Međuslověnsko-Anglijsky Slovnik Po Rodami Sloves
Međuslověnsko-anglijsky slovnik po rodami sloves ČESTKY by particle would či particle particle introducing a question da particle let li particle question particle nehaj particle let, may; Nehaj sila bude s toboju! May the Force Be With You! PRĚDRASTKY anti- prefix anti- iz- prefix out of nad- prefix super- naj- prefix most ni- prefix none- pol-, polu- prefix half pra- prefix great-, fore-, proto- pro- prefix pro- psevdo- prefix pseudo- samo- prefix self-, auto- sebe- prefix self-, auto- super- prefix super- svat- prefix marriage (relating to); inlaw svekr- prefix inlaw svrh- prefix super vy- / ➝ / iz- vy- prefix out of SUFIKS -kratno suffix times SVEZKY a conj. and, but abo conj. or aby conj. in order to, so as to ače conj. although, though ačekoli conj. although, though, even though ako conj. if, when; ~ by as if; in case; if; ~ li if; ~ ne unless ale conj. but čem conj. than či conj. if, whether da conj. that dokolě conj. while, as long as dopoka conj. as long as; ~ ne till, until hot, hoti conj. although, though; hot by at least i conj. and ibo conj. because, since ili conj. or; ~ … ili … either … or … iže conj. that; whether jer conj. because jerbo conj. because; ~ za because of jestli conj. if; ~ trěba if necessary; ~ ne unless kogda, kogdy conj. in case, when koliko conj. as many; ~ ja věm as far as I know; ~ ja znaju as far as I know li conj. whether, if minus conj. minus než conj. than neželi conj. than ni … ni … conj. neither … nor … no conj. but odkogda, odkogdy conj.
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