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Andrews University Digital Commons @ Andrews University Student Movement V. 103 (2018-2019) Student Movement 3-7-2019 PRESIDENTIAL SUMMIT TED WILSON VISITS AU Andrews University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons THURSDAY, MARCH 7 2019 VOLUME 103 ISSUE 19 The Student Movement PRESIDENTIAL SUMMIT TED WILSON VISITS AU PHOTO BY IMC News Ideas Pulse STUDENTS STAND AT TED ROMA ROBBED ENGAGED ENCOUNTER WILSON’S TALK “As Vallelonga’s character develops and he goes “Communication is key to a relationship, so once “While the silent protest represented some of from being very racist to slightly less racist, the you have this down, you’re golden.” those dissatisfied with the General Conference’s screenplay uses historical context to excuse racist stance, differing perspectives rose up as well.” jokes, which are presented as humorous for the P. 7 audience.” P. 2 P. 5 Humans TED WILSON AT AU A&E The last word SPOTIFY? I DON’T KNOW HER SCHOLARLY SNOBBERY “It was not until Christopher Whittaker and a “On the bottom floor of Hamel Hall, the “We don’t want to say that we need to ‘dumb it crowd of students behind him came in to silently Department of Music building, there is a secret down’ for the kids, but…” He trailed off into protest the event that I suddenly remembered not-so-secret treasure just waiting to be seen.” laughter. why I am still a Seventh-day Adventist.” I met eyes with David across the room and raised P. 10 an eyebrow ever-so-slightly.” P. 8 P. 12 THE STUDENT MOVEMENT 2 “Don’t Quote Me But” Amplifies Student Voices club was able to pur- verse and different my Dr. Carpenter, who chase microphones and podcast members are, has seen the project de- whatever—as Palmero because it gives me some velop since the Fall 2018 emphasized, minimal— good arguments. And the semester, expressed her additional equipment better the argument, the support for the mission was necessary to pro- more you end up learn- of the podcast. duce the podcast. ing from it.” Carpenter said, “It’s al- “I’ve always wanted to Palmero explained ways important to hear spearhead a project that the hosts’ attempts to young scholars address enables students to share discuss a wide span of contemporary issues, to their thoughts towards a topics that they think stu- add their voice to the dis- wider audience,” Palme- dents can find an interest cussion of politics, his- News ro said. “Thus, I thought in and want to hear dis- tory, society, economics, the podcast format was cussion about. Accord- etc. Our students repre- the best way to do so.” ing to Palmero, future sent diverse backgrounds To date, “Don’t Quote discussion topics may and their opinions add a Me But” has featured include immigration, in- new perspective to the discussions of the Amer- stitutionalization of the current discussion of is- ican Dream, the 35-day SDA Church, women’s sues. It’s good to get oth- 2018-2019 Government ordination, food insecu- er viewpoints out there, Shutdown and the con- rity and prison reform. to reform our ideas every troversial Instagram page Jessina Marenga (ju- once in a while.” @conservativeaustudent. nior, political science, Eager to ignite discus- With an unscripted, open pre-law), a co-host of sion, AU History Club PHOTO PROVIDED BY DAVID FORNER format, the podcast is a “Don’t Quote Me But,” has made “Don’t Quote recording of the discus- said, “I’ve found it par- Me But” fully available David Forner | political issues, “Don’t sion between its co-hosts ticularly enriching to on Spotify. The club has Every Friday afternoon, Quote Me But” has, to and contributing voices, learn from, and be chal- plans to upload the pod- when the rest of the build- date, published three ep- allowing for some heated lenged by, my peers on a cast to iTunes during the ings on campus are large- isodes, with plans to re- conversation and the oc- variety of subjects rang- next few weeks. ly deserted by Andrews lease a new episode each casional interruption. ing from US politics to University students and remaining Friday of the Palmero, who moder- more existential ques- AU History Club faculty, a group of stu- semester. ates each episode’s dis- tions.” is looking for students dents meets in a small, Ephraim Palmero III cussion, said, “I enjoy Palmero noted that interested in contributing inconspicuous office of (senior, political science, the honest conversations while many young peo- their voices to the “Don’t the Department of His- pre-law) relates that he and hearing different ple share similar political Quote Me But” pod- tory & Political Science. brought the idea of cre- perspectives from every- orientations and opin- cast. If you have a strong Huddled around a set ating a podcast for stu- one participating in this ions, the group attempts opinion on any social or of microphones, these dents to discuss current project.” to approach its top- political issues—or just students—members of events and relevant “hot” Stanley Desir (fresh- ics with attention to the want to make your voice the Andrews Universi- topics to other members man, political science), a many viewpoints sur- heard—email dontquote- ty (AU) History Club— of the AU Department of co-host of “Don’t Quote rounding any particular [email protected]. New push back their weekend History, which was met Me But,” said, “The issue. episodes of “Don’t Quote plans to create a student- with enthusiasm. With amount of value an ar- “We try and create a Me But” will be released recorded, edited and pro- the support of the club’s gument holds depends space where we are free every Friday. duced podcast entitled sponsor, Dr. Stephanie on the ethics, reliability and open to sharing how “Don’t Quote Me But.” Carpenter, Chair of the and evidence presented we see the world and our Featuring conversation Department of History by those who participate. take on current affairs,” on various social and & Political Science, the That’s why I love how di- Marenga said. Protest at Ted Wilson Q&A Jessina Marenga | cial stance of the General perience for me. There those dissatisfied with corporate decision. In the On Saturday, Mar. 2, Ted Conference on women’s was obviously the initial the General Conference’s face of the silent protest, Wilson, the president of ordination, interest was nerves of getting up and stance, differing perspec- Elder Wilson handled it the Seventh-day Adven- high in the Adventist standing in direct oppo- tives rose up as well. very calmly and wisely tist General Conference, community on what Ted sition of the president of Dr. Erhard Gallos (assis- by simply ignoring it.” visited Andrews Univer- Wilson had to say. In ad- the General Conference, tant professor of religion) Because of the con- sity. The purpose of his dition to the buzz sur- but the longer we stood says “Elder Ted Wilson troversy and attention visit was to deliver an up- rounding the topic, the together and the more appeared to me to speak brought to the Gener- date on certain missions event was also herald- people I saw joining the from deep inner convic- al Conference this year, and communicate on the ed by a group of stu- line, the more encour- tions. In a humble spir- Wilson’s talk brought topic of unity in the SDA dents all dressed in black aged I felt. Having people it, he admitted his belief its share of discussion Church. There was also a who stood up part-way join the demonstration that women are called to amongst the Andrews Q&A segment to answer through the talk to place because they understood ministry in the Seventh- University body. De- questions that were sub- themselves in formation and agreed with our mes- day Adventist church, but spite this, the two-hour mitted before-hand. in the right center aisle in sage made me so proud. I only men should be or- talk still left many feel- Since the recent an- silent protest for the rest love that this demonstra- dained to pastoral min- ing rather dissatisfied nouncement from the of the talk. tion gave me and other istry. While he remained with the outcome. Some General Conference stat- Ora Battle (sophomore, young Adventists a plat- aware that such a view still wonder, what does ing that they would be Spanish), one of the pro- form to make our voices might be challenged by this mean for the Church instilling a policy of dis- testors, says “Being part heard.” some within the church, moving forward? ciplining conferences of the demonstration was While the silent pro- he appealed to the whole that stray from the offi- a really empowering ex- test represented some of church to comply with its THURSDAY, MARCH 7 2019 VOLUME 103 ISSUE 19 3 A Night to Remember Alicia Dent | ty for friends to just talk tivation behind how the On Sunday, March 3, the and take in the ambiance event was executed and Black Student Chris- and music around them. the many laughs and pic- tian Forum (BSCF) held One of the most popular tures shared confirm that its annual banquet. The attractions was the pho- this was accomplished. event was held at The to station where friends In addition to the pre- Brick in South Bend, the could take elegant, fun planned awards, an award same location where the or silly pictures with the was given on the spot for AUSA banquet was held.