CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 471 Ous Departments for Service for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1877; the Bill (H

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 471 Ous Departments for Service for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1877; the Bill (H 1877. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 471 ous departments for service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1877; The bill (H. R. No. 2283) gra.nting pensions to cert:tin soldiers and and also a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a sailors of the Mexican, Florida, and Black Hawk wars, and certain statement of balances of appropriations required by law to be re-ap­ widows of deceased soldiers and sailors of tho same-to the Commit­ propriated· for the fiscal year ending June 30, 187 4, and prior years; tee on Pensions. which were referred to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered The bill (H. R. No. 3567) to make the ports of Brownsville and Gal­ to be prin~ed. veston, Texas, ports to which unappraisedmerchandise may be trans­ LEAVE OF ARSENCE. ported-to the Committee on Commerce. Leave of absence was granted as foliows: The bill (H. R. No. 3775) fixing the compensation of United States To Mr. RoBBINS, of North Cn.rolina, for ten days on account of ill­ marshals and deputies-to the Committee on the Judiciary. ness; EXECUTIVE COM1\IUNICATIONS. To Mr. HURD arid Mr. VANCE, of Ohio, for Monday and Tuesday The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a letter from next; n.nd the Secretary of War, transmitting, in compliance with section 1665 of To Mr. FAULKNER, for ten days from and including the 8th instant. the Revised Statutes, a statement exhibiting the expenditures at the DEFECTIVE ENTRIES OF LAND. Springfield armory, and the arms, components of arms, and appen­ dages fabricated, altered, and repaired thereat during the fiscal year Mr. LAWRENCE, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. ending June 30, 1876; which was ordered to lie on the table and be No. 4315) for the relief of the holders of defective entries of land; printed. which was read a first and second time, ordered to be printed, referred He also laid before the Senate a letter from the Secretary of War, to the Committee on t,he Judiciary, and also ordered to be published recommending to the Senate and Honse of Representatives the en­ in the RECORD, a.a follows: a-ctment of a law to provide for the better care and protection of A bill for the relief of the holders of defective entries of land. quartermaster stores, similar to that approved March 3, 1873, pro­ Be it enacted by th~ Senate and House of Representati1Jes of the United States of viding for the better care and protection of subsistence supplies ; .A11U'Tica in Oongress assembled, That in all cases where an entry has been, or may which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs, and ordered bo, made by any person, other th:\n corporations, in good faith, at the proper local L'lnd office, of any tr:wt of L'Uld l'\wfully subject to entry, which may be informal, to be printed. iiTegnlar, defective, or voitl, and whenever such entry shall be canceled, the per· He also laid before the Senate a letter from the Secretary of the son or persons having made such entry, their heirs, devisees, or assigns, shall have Treasury, inviting the attention of Congress to the present condition the first and preferable right to make a lawful entry of, and procure a patent for, of the appropriation for temporary clerks for his Department, and to such lands, within one year after notice of such cancellation as herein required; but nothing herein ahnll divest any right heretofore acquired. the necessity of providing an additional appropriation therefor to Whenever any entry or patent shall be canceled, the Commissioner of the Gen­ complete the service for the current fiscal year; which wn.s referred eral Land Office shall give notice thereof by mail, if practicable, t.o the person claim­ to the Committee on Appropriations, and oruered to be printed. in'! the land under such entry, or if it be impracticable to a-scertain the name and He also laid before the Senate the annual report of the Public post-office address of such per80n, then notice shall be given by publication in such mnnner as said Commi88ioner ma.y deem proper. Printer, showing the condition of the public printing, binding, &c., The Comm.issioner of the General Ln.nd Office shall have power to prescribe all December, 1876; which was ordered to lie on the table and be printed. • proper rules :md regulations to carry this act into effect. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Mr. LAWRENCE. This is a measure of very great importance and ehould receive prompt action. Mr. SPENCER presented the remonstranc) of ,V, W. Corcoran and The motion. of Mr. HOL?tiAN that the Honse adjourn was then 50 other property and lease holders on Pennsylvania avenue; which ngreed to; and accordingly (at three o'clock and ten minutes p.m.) was read n.nd referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia, the House adjourned. a.a follows : To the Smate and House of Representati:ou: We, the underaigt;!ed property and lease holders on Pennsylvania. avenue be­ PETITIO:NS. tween Firat and Fifteen~ streets northwest, respectfully protest against having certificates issued which will be a lien UJ,>On our property, until Congress shall be The following petitions were presented at the Clerk's desk under satisfied that the pavement now being laid on Pennsylvania avenue is not a failure, the rule, and referred as stated: as present appearances indicate. We respectfully submit that the property-holders have already paid for a perish­ By Mr. ELLIS: Tht3 petition of Chn.rles H. Levy, of, for able pavement of wood, laid under a former act of Congress on this thoroughfarel the remova.l of his political disabilities, to the Committee on the Ju­ and that ina.crmnch as the commissioners admit in-their report to the President ot diciary. the United States (using the following language in reference thereto) that the kind By Mr. MILLER: The petition of citizens of Harpersfield, Dela­ of pavements they have selected are still experimental, and that they " depend for their qualit;y upon the proportions of the ingredients used, the amount of heat em­ ware County, New York: that the Geneml Government purchase and ployed in the preparation, and thorough work in laying. If too great heat be ap­ operate the telegmph lines of the country, to the Committee on the plied, the mixture loses ita cementing properties and the pavement becomPs a mass Post-Office n.nd Post-Roads. of loose powder. This cannot genei'ally be determined during either process of By Mr. MORGAN: The petition of W. K. Edwards, of Newton mixing or laying, but is soon developed by nse. When this happens, the defective portion is removed, and new material substituted therefor. A large percenta.,e:e nn­ County, Missouri, for compensation for property destroyed by the der each contract ha.s been condemned by the commission, and ha.s been, or will be, United States Army, to tho Committee on War Claims. relaid." By Mr. ROBERTS : The petition of Samuel Swope, of Carroll This being the case, and the fact that "a lar,e:e percentage" of the pavement County, Mary ln.nd, for compensation for supplies furnished the United which was laid during the fine weather of last fall and under the most favorable circumstances, after about two month<J' wear "lost ita cementing qualities and States Army, to the same committee. became amass of loose powder;" and as this procesa.of disintegration is bein"' By Mr. SEELYE:. The petition of citizens of Westhampton, Mass­ gradually "developed b~ use," we respectfully request that no certificates shall achusetts, that the provision of the act of Congress of July 24, 1866, be issued against our property for this pavement until these gentlemen sb.all reln.tive to the purcbnse and opemtion by the Government of all tele­ have finished experimenting and the pavement shall have been sufficiently "de­ veloped by use " to satisfy your honorable botlie!! that it is the "best kind of pave· graph lines in the United Stn.tes, be enforced, to the Committee on ment" that could have been selected for Pennsylvania avenue, a.'! contemplated by the Post-Office and Post-Roads. the act of Congress approved July 19, 1876, under which the work is being done. By Mr. THORl\TBURGH: The petition of Wesley McNew and citi­ zens of Union County, Tennessee, thn.t he be restored to the pension­ Mr. EATON presented a petition of Yale & Bryan and other lead­ roll, to the Committee on lnv'lllid Pensions. ing business men of New Haven, Connecticut, prayin~ the repeal of By Mr. VANCE, of North Ca.rolina: The petition of F. N. Goddn.rd the bankrupt law; which was referred to the Committee on the Ju­ and others; against tho extension of a patent on buckles to the West diciary. Haven Buckle Company, to tho Committee on Patents. Mr. INGALLS presented the petition of Barnett, Morrill & Co., of Hiawatha, Kansas, representing that the taxes now imposed on State, !JY Mr. W. B. WILLIAMS: The petition of Emily E. Wheelock, nn.tional, and private banks are onerous, unjust, and inequitable, w1dow of Edward C. Wheelock, deceased, late a bugler in the Third and praying the repeal of the law imposing taxes upon bankR; which ~ichigan C~vp.lry, for a pension, to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ sions. was referred to the Committee on Finance. Mr. BOOTH presented a memorial of ship-masters commanding deep­ water vessels sn.iling out of the port of San Francisco, California, re­ monstrating against the passage of House bill No.
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