Title: Diversification and cultural construction of a crop: the case of glutinous rice and waxy cereals in the food cultures of eastern Asia. Author’s names: Dorian Q. Fuller and Cristina Castillo Institute of Archaeology, University College London, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PY Number of text pages: 6 single spaced plus Bibliography: +5 Figures: 2 Tables: 2 Abbreviated title: glutinous rice and waxy cereals Key words: Oryza, ritual, alcohol, archaeobotany, ethnobotany Proofs to be sent to: Dorian Q Fuller Institute of Archaeology 31-34 Gordon Square London WC1H 0PY Email:
[email protected] Diversification and cultural construction of a crop: the case of glutinous rice and waxy cereals in the food cultures of eastern Asia. By Dorian Q Fuller and Cristina Castillo Institute of Archaeology, University College London Abstract While rice is one of the world’s most important and productive staple foods, it is highly diversified in uses and varieties, including East and Southeast Asian sticky (or glutinous) forms. While stickiness to some degree can be achieved by cooking methods, true sticky (or waxy) rice is the result of a genetic mutation that causes a loss of amylose starch in favour of high amylopectin content. These mutations are unknown in wild populations but have become important only amongst cultivars in East and Southeast Asia, but not in other rice growing regions, such as South Asia or West Africa. In addition, other cereals (mainly millets, but also maize, barley and in recent times wheat) have evolved parallel mutations that confer stickiness when cooked and high amylopectin content within the same region of East Asia.