Crystallography News British Crystallographic Association Issue No. 106 September 2008 ISSN 1467-2790 Annual Meeting Loughborough 2009 p6-9 Beamline I19 at Diamond p10 ISIS Second Target Station p11 The Spallation Neutron Source p12 Andrew Richard Lang FRS p14 Crystallography News September 2008 Contents From the President. 2 Council Members. 3 BCA Administrative From the Editor . 4 Office, David Massey, Northern Networking Puzzle Corner and Corporate Members. 5 Events Ltd. 1 Tennant Avenue, AGM Loughborough 2009. 6 College Milton South, East Kilbride, Glasgow G74 5NA Scotland, UK Timetable, AGM Loughborough 2009 . 8 Tel: + 44 1355 244966 Fax: + 44 1355 249959 e-mail:
[email protected] Beamline I19 at Diamond. 10 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY NEWS is published quarterly (March, June, ISIS Second Target Station. 11 September and December) by the British Crystallographic Association, and printed by William Anderson and Sons Ltd, Glasgow. Text should The Spallation Neutron Source. 12 preferably be sent electronically as MSword documents (any version - .doc, .rtf or .txt files) or else on a PC disk. Diagrams and figures are most Andrew Richard Lang FRS. 14 welcome, but please send them separately from text as .jpg, .gif, .tif, or .bmp files. Items may include technical articles, news about people (e.g. ACA Meeting Knoxville. 15 awards, honours, retirements etc.), reports on past meetings of interest to crystallographers, notices of future meetings, historical reminiscences, York 2008. 17 letters to the editor, book, hardware or software reviews. Please ensure that items for inclusion in the December News from the Groups. 21 2008 issue are sent to the Editor to arrive before 25th October 2008.