Colorado Springs, for Treatment
Member of Audit Bureau of Ctreidatloiu Three Parishes Clear or Heavily Reduce Debt Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc. 1944 — Perm&sion to Reproduce, Except on Two Priests Named Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue S21.000 Paid Off To Archdiocesan DENVER CATHaiC In Past Two Years Consnitors’ Board By Cheyenne Wells Ogden, Utah.— Funeral services Appointment of Frs. Manus P. Boyle and Eugene for James McDonald, 64, Southern Pacific locomotive engineer resid REGISTER Good Records of Paymani, Coupled With Ex- A. O’Sullivan by Archbishop Raises ing at 628 22nd, Ogden, who waS The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We killed in a train wreck early Sun. Have Also the IntematioDal News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller day morning, Dec. ,31^ near Bag- Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. lensivo ImprovemeRts, Made in Loyola Number to 11 ley, Weber county, were conducted Thursday morning, Jan. 4, in St The Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Archbishop of Denver, Joseph’s church, where a Solemn VOL. XL. No. 18. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, JAN. 4, 1945. $1 PER YEAR And AnDoneialion, Denver this week announced the appointment of two priests to Requiem Mass was celebrated Burial was in the Ogden city ceme the board of archdiocesan consultors. They are Father tery. HT ( i l n Skf" A r*/TdlP1Yl'V at 14th and California Sireeu in Denver has been sold Three parishes in the Arch Manus P. Boyle, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul’s parish, The wreck, the worst in 1944 O U C UJ O L e IVIU I y ^ Loretto.
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