Editor-In-Chief Georges Mghames English Editor Kenneth Mortimer Reporting Tatiana Rouhana Arabic Typing Lydia Zgheïb Photograph
ndu Issue 55 June 2012 Have the days of good people gone? [1] Where are those once Have the days gone when generosity, reward, sacrifice, and entrusted with the administration of public affairs, serving patience abounded? Have the days of volunteer work gone? public interests, and preserving public security, safety, integrity, Have the days gone when the loyal and devout were willing to and freedom? sacrifice their lives for an ideal? Have the days gone when people cared for their children, raising Where do we stand today in comparison to honest and them, guiding them, and instilling in them moral values, and righteous judges, the wise and brave governor, the perseverant monitoring their friends, behavior, reputation, and activitiess in worker, the informed and educated writer, the merciful and order to reward or punish them? compassionate doctor, and the philanthropist who soothes Have the days gone when teachers were a guiding light and wounds and alleviates pain? a shining example? Have the days gone when teachers once Where do we stand today as composed to those who speak cared and demonstrated concern, were both harsh and kind, eloquently and intensely, those who promise and honor their educated and instructed, and pursued their labor, guided promises, those who do useful and valuable work, those who are by their inner light and deep inspiration, caring only for the creative and innovative… those who create happy kingdoms? good fruits they had sown and basking in the glow of a clear Where do we stand as compared to omnipresent love, common conscience? good, and beauty, the guiding principles of thought? Have the days gone when these institutions of education, which We truly suffer from a lack of respect for Humanity within and were the yeast, the ladder to success, and havens of peace, for God within this Humanity.
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