THE ATM E8. 31 whim nnnLMTP GIANTS Home ' Baker's 'Come Back' ( With the Schoolboy Athletes ) NEWAM$TERDAMM.8;lt TIU.VLNI0 P. B. A. I satlonal pitching, moro than anything jAHUrr In New York has else, that wan renponslblo for the THE Orealer winning or compietM, aa as of tho title, out eight i rv Is That Be Done teen least lar , A. I., contents this youngster ' rrrmm Proof ItCan di- nn nini iini min r as the winners in the various won lr. In most of his games ho. visions are concerned. One or two lot down the opposing hatters with only 10-o- rrvUlVI KtLINljUlonlNb LtAU games to bo two or threo hits, and he has a ji mi ai.a w nnorr.v Although His Playing Was postponed aro left atriKe.out recora mat averages ten jjro. . played. These, hovever, will have no : men a game, llo also has a no. lilt, i Away Below Form Dur- s teams. no-ru- n gome to his In his tSv V.'COHAN bearing on the Undine of tho credit. tVli SIO rwt Kfrandcr In the Manhattan, llronx, imai game against .Mnnuai no was , LNl. wtalallllaVJS ing 1916 and 1917, This opposed by one of tho best schoolboy1 Pirates Give Champions a Close Tussle De- Ktaten Island dlrlslon, Commercial twiners in urcatcr .now York, i spite Fact That Former Are a Natural Second Division Season He Is Batting and In the Hrooklyn division and flush- Juceam, Fielding in Style That ing the Queens dlrlslon are tho teams Nevertheless the Commercial atar Team With a "Has Been" in the Cox. to win the schoolboy baseball honors. proved that ho deserve all tho praise that have been nun re about May Earn Him Individual him. In thla battle undoubtedly tho Evindcr atone finished the season I Kime Htcngel was banished from tho most Important of the entire nched- - By Hugh S. Fitllcrton. game Honors of Big Leagues. with a clean aloti. Tho Hronx school uie, for tho championship depended pubiiaWni for protesting a decision. The Cecntot. tola, bj n rrtm Co. decision was bad. but Stengel was was never prosssd during the entire upon It llngcman far outclassed the i (Tfc iNw York Erralnt Trltl). running to was Manual atar and won easily. I growlnc second tkuio and campaign. New York was foroicd out and trying to interfore BAKER'S BATTING RECORD in tho Brooklyn division con- DARKEST with the wrevent a Over Thero eefima to bo no way of stop "With the Tonka beaten baseman and IN THE BIG LEAGUES. were somewhat different. Out LYCEUM uroomyn - dotrtlo play when Harrison called the ditions ping Urooklyn Prep, On Saturday again, trim aiaui;n- runner out first. Stengel, of all of the five contestants, three were tho Crown Height" team added an- IIAVll) nra.ASCO.ftSltetftrrsaenU tho finish ot at terad and routed at a men. on tho Held, was In the worst 1905 Athletics JOS contenders for Uie title until near tho other victory to Its long utrlng when desperate battle, the Giants stood In nos HI on to Judco tho o ay. yet lie 1910 Athletic 283 It dereated llushwlcK High Hchool. TIGER ROSE end of tho schedule. Brnsmus was no-hl- no-ru- danger of defeat, which moant sec kicked himself out of tho fame, al 1911 Athletics 334 Uninn, tho hero of a t. n 1912 .347 the team plcktd lo carry off tho game, waa forced to retire by LIBERTY place Id most lost It for his club by no doing. Athletic Bch ond the Ilccauso of his conduct lie was fined 1913 Athletics 336 honors. However, the Klatbush mnnn and his crowd of sltiggcr.i. The imWni National League $2.", and yesterday ho appeared on the 1914 Athletics .290 school, becausi of lock ot pitching 'rem boys belted the ball all over the race. Then along field with the telegram notifying mm 1916 Yankees .267 field for n total of U hits and 12 ." .282 strength, failed to coins through, and runn. Kichmnnn iron tho batting came IS. Kauff of tho fine tied around his arm. and 1917 Yankees HENRY 'MILLER'S bo exhibited It to the umps every tho best that tie Muff and Ulue could hero, getting two home runs and a at Uat 8 Era. and emote' the tfinu during the Kruno. get was third jlace. With iiuch play irlnglo out ot four times . llo Vea, 8.30. Mats. tbaa. Bat. first ball that By Alex Sullivan. Hotting and wan cioseiy rouownn ror batting hon BILLIE BURKE I in A Mirrii.. . ers as McPhei, Uarnes, by O'Kourkc, Crown ltol Admittedly the umpiring In the.Na. HH H ors the Heights HENRY MILLER of Conrtnienca Harmon wns It that Invented that Hohleuger Brasmua should have made , who collected two nln-gl- os pitched In the tlon.nl LeagUo has been pretty bad season, axiom, "They never a better showing. and a doublo out of four trips last of tho ninth this' worse than usual, but WHO to the vlatc. Hchl pitched a fine GLOBE'Vh s,.T0M0RR0Ws compared with the playing, It nnlncs. one who ) back?" The bo game. He struck out eleven Hush-wlo- k Mr. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK Inning, emote It If nir umpiio errea as often us any A great dc.il of cicdlt must originated it didn't havo "Home Hun" given to Commercial batters and allowed only two even Into tho player docs ho would not last a week Harcman, the scoro was 12 to :. iE HITCHY-KO- O 1918 league. of .the In mind, that's sen- - hits. Tho loner tier of the In any Tho umpires have Ilaker Yankees star twlrler. It waa this boy's iih LEON ERROL & IRENE B0RD0N1 grand stand and approximately 320 decisions to make a cinch. Kor tho past two years, in in cacn gumc, nnu even one question CO RT..W',. Illuminated Man- ublo decision Is held against them, fact, ever since he Joined the Now aUIW,HrU,U vT,'.:.?il Nla,.i. jlayor who accepts twenty play- hattan Island while a York club, J. Franklin has been S -- for a day or two chancei iwunout an error la remark ing a very ordinary gamo of baseball, UMPIRE RIGLER FLO FLO able. Trjmg to snow up umpires Is at leaat tho most certain way to make bad This season he has taken on a new REPUBLIC A'fflVCTlKta There Is small and grim comfort In umpiring, and Jim now the players lease of life and Is not only hitting in teams nro engngod the fact that the Giants by that one of the malt'rltv of a manner that has practically placed 2 In baiting tho milters as much as DECISION CAUSES Wow managed to beat the Pirates they dare. him at the head of both major with rtinr.NrK Moonr-- to L a team which claims to be It leagues in batting, but he is fielding UHLAOU Mau Tbam. A fiat, at 2.S0P the class of the league cannot beat snog The Yank struck another at his position at third tho best that nai.i WITH A a normal second division team, with unicogo ycsicruay anu dropped a RIOT IN BROOKLYN llela-- e. JfnniKJLsLlIV PAST Bob Harmon pitching, what can bunch of polnls off their winning per- any player In the country is covering I If playing centage. Tho fact that they wcro the difficult corner. Baker Is even rnUlU UIDDIC Veat42Bt. En. 8.20. they beat? The Giants, beaten by Joe uonz indicates tho cs uuunii - uninn Mal.Wl.(IV,)gi; and hitting In form, ought to beat tlmatlon placed upon their strength doing (better than he did when he was A TAILOR-MAD- E MANar" pitch-I- n, Pittsburgh, t7lth ancient Iiob by tho Whlto Sol.. Possibly tho White one of the quartet that formed the SA. shy on .oltchcr, of Kavanaugh of Cards rlTIMP.P Wrt 41 8L BrenUri si I without a bit of trouble, yet It Sox are but If they S100.QOO Infield. Calling ilau.Hd. tl'ou.)4 fit,.SJ0, considered tho 1 jinks us dangerous Athletic's famous defensive work, slip-pinn- ," required desperate a pennant factor vis we havo fondly "I felt last year that I was Safe in Ninth Starts the Business Before Pleasure bo nie brilliant fielding and a phe hoped they would ne. they would not taid Baker the other day. nomenal catch by Young to save the havo started llcnz, iwho Is passo and "So I resolved to work harder Trouble. STANDARD it jw 21 1? s before to keep in shape ...... ein-?"-' x. game Kauff's besides that Just tha style of than ever I :io hi. and make during, the off season. I did K.A.Kk l by the Yanks are supposed to cat UU this UiiftiMlalar. worth anything. That catch Denz told me early tills season, how- - by adoptinn a careful syatem of "Kalr hail!" yelled Cy lligler In exerciies that kept superfluous Young prevented another disaster ever, that he hat edvcated a curro the thirteenth Inning, and then tho Shirts show more in sum CHARITY. There were two on bases and the ball to accompany Ms spltter and he flesh from accumulating. When I tight started. may bu showing inorir than wus ex reported at Macon I was in the mcr. No matter where you Pirates were pounding Salleo's offer I Twelve hundred warlike fans ut pected. best shape that ever reported to METROPOLITAN I peel off your coat, it's good OPERA HOUSE ings hard In the fifth when King, The Yanks aro shorting signs of any club in the South. have tcred a ell of warlike rage and tio was hitting viciously, but with- - breaking under punishment and worked hard and conscientiously niMirmed out ot tho stands. Nine to know the Quality's there. In practice, and i f I have suc- NEXT MONDAY EVENING much luck, hammered the ball their reoape from Chicago will Siring teen Ht. Louis players, good men and arc col ot a welcome rellcr, altnounn tnevo is ceeded in rounding into condition Ours true to their Dlreellsn Mm. Frances Atda, clear down Into the right centre cor I play my true, nrmcd themselves with bats and small room for escape from a barter so that can best, and ors even those of delicate U. S. Navy Music Festival ntr of the lot, so far that it seemed ing In the west on this trin, rs am pleasing New York fans, I am prepared to stand by their little pill, Impossible should be caught, pcclnllv with a tired out t and short more than pleased." Backer. Itlgler, no matter what happoncd, hue. Unprecedented and Never to b that it Repeated Galaxy yet Young, sprinting outward, leaped bunded pitching stair. Maker's showing this spring has for lllir's various decisions gavo Sti dltfrraot aW Ires'lm In tha bop of Stars surprised even tho shrewd new Yan ukr tiift. and clawed down the pellet and saved on his face. I wouldn't want to phia p!apis were ridden hard after them uno hull game. And one fan i'ohitivk ArreARANCE or The Yanks must have ndditlunal kee leuder, Allller Hugglns. He ex in way of one of his line tholr poor showing In the World's Caruau. WrOormarlr. alorstort. UuttasQL the Giants. Ditching strength or tho prsoiit xtjtl peeled to see a veteran who was on 3et the clenched his list and prepared to dash If you want to prove how l.aiaio. for all the money In the Series ugalnst the Mraves In 19M, when a Rlman. Itamtil Hanr. Mtaua, will wear down until it lit tleWisi, thu down grade, but when he got ti Into battle with Cy Itlglor. 1I4, There was lot of action and spir- world. The harder you throw the they lost four straight popular union suits are, just iliuio. Ilrralail. llnanl. Ca.a, Hparkaa. a There Is a hint that HucRlns linn on his leal form after a few days ball the he hits it." The Yuhkptis, Is said, paid Mack The occasion of ull the hostility was ft'iin, MallMJ. Itaita, AnHlalo. (jarriaov were symptoms a big deal on by which ho liopcs further It M.n. K.11III. Amain. Itothlar. ited play, and there has practice ho felt satisfied that ho Maker's slump In I'.MH was largely 115,000 for tho services of the dis- the ball game between the Cardinals and try to drag the man that s liKlur. da Hmua anl Ha IaMa acquire pitcher ho neetts, N, git-tl- Indicate that tho Giants are to the a vet wouldn't havo to worry about Kccurluh due to his layoff In 1'Jh'. owing to a star, him former won by a lrln. Hand. I'rlhan liar Natal m that with u long run of succenses wno gruntled and it has taken tha Itoblns, which the worn them over to the "two Mra'a Churna. !lrtvpUtaa Opcxa llouat ran a successor for Maker at third this Athletics. U old-tim- e 3 1. (Mi-tr- a i coming out of their trance. Evidently disagreement with the two seasons to return to his core of to It started to bn a ball anl Oiorua, Is at outs with his own teai. Hus season or for many .seasons to come piece ! some degree of was gins also is now at lubcrty to on seoms that ntmrly ull of the Philadel fin in. game. It ended In a brawl that did counter" (treat 1mbt nurohera wltb ttneas stsn; tiio Maker is now In thero every day ), Katrtl frmii "f.ntla;" Trln from restored or else they ivero stung to Chief Hender If HatSlHfactory teims doing all sous of stunts that attract little good to baseball. Atlilelln atrlm. all alrra tin ti M tinartelte fem l.s llafjeuif," "rul" Har- can i nuencu. recently remi- - Kor Onn man was out In the final Inning N-- nram lo lltlni troup, "Tha flrirlt anger when Uordek nominated attention. Instance. In the open "Shire" collars ef tlia " quisled all claim to Hender. but .lm ,lt Chicago a of the homrrlc struggle and the seoro soft are .NaJ mon to pitch against them. Harmon ns:jtftino he made field I'rlira from 11X0 to CO st Dot Offlas. uwuuvpuero J iirurru1 uuw tj uui Ing play game Box Scores of 1 Marty own ft was one of best that saved the for the ( A thletic Notes ) tied at all when Handsome our brand. Is all right. Ho the Hender can be obtained, ut a bargain, Yankees. Yesterday he batted out Kavanaugh strode to the ploAe. Tinea w.! thiee-hagge- Shreveport ever had. and and the Chief would bonisefiUus two hits, one of them a r. Played Club, Games His Pastime Athletic I'rlhtm men were on the lines at the time, and Rogers Company Popular Mat. ;5 $1.00 since coming into the major leagues, as ornamental. Ills playing has been the most con- Training .Station, City Peet H.v Naval I'aullst thla no doubt Inspired the Mound "A duptrUreadnotiht III" sistent of any player on the club, By Local Clubs ' an-- Droadway Broadway dozen or so yents ago, ho litis been Athletic Club, (ilencoe Athletic Club Adonis to deeds of valor. Handsome X. , a There weie two Important develop- which U saying a goini ileal, as tak- at 13th St. "The at 34th St. T. IIBtULO. dlllsrant. Attentive to duty and earn 111 iMolunk Athletic Club huvo entered Marty awung vigorously and smote u Blff-Ban- Iiraaator ment bearing on the pennant' nice ing them as a team the Hilgglns Four g' im s.niiacaa tln-i-r teams In the athletic liner field tho ' est In 1iU cffoit to earn his stipend the yesterday. crow have been playing ienl con-slstf- AT POLO GROUNDS, entire trsok toward left that hit. roadway Cornera" Fifth Ave, Man ot v.'om's-Ke- y biUl .sl.IV of the .Singer Kmploj ees' greensward fully three feet to the left AT Till I'tltiarnNsTal But as a pitcher to beat a pennant IUd l'uber notified President slnre the barrier was I'lTtsuttiuiii iM. lullK iM imett Asocla. ut Warren at 41st St Training Kox 3 1.b S! b CENTURY of tho White that he dono sprunK early In April. u- V T' f. v . . ',bli". I. 'on, which Is to take place at llennett ot the foul linn. Ollle O'Mara waved Btatioo. winning team he isn't there. The , .k offorea Moll-!- 1 with the club and that he has Tho man whoso big bat cnueul the lb 4 1 12 1 II Kil(t 4 S " urn, ,,riu, ;., uu tnuuua -- htji- the bait out and Jluck Wheat never even evidently figured they ! 4 O . . II S! iiiu Olanta that services to navy and will rf . 0 0 lluiin II " hand-aoin- his the humiliation of Christy Matliewsou Curl . noon. In the hope of capturing the u attempted to ictrteve It. A special cop Engagement Extended belittled or else they tlgured enlisted within a few days. K.tber Mrtii rr. 4 l 4 i u .mi an ;;u a u . had been and llube Marquard of the Giants In cuMi'w, iu .i i i o rieti. r .. :i i point trophy offered to the club attended to that. Oalnff tn tha imtnA for ssata uny-ho- expected b i o they could beat Harmon, was to tho anchor pitcher the world's series oX 1911, thus eurn-in- g .MKec:wj:t it 2 i lliv lb..'.' 01:1 on foul --foul by I'.NTII, HATCIIIIAT that .1 1 .1 II Hittil'D r a li 2 0 scoring the most points In this meet. The ball looked MOni. of tho World's Champions this season Caton m. 2 i ' played with more dash undying fame for himself and the c. It 1 1 I1i 1 I u and they losing 1" blow to illlratriaii's The stars on the Prlhum team Include three feet, but Itlgler bellowed "Pair FOUR MORE NIGHTS , and him a heavy the sobriquet "Home Hun." was born at llanuoo. u. 3 1 O 2 0'Vtilboit rl 0 pep they havo shown since ""1' 0 ball!" and ItlKTer was the umpire. lluit l'oltlnlr Teimlaata and than hopes of Kowland. It leaves Chlugi Trappe, Md.. 13. 1886, ISallr o... 3 Vo Clmrlle Pores, Willie Oonlon, Charlie THEATRES. Matnhla- - Inn, a , March which JSinylh, occu- lail came home. A hit, which Clcotte. Williams aaid a bunch thirty-tw- o Clark Cleorgn Uernell, all of whom Cruise, Nnydrr and who they with makes him years of age. TotaU 51 T'24 TTiItoU1 .. .VT T,?7 .0 0 and WINTER GARDEN ;,'.' 'ru''" NOTE: Entire racslels of lh trickled the great Zlm In tho of Interrogation markB and veterans. Haker had a greut fondness for Sjne otit Ihu rim riiwil. are running In vtiumploinihlp form Just pied the bases, set their feet In motion 'tlfa, and Sat 2. throuh l'"nber been rounding 0- -1 for plate, getting lute nml Saturdsf Mstine (Last Mstints) has Just it3 his baseball from his kid days, so It was I'lB'irsh OOOOOOO -- the It whs first, was followed by 's New York l I o 0 1 - nun. best form and waa expected to cury not surprising at twenty years 0 0 0 0 they wanted their supper. In this they MIltlMiKI Deroted lo the Acton' Fund ol IS?. that of -- Kauff, To-lU- hit, and gave the Pirates a run. which club to ago Itmu .llollnltr, lt.ii,Un, - America. the tho front. he Jumped with joy when he re- II it KWrti-- r lloow lluu Kaiiff. Ucnfu llil Two hundreil cntrle'. liava been re-- , had nothing on the fans. Mnrty Kava- SHU BERT1. " "'.wtu.M. of n a kept gottlng larger and larger until The other development was the sus ceived an offer to li with -- llolkf. IhjiiHe I'alou arl MuUbII, iiaugli spurned In giant I Si .Mu,,Ve.i Sat ,2 13 r the l'la' M,JI eived for tho annual track anil Held the earth Reala Niw fie All Hrtnalnln4 1'arfwtnanftas. up pension of nobby Itoth by Mana-.'o- (Mil.) semi-pr- o llrM'wr llolkr. UiUIU. C.luu ami lllsnch HtTi:s llnlnriiiik 111. INN tho fifth, when tho Giants tied it ltlsley team. tl auU m Haw" strides, While Wheat inaile nn nttempt rm.i.lw Mulloltl. 1It meet of the Metropolitan 1eague, Young I vi- l"ohl of Cleveland. This marks the Who do you think played with him II. on Kt- GETTING la two were out, because two Now York. 3: Pill J.urili. Iltot Ha . to retrieve the bull t tin liases wern TOGETHER I ,. x-tn. Ti. JBe.t. after Indication of trou'alo In Mr- - Voik. 1 lta llalU rf Ha-- Men's Hebrew Associations, to be hell first internal when ho Joined the Cambridge (Md.) .Nm flmt m cleaned big were linmn, AtMnkm Llbertr Ftlsa UDamnalUa. cious bounders eluded llollwltz and the Cleveland club, which has been It was Ilerzog, mon, 1. HinH'k On - llj MW. 2; l) llaruixi, at Macomb's Dam Park, Hist .Street and four runt ASTO R 5 team? t'harlle the 1. KawJ 1U1I fV.iUllJt. Pershing's went, One of those was by one family party of tho league. It fighting lnllelder. now of tho Mraves. and Jerome .S'ew York City, When It was evident that thn runs WEI Crusaders as hits. the Avenue, 3 (wnmttta m itiaiM puzzle to could BROOKLYN. were to be allowed the stnnds fairly Rodc-A-lkBa- tv lulruvd ri Sallee, who evidently has decided to is a oh what havo hap Maker gives Herzog eredit for mak- AT on .Sunday afternoon. This Is one of l.hiubm llm Iw-- 1 IliaJmaj. pened, as itotn is onn or tho motu ing ti out of him. 81' Wl'IS I.N'l 1II1UOKL1N ,.NI surrounded Itlgler, demanding Hits and "2 1'NnTTr ai.i.iks' rMrt)H IJabo Iluth of the Giants, b at, im, a n the largest entries ever received for an V fill5. become the willing team players (n Tn-Stat- e League lb iu i .) lb thut, but mostly his life. The .St I.nuls '..'..'.'''iuii UKUIKIt AT ONI. workers and Heading of the I O'J 2 I Rrnlth, n limion lb 1" outdoor meet held b) the league, BROADHURST r home the run. After that w n .r. t..1 11 O II ! Uli: mi nrncri and It sent the crowd and a good fellow, it next signed up I'., and It was llalrd. 3b . 7 1 2 I Cbrnei. lb ti 0 players surrounded the nfllclal, arintd . W-Ji- iiath fiercely vic- (toth out, Wood must go to club Crulie If.. 4 1 a O0Obig u. . . II I 4 3 1 the two teams battled for Joe b.ick while playing with that that 1 & with bats, After much woik tho field outfield, Graney's euglo eyes upon llortllbT. M4 I 4 T Irkinau If.', 0 II Entries for tho Cygnet Athletlo Club MAY TIME VAUDEVILLE. de- the and with aria set his II 1 0 II was cleared, tory, and neither could smash the MiTder. Ih T V1U 2 Of Wheat, J Cljrll'iirrell IViorWini Wm .S'orrla, still fcoble, tho Indians are hard bit. him, and In 1!09 he Joined that club llMthc'le If o ii n n 1 in Port Chester. Conn., handicap run, to decided to mnke, Kauff lofted 1 1 a .1 1 then a fense of the other until .Mack helping Siavth If.. n o 0 (I'.Maia. .lb 0 l U'war. Kra, and was with the tribe ft .lb. 1 0 0 0 0 held on (Saturday afternoon, June li, Joke game. tubbed up PR1NCFSS "rr Into stands. Ka?'ri. 3b 2 lUlrlrtT of the He the ball 5iln wed. & Rat! 2 jo the ball the them to win world's championships (lonralea. c l 3 t 1 O'Dlan. Vb. .1 0 ft n lll close on Monday with Pred A. 1 1 11 to Gonzales, who hit a towering fly to 'A Miulral ' NEW Mack decided to break up n l I e OC.imbH n.. " AUDCViuji riitrro until his Iik ..5 c 4 ;i a I n Niles Jr., llooiii 606, No. 2!)0 Ilroadway. en nein. wneut couiu put nn nan (astii ly Miv. and iultb. one way the game was unique championship I'auVtn oo'Knifmr. nnin :iiiny.M'iif.r.ni Jank Krracnaa aa Oo0ap a, Sasne, In wonderful club and .too u. . . ii In his hip pocket, thick stood nriL pi 1.. I untmn. Charles Pores of Pelhsm llay Naval but with HI l Marloo A w. r.o avh w t,. o tho ground Marmiard o 1 his Jh 3 lllekr; llron., HattoM. and that waa the number of batters r,R start building again from Ml arms folded and let the ball fall safe. 01. A Ttmihulitos.1T 6 7.10 Hulfln 13 12 SdBu'ilt. Ib 1 O O 0 0 Training Station and Willi Kyronen, ti lll timer Tin. Otha. Dallr 1 up. Iluek wnltid a decent Interval before "jrho hit the first ball. Both teams ..14 eoRinltimor ..11 ,OT Mtll- -r .... I'.,. j, -, MUlfa In "l'h Mllli.n Tiollu DoCa.' tiwtr R T .KM oooo Mlllrose A. will from scratch. inciting up .Vwtrtt ...1.1 ,MUKrriu .... ill Although Maker didn't do any great MlauWt . . 0 0 0 0 Ii start the ball and then threw a I fcjaV CorHil aV OllkOa', wera playing that system of attack, 14 11 wso 4 14 0 towering lly to Olson by way of cutting rniLf1l i Toronto .. J'iwt cttr.. .:j: Mill Don- M. Wheat. 0 0 0 0 X Un."'.. A Itoran. OlW A Tn-Da- y. playing for the Yanks while Seventeeny victory by S. i.uiizuies uown at inn piute, no uoutn. n't A. Oaj. trying to smash out the (amrs butting ,2G9 I 1 UiriCAUO, June One hundred arul iJOIII 01. (WwllC. Otl. fhraos ovan was' manairer. and TcUiJa it "0 'T"'i,s !' Olson threw an almost etiualty hlsh fly ' Man UiitlnHW. t City. 1. "ilMtlii'-o- flftr-sevc- .y'S Ar aiawa in htf taw. waiting Jwr 191C rtialtel it,r in 'nlntli In'nW." will compete In At hard hitting, Instead of and K?tr)i, 3: 1. fielding .940 in and hitting .382 athletes the to Krctiger. The spirit ot revelry was EIUoit'5 lila rtlnfhamtaa, year, trt.tt fnr (!rlm In aftmith Innlnj Mine ?,.. "(vJi'T rtTirr U Im" 8nt. Anlm , Jockeying. More than half the bat- iwitt irmt)nj) and Adding .949 last here's what f r In iRhteenth annual outdoor track and inteciious. en.jni Th" nufti!o-&!rcu- (ri'.ol. t Ht tied rklin elftfnth Innln. was 'Mm fluj la HU says of tho great star- I eletenth Innlns Intercollegiate After a whlln the side retired, but I E AmnrtM Ai ters on each side hit the llrst ball of- Ran for Dmbrt In field meet of the Western not until seven kcored MAR J OR RAMBEAU ttJlU 01. Ill A Jim. lrftirn, Game Ynterdny, "He's the hardest hitting player t n n n t o o o (i o o n o t - runt had been w3 to which made game 1. . iiuL, . . ft it l t, II A . ,, ,1 ,t ,, I'onfercnca Athletic Association on ana tha urraJr put on Ice. in EYES OF YOUTH fered them, the BsMmors t CitJ. in business, and any pitcher i.vuia I'arn Co. KlTaJihCii, t Newark, the .uiunlay University of Chicago. When Hrooklyn went out without riL Q lrt iat and lively. It wus the shortest Blnsh&mtnn who a hunch that he's going Huna South. Cnii. llornetr. Snjder. Mom at the fl 'Jaiuea WalU A Co., Cklts llras.. has Tno-lla- struggle, the fans swept over tho field munuouu TlM A .t - gara of the present season on the Totoato at Rnrhftr Kaian.pi. (lonraln, lMk, l,,Un. Tha number represents nine of the ten Mi s.t 0 llltli Mr A- Mr. Neman limipa. Buffalo at SrramM, to land on the ball should fall flat lllta uVoaltf. SnjUer. M)r Tbnv-Il- a llil again, hurling epithets at Itlgler. Homo cinir.nv HIT IS VKAIllC .Neelna A Maw.otfaa.Ii Polo Grounds for which much a-- iiiiiiiisT S?"f A Oo, .. Whit t. llonM. Ituia. Ktanb. tlunril. Weatern Conference collcnes and t of tho St. I.ouls players again rallied to It'.aT "."' thanks. Htolon lla Ilaitd 151 Crime. Ilonuibv a couple LOMBARDI, LTD. 1HK.NK FltANKXIN , Kia mmy Instllutlans In the thn nld of the arbiter, and of trj'f;:o naih. Krurfr lirlnx'. S.cnflm-- IIIU Horii-- stieclal policemen alio swept In, Hut ! liroN (11IKKN, M'KAT irtli,. Iv, ,,n II. -- l .: firm rentral West. ALAttilAU)SK. JIMMT HDS- - was a In Hrooklyn. and " 111! Itlgler waved nwuy all help Just when ', There riot MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS In, ' I'lnil Hue nn llilU linnm. 3. " CASINO 111V.VY Jt ST SUV. one spectator (It ought not bo hard off 2: off Ilnak. 3 tha last aid was a few fiist away one I MamnaM 2; A meeting Junior Metropolitan Mata Wel ::"V.VTK&I' . to Identify him. as were so few) lllta Off tirlroie, t'"b.4 in aeifn lnnlu: tJt of the fan swunir a smashing rlirht hand wal CLinON CRAWFORD in FANCYFREE lialli there NATIOXAL LEAGUE. AMEH1CAN T.EAfil'E. n1 I 1 In liintiij.. of fVvunW, e In and Field Comnilite has been lop to iuirter's chin A couple of plain HIHIK mauled Umpire Itlgler and aoveral I- KtriK--fir lljr Orlmm, ft; bj i: . Cl.rilS W. T.. I'e. ci,ims iv. i.. re. CI.TJBS W. I I'e. CI.I'IM iv. - Pe. nintt. Out JlarimrJ ailed for Monday afternoon at the attao clothes olflcnrs prevented a riot by hus- 4RTH ST I'fh'war ks sso" RIVfeRslDE iX&MMS: Others to beat him up after a 1ST . . I; bj lloak. 4. IVUJ I'iUali IJrlmfi. ' tried N. V ... IS ,W2 rtllla ,1H SI Iloton, .37 111 .I2R lfe .'I'l S3 .fiOO IWI tling the slugging civilian off tho field. A M HT ARNAUT IIUD.1. atOthem, Louis the . . Hall Kniiter. headquarter.". No. Ilroadway. inVVV decision which rave St. Chlrsio-J- 12 MHi iio.ton,,is s.t ,4nn N. t. . .33 ih ,r,ni Ua.ll It ai .113 cation 20 MAN Him STAYED HOME victory. Clscln. .til 21 .niS St. I... .in s:t .4in f'hlca(o.3(l 17 .r, ll ciiiia . hi art .no AT CHICAGO. i.i aet on the propoiul of the Long Island the at c was right or IN 1U Nil llWIjn. 3T ,3SS . .31) 1H .(1311 Petrol! 13 32 ,3T1 BIG BOUT WILL NOT BE HENDERSON'S Whether 1ho decision l'ltts ... ,13 8t. I. NEW YOltK IAI ' OlllUAflO 'Al I'lwpter, Knight of Coltitnbut, to con-i.- u HOOP CKNTItllV rllKATItll AT Il.tIO, wrong, on umpire was QAM YESTERDAY. a a tho attack the ES YE6TERDAY AMES ab lb to ab In .t chum-inmishl- ALLOWED IN DANBURY HONEY BOY 1 II t the lunlor truck and field Inexcusable. Itlgler was in better po- York, S York, !. Ollh'ler. c3 1 (I 0 (l.ly4bu.d. 4 t II KilnafuVtM'Aua an.l Nfvr Itttobursh, 1. Clilcaxo, Hi New o 4 4 If I o 0 n CENTURYjGRPVE MISsTltl'l.t atheri. N 1 n4 1'J rolltna ot the Metropolitan Assoclt-- i to whether the batted ball Ijula, IlrookDii. (13 lnjiln(i), Iloalon, 71 llrtroll. l. & :i I I sition et ft. Ilaker. Sb. I 3 I 2 I Mnnihf. rf ' IIDI.I.V I II in e Vnil Kern MKdltllK any one else Cincinnati, n riilludelpbla, A riillailelplila, (li St. a 3 2 n' H.ColllaJi 2b .1 1 3 "ii at Celtic Park on .Sunday afternoon, John nelsler vows they shall not l W jwaji fair or ioul than Ie"l, I'ralt 2j..4 2 10 MHTKIIH l TUB IHIIII.K1 m K PHOTO PLAYS. I ;t llllll von the field. Out Inexcusable as was (flrl ramr), (in Innlnan). PIlH). 11, ..4 ' 4 (inlPelvOl. rf..fl Oli July :l. They offer to hold the full lint pass, those two heavywelBht worthies, ump. worse rblladrlplila. 5 Cincinnati, O Wiiahlnston, 3i Cleveland, 1, iwaii, U....I a 2 ii ii e"r. m .i i .i t the attack on tho even .Miller, rf'.'.' 2 o 4 2 0(!aiK!u' in 3 i (i 0f championship events, award the regu-t- Dempscy. Vows AMUSEMENT8. (Stcund 2ii Fred Fulton and Jnck IVOLIIKMilwJa1 Hrooklyn game). (JAMES ll'taA Dr. 1 ka tat was the conduct of the .1 III Chleaso, 3 3, ? .USSIS cSb.5 2 I T 8 Ut.cn solid gold, sliver and bronze dl, they not until ho Is rec- u.l.l.i. players In making a farco of the game nitoa, New Y ork at M. 1xula. shall flfrht e ,v,;;o,A.U.IMKivoi,i GAMES M'n'iUe p n n n o n linz n. ..a ft ii lal.i of championship k n't, i il J. it Vil.. . ufter tho decision Tiad spilled the Iloaton at ClrirUnd. in ,e emblematic the ognized as the little ole mamiger and CULUIV1UIA AMERICA , fly fall rltUburfh si New Yrk. rblladrlpbla at Chlrafo. Vlllrr fl II O III of !m .Metropolitan Association and con beans. They allowed a to safe vows In particular that there will R Com-f- lr pitiv IHrtlolnt. urn! hi, Loula at llrookln. Washliiftan at Detroit. lBetk, .... 1 0 0 0 01 expense iiue ind without any effort to catch It d iet the meet at no to the usso he no fls;ht the pair at Dan-bur- In derision of Cincinnati at Philadelphia. between toased the .ball around Cblcaro at Total. . .nil 2 24 iFs'Tolala . 35 14 27 13 2 -- non. on until STEEPLECHASE umpire. lKtn. for Hannah In mninj. Conn., July Fourth . tb 'Itan ru'ith ... 14in J l Mill Aa., There was a decision in tho Polo HOW THE CLUBS MADE OUT. tllattr.1 lor MocrhUa in nlntb Innlrs National Army men In training at "'J-- w "cuuii .a tvi BII'IIVUII game probably was as OTIIER tlljllcl for (ilUi'.f In nlnUi Innin.' NOW OPEN D. W. GRIFFITH'S THIUJU'U which . courtn Milwaukee. Grounds NATIONAL LEAGUE. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Nw York vi,j Upton will bs (. Ktieau of Hie of close as that In Brooklyn, yet thero OuW.f.i it I 0 I) 0 I 3 n pe - AMUSCMCNT At X nnoino201l' nv to-l- ay In mere win no nBni in ian- was hardly a protest, Fletcher hit a notion n.Jf.T At Ckwluvl '.n llnnj- Vork Athletic Hub a set 'rnai rrr:iiwarT.iv.i;ni ( hiraco 8 2 Wiiauitou 3 000 o J 6 l - Pratt, Ilculie liUrr. Muriv, l'e.in bury on y jawn as In sec- , 00003000 03 0000 -- Itino'-lli- -l- lalver. saxrlli, e i,f track games which are to Ju Fourth tccis ball into the left field scats the lloeuin 0 o 0 2 0 0 0 0 A 3 C.Kknrl . . . . n n o i o o o ii (i l 6 n Hindll Cli. lilt and field LDALSADES , ? in m .. i .ji ybe t 03 llit- - Miller, i; t'ollinn - sured. According to his statement PARK mil,, Inning which nemed to hit the liuterk autbn and KWIfar: IHUImub JUtttriea Sba anil iiiwiutli Mertoo I'aldnell. ItMfiz. be ntUl on tho field at Yap. . ond VMU-- ud ud recreation I . 1lMlul,,r' I OfPOJlIt WtST ISOVjr. ia Ttvwui tlfvt Ulea Waaler Miller. IkrJ.I. I'laia tiirh. allnrn.v tnrmor FtRRV T'lfHTlIK Col Clf-U- iOth rope marking the foul line. HarrUon Hnz, lUirri; and i.apdil I. Cii,u.a ami ll.ii.ir I.ons Island. The ifreiter part of kdw-r- I Uirjr Hurf Mitt I.IJ'K.N, PA RK At I'hllacWifti. (Flnt Oame) Vorkey of IMHJIM. , 1 mm mm plate, watching - At IWroiV IVea.tr and tlai--N,- utrCl Attorney d ' (1 mr M a. waa squatted ut tho in Innati .1 n ri n o o n n ii J (I I 1 lan,l ltl in ti l eoniprlseil of o s 7 i n n 1 ... Ci-a- s, . proiraminn team him j iki received word from ho doclured 1 luu' i - I II. rin.1 II.m' Lewr in ,ilwaulee, flight of bull and I'!,: i.ltlDhil 3 n il li li o " 3 ii o o o n j ii 3 i, m DURLESQUE, the lie .. in 2 n IU I' ' IImk 2- HI . In fn-- scarcely mur-mure- llatuinea -S- utxeWer 04 - Jioj. Yelle. rim lta' it which of competition thu the Chief of I'olice of n.inbury prom Vt'nwo: "Wttaoo and Jlatier.ra Mam t and ! It foul and Giants tirt aud b.lui;c well. 2 11 e II 'a f Iff IM,, ,n ilintn."' - con- - Uurr ell Inter- - lie ivoulil not Uxiie ,i per- , Hut there waa a bit of It M 'nonn out iwiMi 'Vf Iant"ffci 3 m i'in .ua hale shunt, ti.e srcalest lBinc that OLYMPIC ,,)ilr MAT. DAILY Martnerlle CM UK on part of Casey Ktengol Mxnl Oaoie PMladewibia.lr'. o ii ii i i i 0 .,11 Ii truuni; aldai. lt in alt anl imiiId, t novel event .h in . rew race. tor tile fight until thi m.itler of frl(Iukf ni I In "Prunella.'1 duel the i'hiitiiipnia n n o n n n , -- n fit. 2 n li i' n " ii " " 4 Inning, ,'ffir Mtairlilj, in u- - and IblM ipuppnyV.I I nSOMS 'Imis 'rfif . udjililicatctl trouble and i u r : ii j t .... alia Into nun on the Injunction Iiuh lieni you ,H. IL,ll UUUUUUiliU ICaiiturlU' Mara Baaosl wtflch might have caused Vjntinnau n n IklUr'.ea Mj en McAtc) atd tiliua. .St" k O-- I') i W iUt tawi 9 HmK..,- oa ud al,r), " lo AlfjiTClIU DAY MtiUX, -,' v4Mall.lserYofl,ceiiure. in Monday.' Bxuiira-H- aat Dms: xza aaovwuxe. cuiiaaar. lawri tank, 1, Vuac JJiil ioixU. ..Ai in uie AAiinauivvs wvuiia till I 1