S 5 Connie Mack|||
C-2 SPORTS. THE EVENING STAB, WASHINGTON, P. C„ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1930 SPORTS/ Mack Not Picking-Pitchers in Advance : Street Sure He WillBreak A. L. Jinx HOW CONNIE MACK, LEADER ,OF ATHLETICS, HAS APPEARED IN VARIOUS STAGES OF CAREER [ ( SMITH O.K.’D BY MACK WARM-UP NEEDED Clears Way tor Cards’ .Reserve POSSESS ABILITY Catcher to Get in Series. PHILADELPHIA. October 1 (JT).— TO DECIDE HURLER Manager Connie Mack of the Athletics has made it possible for Earl Smith, TO ANNEX SERIES reserve catchsr of the Bt. Louis Cardi- Unlikely to Make Any Slab nals, to see service in the world series If necessary, provided it meets with the Feels They Will Put End to spproval of Base Ball Commissioner Selections Until Just Be- Landis. Smith came to the Red Birds too Talk of Supremacy to Play Opens. late to be eligible to play in the elaasie fore and when the Cardinals asked that Junior , League. he be allowed to play Maek quickly gave his permission. BY CONNIE MACK, BY CHARLES "GABBY”STREET, Msnsscr, Philadelphia Athletic*. ARROWS WANT GRID GAME Manaser, ¦(. Louts Cardinals. several days you have had to break down been rending comparisons Richmond Club Looking for Match that American League world Cardinal FORof Athletic and in Capital Area. v-»SOMEBODYseries Jinx and it might as players and the mammoth well be the Cardinals. The gossip Arrow Athletic Club foot ball team eolmuns of advance about of Richmond. Va., made up of former boys have the batting power, the these big games, and today at college players snd having * good fol- lowing, wants to book an eleven in pitching and they have shown Bhibe Park the teams will get into this section.
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