Ecotoxicology (2017) 26:360–369 DOI 10.1007/s10646-017-1769-4

Life cycle toxicity assessment of exposed to cadmium-contaminated soils

1,2 1 1 1 Wei-Yu Chen ● Wen-Hsuan Li ● Yun-Ru Ju ● Chung-Min Liao ● Vivian Hsiu-Chuan Liao 1

Accepted: 18 January 2017 / Published online: 27 January 2017 © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2017

Abstract Cadmium (Cd) is of great concern in the soil earthworms exposed to Cd in this study provides a robust environment and it can damage terrestrial organisms. The and applicable tool for the management of ecological risk purpose of this study was to employ a toxicokinetic/tox- assessment of Cd-contaminated soil. icodynamic (TK/TD) approach to investigate the effects of toxicologically relevant Cd accumulation on the life cycle Keywords Cadmium ● ● Life cycle toxicity ● growth of earthworms ( and Agricultural soils ● Ecological risk assessment fetida) and to assess potential terrestrial ecosystem risk. We reanalyzed growth toxicity and whole body and pellet accumulation data linked with TK/TD and life cycle growth models to estimate key rate constants. The growth risk of earthworms exposed to Cd was also assessed. This study Introduction found that the estimated whole body killing rate constant − (0.114 g d μg 1) was much lower than that of pellet An increasing body of evidence from both observations and − (0.248 g d μg 1). The recovery rate constant for whole body model simulations indicates that metal contamination of soil − − (6.02 d 1) was much higher than that of pellet (2.91 d 1). has altered terrestrial ecosystems locally and globally We also employed a life cycle-based probabilistic risk (Wang and Qin 2007; Wuana and Okieimen 2011). assessment model to estimate the growth inhibition risk for Anthropogenic sources of cadmium (Cd) emission include earthworms in response to environmentally relevant con- intensive agricultural activity (Cd used as pesticides and centrations of Cd in Taiwan. Results showed that earth- fertilizers) and industrial waste (Menzie et al. 2009). Cd is a worms had a 90% growth inhibition probability risk of body non-essential element and is non-biodegradable. This can weight, which was lower than 872.33 mg based on assess- lead to accumulation and a decline in soil quality. It is a ment of toxicologically relevant Cd accumulation. This potential hazard for food safety and has adverse effects on study suggests that toxicologically relevant Cd accumula- environmental health. In particular, cadmium contamination tion could accurately reflect the capacity of Cd toxicity to in agricultural soils and its accumulation in crops and earthworms. The integrated life cycle toxicity of subsequent transfer to food chains is a global environmental concern (Rizwan et al. 2016). Terrestrial invertebrates contact contaminated soil lead- * Vivian Hsiu-Chuan Liao ing to accumulation of metal in cells and tissues. Earth- [email protected] worms are key bioindicators for monitoring soil ecosystem

1 health and ecotoxicological risk because they are widely Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National distributed and are less mobile. Thus, they are constantly Taiwan University, No. 1 Roosevelt Road, Sec. 4, Taipei 10617, Taiwan exposed to soil contaminants especially for Lumbricus rubellus and Eisenia fetida (Paoletti 1999; Pirooznia et al. 2 Department of Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology, Kaohsiung Medical University, No. 100, Shih-Chuan 1st Road, 2007; Haeba et al. 2013). Previous studies indicated that Kaohsiung 80708, Taiwan earthworms could accumulate high levels of metals in the Life cycle toxicity assessment of earthworms exposed to cadmium contaminated soils 361 soil environment (Morgan and Morgan 1988; Nahmani candidate for assessing terrestrial ecosystem risk. To gain et al. 2009). Moreover, earthworms can easily concentrate insight into how to predict the effective life cycle toxicity metals that are more likely to transfer to higher trophic risk of earthworms in Cd-contaminated soil environments, levels (Bohlen 2016). E. fetida is widely used in soil eco- we hypothesized the following: (i) the pellet fraction is logical studies and is also used as a fish bait in Taiwan more likely to be the toxicologically relevant biomarker of (Blakemore et al. 2006). toxic effects, (ii) Cd accumulation is a toxicologically Seeking effective approaches for assessing the Cd-soil relevant biomarker and is more related to toxic effects, (iii) environmental risk remains a challenge. Previous studies integrating Cd accumulation in toxicologically relevant used body residues of Cd to relate biologically toxic biomarkers and growth toxicity into the TK/TD model can responses (Stürzenbaum et al. 2004; Nakashima et al. 2008; estimate more sensitive parameters, and (iv) the integrated Veltman et al. 2008). However, some studies indicated that model can better assess ecotoxicological life cycle risk in Cd bound specific subcellular species such as metallothio- earthworms from Cd contaminated soil. nein, which then made it unavailable. This resulted in dif- ferent potential biological consequences of whole-tissue Cd accumulation (Dubois and Hare 2009; Li et al. 2009a). Li et al. (2009a) also found that most Cd accumulated as a Materials and methods toxicologically unavailable fraction in E. fetida and only 3% of Cd was found in the organelles. Hence, using the tox- Study data icologically relevant Cd accumulation as the pellet fraction of tissue (heat sensitive protein or organelles) might provide The valuable database was provided by Spurgeon et al. adequate and applicable means to assess Cd toxicity to (2004). We examined soil Cd toxicity to earthworms based organisms. on growth biomass responses. The experiments used five To assess environmental risk, full life cycle toxicity is an Cd exposure concentrations (0, 12.5, 50, 200, and effective approach to evaluate the potential hazards of 800 μgL−1) to monitor the growth biomass of juvenile metals to organisms (Agrawal and Gopal 2013). Envir- earthworms (L. rubellus) during 294 days of exposure onmentally relevant exposure concentrations are often (Spurgeon et al. 2004). The experiments provided a lower than that of laboratory concentrations. It is difficult to potential growth toxicity assessment to understand Cd observe chemical caused physiological effects in organism toxicity. during short-term periods. Therefore, the effective end- For Cd accumulation, Conder et al. (2002) conducted an points of toxicity such as growth and the development of exposure bioassay by using the earthworm E. fetida organisms are more important in long-term exposure. West exposed to 1574 mg kg−1 Cd for 14 days. Therefore, data et al. (2001) developed an ontogenetic growth model that adopted from Conder et al. (2002) were reanalyzed to could describe the body biomass trajectory of organisms estimate the physiological determinants such as uptake and from birth to maturity based on the properties of optimized elimination rate constants from the whole body and pellet. energy distribution networks. The energy metabolic allo- The pellet fraction is more likely to be the toxicologically- cation is not balanced between supply and demand. This relevant biomarker of toxic effects. ultimately limits growth—especially when organisms are This study adopted growth toxicity and Cd accumulation exposed to contaminant stressors. The integration of an data to develop the integrated model. Growth toxicity data ontogenetic growth model and dynamic energy budget of L. rubellus were adopted to estimate specific growth (DEB) theory can appropriately assess the risk of growth coefficients via the growth toxicity model (tox- dynamics in life cycle events under arsenic exposure (Tsai icodynamics). This used Cd accumulation data of E. fetida and Liao 2006). to estimate toxicokinetic parameters via the bioaccumula- USEPA (2007) suggested that metal risk assessment tion model. We then incorporated experimental data from framework should include a toxicokinetic/toxicodynamic both species with estimated parameters to estimate tox- (TK/TD) scheme to better understand the ability of organ- icodynamic parameters (damage and recover levels) of Cd isms in regulating and accumulating metals. Therefore, stress via a damage assessment model. well-known metal exposure routes and metal TKs should be considered with respect to metal toxicity prediction and ecological health risk assessment. This study employed a Bioaccumulation model TK/TD approach to investigate the effects of toxicologically relevant Cd accumulation on the life cycle growth toxicity A first-order biokinetic model was used to fit the Cd of earthworms (L. rubellus and E. fetida) and to examine accumulation data to estimate the uptake rate constant k1 −1 −1 −1 whether toxicologically relevant Cd accumulation can be a (g g d ) and elimination rate constant k2 (d ). The 362 W-Y Chen et al. following bioaccumulation model was used, Growth toxicity model ÀÁ À k1 À k2t k2t ð Þ CbðÞ¼t CbðÞ0 e þ Cs 1 À e ; 1 All organisms should fuel ontogenetic growth in their life. k2 Energy is allocated to synthesize new biomass and to Here, Cb(t) is the Cd body burden varied with time t (mg maintain existing biomass. The West growth model −1 kg wet wt), Cb(0) is the initial Cd concentration of body describes an organism’s ontogenetic growth (biomass) tra- −1 (mg kg wet wt), and Cs is the Cd concentration in soil jectory from birth to maturity based on energy allocation −1 (mg kg ). without growth toxicity (West et al. 2001). This model is a The bioaccumulation factor (BAF) was determined from quantitative model based on the energy consumption prin- = the equation: BAF k1/k2. To obtain uptake rate and ciple to describe the increasing growth biomass. elimination rate constants for pellets from the subcellular The West growth model has the following form: fraction, a bioaccumulation model was used to fit the selected data. WtðÞ¼Wmax;0Á ()"# ! = 4 W 1 4 A t ð6Þ Damage assessment model 1 À 1 À 0 À 0 ; exp 1=4 Wmax;0 4 Á Wmax;0 The relationship between external Cd concentration and where W(t) is the time-dependent body weight (g), W is the growth inhibition of earthworm was used to represent the 0 body weight at birth of earthworm or approximately 3.95 × dose-response profile. The damage assessment model − 10 7 g, W is the maximum body weight in an uncon- (DAM) was used to estimate the killing rate (k ) and max,0 k taminated environment (2.11 g) (Spurgeon et al. 2004), and recovery rate (k ) constants. The DAM includes three − r A is a specific growth coefficient (g1/4 d 1) that could be dynamic variables: (i) the cumulative damage (D(t)), (ii) the 0 estimated by optimal fitting Eq. (6) to the growth body cumulative hazard (H(t)), and (iii) the susceptibility prob- weight profile. ability (S(t)). Moreover, the toxicant dynamic energy budget (DEB ) First, damage accumulation and damage recovery were tox describes the mode of action (MOA) of chemical toxicity used to describe the D(t) coupling bioaccumulation model that alters energy allocation (Kooijman and Bedaux 1996; (Eq. (1)) (Lee et al. 2002), Alunno-Bruscia et al. 2009). Hence, the integrated DEBtox dDðÞ t =dt ¼ kaCbðÞÀt krDtðÞ; ð2Þ theory with the West growth model could simulate the metal toxicity on growth (biomass) inhibition. Tsai and Liao Then D(t) can be solved as, (2006) showed that the MOA of reducing food assimilation Àkr t Àk t Àkrt k1 e À e 2 1 À e efficiency was well predicted by the West growth model DtðÞ¼ka Cs þ ; ð3Þ k2 kr À k2 kr (Tsai and Liao 2006), and thus Eq. (6) can be rewritten as where D(t) is the cumulative damage (−), ka is the damage −1 −1 ÂÃÀÁ accumulation rate (g μg d ), and kr is the damage WtðÞ¼Wmax;0 1 À GI = ðÞt recovery rate constant (d−1). w p Second, the cumulative hazard (H(t)) was assumed to be ( 2 !3 — 1=4 proportional to D(t). Thus, the crucial DAM parameter the W ð Þ −1 −1  À 4 À ÀÁ0 5 7 killing rate constant kk (g μg d )—could be determined 1 1 Wmax;0 1 À GIw=pðtÞ by !) 4 HtðÞ¼ðÞk =k DtðÞ; ð4Þ A0t k a exp À ÀÁÀÁ; À ðÞ 1=4 Finally, growth inhibition (%) as the physiological sus- 4 Wmax;0 1 GIw=p t ceptibility probability (S(t)) was used to estimate important ÀÁ where W 1 À GI = ðtÞ is the ultimate body weight of parameters, k and k , where (S(t)) can be derived directly max 0 w p k r earthworm under the contaminated environment and GI from an exponential relationship of cumulative hazard (Lee w/p is the growth inhibition probability estimated from whole et al. 2002; Ashauer et al. 2007), body or pellet bioaccumulation data. StðÞ¼1 À expðÞ¼ÀHtðÞ 1  Àkr t Àk t Àkrt Predictive growth inhibition risk model k1 e À e 2 1 À e À exp Àkk Cs þ : k2 kr À k2 kr To investigate relationships among earthworm body weight, ð5Þ growth inhibition, and soil Cd exposures, this study used a biologically-based DAM to reconstruct the dose-response Life cycle toxicity assessment of earthworms exposed to cadmium contaminated soils 363 profile as, and 0.032 ± 0.009 g g−1 d−1 and 0.369 ± 0.144 d−1, for ÀÁ whole body and pellet, respectively. The rapid accumula- GI = ðÞ¼t 1 À exp ÀH = ðÞt ; ð8Þ w p w p tion was found in whole body and pellet over the course of where Hw/p(t) is the cumulative hazard level from soil Cd 14 days. The estimated BAFs of whole body and pellet were exposures based on whole body or pellet bioaccumulation 0.40 and 0.09, respectively. However, both BAFs were less data. The soil Cd contamination is located in southern than 1. Taiwan and was selected to implement the proposed model We incorporated the TKs of whole body and pellet, to estimate the growth inhibition risk. respectively, into the DAM (Eq. 5). DAM was used to fit The growth inhibition risk can be calculated as the the constructed Cd-growth inhibition data of earthworm to 2 probability density function (pdf) of southern Taiwan soil estimate killing (kk) and recovery (kr) rate constants (r = Cd concentrations combined with the conditional prob- 0.92). The results indicated that estimated kk of 0.114 g d −1 ability of growth inhibition (GIw/p)-dependent body weight μg for whole body was much lower than that of 0.248 g d −1 −1 (W) (Eq. (7)) subjected to Cd concentration (Cs) as: P(W μg for pellet, whereas the kr of 6.02 d for the whole −1 (GIw/p)|Cs). Hence, the risk probability of growth inhibition body was much higher than that of 2.91 d for pellet for body weight could be expressed as, (Fig. 3). ÀÁÀÁ PRðÞ¼W PCðÞÂs PWGIw=p jCs ; ð9Þ Growth toxicity where P(RW) is the probability risk for body weight inhi- bition and P(C ) is the pdf of external Cd concentration in − s From 12.5–800 μgg 1 Cd, obvious growth inhibition was soil. Furthermore, we selected various scenarios of Cd −1 −1 observed in 200 and 800 μgg Cd (Fig. 4d, e). Biomass exposures including uncontaminated soil (0 μgg ), farm- −1 − − losses even occurred in 50–800 μgg Cd at 100 days land soil (5 μgg 1), and general soil (20 μgg 1) standards in (Fig. 4c, d, e). The best-fit of the reducing food assimilation Taiwan (Taiwan EPA 2011) as representative concentra- − efficiency demonstrates a biomass growth effect of earth- tions. We also used the monitored value (51.37 μgg 1) worms under various Cd exposure scenarios with estimated from soil in southern Taiwan to simulate the body model-specific growth cost coefficient A (r2 = 0.87–0.99) weight dynamics of earthworms in response to Cd in the 0 (Fig. 4, Table 1). The estimated growth cost coefficients lifespan. − ranged from 0.002–0.033 g1/4 d 1 for Cd exposures, whereas the value for the control group was 0.03 ± 0.001 Uncertainty analysis and simulation scheme − g1/4 d 1. These results indicated that the coefficients of growth costs depended on the Cd exposure concentrations TableCurve 2D (Version 5.0) (AISN Software Inc., and revealed that high concentration of Cd inhibited much Mapleton, OR, USA) packages were used to perform all −1 ® more growth cost. However, 12.5 μgg of Cd inhibited curve fittings. The Crystal Ball software (Version 2000.2, − less growth than that of the control group (0 μgg 1) Decisioneering, Inc., Denver, Colorado, USA) was used to (Table 1). implement the Monte Carlo simulation to generate 2.5- and 97.5-percentiles as the 95% confidence interval (CI) for all fitted models. The risks of growth inhibition were generated Risk assessment practices from the cumulative distribution of simulation outcomes. The data showed that 10,000 interactions were sufficient to The environmentally relevant soilborne Cd concentration ensure the results. Figure 1 is the schematic illustration of in southern Taiwan had a lognormal (LN) distribution this study for estimating the key parameters and repre- with a geometric mean (gm) of 42.23 μgg−1 and a geo- sentations of the mechanistic models. metric standard deviation (gsd) of 1.86 (Fig. 5a). The body weight can be calculated using the estimated soil- borne Cd distribution as the input together with the TK/

Results TD parameters (k1, k2, kk, kr,andA0) used in the West growth model for the Cd-earthworm system. The results Biological responses of earthworm revealed that growth inhibition risk gradually increased as the body weight decreased for whole body and pellet Figure 2 depicts Cd accumulations in whole body and (Fig. 5b, c). pellets of earthworms. These were best described by the Table 2 summarizes the threshold of body weight for bioaccumulation model (r2 = 0.83–0.94). The rate constant probability of growth inhibition at risks of 0.1, 0.5, and 0.9 estimates of uptake (k1) and elimination (k2) were for the Cd-earthworm system. The results showed that 0.056 ± 0.008 g g−1 d−1 (mean ± SE) and 0.140 ± 0.036 d−1 earthworms had a 90% growth inhibition probability risk of 364 W-Y Chen et al.

Fig. 1 Schematic presentation of growth inhibition risk Cd-earthworm system assessment in earthworm exposed to cadmium via a linking bioaccumulation model, damage assessment model, and DEB-based West growth model Growth inhibition data Bioaccumulation model (see text for detailed description of symbols) Control Body Cd1 Pellet Cd2 Cd in earthworm Body weight Time Time

k1i, k2i, BCFi

DEB-based West growth model Damage assessment model

Control Cd1 Cd2 GI fraction Body weight Time External Cd conc. GI: Growth Inhibition

A0 kki, kri

Site-specific growth inhibition assessment

• P(BW) = P(CCd)×P(BW(GI)|CCd)

× = Risk of GI Probability Body weight External Cd conc. External Cd conc. Body weight

Model implication Model comparison

Site-specific biomass prediction Body/pellet burden implication • Southern Taiwan • Growth risk assessment • Growth biomass prediction

body weight lower than nearly 873 mg for both whole body dynamics of body weight changes in earthworms based on and pellet (Table 2). the biological parameters of whole body and pellet (Fig. 6). We also adopted the control standards in farmland and The results showed that the dynamics in body weight general land soils in Taiwan (Taiwan EPA 2011) as well as changed with respect to whole body and pellet; they the environmentally relevant soil Cd concentration in appeared to have a similar pattern over time in response to southern Taiwan (51.37 μgg−1 (mean)) to simulate the various Cd levels in soil. Life cycle toxicity assessment of earthworms exposed to cadmium contaminated soils 365

700 1.2

) A Whole body A Whole body 1 - g k 1 g 560 Data m

( Model

n 95% CI o i t 0.8 Data a r

t 420 Model n

e 95% CI c

n 0.6 o c 280 d C 2 y r = 0.94 0.4 2 d r =0.92 o b 140 e n l o o

i 0.2 t h c W a r 0 f n 0 o

0 3691215 i t

i 0 200 400 600 800 1000 b i h n

200 i 1.2

h B B Pellet t Pellet w ) o r -1 1 g 160 G k g m ( 0.8 n o

i 120 t a r t

n 0.6 e c

n 80 2 o r =0.92 c 2 d r = 0.83 0.4 C t e l

l 40 e

P 0.2

0 03691215 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Time (days) Cd concentration in soil (µg g-1)

Fig. 2 a Whole body and b pellet Cd concentrations in earthworm Fig. 3 Killing rate (kk) and recovery rate (kr) constants estimates for a −1 fi exposed to 1574 mg kg Cd for 14 days. Uptake rate (k1) and elim- whole body and b pellet by tting the DAM-based safety function to ination rate (k2) constants were estimated by fitting data to bioaccu- the Cd concentrations in soil-course earthworm growth inhibition mulation model. Black solid and red dash line represent the fitted fraction profiles. Black solid and red dash line represent the fitted model and 95% confidence intervals, respectively (colour figure model and 95% confidence intervals, respectively (colour figure online) online)

Discussion and L. rubellus). Extrapolation between two species is possible with appropriate data and ecological principles. It Toxicologically relevant Cd accumulation has been shown that Cd induced MT-2 up-regulation was similar in E. fetida and L. terrestris (Asensio et al. 2007). A This study estimated four toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic similar phylogenetic analysis of MT-2 nucleotide sequences determinants (k1, k2, kk, and kr) based on the whole body was found in L. terrestris and L. rubellus (Gong et al. and pellet accumulations to assess Cd growth inhibition risk 2015). E. fetida and L. rubellus have similar Cd MT and growth trajectories of earthworms. We found that the accumulation. Both have very low levels of MT expression BAF (0.08) of Cd in whole body was much less than that of in response to uncontaminated environment, but high MT pellet (0.4). This study also found a strong influence of accumulation and expression levels with Cd contamination toxicokinetics with Cd distribution in the storage subcellular were observed (Stürzenbaum et al. 1998; Gruber et al. fraction. The results of estimated TK parameters agree with 2000). Therefore, extrapolation between E. fetida and L. Li et al. (2009a) with respect to subcellular partitioning of rubellus is plausible here. earthworms in response to soil Cd contamination. We compared differences in Cd-induced growth risk of There are few studies on Cd accumulation in earth- earthworms in southern Taiwan and found no differences in worms. This study adopted toxicokinetic and tox- growth risks between TK/TD assessments based on whole icodynamic data from different earthworm species (E. fetida body and pellet bioaccumulations. However, our results 366 W-Y Chen et al.

Fig. 4 Coefficients of growth costs 3 3 (A0) estimated via the DEB-based A D West growth model for different Cd -1 -1 − Cs=0 µg g Cs=200 µg g exposure scenarios, a 0gg 1 2 2 (control), b 12.5 g g−1, c 50 g g−1, d 200 g g−1, and e 800 g g−1. Black solid and red dash line represent the fitted model and 95% 1 1 fi Data con dence intervals, respectively Model fi (colour gure online) 95% CI 0 0 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

3 0.4 B E -1 -1 Cs=12.5 µg g 0.3 Cs=800 µg g 2


1 0.1 Body weight (g wet wt) 0 0 0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

3 C

-1 Cs=50 µg g 2


0 0 100 200 300 Time (days)

Table 1 Growth parameters used and estimated for earthworms not include the Cd influx to the biological detoxified frac- exposed to cadmium tion of tissue in which vulnerability and recovery of μ −1 Cs ( gg ) 0 12.5 50 200 800 earthworms in the soil ecosystems might not be precisely evaluated. Hence, using only the site of Cd action to esti- W (g)a 0.0807 0.0807 0.0807 0.0807 0.0807 0 mate k and k of growth inhibition was better than that of W (g)a 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11 k r max whole body bioaccumulation. A (g1/4 d−1) 0.030 0.033 0.024 0.015 0.002 0 Most studies indicate that increased Cd bioaccumulation r2 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.87 0.93 of earthworms depends on increasing Cd concentration and a Adopted from Spurgeon et al. (2004) exposure time (Li et al. 2009a; Ibekwe et al. 2001; Ngu et al. 2006; Nahmani et al. 2007; Liang et al. 2009). However, Liang et al. (2011) and Ardestani et al. (2014) indicated that the killing rate constant of pellet bioaccu- showed negative correlations between bioaccumulation mulation was twice as high as whole body bioaccumulation. factors of earthworms and increased Cd exposure indicating This indicates that using whole body accumulation to esti- lower efficiency of Cd bioaccumulation when earthworms mate the toxic effects will underestimate the capacity of Cd were exposed to higher Cd concentrations. This study toxicity in earthworms. Furthermore, the recovery rate estimated TK rate constants based on 1574 mg kg−1 con- constant of pellet bioaccumulation was two-fold lower than stant Cd exposure to predict the bioaccumulation level and whole body bioaccumulation. The estimated recovery growth inhibition risks of earthworms in response to capacity based on toxicologically relevant accumulation did environmentally relevant concentrations of 0.75–150 mg Life cycle toxicity assessment of earthworms exposed to cadmium contaminated soils 367

0.03 2200 A A Whole body

0 µg g-1 1760 5 µg g-1 -1 20 µg g µg g-1 0.02 51.37 1320

2200 B Pellet 1760 880 0.01 Body weight (mg) 1320 Probability density 880 440 440 0 0.00 0 150 300 450 600 750 0.75 30.75 60.75 90.75 120.75 150 0 0 150 300 450 600 750 Cd concentration in soil (µg g-1) Time (days)

1 B Fig. 6 Simulated body weights for earthworm exposed to 0 (control), Whole body 5, 20, and 51.37 g g−1 Cd in soil based on the input parameters of a whole body and b pellet. The amounts of 5 and 20 g g−1 Cd in soil are 0.8

n control standards in farmland- and general land-soils in Taiwan,

o −1 i

t respectively, whereas 51.37 g g Cd in soil is the mean value mea- i b i sured in southern Taiwan h

n 0.6 1 i C h Pellet t 0.8 w o r Effects of environmental properties on Cd toxicity g 0.4 0.6 f o

k 0.4 s i Cd toxicity of earthworms is influenced by the fraction of R 0.2 0.2 Cd available for uptake from the soil. Metal bioavailability 0 is determined by environmental factors including soil 580 810 1040 1270 1500 0 physico-chemical properties, soil solution, and common soil 580 810 1040 1270 1500 cations. The highest toxicokinetic parameters of earthworms Body weight (mg) were related to cation exchange capacity and the uptake rate Fig. 5 a Probability density function of environmentally relevant Cd constant was higher at higher soil pH and lower cation concentration in soil measured from southern Taiwan. The LN exchange capacity (Peijnenburg et al. 1999; Giska et al. (42.23, 1.86) denotes a lognormal distribution with geometric mean of 2014). In the past decade, the competing relationship −1 42.23 μgg and a geometric standard deviation of 1.86. Risk curves between cations (H related to pH) and Cd ions to bind to estimate the growth inhibition for earthworms exposed to envir- onmentally relevant Cd concentrations over a lifespan of 300 days biotic ligands has been developed by biotic ligand models based on b whole body and c pellet input parameters (BLM) with affinity determinants for assessing metal toxi- city in the terrestrial environment (Li et al. 2008, 2009b, c). However, terrestrial BLM values for estimating Cd and Table 2 Growth inhibition risk of earthworm based on whole body cation affinity constants in earthworms are limited. The and pellet cadmium accumulation estimations terrestrial BLM predicts Cd bioavailability and toxicity to a Growth inhibition risk soil organism, and it is based on the effects of soil pore water composition. The soil solid phase should be con- 0.1 0.5 0.9 sidered when assessing metal bioavailability. Body weight (mg) The biotic ligand model has been integrated with tox- Whole body 1336.66 1160.13 873.14 icokinetic models to offer a complete understanding of metal Pellet 1336.40 1159.58 872.33 bioaccumulation, toxicity, and bioavailability in aquatic and soil environments (Liao et al. 2007; Veltman et al. 2010; Ardestani and van Gestel 2013). Metal bioaccumulation is − kg 1. Thus, the soil ecological risk of Cd exposures was influenced by the affinity and capacity of biotic ligands to likely underestimated. This study suggests that Cd bind free metal ions and competing cations or to complex concentration-dependent TK parameters of toxicologically with other organic ligands, rendering the metal poorly relevant bioaccumulation in earthworms provide applicable available to biotic ligand sites. Liao et al. (2007) indicated data that can be used in further risk assessment. that the fraction of metal binding on biotic ligands 368 W-Y Chen et al.

(bioavailability) may lead to metal transport influx in the into the life cycle growth model to provide a robust health fixed level of accumulation (toxicokinetics) and impair assessment. normal biological responses (toxicodynamics). Environ- In conclusion, this study incorporated the toxicologically mental factors, including organic matter content and pH, relevant Cd accumulation and growth cost coefficients to induced a stronger impact on earthworm life cycle para- assess life cycle growth toxicity and risks of earthworm meters than soil Cd concentration (Nahmani et al. 2007). We exposed to soil Cd. The TK/TD parameters based on Cd suggest that integrating toxicologically relevant accumula- accumulation of pellet fraction is a more toxicologically tion to interpret the biological effects of earthworms to soil relevant biomarker of Cd. environmental stressors. These might provide insights into the contribution of life cycle risk assessment in the soil Compliance with ethical standards environment. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest. Life cycle risk improvement

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