Full Itinerary & Trip Details 12 Days -Everest Base Camp Luxury Trek

BEST SELECTION BEST PRICES TRUSTED PAYMENTS 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

Trip Overview

PRICE STARTING FROM DURATION IDEAL AGE $5,099 12 days 15 to 85 year olds

STARTS IN  ENDS IN Kathmandu  Kathmandu

STYLE Mountain Hikes

OPERATOR TOUR CODE Serene Himalaya Treks and Expedition #171630 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek



Following the footsteps of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay we take a thrilling steady climb of 2800m/9187 ft to 5545m/18193ft from Lukla to Everest Base Camp and Kala Patar (5545m), a viewpoint recognized as the best vantage point to see .

After exploring the temples, shrines, bazaars and restaurants of Kathmandu we take an exciting mountain flight to Lukla and trek up the Dudh Kosi Valley, surrounded by the soaring peaks of Thamserku and Kusum Kanguru.

It’s a steep ascent to Namche Bazaar, capital of the Kumbu Sherpas and then the trail passing Buddhist monasteries to have the views of Everest get closer every day.

This trek is particularly strenuous as there are many ups and downs and the itinerary doesn’t allow us for proper acclimatization days.

Day 1: Arrival Kathmandu (1300m/4265ft)

Kathmandu, Start Point

Arrive at Kathmandu International Airport where you will be warmly welcomed by our representative and check in to the hotel. The rest of the day is free to explore this historic and vibrant city. Meals: Welcome Dinner 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

Day 2: Fly to Lukla (2800m/9187ft) By Helicopter; trek to Phakding (2610m/8563ft) 2-3 hours trek; 200m descent, 50m ascent

Early morning flight from Kathmandu to Lukla By Helicopter and trek to Phakding. Descending above farmlands we pass through Sherpa villages of Chheplung, Ghat and Sano and Thulo Gumela and shrines and monasteries of Drangdrak Gompa and Pema Choling Gompa with breathtaking views of sacred mountain Kumbila and sister summits Kusum Kanguru peaks. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 3: Trek to Namche (3420m/11221ft) 5-6 hours/1000m ascent, 100m descent

Heading for the Namche Bazar, we cross through the hamlet of Zamphute and Tok Tok to see dazzling Thamserku glistening in the sun that stays all the way with us in most of our trek. Passing through the scenic Sherpa villages of Benkar, Chumoa and Monjo, we reach Utche Choling Gompa on a bluff abutting the Dudhkoshi river and further we make our way between the bluff to the entrance of Sagarmatha National Park, a UNESCO declared world heritage site. Completing halfway to Namche Bazar, we head for the second half of the march that would likely to take more time due to steep climb at the end. Crossing through the last village of Jorsale, a steep stepped path leads us to an amazing high bridge over the Dudhkoshi River gorge and just before this bridge the Dudhkoshi is met by its tributary, the BhoteKoshi. Beginning the final steps uphill slowly we reach heights of Namche from where we can have first look at Mt. Everest, peering over the - ridge and finally after about 1.5km/0.9mile) we reach Namche Bazar. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

Day 4: Acclimatize at Namche; Trek Khumjung (3780m/12402ft); back to Namche

We have an acclimatization day at Namche Bazar. To help our body better adapt to the high altitude, we can take short walks or climb few hundred feet during the day to have a look in the villages, houses, terraced fields and snowy mountains of Kwangde, , Thamserku, Kusum Kanguru and the village’s big weekly event, the Saturday market to have fun mingling with the crowds and watching men and women in traditional attire. This day, we start through the U shaped hillside above Namche from beside the Gompa. In the way we see several snowy peaks of Kwangde, Khumbila and Thamserku and Tagi Tau and Pharchamo, Tip of Ama Dablam and Taboche and we reach a sign posted intersection from where we move towards right hand for Khumjung. Walking past a large chorten and a long mani wall, we reach a viewpoint to Everest “THE EVEREST VIEW HOTEL” for lunch, Lhotse and Lhotse Shar ( East ) peak, besides Thamserku , Ama Dablam and Taboche and then path drops to Khumjung past the Hillary School. Khumjung is famous for its gompa that stands in a grove of cedar in the upper part of the village where there is an image of the Guru Padmasambhawa, who helped establish Buddhism in Tibet, flanked by his two consorts. Inside the gompa is preserved a skull that lamas believe is that of the yeti, but was disapproved by scientists in US. We return back to Namche for night stay. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 5: Trek (3870m/12697ft) 4 hours; 350m descent, 750m ascent

From Namche we take the easy level trail that cuts around the ridge from Chhorkung to reach the end of a bluff which is a viewpoint over a grand panorama of peaks, from thamserku to Ama Dablam, Lhotse and Everest. From here we reach Kyangjuma (3550m) and a short walk from there takes us to animportant trail junction at Sanasa (3600m) from where we take the trail to Tengboche that runs gently downhill towards the river. This trail drops gradually to Lawichasa and on our descending way the thumb like peak of Ama Dablam soars into view above the trail. From Lawichasa a narrow trail branches north to reach Tashinga (3380m) and now the trail drops down on steep stone steps to Phunki Thenga (3250m) and then to a bridge. From the bridge the trail climbs past some water powered prayer wheels and begins a sustained climb through a forest of tall, mature rhododendrons. We might see musk deer and Himalayan tahr among the trees to eventually follow the path that reach a kani and a pair of chortens marking the start of Tengboche village which is scattered across a wide, grassy saddle below a crescent shaped ridge covered by scrub pines and rhododendrons. The focal point of Tengboche is the famous . Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

Day 6: Trek Dingboche (4360m/14305ft) 3-5 hours; 70m descent, 580m ascent

From Tengboche we follow the trail through a forest of conifers and rhododendrons, keeping an eye out for monal pheasants and musk deer that leads us to a village of Debuche where we vsit Debuche Gompa which has some expressive old thangkas and murals painted on wooden panels. Debuche also has a small Buddhist nunnery on the east hillside. The trail continues through dense forest to reach Milinggo and then drops steeply to a suspension bridge over Imja Khola. We cross the bridge and climb the hillside opposite to a white stupa with Buddhist eyes and after a hundred yards we see a stupa that crowns an exposed bluff, mirroring the soaring tower of Ama Dablam at the end of the valley. East of the stupa is a footprint of Khumbu’s patron Saint Lama Sange Dorje. We soon reach Pangboche village that has the oldest monastery in Khumbu, Pangobche Gompa founded by Lama Sange Dorje. Following the Imja Khola the trial climbs towards the village of Shomare and crossing the treeline beyond this village we are walking up rolling arid stretch, an alpine terrain with patches of scrub and isolated pastures and fields and the yak grazing. Crossing through the yak pasture and herdsmen’s stone huts at Orsho and Tsuro Wog, we turn right where the trail descends to a point near the confluence of Imja Khola and Khumbu Khola. Finally climbing a low ridge we reach the sprawling settlement of Dingboche which is a cold and windy place with sub-zero night temperatures even in summer. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 7: Trek Nangkartsang Summit (5090m/16700ft); back to Dingboche

There are several interesting day hikes in this area, one of which is the 400m climb to Nangkartsang Gompa on the ridge north of Dingboche. From this vantage point there are good views of three of the world’s six highest peaks – Lhotse, Makalu and Cho Oyu. From here we continue to the Nangkartsang summit for the close up views of the mountains again and then return downhill to Dingboche for the night stay. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 8: Trek Dughla (4620m/15158ft) 2 hours; 400m ascent

On this trail we find ourselves truly in the lap of with awesome mountains on all sides. From Dingboche we take the trail that climbs slowly along the ridge through the village of Dusa (4503m) where we have outstanding views of the twin peaks of Taboche and Cholatse and Ama Dablam appears as a perfect pyramid, while the summit Kantega is visible far to the left of the prominent saddle seen from Tengboche. The trail drops down to a glacial stream, rising up the other side to Dughla. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

Day 9: Trek Lobuche (4930m/16175ft) 2 hours; 300m ascent

From Dughla the trail goes directly up the gravelly terminal moraine of the and the path bears left at the top of the ridge on to Chupki Lhara where we see large heaps of stones with prayer flags remembering the mountaineers who perished on mission to climb Mt.Everest. At the top of the valley is the Chola Lake where we get a glimpse of blue waters from high trails. From Chupki Lhara, the trail drops to the Khumbu glacier moraine after which we see three great peaks- , and straight in front. Now walking the final steps along a murmuring stream we reach Lobuche. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 10: Trek Gorak Shep (5160m/16930ft) and EBC (5340m/17521ft) and back to Gorak Shep

This day will be a long hard day for us. Walking by a somewhat grassy terrain and a few scattered boulders, all along we see the snowy wall of lofty mountains ahead. The 60m/200ft ascent takes us to the top of the lateral moraine wall of the Changri glacier, to a level spot called Thangma Riju from where there is a spectacular 360 degree panorama of the mountains all around-Taboche and the Lobuche peaks, Pumori and the rest of peaks, with Changtse in Tibet now more visible; and Nuptse filling the eastern horizon.The trail now crosses the moraine of the Changri glacier which joins the Khumbu glacier from the west and climbing steeply up a stony slope we reach Gorak Shep from where we catch our first glimpse of Kala Patthar. From Gorak Shep we move towards EBC, to be amidst of mountains, not to see them from afar as EBC is not a viewpoint. Walking by the shallow blue waters of Gorak Shep Lake, the Changtse peak in Tibet and the depression can be seen straight ahead. Crossing through several of the glaciers, icefalls, frozen pools of melt water, exposed icy walls and large boulders we finally reach EBC from where trekking ends and mountaineering begins. We descend back to Gorak Shep for the night stay. Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Day 11: Trek Kala Patthar (5545m/18193ft); return to Kathmandu by Helicopter

Finally, this is our date with Everest, the climax of the trek. We start after an early breakfast without hurry. Crossing through the wide sandy bed of the dried up lake and steep zigzags we ascend about 100m to have the great view of Lingtren, Khumbutse and Changtse. As the climb begins again, we get a grand view of Khumbu glacier and Nuptse massif and finally we climb to the rocky viewpoint of Kala Patthar. It’s a slow tough climb but every meter ascended is rewarded by a bit more of Everest and finally we find ourselves sitting on the Kala Patthar rocks in middle of unbelievable Himalayan Panorama. Now we return downhill which takes much less time to Gorak Shep and we will take half an hours then will ride Helicopter back to Kathmandu.Meals:Breakfast and last joyful dinner with Team. 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

Day 12: Fly back home or extend your holidays

Kathmandu, End Point Nepal

If you prefer to stay longer, you can consult us for short tours such as game drive at National parks, rafting, mountain biking, Tibet, India or Bhutan tours etc. Meals: Breakfast

What’s Included


9 Nights stay in best hotel amoung the hotel of each place during trek. It means must of the hotel will be with attached bathroom.

Accommodation in Kathmandu - 4*


An experienced professional goverment trekking guide license holder English speaking Trekking Guide and a Porter during trek.


During the Trek, we will have Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Tea/Coffee each time only.

Welcome and Farewell Meals and Breakfasts while in Kathmandu.


Helicopter from Kathmandu to Lukla and return by helicopter from Gorak shep to Kathmandu and domestic flight departure taxes.

*** International flights are not included. 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek


= Private Vehicles

= Helicopter


Nceessary Airport Pickup and Drop

Salary, food, insurance and lodging cost for guide and porter

National Park Permit and TIMS for Everest.

Down Jacket and Sleeping Bag that needs to be returned to office after trek completion.

Kitbag and T- shirt for you

9 Nights stay in best hotel during trek.

Accommodation in Kathmandu - 4*

Heli fare from Kathmandu to Lukla and return gorak shep to Kathmandu and domestic flight departure taxes.

An experienced English speaking Trekking Guide and a Porter during trek.

During the Trek, we will have Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Tea/Coffee each time only.

Welcome and Farewell Meals and Breakfasts while in Kathmandu.

Fuel, Road Taxes and Parking Fees

Gov. Taxes and Service Charges 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

Departure Dates

STARTING IN ENDING IN Kathmandu Kathmandu

01 May 2020 12 May 2020

02 May 2020 13 May 2020

03 May 2020 14 May 2020

04 May 2020 15 May 2020

05 May 2020 16 May 2020

06 May 2020 17 May 2020

07 May 2020 18 May 2020

08 May 2020 19 May 2020

09 May 2020 20 May 2020

10 May 2020 21 May 2020

11 May 2020 22 May 2020

12 May 2020 23 May 2020

13 May 2020 24 May 2020

14 May 2020 25 May 2020

15 May 2020 26 May 2020

16 May 2020 27 May 2020

17 May 2020 28 May 2020 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

18 May 2020 29 May 2020

19 May 2020 30 May 2020

20 May 2020 31 May 2020

21 May 2020 01 June 2020

22 May 2020 02 June 2020

23 May 2020 03 June 2020

24 May 2020 04 June 2020

25 May 2020 05 June 2020

26 May 2020 06 June 2020

27 May 2020 07 June 2020

28 May 2020 08 June 2020

29 May 2020 09 June 2020

30 May 2020 10 June 2020

31 May 2020 11 June 2020

01 June 2020 12 June 2020

See all departures at www.tourradar.com/book-now/171630 12 Days -Everest Base Camp https://www.tourradar.com/t/171630 Luxury Trek

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