September 27,1995 Bear Facts -- Volume XXIV - Issue #2 Des Moines Area Community College "The Voice of Boone Campus77

-- -- Vote today for SAB Eight run for offices 1995-1996 Student Action Board (SAB) candidates running for office this year include Chris Abbott, Jason Behm, Angela Cherryholmes, Chris Larson, , Greg White, Joel Cox, and David Wisecup. George Silberhorn, SAB advisor, encouraged the candidates to run for these offices in order to have good leadership on the Boone Campus. To run for office, the candidates had to get the 2%. signatures of forty students who would support them NAME: Christopher L. Abbott NAME: Jason Beh~n NAME: Angela Cherryhol~nes HOMETOWN: Boone HOMETOWN: Boone HOMETOWN: Jefferson while in office. Those selected will serve for the entire MAJOR: Criminal Justice MAJOR: Undecidcd MAJOR: Journalism year. These elections are important to the student body "SAB is rcprescntive of the students "SAB will voice the student's "Making sound decisions about because the students are electing a voice for and not just an opinion." opinions. " issues affecting students." themselves. Student Action Board elections will be held on September 27 and 28 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Voting will be done on a voting machine borrowed from the Boone County's Auditors Office located near the Boone Campus Administration office. All registered DMACC students are eligible to vote. Positive suggestions for activity meetings, or changes will be welcomed by any SAB candidate elected. Picture Not Available

NAME: Chris 1,arson NAME: John Turner NAME: Greg White NAME: David Wisecup NAME: Joel Cox HOMETOWN: Boona HOMETOWN: Boone HOMETOWN: Arnes HOMETOWN: Boone HOMETOWN: Boone MAJOR: Biology MAJOR: Veterinary Medicine MAJOR: Liberal Arts MAJOR: Libcral Arts MAJOR: Education ACTIVITIES: Men's "It is a good way to voice the "Make sure that the board works "By making the best decisions for "It scrvcs as a voice for all the "Have a voice." student body's opinions." interests of the students." the school." students." Open house Oct.1 from Library Rm. 135 By Julie Ann Cronin done in the past year, but it's items. The labs in this room will Word for Windows Dcmon- With all the knowledge of Bear Facts Staff also a great way for younger be held by Harold Johnson and strations Rm. 219 books in one room, comc and see students t:, get a glimpse of what Dr. Karin VanMeter. Do you have any questions how the library's indexes and Attention students, faculty, college has to offer them as they Chemistry Lab Rm. 220 about Word for Windows? In the full-test sources are now on CD- Get your safety glasscs ready st&, family and friends, ' continue their educations. computer lab Pat Thieben and Rom. Displays of Native Ameri- DMACC needs your hclp. On Some of the events will in- for this room. When you stop by Linda Plueger will help you an- can books, media, pottery and October 1, 1995 from 2-4 p.m. clude the following: you can find some interesting swer any questions you have as jcwelry will also be there for the DMACC will be hosting an open Physics Lab Rm. 223 displays and esperiments! The well as show you the Word for public to see. house for everyone. In this room you can check labs will be presented by Cindy Windows program running in Computer Lab Rm. 135B Ann Watts, head librarian as out some of the physics 'toys" in Marlin. front of you. Our new computer lab will be well as the president of the the room. Students will be dem- Computcr Tax Pacliagc Dcm- open for people to come "surf" Boone Campus Employees As- onstrating lab techniques, yet you Iowa Communication Nctworli onstration Rm. 218 through the files to see what they sociation, says that DMACC has can get involved. The labs in (ICN) Rm. 11 71118 Everybody is looking for the have to offer. A demonstration not had an entire school in- this room will be conducted by Feel free to stop by and play easy way out. So why not come will also be done on Lan School volvement Open House since Nancy Woods. with some of the camera controls, and how you can put your if interested. 1987. Having an open house Biology Lab Rm. 225 in the ICN room. In there you computer and taxes together to Gymnasium like this not only gives everyone Microscopes will be set up will find a plethora of technol- simplify your life? The presenter O.K. you sports fans, here's a look at what changes have been for you to view a few interesting ogy. in this room will be Me1 Holthus. Continue to page 8 Page 2 CAMPUS NEWS September 27.1 995

DMACC celebrates Boone Campu: chooses Nigeria dinner theater and Christianity is dominatc in show the South. *The life expectancy in 1992 was 50 years for women and 48 for April 1 - 5, 1996, will be 111~11.--- 'Celebrate Nigeria Week" at Des *On November 17, 1993 the By Anna Steele Moines Area Community Bear Facts Staff country was taken over by College. For the next six months General Sani Abacha and there will be at least one event "Barefoot in the Park," a Neil returned to military rule. per month leading up to this full Some unrest in country Simon comedy, will be presented week highlighting the country. as a dinner theater on the Boone According to the newspaper, Background information make Amnesty Action, Summer 1995 Campus this fall. help familiarize Boone Campus Paul Bratter, played by issue, the president elected in students with this country. 1993, Bashonln (Chief) Moshood DMACC student, Clayton General facts about Nigeria Bezuidenhaut, and his new wife K.O. Abiola, has been in prison According to Grolier since June of 1994 on charges of Corie, played by Dana Hesser, Electronic Publishing, 1nc.-- also a DMACC student, find an treason. Nigeria's new head of *The country's official name is state is General Sani Abacha and adventure as they enter their Federal Republic of Nigeria. new, yet battered apartment. many have made pleas to him on *The capital of Nigeria is Abuja. Abiola's behalf. They have no furniture, the *The country is politically skylight leaks, they have the Guest speaker Dr. Ayeni visits Boone Campus. South African President, subdivided into 30 states and Nelson Mandela, and Anglican wrong paint job, there's not capital territories. enough room to fit a double bed, Archbishop of Cape Town, and worst of all their window Desmond Tutu, have been among ledge is a walkway for the *Each year there are between 26 the many trying to gel the true neighbor on the roof. and 130 inches of rain. president out of prison. Moshood For director, Kay Mueller, Introducing the *In 1960 the country gained its K.O. Abiola is locked up 24 this is an exciting evcnt. "We independence after being a hours a day and is not allowed were going to do this show bcfore British Colony. any exercise. The N~gerian . and didn't have the right mix of year of Nigeria *Nigeria had a population of Government has been issuing people until this year," she 88,514,501 in 1991. court orders for his release since explains. *In 1992 84% of the people lived November of 1994, but his case Prior to the performance, in rural areas and 16% in urban. won't be released until it goes than Nigeria. Nigeria's economic there will be a dinner consisting By Angela Cherryholmes *English is the official language before a court. base is almost identical to the one of roast pork loin, new red and it is fluently spoke by 51% of Boone Campus focus Bear Facts Staff here in Iowa. Agriculture is the potatoes, California blend the people. Monthly informational leader in economics. Nigerian's vegetable salad, spiced apple *Most ethnic groups have their sessions will familairize people The "Geography of Nigeria" raise cattle, sheep, and poultry, ring, and rolls. Concluding the own language with over 200 with the country of Nigeria. The was the topic of a presentation by as well as cash crops and they menu is coffee and black forest dialects. focus for October will be on a Nigerian Professor who spoke ,mine materials. torte which will be served during *In 1985, petroleum accounted 'tconomics"and November will on the Des Moines Area An important factor in intermission. for 95% of the foreign exchange be 'political science." There are Community College (DMACC) everyday life of a Nigerian is Tickets for this dinner theatcr earnings compared to only 1.7% plans for a Nigerian market, a Boone Campus. their religion. Two religions. will go on sale beginning in 1959. Nigeria Year Dinner, and many Dr. Bola Ayeni, a professor in dominate each portion of the October 1. You can buy the *Islam is the dominant religion other events, but no specific dates the geography department at the state. The North is tickets in the Boone Campus in the North part of the country or times have been set. University of Ibadan, spoke at predominantly Islam, while the Library for $10 a student or $14 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, South is mostly Christian. Dr. a pcrson for the general public. Cateringfor 25-500 persons Septcmber 20 in Room 128 to a Ayeni stated, "It (religion) could Sandwiches .Dinners This fee includes the Lost for Ribs. Beef Pork Ham. few students and faculty. be the only thing holding the Meat by the pound - both the meal and the show. Dr. Ayeni is the first guest country together today." Special ticket order forms will be speaker of DMACC's monthly Another Dr. Ayeni's offered in the Boone News seminar series on Nigeria. made concerns the change in GEORGE Republican and the Bear Facts somSELECT The year long focus on Africa's gender roles. In northern BATTLE papers two weeks prior to the most populous country will Nigeria only men are allowed to Owner show. culminate in April as DMACC do trading. The practice in Dinner seating is limlted to Dine In or Fml l2 Mom-Sal. 11am - 9pm "celebrates Nigeria Week" April southern Nigeria however is just one hundred people so seating 1-5. I carry out service 292-1670 Closed Sundays I for the show is also limited. the opposite. Women are I Ames. Iowa I Dr. Ayeni introduced the allowed to trade. The performance will be on physical, human, political, These ideas and many more both October 27 and 28 economic, and religious were brought to light by Dr. beginning with the meal at 7 structures of his home country, Ayeni. Dr. Ayeni's belief that, p.m. The play will follow the Nigeria. Dr. Ayeni said he found "Africa is the cradle for the dinner and begin at 8 p.m. a deep sense of pride in talking to human race," should raise some A special showing will be students about his country. Some thought provoking questions. held on Thursday, October 26 for interesting comparisons became This is the 12th year in which any student who does not wish to evident involving the United the students, faculty and staff of attend the dinner. There is no States and Iowa with Nieria. all DMACC campuses have charge for admission on this date Physically the United States is taken an in-depth look at the 1703 S. Story Open 24 hrs a day because it is a dress rehearsal, nine times the size of Nigeria, histo~y,economics, politics and IRnnne. IA 50036 Phone 432-1554 I not the final production. while Iowa is three times smaller culture of a foreign country. September 27, 1995 OPINION Page 3 Higher Learning Check it out! Staff Editoral

By Audrey Burgs By Tony Stewart Bear Facts Staff Bear Facts Staff It is the beginning of the school year and you are already feeling I was in the video store last stressed You are frustrated because there is not enough money to weekend, and saw that Higher purchase the books and other items you need. With your financial aid Learning was released on video. refund check in hand, these problems would no longer exist. So Personally, when it was in the where is that check? theater, I never even thought of Whistle-Stop Cafe The start of the school year can bring a lot of anxiety without the going to see it. But, all the added pressure of wonying about finances. Seventy-five percent movies that I wanted to rent, so Our article last week failed to include the fifth element we are of our student body receives some form of financial aid such as Pel1 did other people too. So I de- using to evaluate the eating establishments. In addition to Grants, student loans, or some other form of agency funding. When cided to check it out. atmosphere, service, quality of food and selections, we are everything goes smoothly, your tuition is paid and whatever remains is I noticed that it was directed evaluating the price. tumed over to you to pay other school related costs. by John Singleton, Boyz In The This week we want to take you to the Whistle-Stop Cafe at Some delays were caused this semester due,to the installation of a Hood, Poetic Justice, and was 1102 Story Street in Boone which is just a hop, .skip and a jump up new computer system, but most of the time problems arise because a hoping that it wasn't going to be the road from DMACC. At the Whistle Stop you can hear the student has not followed the proper procedures. Another change you a movie that "tried to show that local gossip and mingle with the blue collar workers of Boone. may have noticed is that our school now participates in the William D. the young black male has suf- For you early risers, it opens at 6 a.m. with generous portions Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. This means that you will now fered because the white man has of breakfast choices. If you want to eat supper there, you're out receive your loan applications from DMACC rather than a lending kept him down." Well, after of luck as it closes at 3 p.m. The Whistle-Stop Cafe is a typical institution. watching it, it wasn't a black small, one-owner restaurant with a U-shaped counter and two While it is true that errors can occur, getting angry will not get you movie or a white movie. It's a tables for seating. Parking is at a premium over the noon hour, that cash any faster. The staff in the financial aid oflice is on your movie about life. It was an in- and you may not find a place to sit. side and rudely taking out your frustrations on them will not get your tense, thought provocking, in Although the selections are limited, one can find a sandwich problem solved any faster either. your face movie about America's or choose a bowl of homemade soup or try a daily special. The Vicki Lauzon, of the financial aid oflice, here at the Boone Cam- youth today. daily special is a generous serving which includes an entr6, in pus, "gives the following tips to help avoid delays in receiving your It's set at fictitious Columbus addition to a vegetable, fruit, salad or bread. The price is right financial assistance. University, whcre a racial uproar too; less than $5.00. For the weight conscious there are not many FILE EARLY: As soon as you have your income tax forms com- escalates to a full scale race war, choices. pleted, you need to fill out the application for financial aid. If you will and never lets up. An intense not be filing a taxreturn for a while, complete the application using Every day the Whistle Stop has fresh baked pies. Vern says, your estimated tax return. conclusion, I feel, makes this "Try any piece of pie. It's all good;" Virginia agrees especially RESPOND AND RETURN: Rcturn any papcmork that you reccive Singleton's best film yet. I really after having had a piece of pineapple cream pie on their last visit. to the office so that it may be forwarded to Ankcny. Ankeny does all don't want to give away the plot, She also loves the bread pudding. Ymrnrnmm good!!!! of the financial aid processing for each campus. but it's not a movie that you want Rating: 0 0 0 'h LO rent on a first date. It's defi- UPDATE ADDRESS CHANGES: Keeping an up-to-date address nitely a great film about how on file is also important to the process. America might be if ignorance Overall, the best advice is to stay on top of things. Planning ahead doesn't end. It stars Ice Cube, Lived any good books lately? and following through can get your aid squared away before the school Omar Epps, Lawrence Fishburne, year begins. Last of all, be kind to the women in the office. They Jennifer Connely, and Kristy fright, here are some of my seem to do whatever is necessary to get the job done, so be cooperative Swanson. It is definitely a must Bear Facts Staff personal favs that will have and do your part. you clutching your pillows at see. I ' night. If you have seen a movie that John Carpenter brought his "The Texas Chainsaw Mas- you would like to be reviewed or sinister, twisted, and demented sacre, Pet. Semetaty, Clive if you want to review it, just send book, "In The Mouth of Mad- Barker's Hell Raiser series, Van Halen your comments to the Bear Facts ness, " to the big screen. It is rocks Ames Carrie, An American Were- now available on home video to wolf in London, The Thing, scare the living crap out of you. candy and Halloween. " "In The Mouth of Madness, " in, By Tony Stewart before and after David Lee Roth. Bear Facts Staff Their new songs jammed, and am Neil is John Trent, an In- ATTENTION POETS surance attorney, investigiiting the sound was so crisp, it was almost soulful. A moment that I the disappearance of Sutter Cane, Owings Mills, Maryland (USA)-- The Sammy Hagar and the crew a noted horror writer. The plot National Library of Poetry has came to Hilton Coliseum Satur- will never forget was their per- announced that $24,000 in prizes will day night and rocked the hell out formance of the ballad, "Not asks what would happen if be awarded this year to over 250 poets of the place. Van Halen, came in Enough" which was awesome fiction became reality. If a in the North American Open Poetry full force with a big screen TV, a and yet, loving. writer could write out the fu- Contest. The deadline for the contest hyped up crowd, a tremendous I always enjoyed Van Halen, ture the way helshe wanted. is September 30, 1995. The contest is stage presence, and left the crowd but after their performance, I will You find out that your exis- open to everyone and entry is FREE. in awe. always be a big fan. The stage tence was the result of a writ- Any poet, whether previously presence alone made you feel like published or not, can be a winner. roth her Cane opened and got ers imagination. the crowd pumped for the main they actually enjoyed performing, When Cane disappears, his Every poem entered also has a chance to be published in a deluxe, hardbound venue. Lyle Staley of Alice In and wanted to give everybody in soon to be released book, "In anthology. Chains, brought his harmonious attendance their moneys worth. The Mouth of Madness, " is To enter, send ONE original poem, voice and wicked guitar riffs to Besides putting on an incredi- delayed causing riots, mass any subject and any style, to The an intense performance. Check ble performance, they also violence, and total chaos. National Library of Poeby, 11419 out their second album, Seeds, a walked home with a full ward- With a suprise ending, intense Cronridge Dr., P.O. Box 704-1985, great jam. robe, courtesy of the front rows. Owings Mills, MD 2 1117. The poem plot, and visually stunning Eddie and Alex Van Halen, Saturday night, was one concert should be no more than 20 lines, and that I definitely won't forget, and special effects, John Carpen- the poet's name and address should Michael Anthony, and Sammy Van Halen proved to me and ter's, "In The Mouth of Mad- appear on the top of the page. Entries Hagar, came to play and play ness, " is a great horror flick. must be postmarked by September 30, they did. It was a tremendous many others that they are Amer- You never know what For you freaks who like ica's greatest rock and roll band. the temp is going to be 1995. show . All their greatest hits, Page 4 FEATURES September 27, 1995 Office Staff... Over 90 years of service

Picture Not Available Name: Hometown: Boone Name: P~LNCPat€kx4m Office Secretary: Dean's Secretary Hometown: Boone Years At Present Job: 7 Office Title: Receptionist Most Enjoyable Aspect of Job? Years At Present Job: Almost 1 Seeing all the different areas of Most Enjoyable Aspect Of Job? the school fit together and work The office staff and students are to make us a campus. Least? most pleasant to work with. Never ending piles of Least: Registration paperwork. Why Did You Choose Why Did You Choose Employment At The Boone Employment At The Boone Name: Sacrdi $b&&e Campus? It coordinated with my camp&? I was working at the other job. I thought it would be Hometown: Sheldahl-Slater University of Southern Name: %?hdug- an interesting and fun place. Office Title: Office Assistant I1 ;.fississippi, and there was a Hometown Boone What Do You Do In Your Years At Present Job: 27 opening at the Boone campus, so Office Title: Bookkeeper Spare Time? Spend time with Most Enjoyable Aspect Of Job? I applied. It's nice to have a Years At Present Job: 12 my friends and family, exercise, Helping students obtain their break at Christmas. Most Enjoyable Aspect Of Job? and work in my yard. educational goals. It's rewarding It's great working in an office What Hobbies Do You Enjoy? What Do You Do In Your to see students become Spare Time? Keep track of my with people you enjoy. I've Biking, swimming, and reading. productive citizens. Least? I daughters, sports, tumbling, made many friends over the Other Interesting Things About would like to see our theater dancing and track. years. Least? Banner, the new Yourself? 1have a daughter, used for more cultural events. What Hobbies Do You Enjoy? computer system. During our Julie, a son, John, and three Why Did You Choose Walking, gardening, and when first semester it's a pain! granddaughters. Employment At The Boone in the craft phase I do crafts. Why Did You Choose Campus? I applied with Employment At The Boone encouragement from my friends Campus? There was a position and family, met the requirements available; I was lucky. and passed the tests. What Do You Do In Your What Do You Do In Your Spare Time? I don't seem to Spare Time? I take college have any "spare time". courses and am currently a senior What Hobbies Do You Enjoy? at ISU. 1 spend time with my Shopping is definitely #I. I also four grandchildren. enjoy visiting with my children Name: Sc/th/ray, gw What Hobbies Do You Enjoy? and their families. Portrait-free-lance photography, Hometown: Dayton watching the Minnesota Vikings, Office Title: Office Assistant Picture Not Available car races. Years At Present Job: 23 1[2 Other Interesting Things About Most Enjoyable Aspect of Job? Name: Xq%'& Yourself? 1love taking pictures Working with new and returning Name: Xw%'- Hometown: Boone of our grandbabies. students as well as the Office Title: Registration Hometown: Colo atmosphere of our newly Years At Present Job: 2 Office Title: Clerical remodeled offices. Least? Most Enjoyable Aspect Of Job? Years At Present Job: 18 Having to cancel classes. The ability to learn new things Most Enjoyable Aspect of Job? Why Did You Choose and talking to students. Least? I love the new office. I love the Employment At The Boone Students who expect us to do challenge of the new computers. Campus? I put an application in Hometown: Ogden everything for them. G S Least? Not enough hours to for office work. The dean called Office Title: Bookkeeper Why Did You Choose serve the number of faculty. and I was interviewed and must Years At Present Job: 1 Employment At The Boone Why Did You Choose have made a good impression as Most Enjoyable Aspect of Job? Campus? I like the college Employment At The Boone two days later I was hired. The wide variety of people that atmosphere and the work hours Campus? I work four hours a What Do You Do In Your you meet. Least? The 800 coincide with my children's day with summers off which Spare Time ? We have a number because it's hard to hear. schedules. FACT allows me to be in business and mowing business during the Why Did You Choose What Do You Do In Your Every twelve hours, Americans create home with my son. summer months. I enjoy baking, Employment At The Boone Spare Time? Attend DMACC enough garbage to fill the Louisiana What Do You Do In Your movies, and card club. Campus? It's close to Ames classes, work with PTA projects, Superdome. Spare Time? Watch my soap What Hobbies Do You Enjoy? where my husband works, and and spend time with my husband operas, clean house and coffee or Touring on "Gold Wing" it's a challenging job. and three children. TIP lunch with friends. motorcycle. What Do You Do In Your What Hobbies Do You Enjoy? When shopping, use your own fabric What Hobbies Do You Enjoy? Other Interesting Things About Spare Time? Play basketball, Rollerblading, coloring, cooking shopping bag which can be used over and over. Or, reuse your old bags. Reading, walking, solitaire, Yourself? My husband and I spend time with my kids, read, international fdods, gardening, shopping, and card club. celebrated our 34th wedding and visit family. swimming, and bicycling. Please send your tip to: Other Interesting Things About anniversary on September 17, What Hobbies Do You Enjoy? Other Interesting Things About GREENTIPS, 4830 W. Kennedy Blvd., Yourself? I have a husband, which now a days is quite an Shopping, going for walks, and Yourself? My motto for life- Suite 280, Tampa. FL 33609 Lou, and a son, Chad, a singer accomplishment. We also have collecting P. Buckley Moss "Limits exist only in the souls of 1994 Kevin A Mclean-Tampa, Florida and songwriter. three daughters and one son. Prints. those who do not dream". September 27, 1995 NEWS Page 5

Students have choices DMACC offers each student the freedom to learn and the freedom to enjoy communitycollege live in for word processing an orderly and lawful manner. In return, DMACC expects every student to assume the obligation and (her) help, you may write your responsibilitiesthat accompany those freedoms. paper in an adequate amount of time, without a tremendous By your voluntary enrollment at DMACC, you voluntarily assume the obligation ahd responsibility of amount of frustration. Beginning this fall, students conducting 'yourself in accordance with the reasonable and lawful requirements of DMACC in its Microsoft Word, on the other and faculty will have a choice educationalfunctions and processes.,Violations of these responsibilities may result in sanctions that can hand, is a simplistic program between two word processing include expulsionfrom the institution. that features icons (pictures) programs. Microsoft Word and that you click on using the WordPerfect 5.1 will be mouse to make necessary Rights available on our computer changes. To go from single- system. Many students are space to double-space you look You are guaranteed those rights and freedoms contained in the laws of the United States and the acquainted with WordPerfect, for the icon that has the double- State of Iowa. either by taking a computer spaced lines on it, move the class or someone showing them You have the right to due process (detailed in the DMACC Student Conduct Discipline and Appeals mouse to it, click on it, and it is the basics of the program. Procedure). done. However, many students are not To use "help" you click on You have the right to not be discriminated against or harassed becausc of your racc, color, national so well acquainted with Word. the question mark icon, the origin, creed, religion, sex, age or disabilityor disabled veteran or Vietnam era vcteran status. Anyone who has had to write screen gives choices, so the a paper knows how You have the right to privacy of rccords unless you consent in writing to have it revealed. computer can narrow down advantagcous a word processing exactly what you are trying to You have the right to be evaluated in the classroom solely on the basis of academic achievement and program can be. Without accomplish or what you want to fulfillment of educational requirementswith freedom of expressionprotected and respected. having to retype your paper know. After making your repeatedly, you have the ability choice selection, the screen to make changes until you are Responsibilities gives you a full description of satisficd with the paper's the task on which you are about format and content. Spell check You are expected to be aware of student conduct that is subject to sanctions as stated in the DMACC to embark and tells you exactly is a fcaturc that saves most of us Student Handbook. how to go about accomplishing a considerable amount of time. it. There is still, of course, a You hare expected to exhibit proper behavior at all times. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is It goes through chccking the not limited to, verbal abuse, profanity, public disturbance, fighting, destruction of property or spelling of all the words. If it possibility for frustration when interferenceof class activity. finds a misspelled word, it gives you know what it is you want to a list of correctly spelled words accomplish but can't tell the You are expected to read the come syllabus to find out the attendance and grading policy for the for vou to choose the word vou computer, and you can't find it course. had-actuallyintended to type: in "help". You are expected to act in a manner that does not cause concern for the health and safety of yoursclf WordPerfect, even though Word has many other or others. archaic. can save time. capabilities just a click of an However, it can be quite icon away. You can create and You are expected to complete your work without cheating or committingplagiarism. frustrating remembering the insert graphs and tables into You are expected to follow College regulations against possession or use of alcoholic beverages, correct sequence of keys to hit your paper. It will alphabetize drugs, firearms, fireworks or other dangerous articles on campus. to accomplish a task or to lists, or you can draw your own reformat a paper. For example, colored picture to insert onto You are expected to follow motor vehicle safety parking rules and regulations. in order to change from single- your paper. If you instruct it to, space to double-space, you have spell checker will even You are expected to comply with reasonable and appropriate instructions and directives given by a series of steps to go through. automatically correct typos as College faculty, sta€f and administrators within the scope of their duties for the purpose of First, you have to move the you type. maintaining a productive and safe educational environment. mouse to "layout" and click on Even if you are comfortable it. Then click on the word with WordPerfect, I would The list of rights and responsibilitiesis not inclusive. "line." A screen comes up that suggest you try Word. After a gives you several choices of couple of times of using it, you changes that you may wish to might be surprised at the speed make. You select line spacing, you are able to complete your which is the number six key. work. Most of us are trying to Waiting to log on You next selecbthe number two find new ways to gel as much to make it double spaced. If you accomplished as possible, in the least amount of time, with the don't know how to switch to By Tony Stensland over the world available. How- accessibility soon. "I expect it to least amount of frustration. double-space to begin with and Bear Facts Staff ever, student access has been happen next semester." Word is designed to help us want to use "help" to find out delayed because Systems Inte- A continuing education class how to do it, you have to move attain this goal. The DMACC-Boone Campus gration, located on the Ankeny on the Internet is currently being the mouse to the word "help" has now been linked to the Inter- campus has been busy putting offered by Ann Watts, Librar- and click on it. A screen gives net, making information from all together the final touches on a ianhledia Specialist and Dr. you an alphabetical list of all new program for registration. James Bittner, English Instruc- the functions the program does. A question has also been tor. The class will meet on No- There is no explanation of what raised about students using social vember, 9. and is an introduc- the task is or how to accomplish security numbers as log-in iden- tion to the Internet. "We're go- the task, just the sequence of tifications. Ron Erickson, LAN ing to teach people how to keys necessary to activate it. as/i.~udreyEquipment Specialist on the browse the World Wide Web.," Often times what you think the Boone campus, said, "You can't Dr. Bittner stated. task will do and what the task have your Social Security Num- Watts and Bittner are also actually does are two different I am very disappointed because there were no questions for Ask ber out there for the whole world proposing an Internet course to things. Audrey. This means that you were deprived of my wonderful wit. So to see." The Systems Integration possibly be available next year. If you are well versed with get that pen in hand, stop by the Bear Facts office, take a sheet off the committee is currently working The proposal is currently being the program or have a friend door, and submit your question. Let's try to fill this column up next on ideas for new log in codes. evaluated by the DMACC cur- who is and is willing to offer his issue. Erickson anticipates student riculum committtee. Page 6 CAMPUS NEWS September 27,1995 Need help? ACC to the rescue

By Jinny Silberhorn AAC will provide this service to you. Our arrangements, made Editors Note: George Silberhorn DMACC-Boone counselor -AAL' - gives tips on transferring credits ' with Boone instructors, are flexible in allowing you to come There is a place on the Boone to the Center at a time conven- Students who plan to attend more than one college or university in Campus where students can find Des Moines Area Community ient for you to tee the make -up order to complete a degree should plan well ahead and gather accurate friendly, willing assistance for a College recently announced stu- exam. (Note: You must have ID information. Iowa's colleges and universities work together to make wide variety of problems --- the dents who made the President's to take a test!) the transfer process smooth, however; each student seeking to transfer Academic Achievement Center! and Dean's list for the summer Plato 2000 credits from one institution to another shares in the responsibility. '95 semester. Do you need help in Math? The Plato2000 is a computer- While planning the transfer, students should contact the admissions AAC can help you in arithmetic, Students on the president's based learning system that is off~ceat the institution to which they plan to transfer. A counselor or algebra, finite math, math for list earned, a 4.0 grade point av- networked on four of the comput- transfer specialist will be able to answer questions and concerns elementary level math courses. or erage. Full-time students on the ers in the AAC. By typing in a relative to the transfer of credit. business and financial math. We President's list were: Julia Ed- few simple commands, you can All pertinent college and university transcripts will be required for have several bona-fide math in- son, Liberal Arts, Boone; Shan- get help in everything from basic evaluation. Keep appropriate college catalogs and syllabi for reference structors available. nessy Schultes, Liberal Arts, math to calculus; English gram- in the event questions arise relative to course content. Need help with Grammar? Anita; Carrie Leonard, Liberal mar to editing and revising; basic The earlier a student plans for the transfer the better. Planning in We can help you with your Arts, Ames; Theresa Johnson, science classes to physics and advance increases the likelihood of successful articulation of credits. grammar, punctuation, spelling, Nursing, Boone; Gloria Ander- chemistry; and writing a resume A two-fold process and organizational skills. Four son, Nursing, Nevada; Kari to parenting skills. The user- Credits transfer as part of a two-part process. First, the transfer of our instructors are English Busch, Nursing, Garden City; friendly learning program has credit is accepted. The acceptance is usually determined by a transfer instructors and can you Deanna Christensen, Account- about 2500 different lessons specialist. Second, the accepled credit is applied to a particular with your composition courses ing, Jefferson; Jessica Heath, available to students and staff. program of study. If questions arise as to how transfercredit is and research papers. Accounting, Ames; Angela The instruction is customized to applied, ask for reconsideration and refer to the appropriate college How about Study Skills and Lenz, Accounting, Ames. each individual, so you can focus catalog and syllabus if nccd be. Reading Comprehension? We Part-lime student on the on mastering only the skills you In Iowa, a number of transfer articulalion/agreements exist. These have help for test anxiety and can President's list were Julie Lyon, need while learning at your own are written agreements between two institutions that define how improve your notetaking, test- Accounting, Boone and Sherilyn pace with immediate reinforce- courses will be accepted and how they apply to programs of study. taking, and time management Rittgers, Nursing, Boone. ment. Ask for and keep a copy of appropriate transfer agreements as a skills. We can also help with Students on the Dean's list Choices record. your content vocabulary, speed must have earned a 3.5 to 3.99 CHOICES is an excellent Different collegesaccept different credits reading and comprehension grade point average. Full-time computer program Lhat will give Successfully completed coursework applied to degree requirements In addition to our AAC staff, we is usually divided into basic categories: general education or core, students on the Dean's list were: you a skills inventory. You can Leslea Abrahamsen, Account- have peer tutors at no charge to investigate fields of study, learn major, and elective credits. Coursework transfers into one of the students. Just stop in the Center ing, Boone; Jennifer Arm- where you can acquire training, categories. The transfer institution will identify how transferred and ask at the desk. ESL stu- strong, Liberal Arts, Ames; know what it costs for the college credits apply to each category and the credits still required to complete dents, you can request a tutor for George Christian, Liberal Arts, you have chosen, and learn doz- the program of study in each category. The transfer institution practice with spoken English. Ames; Heather Crandell, Ac- ens of other things. You can get provides a program of study agreement for the student's records. Will teach you computer Colleges and universities have their own policies regarding counting, Paton; Mark Hillson, VERY current information for We have five IBM computers trade or vocational schools, 2- acceptance and applications of transfer credit, and they are free to Conditioned Air, Boone; Chris- with Windows available to stu- year colleges, 4-year colleges, apply those policies to each applicant. For example, grades earned in tine Kecy, Liberal Arts, Ankeny; dents in the Center. We will be and even graduate schools in the each course may influence iis transferability. Any change in major or Ann Mathies, Business, Boone; happy to teach you how to use the United States. program of study may alter transferability. Ask for an explanation of Michael Pearson, Tool & Die word processor and can teach you Body Illustrated factors that influence the transfer of credit. Making; Boone; John Peterson, this on Wordperfect or Word in This computer program is an Keep careful records, ask questions. Business, Boone; Denise Rum- about 15 minutes. You may even excellent help to students in hu- ley, Office Technology, Jeffer- reserve computers to type your man anatomy and physiology. son; Linda Searcy, Accounting, papers. It's fun too! Jointhe lunch brunch Ames; Ronald Smith, Computer We can also help you graph Drop in to get individual or Science, Boone; Kurt Stotts, your material for chemistry, small group assistance. We are Liberal Arts, Boone. physics, and biology on Lotus 1- By Jeanne Roth American students are wel- eager to help! Our hours are Part-time students on the 2-3, so it looks great. AAC come to join the group and get to 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday know their international class- Dean's list were: Kim Alleman, Make-up tests Liberal Arts. Nevada; Amy The Academic Achievement mates better. Probably during the semester you through ThursAy and 8100 a.m. Good, Liberal Arts, Ames; Center is sponsoring two pro- The AAC is also continuing will miss an exam or test. The to 3:00 P.m. OnFriday. Martha Javellana, Liberal grams that give international the Conversation Partners pro- students a chance to practice gram this fall. This program Arts,Woodward; Mark Minnick, & English in an informal setting. matches American students and Business Com~uters.Stratford: Suzanne Moore, Nursing, A new program this fall is the international students to meet Boone; and Alison Wiese, Busi- International Lunch Bunch. together on a regular basis to ness, Boone. Every Friday from 12:20 p.m. to practice English. 1:00 p.m., about six international students have been meeting with an instructor from the AAC and having lunch together in the Stu- IEo\wI=Hor Lorrcs 25% off Carlson Craft Wedding Invitations dent Center. They talk about OPEN ALL DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK Personalized napkin imprint,ing anything the students have ques- Wedding Rental tions about or native customs the AND HOLIDAYS Party supplies for all occasions students want to share. Last Pro Shop - Game Room - Cocktail Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas week the discussion focused on Lounge - Snack Bar - Open Bowling native foods that the students 803 Story St Downtown Boone 432-6033 miss in the U. S. and housing problems they face here. 1 712TamaSt Boone. Iowa 432-9786 1 September 27, 1995 SPORTS Page 7

KooL AsKSoRNER By Aaron J. M'right 1V Bear Facts Staff'

Hey Bear Facts fan's this is KooL A of KooL A's Korner. This past couple of weekends, has been a lot of excitement in college foot- ball. All across the nation upsets have been taking place. Unranked Louisiana State University knocked off 5th ranked Auburn in a 12-6 thriller. It was the first victory for the Tigers since 1988. If you re- membered, last year L.S.U took a twenty one point lead into the final period before losing because of four costly turnovers in the last seven minutes of the game. Unranked University of Miami (Ohio) knocked off 25th ranked Northwestern University. Just when we thought that the Wildcats were looking more and more like a college football pow- erhouse, they turn right back around and lose to a team that's in the middle of the pack of the Mid American conference. *** Congratulations to the Atlanta Braves for winning their divisional pennant once again. The only embarrassing thing about the entire Sport Spotlight situation is that, they have the chance to become the Buffalo Bills of baseball. It seems that every year, they are so close, but they always have a miscue. *** of the week Now it's time for KooL A to give you some information that you probably didn't know in the sports world today. However, it didn't Stop there, By Julie Ann Cronin ,. Emily received the Rookie of the Keith Poole, WR of Arizona State University, averaged more Emily averaged 17.9 points and Bear Facts Staff year award her freshman year. yards per catch (21.6) in the Pac-10 than Keyshawn Johnson (U.S.C.) 4.7 steals Per game. ''And shot In both her junior year and senior and Kevin Jordan (U.C.L.A.), who are possibly the best two wide- 75% from the line," Emily Pool years, she was named Most outs in college football. in her high school career. Valuable Player. , former guard for Iowa State University, was the #20, Off-Guard The summer is a time for 5'7 When Emily finishes at number one draft pick in this year C.B.A. He was selected by Omaha. people to relax and not WonY Nicknames: Em, Booday DMACC after next year, she It is speculative if he will report, due to the fact that the Indiana Pac- about anything. Going from one Major: Leisure Studies like to go down South to a 'ers of the N.B.A. selected him (2pd round-pick 52) also. I guess he - basketball camp to another was four-year university, where she will go to the better situation. Hometown: Sharon' Iowa how her summers were Spent. can continue her education and In a lockout trade, the expansion Toronto Raptors sent B.J. Arm- Some of the camps Emily at- Emily Pool, an off-guard from also play basketball or run track. strong to the in exchange for Carlos Rogers, tended were, Creighton Team New Sharon, Iowa, is ready and Emily looks to her parents, Iowa State University alumnist , and draft picks: Camp and a camp at the Uni- eagerly waiting for the first day Tom and Rhonda, and her fam- DeWayne Whitfield, Ben McDonald and Chris Carr. I don't think versity of Northern Iowa., and of practice to begin. 'In high ily, for the extra love and support the trade really benefited either of the teams. Golden State has a she also played in the annual Dr. school, it was dificult getting the she needs. 'I want to thank my proven leader at the point guard helm in , and De- Pepper all-star game her senior girls together to play, but here at parents, for their gifi of knowl- Wayne Whitfield, Ben McDonald and Chris Carr were all drafted in year. DMACC, everyone is eager to edge and consistent love and the first round of this years C.B.A. draft also. That leaves Working hard year round has play not only for fun but also to guidance in my life, thank you!" and Andrew DeClerq holding up the fort in the bay area. Clifford paid off for Emily. In 1993 and work hard to improve each With the first day of practice Rozier and Chris Gatling have been major disappointments. Rogers 1994 she received All- other's games." starting on October 2, 1995, and and Alexander were just now coming around into prime ball players. Conference honors, and in 1993 *** When Emily was in high the first game on November 13, Emily had special mention, All- school, she was actively involved 1995, against Kirkwood at 6 Well Bear Facts fans, KooL A says good-bye until next time! State. along with honorable in sports. She went to North p.m., the ladies are eager to get mention All-State in 1994. Be- Mahaska High School where she at it in the gym to have a win- sides these special awards, she was a four year varsity letter ning season. had the most steals and the most winner in girls' basketball. points during her senior year. Aaron wonders where the pig skin is? factors that we will need would By Aaron J. Wright N would love to grab that one more Bear Facts Staff 1 chance to put on those pads and be insurance to fund the go out and prove their talents. A program, initial cost far as Has it ever crossed your mind lot of times a lot of these star equipment is concerned, money about football at D.M.A.C.C.? athletes have grown up in small to fund scholarships and grants, Where would they play ? What towns like Boone, Ogden, hiring of coaches and additional year would the program begin? Jefferson, etc. and have been fees to cover other cost and Coaches? Recruiting? Like every overshadowed because of their materials. It's not a realistic goal sport, a foundation must begin school size, conference in which at all. We don't receive any tax someplace. Two locations that they play, talent within the money from the state come to mind for a facility conference, or just the region of whatsoever, so our funds mainly would be the Ankeny branch the state in which they are in. In come from donations that people campus and also sharing the a personal one-on- one interview give to us. " stadium with Boone High. with athletic director, Mr. D.M.A.C.C. currently holds There's nothing like bringing Harold Johnson, he said funding four varsity sports within the some fall sport action to the is the key issue. school at the Boone campus. north central Iowa community. I "It takes a lot for the school to They work very hard on the know there are a lot of ex-high do a varsity sport", said Mr. recruiting trail and also finding school football players who Johnson. "Some of the key the best student athletes to build a winning program. Page 8 THE BACK PAGE September 27,1995

Open house...continued LOST AND FOUND your chancc to gct a sneak pcak punching in a few simple com- PBL Update at the mcn's DMACC tcam as mands, you can get help with . If you have lost any of the thcy hosl a scrimmage gamc Math. High School Diploma following, please claim at the during opcn house. Program books will be on dis- By C0nnie.S.A. Hamilton Business Office. L.W. Coul-tcr Center play for the high school credit PBL Re~orter 1 -Red & blue plaid umbrella Comc scc thc ncw studcnt courses taught that will transfer -Leather Pierre Cardin key ccntcr, along with looking at back to the area high schools. PBL which stands for Phi holder somc displays of activities and GEDIABE General Equivalency Lambda has begun. The first -Two Keys on a New York, New various studcnt groups. Also, Didoma and Adult basic educa- meeting was held on Tuesday, York key ring rcfrcshmcnts will be scrvcd. tion matcrials will be on display September 12. At that meeting -Three Keys on a silver diamond- Bookstore Rm. 101 with samples of the GED tests. PBL held the elections for all Use a classified ad to find a shaped key ring The DMACC Bookstore will . Bear Facts will have a table their officers. The new roommate or just to send a mes- -Six keys on a glow-in-the-dark be opcn for guests to browse the set up in 'The Coufin where the President is Susie Rouse, Vice Sage to that special Someone. key ring sclcctions and purchase items. stalf will answer questions and President Linda Searcy, YOUcan sell all those all those -Single key NOT on a key ring) Academic AcBicvcmcnt Ccrltcr have this week's newsDaDer. . Secretary Jennifer Cooley, unused items that are cluttering -Assorted Jewelry Rm. 102 available to visitors. Treasurer Denise Rumley, and up your room or garage. An ad Thc AAC has many different Come and see what exactly is Parliamentarian Suzi Sanderson. is also a good way to find some- highlighls schcdulcd for this going on. Just remember to tell We want to wish all the new thing you are interested in buy- event. Choiccs which is a com- your family and friends and be a officers "Good Luck! " ing. IVE puterizcd career exploration and part of DMACC open house. The next big event is to be Representatives of the Bear OF; information system. Plato is a Let our family mcet yours. Hope held on Thursday, October 5, Facts will take your ad any computerized system. By just to see you there! which is the Fall Planning Tuesday from 11:15 a.m. until Conference held on the DMACC 12:15 p.m. in the L.W. Courter Newton Campus. They have a Center, at a table directly across full and fun-filled day planned from the Catnpus Cafe. for this year's big event. That Bear Facts reserves the right MONDAY brings us up to recruiting more to reject any ad dccmcd unsuit- Monday Night Foolball I CONDON SERVICE LTD. I Free Pizza members for PBL. Phi Beta able for publication. The cost for Coon Lite Tall Boys $1 .OO RYDERTRUCK RENTAL Lambda is for "EVERYONE." each ad is one dollar. Ads are CONDON TOWING SERVICE PBL is not a sorority, it's not limited to twenty-five words or TUESDAY 904 4th Street only for women, anyone can less. You canke the form below Selected Bar Shots $.50 - to place your ad. & All The Free Beer You Can join. Dr ink Only $4.00 9-12 p.m. Boone, Iowa 50036 Phi Beta Lambda is a 515-432-3734 professional organization which r------ij WEDNESDAY will look good on your future ' I Mexican Night I Name ! I resume and will be a great time I ' "Bosl Mexican Food in IPhone number I1 senIra1 Iowa" for everyone who joins. We're I I r------1 IMessage 1 14 still in all the planning stages THURSDAY ! DMACC STUDENTS I an,d we are always looking for I Bowlers Night Purchase Any Medium Pizza $7.99 I more recruits to join at any time. Show us your Bowlcrs Card If you are interested please fill for Ilappy flour Priccs Second Medium $5.00 I I free to contact Pat Thieben or 9-12 p.m. I I any other student involved in the I FFUDAY pizza ~ut,Inc. I organization. Our next PBL I I lIors D'ocuvres I 1608 S. Story, Boone, IA 50036 ! meeting is Tuesday, October 10, 530 p.m. . . at 12:20p.m. to 1:15 p.m. in I ;One coupon per party. Not valid with any other ofler. Ofler Expires ; room 200 hope to see you all 1$1.00 for 25 words or less TONY'S I I there! Dodi Plaza CLASSIFIED ------432-6080 Spring Bedding Holiday and ** For Sale** O'Sulllivan slereo cabinet - no rollers Plants & CarlsonTravel Network" $25.00 Answering Machine - Remote Access $20.00 - Nurnark Equalizer Boone Travel Agency, Inc. $15.00 Mike McCambridge Pair Epicure 40 watt Speakers $40.00/pair President Women's 24" 10 speed - Red Located 3 miles 611 Story Street ' $25.00 East of Ogden Hwy 30 Cash Only - You .pickup!! 432-2166 Boone, Iowa 50036-2833 (515) 432-8033 (800) 798-8033 Fax (515) 432-8035 515-275-2229 M -- Sat 9-6 p.m. 515-275-4307 Sun 12-5 A place to voice your opinions...... I I I Coupon good for one free donut I I I with purchase of I I I .'s Lounge I donut or roll of equal I Wanted I I I or greater value I Students to bring I I 66BottomsUp, Hands Down, I parents and friends I This Is The Best Damn Party in Town!" [DutchI Oven Bakery 1 to open house on I I I I Sunday, Oct. 1 2-4 Madrid, Iowa 795-9100 I I : 1 605 Story Boone 219Duff Ames I p.m. Boone Campus! L------J