Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1995 Daily Egyptian 1995 10-4-1995 The Daily Egyptian, October 04, 1995 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 81, Issue 32 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1995 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1995 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Inside: Logging in the Cripps Bend area in Shawnee National Forest is complete - page 3 - Daily Egyptian we?Z?Jday Southern Illinois Uni\'ersity at Carbondale Vol. 81, No. 32, 16 pages After nine months, Simpson not guilty LOS ANGELES (CNN) stood and faceµ lhc jury a.~ 51-ycar-old local government after 9:30 p.m .• found the hou!>C in Gus Bode a court clerk read two "not guilty" employee. darkness. apparently with no one at For more vcnlicts shortly after IO a.m. PDT. Tcstimonv in the trial look almost home. Orenth;il information I le moul/1cd the wonl~ "thank you" nine month~~. encompassing ahout Simpson, a college football star James Simpson on the O.J. after each verdict was read. 120 witnesses. 45,000 pages of evi and Heisman ,\ward winner, was is a free man. · verdict !',!cmhcrs of Simpson's fan1ily cried dence and 1,100 exhibits. But the later clech:d to the pm-football Hall lie was acquit• sre1iage-l tears of joy in the counroom a.~ the jury of IO women and tw<J men, of Fame and parlayed his skill a.s an 1cd Tuesday in family of murder victim Ron comprising nine blacks, two white.~ athlete into a successful c:irccr a.s a the brutal stab- Goldman wept just a few feet away.