Succeed Training Subscribing to Lecture via Listen Again

Succeed Training Subscribing to Lecture Podcasts via Listen Again Users may subscribe to podcasts of lectures via the Listen Again service. Subscribers will automatically receive a copy of the latest lecture when it is made available. Users may choose to subscribe to audio-only podcasts, video podcasts or both.

Subscribing to Audio-Only Podcasts The Listen Again service currently supports the following software for audio podcasts: iTunes, My Yahoo and Google Reader.

To subscribe to audio-only podcasts of your lectures, click on the link in the Audio box on your module’s Listen Again page (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Audio podcast box

From the displayed list of software options (Figure 2), select the podcasting software you wish to use.

Figure 2 – Audio podcast subscription links

On clicking on the appropriate link your chosen software should open and automatically start your subscription. Initially, the podcasting software may download only the most recently available lecture podcast and you may have to select an additional option to download all available podcasts.

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Succeed Training Subscribing to Lecture Podcasts via Listen Again

An Example of Subscription, using iTunes Select Podcasts from the top menu, then My Podcasts. The podcasts for this Listen Again account are listed. (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - iTunes podcast display

To download a podcast right mouse click on it and, from the menu that comes up, select Download Podcast Episode (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Downloading a podcast from iTunes

To download multiple podcasts select them all first then right click on one of them. Hold down the Control key (Ctrl) on the keyboard and left click on each podcast in turn to select it and then, with multiple podcasts selected, right click on one of them and, from the menu that comes up, select Download Podcast Episode (Figure 5).

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Succeed Training Subscribing to Lecture Podcasts via Listen Again

Figure 5 - Downloading multiply selected podcasts

To subscribe to future podcasts click the Podcast Settings button and then ensure the Subscribed option is set to On, as in Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Subscribing to a Listen again podcast through iTunes

Once subscribed, future lecture podcasts for this module should be downloaded automatically to iTunes when they become available. Obviously, users will need to Sync portable devices to the podcasts in iTunes to get them to play on those portable devices.

If you do not have podcasting software on your computer and do not wish to install it you can subscribe via your web browser - click on the RSS feed option (Figure 2) and follow the on-screen instructions.

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Succeed Training Subscribing to Lecture Podcasts via Listen Again

Subscribing to Video Podcasts The video podcasts option in Listen Again allows you to download automatically the video of your lectures when they are available. From your module’s Listen Again page this service is available via iTunes or your web browser.

Before subscribing to the video podcasts you should be aware that video files are fairly big and so may take some time to download. You should also remember that if you are downloading them to a you should do so via a Wi-Fi connection to avoid any problems with the usage limits on your mobile data package.

To subscribe to video podcasts of your lectures, click on the link in the Video podcast box on your module’s Listen Again page (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Video podcast box

To subscribe via iTunes click the iTunes videos link (Figure 8Figure 8). This will open iTunes and set up the subscription automatically. As with audio-only podcasts, iTunes will only download the latest available lecture, users will need to select individual lectures or multiple lectures in the manner described for audio-only podcasts in the An Example of Subscription, using iTunes section of this document, above.

To subscribe via your web browser select ‘Video RSS feed’.

Figure 8 - Video podcast subscription link

e-Learning Liaison and Development Information Services November 2014

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