Conference Program
Page 1 2015 Mid‐Atlanc LGBTQA Conference Planning Commiee Timothy Oleksiak, Conference Chair M. Safa Saracoglu, Assistant Conference Chair Asa Kelley, Conference Operaons Coordinator Mahew Barcus, Coordinator of Sexual & Gender Diversity Dave Kube, Art Exhibion Curator Debra Chamberlain, Treasurer Karli Miller Emily Moscaritolo Gina Rodriguez Shavonne Shorter Craig Young The Commiee would like to thank the following for their valuable contribuons to the Conference: Bloomsburg University David L. Soltz, President Robert Wislock, Office of Social Equity & Accommodave Services LGBTQA Commission Equality Alliance LGBTQA Student Services Mulcultural Affairs Women’s Resource Center Center for Diversity and Inclusion Bloomsburg University College of Liberal Arts Department of Art & Art History Mary Prout, Facilies Scheduling Randall Presswood, Performing Arts Facilies ARAMARK at Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg University Police Save the date! The Ninth Annual Mid‐Atlanc LGBTQA Conference Navigang Interseconality: (De)Construcng Our Idenes November 4‐6, 2016 Bloomsburg University The Mid‐Atlanc LGBTQA Conference Planning Commiee would like to announce next year’s conference dates of November 4‐6, 2016. Please mark your calendars! The theme, Navigang Interseconality: (De)Construcng Our Idenes, will explore the countless factors that make us who we are. Be on the lookout for a Call for Proposals which will be circulated soon. Cover Image: Sanh Tran ‐ Bedroom Scene, No. 9 Page 2 About our Keynote Speaker—Robyn Ochs Robyn Ochs is an educator, speaker, award‐winning acvist, and editor of the Bi Women Quarterly, the 42‐country anthology, Geng Bi: Voices of Bisexuals Around the World and the new anthology RECOGNIZE: The Voices of Bisexual Men. Her wrings have been published in numerous bi, women’s studies, mulcultural, and LGBT anthologies.
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