Ajay Pal's succes- sion 37 His prosecution of the J ains. 37 1177 Succession of Eal Mul Raj 37 ·u7s Repulse of Shihab-ud-din Ghori by the Re­ gent Ehim Dev ... 37 1179 Bal M ul Raj's death, and succession of Ehim ])ev II. •• • · • •• 38 About Bhim Dev'a expedition against Abu and bis 1190 capture of that fort 39 .. His subsequent .defeat by Prith vi Raj 39 1191 Defeat of ShiMb-ud-din by Prithvi Re.j 39 1191 Unpremeditated massacre of Bhim Dev's seven cousins at the Chohan's Dar Mr. •.. 40 1192 Ebim Dev's r.narch on Delhi, and defeat and death of king Someshwar in battle. 41 1192 Someshwar's son Prithvi Raj avenges his fa.ther's defeat 4:2 1193 SuccessfulinvasioJJ oflndia by Shihft.b-ud-din Ohori. Defeat and execution of Prithvi Raj. ~42 IX


1194 Shih&.b-ud-din's conquest of Gujarat '2 A bout 119G Bhim regains possession of Gujanit 43 1242 BhiJ.U Dev's deaJh and the accession of 'fl'i· bhowau Pal 44

CHAPTER VII. 1231 Yirdhaval Vaghe!Q.'s ascendency 4:5 Parsis at Cambay ••• 46 " Rule of Ka.liau Rae at Cam bay 46 1244 Collq ~est of Patan and coronati<>n of Visal Dev. 46 1245-1201 Formation of the several branches of Nagars. 47 Yisal Dev's character. 47 l~G2 Death ofVisal Dev,and Atjun Dev'sa.ccession, 47 1275 Arjun Dev's,death and acpession QfSara,ng Dev. H 1296 Karan Ghela's accession • . . .._7

CHAPTER VIII. 1297 Al!t-ud-din's Khilji's conquest of GujarAt ••• 1307 His 2nd expedition against Gujarat, Anni­ l1ilation of Karan's authority. Review of the Hindu period. Notice of literary characters.


CHAPTEB I.. 1297 Alaf Khan the first Gover1;1or ofGujarat 55 1315 His recall and execution 55 19th Decr.l316 Ala-ud-din's death 55 1317 .Ala-ud-dir/s eldest son blinded by KMur and Uw..a.r placed. o.o. the the one, .. • ... 5G DATE. St"BJECT. PAGE,

1317 KMur slain, nud Alt\-ud-Jin's youuger son Kutb-ud-diu .M.ubarik placed on the throne. 56 1320 Assassination of Sultan Kutb-ud-din,and usur- pation of the throne by Khushro Khan ... 5i 1321 Khushro.Khan slain by Gazi-beg 1'ughlak who is chosen-king.. 57 132:> Succession of .Muhammad Tughlak 57 IUS His \'isit to Gujarat ~7 1347 His expedition against .M.okbeni.ji Gohel aud capture of Pil·am ; account of .Mokhen•ji's anceston •.. 57 1387 Rasti KLan's appointment as Viceroy of Gnjanit ... · 59 1391 He is replaced by J afar Kb8.u 59 1391 Contest between the two viceroys, and the ,·ictory of JMar-KMn 59 1391 Foundation of Jitpur at the place of Tictory, 59 1393to J Mar Khan's expeditions against Hindu Chiefs. CO 1396 139S Invasion of Indi;\ by 'famerlane... 61 H03 Assumption of the title of king by J ti.far Khan's son Tatar Khan; the latter's death. 62 1403 Resumption of Government by J8.far KMn. 62 1407 His assumption of independence under the name of .Muzaffar-Shah 62


HOS 'Muzaffar Shah's conquest of ~UJwt\ and seizure of Sult&.n. Hoshang C3 -1409 Hoshang's pardon and restoration. 63 :u


14.10 Despatch of troops under prince Ahmad against Asa Bbil 64! 1410 The prince compels lluzaffar Sluih to d1·ink poison 64 CHAPTER III, 1410 Accession of Sultan Ahmad 6;) 1411 Suppression ofrebellions 65 1412 Founding of the city of Ahmadabad GG 1413 Sultan Ahmad's march against Sorath, and the taking of the lower fort of Jnnaghad. 71 BU Imposition of tributes ou several chiefs of Sorath 71 Hl~, Despatch of an army to destroy tl1e Hindu temples at SidJhpur, 71 141G Ju,·asion of Gujan1~ . by tlte king of :hlalwa; his 1·epulse. 71 1416 Det~tructiou of Naudod. 71 1417 Invasion of ~lalwa by Sultan Ahmad 72 1418 Sultan Ahmad's march on CMmpaner; its chief forced to pay tribute 72 Ul9 Capture of San-Khera BalJ6.Jarpur. 72 1420 Imposition of triuute on Gohilwtl.r. 73 H22 Escape of tl1e chief Sarangji, who nssume1 the title of Rawal .. • 73 1421 Al•mad.sluih's furtl1er expedition on .Malwa. 73 H2G Founding of Ahmadnagar, 75 1427 Death of tl1e I Jar cl1ief Punja .. • 75 1429 Mahim taken by the King of Abmadnagar ( Deccan ), and retaken by Sultan Ahmad. 7G U29 ImpositiCiu uf tribute on Bundi aud K"t' ... 76 XII


1437 Sultan Ahmad'elast expedition on llalw8. . .. 76 1441 His return and death • • • 77 His chat'acter and administration. 78 His mausoleum. 78

CHAPTER IV. lU2 Accession of .Munainmad SIIB.h •• •• 79 14-t5 His expedition against iJar. i9 ius Plunder or' \Vagar. 79 IUS Death of Ganj Bakhsb; lJis mausoleum at S~nkhej. • •• 79 H.'iO The Sultan's '!}nsuccessful attack on Cla\m­ paner so 14:51 Muhammad Shah's death and accession of l1iR son Kutb-ud-din. 80 1452 Invasion by the llalwa king; his defeat near Kapadvanj. 80 H52 Construction of the Kankaria tank. 81 145G-57 Invasions of CLitor, and exaction of tribute from the Rana. 82 l·U9 Death of Kutb-uJ-din. 82 Accession aud deposal of Sultan Daud 82 145G Fort of Abu taken from the Rami. of Chi tor and made over to its owner KhatiB. Deora. 82

CHAPTER v. Enthronement of Fateh Khan under the title of Sultan llahmud, 83 H6l-6~ His snccessful march on the Deccan. 84 1466-67-68 Expeditions against Girnar. 85 ·:XIII


1472-73 Capture of Girnar; Conversion of the Rao Mandlik. ·•• 86 1473 Subjugation of Dwarka and Beyt. •• • 8G 1473-N Subjugation of Sind h.• • • 86 1475 Death of Shah Alam; his mausoleum 88 1479 Founding of MabmudaMJ. 88 HS-i! Capture of . 89 " Battle with the Ranput· chief Ranoji. 90 'l'he latter's death, and tl•e conversion of his " successors to Islam... 91 1494, Destruction of BaMdur Khan Gilani 91 1507 Attack on Born Lay by. the Portuguese 92 1508 The Government of Khandesb conferred on the Sultan's daughter's son 93 1510 Expulsion of a Sayyid claiming to be the Imam Mahdi. 93 1511 Mahmud Begada's death. 93 .. Originofhissurname; his character and works. 94 ,. .Account of Varsoji and Jetoji... 95 1499 Building of the well at Adalaj by R_udbai Rani. 95 Dada Hari's well 9l " CHAPTER VI.

1511 Accession of Sultan Muzzaffar II. 97 'frou Lles in Mal wa. 97 1517 Wars with the Idar Cl.ief. 98·99 1518 Conquest o£ Malwa and its restoration to the t·ightful claimant. ... 100 1519 'fhe defeat of the Malwa king by the Rana of Chitor.... 101 xzv

DA:be. SuBJECT. PAoP:.

1520 Capture and sack of Ahmadnagar by the same Rand.. 102 1521 Expedition against CLitor and conclusion of peace. 103 1526 Sultan .Muzaffar's death. 103

CHAPTER VII. 1526 AccessionofSultanSikandar; his assassination. 105

CHAPTER VIII. Sultan Bahadur's antecedents. 107 1526 Sultan BaMJur's accession. 108 1527 Construction of.a fort at Broach. 110 1529 Capture of Ahmadnagar (Deccan)... 110 1531 Conquest of Malwa; the murder of MabmuJ Khilji and his seven sons. 112 Mandal and Viramgam takeu from the Raja of Jhalawar. 112 1532 Capture of the fort of Raisin. 113 Flight of the Portuguese from the vicinity of Diu. lH 1533 Attack on Chitor. ... 115 1533-341 The Sultan's differences with the Emperor ... 116 1535 Bahtidur SM's capture of Chi tor ... 117 Sultan Balul.dur':i flight before Humayun.... 118 1535-36 Humayun's return to Delhi, and the recovery of Gnjarat and Malwa by Balul.dur Shah. 121 1557 Construction of a fort at Diu by the Portu· guese 122 XV


1537 Sultau Bahlidur's treacherous murder by the Po1'tugnese, ••• 123

CHAPTER IX. 1537 Succession and death of Mahmud Fth'uki, •• • 124. " Accession of Sultan Mahmud III. • · • 124. 1538 Sack of Cam bay by the Portuguese 124 1543 Summary resumption of Wanta lands. and persecution of Hindus 128 15H 'l'he Sultan's murder 129

CHAPTER X. 15H Accel'sion of Ahmad II. 130 " Repulse of an attack of the KMndesh King. 130 1560 Further invasion by the same king, and the permanent alienation from Gujarat of Sultanpur and Nandurbar 131 Cession of Daman and Sanjan to the Portu- guese 131 1561 Assassination of Sultan Ahmad II. 132 CHAPTER XI. 1561 Accession of .Muzaffa1· III. 133 1572 Invasion of Gujarat by Akbar the Great ••• 134 Seizure of Sultan 1\Iuzaffar 135 ., Surrender of Ahmadabad to the Emperor Akbar 135 PART III.

CHAPTER I...... 1573 Surrender of Surat ...... 137 1V1


1573 Appointment of M.in~:a Aziz Kokd. as the :first Viceroy 138 Fresh disturbances by the .Mirzas . .. 138 The emperol"'s return to Gujanit and his complete victory ... 139 Appointment of Raja 'l'odar Mal to fix suit· able assessments 140 1576 Enlistment of the Raja of Dbarampur as a vassal of the empire 140

CHAPTER II. 1576 .Appointment of Mirza Khan as Viceroy H 1 Taking of Idar ~nd Sirolli .. • 141 " 1577-78 Ahmadabad besieged Ly Muzaffar Hussain Mirza; l1is flight and death ; close of the .Mirza rebellion 142 1577 Appointment of ShiMb-ud·din Ahmad Khan as Viceroy 143 1581-82 His unsuccessful expedition against ,Amir Khan Ghori, ruler of Sorath 143 1583 His recall; appointment of Itimad-Khan as Viceroy • •• 143 .. Sultan Muzaffar's escape ... 143 .. He regains possession of Ahmadabad, Baroda and Broach 143 1584. Arrival of Mirza Khan as Viceroy; Lis vic- tory over Muzaffar at Sarkhej ... lU •• Founding of Fateh-wadi ... 145 1591 Muzaffar Sh8.h joins the Jam of Navanagar. 146 , Battle of Bhuchar :Mori .. • H6 XVII


1592 Muzaffar Shah's departure for Kacllll, his be· trayal, and suicide 146 Review of the Gujamt Sultanat 147

CHAPTER III. 1594-95 Disturbances caused by the late .Muzaffar Shah's son BahaJur Khan 148 1605 Akbar's death and character 149 1609 Plunder of Surat and Baroda by Malek Am bar. 149 Stationing of a frontier force at Ramnagar. 149 " 1GOS Advent of the English at Surat 150 1612 Defeat of the Portuguese by the English .. • 150 1613 Treaty between the Emperor Jabangit· and the E


1646 Destruction of the temple of Chintama.ni at Saraspur. 155 1656 Ida.r taken by the imperial troops. 155 165S Its recovery by Rav Punja 155 1661 Grant of Bombay in dowry to Charles II ••• 157 1668 Bombay given to the East India Company. 158 1683 Bombay made the seat of the Presidency•" 158 1637 Coining of the Company's rupee at Bombay 158 1664 Navanagar taken by the Viceroy of Gujanl.t and its name changed to Islamabad. 157 CHAPTER v. 1627 Birth of 159 1664 Shivti.ji's sack. of Surat 159 1669 1670 1671 Further raids on Surat 160 1674 } 1675 Levy of forced contribution from Broach ... 161 1676 Capture of Parnera by the 1\IaratMs 160 1679 Plunder of Ahmadnagar and other toWils by the Raja of Udaipur.... 161 1680 Death of Shivaji 161 1689 Execution of his son ShambMji ... 161 1707 Aurangzeb's kind treatment of Shambha.ji's son Sa.hu. 162 His release by Bah8.dursh8.h. 163 " .. Sa.hu obtains the right to levy Chauth and Sardeshmukhi in the Deccan. . . . 163 1720 Sahu assists Muhammad Shah in freeing him from the control of the Sayyids, and obtains additional privileges...... •.• 163 l1X:

. SUBJECT. PJ.at •

CHAPTER VI. 1721 Rise of Damaji Gaekwad 164 Damaji's death, and the succession of his nephew Pilaji. 164 1719 Building of the fort of Songhad . . . 165 1723 Sir Buland Khan's appointment as viceroy of Gujarat with Sujat Khan as his Deputy... 165 The Deputy Sujat Khan is attacked and slain. 166 His brother Rustamali Khan marches against the Deputy-Viceroy assisted by Pilliji ... 166 Battle of Adas and Rustam Ali's victory ... 166 1724 Treachery of Pilaji and the suicide of Rustam Ali. 166 Baroda taken possession of by Pilaji. 166 " CHAPTER VII.

1725 Sir Buland Khan obtains possession of Ahmadabad 168 Battle of SMhiMg. 168 " Plunder of Wadnagar. 169 Plunder of Umreth. 169 " Sir Buland Khan gives the .Marathas the right to levy Chauth.... 169 The .'s interference; his treaty with Sir Buland Khan. 170 1731 Battle of Bhiltlpur between the Peshwa and the Gaekwad. 172 .. Conclusion of Treaty; the title of Sena Khas Khel granted to Pila.ji Gaekwad. 172 :XX


1733 Imperial firma.n granting the title of Naga.r­ shet to KhusMlchand, head of the mercan- tile community of Ahma.da.Md,.. 17 4 1732 Abhesingh's appointment as viceroy. 171 Pilaji's murder. 173 " CHAPTER VIII. 1731 IJar taken by the Jodhpur family 176 1736 Independence assumeJ by the Governor of Broach. 176 1723 Founding of Bhavnagar. 171 1736 Appointment of Momin KMn as Viceroy. ... 179 . Half share of the revenues of Gujarat given jointly to the.Peshwa and the Gaekwad. 180 1738 Half of the city of Ahmadabad made over to the Marathas. 180

CHAPTER IX. 1738 Invasion of India by Nadir Shah. 181 1739 Attack on Ranpur by the Thakor of Wadh- wan. Damaji's assistance obtained by the r.anpur Chief; Ranpur given to the Gaek- waJ as the price of his assistance. 181 17 40 Death of Baji Rao Peshwa. 183 Burning of Songhad. 183 1741 Disastrous flood in the Sabarmati. 182 Capture of Viramgam by Bhavsinghji Desai. 182 Patri and nine villages ·gi>en to him in exchange for Viramgam. 182 1743 Momin Khli.n's death and appointment of Fidaud-din Khan. 184 XXI


CHAPTER X. 17 47 Assumption of the go\'el'Dlllent of Surat by Sayyid Achhan. 187 17 4:9 Raja Sahu's death. 188 17.51 Damaji Gaekwa.d proceeds to Satara. and is taken prisoner by the Peshwa . . . 189 1752 The Peshwa exacts a heavy ransom and half share of the government of Gujarat. 190 17 53 Extinction of Muhammadan power in Gujanit by its surrender to the Peshw8. and Gaekwa.d. 190 " Kapadvanj taken from the Babi by Damaji... 191 1755 Ahmadabad retaken by Momin KMn. 192 1757 Again surrendered to the ManithM. 193 17 56 Annihilation of the Angaria pirates. 194 PART IV. CHAPTER I. 1757 Coining of MaratM rupees in the Ahmad- abad Mint. 195 1759 CommandofSuratcastletakenby theEnglish. 196 1761 Disastrous defeat of the Marli.tMs by Ahmad Shah Abdali... 197 " Blilasinor regained by the Babi. • .. 197 1763 Amreli taken by Damaji 198 " Seat of the Gaekwad Government transferred from Songhad to Patan. 198 1768 Damaji's son Go\ind-Rao taken prisoner by the Peshwa in the battle of Dhodap. 198 Dtimaji's de~th. 199 DATE. PAGE.

CHAPTER II. 1768 Release and suooession of Govin(l Rao 200 1171 Reversal of Govincl Rao's nomination in favour of Sayaji Rao with Fateh Singh as his Deputy . .. 200 1772 Broach taken by the English 201 1775 Battle of Ad8.s between Govinu Rao and Fa.teh Singh Gaekwad 203

II Conclusion of Treaty between the BOlnbay Government, Raghunath Rtio Peshwa and GoviQd Rao Gaekwad. 202 " :S~tttle of Adas. 20~ CHAPTER III. 1175 Treaty with Fateh Singh Gaekwd.d. 206 1776 Treaty of Purandhar. . •• 207 1779 Hostilities with the Peshwa and defeat of the English at Wargam. ,,. 209 1780 Taking of Dabhoi by General Goddard. 210 Treaty between Fateh Sing Gaekwacl and " General Goddal'd, •.• 210

II Ta.king of Ahmadabad by General Goddard on behalf of the Gaekwad...... 211 Birth of Sahjanand s,vami. 211 " ... CHAPTER IV. 1780 Defeat of Sindhia and by General Goddard. ... 212

II Forts of Parnerli, Bagwarll. and Indra-ghad taken by the English... 213 XXIII


1780 Capture of Bassein by the English. ... 218 1781 Confederacy against the English... 214 Colonel Goddard's demonstration against " Puna, and his defeat. 214 1782 Treaty of Salbai. 215 Broach assigned to Sindhia. t15 " Great Storm at Surat.. 21.5 1789 Death of Fateh Singh Gaekwad. 216

II Affairs at Cambay. 216

CHAPTEit. v. 1789 Accession of Manaji Gaekwad, 217 1793 Mamiji's death and succession or Govind Rao. 217 1794 Battles of Kadi. 219 1798-99 Shelukar, the Peshwa's SuM at Ahmadabli.d, expelled by the Ga.ekwad. 220 1800 The Peshwa:s share of the Revenue of Gujarat leased to the Gaekwa.d for five years. 221 1799 Death of the last Nawab of Surat. 222 1800 The Nawab's heir pensioned. and assumption . of Government of Surat by the English... 223

CHAPTER VI. 1800 Death of .Govind ru.o Gaekwad and the ac4 cession of his son Anand ROO •.. 224 1801 Disputes between his ministe1• Ravji Apaji and Anand Rae's half brother Kanhoji ... 224 1802 The minister concludes a. treaty with the English and obtains their assistance 224 " Storming of Kadi 225 XXIV


1802 First appointment of Resident at Baroda. 225 1803 Imprisonment of Anand Rao Gaekwid. by the Arabs and the latter's expulsion from Baroda by British troops .. . 225 1803 Cession of territory to the English. Kaira made the Head Quarters of the army 227

CHHPTER VII. 1801 Defeat of Baji Rao by Yeshwant Rao Hol· kar and his flight to Bombay 228 , Treaty of Bassein 228 1802 Puna retaken from Holkar by the British · and made ovflr to the Peshwa ... 22!) .. Broach taken by storm from Sindhia 230 1801 Permanent settlement of the Kathiawar tribute. 232 , Steps taken for abolishing female infanticide in Kathiawar and Kachh 233 Subsequent endeavours in this behalf by Political Agents and Collectors 234


1804 Renewal of the Gaekwad's Lease ·of the Peshwa's share of the Revenues of Gujarat. 236 1814 Deputation of Gangaclhar Shastri to Puna to settle accounts 237 1815 The Shastri's treacherous murder 238

CHAPTER IX. 1817 Fresh treaty with the Peshwa and the further renewal of the Gaekwad's lease ... 240 :XXV


1817 Supplemental treaty with the Gaekw&d aml exchange of territory 241 Possession of Ahmadabad tak!!n by the British. 241 Battle of Kirki and defeat of the Peshwa ... 243 " 1818 The Peshwa's surrender and pension and the acquisition of his territory by the British. 245

CHAPTE:a X. Events in Gujarat and Kachh. 1810 Insurrection at Mandvi and Bodhlin. 246 1809 British connection with Palanpur... 249 1813 Treaty with the Nawab of Radhanpur. 250 1815 E:x:peditioa against Kachh. Taking of the Fort of Anjar. 247 1812 Treaty with Jam Jasaji of Navanagar. 248 1820 Khuman outlawry in Bhtivnagar. 248 Supreme power in Kathiawar ,·ested in the British. 249

CHAPTER XI. Ba1•ocla a.ff'airs. 1818 Death of Fateh Sing Gaekwad. 251 1819 Death of Anand Rao and accession of Sayaji ru.o II. 252 1830 Head Quarters of the Northern Dh·ision of the army fixed at Ahmadabad. 253 1839 Enlistment of the Gujarat Irregular Horse... 255 1840 Fresh agreement with the Gaekwad. 255 Abetment of Sati made a penal offence in the Gaekw&d territory. 255 XXVl


1847 Sayaji Rti.o's death 255 His character. 256


18-17 Accession of Ganpat lUo Gaekwad 257 1852 Colonel Outram's Khatpat Report. 2.57 1854 Temporarytransferof the control o'fer Baroda to th~ supreme Government. . . • 258 \8~6 Death of Gu.npat R8.o and the acce&si_on of Khande Rti.o Gaekwad. 258 l857 The :Mutiny year. 258 1858 ltem.ission to the G8.ekw8.d ofthe annual pay· ment. on account of the Guja.rnt Irregular IIorse. 259 1859 Military affairs of OkMmandal placed in the hands ofthe British. .. . 260 1862 Right of adoption ginn to Khande Rao. 259 1870 Khande R&o's deat~ ... 261


1870 Accession of Malhar Rti.o ••• 262 1873 Appointment of a Commission to enquire into his misrule 263 187-l. Appointment of Mr. Da.dabhai Naurozji as Diwan 263 1875 Appointment of a Commission to enquire into a charge against Malhar R&o of an attemp~ to poiso1;1 the Resident .. . 264 , Ma.lhar Rao's arrest and suspension... 264 XXVII


CHAPTER XIV. 1875 Malhar Rao deposed and deported to Madras. 266 1875 Adoption of Gopal Rao by Khande Rao's widow, and his accession to the :Masnad under the name of Sayaji Rao III. 266 Adninistration entrusted to Sir T. Madhav Rao. 267 1881 Sayaji Ra.o's investiture with the powers of Government. 269 1885 Construction of the Ajwa \\'ater-works 270 1892 Their completion and formal opening. 270

CHAPTER XV. 1819 neclaration of war with Kachh; deposition of Rao BMrmal, and formation of a coun- cil of regency. 272 1822 ltestoration of Anjar to Kachb. ... 273 18341 Installation of Rao Desa.lji his loyal conduct. 273 1820 Management of the Mahi KhantM taken by the British Government. 27 4 1828 First appointment of Political Agent in the ~Iahi Kantha. 27 5 1833 Disorders in the Mahi Kantha. Outlawries by Surajmal and others. 275 1833 Death of Ga.mbhirsingji, chief of IJar and the immolation of his widows.... 275 1835 Storming of Ahmadnagar for defiance of orders in regard to Sati. 277 183G Troubles in the Mahi K.antM caused by re• fractory chiefs, their final surrender. ... 278 XXVIII


" Restoration of the Samlaji fair; raising of the Gujarat Bhil Corpse 278 1821 Disputes about succession to the Rajpiplli. state. Vehrisalji's installation, and Mr. J. P. Willoughby's appointment as Admi· nistrator. 279 1838 Creation of the separate appointment of Polit=cal Agent in the Rewa Kantba. 280

CHAPTER XVI. 1837 Great fire in Surat. 282 1844. Salt Tax Riot at Surat... 282 18U Introduction of Salt-tax. 282 1843 Building of Sheth Hathishang's temple at . Ahmadabad. 283 1851 EstablishmentofFemaleschoolatAhmadaMd by Sheth Maganbhai Karamchand. 2H3 1843 Establishment of the Gujarat Vernacular Society at Ahmadabad. 284 1853 Commencement of survey for the B. B. & C. I. Railway. 284!

CHAPTER XVII. 1857 The Mutiny year. 285 Musalman Riot at Broach. 287 " Troubles at Dobad. 289 " 1858 Tatya-Topi's raid on the Rewa KantbO.. 289 Tatya-Topi's defeat and flight. ... 290 " 1859 Tatya's seizure and execution. 29:> D.1y of general rejoicing and thanks giving, 292 " XXIX


1st Nov. Assumption of the Government ~f India by 1858 the crown. · 2~1 1858 Disarming throughout India 293


1858-59 Naekra rising in the Panch Ma.Mls; its sup- pression. 293 1861 Cessio~ of the Panch 1\Iahals to tM British by Sindhia in exchange for districts n_earer Gwalior. 296 1868 Fresh rising of Bhils and Naekras; execution of ring leaders. 2941


1860-64 Opening of the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway. 297 1863 American war, and rise in the price of Indian Cotton. 297 1866 Share mania. 291 1868 Heavy rain and storm at Ahmadabad. . 297 1875 Serious flood in the Sabarmati .... 297 1883 Flood at Surat. 298 1885 Tala via riot at Broach .... 298 1887 Bakri-Id distul·bance at Dholka.... 301 1889 Destructive fire at Surat. !98 1891 Heavy rain at Broach. • .. 298 1890 Riot at Cambay. 301 , Appointment of a British officer to conduct the ~administration of Cam bay.... 301 " Outlawry in Ka.thiawir. SO% :u:.:t


29th Deer.· Lieutepant H. L. Gordon killed in attacking 1892 and annihilating a band of dacoits. 303

CHAPTER XX. Civil adminisb·ation. 1800 Passing of Act I for the administration of the Surat district. 304. 1802 Appointment of u. Collector at Surat. 304 .. Passing of regulation XIII defining the powers of tllat officer. 304. 1811-13 Survey of the Broach district. ... 3041 1814t·l5 Appointment of village accountants. 305 1827 Regulations passed relating to the adminis· tration of Revenue, constitution of village _and District Police, &c. 305 18!9 Prohibition of Sati throughout British India. 305 1832 Repair of the town-wa.ll of Ahmadab&.d out of funds specially raised for the purpo1e. 305 1850 Introduction of Municipal improvements. Progress of education, Public Works, Rail- ways, &c. 305 Loea.l Self-Government system introduced... 30(5 Enlargement of the LegislatiYe Councils. ... SO~ Conclusion. 30~ XXXI APPENDICES.

Appendix A. List of the Kshatrapa Kings .... 312 , B. List of the Sena kings. 315 ,. c. List of the Cba.vada kings. 317 D. List of the Solanki kings. 318 E. List of the Yaghela kings. 320 " F. List of the Sultans of Gujarat. 32! , 0. Statement of the revenues of Guja.rat under the Ahmadabad Sultans. 323 H. Statement of the revenues of GujarB.t under the Mughal rule. 325 I. " Preseat Area, Population and Revenue of British Territory in Oujarat. 327 ,. J. Present Area, Population and l'evenue of Native States in Gujarat.... 330 311

Appeudices. APPENDIX!. LrsT of tho Kshatrapa Kings, who held sway in Western India, comprising Gujarat J>ropcr. Hatml.shtra ( KathiU.war ), Kachh, Sindh, Malwa and the Northern Konkan, from the last ftunrter of the first century till the end of tho fourth century A. D., extructod from an article by l'amlit Bhugvanl1tl lndraji, Ph. D.,l\I.R.A.S., published in the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July 1890, pages 639 to 662. ·

Earliest and latest dates of No. N All! E. coin or inscrip- REMARKS. tion yet dis­ covereJ. A. D.

1 N ahu p1l.ua. 7 8-110 This name is mentioned on an inscription in the cave at N11Bik, mentioned on page 52. See also Indian Antiquary, vol. X, pp. 213-227. 2 Chaiihtuna, son of Za.mo- 111-136 Chashtana was not of the same dynasty as tika.. . .. Nahapana. 3 JayaJU.man. . .. The names of Nos. 2 to 6 correspond with

Y aso Damn.n·..• 318 Simha Scna •.. No dated coin. Rudra Sena. ,... 348-376 Rmh·a Simlm. 388

• · '!'here i~:~ a bridge near Girnar known as the Rudradaman bridge which had been con­ ~tructed by Pushy& Gupta about 300 D. C., the inscription on which (full translation given in Dr. Bhau Daji's Literary Remains) shows that in Saka 72, ~here was very heavy rain (so heavy that it has been compared in the inscription with the Deluge) during the dark half of the moon :in the month of Magshir, November-December, which swept a'vay the bridge, and that it was reconstructed in the time of King Rudra D1iman by his Governor of Saur1bhtta, Subvisakha, which name Dr. Bhau Dliji considers as a Sanskrit adaptation of the Persian Siavaksluih. This suggests the early connexion between Persia and the peninsula of Saurashtra. APPENDIX n. Chronological Tree of the Se11a or Valabhi Kings. 1. BHATARKA SENA. ( 160 Gupta Samvat, A. D. 479 ). I ~------~---·--1 f 2. Dhara Sena. 3. . Dhron Simha.. 4. Dhruva Sena. 5. Dharapata. ( 207, 210, 216 ). r 6. GuhB. Sena. (240,246,247,248,250,256,258 ). I 1. Dhara. Sena. IL ( 272, 277 ). I --~------r 8. Siladitya I, or 9. Kharagraha. L Dharmaditya.. I ( 286, 290). I I · · · I Derabhata. r. . 10.. Dhara Sena III. .11. Phruva. Sena. IL I I . snLitya. 13. Dhruva. kena. III.. 14. Khnragt·a.ha. 11. 12. Dha.ra. Sena IV~ I or Bald.ditya. 15. Sild.ditya II. (326, 329f I 16. Sild.Jitya. Ill ( 356, 358 ). I 17. Sild.ditya. IV. ( 403 ). I 18. Siladitya. v. I 19. Silft.ditya VI.

NoTE I. The figures placed afle'1' some of the names denote the years(Gupta era) of coins or inset·iption!f' of the respeelive kings which have hitherto been discovered and published in the Journals of the Royal Asiatic Society a.nd Indian Antiquary. The Gupta. era. is placed by different writers in different years as under, but the year 319 is generally admitted to be· correct. ( See Indian Antiqua,ry Vol XV, page 338 ) • By General Cunningham, in 167 A. D. By Sir E. C. Bayley... •.• 190 A. D. By Biruni .•• ••• •.• ••• 319 A. D. II. The figureA placed before some of the names denote the orJer or succession to the throne. 317 APPENDIX c. List of Kings of the Oh&.vada dy'Yiaaty.

FROM A. D. To A.D. PERIOD OF REIGN. 1. Van Raj 746 806 60 years. 2. Yog Raj 806 841 35 , 3. KshemRaj ... 841 86G 25 " 4. Bhuvad 895 29 ... -.:. 866 " 5. Yir Sinh ... 895 920 25 .. 6. Ratna Ditya. 920 935 15 " 7. Samant Sinh. 935 942 7 " TOTAL ...... 196 years. APPENDIX· D. LiHt of Solanki ){inas of Gujarat.

ltEIGN. PERIOD. u . NAME. ~~'"<:!. ~ REMARKS. a -~~ a a~ >:l ...J Q) 8~~ .... ~ _.._.,;______:___ ---,----'----:.------·----·-----···-· ·-······------1 1\fullliij. .. •.. ••. 9421 H97 5;) NamcA 1, 2 and 4 to 11 ore mentioned in a. 2 Chamund. •.• •.. 9971010 13 eoppcr pln.tc inAcription, Jated .Somvat 1266, A .. 3 Valn.bh Sen...... 10101010 ... 8 D. 1210, founrl in a 'l'rcasure room at Ahmadabad 4 Durlabh Sen... • .. 101011022 12 and sent by the author of the RaA MaJa to the 5 Bhim Dev I...... 102211012 50 Bombay Branch of the Royal AHiatic Society (vide 6 Karan...... • .. 10721109-t. 22 p~gc 49 of the Thl.s Mala,2nd Edition). The name or 7 Siddlmij Jaysinh ... 1094114:11 49 Valabh Sen, No. 3, docs not o.ppm•r in this inscrip­ 8 Kum,\rpal. ... • .. 1143'1174 31 tion. But this is probably owing to his reign 1 9 Ajaypal...... 1174 ll77 3 having been very Rhort. It. is al~>o reasonable 10 Mul ltltj II, or I to suppOAe that Vn.Iabh's father being alive, and Ba.I Mul Raj .... 117N 179 2 having proceeded on only a. short rilgrimago. 11 Dhim Dev II, or 1 I VnJahh m:ty have hecn considered by the writer· Hhim Bholo. . .. U79 1242 G:J of the inscription as merely rcg,.nt for the abort 12 'fril;hovanpn.J. ... 11242 1244 2 period of eight months here mcntioneu, and hence the omifision of his name. In the annals of Jcsnl- . mir, where reference is made to the marriage of V11lahh Sen's da.ughtcr to the king of that di~:~trict, Valahh ~en is exprcf!Hly mentioned as "Solanki Rl~j:i. of Pattan" ( vide Tod's Rli:iasthan, quoted at pn.ge 52 of tho P.,U,s 1\Ial:i., 2n

NoTE. Dr. Bbti,u Daji mentions, on the authority of tho Pa.hl.vali, one PU.Juk8. Mjd. 1\A succm;sor of Bhim Dcv and gives tho period of his rule as six days. lie mentions Tribhovn.npal cs Pt\uuku's succm~sor, and the period of his reign a.s two months and twelve dayH. APPENDIX E. JC·ings of tlte V agT,ela dy-nasty i-n Gujarat, a-nd tlte approximate period of tlteir reigns:- A. D. 1264, on a reservoir at the village ?£ Kantela in which the founder of the resorvmr, Samat Singh, has been mentioned as Arjun Dcv's Karbluiri ( minister ). 3 SA.rang Dcv.... 1275 1296 The inscription in volume XXI of t,he Indian Antiquary,above mentioned, appears to have been written in this king's time.

K!lmn Dcv.••.. 1296 1297

NOTE. The period during which each of the kin~s above named rnled, hfl.!i ~en .writl.en as correctly as possible from Inscriptions &c. In a valuable contribution by Dr. J3iibler, l11.tsed on a manuscript found by Dr. Bhandarkar and Professor AMji Vishnu Kathavate of the Guja.r8.t College, published in the Indian Antiquary, Vol. XVIII, page 184, the period of l'Cign of ~.,.. each king of the V aghelU. dynasty has bceon given as under:­ Visal De,·. years 18, months 7, days 11. Arjun Dcv; years 13 months '1, days 26. Sarang Dev. years 21, months 8, days 8. 32Z APPENDIX 1!. List of the'-J.Vuhammadan Sulta'ns of G·t'-,ja?·a't :-

·Year of accession. 1. Sultan .Muzaffar I. 1407 A. D. 2. Ahmad I. 1410 " ·" 3. Muhammad I... 1442

4. Kutb-ud-din .•.. 1451 II 5. Daud (reigned only one week) . . 1459 " '6, Mahmud Bega.da. ... 1459 7. Muzaffar II.... 1511 . , " B. Sikandar (reigned two months and sixteen days ) .... 1526 9. Ma.bmud II. ... 1526 10. Ba.Mdur. 1526 " 11. Muhammad Faruki.. .. 1537 12. .Muhammad III. ... 153'1 13. Ahmad II. 1554 H. Muzaffar III. ... 1561 to 1572. " 323 APPENDIX G. List of Sirkdrs,or districts in Gujarat in the time of the Muhammadan Sultans. I. Central plain of Guja.rat. 1. Patan. 5. Baroda. 2. Ahmadabad. 6. Broach. 3. GodhrO.. 7. Nandod. 4. Champaner. 8. Surat. II. In the N orta. 1. Jodhpur. 3. Nagor. 2. Jhalor. +. Sirohi. III. In the North-East. 1. Dungarpur. 2. Banswada (now in .Malwa). IV. In the East and South-East. 1. Nandurbar (now in Khandesh). · 2. Mulber (Baglana},-now in Nasik. 3. Ra.mnagar (Dharampur), now in Surat. V. In the South. 1. Danda Rajpur (Janjira). ~: :~~~ii' } now in the Konkan. 4. Daman (now held by the Portuguese). VI. In the West. 1. Somnatb. } 2. Soratb. now in Kathi&war. 3. N a vanagar. , VII. In the North-West, 1. Ka.chb, Totf.l :s. S24 Rupees. 1. The territorial revenue of the above 25 districts y:elded .... 584,00,000 . 2. T1·ihute from th, rulers of Ahrnadnagnr, Bijapur, B,mh, Golkondll. and Burhanpur. 112,00,000. 3. Custom dues fa·o:n 25 ports on the western coast o~ Indio. and 26 fordgn ports; so111e of them in India and others in the Persian Gulf and along the Arabian Coast. 450,00,000.


NOTE. The amount of revenue mentioned in item 1 appears to be that 1·ecovered in A. D. 1571. Thnt in item 2 shows the revenue prior to Sultan Bahli· clur'.s death, inasmuch as the tribute from ports held by the Portuguese and the Deccan kings censed after that Sultan's death. Item 3 gives the amount realized prior to 1560 A. D. APPENDIX H.

List of Si?·kd1·s ( districts) during the Mugha~ Rul-e.

Of the 2.5 districts mentioned in Appendix G. the following were reannexed to theit· original provinces by the Emperor Akbar's order in or about A. D. 1578 .

1. Jo,lhpur...... } Transferred to Rajputami. 2. Jluilor. ... 3. Nagor. Transferred to Ajmer. 4. MulheJ·. • .. l Transferred to Kbandesh. 5. N~tudurbai', ... i 6. B,tssein ...... } Remained in the pos- 7. Bolllbny,(Muml.mi). session of the Portu- 8. 1>aumu. .. • .. • guese. 9. Dau•la Raj pur, Given to one of the rulers of ( Ju.njini), ... Alirnadungar as dowry on the occasion of his mar­ riage with Baha.dur Shah's daughter. There remained sixteen Sirkars, of which si.x: were held by Zamind&.rs, or feudal chiefs, paying tribute to Government. 1. Ka.chh. 4. Ramnagar (Dha.rampur). 2. Sirohi. 5. Dungo.rpur. 3. Somnath. 6. Banswada.

The remaining ten districts were administered by Im· perial officers,

No. of subdivisions. 1. Ahma.C:aba.d 33 .., ::3ronca H a. Pitan 17 326

Baroda ~ 5.'· N&ndod 12 6. CMmpd.ner ....,.., 7. Godhra !1 8. Sorath 63 9. Navanagar 17

Total. .. 184

The revenue of the Surat district was separately assigned to its manager, who was styled Mutsadi. That district is there­ fore not included in this list. The revenue of the .10 districts, including Surat, nnd the tribute from the six tributary chiefs, amounted in Akbar's time to Rupees 1,99,91,130. This revenue continued, according to the Mini.t-i-Ahmadi, np to the time of the Emperor Muham­ mad Sh8.h, A. :D. 1719-1748, but before 1762 it fell to 1,23,50,000 rupees. APPENDIX I. Shnw·i11[/ tlte area, population antl revenue of the five districts now comprisi11g the Province of Gujara't.

t() .s: . ,;!:!.. eo ..cs~ c . ~ UJ c.-. • ~ c • ... .,. "'s::lo., c 0 ~.! 000 ~""'"' ~;; o-~e-4 0 ~ <>-< ... .., CP"' m·:::: """'·---.. .n ., .... ·-"'8 c o .... ~~(N ~ .. t) .. REMARKS. Names or ll:-~ ... c .. 0"' ~ iM each "' ..=!~ f1> m- c:~ '*"'cue;;~ llilttricts. 1 8 ll:" .. ol) !1>8 " 0 0~ 0 c - .. g. .... ~].~i~ 8. ~ >< "·-mg. z z- ~"' c... zc.>"' --~- -~ A. D. - - The population o f 1 Daskrohi. 1817 the chief city, Ahmad 2Dh olka. 1802-3 abad is 1,48,412. 3 Vi1 ·am gam. 1817 Thcfirstterritorial con 4DhandhukU.. 1802-3 nexion of the Britisll r 5SU.n and. 1817 with the Ahmadab8.d ) GPa1·antij, in- 1817 18 839 3949 9,21,'112 16,58,713 district commenced i n Ahmad-]abM. cl uding Pcta A. D. 1802, when th(} M aluil oHio- Gaclaias of Dholera, t 0 dO. sa. save themselves fro m 7Gogha, lately 1802-3 the encroachments o r con vertedinto the BMvnagar Chier, L 11P cM.Iliaha.l. ) made it over to the I I UritishGovernmcnton condition of receiving half its revenue. 1 Nttdit~l. 11803 2 Bonmd. II81G-l'l alAtmnd. 1817 4!1\ItthmuJti.LU.tl. 1817 10 573 IGOO 8,71,589 20,25,871 .~, Knirn.. iill\ltl.tar. 180!1 The fopulation of (' '•Tiu\.Hrtl.. ] 817 the chie ctty, Nadi!ld, is 29,048, thu.t of the iiKnpaUvnnj. IBIG-17 hcat!-:ul ,, :Cr town l Kaira. is 10,101. 1 1Godhrtl 2 Dohntl,includ- l in:.! the Petti. l\1ttlui.l of lSG 1 4 G52 1613 3,13,417 3,08,'110 The population of tl!e · :1 Panch 1 Jlu\,Jotl. chief cit. .}, Cmlhnl., •s Ma1uO!i. 3 Kn lol includ­ 14,G!H. iug the PcM. This J it>trict was :M t\lul.l of cxcha n~"d l'.V Simlhia. 11.\lol. for tcrriLury uea.r Jbansi in A D. 1861. 1 Broach. . .., The population of 2IAnklcshvar Sec col. the chief city,Broach, including of re­ is 40,168. Pcta, Mahal marks. 400 1463 3,41,490 22 90 520 This district came I of llO.nsotc ... ' ' under British rule in 3Jambusnr. A. D. 1772. It was 4 Waghra. ceded to Sinuhi8. in Il 5Amodc. 1783, and retaken in 1802. 1 Olpatl. The population of 2 ChorO.si. 18001817\ the chief city, Surat, 3 Bardoli in­ is 109,229. cluding Pet' :Mnhtl.l of 5 Surat V1~lou. 788 16(2 6,49,989 23,58,556 4Do.lsar. 1802-3181'1 J !) 5 Chikhli. 1802-3 6 Mandvi. 1839 7 Pardi. 1817 APPENDIX J.

Sit owing m·ea, population and estimated revewtte of t?·ibutary 1tate~ in Gujat·

Population Gross esti- Name of Name of ruler or chief, according IA"asquare in mated re- REMARKS. State. with title, if ~my. llliles. to Census venue. of 18"91. ------

GROUP I. Nor~h Gujnrat. I;o.roda. ... His Highness :M:alul.raja 8570 24,15,396 1,43,82,129' Sir Sayaji Rao GaekWttd, Sena Khas Khel Samsher Baluidur, G. C. S. I. Kachh. ... His Highness MaM Rao 6.':i00 5,58,415 17,85,043 Shri Mirza Raja Savai Sir Khengarji BahaJur G. C. I.'K Cam bay. ... , His Highness Nawtl.h 3:i0 89,722 6,30,192 The Nawab has dele- Jafar Ali Khan Saheb gated hisauthority to the BahB.Jur. special Political Agent ' since 11th October 1890. Kdthid.wdr consiBting of the unde1·mentiont

______.....1,______:.. ______~- -- 335 INDEX. A. Anand R8..o GB.ekwM MaM­ Abhesingh, 171-175, 179. t&j, 224 225, 252. Abu, 26, 31, 38, 39, 81, 82. Angria pirates, 194. Adalaj, battle of, 171. Anhilwar P8.tan, founding of well at, 95. 10, 11; 20, 22, 43, 46, 47,70, Ahmad Khattu Ganj-Baksh 108, 122, 165. Shekh, 65, ()6, 79, and n, 80. Arabs, 7, 225, 226, 248. Ahmad SMh Abdali, 196. Arli.a or Adas, battle of, 166, Ahmad Sultan I. 63,64; founds 203, 204, 207. Ahmadab8.1, 65-69; his ex­ Arjun Dev, 47. ploits, 70-78; 95, 96. Asa, or Asha Bhil, 27, 65. Ahmad Sultan II. 130-132. AsMval,or Asarvaj 27, 62, 63; Ahmadabad, founding of, 65- Dada Hari's well at, 95. . 69; taken by Akbar, 135; 138, Asoka, or Ashoka., the Oreat,2. 139, 142-144,153; half of the Assaye, battle of, 2-14. city made over to the Mar8.­ Aurangzeb,149, 155, 156,161 th8.s,180,182;joint rule of the -163. Peshwa and the Gaekw&d, Authors: Hindu Period, 53. 190-193; 210,211, and.n; 219 Later Periods, 307. -223;ta.ken by the English,241 Azam Khan's palace, 154. and n; subsequent improve­ B. ments and prosperity, 281; Babi, 171,173 and n,178, 184, 283; floods &c., 297, 298; 305. 197. Ahmadnagar founding o£,75, Bahadur,son oflluzaffar, III., 102, 161, 27(), 277. 148, 149. Ajay Pal, 37. Bahadur Gilani, 91, 92. Ajmer, 15, 40, 115. Bahadur Shah, king o! OuJ· Akbar, the Great, 134--149. ra.t, 106-123. Aht-ud-din K.hilji, 48-50; 55. Baji Rao 1. } Ali Muhammad Khan, Author Baji Rao II. S p h , of the .Mirat-i-Ahmadi, 1 Balaji I. ee es wa.. appointed BausMhi Dhnin, Balaj i Ba.j i ru.o. 174, 191. Ba!asinor, 174, 18.5, 186, 195, Anand Uogri, battle of, 78. 197: - 336

&pa, fo'llllder of the 1\lewar Charles Il, 15'1; transferred dynasty, 51 rt. to the East India. Company, Baroda, 65 and -n, 97 and -n, 158;flightofBaji Rao Peshwa Hl-143,152, 162; taken by to, 228; riots of 1893, 303. Pilaji 166-170; taken by Borradaile, Nr. A.A. 81 ?~, 234. AbhesiDgh, 1 73; £nally re­ Borsad, 183, 18-t., 186-188, taken by the Gaekwad, 17 ,t., 192, 220. 202, 203, 206, 212, 218, 226, British, 257, 258, 26,1., 265. see English. Bas.sein, 93, H 7, 202,213, 215, , East India. Company. 228. Broach, 3 and -n; 110; 126,138, Behra.m Gor, 12. 139, 143-145,152, 160,161; Beyt, 87, 2.U, 260. under the Nawabs, 176, 182; BhB.~·atai system of re,·enue, 201; taken by the English, 5-I, 155, . 230; Talavit\ riot at, 299- EMts of 'S adia.J, Tn\,CT8. com­ 301; 30-1. mitted by, 204. BhatArk ki.Dg, 4. .Appendix B, c. 315. Cambay, 3 and 'It, 18; 31, 32, Bh!i.rnagar, founding of, 177; 46, 48, 49,124, 142, lH, 152, 203, 2,1.8 and n. 167, 179, 191, 195, 216, 219, Ehil Corps, 279, 293. 301, 302. Bhilapur, 157; battle of, 172; CMmpaner, founding of, iO 205. and -n; 79, 80; taken by Mah­ Ehim Dev 1, 19-22, 25, 26. mud Begada 89, 90; 105,100, Ehim Dev II, or Ehim Bholo, 120, 126, 170. 3i-1-t Chamund, 17-19. Bhogilal Pnill'"alabhdas, 211. Chauth and Sardeshmukhl, Ehoj Raja, 213. 163 and fl, 16-J., 166, 167, Ehuj, 225, 2,1.7, 272. 169, 1i0, 178. Bhuwar Raja, i-10. CM'"ada Kings, 2, i, 9-12; BoJ.hlin, insurrection at, 246. appendix C, 317. Eomooy, under the Gujarat Chitor, 70, 81, 82, 101-103, · kings, 92; ginn in dowry to 106, lH, 115, 117, 121 n. 33.7

Chok Mn8., 58 n. Dhrol, battle of, 146, 147. Coins, 3 and n, .135, 153 n, Dilwara, 35, 45, 99. 158, 195,270, 271. Disarming throughout India., Company of Merchant~ trad~ 293. in.; to the East Indies, 150. Diu, landing of the Parsis at, See also Eastlndia Company. 13;92,110, 114, 120; 122, 123;' acquired by the Portuguese, D. 124 and n. Dabi:aalim, 23 and n, 24. Dohad, 29, 73, 80, 98, 109,165. Dabhoi,47,170, 173,205, 210, Dungarpur, 102. 241. Duncan, The Hon. Jonathan, Dadabhai N'aurozji, 263, 26-1, 222, 228. and n. Durlabhsen, 19. Damaji Gaekwad I., 164. Dutch, 152. Damaji Gaekwad II., 172, 173, Dwarka,2,87,260,seeKrishna. 178, 181-183, 186, 188-190, .E. 197-190. Earthquake of A. D. 1819, 66, Daman, taken by the Portu­ 67. ,. guese,131; under the Gujarat East India Company,157,158, Sultans, 147. 194, 207, 222. 223, 227, 236. Darius, son of Hystaspes, 12. Education, 53, 271, 283, 2-84, 306, 307. Daud Sultan, 82. ' DaulatAbid. See Baroda. Elphinstone,The Hon.Mount- Delhi, 61, 62, 107; sacked by stuart, 6, 240, 242, 243. :Xadir Shah, 18111; 197. English, advent of the, at DluibAde, 163, 164, 171-174, Surat, 150 ; gain command 187. of the Sura.t castle 196; take Dbanduka, 35 and n, 43. Broach 201 ; assume sole Dhar, 28, 73, 99, 101. government of Surat, 223; Dharampur,HO, 149,150,160. acquire possession of the . Dhodap, battle of, 193. Peshwa's territories, 245. Dholka, 2, 4.3, 46, 142, 170, r. 179; Bakri-IJ disturbance, Fair, a\ Samlaji, 192, 278; at SOl. Sukul Tirth, 19 n. See Uras. 43 Famine, 47, 154, 187 n, 216. Gohelwad, 73. Fatehsing Gaekwad Mahliraj, Gonda!, 219. 200, 202-203, 206,207,210, Govind Rao 1\Iaharaj, 198,200, 212, 213, 215, 217. 201, 202, 206, 217-220, 224. Fatehsing, Regent of Anand Grah Ripu of Sorath, 15, 16. Rao 1\Iahliraj, 241, 251. Gujarat, under the Bhils and Fatehwadi village, founding Kolis, 1; conquered by Ka­ of, 145. nishka, 3; under the Clui.vda, Fawcett, .Mr. E. G. 234. the Solanki and the Vaghela Female Education, see Edu­ kings, 10-54; under the Delhi cation. monarchs, 55-64, under in­ Female Infanticide, 233-235, dependent Sultans, 65-134. 257, 273. See Ahmadabad. Floods, 147 and n, 182 n; 298 Gujanit Irregular Horse, 255 and n. and n, 259, 286. Forbes, Mr. A. K., author of Gujara.t Y ernacular Society, the "Ras Mala" 2; 288. 284. Forbes, Mr. James, author of Gupta kings, 3, 4. "Oriental Memoirs'~, 210. H. French, 152, 208. Habshis, 187, 196. Frere, Sir Bartle, 262. Haidar Ali of Mysor, 209,214, G. 215, 218. Gaekwa.d, rise of the, 164. See Halo!, 105, 109. Baroda.. Hemacharya, 35 and n, 37, 53. Gangad, 51. Hieun Tsiang, 5, 6. Gangadhar Shastri, 237, 238. Hindus, oppressions on the, Ga.npat Rao Gaekwad 1\Iahli.- 128, 149 and n. raj, 257, 258. Holkar, 177, 196, 202, 203, Gautam Putra, 3. 212, 218, 228, 229. Gimar, 2, 9, 10, 71, 85, 86. Hoshang. Sultan of Malwa,70 Goa., 92 and n. 71, 74, 75, 111. Godhra, 29, 45, 80. Humayun, Emperor of Delhi, Gogh8., 68, 73, 87, 110 n, i46, 113, 116-121, 134. 151, 118, 192. Husain Khan Batangi, 286. 33~ I. K. Idar, 60 and n, 69, 70, 75, 76, Kachh, a, 9, 16; 31, 50, 146, 79, 92, 98, 99,101 and n, 102, 153; first appointment of Re­ 139, 141 and n, 145, 155- sident, 247; deposal of. Rav 157, 161; taken possession of Bhtirmal 272; installation of by the Jodhpur family, 176 Rao Desalji, 273. and n; 177, 186, 193, 194. Kadi, 73; battles at, 219, 224, J, 225. Kaira, 227 and n. J8.far Khan, Viceroy of Guja­ Kalian Rae of Cambay, 46. rat, 59, 60, 62. See also Kalal, 95, 96. Muzaffar Shah. Kanauj, 1, 3, 4, 31. Jahangir, Emperor of Delhi, . Kanhoji Gaekwad, 218, 219, 151-153. 224, 22G and n. Jains, 31, 35, 37, 38, 52, 53; Kanij, battle of, 122. 155. Kanishka (Kaneksen), 3, 5. Temple at Ahmadabad built Kaakarili. Tank, 81, and n. by Sheth Hathisingh, 283. Kanthaji Kadam, 166, 167, Janjira, under the Gujarat 170, 177, 178. Sultans, 147. Kapadvanj, 80, 166, 169, 179, Jam, 13 n, 145, 157, 232, 247. 191, 226. Karan Ghelo, 47-5 0. James !.,king of England,l52. James, Mr. H. E. M. 235. Karan ( Solanki ), 26, 27. Jamshed, 13n.. Karml.vati, 27 and n. Jawan .Mard Khan Babi,177, Kathiawar, 85, 145, 146, 231- 184-186, 188, 190, 191, 193. 233, 240; supreme power vea .. ted in the British Govern .. Jayshekar Chava

KhusMlchand Nagarsheth, Mahmud Khilji II., 98-101, 174. 111, 112. Kirki, battle of, 243, 244. Mahmudli.Md (Mehmadabad), Konkan, 35. founding of~ 88. Koregaon, battle of, 244t. Mainal Devi, 27, 28. Kota, 76. 1\.Ialaji , 159. Koth, TMkor of, 51. Mahiv Tank, Dholka, 28. Krishna,2. Malhar R1l.o Gtl.ekwad, J agir- Kshtrapa. kings, 3, appendix dar of Kadi, 218, 219, 224, A, 312. 225 and n. Kshem Raj, 26. 1\.IalMr Rao, Gaekwad 1\Ia.M­ Kumar Pal, 33-37, 53. ra.j, 262-266. Kutb-ud-din, Lieutenant of Malia, 232, ao3. ShiMb· ud-din, Ghori, 42. Malwa, 28, 29, 34, 35, 47, 48, Kutb-ud-din, Sultan of G~lja­ - 63, 70, 72, 73, 76, 98,101,112. rat, 80-82. Manaji Gaekwad 1\Iah!i.raj, 217. Kutb-ul-ala.m of Batwa, 83. Mandlik Rt\o, 71, 85, 86. Mandvi, 2416 and n. L. Mansa, 51. Lakhumal Dev, 43. 1\Ian Sarovar, 28. Local Boards, 306 and n. :llaneknith Godaria, 67, 68. Lunawada, 51. Maratbas,riseof the,159-162; M· defeated at Nnipat, 196. Madhav Rao, see Pesh,va. MaratM War, the first, 203- MB.dha.v Ra.o, Sir T., 265, 267 215. -269. Ma.urya kings, 2 n, 3 n. Mahi KantM, 232, 233, 273, Mirzas, 123,133, 136, 139,141, 27 4; establishment of Politi­ 142. cal Agency, 275; 276-279. Mokheraji Gobel, 57, 58. Mahim, 76, 92. Momin Khan, 177, 179, 180, Mahmud Begada, Sultan of 182, 183, 191, 193, 196, 216. Gujarat, 83-96. See Cam bay. Mahmud of Gbazni,l8,20-25. ., 79, 80. M~~ohmud Khilji I., _76, 80, 81, Muhammad Shah II., 124. 84t1 85, 111, 112. MuhammadSMhiii.,l24-l29. 341 Mul Raj I., 11, 12, 15-18. P. Mul Raj II., 37. Municipalities, 305. Palanpur, 93, 185, 191, 195, Mutiny of 1857, 258, 262, 285. 24:9 anJ 11-, 250, 298 n. Muzaffar Sluih I., 63, 64. See Panch M:nhals, the control also J afar Khan. transferred to the British, Muzaftar Shah II., 97-103. 280, troubles in, nnd Tatya Muzaffar Shah III., 133-135, Topi's raid on, 289, 290 ; 143-147. Naekra insurrection in.293- 296 ;ceded to theBritish,296. N. Panchasar, 7, 8. Pandavs, 2. Nadiad, 108, ~03, 204, 225. Panipat, battles of, 141, 197. N:\dir Shah, 181 n. Parsis, the advent o£,12-14, Nagars, branches of, 47. 49. Nami. Fadnavis, 209, 213,217, Pat9.n, see Anhihdr and 228. PrabLas PO.tan. N ana, adopted son of BajiRao, Patri, 125, 182. 289-291. Peshwa, Nandod, 62, 71, 72, 109, 110, 141, 144. See Rajpipld. Baji Rao, I., 169, 170, 172. Balaji Ba,ji Rao, 183, 188. Nandurbar, '11, 105, 131. Madhav Rao I., 198, 202. , see Peshwa. Narayan Rao, 202. Nausherwan the Just, 6, i2. Madha v Rao Narayan 208 Navanagar, 145, and n,-Hi, 209, 214, 215. • , 155,157 11,183,232,247,248. Baji Rao II.,215 n. 228-230, Nur Jaha.n Begam, 83, 153. 236-240, 242-245. Q. Pilliji Gaekwad, 164-, 169, 172, 173. Okha.mandal, 2, 87, 146, 241, Pindaris, 218, 242 and n. 260, 261. Piratn, 5.7, 53,·175. Outlawry: Portuguese, 92 and n, 110, Mahikantha, 273-279. 114, 122-124 and n. 137, Kathiawar, 302,303. 150, 151, 157, 158. Outram, Sir James, 277. Pra.bhti.s Patan, riots at, 303. 342

Prithvi RAj, 38-42. 279; formation of sepa.ra.te Puna taken by Yeshvant Political Agency, 280. Rao Holkar,retnken for the Roe, Sir Tho:rras, 152. Peshwa 228, taken by the Rogers, Mr. Alexander, 287, English 242-245. and n, 288, 2g5, Q Rudramal Temple at Siddh­ pur, 15; 28. Queen Elizabeth, 150. Queen Victoria, assumes di· s. rect control of the Govern­ Sahajanand Swami, 211. ment of Iudia,291 ; assump· S

Shih Alam, 82, 83, 86, 88 expedition, 20-23 and n; and n. 48, 60, 146. Shfi.h Jahan, 149, 153, 154, Songadh, 165, 183, 198. 156. Sukal Tirth, 19 and ·u. Shahi Bag, 153. Sultan's of Guj:mit. Appen- Shahji, 159. dices F. G. Shambhuram Gardi, 19:2,193. Surat, 65, 69, 131; taken by Akbar, lSi; 138, 150 and n, Shelukar, 219, 220, 236. arrh·al of the English, at, Sheppard, ~Ir. G. F., 23.> 150-152, 158; plundered by and n. Shinl.ji, 159, 160; 175, 176; Shihab-ud-din Ghori, 3i, 39, 187, 188,196,2:21, 222; taken 4•) by the English, 223, 246, Shivaji, 159-161. 282, 283, 298, 299; 304. SiJJhpur, 15, 17, 28, 48, 241, 2i7. T. Sid·lh Raj J ays~ngh, 2i -33. Ttl.tar Khan, 61, 62. Sihor, 17, 177 and n, 183. Tatpi. Topi, 289, 290. Sikandar, 10.3. Taylor, the Re,·. G. P., 3 n, Sihi.Jitya,king of Yalabhipur, 153 n.

6, .52 and 11. Thasra, Go, 282. Timur (Tamerlane ), invasion Sillui..li, king of Rai5in, 113. of India by, 61. Sindh, 26; 50, 86, 8i. Tipu Sultan, 214 n, 228. Sindhia, 1 i7, HJ 6, 202, 203, Todar :llal, 140, H2. 20:), 212-21S, 2l7,21S, 230. Treaty, the Peshwa's with the Sir BulanJ KLti.n, IG5, l GS, DMba.de, theGaakwaJ Hi9-1i2. and Kanthaji Kadam, Sirohi, 82, 141. 172. Solanki dynasty, kings of between the GB.ekwad the.)2, 15-H. Appendix D. and Kanthaji Kadam, 318. 178. Some~hwar, 3~-41. between the English Somnath lrahaJe,-, temple of anJ P..aghunath ROO, 15, 16; :llahmad of Gazni's !!02. 344

Treaty, between the English v aghers, 2, 241, 260, 261. and Fatehsing, 206. Y airatnagar, 2, See Dholkt\. of purandhar, 207. Valli, 4 and n, 17, 18, 178. , between General God~ Valabhipur, 4, 5-7, 52. dardandFatehsing210. Valabhsen, 19. of Salbai, 214, 215. V amans thali (Van thali ), 4, 15. of BaroJa, 22-t Van Raj Chli.vada, 1, 2, 9-11. Subsidiary (Baroda), " Varsoda, 5 l n, 227. V astu Pal and Tej PB.l 45. , of Bassein, 228. Vikramaditya era, 5 and n. , between the English Village system, 54, 78 and n. and Sindhia, 230. Yirdhaval V aghela, 45, 46. , with Fatehsing, 241. Viramgam, 112, 166,179, 182. ,. with Ra.dhanpur, 250 .. V esa.l Dev of Aj mer, 25, 26. Tribhovan PB.l, 43, 44, 47. Visa! Dev Vaghela, king of TrimbakjiDanglitl., 237-240 Gujo.nH, 46, 47. 245. Visalnago.r, 26, 102. Tributary chiefs, List of, ap- pendix J. 330-334. w. Tughlak Ghiyas-ud-din, 57. \Yadhwan, 30 and n, 181. .. ~Iuhammad, 57, 61. 'Yadnagar, founding of, 3 n, , 102, 140, 161, 1G9. 1 Firuz, 58, 59. Turkish fleet sent against the 'Yagad, 79, 92. Portuguese 92. w· alker, Colonel, 224-22G ; 231-233. u. Wanta IanLls, 12i and n, 128. Udaipur, 5, 1.21, 161. 'Vi!Ioughby, Mr. J. P. 275, Uijain, 58 n, 72, i4, 113,226. 2i9. Umet&, 195. Umreth, 169"2-H. y, U ras, 11 n, i9 n, 88 n. See also ·yeshovaman, 29. Fair. Yog Raj, 11. v. z. Y ag-hela, kings of Gujarit., 45 Zor-Talbi tribute, 232, 242, · -51,95,96. Appendix E.320. 2.j,9, 3-!5 OORRIG ENDA.

Ptt:Je 2 Line H For Pand\·s Rea(l PU.nola\'S, 19 10 .. returning .. retiring. 26 18 appronoheJ approached. " off. 45 5 .. of )I 46 10 praLaLiy probaLly. .. .. " 56 5 efficL effect. .. " " 65 .. H .. AhmadaLaJ Asluival. 70 .. 2 after hit adtl upon the. 18 jOI' ofcers ~·eatl officers. 1U 16 Jin Jiu. " " 128 1G des testation detestation. " 13.) 2') where wet'•) " Hi.J, 1 son nephew. " 170 1:! pluJereJ pluntlet·eJ. " " 177 19 ,. Sh·olti Silt or. " 27 Sirohi " Sihor. 21-t. 27 Peshw~ " , Peshwa'sminister. 223 II 5 thei the 2:1G 19 cesion " II " cession. 238 20 vengenc& .. .. " " \'engeance. II 24-2 18 assasinate assassinate. .. " II 257 13 prohiLting .. " .. prohibiting. 2i6 18 repititiou .. " repetition . 2SO .. 7 .. aLitity .. a.Lility . 282 1 II effectully .. effectually. 289 21 misguide " " misguided. " 23 ajte;o defeat omit on,