The Hon Gabrielle Upton MP ~,,1 Minister for the Environment Minister for Local Government NSW-- Minister for Heritage GOVERNMENT D0C18/451414 Committee Secretary Senate Standing Committees on Environment and Communications PO Box 6100 Parliament House Canberra ACT 2600 By email:
[email protected] Dear Committee Secretary I write to provide the NSW Government's submission into the Commonwealth's Environment and Communications References Committee's inquiry into Australia's faunal extinction crisis. The NSW Government is committed to improving conservation outcomes for our native species. On 25 August 2017, the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 commenced in NSW to enable sustainable land management and development. As part of these reforms, we have invested $240 million over five years to 2020- 21 and $70 million each following year in a new land conservation program delivered by the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust. As part of the land management reforms, we have also commenced the NSW Biodiversity Offset Scheme that requires proponents to consider how they will avoid, minimise and offset the impacts of proposed development on biodiversity. The NSW Government has also invested $100 million over five years through the Saving our Species program to secure our threatened plants and animals in the wild for the next 100 years. Further detail on these reforms and how they are contributing to protecting important native species as well as other actions can be found in the attached submission. The attached submission I look forward to continuing to work with the Commonwealth Government to ensure positive conservation outcomes for Australia's native fauna. Youny s19cerely Gabrielle Upton MP Minister for the Environment Minister for Local Government Minister for Heritage 24 .