Eleven Monsignors Will Be Invested Sunday, Oct. 30 DENVER Cathaic
Eleven Monsignors Will Be Invested Sunday, Oct. 30 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation New Kremmling Rectory I Record Number Will Be Given Contents Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1949— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. Robes of Office by Archbishop (Se« Pictures on Peiga Ten) In magnificent ceremonies, the largest number of Monsignori ever to be invested at DENVER CATHaiC one time in the Archdiocese of Denver will receive their robes from Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in the Cathedral, Denver, this Sunday, Oct. 30, the Feast of Christ the King, at 4 o’clock. The public is invited. The eleven Monsignors of the Denver area— five Domestic Prelates and six Private Chamberlains — who will be invested are the Rt. Rev. Monsignors Harold V. Campbell, pastor of Blessed Sacrament parish; Joseph P. O’Heron, pastor of St Louis’ parish, REGISTERPrice per copy, three cents Englewood; Eugene A. O’Sullivan, pastor of St. Vincent de Paul’s parish; Gregory Smith, pastor of St. Francis de Sales’ parish; and Achille Sommaruga, pastor of St. Patrick’s parish; VOL. XLV. No. 10. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1949 DENVER, COLORADO The Very Rev. Monsignors Wal ter J. Canavan, pastor of the Ca thedral parish; John B. Cavanagh, managing director of the Register System of Newspapers; Bernard J. Cullen, Assistant Chancellor; Da Seminary Convent to Be Blessed Dec. 11 THIS $30,000 RECTORY of St. Peter’s parish in Kremmling was erected at the actual cost of $23,000 vid Maloney, Assistant Chancellor; through the donation of a great amount of material and labor.
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