- r-f- . ,'ijuAmu jkPwr nun1 .,.. -- . a; TftTS 'EVENING WORLD,'- - WED NESD AY, JUNE 5 IIBI m? ant PFF.VRn THE REBEL POOL LOCHINVAR WOULDN'T HAVE HAD 1 PLAYERS AT VICKSBURG BY PLAYING TO SPEND HONEYMOON ON A HORSE A SUMMER'S GAME. SPORT WORLD NEWS OF ALL KINDS IF HE USED CHAINS ON HIS FLIVVER. THE ATM E8. 31 whim nnnLMTP GIANTS Home Run' Baker's 'Come Back' ( With the Schoolboy Athletes ) NEWAM$TERDAMM.8;lt TIU.VLNI0 P. B. A. I baseball satlonal pitching, moro than anything jAHUrr In New York has else, that wan renponslblo for the THE Orealer winning or compietM, aa as of tho title, out eight i rv Is That Be Done teen least lar , A. I., contents this youngster ' rrrmm Proof ItCan di- nn nini iini min r as the winners in the various won lr. In most of his games ho. visions are concerned. One or two lot down the opposing hatters with only 10-o- rrvUlVI KtLINljUlonlNb LtAU games to bo two or threo hits, and he has a ji mi ai.a w nnorr.v Although His Playing Was postponed aro left atriKe.out recora mat averages ten jjro. played. These, hovever, will have no : men a game, llo also has a no. lilt, i Away Below Form Dur- s teams. no-ru- n gome to his In his tSv V.'COHAN bearing on the Undine of tho credit. tVli SIO rwt Kfrandcr In the Manhattan, llronx, imai game against .Mnnuai no was , LNl. wtalallllaVJS ing 1916 and 1917, This opposed by one of tho best schoolboy1 Pirates Give National League Champions a Close Tussle De- Ktaten Island dlrlslon, Commercial twiners in urcatcr .now York, i spite Fact That Former Are a Natural Second Division Season He Is Batting and In the Hrooklyn division and flush- Juceam, Fielding in Style That ing the Queens dlrlslon are tho teams Nevertheless the Commercial atar Team With a "Has Been" in the Cox. to win the schoolboy baseball honors. proved that ho deserve all tho praise that have been nun re about May Earn Him Individual him. In thla battle undoubtedly tho Evindcr atone finished the season I Kime Htcngel was banished from tho most Important of the entire nched- - By Hugh S. Fitllcrton. game Honors of Big Leagues. with a clean aloti. Tho Hronx school uie, for tho championship depended pubiiaWni for protesting a decision. The Cecntot. tola, bj n rrtm Co. decision was bad. but Stengel was was never prosssd during the entire upon It llngcman far outclassed the i (Tfc iNw York Erralnt Trltl). running to was Manual atar and won easily. I growlnc second tkuio and campaign. New York was foroicd out and trying to interfore BAKER'S BATTING RECORD in tho Brooklyn division con- DARKEST with the wrevent a Over Thero eefima to bo no way of stop "With the Tonka beaten baseman and IN THE BIG LEAGUES. were somewhat different. Out LYCEUM uroomyn - dotrtlo play when Harrison called the ditions ping Urooklyn Prep, On Saturday again, trim aiaui;n- runner out first. Stengel, of all of the five contestants, three were tho Crown Height" team added an- IIAVll) nra.ASCO.ftSltetftrrsaenU tho finish ot at terad and routed at a men. on tho Held, was In the worst 1905 Athletics JOS contenders for Uie title until near tho other victory to Its long utrlng when desperate battle, the Giants stood In nos HI on to Judco tho o ay. yet lie 1910 Athletic 283 It dereated llushwlcK High Hchool. TIGER ROSE end of tho schedule. Brnsmus was no-hl- no-ru- danger of defeat, which moant sec kicked himself out of tho fame, al 1911 Athletics 334 Uninn, tho hero of a t. n 1912 .347 the team plcktd lo carry off tho game, waa forced to retire by LIBERTY place Id most lost It for his club by no doing. Athletic Bch ond the Ilccauso of his conduct lie was fined 1913 Athletics 336 honors. However, the Klatbush mnnn and his crowd of sltiggcr.i. The imWni National League $2.", and yesterday ho appeared on the 1914 Athletics .290 school, becausi of lock ot pitching 'rem boys belted the ball all over the race. Then along field with the telegram notifying mm 1916 Yankees .267 field for n total of U hits and 12 HIT." .282 strength, failed to coins through, and runn. Kichmnnn iron tho batting came IS. Kauff of tho fine tied around his arm. and 1917 Yankees HENRY 'MILLER'S bo exhibited It to the umps every tho best that tie Muff and Ulue could hero, getting two home runs and a at Uat 8 Era. and emote' the tfinu during the Kruno. get was third jlace. With iiuch play irlnglo out ot four times at bat. llo Vea, 8.30. Mats. tbaa. Bat. first ball that By Alex Sullivan. Hotting and wan cioseiy rouownn ror batting hon BILLIE BURKE I in A Mirrii.. ers as McPhei, Uarnes, by O'Kourkc, Crown ltol Admittedly the umpiring In the.Na. HH H ors the Heights HENRY MILLER of Conrtnienca Harmon wns It that Invented that Hohleuger Brasmua should have made right fielder, who collected two nln-gl- os pitched In the tlon.nl LeagUo has been pretty bad season, axiom, "They never a better showing. and a doublo out of four trips last of tho ninth this' worse than usual, but WHO to the vlatc. Hchl pitched a fine GLOBE'Vh s,.T0M0RR0Ws compared with the playing, It nnlncs. one who ) back?" The bo game. He struck out eleven Hush-wlo- k Mr. RAYMOND HITCHCOCK Inning, emote It If nir umpiio errea as often us any A great dc.il of cicdlt must originated it didn't havo "Home Hun" given to Commercial batters and allowed only two even Into tho player docs ho would not last a week Harcman, the scoro was 12 to :. iE HITCHY-KO- O 1918 league. of .the In mind, that's sen- - hits. Tho loner tier of the In any Tho umpires have Ilaker Yankees star twlrler. It waa this boy's iih LEON ERROL & IRENE B0RD0N1 grand stand and approximately 320 decisions to make a cinch. Kor tho past two years, in in cacn gumc, nnu even one question CO RT..W',. Illuminated Man- ublo decision Is held against them, fact, ever since he Joined the Now aUIW,HrU,U vT,'.:.?il Nla,.i. jlayor who accepts twenty play- hattan Island while a York club, J. Franklin has been S -- for a day or two chancei iwunout an error la remark ing a very ordinary gamo of baseball, UMPIRE RIGLER FLO FLO able. Trjmg to snow up umpires Is at leaat tho most certain way to make bad This season he has taken on a new REPUBLIC A'fflVCTlKta There Is small and grim comfort In umpiring, and Jim now the players lease of life and Is not only hitting in teams nro engngod the fact that the Giants by that one of the malt'rltv of a manner that has practically placed 2 In baiting tho milters as much as DECISION CAUSES Wow managed to beat the Pirates they dare. him at the head of both major with rtinr.NrK Moonr-- to L a team which claims to be It leagues in batting, but he is fielding UHLAOU Mau Tbam. A fiat, at 2.S0P the class of the league cannot beat snog The Yank struck another at his position at third tho best that nai.i WITH A a normal second division team, with unicogo ycsicruay anu dropped a RIOT IN BROOKLYN llela-- e. JfnniKJLsLlIV PAST Bob Harmon pitching, what can bunch of polnls off their winning per- any player In the country is covering I If playing centage. Tho fact that they wcro the difficult corner. Baker Is even rnUlU UIDDIC Veat42Bt. En. 8.20. they beat? The Giants, beaten by Joe uonz indicates tho cs uuunii - uninn Mal.Wl.(IV,)gi; and hitting In form, ought to beat tlmatlon placed upon their strength doing (better than he did when he was A TAILOR-MAD- E MANar" pitch-I- n, Pittsburgh, t7lth ancient Iiob by tho Whlto Sol.. Possibly tho White one of the quartet that formed the SA. shy on .oltchcr, of Kavanaugh of Cards rlTIMP.P Wrt 41 8L BrenUri si I without a bit of trouble, yet It Sox are but If they S100.QOO Infield. Calling ilau.Hd. tl'ou.)4 fit,.SJ0, considered tho 1 jinks us dangerous Athletic's famous defensive work, slip-pinn- ," required desperate a pennant factor vis we havo fondly "I felt last year that I was Safe in Ninth Starts the Business Before Pleasure bo nie brilliant fielding and a phe hoped they would ne. they would not taid Baker the other day. nomenal catch by Young to save the havo started llcnz, iwho Is passo and "So I resolved to work harder Trouble. STANDARD it jw 21 1? s before to keep in shape ......... ein-?"-' x. game Kauff's home run besides that Just tha style of pitcher than ever I :io hi. and make during, the off season. I did K.A.Kk l by the Yanks are supposed to cat UU this UiiftiMlalar. worth anything. That catch Denz told me early tills season, how- - by adoptinn a careful syatem of "Kalr hail!" yelled Cy lligler In exerciies that kept superfluous Young prevented another disaster ever, that he hat edvcated a curro the thirteenth Inning, and then tho Shirts show more in sum CHARITY.
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