Special Edition for at 50

INSIDE • 50 years of a single lane - Welcome to Airport • Entebbe International Airport Wins Africa Airport Marketing Award • Flight Through The 50 Years

1 AVIATION FORUM 2012 Cover Photo: Queen Elizabeth II is welcomed at the commissioning of OCTOBER 2012 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 19 Entebbe International Airport in 1952

A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY Aviation Forum: is a Quarterly Newsletter published by the Public Affairs Department of the Civil Aviation Authority (Uganda). Reproduction in whole or part without written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. All correspondence if addressed to the Aviation Forum is assumed to be intended for publication, but the publisher reserves the right to edit or publish the material. Opinion expressed in this newsletter does not necessarily represent that of the Authority.

Editor: I.I. Igunduura (Manager Public Affairs), Secretary: Sylvia Kinimi

Assistant Editors: Vianney Mpungu Luggya, Jackie Kiyingi, Joan Kamwesigye

Contributions can be sent to: Aviation Forum, P.O. Box 5536, (U) Tel: +256-414-321 437, Fax: +256-414-321 401, Email: [email protected] | Website: www.caa.co.ug


Editorial...... 3

Industry Analysis at 50...... 3-9

Letters...... 10

Current Affairs...... 11, 14-17

Pictorial...... 12-13

International Affairs...... 18-19

Question and Answer Interview...... 20-21 Contents

Office Politics ...... 22

Corporate Social Responsibility...... 23

AVIATION FORUM 2012 2 3 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS AT 50 Uganda Aviation at 50 Editorial Years lthough I have been in Let Us ACivil Aviation Authority for close to twenty years, I seem Rededicate not absolutely able to describe its scenario over the last twenty years. I feel I can more Ourselves confidently recall the events I th he 50 Anniversary of our witnessed in the East African Tindependence is a proud moment for Flying Academy, Soroti which all Ugandans and, moreso, for the aviation By Anne Adeke I came face to face with in the fraternity. The celebration coincides with 1980s. The impact it had on my th the Authority’s 20 year of humble but attitude towards Aviation was a lasting impression, thanks to God demonstrable growth. for this and the former that brought the Academy to Soroti. Over the past 20 years, Civil Aviation I passionately love Aviation as an industry to the extent that even Authority has established itself as under odds, I hang on in there. Right from the times of instructors the premier body for enhancement of like Captain Boris, Captain Mulay Roderick, Captain Enabu, reliability, safety and efficiency of air Captain Bogis and Captain Sammer; the academy at Soroti was at travel in Uganda. its best. I then envisaged the East African Flying Academy, Soroti evolving into an East African Flying University in the next 30 years. From the historic landing of Wilson I would imagine students completing training without travelling to Airways at in 1927, to the the Oxford University in Great Britain. Dreamliner that jetted at Entebbe in I could admire the nature of infrastructure it had in place, the August 2012, the journey has been long training equipment, the students diet, their accommodation and and arduos. At independence the old sick bay, the type of administrators and the staff quarters only Airport processed a couple of passengers, identified as seniors quarters where I was privilege to live for some recorded at 27,000. Cargo operations time in the seventies and eighties., leave alone the flats where the were characterised by personal effects likes of Captain Boris used to reside., the financial flow etc. There and logistics for the colonial staff and would be no doubt that the school was destined for greater heights. State. Matters have however changed I only got a chance last year to re-visit the flats but to my dismay, I 50 years down the Runway. Through the could only find disappointing buildings, save for only one. political and social-economic upheavals I never imagined there would be an accident in that environment at the country witnessed, the skies in Uganda any point in time because of the way activities were taken care of continued to rumble. Today, one million and since I never heard of any, I was at that tender age completely international travellers are handled at convinced. The only time I heard of an accident is when one of Entebbe. the brilliant students currently an official in Government landed an aircraft safely on a tree to avoid injuring pupils in a school. Bravo The CAA, having been established within David! This was not such a serious accident because it aroused the larger social-economic framework laughter. has managed to execute its mandate. Its What currently disappoints me is the knowledge that the flying reputation for carving out a technical and academy has moved systematically downwards and an accident managerial niche is courtesy of the staff by a third year student was recorded recently. Such incidents send who have over the years embodied the chills down my spine and drive adrenaline razing down my brain. tenets upon which the industry is hinged. Something surely must be done to give the Academy a new thrust Much is still desired however. Shareholder, to enable it regain its long lost glory. operator and passenger expectations are As for the future, my dream is to see the academy move to the yet to be met. The next 50 years should status of an East African Flying University, in the next five years or therefore be focused on development of expanding to 5 schools for example: modern infrastructure that addresses the rapid change in aeronautical technology • The school of Piloting and the country’s population. • The school of Air Traffic Control • The school of Flight Engineering The clarion call is to all of us to rededicate • The school of Airport Operations ourselves to serving a more independent • Passenger and Cargo handling. Uganda with its more discerning people. Continued on Pg 5 2 3 AVIATION FORUM 2012 FLIGHT THROUGH THE 50 YEARS

Construction of Runway 18 / 36 at Entebbe in 1945

By Ignie Igunduura With the invention of the internal brothers who took to the air in a century ago th combustion engine in the late 19 balloon in June 1783, manned Century, possibilities of motive Athe world force became more evident. flight was but a dream. The 1800s was a different By 1903 the automobile was saw a number of other attempts. challenging the horse. Man’s In 1852 Giffard Henri covered 24 place. The human new invention, the aeroplane was set to change transportation even kilometres flying a steam engine race continued more dramatically. By the next driven craft. The world was daring Century, the pioneering example to travel for days of the Wright brothers, Wilbur the skies but Africa’s participation and months by and Orville, who took to the air in the theatre of inventions and initially in frail craft, shattered the discoveries was still minimal. steamship to long-standing barriers of distance and time. Man had broken the At the time, Uganda, like most seek new lands strings of nature and escaped the for settlement, shackles that bound him to earth. of sub-Saharan Africa was yet a nation-state and no motorised colonisation and From ancient times when Icarius transport was known. King’s wealth. had attempted to fix waxed wings convoys, European adventurers to escape incarceration in Crete, and Arab traders travelled in to the later days of the Montgolfier caravan formats, on foot. AVIATION FORUM 2012 4 Continued on Pg 6 5 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS AT 50 Uganda Aviation at 50 Years

Official Opening of Soroti Flying school by President Mwalimu Julius Nyerere of Tanzania in 1970

out practicals, a cost effective night rating Continued from Pg 3 large scale production. I recall there used facility. to be what was called a Meat Packers and • The school for Aviation Leadership I would envisage a situation where many Cotton Ginneries across Teso, these Training. scheduled commercial flights would be factories could be revived. With the University in place, my other dream flying to Soroti, to take advantage of The Infrastructure commensurate with this is to have vibrant economic activities in the the facility, bringing in Business people, level of activities needs to be developed Teso region that would support the growth Academicians especially the prospective and the local community sensitized of the Flying academy. flying students, Politicians, tourists etc. accordingly. I imagine a well lit Runway that would give This would require agriculture to be Wow, what a dream! God Grant it please! adequate exposure to students carrying enhanced through modernization and I hope we don’t wait for another 50 years.

LETS CHANGE OUR ATTITUDE AS WE REFLECT ON 50 YEARS OF INDEPENDENCE By Gerald Mutebi CUSTOMER CARE ASSISTANT you”. The carpenter was shocked. What A SHAME! If he will start with this story of an elderly carpenter who was had only known that he was building his own house, he Iready to retire. He told his boss of his plans to leave and would have done it all so differently. live a more leisurely life with his wife. He would miss the pay So it is with us. We build our lives a day at a time, often check but he needed to retire. putting less than our best into the “building.” Then with The contractor was sorry to see such a a good worker go. shock we realise we have to live in the house we built. If He asked the carpenter to build just one more house as we could do it over again, we would do it much more a personal favor. The carpenter agreed but it was easy to differently, but we cannot go back...... We dont have the see that his heart was not with his work. He resorted to time! shoddy workmanship and used inferior materials. It was an You are the carpenter of your life. Each day you hammer unfortunate way to end a dedicated career. a nail in a board, or erect a wallin a foundation. Your When the carpenter finished his work, the employer came attitudes and the choices you make today build your house to inspect the house. He handed the front door key to the for tomorrow. BUILD WISELY! Make this your resolution as carpenter and said, “This is your house and it is my gift to we cerebrate 50 years of our freedom.

4 5 AVIATION FORUM 2012 Continued from Pg 4 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS AT 50 FLIGHT THROUGH THE 50 YEARS RUN-UP TO INDEPENDENCE By October 1962, Entebbe Airport had handled several modern aircraft including the Comets operated jointly by British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) and in 1952. Entebbe Airport was preferred to Nairobi due to its elevation at 3780 feet as compared to Nairobi’s 5,500 feet which made it too hot and too high for the Comet 1 aircraft.

The Comet 1 service to South Africa from Europe was thus transiting through Entebbe, setting the stage for the Airports’ potential growth in East Africa. The growing colonial influence coupled with abundant wildlife, led to the establishment of more aerodromes around the country to especially support the tourism industry. B.0.A.C. DC6 at Entebbe 1956: Arrival of His Excellency the Minister in Among these were Kasese, Kidepo, Pakuba and charge of British Colonies later, Kisoro. Arua, Gulu, Mbarara and Moroto Following the incursion of the colonial powers international gateway with its traffic growing were developed to enhance service delivery however, the status quo in Africa experienced from a paltry 27000 passengers in 1962 to 1.2 while Jinja and supported industrial unprecedented change. The colonial master Million at the turn of Uganda’s 50th Independence developments in the respective areas. Governor was consolidating their position in East Africa anniversary. Entebbe was commissioned in 1952 Andrew Cohen was instrumental in laying ground and required quick and reliable transport to run by Queen Elisabeth II, where she also departed to for the rural airfields projects. the “business”. Uganda’s airspace virginity was return to England on learning of her father’s death broken in 1927 with the first flight mounted from and her ascendancy to the throne. Wilson Airport in Kenya, landing at Port Bell, on lake Victoria shoreline, to deliver mail. The amphibious caravan type aircraft is reported to have caused both fear and excitement among the local fishing community; with a few drowning in the lake, in an attempt to escape the “ghost from the skies”.

PRE-INDEPENDENCE DEVELOPMENTS Uganda’s natural endowment endeared it to the British colonialists. As a landlocked country, the quickest transport mode to help establish their position was air transport. The colonial State moved quickly to develop aeronautical infrastructure in Uganda. An airstrip 1000 by 60 H.E. Governor Campbell at the official opening of Entebbe Airport yards was established at hill in 1936, to serve the commercial centre of Kampala, with a The Kololo airstrip is historic for hosting the POST INDEPENDENCE PERIOD bigger airport planned for location in Entebbe, 40 independence ceremony in October 1962. By the early 1950s the colonial state was kilometres away from the city. The £18,500 project ENTEBBE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT administering East Africa (Kenya, Uganda and for Kololo airstrip was approved by Governor Phillip Uganda’s aviation hub, Entebbe International Tanzania) under a common services arrangement. Mitchell and executed by Gailey and Roberts Ltd. Airport, was constructed in 1947, to serve the The E. African Directorate of Civil Aviation The small air traffic control centre built at Kololo colonial administrative regime established under (EADCA) was established to regulate the growing still holds ground amidst more modern residential Sir Gerald Portal in 1893. air transport industry. E.African Airways (EAA) developments. Entebbe has since been developed as Uganda’s was formed in 1945 as a joint venture between the three partner States and Zanzibar. By Uganda’s independence in 1962 the regional Airline was recording annual profits of well above £460,000. Two years after Uganda’s independence, the first four East Africans joined the Air work school at Perth for pilot training.

In 1965 Uganda had its first registered Aircraft following EA Airways decision on its fleet ownership after the partner States had become independent. Two years later Uganda contracted as a member State of ICAO, the UN Agency charged with supervising the orderly development of civil aviation in the world. 1966 witnessed political skirmishes in Uganda heralding the onset of political turmoil in the country. The wars of liberation and the attendant political instability that The Late President, Idi Amin addresses a gathering at Entebbe Airport in his hey days characterised the 1970s and 80s had a toll on the country’s aeronautical infrastructure. AVIATION FORUM 2012 6 7 (CAA) in 1991. Its mandate was clear – promote In 2007 CAA joined the rest of the country to host the development of a safe, regular and efficient CHOGM 2007. A substantial part of the revised civil aviation industry in and outside Uganda. The Master plan adopted in 2002 was implemented challenge was clearly cut out too - to create an in preparation for CHOGM. Two passenger environment in which the air transport industry boarding bridges were installed, the Arrivals Hall could develop and flourish in a stable, efficient and was expanded and equipped with escalators and economic manner. The greater challenge included longer baggage reclaim belts. In the aviation the restoration of the dilapidated aeronautical safety area, a state-of-the art Air Traffic Control infrastructure to acceptable international Radar was procured. The Rescue and Fire- standards, the refurbishment of airport facilities fighting section was boosted with a high speed and services and changing the mindset of the staff rescue boat. To facilitate airport users, the to embrace the new development. Departures concourse was refurbished and a The Authority’s plans were beset with financial Departing passenger Handling System installed woes. Given the low traffic that stood at a to enhance check-in speed and efficiency. Customs clearance at Entebbe in 1950 dismal 118,000 international passengers at In anticipation of the growing VVIP numbers to the the time, CAA’s revenue was no match to the country, a modern VVIP Terminal was constructed, financial requirements for improving the basic In 1971 Idi Amin took over government. The complete with a packing Apron to accommodate infrastructure. same year, the E. African Community opened the 40 executive jets. Aviation fuel storage capacity Government stepped in with a grant of USD 27.3 region’s first aviation training Academy at Soroti. was also expanded from 4.5 Million to 7.5 Million Million from the Danish Government and a loan The Academy trained the finest breed of Pilots and litres, enough to keep current operations running of USD 24 Million from Spain. The funds greatly Aircraft Maintenance Engineers on the continent . for 21 days. improved the infrastructure, equipment and plant While it survived the community wind-up in THE FUTURE at Entebbe International Airport, attracting 21 th 1977, its standards and rating continued to fall The 50 Anniversary of the country’s independence international air operators back to Uganda by 2012 due to poor financing and departure of its senior brought with it fresh challenges. Uganda is up from 9 in 1991. New Staff were recruited, with instructors, who were the backbone of its first six increasingly becoming a formidable player in training made a regular programme. Between years of excellence. regional and international affairs. The country was also voted the best 2012 tourism The Airport hit the global annals of history for destination in the world. Entebbe International being the scene of a daring rescue mission by Airport also won the 2012 Routes Africa award elite Israeli troops who rescued over 100 hostages as the best marketed, having attracted four hijacked by a group of Palestinian and German international Airlines in 2011. With passenger militia in 1976. numbers growing at annual average of 10%, the With the East African Community busting in 1977, current capacity will need urgent expansion. In the aviation industry in Uganda took the brunt tandem with passenger and Airline expectations, of its demise. The Directorate of Civil Aviation the Authority is developing a national Civil (DCA) and were formed to fill Entebbe Airport (1963): Appearance after the Aviation Master Plan (CAMP) that will focus on the service gaps left by the Community’s sudden Terminal Building expansion infrastructural expansion efforts. The plan inter collapse. The National Airlines growth path was alia envisions an expanded passenger Terminal crossed by a series of incidents including the 1991 and 2001, CAA refurbished the passenger building, a new Cargo Terminal, an aircraft tragic accident of a B707-388 at Fiumicino Airport terminal building and gave a new lease of life to maintenance Centre and a new fuel farm. in Italy in 1988. In April 1979 another B707 had the aeronautical infrastructure. The upcountry airfields at Arua, Gulu and Kasese been destroyed by the Tanzanian Army during are planned for elevation to international status. the liberation war, bringing the Airlines fleet to its The Master plans and engineering designs for Gulu and Kasese are in place with their development costs put at US$ 59 Million and US$ 57 Million respectively.

The discovery of oil in Uganda also means that Entebbe could witness rapid increases in technical stop-overs for especially refuelling. The next development phase will witness huge investments in technology, the human resource and mechanisms for compliance with the ICAO MIG 21 Fighter Planes for Uganda Airforce (1976): Standards and Recommended Practices. Most of these were later destroyed during the Israel rescue mission Developments in the industry for the next fifty years will heavily depend on cooperation, consensus, compliance and commitment. Cooperation and FACILITY EXPANSION knees. The Twin Otters, Cessnas and Cherokees concesus in order to provide the aviation system that the Airline boasted of folded their wings with vital infrastructure, compliance with the The period 2001 to 2012 recorded faster growth in worrying succession, leading to the Airlines elaborate international regulatory regime and than was projected. International passenger liquidation in 2001. commitment to CAA’s Vision to achieve maximum numbers sprung from 118,000 in 1991 to over compatibility between aviation development and ENTER CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY one million by 2011. This growth target had been its impact on the environment. Faced with isolation by international air operators projected to be realised in 2016. CAA shifted due to a poor aviation safety and security record, its head office to new premises in August 2005, Uganda established the Civil Aviation Authority to create space for Airlines at the passenger terminal. 6 7 AVIATION FORUM 2012 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS AT 50 CONSERVE UGANDA’S BEAUTY AS WE TRADE UNIONISM IN CELEBRATE 50 YEARS OF UGANDA@ 50 YEARS INDEPENDENCE By Anne Adeke, National Treasurer, ATGWU By Susan Nankabirwa hile pre independence ended in 1962; the trade is in excess of its demand. The possible solution would union movement in Uganda begun as early as be to reduce the labour supply by exporting labour Aviation Security W1938. The Transport and General Workers’ Union, and the President’s suggestion of accelerating job whose parent Union was founded in 1922 in Britain creation. later came to be known as the Amalgamated Transport Conserve our homeland! and General Workers’ Union (ATGWU). A study by Roger Scott, 1966 entitled the Development of Trade Unions in Uganda reported that, the Because of the masses behind trade unions, it was labour movement in East Africa has been unjustly Our homeland which was once very important at that time for any political party to neglected. He meant that, trade unions are very relate with trade unions. Although UPC in the early important organizations to the workers, employers and all green, 1960s was unable to mobilize in the urban areas, the Governments of East Africa but little was known about trade unions which were by then the Transport Union this. In 1973, the Idi Amin Military Regime despite its and the Uganda African Farmers Union were led by infamous record of dictatorship and oppression issued non-Ugandan immigrant workers. This contributed to Decree No. 29 of 1973 which effectively restored Many parts are now dry yet we the independent Uganda government’s hostility toward the Uganda Workers’ labour rights of associating know how to avoid it. the trade unions and enhanced political recruitment in themselves into a central umbrella organisation. the urban areas. Around independence, Ugandans like The decree gave birth to NOTU whose objectives the late I.K Musaazi took over full control of trade union include creating harmony among trade unions and leadership. At 50 years, is it still important for political their members and coordinating labour activities Look around your home, parties in Uganda to form viable relationships with the among many others. NOTU is currently the most Take a second look at the natural vegetation and plan ahead,

What can you do to save the environment!

Oh fellow Independent Ugandans! Let’s spare all trees,

Do not cut them down. No, no!

Lakes and Rivers,

Swamps and Hills,

Land and Air space

Should all be free Mr. Usher Owere, the chairman Amalgamated Transport and General Workers’ Union (left) hands over a copy of the Workers’ Voice magazine to a Chinese official at an international convetion. To spare and save the environment. trade unions? What will be the impact on workers? representative labour centre in Uganda with over 20 labour union affiliates. NOTU is referred to as a Non- Profit Labour Organization that represents millions of Think of those who will come The first trade union called the “Uganda Motor Drivers’ Ugandan workers and works with labour unions and Association”, was formed in 1938 by James Kivu community groups in all the . tomorrow, assisted by Ignatius K. Musaazi who later became th so prominent in Uganda and Buganda’s politics and, As we celebrate the 50 anniversary of our was honoured later by the Government and buried independence, I move that Uganda adopts the How will they live when the at the Hero’s square at Kololo. Later on when it was following: First ascertained that the motive behind the strikes and riots is to see that the outdated minimum wage is land is dry? was politics and not economic; leaders like J. Kivu reviewed, the government of Uganda ratified the and I. K. Masaazi were deported to Karamoja and the ILO Convention 26 of 1928 on minimum wages and Union had to wind up its activities. Uganda domesticated it through the Minimum Wages Advisory Board Act, which can be traced back in the Think of our future, When Musaazi and others were released in 1946, 1930s. Since the 1990s, little effort has been made to they continued to pursue union values. As a result in review the minimum wage. 1949, the Transport and General Workers’ Union was Mankind who will pay for your Second, Industrial Court was expected to commence re- registered. Musaazi and his group continued with st the struggle for political independence as reflected in its activities on 1 May 2010. Justus Lyatuu reported deeds. the 1949 strikes and riots, causing total ban of trade in March 2010 under the Business, East Africa, unions. It is evident that political independence best Labour, Legal Affairs, Uganda that , Uganda would moves with financial independence. Unless there soon have an industrial court that will be responsible Think of your own born children, is financial independence, political independence for the arbitration of differences between employers, cannot be enjoyed fully. Before independence Musaazi employees, trade unions and the government. and his team gave workers Political Independence, How will they live in the Desert? now at 50 years Owere Usher and his team should Third, the National Social Security Fund is a National give workers Financial Independence. Saving Scheme mandated by Government through the NSSF Act, Cap 222 to provide social security services to employees in Uganda. It was established by an Act Think of those coming after you, Between 1949 and 1952, there was still general interest of Parliament (1985) to provide for its membership, in forming trade unions without political connotations. payment of contributions to, and payment of benefits There was economic prosperity plus an unsatisfied out of the Fund. We therefore give NSSF time to Save their future for yours and demand for labour. Local labour was inadequate and execute its mandate than subjecting it to unproductive uncompetitive. At 50 years the reverse is true. Labour competition. their benefit.


By Ignie Igunduura

ntebbe draws its name where railway services to and from Entebbe Airport carry on Airline Efrom the famous local Chief designator as well as the Railway company’s code. Passengers can Mugula, reknown for administering be encouraged to opt for rail by claiming frequent flyer points. justice from his rocky judgement seat, Entebbe za Mugula. France was perhaps the pioneer in this direction with its high speed For avoidance of biting their TGV technology. Lyon was the first Airport to use a high speed rail tongues, as they did with several service in 1994. other local names in Uganda, the colonial administrators cut it to The Baltimore/Washington International opened a railway service in Entebbe. 1997. In Japan, Narita International Airport, 66 kilometres outside To connect the commercial centre in Kampala to the peninsula baptised Tokyo accessed the railway link in 1991. Trains from Narita connect Entebbe, the local chiefs walked the white master through the winding passengers to Yokohama and Shinjuku. Italy’s Rome Fiumicino route frequented by hunters and fishermen. Little did the local chiefs Airport was connected in 1990 with trains running a non-stop sevice know that they were mapping what would be the country’s main artery to the main station at Termini. The examples are many for Uganda to to the capital. learn from.

Entebbe-Kampala road has seen it all! From Popes to Presidents, the The Air-Sea Option: Genius to Generals, Gold medallists to Gold diggers, the single-lane that Entebbe Airport enjoys the strategic location at the shores of the Entebbe road is with the attendant traffic growth since Independence lake. With a well planned and developed marine transport system, exerted tremendous impact on the road. Today, one must budget for passengers and cargo to and from as far as Masaka and Jinja could a minimum of two hours between Entebbe and Kampala, in a private be connected on the system. Singapore and the United Arab car. became important sea-air trans-shipment centres as a result. Dubai has grown in leaps and bounds with the bulk of its cargo coming The private car transport mode is more popular with Ugandans. Seen through Port Rashid container terminal, by sea. Lake VIctoria could as a status symbol, the car like to many Airport s worldwide, is the more turn Entebbe into a regional cargo hub. available and common means. Entebbe is soon to be serviced by an express highway which is a good The Rail-Air System: development. This however is a short term relief. The next 50 years Considering the growth in both the human and vehicle population in will pose a major challenge not only for the country’s international Uganda, the national multi-modal transport Master Plan must be fast- gateway, wherever it will be, unless a multi-modal transport system tracked. The global trend is to connect international Airports to the rail is planned now. and sea. Connection to the rail however takes into account the legacy The ultimate should be a transport structure that is fully integrated, both of the private car which fosters the building of low density offices and physically and in information dissemination and distribution terms, to residential developments. efficiently and promptly meet the needs of the travelling public. The railway will only be cost-effective if it is servicing, on top of the Airport, large population densities along busy corridors. Uganda’s As air transport grows in Uganda and the region, increasing congestion transport planners must therefore re-focus on a fully integrated transport and pollution will bring home the urgent need to establish sustainable structure that will spread the Airport access load between the private mobility. The integration of air travel with surface modes of mass car, hired limos, buses as well as the railway system. Marine services transportation can no longer be held back. Into the equation must on L. Victoria would be the second best bet. be other alternatives if the international gateway is going to serve its purpose. And that must start now. Rail-air services should be considered. The two could code-share See you at the 100 years celebration. 8 9 AVIATION FORUM 2012 CAA THANK YOU CAA LETTERS Dear Editor, This is to inform you that on behalf of the parents, school, management committee, staff and pupils, FAREWELL I would like to take this opportunity to thank you Dear Editor, for the donation of One Million Uganda Shillings am happy to inform you that my tour of duty Ito the East African Community and in Uganda (1,000,000/=) to Namasuba Muslim Primary ended on 31st May 2012. With effect from 1st June School. 2012, the East African Community Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Agency (CASSOA) The money was put to good use as we managed to will be led by the next Executive Director, Mr. Barry buy 18 desks for the students. The school is now able to Arnington Kashambo, who was appointed by the Council of Ministers during the 19th Extraordinary comfortably sit about 100 pupils during class time. Meeting, held in Arusha in April 2012.

May the Almighty Allah reward you all I was blessed to have been given the opportunity abundantly. to serve the people of the East African Community and in particular the aviation industry in the region by being the first Executive Director of Sserunkuma Bashir CASSOA. This gave me an opportunity to work Head Master Namasuba Muslim Primary School (UMEA) with distinguished professionals in and outside the region, within and outside the aviation industry. All of you remain very special to me as Kudos CAA for successfully hosting the 18th you became in one way or another; friends, role APIRG and 1st RASG Meetings models, experts and advisers in my professional and social life. Dear Editor, wish in a special way to commend the Civil Aviation Authority I must admit that the challenges which go with I for successfully hosting the 18th African Indian Ocean Regional establishing an institution and providing it with Planning and Implementation Group (APIRG) and the 1st Regional strategic direction would not have been easy if Aviation Safety Group (RASG) meetings in Kampala in March 2012 it was not for your support and the positive role in conjunction with the International Civil Aviation Organisation each one of you played in the process. Your (ICAO). advice, suggestions and constructive criticisms were all valuable and enabled me to discharge The success of these meetings demonstrated the enthusiasm, zeal my duties to the best of my ability. and hard work that the staff at CAA put in to maintain the highest standards of service in many ways. The five years at the East African Community gave me an opportunity to learn one thing; that It is my hope that CAA and Entebbe International Airport continue our challenges in the aviation industry cannot be to grow to host even bigger aviation meetings such as the upcoming resolved individually but rather collectively through Routes Africa and other aviation summits that will help position Uganda public, private, industry and most importantly, as as a big player with a bright future in the aviation industry. a Region. I therefore pledge to be available for I was also delighted by the support that Government and its Agencies the industry in the Region. extended to CAA in ensuring that all went well. This is the way to Lastly, it is my humble request that you extend go. Such activities will ultimately boost tourism, travel and economic even greater support to my successor, Mr. Barry development for Uganda. Arnington Kashambo to ensure continuity in Benjamin Mugema building a robust aviation oversight system in the Region.

Mtesigwa Omukwaya Maugo AVIATION FORUM 2012 10 11 CURRENT AFFAIRS UK Donates Security Equipment worth over 160,000 USD to EIA

The British High Commissioner to Uganda, H.E. Martin Shearman hands over Security Equipment to CAA’s Deputy Managing Director.

ivil Aviation Authority of staff was carried out by an Thirty (30) Aviation Security staff Creceived two Itemiser DX Engineer from the manufacturers undertook the ETD training and Explosive Trace Detectors (ETDs) - Morpho Limited. Fourteen (14) another thirty (30) staff benefitted worth over 160,000 US dollars CAA Aviation Security and other from the advanced X-ray and from the United Kingdom, technical staff benefitted from the Physical Search courses. which also provided training for training. the equipment’s operators and The British High Commissioner Maintenance staff. The equipment In addition, the UK Government to Uganda, H.E. Martin Shearman is for use at Entebbe International also offered training to CAA in handed over the training Airport. ETD Operations, X-ray screening Certificates to participants of and Physical search of baggage and the two training programmes at Installation of the Explosive Trace people. Entebbe International Airport’s Detectors (ETDs) and training VIP Lounge.

The British High Commissioner to Uganda, H.E. Martin Shearman (second right) in a group photo with the Aviation Security Trainees.

The British High Commissioner to Uganda, H.E. Martin Shearman (left) hands over a certificate to one of the Trainees

10 11 AVIATION FORUM 2012 PICTORIAL The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Secretary General, Raymond Benjamin (left) cuts a cake with the Minister of Works and Transport, James Abraham Byandala at a welcome cocktail in honour of ICAO AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) Delegates held at . Guests enjoying themselves at the ICAO AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) meeting welcome cocktail at Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala.

Guests enjoying themselves at the ICAO AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) meeting welcome cocktail reception at Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala

FACE THE PRESS: A delegation comprising of the ICAO Secretary General, Raymond Benjamin (fourth left) and the Minister of Works and Transport, James Abraham Byandala (fourth right) address the press on the first day of the ICAO AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) meeting at Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala.

US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton disembarks on arrival at Entebbe International Airport at her most recent visit to Uganda lately.

AVIATION FORUM 2012 12 13 ORIAL The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Secretary General, Raymond Benjamin (left) cuts a cake with the Minister of Works and Transport, James Abraham Byandala at a welcome cocktail in honour of ICAO AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) Delegates held at Imperial Royale Hotel. Guests enjoying themselves at the ICAO AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) meeting welcome cocktail at Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala.

Members of staff keenly follow the proceedings at the launch of the Life Raft (right) at the Marine Station in Entebbe.

A group photo of CAA staff that participated in the Labour Day Celebrations held in Gulu earlier this year

FACE THE PRESS: A delegation comprising of the ICAO Secretary General, Raymond Benjamin (fourth left) and the Minister of Works and Transport, James Abraham Byandala (fourth right) address the press on the first day of the ICAO AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) meeting at Imperial Royale Hotel in The Civil Aviation Safety and Security Oversight Kampala. Agency (CASSOA) Annex Building that was recently commissioned as an extension to their Headquarters in Entebbe.

TOURISM: Delegates to the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group (APIRG) and Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG) meetings enjoy themselves at the Source of the Nile in Jinja. AWARDWINNERS: A group photo of East African Legislative Assembly Speaker, Hon. (Centre, back row) with regional aviation personalities that were recognized for distinguished service in the industry by CASSOA. They include CAA Board Chairman, Zephaniah Baliddawa (fourth right) and former Managing Director, Ambrose Akandonda (fourth left).


CAA’s Deputy Managing Director, David Kakuba (Centre) addresses the media about Entebbe International Airport’s winning of the award at Imperial Royale Hotel. Left is Manager Public Affairs Ignie Igunduura and Manager Marketing and Commercial Services, Tom Wasswa (right). ENTEBBE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT WINS AFRICA AIRPORT MARKETING AWARD

ntebbe International Some of the new air operators will take place at World Routes in Airport won the 2012 that recently graced the Abu Dhabi from 29th September Routes Africa Airport Ugandan airspace include Qatar to 2nd October 2012. MarketingE Award for Excellence Airways, Turkish Airlines, in Airport Marketing in and Gulf Air. The latest international recognition for attracting the recognition award comes on the highest number of new reputable The Convention was attended by heels of back-to-back accolades air operators in 2011. delegates from African Airports, previously won by CAA as the Airlines, Aircraft Manufacturers, best Aviation Authority in Africa The Award was received by Tourism Authorities and Airports in 2003 and 2004. In 2010, the Civil Aviation Authority’s Council International (ACI).The Entebbe Airport also won the Deputy Managing Director, Mr. selection for the various award International Routes Airport David Mpango Kakuba who winners was done by Airlines. Marketing Award for excellence led a delegation comprising of in Airport Marketing. Mr. Ignie Igunduura, Manager The African Routes Awards were Public Affairs, Mr. Tom Davis the final ones of the regional CAA Uganda also won the bid Wasswa, Manager Marketing heats of the Routes Airport to host ROUTES AFRICA 2013 and Commercial Services and Marketing Awards 2012. As in Kampala in July 2013. This Mr. Christopher Kasozi, Senior winners of the regional event, followed a visit by an official from Economic Regulation Officer Entebbe International Airport the ROUTES office in London, at the Kempinski Resort in is automatically shortlisted for UK to Uganda to ascertain the Seychelles during a Routes the most prestigious awards in level of readiness by CAA and Development Convention that the industry, the World Routes quality of facilities in Uganda. run from 8th – 11th July 2012. Airport Marketing Awards which


A group photo of the Search and Rescue Sensitisation Workshop participants CAA engages stakeholders in Search and Rescue Sensitisation Workshop

By Benjamin Mugema and Rescue (SAR) Committee comprised of regular interactions among stakeholders’’. He he Civil Aviation Authority held a Search the Ministries of Defence, Internal Affairs, was optimistic that with the implementation Tand Rescue Stakeholders’ Sensitisation Disaster Preparedness, Water and Transport, of the recommendations suggested by the Workshop at Hotel Africana in June 2012 at Local Government, Justice and Constitutional stakeholders, the industry would record better which stakeholders were exposed to the new Affairs and Health was formed. Other performance in handling emergencies. challenges facing the arduous task of searching members of the SAR Committee include and rescuing victims of an air crash. Airline operators, Uganda Wildlife Authority, Search and Rescue is a service rendered to Uganda Revenue Authority’s Customs persons in distress after an unfortunate air Opening the Workshop on behalf of crash or incident. It involves finding them, the Minister of Works and Transport, evacuating them from danger and providing the Acting Director of Transport at them with initial medical or other needs and the Ministry of Works and Transport delivering them to a safe place. (MOWT), Mr. Godfrey Wandera The workshop was organised in line with emphasised enhancement of safety in article 25 of the convention on International aviation operations. Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the He expressed optimism that the formidable International Aeronautical and Maritime team of stakeholders at the Workshop Search and Rescue and the Civil Aviation would dissect it and transform the new Statute 1994, which requires all ICAO member proposed Search and Rescue plan. states to have a fully functional and supported National Search and Rescue Plan. CAA’s Director Safety, Security and Economic Regulation, Sam ‘’I commend the organisers of this Muneeza makes closing remarks at the end of the Workshop Workshop for being proactive. As air The stakeholders included, the Ministry department, the Red Cross Society, National traffic in and out of Uganda continues to grow of Justice that of Works and Transport, Forestry Authority, the Information and with an international passenger throughput Telecommunications services providers, Communication Technology Sector (ICT) and of 1,085, 609 in 2011 compared to a paltry Police, Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces CAA. 118,527 in 1991, it is imperative that all efforts (UPDF). Other participants were from National Forestry Authority (NFA) the Local towards ensuring maximum readiness in case Speaking on behalf of the Authority’s government. of an emergency are adequately shared,’’ he Managing Director at the closing ceremony, added. Mr. Sam Muneeza the Director Safety, Security and Economic Regulations said ‘’aviation In order to ensure timely and collective being a highly specialised discipline called for response to emergencies National Search 14 15 AVIATION FORUM 2012 CURRENT AFFAIRS ’ DREAMLINER PLIES ENTEBBE ROUTE

ntebbe International The Dreamliner will be EAirport is one of the operated by Ethiopian few African Airports Airlines on rotation basis to host the gigantic to destinations such as Dreamliner aircraft. Kilimanjaro, Mombasa, Ethiopian Airlines’ Harare, Lusaka, Nairobi, state-of-the-art Boeing Lagos, Johannesburg, 787 aircraft made its Abuja, Malabo, Douala, inaugural landing at Accra, Mumbai, Rome, Entebbe on Tuesday 14th London, Frankfurt and Jubilations as Entebbe International Airport’s General August 2012. Entebbe. Manager, John Okalany cuts the tape at the launch of “For us as Africa, it is The aircraft is a long range the Dreamliner Aircraft (above). a sense of pride,” said midsized wide body, twin Regasa Ermejachew, engine jet. It seats 210 to the Ethiopian Airlines 290 passengers. Country Manager. She added that the arrival of The new development the world class aircraft adds to the growing also raised the standards significance of Entebbe of the industry. and Uganda as a major tourist destination. The interior of the Dreamliner Aircraft



Nas Air’s Boeing 737-200 that flies to Entebbe. By Shamilah Seyiga An Eritrean based carrier, Nas welcomed the airline and pledged He also added that this was one “Our aim is to ease Air commenced scheduled Civil Aviation Authority’s support to way through which Uganda would interconnectivity to boost trade flights twice a week between the airline’s operations. be connected to Asmara and the and tourism between Uganda and Eritrea,” he added. Asmara and Entebbe on the 17 NAS Air’s Chief Executive Officer, Airline’s other destinations including May, 2012. The colorful launch Nasreddin Ibrahim said they were Khartoum, Nairobi, Juba, Dubai, The Airline commenced its at Entebbe International Airport “incredibly delighted to have Saudi Arabia, Cairo, Bamako and launched flights to and from Entebbe operations with a B737-200 was presided over by the General Chad. International Airport,” making it the aircraft due to fly to Entebbe Manager, Mr. John Okalany who Airline’s 11th destination. on Wednesdays and Saturdays. THE PERSONAL ASSISTANT, THE PULSE OF THE OFFICE

By Olivia Karundu t is easy to underestimate the Personal Assistant (PA)’s CAA PARTICIPATION IN THE SYMPOSIUM ORGANISED CAA nominated Olivia and Brenda to compete with other Iinput in the organization’s achievement. The administrative BY RENAISSANCE participants from other countries totaling fifteen (15) for this professional job is a vital part of the organization’s structure. CENTRE (IRC) prestigious “2012 Personal Assistant Award in Africa”. The role of an administrative professional is to keep the Olivia and Brenda excelled and emerged among the first office organized and ensure that everything runs smoothly. This year, three Executive Assistants (Irene/Olivia/Brenda) three. OLIVIA K. KARUNDU, Executive Assistant to the It can also best be described as the clog that keeps the represented CAA in the symposium organized by The Director Safety, Security and Economic Regulation was wheel turning. This article is dedicated to this irreplaceable, International Renaissance Centre (IRC) that took place at awarded the 1st RUNNER UP and BRENDA NAMUDIRA indispensable resource, the Personal Assistant. LAICO Grand Regency, Nairobi, Kenya, 17-21 September , the Executive Assistant to the Corporation Secretary the 2012. 2nd RUNNER UP - 2012 PERSONAL ASSISTANT AWARD Technology has been seen as threat to the Personal OF THE YEAR-AFRICA. They were honoured for their Assistant but no gadget would ever match this indispensable IRC, whose Vision is “To excel as a leader in Human contributions to their employers (CAA) and the administrative resource of a personal assistant. He/ She gives order to Resource Development” is the only organization in profession. Lesotho scooped the winning award. disorder, brings calm in mixed up situations. It is the Africa which recognizes all PAs in Africa and encourages/ Personal Assistant who miraculously and quickly avails that motivates them by appreciating their role through yearly much needed idea to save a situation. award competition. The purpose of the symposium was to enrich and empower PAs with much-needed skills that will enable them be assets within their various organizations and Over years, employers have found that the difference take their career to greater heights. between a competent administrative professional and a great one is ATTIDUTE. An administrative professional IRC’S 2012 PERSONAL ASSISTANT AWARD IN AFRICA with a positive attitude can be the glue that holds the office together. On the other hand a negative administrative IRC’s 2012 Personal Assistant Award in Africa recognized professional can make the workplace a living hell. the important role played by Personal Assistants in corporate productivity and also verified the skills and proficiencies An administrative professional therefore needs to be needed by individuals for the competition. organized, remain upbeat and calm, even when facing the AWARD WINNERS: Olivia Karundu (left) and Brenda Namudira. pressure of frightening deadlines and stressful working The criteria that was considered when selecting the conditions. Pleasantness and patience are key, but a winner of the competition was that the PA must: Provide willingness to take the initiative when the situation calls for extraordinary support and continually think of ways to NSAMIZI RADAR STAFF PROMOTED it is just as important. streamline, Process and improve performance; Exhibit hree members of staff in charge of manning the exceptional leadership; Be Resourceful, Innovation or TNsamizi Radar station were elevated from the th SERVICE BEYOND SELF creative; Assume responsibilities far beyond the daily rank of Captain to Major effective 30 March 2012. work; Provide quality control for the administrative The three promoted staff are Nobert Besiisira processes and show great diligence; Conduct himself/ It is known that most of the administrative professionals Akiiki, George Wilson Tuhirirwe and Elly Bwirizayo. spend 120% of their time taking care of everyone else’s herself in professional manner at all times; Provide problems. The phone never stops ringing, you’re continually superior sustained service; Continually contribute to In a related development, Bwirizayo who is also responding to office emergencies and you spend half your a positive and collaborative work environment; Deliver the Officer in Charge of the Radar station was time juggling one hot priority with the next. You rarely find exemplary service to others especially in the profession. recognized at national level with the Luwero time to give yourself the kind of rejuvenating lift that every Nominees must participate in the symposium prior to Triangle Medal which he received from the professional needs from time to time. the award ceremony. National Awards Committee Office in Kampala.



Secretary General shares a light moment with Ugandas representative to ICAO, Mr.Kabbs as a delegate from Dakar looks on.

By Sydney Ndyamuhaki Byandala added.

ganda successfully hosted the He expressed optimism that Uganda would International Civil Aviation Organization benefit from the two meetings by way of (ICAO)U 18th African Indian Ocean Regional exposing many of its technical staff to the Planning and Implementing Regional Group experience and expertise of the international meeting (APIRG) and the 1st Regional experts. Aviation Safety Group (RASG) meeting at Imperial Royale Hotel in Kampala from 26th At the meetings, Delegates discussed ways to 30th march 2012. and means to improve aviation safety in the continent and beyond. The meetings which attracted over 250 delegates from Africa, the Indian Ocean Delegates follow proceedings at the opening ceremony. On his part, the ICAO Secretary General and neighboring regions were by graced thanked the Government of Uganda for by ICAO’S secretary general, Mr. Raymond hosting the two meetings saying “ICAO Benjamin. “I am made to understand that at these was a ready and willing partner in the meetings you make decisions and implementation of strategies to improve the ICAO is a United Nations Agency charged conclusions. The Government of Uganda safety record in the region.” with overseeing the orderly development of will be waiting to receive your conclusions, Civil Aviation in the world especially those that we must implement. Mr. Benjamin also pointed out that the We will examine the areas that need our objective of the two technical groups was intervention to ensure implementation,” Opening the workshop on behalf of the to reach a consensus on Aviation Safety Gen. Ali concluded. Prime Minister, the 2nd Deputy Prime in Africa where too many lives are lost due Minister, Hon. General Moses Ali said, to systematic deficiencies identified under “Safety is the key tenet of the aviation On his part, the Minister of Works and the ICAO Universal Safety Oversight Audit industry and heavily influences government Transport, Hon. Eng. James Abraham Programme (USOAP) since 1999 to date. policy for the aviation sector.” Byandala encouraged the aviation experts to use the rare opportunity to discuss ways The ICAO Chief added that aviation was of reducing air accidents in the region. “We could not therefore miss the opportunity a developmental vehicle to a country’s to host the two important meetings, given economy but needed its safety oversight our record and resolve to promote the “It is very heartening to host an assembly capabilities strengthened. growth of air transport in the region and the of experts from Africa meeting to plan continent.” He added. and devise means of implementing vital Mr. Benjamin, whose aviation career spans decisions for the sake of aviation safety three decades, had the opportunity to visit on the continent and beyond,” said the He further told conference delegates that tourist’s sites such as Sezibwa falls and the minister. Uganda’s discovery of oil should provide an source of the Nile in Jinja. incentive for investment in the country’s air transport industry. “The visit by such important personalities ICAO is a United Nations (UN) Agency like the ICAO Secretary General to the charged with overseeing the safe and Pearl Of Africa, recently named by The orderly development of Civil Aviation Lonely Planet Journal as the best tourist Authority in the world. destination in 2012 is historical,” Eng


By Moses Kaniike Ag. Manager AIM & Met Liaison

ffective 15th November 2012, the International Civil Aviation Organization E(ICAO) Flight Plan will change. The new format will meet the needs of aircraft with advanced capabilities. The new flight plan will also cater for the evolving requirements of automated Air Traffic Management (ATM) systems. This will take into account compatibility with existing systems, human factors, training costs and transition aspects.

The global change to the new Flight Plan comes as a result of Amendment No.1 to the Procedures for Air Navigation Services, ICAO Headquaters as contained in the Air Traffic Management (PANS – ATM) Document 4444. The amendment comes With the implementation of the New Flight Plan in to support enhanced surveillance and navigation 2012, Uganda Civil Aviation Authority’s Airspace systems used in modern times. In the amendment, Management System (AMS) at Entebbe Area ICAO has made several changes to the standard Control Centre (ACC) will be upgraded to support items of the Flight Plan which affect flight data and the new changes. It is expected that by the end of its validation. the up-grade process, the user terminals will contain a new look to reflect the New Flight Plan. The transition to the new model flight plan will impose some operational and technical requirements. The Stakeholder’s contributions highlighting challenges Directorate of Air Navigation Services (DANS) and developing recommendations are of vital has in this respect put in place a New Flight Plan importance in the new plans implementation. In Transition Task Force (FPLT T/F) that is also this regard, the FPLT T/F has already embarked representing Uganda on the Africa Indian Ocean on sensitization seminars to bring all stake holders Flight Plan Task Force (AFI FPLT T/FT), to ensure on board. Two such seminars were held on 19th that the transition handled smoothly. January and 8th February 2012 for staff and stake holders respectively.

Ndere Cultural UGANDA EXCITES AVIATION EXPERTS Dancing By Shamilah Seyiga Troupe entertaining ganda’s stunning beauty and its Uganda Police brass band. guests at Upeople’s warm hospitality took Day two was even more enchanting as Speke Resort centre stage as 250 aviation experts flew delegates were treated to a sumptuous into the country for week-long meetings. dinner at Speke Resort Munyonyo. The The first Regional Air Safety Group candle light dinner bills were picked by Air (RASG) meeting started on 26th March Traffic Navigation Surveillance (ATNS) and ended on 27th March 2012 while the from South Africa. ATNS has its back-up AFI- Planning and Implementation Group maintenance centre in Entebbbe. Meeting commenced on 2nd March and ended on 30th March 2012 at the Imperial An assortment of local and international Royale Hotel in Kampala. dishes complimented exquisite performances by the Ndere Cultural The grand opening ceremony set the Dancing Troupe confirmed Churchill’s mood for the conference. You could feel definition of Uganda. the mood was right as the Third Deputy Prime Minister, Gen. Moses Ali, the In- With the business done, the delegates ternational Civil Aviation Organization’s were given a perfect send off, a tour to (ICAO) Secretary General, Mr. Raymond the Source of the mighty Nile in Jinja. They took boat rides, photographed Benjamin and the Minister of Works every living thing and wrecked the crafts and Transport, Hon. James Abraham market. For many, it was their first and Some of the ICAO Delegates sailing to Byandala walked into the conference probably last time to visit the source of the Source of the Nile in Jinja. hall amidst thunderous music from the Africa’s longest river. 18 19 AVIATION FORUM 2012 Q&A CASSOA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S VISION

Aviation Forum’s Joan Kamwesigye (right) interviews CASSOA’s Barry Kashambo

r. Barry Arnington Kashambo is the Board. We have very good co-ordination However, I don’t feel under any pressure. I Mnew Executive Director (ED) of the East and teamwork between CASSOA and the have experience and competence to do the African Community Civil Aviation Safety and East African Community. job and there is the great support from the Security Oversight Agency (EAC-CASSOA). staff and the Board. I take this responsibility He replaced Mr. Mtesigwa Maugo who retired Q: Tell us, in a nutshell what CASSOA as an East African and not necessarily as a at the end of May 2012. Aviation Forum does, and the different activities it is Ugandan. But it is still an honour for me to caught up with Mr. Kashambo as he was involved in. be here and I think that next Ugandan to be settling in to seek his views of the industry in this position might be after a long time. and the tasks ahead. A: CASSOA was created through an EAC protocol to promote the safe, secure and Q: As the new ED of CASSOA, what are efficient use and development of civil your immediate priorities? An old boy of Ntare School, Barry as he aviation within and outside partner States. is commonly known, served the Civil Our different roles include; harmonising the A: There are several ongoing projects Aviation Authority (Uganda) for 21 years regulatory regime and strengthening the in CASSOA, both technical and physical as an Airworthiness Surveyor. He holds a institutional framework of partner states, which are of great priority. Technical projects Master of Science (MSc) in Aviation Safety assisting states to comply with ICAO include harmonising the institutional Management from the City University of (International Civil Aviation Organisation) framework of complying with State Safety London. He also attended several prestigious SARPS (Standards and Recommended Programmes (SSPs) and management and courses covering aviation safety and accident Practices) and co-ordinating with Civil also having the European Coordination investigations. As a precursor to his career, Aviation Authorities (CAAs) in the region. Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting Barry qualified in Aircraft Maintenance The primary role of CASSOA is to System (ECCAIRS) at all CAAs in the Engineering at the East African Civil Aviation encourage partner States to work together region as recommended by ICAO. Academy, Soroti. and improve the aviation industry in the area of safety and security. We have also expanded our offices in Entebbe and completed our Annex Aviation Forum’s Joan Kamwesigye and building. High among my priorities is the Benjamin Mugema sounded him out on a Q: You replaced Mr. Maugo, who we liberalisation of the East African airspace, number of industry issues and his view of the think did a commendable job as the first making sure (aviation) security is given future. Below are excerpts from the Question ED of CASSOA. As the first Ugandan ED priority, harmonising the East African and Answer interview. of CASSOA, do you feel under pressure Personnel Licensing Examinations and to deliver on your mandate? establishment of the Centre for Aviation Medicine to be located in Nairobi as part Question (Q): Mr. Kashambo, of CASSOA. I also want to ensure that congratulations on your appointment. A: Thank you for your recommendation coordination and cooperation is continued How do you feel in the new office, and for Mr. Maugo. It is true that he did a good and strengthened among the regional Civil how is it going so far? job. He established CASSOA and set Aviation Authorities. frameworks for its operations for which Answer (A): It feels good to be at the the EAC is very grateful. He has made helm of CASSOA. Mr. Maugo set a good CASSOA a model Regional safety and Meeting some of our major challenges and stable foundation and I want to see security oversight agency which the rest of such as strengthening and expanding it improved and enhanced. I have a very the African continent is trying to emulate. funding mechanism to meet CASSOA wonderful team coupled with a supportive AVIATION FORUM 2012 20 21 Q&A A: It is a good thing in the development of its aviation industry. that the aviation That said however, with modern technology industry is playing a and given the provisions in the protocol that major role in trade, established CASSOA, all member states tourism and the are to benefit equally. We hope to have movement of people other departments hosted in other Partner within the region. States in the near future. As CASSOA, our priorities are to make sure Q: What are your memories at the regulations are Authority? And how about at CASSOA? enforced and harmonised in line with ICAO SARPS A: It feels good (smiles). I greatly value as implemented my time at CAA. It was quite a memorable by airlines, experience especially the transition from airports, service my wooden block office at the Ministry of CASSOA’s Executive Director Barry providers and other Works and Transport under the Directorate Kashambo in Office stakeholders. As it of Civil Aviation (DCA) to the glamorous is, CASSOA wants CAA headquarters at Entebbe International to be a part of these Airport. During my 21 years at CAA, I developments for participated in several activities including objectives and staff recruitment and the East African region. incident and accident and investigations retention to improve the technical abilities such as that for Gen. John Garang’s and competence of CASSOA is one of helicopter crash and Jet Mwebaze in the my most important priorities. Above all, it Q: The region, following the Rwenzori Mountains. I was also on the is envisaged that CASSOA will be able to establishment of CASSOA, seems to be teams for the harmonisation of regulations assist significantly in the implementation of attractive to major players in the industry. and guidance material the East African the East African Common Market Protocol Is there risk that the work of CASSOA region which culminated in the formation and and the development and growth of the might in the future be undermined by establishment of CASSOA and participated tourism industry. other international bodies? in providing advice to the government for aircraft procurement and safety oversight of the same. I am humbled by the steady Q: CASSOA coordinates regional A: No. We do not foresee any risk. To and systematic elevation by the Almighty aviation safety oversight. Looking at the contrary, we see it as an opportunity God from an Airworthiness Surveyor at the recent fatal air accidents in greater for our roles and mandate to be further CAA to the ED of EAC-CASSOA. God is Africa (Nigeria, Ghana and most recently, strengthened by participation of other always faithful!! Kenya), what strikes you as the missing bodies in the East African aviation industry. link in Africa’s safety performance? It is also an opportunity for the regional body to grow. Q: And at the UN?

A: CASSOA’s primary role is to ensure Q: Any views on the planned revival of A: My stay at the UN was not very long but compliance with ICAO SARPS in regard Uganda’s national Airline? provided very good exposure. I sometimes to certification and licensing of personnel worked in harsher environment with people in the East African region. The ultimate from different backgrounds and different goal is to reduce incidents and accidents. A: CASSOA does not participate in languages in the Democratic Republic of We continue to work to strengthen safety the formulation of national airlines; our Congo (DRC). This experience helped and security oversight and it is my belief responsibilities are primarily focussed on me to work towards improved relations that with a strong CASSOA, we can safety and security oversight. However, we between the UN and CAA (and other proactively eliminate these occurencies. feel that it would be a good idea for Uganda aviation regulatory bodies) and also to put Of course it is almost impossible to and East Africa. Also, our role would be into action the experience gained at CAA completely eradicate accidents but we are made much easier with the formation of a on an international platform. putting in place systems to mitigate them. national/regional airline. The glory of the It is however unfortunate, that such tragic days of East African Airlines continues to events continue to happen. Investigations linger in our minds. Q: Lastly, Mr. Kashambo, what are are still going on and in relation to what your long-term plans for the Regional happened in Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya, Q: What are the benefits of having the Agency? we hope for reports that will help improve CASSOA headquarters in Uganda? our performance as a continent. A: My long-term plans for CASSOA include propelling the growth of the Agency A: Uganda is lucky to host four out of five activities in terms of function, effective Q: There is growing interest in aviation of the EAC institutions. Uganda stands to participation in the aviation industry with in East Africa. How are you going to benefit greatly from this proximity to the regard to technical competency and ensure that safety and security concerns headquarters of EAC institutions in various implementation of our mandate by qualified are made a priority by all airlines and ways. In regard to CASSOA, the location staff. I also want to achieve our objectives airports? gives Uganda CAA closer collaboration in supporting the aviation industry to play a with the technical expertise of CASSOA. It significant role in trade and tourism in East also gives Uganda the much needed boost Africa and the Sub-Saharan Africa region in a liberalised and harmonised environment. 20 21 AVIATION FORUM 2012 OFFICE POLITICS

ARE YOU A GOOD OR BAD BOSS? By Hope Kamusiime Manager Quality Assurance

lot of people get promoted into an employee’s capabilities to the They don’t change positions (at Amanagement positions because of their best use. A bad boss puts people least they don’t do it frequently), skills and accomplishments yet they end where they are needed because provide false information, or up being bad bosses. I am sure you have there is work to be done. set unrealistic expectations for experienced a bad boss at some point in projects or goals. Bad bosses your career, perhaps even more than one. 4. Deals with bad employees. overpromise and under deliver. Have you ever had the opportunity to work It happens. Sometimes an A bad boss makes promises to with a good boss? What makes a good boss employee is just not working out. customers that their employees good or a bad boss bad? A good boss quickly addresses cannot achieve and then yells at the problem. Perhaps moving them for failing the client. On the other hand, if you recognize a few them to a better job fit. If all else of the bad boss traits in yourself, then cheer fails then a good boss knows 8. Communicates with their up. At least you see these traits as bad. Most that it is better for both parties if employees, often. Management bad bosses live in denial and will not admit the problem employee left the is about frequent communication. that their subordinates think of them. It is company. A bad boss keeps the A good boss communicates, important to work on eliminating your bad bad employee around for far both up and down the chain of boss traits and improve on your good boss too long. Bad bosses don’t want command, recognizing that good traits. to face any conflict and would internal communication benefits prefer to hide from problems. the whole company. A bad boss Here are the top ten qualities that make a doesn’t communicate clearly good boss: If you find yourself accomplishing 5. Shows respect and values (one-word emails?), doesn’t all the ten qualities then you are more than every employee. A good boss meet with you often enough, a good boss, you are a great boss. understands you have an outside and sometimes never talks to life, family, and other commitments. you at all. Bad bosses are bad 1. Communicates with their boss. A good boss responds to your communicators. Every boss has a boss. In a emails, requests to review your small business it is your spouse, reports, or obtain answers to your 9. Coaches and trains others. banker, investors, customers, and questions, all in a timely manner. Improving employee performance sometimes even your suppliers. In A bad boss likes to yell at you, is a critical skill of a good boss a larger business there are layers make unreasonable demands and a distraction to a bad boss. of management that require on your time, and always has an A good boss actively coaches constant attention to make happy. excuse for why they did not have you at work, clearly explains Communicating with your boss is time for your requests, yet fails to expectations, and sets a good critical to getting ahead, getting understand why you did not get example for you to copy. The bad anything done, and getting their requests done on time. boss just wants it done and leaves resources for your projects. A good you unsure as to what is exactly boss communicates with their boss 6. Focuses on getting the job done wanted. and does not leave them in the and not the time clock. Every boss dark. A bad boss never provides wants the job done and done 10. Praises employees and rewards anybody with enough information right. The question is how much good work. Everybody enjoys to understand what is going on. flexibility you have to get the job recognition and praise. A good done. A good boss empowers boss notices your good work and 2. Prevents problems before they employees to make decisions, publically acknowledges your occur. An ounce of prevention allows flexibility, and recognizes superior performance. A bad is worth a pound of cure. Yet creative approaches to solving boss prefers to take credit for your many people spend most of problems. A bad boss watches accomplishments without any their time fixing problems instead the clock, your holiday time, and acknowledgement at all. Good of taking preventive action. A how you use your time at work but bosses provide rewards, incentives, good boss anticipates risks and does not recognize the time you and praise. Bad bosses take all the pro-actively plans on how to put in after work hours, your travel rewards, incentives and praise for prevent or minimize them using for work on weekends, or when themselves. policies, procedures, and well- you stay late at the office. defined processes. A bad boss is Are you a good boss or a bad boss? constantly fire fighting and has no 7. Is consistent, predictable, and tells time (or skill) for fire prevention. the truth. To maintain an effective If you find yourself accomplishing all ten relationship with management, qualities then you are more than a good 3. Matches employee skills to the you have to trust your boss. Trust is boss, you are a great boss. Please keep it job. Everybody is better at some built up over the years by seeing things than others. A good boss up. consistent, predictable actions seeks to understand how to put taken by management. Good managers communicate well.


Centre in Entebbe in which they swept and collected rubbish around Kitooro, much to the joy of Entebbe residents. They were joined by the Chief Shop Steward and Chairman of the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers’ Union, Usher Owere.

The Football team also participated in the Save the Planet (10 kilometer) marathon held in Entebbe and CAA FC in white jerseys greet the team (in yellow) before a friendly encounter aimed at raising awareness about By Vianney Luggya ENTEBBE AIRPORT STAKEHOLDER’S LEAGUE TABLE AS AT 25th preserving the natural heritage and SEPTEMBER 2012 to raise funds for equipping Entebbe ivil Aviation Football Club (CAA Position Team P W D L F A Points Hospital with water harvesting FC) has won the 2012 Airport 1. CAA 20 16 4 0 55 20 52 C 2. AIRFORCE 18 13 3 2 78 22 42 facilities and solar power for the Stakeholders Football League Cup 3. UN 19 9 4 6 39 23 31 ward and operating theatre. CAA with a game to spare after notching 4. POLICE 20 9 4 7 29 21 31 emerged third overall among the 52 points in 20 games with the 5. AIRPORT TAXI 19 8 5 6 25 21 29 corporate companies. closest challenger Airforce Football 6. UCIFA 19 8 4 7 36 37 28 7. GSL 20 6 6 8 25 39 24

Club having 42 points. Even if CAA FC 8. DAS 20 6 5 9 20 26 23 Well in line with CAA’s corporate

lose their last game and the closest 9. UGANDA IN-FLIGHT 20 6 4 10 26 48 22 social responsibility objective of challengers win all their last three 10. ENHAS 18 4 6 8 21 21 18 giving back to the community in games, the table standings at the 11. FISH WAYS 20 3 3 14 19 49 12 which we operate, members of the top will not change. It has been a splendid year for CAA Football team were at it again CAA Football Club, which besides and participated in the CAA’s Fred Kadde from the Fire participating in the Airport Cancer Marathon on 26th August Fighting and Marine Section has Stakeholders’ League has also played 2012. The Marathon held under been one of the most inspirational a number of friendly matches against the theme “Run against Cancer” players for CAA and is the league’s corporate teams and in so doing was aimed at raising funds for joint top scorer with Airforce’s fostered the spirit of enhancing construction of a Cancer Ward at Ronald Zikulabe at 22 goals. communal relations between the . CAA contributed organization and other publics. some funds towards the fundraising effort. On 11th August 2012, CAA hosted the New Vision’s Football and Volley Ball Most recently, the Football Clubs for friendly games and while team joined Ruyanzi College in CAA won the Volley Ball encounter, to clean up the area New Vision were victors in the and donated Mosquito Nets to Football game. The matches were residents. flagged off by the Director Human Resource and Administration, Fred The team’s leaders, Kasagga and Bamwesigye at the Old Airport. J.J. Kakone from the Fire Fighting and Marine Section ought to Earlier on in July, the Manager Public be applauded for their tireless Affairs, Ignie Igunduura flagged off commitment and mobilization of a match between CAA FC and the colleagues. Parliamentary Press Association at the Old Airport. CAA registered a resounding 4-1 victory.

In the same month, members of CAA Football team led by Finance Department’s Emmanuel Kasagga were involved in a community cleaning exercise in Kitooro Trading The CAA team in a community cleaning exercise in Entebbe Members of the CAA team after a successful 22 23 AVIATIONcommunity FORUM cleaning 2012 exercise. H a a p d p n y a A Ug nniversary

Civil Aviation Authority Entebbe International Airport, P.O. Box 5536, Kampala, Uganda HEAD OFFICE (TEL:) +256-31-2-352000 / 0414-352000 AIRPORT (TEL:) +256-31/41-353000, FAX: +256-414-321401, 320571, 320964, E-mail: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.caa.co.ug