Sixth International Conference on Mars (2003) 3029.pdf Pancam: A Multispectral Imaging Investigation on the NASA 2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission. J.F. Bell III1, S.W. Squyres1, K.E. Herkenhoff2, J. Maki3, M. Schwochert3, A. Dingizian3, D. Brown3, R.V. Morris4, H.M. Arneson1, M.J. Johnson1, J. Joseph1, J.N. Sohl-Dickstein1, and the Athena Science Team. 1Cornell University, Dept. of Astronomy, Ithaca NY 14853-6801;
[email protected] , 2USGS Branch of Astrogeology, Flagstaff AZ 86001, 3JPL/Caltech, Pasadena CA 91109, 4NASA/JSC, Code SR, Houston TX 77058. Introduction: One of the six science payload ele- both cameras consist of identical 3-element symmetri- ments carried on each of the NASA Mars Exploration cal lenses with an effective focal length of 42 mm and Rovers (MER; Figure 1) is the Panoramic Camera a focal ratio of f/20, yielding an IFOV of 0.28 System, or Pancam. Pancam consists of three major mrad/pixel or a rectangular Field of View (FOV) of components: a pair of digital CCD cameras, the Pan- 16°× 16° per eye (Figures 3,4). The two eyes are sepa- cam Mast Assembly (PMA), and a radiometric cali- rated by 30 cm horizontally and have a 1° toe-in to bration target [1]. The PMA provides the azimuth and provide adequate parallax for stereo imaging (Figure elevation actuation for the cameras as well as a 1.5 5). The camera FOVs have been determined relative to meter high vantage point from which to image. The the adjacent wide-field stereo Navigation Cameras, and calibration target provides a set of reference color and the Mini-TES FOV.