Wallonia, a Region of Great Natural Wealth in the Heart of Europe

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Wallonia, a Region of Great Natural Wealth in the Heart of Europe Wallonia, a region of great natural wealth in the heart of Europe The Herve Plateau Montagu’s Bordering Hautes-Fagnes (High Fens) and This also applies to the network of old haw- Harrier JG CPDT the river Vesdre, the Herve plateau offers thorn hedges, formerly used to mark the SR Grass snake JD quite an outstanding landscape, result of a meadows’ boundaries. All these features are North of the Sambre Cart tracks also offer refuge to small animals long farming history. Ponds surrounded by essential nowadays to protect the fauna (bat- Gaume or that are similar to those in the hedgerows (corn pollarded trees are created in old watering rachians such as common frogs, common and Meuse Valley buntings and hedgehogs). Some tall standard places dug for the cattle. Numerous orchards toads, newts, Natterjack toads and birds such Belgian Lorraine Soil quality is one of the main features of this orchards are also still to be found here and rows were planted long ago to increase the farm- as little owls) in an area now used for intensive Belgian Lorraine lays on three limestone terraces, Grasshoppers can also be found here and, in fertile area devoted to large fields of crops of pollarded willows (north of Tournai region, ers’ income (standard pear trees mainly). cattle farming (for dairy production). the Cuestas, crossing through it from west to east. wetter areas, the meadow fritillary and the west- and bringing together the Scheldt valley, the « le Pays des Collines »), a few wetter meadows Here the soil is fairly porous, of a sandy-loamy ern marsh orchid. plateaux of Hesbaye and the outskirts of the at the bottom of the valley and other features type alternating with chalky hills that used to be On the slopes of these valleys and the southern Liège area. These large spaces are not lacking that are essential to the ecological network extensively grazed and where even more orchids edges of the Cuestas, attractive networks of very in interest to biodiversity: skylarks, quails, corn (ditches, the grassy borders of fields and grassy can be found. This area is regarded as the richest, varied hedgerows have developed. A few old or- buntings and partridges nest on the ground here. headlands). along with Fagne-Famenne, as far as biodiversity chards of tall standard trees have been preserved is concerned. This is mainly due to farming that in the villages. has remained fairly non-intensive in many areas The gentle slopes and the upper part of the hill- and for quite a long time now. In the main val- sides host fields of cereal crops that, from time to leys of Semois, Vire and Ton, there are still quite time, also provide shelter to a variety of cornfield Common frog CS a number of wet meadows and non-intensive hay flowers become rare such as the cornflower, corn meadows. They harbour a range of typical plants marigold, the field cowwheat, the round-leaved species such as the meadow hawksbeard, field fluellen, the corn violet, the stoneseed and the yel- scabious, meadow salsify and the autumn crocus. low pea or vetch. Hare HK Corn bunting JMP Ardennes draft horse PS Burnet AO Old world swallowtail JD EG Condroz Fagne-Famenne The specific relief of Condroz concerns the A land of forests and meadows, Fagne- alternation of sandstone plateaux, mainly oc- Famenne is a long and narrow depression cupied by crops or broad-leaved woods, and squeezed between the Ardennes and Condroz, SR Black stork JMP limestone depressions, where the meadows parted in two by the Meuse river. Rocks peep dominate on clayey-loamy ground. This pro- through in numerous areas, schistose in the duces a patchwork of environments with a north and limestone in the south (Calestienne). The Ardennes mixture of crops, meadows, forest edges and Its clayey, impermeable valleys aren’t quite suit- Green-winged The soil quality and the climate restrict the ability streams. A few wet meadows and hay mead- able for intensive farming. On the other hand, orchid EW to grow crops. This region is, therefore, essentially ows with quite a rich diversity brighten up its limestone hillsides are characterised by dry wooded and used for raising cattle. Extensive the entire region. A large variety of flora and meadows (called limestone grassland) where meadows at the bottom of valleys, often wet fauna is found here: little owls, bats, kingfish- several magnificent species of orchids can be or even marshy, can provide hiding places for ers as well as wild boar, roe deer and badgers. observed. birds (the whinchat and the meadow pipit) and Agrogeographic areas Quickset hedges and the remains of orchards Most species of harvest flowers (field cow- butterflies (such as the copper butterfly and the “Ardennais are still to be found next to the villages. Par- wheat, corn violet, etc.) have survived in the Area boundaries bog fritillary). The region also hosts plants with roux” sheep CM ticularly interesting for wildlife, the Sorée pla- cultivated fields located in the limestone parts Outside agrogeographic areas sub-mountainous characteristics such as alpine teau, close to Gesves, contains a network of of this region. (Haine, Sambre and Meuse fennel, wood cranesbill and the great burnet. In ponds in particular, where several species of river valleys) the Upper Ardennes, the network of hedgerows batrachians, dragonflies and many other en- Chief towns of districts is one of the most developed in Wallonia (the dangered species live together. SR hedged farmland of Malmédy). Watercourses Sources : Zones agrogéographiques : DGATLP 1997 / Noyaux : INS 1991 / Occupation du sol : IGN.
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