Waterville. Maine. I Jbwi 1 •= Ra3ji ^ I "° Wsfflmbflft I \Z§MM!§) Is Stamped on Tlio Clasp
¦ ¦ j . „ :: : .:. .:... - .. ; ::n : .^ ' I I Volume XIV Waterville , Maine , Novembe r 2, 1910 Number 5 I ^^^^ j L^ ^ ^ ^ GOOMBS NUMBER EaHHHiBM aBMiHaaaaHMaHHaMMin ^^ IV^HMBBnMlMH ^HVMMHBI ^HMBIM ^BaBMtHMBBHaMnM ^a^B^BB^MHHHBM ^^ MBMHMH ^MMMBB ^rfKM IF IN NEED OF \ ITountain pens, Boofts KXME,MBEIL Stationery, or Htbletic (Soobs Call on H. L. KELLEY & COMPANY i/fiat our desire to be f av- Cor. Main and Temple Streets ored, with i/our patron- WATERVILLE, ME. age is not stronger than . oar determination to de- serve it. sSlorace A urlnton Uo. Contractors AND <*/(. J/l. kOunltam C ompany Builders «77/e Studen ts Qtothiers Manufacturers of Brick ZHatters and Outfitters Estimates furnished on application. Heart office at Waterville, Maine . ¦¦¦ . ¦ ^ ¦¦¦¦¦ HMnHaHIMMI ^^ H ^ MB nHII ^MMHHH WATERVILLE AND FAIRFIELD RAILWAY E,. H. EMERY AND LIGHT COMPANY LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR Particular Attention Given to College Trade 116 Main St., Waterville, Me. 12 MAIN ST.. WATERVILLE Electric Supplies, Fixtures, Household Electric Devices, Electric Wiring. Cut Flowers MITCHELL & @0. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL. FLORISTS. 144 Main St. Waterville, Me. Waterville Otypewriter (bzcliange 89 *Main St„ Wa ter oitte, ~Me. All kinds of TYPEWRITERS to sell and to tent. High Grade Supplies. Ticonic National Bank Next door below W. & P. Ry. Waiting1 Room. GEO. K. BOUTELLE, President. S, HALL, Cashier. < L. T. BOOTHBY & SON CO. HASCALL INCORPORATED Transacts a general banking business. GENERAL INS URANCE 176 Main Street, - Waterville, Me. loston University Metropolitan Advantages of every kind Une Sp ecialty Store W. E. HUNTINGTON. President. College of Liberal Arts. Opens Sept. 22. New Building, Enlarged Facilities. Science (Boats, Suits, > *M,i Uineru, Laboratories and Gymnasium.
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