Ramen Nirvana Ramen Ramen Topping Choices Kae-Dama

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Ramen Nirvana Ramen Ramen Topping Choices Kae-Dama WESTSIDEWESTSIDE WEEKDAYSWEEKDAYS ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL $4 $4 IPPUDO NY LUNCHLUNCH SETSET LUNCH Ramen,Ramen, a a small small salad, salad, and and youryour choicechoice ofof ricerice bowl:bowl: MENU PorkPork Soboro Soboro / / Chicken Chicken Karaage Karaage / / Mentaiko Mentaiko Spicy Spicy Cod Cod Roe Roe VV = = VEGETARIAN VEGETARIAN G G = = GLUTEN GLUTEN FREE FREE = = SPICY SPICY RAMENRAMEN NIRVANANIRVANA RAMENRAMEN VEGETARIAN SHIROMARUSHIROMARU HAKATA 白丸元味 CLASSIC 白丸元味 1414 SHIROMARUSHIROMARU NEW NEW YORKYORK 白丸ニューヨーク 白丸ニューヨーク V V 15 15 TheThe original original “Tonkotsu” “Tonkotsu” (pork) (pork) broth broth with with Ippudo’s Ippudo AA silky, silky, rich rich sesame sesame broth broth with with Ippudo’s Ippudo Westside’s signature signatureWestside’s Dashi; signature thin noodles Dashi; thin topped noodles with topped pork Dashi;signature thin Dashi;noodles thin topped noodles with topped tofu chashu, with tofu sesame chashu, chashu,with pork sesame loin chashu, kikurage sesame mushrooms, kikurage menma, mushrooms, red kikuragesesame kikuragemushrooms, mushrooms, menma, redmenma, pickled red ginger, pickled and pickledmenma, ginger, red pickled and scallions ginger, and scallions scallionsginger, and scallions ToppingTopping suggestions: suggestions: Karashi Karashi Takana Takana $3 $3 / /Shigureni Shigureni $4 $4 ToppingTopping suggestions: suggestions: Karashi Karashi Takana Takana $3 $3 AKAMARUAKAMARU MODERN 赤丸新味 赤丸新味 1414 AKAMARUAKAMARU NEW NEW YORKYORK 赤丸ニューヨーク 赤丸ニューヨーク V V 1515 AA more more bold bold translation translation of of the the original original pork pork broth; broth; thin thin AA silky, silky, rich rich sesame sesame broth broth with with Ippudo’s Ippudo Westside’s signature noodlesnoodles topped topped with with Ippudo’s Ippudo’s secret secret “Umami “Umami Dama” Dama” Dashi;signature thin Dashi;noodles thin topped noodles with topped Ippudo’s with secret Ippudo’s misomiso paste, paste, pork pork chashu, chashu, cabbage, cabbage, sesame sesame kikurage kikurage “Umamisecret “Umami Dama” misoDama” paste, miso tofu paste, chashu, tofu chashu, sesame sesame mushrooms,mushrooms, scallions, scallions, and and fragrant fragrant garlic garlic oil oil kikuragekikurage mushrooms, mushrooms, scallions scallions and and fragrant fragrant garlic garlic oil oil ToppingTopping suggestions: suggestions: Nitamago Nitamago $2 $2 / /Shigureni Shigureni $4 $4 ToppingTopping suggestions: suggestions: Nitamago Nitamago $2 $2 KARAKA-MENKARAKA SPICY からか麺 からかスパイシー 1414 KARAKAKARAKA SPICY SPICY NEWNEW YORKYORK V V 1515 TheThe original original “Tonkotsu”(pork) “Tonkotsu”(pork) broth broth with with an an added added からかスパイシーニューヨークからかスパイシーニューヨーク kick;kick; thin thin noodles noodles with with Ippudo’s Ippudo’s special special blend blend of of hot hot AA silky, silky, rich rich sesame sesame broth broth with with an an added added kick; kick; thin thin spices,spices, topped topped with with pork pork chashu, chashu, cabbage, cabbage, sesame sesame noodlesnoodles topped topped with with Ippudo’s Ippudo’s special special blend blend of of hot hot kikuragekikurage mushrooms, mushrooms, scallions, scallions, and and fragrant fragrant garlic garlic oil oil spices,spices, topped topped with with tofu tofu chashu, chashu, cabbage, cabbage, sesame sesame ToppingTopping suggestions: suggestions: Nitamago Nitamago $2 $2 / /Bakudan Bakudan $2 $2 kikuragekikurage mushrooms, mushrooms, scallions, scallions, and and fragrant fragrant garlic garlic oil oil ToppingTopping suggestions: suggestions: Bakudan Bakudan $2 $2 B.B.C.B.B.C. SALAD SALAD MEN MEN B.B.C. B.B.C.サラダ混ぜ麺サラダ混ぜ麺 V V 1414 SHOJINSHOJIN 精進 精進 V V G G 1817 OurOur Chopped Chopped Salad Salad Mazemen Mazemen comes comes with with kale, kale, mixed mixed InspiredInspired by by the the intricacy intricacy and and delicate delicate flavors flavors ofof ZenZen lettuce,lettuce, avocado, avocado, beets, beets, croutons, croutons, cherry cherry tomato, tomato, and and BuddhistBuddhist cuisine, cuisine, Ippudo’s Ippudo’s Shojin Shojin is is made made from from extract extract pomegranatepomegranate seeds. seeds Servedin an Ippudo chilled original with our dressing, exclusive served ofof vegetables, vegetables, beans beans and and seaweed; seaweed; with with Koshihikari Koshihikari thickwith wavyour exclusive noodles, thick in an wavy Ippudo noodles, goma wasabichilled, dressingin a goma ricerice noodles, noodles, sansai sansai mountain mountain vegetables, vegetables, six-grain six-grain Toppingwasabi dressing.suggestions: Poached Egg $2 / Bara Chashu $3 rice,rice, goji goji berries, berries, yuzu yuzu viniagrette, viniagrette, and and a a seasonal seasonal Topping suggestions: Poached Egg $2 / Bara Shashu $3 toppingtopping RAMEN TOPPING CHOICES NITAMAGO 煮卵 Seasoned boiled egg*RAMEN TOPPING2 KARASHI CHOICES TAKANA辛子高菜V Pickled mustard leaves 3 温泉卵 Poached egg* メンマ Seasoned bamboo shoots POACHEDNITAMAGO EGG 煮卵 Seasoned boiled egg 22 MENMAKARASHI TAKANAV 辛子高菜V Pickled mustard leaves4 3 チャーシュー時雨煮 Pulled chashu pork 豆腐チャーシュー SHIGURENIPOACHED EGG 温泉卵 Poached egg 42 TOFUMENMA CHASHU メンマ V Seasoned bamboo V Shoots 33 豚バラチャーシュー とうもろこし BARASHIGURENI CHASHU チャーシュー時雨煮 Pulled chashu pork 34 CORNTOFU CHASHU 豆腐チャーシューV G V 23 チーズ 爆弾 Ippudo original spicy paste CHEESEBARA CHASHU 豚バラチャーシュー 23 BAKUDANCORN とうもろこし V V G 22 CHEESE チーズ 2 BAKUDAN 爆弾 V Ippudo original spicy paste 2 KAE-DAMA 替え玉 $2 Kae-dama is a system that offers you an extraKAE-DAMA serving of noodles. 替え玉 When$2 you have almost finished your first serv- ing of noodles, order by saying, “Kae-dama, please.” In a few minutes the server or chef will bring you another ‘ballKae-d ofama noodles’ is a system for you that to putoffers in the you soup. an extra You willserving need of to noodles. have enough When soupyou havein the almost bowl tofinished accommodate your first the serv - ing of newnoodles, noodles; order that by is,saying, you shouldn’t “Kae-dama, drink please.” too much In a fewsoup minutes if you are the going server to or order chef thewill Kae-dama.bring you another ‘ball of noodles’ for you to put in the soup. You will need to have enough soup in the bowl to accommodate the new noodles; that is, you shouldn’t drink too much soup if you are going to order the Kae-dama. *Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, poultry, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness. None of our menu items are available for Take Out or Take Away, including leftovers. None of our menu items are available for Take Out or Take Away, including leftovers. WESTSIDE WEEKDAYWESTSIDE APPS WEEKDAYS DRINKS V = VEGETARIAN G = GLUTEN FREE = SPICY ADDITIONAL $4 IPPUDO NY LUNCH SET LUNCH Ramen, a small salad, and your choice of rice bowl: MENU Pork Soboro / Chicken Karaage / Mentaiko Spicy Cod Roe V = VEGETARIAN G = GLUTEN FREE = SPICY APPETIZERS RAMEN NIRVANA RAMEN KISETSU MAKI 季節の巻き V G 5 IPPUDO BUNS 一風堂バンズ PORK OR CHICKEN 9 Sushi-style roll with seasonal vegetables in a soy paper SHIROMARU 白丸元味 14 SHIROMARU NEW YORK 白丸ニューヨークVEGETABLE V 158 The original “Tonkotsu” (pork) broth with Ippudo ASteamed silky, rich buns sesame (2pc) broth filled with with Ippudo your Westside’schoice of pork, chicken, or eggplant & eringi mushrooms, served EDAMAMEWestside’s signature 枝豆 V G Dashi; thin noodles topped 6 signature Dashi; thin noodles topped with tofu chashu, withwith yuzu pork citrus loin chashu, salt sesame kikurage mushrooms, sesamewith Ippudo’s kikurage original mushrooms, spicy sauce menma, and red mayo pickled menma, red pickled ginger, and scallions ginger, and scallions Topping suggestions: Karashi Takana $3 / Shigureni $4 ToppingIPPUDO suggestions: SALAD 一風堂サラダ Karashi Takana V $3 11 GOMA-Q やみつき胡麻きゅうり V 6 Noodle-cut cucumber, carrot, chopped kale, tomato, Cucumber seasoned with Ippudo’s original sesame beets, and mixed greens with Ippudo’s original soy oil sauce dressing ADD TOFU 2, AVOCADO 3 AKAMARU 赤丸新味 14 AKAMARU NEW YORK 赤丸ニューヨーク V 15 SHISHITOA more bold しし唐の素揚げ translation of the V original pork broth; thin8 AIPPUDO silky, rich sesameWINGS broth 一風堂手羽 with Ippudo Westside’s 7 Flash-friednoodles topped Japanese with peppers Ippudo’s with secret yuzu “Umami salt Dama” signatureFried chicken Dashi; wings thin noodles (3pc) glazed topped with with Ippudo’s Ippudo’s miso paste, pork chashu, cabbage, sesame kikurage secretspecial “Umami black pepperDama” misosauce paste, ADDITIONAL tofu chashu, PIECE, sesame 2 mushrooms, scallions, and fragrant garlic oil kikurage mushrooms, scallions and fragrant garlic oil Topping suggestions: Nitamago $2 / Shigureni $4 Topping suggestions: Nitamago $2 KARAKA SPICY からかスパイシー 14 KARAKA SPICY NEW YORK V 15 The original “Tonkotsu”(pork) broth with an added DRINKSからかスパイシーニューヨーク kick; thin noodles with Ippudo’s special blend of hot A silky, rich sesame broth with an added kick; thin SAKEspices, topped with pork chashu, cabbage, sesame noodlesBEER topped with Ippudo’s special blend of hot kikurage mushrooms, scallions, and fragrant garlic oil spices, topped with tofu chashu, cabbage, sesame IPPUDOTopping suggestions: NIGORI Nitamago $2 / Bakudan $2 7 kikurageBROOKLYN mushrooms, KAEDAMA scallions, ALE and fragrant garlic oil9 Cloudy, rich and creamy texture. ToppingIPPUDO NYsuggestions: EXCLUSIVE Bakudan BEER $2 FUKUJU JUNMAI GINJO NEW! 12 ASAHI SUPER DRY 8 Super clean, balanced, and elegant. SAPPORO 6 B.B.C. SALAD MEN B.B.C.サラダ混ぜ麺 V 14 SHOJIN 精進 V G 17 NARAMAN JUNMAI 8 VeryOur smoothChopped and Salad gentle Mazemen pure rice comes sake. with kale, mixed InspiredKIRIN byICHIBAN the intricacy and delicate flavors of
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