Industrial Democracy: Made in the U.S.A
Industrial democracy: made in the U.S .A. Labor-management cooperation to improve the quality of products, worklife, and the effectiveness of companies can be traced to the early 19th century HENRY P. GUZDA According to industrial relations expert Milton Derber, par- ufacturing enterprises run by the Moravian religious order ticipatory management programs, shop committee plans, at Wachovia, N .C., and Bethlehem, Pa ., groups of jour- works councils, and similar employer-employee cooperative neymen often cooperated with master craftsmen, suggesting efforts can be classified as "industrial democracy ." I There improvements in product quality and proposing methods for was a proliferation of such programs in the 1970's, spawning increased output. These efforts, stated historian Carl Bri- a plethora of books, articles, and pamphlets which dissected denbaugh, "were conducted on a wage earning economy; the concepts and drew philosophical guidelines for their they were not communistic." It may have been the first implementation and expected results. Some publications cite American experiment in participatory management .' these experiments as unique or novel, but, as Sanford Jacoby But the true antecedents of our modern system of labor of the University of California at Los Angeles management relations were formed in the 19th century, coinciding with school noted, the common presumption that these are new rapid industrial growth . At one time, class distinctions be- solutions to lagging productivity is wrong .2 "The hand of tween employers and journeymen were vague and ill- the past," said historian Richard B . Morris, "is still writ defined-most masters graduated from working ranks- large in . the labor relations of this country, and the early until rapidly expanding economies of scale soon drew de- concepts and procedures often forecast the shape of things finable, if not bold, lines.
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