South Carolina
IN SOUTH CAROLINA 1817-1 8~8 DAVID KOHN COMPILER AND EDITOR BESS GLENN CO-EDITOR FROM THE REPORTS OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND FROM CONTEMPORARY PAMPHLETS, NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS, LETTERS, PETITIONS, AND MAPS. PRIVATELY P RINTED WASHINGTON, D. C. 1938 INDEX Abbeville, Latitude of, 102. Aquaticus, Article by, 366, 368. Abbeville District, Map ot, 107; Aqueduct over Ashley River, 373- Navigation in, 84, 231; Public 374• buildings in, A6, 4, 25-26, Arsenals, 149-151, 156. 34. 110, 115, 120, 133. 153: Arthur, J. R., Account with, Trade to, 90; Travel from, 484. 433. 507, 525, 569. Accounts or Board ot Public Works, Arthur, Jesse, Account with, 106-107, 114-115, 129-130, 133- 114, 115, 132, 133, 197· 139, 14o-149, 153-160, 163, 179- Arthur, Joseph, Account with, 186, 188-197; of Superintendent 191, 197, 321, 352. of Public Works, 310-324, 330, Arthur & Tillinghast ~ Tilling 334. 336, 338, 339, 34840, ~~~· hast & Arthur. 343, 345. 346, 347, 3 , 3~9~ Ashepoo River, 283; Navigation 352-347. 403-409, 424, 426, 7. on, 15. 4?9, 430-431, 432-435. 466-4 7. Ashley River, AS, 370-372, 382; 489, 508, 511-513, 519-526, 529- Aqueduct over, 373-374; Canal 5"34, 554-570, -576, 579, 580-581, a:, 22, 81; Navigation on, 582. ~ ~ Expenditures. A~; Passage between Stono Adams, J. Q., 597• River and, 456, 563; Survey Adams, Joel, Account with, 183, or, 524. 184, 197· Ashley River Bridge Company, Adams' Falls, Channel at, 177, 307. 390. Adger & Black, Accounts with, 182, Assessments or damages, 129, 179, 189, 317' 318.
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