No. 48


The House meets this day at 10.00 am


Private Members' Business ...... 2734 Government Business—Notice of Motion ...... 2834 Government Business—Orders of the Day...... 2835 Committee Reports and Government responses—Orders of the Day ...... 2836 Business for future consideration ...... 2839 Bills referred to Select or Standing Committees ...... 2840 Provisions of Bills referred to Select or Standing Committees...... 2840 Contingent Notices of Motions ...... 2841 Bills discharged, laid aside, negatived or withdrawn...... 2843

2734 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020


* 1. Uranium Mining and Nuclear Facilities (Prohibitions) Repeal Bill 2019: second reading—Mr Latham.

(Restored 24 March 2020)

* 19. Public Finance and Audit Amendment (Northern Beaches Hospital) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Secord: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 30 May 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

25. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide a framework for emergency action on climate change mitigation and adaptation in the State; to set targets for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; and to provide for monitoring and reporting of the impacts of climate change on people, communities and ecosystems in the State.

(Climate Change Emergency Bill)

(Notice given 8 May 2019)

* 28. Liquor Legislation Amendment (Repeal of Lock-out Laws) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 30 May 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

33. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998 and the Adoption Act 2000 to reverse certain amendments made the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Amendment Act 2018.

(Children and Adoption Legislation Amendment (Reversal) Bill)

(Notice given 8 May 2019)

35. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 in relation to the possession or discharge of firearms when committing or attempting to commit certain offences.

(Crimes Amendment (Possession or Discharge of Fireams in Commission of Offences) Bill)

(Notice given 8 May 2019)

*48. Crown Land Management Amendment (Reservation and Vesting of Crown Land) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Veitch: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 6 June 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

*55. Fishing Legislation Amendment (Right to Fish) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 14 November 2019)—Mr Farraway. (20 minutes) 2735 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Order of the day previously inside the order of precedence)

59. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to establish an inquiry into the management of the Murray- Darling Basin; and for related purposes.

(Murray-Darling Basin Commission of Inquiry Bill)

(Notice given 28 May 2019)

60. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 and the Liquor Relation 2018 to repeal provisions that prevent patrons from entering licensed premises in the Sydney CBD and Kings Cross precincts after 1.30 am.

(Liquor Legislation Amendment (Repeal of Inner-City Sydney Lock-out Laws) Bill)

(Notice given 28 May 2019)

*61. Real Estate Services Council Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 24 October 2019)—Mr Farraway. (20 minutes)

72. Mr Field to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to develop and provide for the publication of measures that indicate the wellbeing of people, communities and ecosystems in the State.

(Wellbeing Indicators Bill)

(Notice given 30 May 2019)

86. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 to provide for the standards of concentration for emissions of certain air impurities that are not to be exceeded in respect of coal-fired power stations.

(Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Clean Air) Bill)

(Notice given 5 June 2019)

*91. Repeal of Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Legislation Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Sharpe: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 8 August 2019)—Mrs Maclaren Jones. (20 minutes)

2736 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

100. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to repeal the Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Act 2018.

(Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Repeal Bill)

(Notice given 18 June 2019)

121. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to prohibit conduct that causes serious harm to or the destruction of a foetus; and for other purposes.

(Crimes Amendment (Protection of Foetuses) Bill)

(Notice given 20 June 2019)

127. Harmony Day: resumption of the adjourned debate (17 October 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Farlow:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) Harmony Day is organised by the Moving Forward Together Association and was celebrated on 21 March 2019,

(b) on 19 June 2019, the Moving Forward Together Association 2019 Harmony Day Poster and Song Writers Competition Prize Giving Ceremony was hosted in Parliament House, Sydney, and

(c) a number of dignitaries and special guests were present at the event including the Honourable MP, Premier of NSW, the Honourable , Minister for Multiculturalism, the Honourable Sarah Mitchell MLC, Minister for Education, Dr Marjorie O’Neill, Member for Coogee representing the Honourable Penny Sharpe MLC, Interim Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Phillip Ruddock, Mayor of Hornsby Shire Council, the Honourable Laurie Ferguson, Mr Ernie Friedlander OAM, President, Moving Forward Together Association, Ms Nell Lynes and the Honourable Scott Farlow MLC, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer.

2. That this House notes:

(a) that Harmony Day was created 14 years ago by Ernie Friedlander, a Holocaust survivor who was inspired to create the event to promote social harmony and the Moving Forward Together Association,

(b) the event was designed as a social initiative by various community groups committed to creating a better understanding amongst all sectors of the community for a vision of living in harmony,

(c) that each year the Harmony Day Poster Competition attracts thousands of entries and brings out the creativity and passion of school students motivated by a desire for a peaceful and inclusive society with the competition open to all primary and secondary students across New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, and

(d) the Moving Forward Together Team is adamant in its vision to encourage humanity to review its attitudes of those who are prejudiced and who stereotype and discriminate, which can too often lead to conflict and violence.

3. That this House acknowledges and congratulates the: 2737 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) winners of the Poster Competition including, Georgia Lee-Ball, Nepean Performing Arts High School, State Winner (High School), Dhani Maksun, Orchid Hills Primary School, State Winner (Primary School), Alex Wang, Armidale High School Denise Nzovu, Warrawong Intensive English Centre, Hellen Wang, Hornsby Girls High School, Rachel Seo, Concord High School, Jenna Yun, Burwood Girls High School, Jorja Cohen, Armidale High School, Meiying Wu, Warrawong Intensive English Centre, Jiho Baek, Pacific Hills Christian School, Claudia Gill, Nepean Creative and Performing Arts High School, Monica Xu, Strathfield Gilrs High School, Suenna Jeong, St George Girls High School, Charlotte Manton, West Wyalong High School, Bryan Ko, Epping Boys High School, Jasmine Patanjali, Mount Saint Benedict College, Caroline Lee, Our Lady of Mercy College, Parramatta, Sarah Al Helfy, Birrong Girls High School, Angelina Sims, Eileen O’Conner Catholic College, Skevos Tsangaris, Eileen O’Conner Catholic College, Anthea Arvanitellis, Sydney Girls High School, Dhani Maksur, New Lambtown South Public School, the St Therese’s Community School, Wilcannia, Tyler Cunning, Eden Public School, Claudia Lee, Tangara School for Girls, Min Zhi Jin, Harcourt Public School, Jayden Hong, Woollahra Public School, Anastasia Forster, Belmont North Public School, Millie Jones, St Mary’s Catholic School, Wellington, Shakaya Aldridge, Eden Public School, Claire Shin, Pacific Hills Christian School, Joelle Jung, Carlingford West Public School, Ivy Kim, Strathfield South Public School, San Lee, Fort Street Public School, Marina Chamberlin, Hillsborough Public School, Lennox Bennet, St Mary’s Catholic, Wellington, Clarice Howe, Bulli Public School, Yeon Hee (Emma Kim), Our Lady of Dolours Catholic Primary School Chatswood, Younghoon Jung, Newington College, Francis Jang, Korean Catholic Languages School, Jack Lee, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, San Kang, Homebush Public School and Ruby Levitt, Reddam House Woollahra,

(b) winners of the Song Writing Competition including, Jeremy Dodds, North Gosford Learning Centre (First Prize), Teresa Chen, Strathfield Girls High School (Joint Second Prize), Christine Chung, Strathfield Girls High School (Joint Second Prize), Hayley Chau, Strathfield Girls High School (Joint Second Prize), Coco Batu-Sampson, Reddam House and Jet Batu-Sampson, Reddam House (Joint Third Prize), and

(c) tireless efforts and work conducted by members of the Moving Forward Together Association including, Mr Ernie Friedlander OAM, President and the entire Advisory Board.—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (15 minutes)

Debate: 1 hour and 23 minutes remaining.

*134. National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Tree Thinning Operations) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 8 August 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

*139. Crimes Amendment (Zoe's Law) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 October 2019) of the question on the motion of Revd Mr Nile: That this bill be now read a second time.

Upon which Ms Boyd has moved: That the question be amended by omitting "now" and inserting at the end "this day six months"—Mrs Maclaren-Jones speaking. (17 minutes remaining)

147. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require the reporting of pregnancy terminations.

(Pregnancy Terminations (Mandatory Reporting) Bill)

(Notice given 6 August 2019)

2738 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

149. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to prohibit discrimination on the ground of a person's religious beliefs or religious activities and to prohibit public authorities and officials from subjecting faith-based institutions to detrimental treatment on the ground of faith; and for other purposes.

(Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Freedom of Religion) Bill)

(Notice given 6 August 2019)

157. Mrs Houssos to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to create the office of Dairy and Fresh Food Price Advocate and to provide for the objectives and functions of that office; and for related purposes.

(Dairy and Fresh Food Price Advocate Bill)

(Notice given 7 August 2019)

163. Remapping of old-growth and high-conservation-value public forests: resumption of the adjourned debate (8 August 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Field:

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the Government is planning to allow logging in thousands of hectares of old-growth and high-conservation-value public forests on the North Coast that have been off limits for decades,

(b) these forests are rare and important ecosystems which provide irreplaceable habitat for many threatened species, such as koalas, gliders, quolls, frogs and owls,

(c) they have been protected as part of the nationally agreed reserve system for decades and have been granted state significant heritage protection for their historical significance, including to Aboriginal people, aesthetic significance, research potential, rarity and valuable habitat,

(d) this process is being driven by a desire to access more timber, based on a Forestry Corporation calculation that new rules under the Coastal Integrated Forestry Operations Approvals (CIFOA) to protect koala habitat and threatened ecological communities could result in a small timber supply shortfall of up to 8,600 cubic metres per year,

(e) despite advice from the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) that this wood supply shortfall “represent[s] the worst case scenario and may never be realised”, the Premier requested the NRC consider remapping old growth forests and rainforests to meet this shortfall,

(f) a pilot study of 13 areas of state forest found that remapping could open up 78 per cent of protected old growth forest to logging, despite all sites having vitally important habitat,

(g) the Government has committed over $2 million to this remapping process, despite this cost far outweighing the $1.5 million value of buying back the contracts for the maximum claimed timber shortfall,

(h) the funding is being provided by the Government despite the NRC recommending that any remapping and rezoning should be paid for by Forestry Corporation as the beneficiary, and

2739 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(i) remapping on private land has already opened up over 29,000 hectares of previously protected old growth forests to logging in recent years.

(2) That this House agrees that remapping old growth forests:

(a) breaks the Government’s commitment to no erosion of environmental values under the new CIFOA,

(b) is based on timber supply impacts that are not verified and probably do not exist, and

(c) is a subsidy to logging which exceeds the value of the extra wood supply.

(3) That this House call on the Government to:

(a) end the remapping and rezoning of old-growth and rainforest on public and private land,

(b) ensure no areas of forest currently protected will be opened up to logging, and

(c) conserve native forests to protect biodiversity, store carbon and provide new tourism and recreational opportunities—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (15 minutes)

Debate: 1 hour and 45 minutes remaining.

181. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require women who are considering terminating a viable pregnancy to undergo counselling and to view an ultrasound of their unborn child.

(Pregnancy Termination (Mandatory Counselling) Bill)

(Notice given 20 August 2019)

184. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to require women seeking an abortion to be informed that the procedure may cause pain to the child in utero.

(Pregnancy Termination (Information About Pain to Child in Utero) Bill)

(Notice given 20 August 2019)

187. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Adoption Act 2000 to repeal the amendments made by the Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples) Act 2010 that enable couples of the same sex to adopt children; and for other purposes.

(Adoption Amendment (Same Sex Couples Repeal) Bill)

(Notice given 20 August 2019)

2740 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

188. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Act 1995 to prohibit the possession of restricted films.

(Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Enforcement Amendment (Banning Restricted X-rated Films) Bill)

(Notice given 20 August 2019)

199. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug and Alcohol Treatment Act 2007 to further provide for the involuntary rehabilitative care of persons with severe substance dependence; and for other purposes.

(Drugs and Alcohol Treatment Amendment (Rehabilitation of Persons with Severe Substance Dependence) Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

200. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to prohibit the destruction of any child in utero with a detectable heartbeat.

(Crimes Amendment (Pre-natal Termination) Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

201. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to provide for the establishment of the Family Impact Commission to study the moral, social and economic effects on the family unit of certain laws and proposed laws and Government expenditure; and for related purposes.

(Family Impact Commission Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

202. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the advertising of sex services; and for other purposes.

(Sex Services Advertising Prohibition Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

2741 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

203. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to require packaged liquor to contain a health warning about the danger of drinking alcohol when pregnant.

(Liquor Amendment (Health Warning for Pregnant Women) Bill)

(Notice given 21 August 2019)

*215. Child Protection (Nicole's Law) Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Revd Mr Nile: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 24 October 2019)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones speaking. (19 minutes remaining)

221. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit the advertising of gambling and related trade marks, brand names and logos; and for other purposes.

(Gambling Advertising Prohibition Bill)

(Notice given 17 September 2019)

224. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Summary Offences Act 1988 to prohibit persons paying for sex.

(Summary Offences Amendment (Prohibition on Payment for Sex) Bill)

(Notice given 17 September 2019)

*233. Liquor Amendment (Harm Reduction Areas) Bill 2019 Liquor Amendment (Intoxication) Bill 2019

Resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Roberts: That these bills be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 24 October 2019)—Mr Farraway. (20 minutes)

248. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 in relation to crimes of interfering with an agricultural activity or animal enterprise; and for other purposes.

(Crimes Legislation Amendment (Animal Enterprises) Bill)

(Notice given 25 September 2019)

2742 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

252. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to make amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 relating to the role and functions of the Independent Planning Commission in assessing development for the purposes of mining; the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions in determining development applications; and for other purposes.

(Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Mining) Bill)

(Notice given 25 September 2019)

*254. Pill Testing Bill 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 14 November 2019)—Mr Farraway. (20 minutes)

265. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to legalise cannabis and cannabis products; to regulate the sale, supply and advertising of cannabis and cannabis products; and for other purposes.

(Cannabis Industry Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

266. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 to make it an offence to publish material, or engage in any teaching or similar activity, that incites or promotes terrorism or other violence.

(Crimes Amendment (Incitement or Promotion of Terrorism and Violence) Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

270. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 to repeal provisions relating to the licensing and operation of the medically supervised injecting centre at Kings Cross.

(Drug Misuse and Trafficking Amendment (Injecting Centre Repeal) Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

271. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985 to replace criminal penalties for drug possession offences with a civil penalty scheme and establish a drug panel to administer that scheme; to amend the Criminal Records Act 1991 to allow historical drug possession offences to be extinguished; and for other purposes.

(Drug Misuse and Trafficking Amendment (Decriminalisation) Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

2743 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

273. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to prohibit people wearing full-face coverings in public places.

(Summary Offences Amendment (Full-face Coverings Prohibition) Bill)

(Notice given 15 October 2019)

279. Centenary of the National Party of Australia: resumption of the adjourned debate (14 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Franklin:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the National Party of Australia – NSW celebrated its centenary on Sunday 13 October 2019,

(b) the centenary marks 100 years of hard work for rural and regional New South Wales,

(c) the NSW National Party is the second oldest political party in New South Wales, and has the largest membership across regional New South Wales of any political party,

(d) the Party formed as the Progressive Party of NSW on October 13, 1919, and was renamed the Country Party in 1925, the National Country Party in 1977 and finally the National Party in 1982,

(e) in 1927 the Nationals formed a Coalition with the Liberal Party, with NSW the only state where the Coalition has never been broken,

(f) the NSW Nationals have produced nine Federal Leaders and five Federal Presidents, and have never been unrepresented in the Federal or New South Wales Parliaments, and

(g) the Party continues to fight for the rural and regional areas who are suffering from one of the worst droughts in history.

2. That this House recognises all those who have contributed to the strength, unity and success of the Party for the past 100 years.

Upon which Mr Secord has moved: That the question be amended by omitting all words after "That" and inserting instead "this House notes that the once great National Party is now a mere shadow of itself."— Mrs Maclaren-Jones speaking. (15 minutes)

Debate: 1 hour and 18 minutes remaining.

300. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to repeal the Abortion Law Reform Act 2019; and for related purposes.

(Abortion Law Reform Repeal Bill)

(Notice given 22 October 2019)

2744 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

309. Revd Mr Nile to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to raise the minimum drinking age from 18 years to 21 years.

(Liquor Amendment (Drinking Age) Bill)

(Notice given 22 October 2019)

312. Mr Mookhey to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 to restore journey claims, to remove certain restrictions on workers' entitlements to weekly payments and compensation for expenses and to make further provision with respect to the protection of injured workers.

(Workers Compensation Amendment (Protection of Injured Workers) Bill)

(Notice given 23 October 2019)

321. Mr Field to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Mining Act 1992 to prohibit prospecting for, or the mining of, mineral resources in the Bylong Valley; and for other purposes.

(Mining Amendment (Right to Farm the Bylong Valley) Bill)

(Notice given 24 October 2019)

323. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 to prohibit the use of drug detection dogs in carrying out drug detection without a warrant; to limit the circumstances in which strip searches may be carried out; to prohibit strip searches of children who are less than 16 years old; and for related purposes.

(Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Amendment (Drug Detection Dogs and Strip Searches) Bill)

(Notice given 24 October 2019)

326. Mr Shoebridge to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on 5 August 2019 the Indian government announced it was stripping Kashmir of its special status and dividing the state of Jammu and Kashmir in two,

(b) the announcement occurred under cover of a state-wide curfew and following the deployment of a significant number of paramilitary officers,

(c) a number of local political leaders were placed under house arrest and communications have been cut off, and

(d) there are reports of thousands of people being detained as part of a crackdown to implement the change.

2745 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

2. That this House recognises:

(a) the right of Kashmiris to self-determination in accordance with United Nations resolutions,

(b) that as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council, Australia has a vital role in resolving the Kashmir conflict,

(c) that there are serious concerns about the unprecedented level of illegal detentions and disappearances, and

(d) that all decisions pertaining to the future of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir should be taken in consultation with the people who live in this area.

3. That this House calls on the Indian government to restore basic human rights in Kashmir, lift curfews and political restrictions and follow the resolution passed by the United Nations Security Council by immediately de-militarising the region so a free and fair plebiscite can be held.

(Notice given 24 October 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 48)

329. Mr Shoebridge to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on 25 September 2019, Community Colleges Australia hosted a function to launch their report on government-funded vulnerable and disadvantaged vocational education and training students in New South Wales,

(b) the report shows that not-for-profit community providers perform an important role reaching vulnerable and disadvantaged students in New South Wales,

(c) community education providers proportionately engage more vulnerable and disadvantaged learners than any other type of provider as: (i) 68.3 per cent of community education students live in rural, regional and remote areas, (ii) 18.7 per cent of community education students identify as having a disability, (iii) 65.5 per cent of community education students are socioeconomically disadvantaged, (iv) 12.6 per cent of community education students are indigenous, (v) 41.9 per cent of community education students are 45 or older, (vi) 58.1 per cent of community education students identify as female, and

(d) community education providers deliver similar or better training and employment outcomes when compared to private for-profit education as: (i) 51.3 per cent of community education students not employed before training are employed after training, (ii) 86.1 per cent of community education students achieved their main reason for doing the training.

2. That this House commends Community Colleges Australia on their continued success in providing equitable and fulfilling education in New South Wales.

(Notice given 24 October 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 48)

331. Ms Cusack to move—

That this House:

(a) acknowledges and congratulates the Berejiklian Government for its Preschool policies, and

2746 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) calls upon the Federal Government to consider reform to tax policies for child care so that the needs of New South Wales parents who are trying to return to work are better addressed.

(Notice given 24 October 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 48)

338. Mr Latham to move—

1. That the House condemns the Government’s failure to provide adequate health services for Outer- Western Sydney, especially in the fast growing Oran Park district, where the South-West Sydney Local Health District has:

(a) failed to implement Stages 1, 2 and 3 of the local health plan, leaving residents in a large and growing catchment area without vital accessible services,

(b) engaged in a bogus radiology tender process, designed to deliberately fail, thereby unreasonably shifting health costs onto the private sector, and

(c) vacated its essential responsibility to young families and the elderly by failing to manage and direct a coordinated plan of public and private health care provision in the region.

2. That this House calls on the Honourable MP, Minister for Health and Medical Research to urgently report on how he is correcting these failures.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49)

340. Mr Primrose to move—

That this House:

(a) notes the advice from the Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet in a Budget Estimates hearing for Portfolio Committee No. 1 - Premier and Finance on 30 August 2019, in response to a question regarding 'how is regional defined', that stated 'Sydney, the Newcastle local government area and the Wollongong local government area is designated as metropolitan; anything outside that is considered regional', and

(b) calls on the Government to adopt a standard and clear definition across all agencies and programs of how ‘regional’ is defined, including the boundary of the Sydney Metropolitan Area.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49)

341. Mr Borsak to move—

That under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of Service NSW, the Department of Customer Service or the Minister for Customer Service:

(a) all documents relating to a consultancy commissioned by Services NSW with Avocado Consulting Pty Ltd, entitled 'Testing for NSW Police Force Staged Firearms and Licensing Information Management System Phase 1',

(b) any reports related to the Testing for NSW Police Force Staged Firearms and Licensing Information Management System, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49) 2747 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

343. Mr Moselmane to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) has recently released footage showing two police officers pulling over a driver, 24, and her stepmother, two Afghani women in Sydney's west, for allegedly having an unbuckled seatbelt,

(b) the footage shows a police officer, abusing and racially profiling the two women by berating the hijab-wearing driver as 'the most stupidest person' and then proceeding to threaten to charge her 'as an accessory to bloody murder', and

(c) in its report the LECC branded the actions of the police officer as 'serious misconduct' but stopped short of recommending his dismissal.

2. That this House notes that:

(a) as a result of this incident, Mr Ahmad Shady, has gathered 28,961 signatures on a petition calling on the Police Commissioner Michael Fuller APM, to act on this serious misconduct and dismiss the two police officers in order to restore public faith in our police force, and

(b) the petition notes the appalling and blatant racism, bigotry, and lack of professionalism of the two police officers involved.

3. That this House calls on the Police Commissioner to respond to community calls for the removal of the offending officers and restore faith in our police by ordering state-wide police and community forums to address racial profiling, and racial and religious abuse.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49)

352. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001 to phase out the use of single-use plastics and certain other products that have a harmful impact on the environment; and for other purposes.

(Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Amendment (Plastics Reduction) Bill)

(Notice given 12 November 2019)

354. Mr Field to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents, created since 1 January 2019 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Infrastructure NSW or the Department of Premier and Cabinet:

(a) all documents relating to the methodology or costings of biodiversity offsets and draft and current frameworks for biodiversity assessment as they relate to the proposal to raise the Warragamba dam wall, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49)

2748 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

356. Mr Shoebridge to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) from 28 September to 2 October 2019 the "Yaama Ngunna Baaka" Corroboree Festival, a roving, week-long corroboree program was held along the lower Baaka (Darling River),

(b) dance groups from the river communities performed riverbed corroborees in the townships of Walgett, Brewarrina, Bourke, Wilcannia and Menindee,

(c) the tour was organised by Muruwari and Budjiti man Bruce Shillingsworth, with Water for the Rivers and the corroboree Yaama Ngunna Baaka group, and

(d) over 300 people from around Australia joined the tour to learn through song, dance, music and story-telling.

2. That this House recognises that:

(a) around 60 per cent of the Aboriginal population in New South Wales live along the Murray Darling river,

(b) as long as the rivers do not flow, communities and culture suffer, and

(c) over allocation of rivers to big irrigation projects has strangled environmental and cultural flows meaning townships, districts and family farms are at breaking point.

3. That this House acknowledges that First Nations people have the knowledge and connection essential to bring the water back to the rivers, tackle climate change and end extinctions and they must be a central part of the solution.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49)

357. Mr Borsak to move—

1. That this House notes that during the 29 August 2019 Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs Budget Estimates hearing the Minister for Police and Emergency Services took a question on notice concerning whether he would undertake to 'change the basis upon which range assessments are done'.

2. That this House notes that following the 29 August 2019 Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs Budget Estimates hearing the following supplementary questions were lodged with the Minister for Police and Emergency Services:

(a) 'Has NSW Police Force, or any other government oversight agency, ever taken disciplinary action against the NSW Firearms Registry for non-compliance with directives issued in Treasury and DPC Circulars and Memos?' (supplementary question no. 6),

(b) 'Has NSW Police Force ever conducted a risk assessment on the impact of non-compliance by the NSW Police Force Firearms Registry with governance and compliance obligations as set out in: (i) NSW government Circulars and Memoranda issued by Treasury and Department of Premier and Cabinet? (ii) Administrative decisions made by the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal? (iii) If so, can the risk assessment(s) be provided?' (supplementary question no. 7),

(c) 'What are the names of the ranges that have been closed or suspended from operating for the following periods: 1 January 2013 – 31 December 2013; 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2014; 1 January 2015 – 31 December 2015; 1 January 2016 – 31 December 2016; 1 January 2749 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

2017 – 31 December 2017; and 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2018' (supplementary question no.10), and

(d) 'For each of the shooting ranges closed or suspended from operating…what was: (a) The date of closure / suspension of operation (b) The date of re-opening / lifting of the suspension on operation. (c) The period of closure' (supplementary question no. 11).

3. That this House notes that:

(a) on 24 September 2019 responses to the question on notice concerning range assessment and supplementary question nos 6, 7, 10 and 11 were received,

(b) the response to the question on notice referred to the New South Wales Police Force website and did not directly respond to the question as to whether the Minister for Police and Emergency Services would undertake to change the basis upon which range assessment are done,

(c) the response to supplementary question no. 6 did not directly address the question by failing to answer whether the Firearms Registry has ever been subject to disciplinary action for non- compliance with directives issued in Treasury and Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) circulars and memos,

(d) the response to supplementary question no. 7 did not directly address the question by failing to answer whether the Firearms Registry has ever conducted a risk assessment on the impact of non-compliance with certain governance and compliance obligations set by Treasury, DPC or the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal,

(e) the response to supplementary question no. 10 referred to the New South Wales Police Force website where the specific information requested was not available, and

(f) the response to supplementary question no. 11 did not directly address the question by failing to provide detail concerning the closing date, re-opening date or period of closure for any shooting range closed or suspended by the Firearms Registry for non-compliance with the Range Users Guide (since 2013).

4. That this House notes that the inadequacy of answers to questions either through Budget Estimates, Question Time or questions on notice is a growing concern which is undermining the ability of this House to hold the Government to account.

5. That this House censures the Minister for Police and Emergency Services for failing to directly respond to a question taken on notice and series of supplementary questions lodged following the 29 August 2019 Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs Budget Estimates hearing.

6. That the Minister for Police and Emergency Services provide answers to the 29 August 2019 Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs Budget Estimates question on notice concerning range assessment and supplementary question nos 6, 7, 10 and 11 that directly respond to the issues raised in the questions by 21 November 2019.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49)

359. Mr Borsak to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, referred to in section 11 of the index of the NSW Firearms Registry order for papers resolved by the House on 22 August 2019, in the possession, custody or control of the New South Wales Police Force, the Minister for Police and Emergency Services or the Department of Communities and Justice:

2750 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) Mr John Edwards' P650 form certified by Ku-Ring-Gai Pistol Club,

(b) Mr John Edwards' P650 form certified by Hornsby RSL Rifle club,

(c) all correspondence from the NSW Firearms Registry advising Mr John Edwards to apply for section 28 permits under the Firearms Act 1996, dated 24 January 2017,

(d) all section 28 permit applications made by Mr John Edwards received by the NSW Firearms Registry on 8 February 2017,

(e) the application for a Probationary Pistol Licence made by Mr John Edwards on 22 May 2017, and

(f) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49)

360. Mr Shoebridge to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on 24 October 2019 the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning, the Honourable Sarah Mitchell MLC, tabled an answer provided to a question taken on notice during the Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education Budget Estimates hearing regarding how much money allocated under the Local Schools, Local Decisions funding model is currently unspent, and

(b) the answer stated that as at '1 January 2019, schools had accumulated funds of $1.3 billion that were yet to be expended…includ[ing] $685 million of funds provided from government sources as well as locally raised funds'.

2. That, under standing order 52 there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of passing of this resolution any documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning or the Department of Education which disclose:

(a) the accumulated fund balance for each public school as at 30 June 2019 with a breakdown of funding provided by government sources and locally raised funds, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 12 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 49)

373. Mr Buttigieg to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) on Wednesday, 13 November 2019, one hundred waste service workers employed at the City of Sydney Council were forced to take strike action as the council is proposing to outsource their work,

(b) the City of Sydney Council Management has refused to consult workers over a proposal to outsource household garbage collection to a private contractor with the absence of an open tender process,

(c) workers have tried to seek meetings to consult with management about the proposal, and were informed that management would not undertake meetings or answer workers concerns or questions about outsourcing work to private contractor Cleanaway, 2751 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) the plan denotes that a private contractor will take over household garbage collection services across the city in place of council workers,

(e) the City of Sydney Council has not conducted an open and transparent tender process,

(f) sufficient notice and consultation has not been provided to employees and the United Services Union,

(g) council management have not provided evidence that the outsourcing proposal will cut costs or would be less expensive than retaining the current workforce, and

(h) workers are deeply distressed and apprehensive with the lack of job security and the absence of any consultation.

2. That this House calls on the City of Sydney Council:

(a) to stop the plan to contract out garbage services to a private company instead of retaining a well-trained, passionate, committed workforce that are already employed by the Council, and

(b) to meet with workers and provide job security for Council employees.

(Notice given 14 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 51)

374. Mr Mallard to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) for the first time in two decades, Katoomba’s historic courthouse will get its own district court sittings,

(b) district court sittings were held at Katoomba in the 1990s,

(c) the court will start sitting from 10 February 2020 with trials and multiple other matters due to be heard,

(d) this decision will reduce the pending trial case load in the region specifically from Penrith District Court, and

(e) this will allow Blue Mountains residents to serve as jurors performing an important role in the delivery of justice.

2. That this House congratulates Attorney General the Hon. MP on this announcement.

(Notice given 14 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 51)

377. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to permit an owner of land with a boundary adjoining land reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 to clear and burn vegetation on that reserved land within 250 metres of the boundary for the purpose of protecting property; and for related purposes.

(Bush Fires (Protection of Property) Bill)

(Notice given 19 November 2019)

2752 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

378. Mr Sharpe to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in New South Wales are 11 times more likely to be removed from their families than non-indigenous children,

(b) in 1993 there were 829 Aboriginal children and young people in Out of Home Care (OOHC), and

(c) in the latest statistical period there were 6766 Aboriginal children and young people in OOHC where the proportion of Aboriginal children and young people in OOHC continues to grow.

2. That this House notes that:

(a) the 'Family Is Culture – Independent Review of Aboriginal Children and Young People in Out of Home Care' chaired by Professor Megan Davis was released in early November,

(b) the review examined 1,144 case files of Aboriginal children and young people in care and revealed data that shows: (i) almost one in two Aboriginal Children who lived in New South Wales and entered kindergarten in 2009 and 2012 were screened-in at Risk of Significant Harm by the age of 5, (ii) over two thirds of mothers of children had a child protection history, (iii) one quarter of mothers had previously been in out of home care, (iv) for 80.9 per cent of Aboriginal children and young people entering into care there was no formal Aboriginal consultation prior to entering care, (v) 8.3 per cent of children and young people were placed in a motel when they first entered care, (vi) 10 per cent of children entering care enter care at birth, and

(c) the review also found serious concerns when Family and Community Services works with Aboriginal children and young people and their families including: (i) the location of children and young people under the care and protection of the Minister is in too many cases, unknown, (ii) offers from Aboriginal families to care for children and young people have gone unanswered, (iii) concern that the system has lost sight of the fundamental goal of the Aboriginal Child Placement Principle to keep children and young people connected to family, community, culture and country, (iv) removal of children without proper risk assessment, (v) lack of early intervention and prevention support to assist families pre removal, (vi) poor and unethical newborn removal practices, (vii) non-compliance with existing policies and practices, (viii) accountability mechanisms that are weak and require improvement, including transparency.

3. That this House thanks:

(a) Professor Megan Davis and her team and the staff at Family and Community Services (now Department of Communities and Justice) for conducting this ground-breaking review, and

(b) the Aboriginal families and organisations like Grandmothers Against Removals who campaigned for this review.

4. That this House urges the Berejiklian Government to address the 125 recommendations of the Family is Culture Review and provide a plan to reduce the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait children and young people in Out of Home Care. 2753 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 19 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 52)

380. Mr Secord to move—

That this House:

(a) notes that the ABC, as the national broadcaster, has been providing live radio coverage of the Olympics for more than 67 years,

(b) expresses its opposition to the decision to drop live radio coverage of the Olympics and replace it with daily Olympic updates on ABC News and ABC Grandstand,

(c) acknowledges that in many regional communities the ABC is often the only broadcaster and the only source of live news and information, and

(d) calls on the ABC to reconsider its decision to cancel the live radio coverage of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in July and August.

(Notice given 19 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 52)

381. Mr Latham to move—

That the House declares its support for the Deputy Premier’s stated public intent in wanting to rip up the Murray Darling Basin Plan.

(Notice given 19 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 52)

382. Mr Roberts to move—

1. That this House commends the vision of the 52nd Parliament in enacting the Police Powers (Drug Detection Dogs) Act 2001 and the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 where the need was recognised for the New South Wales Police Force to conduct strip searches and use drug detection dogs.

2. That this House acknowledges that New South Wales Police Force strip searches:

(a) are designed to ensure people's safety, that being the community, the police and often the safety of the person they are searching, and

(b) have sufficient safeguards in place and are subject to oversight by the New South Wales Police Force Professional Standards Command, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission, the Ombudsman, the New South Wales Coroner and the New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

3. That this House supports New South Wales Police Force Commissioner Mick Fuller APM who stated "it would be the public who would suffer from any attempt to water down the strip-search powers of police and other tough measures" and that law breakers should have "a little bit of fear" of the cops.

4. That this House notes the notice of motion standing in the name of Mr David Shoebridge who intends to reduce police powers by bringing in a bill for an Act to amend the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 to prohibit the use of drug detection dogs in carrying out drug detection without a warrant; to limit the circumstances in which strip searches may be carried out; to prohibit strip searches of children who are less than 16 years old; and for related purposes – the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Amendment (Drug Detection Dogs and Strip Searches) Bill.

2754 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 19 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 52)

383. Order for Papers—Revenue NSW investigations into payroll tax non-compliance: resumption of the adjourned debate (21 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Mookhey: That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents, created since 1 April 2015, in the possession, custody or control of the Treasurer, the Treasury, the Minister for Finance and Small Business, the Minister for Customer Service, the Department of Customer Service or Revenue NSW:

(a) all documents relating to any investigation undertaken by Revenue NSW into the payroll tax compliance of the following companies, any franchise related to the following companies, or any other entity related to or trading as: (i) Wesfarmers, (ii) Bunnings, (iii) Sunglass Hut, (iv) Qantas, (v) Rockpool Dining Group, (vi) the Commonwealth Bank, (vii) Michael Hill Jewellers, (viii) Subway, (ix) Woolworths, (x) 7 Eleven, (xi) Caltex Australia, (xii) Domino's Pizza, (xiii) Coffee Club, (xiv) Foodco, (xv) Crust Pizza,

(b) all correspondence, emails, briefing notes or House folder notes in the possession of the Office of the Minister for Finance and Small Business or the Office of the Minister for Customer Service related to wage theft, the underpayment of employees, or the payroll tax compliance of any business alleged or proven to have engaged in wage theft or the underpayment of employees, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

Upon which Mr Searle has moved: That the question be amended by inserting after paragraph (c):

"2. That this House notes that the House and its committees have consistently maintained that so-called statutory secrecy provisions, that is, provisions in statutes which prohibit in general terms the disclosure of certain categories of information, have no effect on the law of privilege, including the common law power of this House to order the production of State papers, unless they do so expressly or by necessary implication.

3. That this House further notes that this position has recently been expressly accepted by the Solicitor- General and the Crown Solicitor in a legal opinion provided to the Auditor General concerning the powers of parliamentary committees, in which the Crown Solicitor observed:

The Solicitor General expressed the general view that a statutory prohibition on disclosure of information will only be held to apply to disclosure to a Parliamentary committee if that is done expressly or by necessary implication.

I defer to the views of the Solicitor General. … I would only add that the principle applied by the Solicitor General - that legislation will be presumed not to diminish the “privileges” of Parliament or its committees, unless it does so expressly or by necessary implication - has been accepted in several Australian cases.

4. That notwithstanding the power of the House to order the production of State papers subject to statutory privacy or secrecy provisions, the documents returned to the House under this order of the 2755 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

House be redacted to remove information subject to the privacy and secrecy provisions of the Taxation Administration Act 1996."—Mr Buttigieg speaking. (3 minutes remaining)

Debate: 16 minutes remaining.

387. Disability advocacy: resumption of the interrupted debate (21 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Ms Sharpe:

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the New South Wales Ageing and Disability Commissioner is undertaking a review of disability advocacy in New South Wales,

(b) there have been submissions to the review from people with disability, as well as the organisations who work with them, outlining the importance of a well-funded, specialised and independent disability advocacy sector,

(c) people with disability must be the decision-makers about their lives and advocacy can assist people with disability to be fully able participate in decision-making, and

(d) while the NDIS has increased the need for advocacy, it only adds to the full range of work advocacy organisations do, including improving access to education, transport, housing, health, justice and more.

2. That this House calls on the Honourable MP, Minister for Disability Services, to commit to:

(a) releasing the New South Wales Ageing and Disability Commissioner’s report into disability advocacy as soon as it is available, and

(b) two years of rollover funding for the disability advocacy sector to end the funding uncertainty being experienced by these crucial organisations.—Mr Franklin speaking. (1 minute remaining)

Debate: 27 minutes remaining.

392. Mr Shoebridge to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the NSW Police Commissioner admitted in an interview with the Daily Telegraph that strip searches are designed to create fear of the Police Force, and that young people need to have a "little bit of fear of law enforcement",

(b) the Commissioner went on to say, in defence of the wide-spread practice that "people need to understand there are consequences", and that strip searches are aimed at people "on the verge of being criminals", and

(c) the Commissioner also alleged that strip-searches were necessary to reduce knife crime.

2. That this House recognises that:

(a) less than one percent of strip-searches across the State are conducted on suspicion of knife crime, and that the Commissioner either does not know what is going on in his own police force or is lying to the people of New South Wales,

2756 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) it is unacceptable that the Police Commissioner and the NSW Police Force are issuing extrajudicial punishment in the form of strip-searches to people they think might commit a crime in future, and

(c) the Police Commissioner and the NSW Police Force should be working with the community not deliberately instilling fear within it.

3. That this House acknowledges that the NSW Police have strip-searched a ten year old child, over 120 girls and thousands of people across the State just going about their daily lives.

4. That this House calls on the Police Minister to direct the Commissioner to obey the law and cease making political interventions in the media designed to protect his force from legitimate and essential scrutiny when they abuse their power.

(Notice given 19 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 52)

393. Ms Jackson to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) Monday 25 November is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women,

(b) in Australia 800,000 people in the workforce, predominantly women, will experience domestic violence this year,

(c) leaving a violent relationship requires on average 140 hours and $18,000,

(d) paid domestic violence leave can be the difference between women having the financial resources and capacity to leave a violent relationship or not, which is why so many unions have been campaigning to make it a mandatory entitlement for all workers, and

(e) public sector workers in New South Wales are now able to take up to 10 days of paid domestic violence leave a year.

2. That this House calls on:

(a) the Federal Government to urgently introduce 10 days paid domestic violence leave into the National Employment Standards so all workers can access 10 days domestic violence leave, and

(b) the New South Wales Government to legislate paid domestic violence leave for all working people in New South Wales, if the Federal Government will not act.

(Notice given 19 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 52)

397. Mr Martin to move—

1. That this House notes that the 20th of November is the 72nd wedding anniversary of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness The Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh,

2. That this House acknowledges that the pair have served the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms, including Australia, for most of their time together

3. That this House congratulates Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip on this significant milestone and wish them continuing good health.

(Notice given 20 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 53) 2757 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

400. Mr Field to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Water NSW or the Department of Premier and Cabinet:

(a) the draft Barwon Darling Water Sharing Plan that was put on public exhibition in 2012,

(b) all submissions to the draft Barwon Darling Water Sharing Plan that was put on public exhibition in 2012,

(c) all documents, created since January 2019, related to Cap accreditation and compliance for the 2012 Barwon Darling Water Sharing Plan, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 20 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 53)

402. Ms Cusack to move—

That this House thanks and congratulates the entire team at Service NSW for:

(a) placing eighth in the "Great Places to Work" – in the more than 1,000 employees category, becoming the first Government agency in history to be listed in the Top 10 Great Places to Work,

(b) its diverse workforce of more than 3,000 employees in over 100 service centres, including 40 per cent in regional New South Wales, and 20 per cent for whom English is their second language,

(c) its array of training, mentoring and development opportunities that coupled with a flexible workplace policy is pioneering the highest standards in workplaces that has now been acknowledged as one of the Top 10 Great Places to Work, and the

(d) fantastic work that Service NSW staff provide to the community.

(Notice given 20 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 53)

403. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents, created since 2 April 2019, in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Water NSW or Sydney Water:

(a) all documents concerning the decision to implement level 1 water restrictions in Sydney on 1 June 2019,

(b) all documents concerning any proposal to implement level 2 water restrictions or any further water restrictions in Sydney,

(c) all documents relating to Greater Sydney's water storage levels between 2020 and 2024 including modelling of: (i) the predicted length and severity of the drought, (ii) the predicted impacts of climate change on water availability, (iii) consumer usage patterns under current and anticipated water restriction scenarios, and

2758 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 20 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 53)

404. Mr Farraway to move—

That this House notes that:

(a) Buy Regional is an online hub that showcases regional shops and sellers together in one place, to make it easy for shoppers to find the perfect Christmas gift and support regional New South Wales,

(b) there have been more than 194,539 page views in just two weeks and there are now 211 businesses listed from regional New South Wales,

(c) a new category has been added for businesses offering "experiences" so that people in the city can give their loved ones an experience gift for Christmas - encouraging travel to the regions into the New Year,

(d) the simplest way for metro communities to get on board and support our drought affected communities is to spend money and support the regions now, over the Christmas period, and into the future,

(e) Facebook group #OneDayCloserToRain is connecting people on the land who are struggling with drought, providing a life line for those who need to share their stories.

(f) the group has launched a marketplace to help regional people create income streams by selling their locally produced arts and design work to city people keen to help,

(g) posties in drought affected towns across regional New South Wales are being inundated with requests for boxes and satchels with Sydneysiders heeding the call to #buyregional this Christmas and lodging orders with small businesses in country towns,

(h) postal managers are offering advice to businesses who are experiencing a boost in parcel sending, helping them cope with increased volumes and advising how to get their products in the post and on their way to customers, and

(i) the #buyfromthebush campaign was founded by Grace Brennan who turned to social media to help businesses find new customers outside their drought stricken communities.

(Notice given 20 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 53)

405. Mr Martin to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia held its annual state conference at Crowne Plaza Hunter Valley, from 6 to 9 November 2019,

(b) the conference is held annually and is the leading state forum for the public works and engineering sector,

(c) the conference endeavours to recognise public works engineers and the outstanding achievements of its members throughout the year,

(d) public works engineers are provided a platform to discuss significant infrastructure challenges and opportunities present in balancing community expectations, public funding and public health and safety, and 2759 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(e) the state conference discussed the future of infrastructure in New South Wales, innovation in public works, building capacity and the role of the New South Wales State Government.

2. That this House congratulates the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia on a successful 2019 conference.

(Notice given 20 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 53)

408. Mr Secord to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Restart NSW Fund Act 2011 to make further provision regarding funding for infrastructure projects in rural and regional areas.

(Restart NSW Amendment (Rural and Regional Infrastructure Funding) Bill)

(Notice given 21 November 2019)

*409. Water (Commonwealth Powers) Amendment (Termination of References) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 13 May 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

410. Mr Mookhey to move—

1. That this House acknowledges the skilled and dedicated nurses, health workers and medical staff in the Tumut area, including hospital staff, paramedics and community nurses who provide exceptional care to local residents who are ill or injured.

2. That this House notes:

(a) that Tumut District Hospital does not have a full-time doctor, putting unfair pressure on nursing staff and leading to poor health outcomes for local residents, and

(b) the strong community campaign for two specialist doctors at Tumut District Hospital to provide healthcare this regional community deserves.

3. That this House calls on the Government to adequately staff Tumut District Hospital with two on- site doctors, and provide more nursing resources in the region, including community nursing.

(Notice given 21 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 54)

411. Mr Pearson to move—

1. That this House commends retailers Target and Kmart for deciding to phase out the sale of fabrics and textiles sourced from the wool of mulesed sheep.

2. That this House notes that:

(a) Target will complete the phase out by July 2023 and Kmart by 2024, and

(b) the material will be replaced completely with an alternative from either: (i) farms certified under the Responsible Wool Standard or equivalent standard, or (ii) farms that are fully traceable and verified as non-mulesed or from recycled wool materials.

3. That this House notes that:

2760 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) over two billion animal products end up in fashion supply chains every year,

(b) Target and Kmart have made commitments to produce an animal welfare policy which aims to cover all of the key animal derived-materials they use,

(c) these actions follow similar commitments made by other Australian fashion brands, including David Jones and Country Road Group including brands Witchery and Politix, and

(d) it demonstrates that retailers are sensitive to consumer demands for brands to take steps towards prioritising animal welfare in the production of their merchandise.

(Notice given 21 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 54)

412. Mr Shoebridge to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) in 1969 the Eden woodchip mill was established by Harris-Daishowa to chip and export native forest wood "waste",

(b) in 1970 the first woodchips were exported, and

(c) in the 50 years since the mill was established wood chipping has been the primary driver of native forest logging in south east New South Wales.

2. That this House recognises that:

(a) concerns about the environmental, financial and social impact of native forest logging have been recognised for decades,

(b) in 1998 the NSW Premier Bob Carr promised in writing to "end export wood chipping by the year 2000",

(c) current figures show only $3.72 a tonne is being received for logs from the southern region, and

(d) the Victorian Government has announced the end of native forest logging in recognition of the damaging nature of the industry, the low financial returns for the taxpayer and the value in leaving forests standing.

3. That this House affirms that:

(a) the native forest wood chipping industry in south east New South Wales has lost its social license, and

(b) 50 years since the start of the industry means that it is time for it to be relegated to the history books with industries like commercial whaling and koala hunting.

4. That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) immediately suspend the Regional Forest Agreements under which this wood chipping occurs,

(b) move to a management model that protects public native forests and maximises their environmental values, as well as enhancing their ability to store carbon and provide recreational opportunities, and

(c) provide transition packages for all workers currently engaged in native forest logging to ensure they have long term, secure and sustainable jobs. 2761 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 21 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 54)

413. Mr Graham to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Liquor Act 2007 to prohibit licence conditions that restrict or prohibit live music; to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to enable consent authorities to revoke conditions of development consents that restrict or prohibit live music at licenced premises; and for related purposes.

(Liquor Amendment (Right to Play Live Music) Bill)

(Notice given 21 November 2019)

414. Mr Roberts to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes Act 1900 with respect to certain offences against emergency service workers.

(Crimes Amendment (Assault of Emergency Service Workers) Bill)

(Notice given 21 November 2019)

415. Mr Roberts to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000 with respect to forensic procedures on persons charged with an offence against Division 8A of Part 3 of the Crimes Act 1900.

(Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Amendment (Assaulted Emergency Workers) Bill)

(Notice given 21 November 2019)

416. Mr Primrose to move—

1. That this House notes:

(a) the appointment of the Honourable Don Harwin MLC as Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council and Vice-President of the Executive Council on 30 January 2017,

(b) that on 8 May 2019 the House adopted a sessional order that ‘Standing Order 65 (5) An answer must be directly relevant to a question.’,

(c) that this requirement became applicable to written questions as well on 8 May 2019 through the operation of standing order 67(2): ‘The rules for questions apply to written questions.’,

(d) that written questions are directed to Ministers in the Legislative Council, either in their own capacity or representing a Minister in the other place,

(e) the repeated failure by Government Ministers to comply with the requirement that answers to written questions must be directly relevant to the question asked,

(f) the repeated failure of the Leader of the Government, as the accountable office holder, to ensure that responses from Ministers to written questions were directly relevant, and

(g) the repeated failure of the Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council to respond to concerns raised by Members in the House, including the Honourable Peter Primrose MLC, 2762 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

regarding persistent breaches of the requirement by Ministers regarding direct relevance in relation to answers to written questions.

2. That this House notes:

(a) the Legislative Council is fully entitled to scrutinise and demand accountability for all aspects of Executive Government behaviour,

(b) the Executive Government is responsible to Parliament, and through Parliament to the Electorate, and

(c) the most common procedure whereby Ministers are called to account is through the asking of questions, both through Question Time and as written questions.

3. That this House affirms the need to protect the right of this House to adopt Standing Orders that ensure that it may discharge its duties and responsibilities with the confidence of the community which elects its Members.

4. That, for the above reasons, this House:

(a) expresses its displeasure with the Honourable Don Harwin MLC, Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council, for his continued failure to ensure that answers to written questions provided by Ministers are in accord with the requirements of the Standing Orders, and

(b) calls on the Leader of the Government to ensure that in future, responses from Ministers to written questions are directly relevant.

(Notice given 21 November 2019—expires Notice Paper No. 54)

*417. Local Government Amendment (Disqualification from Civic Office) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Secord: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 27 February 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

421. Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move—

(1) That this House notes that agricultural shows across New South Wales are underway for the 2020 season.

(2) That this House acknowledges that for over 90 years, the Agricultural Societies Council of NSW has worked to:

(a) promote and protect the pastoral, agricultural, horticultural and industrial resources of Australia,

(b) educate and promote involvement of young people in Show Societies and competitions, and

(c) support Agricultural Show Societies and Agricultural Youth Groups, with 195 Societies currently in New South Wales.

(3) That this House acknowledges that agricultural shows play a significant role in promoting and showcasing agricultural communities, their produce and talent, and highlight the importance of rural and regional New South Wales.

(4) That this House notes that the Sydney Royal Easter Show will be held from Friday 3 April to Tuesday 14 April 2020.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55) 2763 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

422. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 14 February 2020 the Honourable Penny Sharpe, Shadow Minister for Family and Community Services, and Shadow Minister for Disability Inclusion, held a roundtable to examine the issues for New South Wales and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS),

(b) roundtable participants included more than 50 people representing 30 organisations including people with disability, their advocates, peak bodies, academics, service providers and unions,

(c) only 10 per cent of people with disability in New South Wales will be eligible for a support package from the NDIS,

(d) the NDIS is not the end of the role that the Government plays in the lives of people with disability, and

(e) the Government has a duty to ensure that all state services are inclusive of people with disability.

(2) That this House notes that the roundtable made the following recommendations to the Government:

(a) undertake a review of where service gaps have emerged following the introduction of the NDIS,

(b) urgently assess the deficits for people with disability in accessing state services, ensuring that the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 and other state policies and programs address these deficits,

(c) embed NDIS staff within state based systems to address gaps,

(d) commit to securing adequate funding certainty for the disability advocacy sector,

(e) implement the recommendations of the Fitzgerald review into disability advocacy,

(f) review the Disability Inclusion Act 2014 to strengthen the requirements of government agencies to plan for and deliver mainstream services for people with disability, and

(g) improve reporting to Parliament on data and outcomes for people with disability.

(3) That this House calls on the Honourable Gareth Ward, Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services to:

(a) urgently address the issues with the NDIS for people with disability in New South Wales, and

(b) work across the Government to provide the mainstream supports for those with disability, in particular those without access to the NDIS.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

424. Mr Fang to move—

(1) That this House acknowledge the 2019-2020 summer fires have had an impact on the mental health and wellbeing of communities directly affected. 2764 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) the Government has announced an $11.25 million recovery package, and

(b) this package includes additional clinical positions, with recruitment already underway.

(3) That this House notes that:

(a) the Government deployed mental health teams, comprising a total of 76 staff, to fire affected communities,

(b) the teams included mental health clinicians, nurses, Aboriginal health workers, and support staff,

(c) the teams covered evacuation centres, community events and unofficial pop-up sites, and

(d) the teams provided outreach, home visits and educational debrief sessions to health staff, GPs and general community members about trauma responses and self-care after a traumatic event.

(4) That this House thank all NSW Health staff for their efforts on the ground and their continued work to sustain the mental health and wellbeing of fire affected communities during this difficult time.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

426. Mr Field to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 26 September 2019, the House ordered the production of documents relating to the Native Vegetation Code Review,

(b) on 10 October 2019, the House received a return to order from the Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet stating that the relevant departments hold no documents covered by the terms of the resolution that are lawfully required to be provided,

(c) at the Budget Estimates hearing held on 13 September 2019 into the Energy and Environment portfolios, the Honourable , Minister for Energy and Environment, confirmed in evidence to Portfolio committee no. 7 – Planning and Environment that the Natural Resources Commission (NRC) had completed a review of Native Vegetation,

(d) at the same hearing Dr Keniry, Commissioner of the NRC and Mr Wilde, Executive Director of the NRC, confirmed that the review was referred on 19 January 2019 and the report was submitted on 31 July 2019,

(e) in the same evidence, Mr Wilde stated that the review report was going to the Ministers for Environment and Agriculture, and was "Cabinet in confidence",

(f) on 17 October 2020, the House further ordered the production of documents relating to the review of the Natural Vegetation Code by the Natural Resources Commission, as referred to by the Minister and other witnesses at the Budget Estimates hearing held on 13 September 2019, and

(g) on 24 October 2019, the House received a return to order from the Secretary of the Department of Premier and Cabinet stating that the relevant departments hold no documents covered by the terms of the resolution that are lawfully required to be provided.

(2) That this House: 2765 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) reasserts its power to order the production of all documents in the possession, custody or control of the Executive Government with the exception of those documents that reveal the actual deliberations of Cabinet, as articulated by Spigelman CJ in Egan v Chadwick, and

(b) rejects the definition of Cabinet documents used in the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 which if followed may lead to a much broader class of documents being withheld from the House.

(3) That this House notes the failure of the Government to comply with the orders of the House on 26 September 2019 and 10 October 2019 for the production of documents relating to the Native Vegetation Code Review prepared by the Natural Resources Commission for the "assistance of cabinet" as held by Spigelman CJ.

(4) That this House censures the Leader of the Government as the representative of the Government in this House for the Government’s failure to comply with the orders of the House of 26 September 2019 and 10 October 2019.

(5) That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of Department of Premier and Cabinet or the Department of Planning Industry and Environment:

(a) the review of the Natural Vegetation Code by the Natural Resources Commission, as referred to by the Minister and other witnesses at the Budget Estimates hearing held on 13 September 2019, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(6) That, should the Leader of the Government fail to table the documents in compliance with this resolution, this House orders the Leader of the Government to attend in his place at the Table at the conclusion of prayers, on the next sitting day to explain his reasons for continued non-compliance.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

431. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) every day in New South Wales people with disability are forced to lay on the floor of public toilets because of a lack of public adult lay down change facilities,

(b) according to the National Public Toilet Map, there are only 13 accessible adult lay down change facilities in New South Wales, very few in regional areas, and none available on our highways,

(c) a lack of facilities means people with disability are often prevented from participating equally in their community or travelling across the state, meaning they miss out on visiting family and friends or attending necessary medical appointments, and

(d) a small investment by the Government into adult lay down change facilities could dramatically change the lives of people with disability for the better.

(2) That this House calls on the Honourable Gareth Ward, Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services to:

(a) create a fund for local councils to build publicly accessible adult lay down change facilities in their town, and 2766 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) ensure adult lay down change facilities are on every New South Wales highway to open up the state to people with disability.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

432. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) it is estimated that over 1.25 billion animals have been killed in the devastating bushfires across Australia, with many more injured and still struggling to survive due to starvation and dehydration,

(b) the rescue, care and rehabilitation of these animals has largely been undertaken by non-profit animal rescue organisations and sanctuaries, and

(c) these carers have been working non-stop for months to treat and care for bushfire affected animals, often at great personal, emotional and financial sacrifice, with almost no government funding or assistance.

(2) That this House acknowledges and thanks all animal rescue organisations, sanctuaries and volunteers for their tireless efforts, and calls on the Government to urgently dedicate more resources to assist animals affected by the bushfires.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

433. Mr Fang to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on Saturday 8 February 2020, the Government announced the launch of a $10 million tourism campaign called ‘Now’s The Time To Love NSW’,

(b) this campaign is a social media-led, community-driven initiative that encourages people to make holiday plans in New South Wales, capture their favourite New South Wales holiday spots and share their photos on social media platforms,

(c) the campaign aims to boost visitation to New South Wales, fund new local events and assist tourism businesses to develop, promote and sell their tourism products,

(d) the $10 million package includes partnership campaigns with Qantas Airways, Accor, Webjet, TripAdvisor and Tigerair and a $1 million regional events program to support flagship events and a new stream of micro events, and

(e) ‘Now’s The Time To Love NSW’ builds on and complements Tourism Australia’s recently launched ‘Holiday Here This Year’ domestic tourism campaign and is funded by both State and Federal investments.

(2) That this House recognises the vital importance of the tourism industry in New South Wales, especially in regional and rural areas that have been devastated by prolonged drought and the recent unprecedented bushfires.

(3) That this House support the ‘Now’s the Time To Love NSW’ campaign to help save local jobs and give tourism operators in New South Wales a chance to get back on their feet after such a devastating time.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

2767 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

434. Ms Moriarty to move—

(1) That this House acknowledges the:

(a) bushfire season saw communities destroyed by the fires, with lives, homes and businesses lost,

(b) resilience of the community supporting one another during this difficult time,

(c) trauma suffered by the individuals within the bushfire affected communities, and

(d) fantastic work of mental health workers on the ground, helping those suffering as a result of the bushfires.

(2) That this House notes that three years after Black Saturday in Victoria, 26 per cent of those in the worst affected areas still showed signs of mental health problems beyond levels likely to be manageable and required professional support.

(3) That this House calls on the Government to provide additional on the ground mental health and trauma support in fire affected communities now and over the coming months and years.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

*435. Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate of the question on the motion of Mr Latham: That this bill be now read a second time (5 calendar days from 13 May 2020)—Mrs Maclaren-Jones. (20 minutes)

439. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) without a search warrant, a NSW police officer must have “reasonable grounds” as defined in the Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002 (the Act) in order to conduct a lawful search of a person, and

(b) a NSW police officer must only give a move on direction if satisfied of the conditions set out under the Act.

(2) That this House recognises that:

(a) police are granted extensive discretionary powers to carry out their duties,

(b) these powers should be executed in a manner that does not arbitrarily violate the rights of the public,

(c) arbitrary quotas for discretionary powers result in public scepticism regarding the “reasonable grounds” required before police can lawfully exercise their powers, and

(d) quotas incentivise police to conduct searches or issue move on directions to meet an arbitrary number, instead of assessing the actual situation.

(3) That this House calls on the Government and the Minister for Police to remove NSW Police Force quotas for personal searches and move on orders.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

2768 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

443. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) local government areas across New South Wales have been heavily impacted by the 2019- 20 bushfires,

(b) local councils in regional, rural and peri-urban areas struggle to obtain adequate funding to maintain and improve local roads and rely heavily on Federal Roads to Recovery Program Funding,

(c) local roads in bushfire-affected areas have been seriously impacted by fire, additional heavy vehicle movement, and subsequent flooding, making access for disaster-affected communities and emergency services difficult, and

(d) fire-fighting efforts have been hindered by sub-standard regional and rural roads, which made access for emergency service vehicles more difficult and, in some cases, very dangerous, increasing response times, putting lives at risk and rendering some vehicles unusable or unserviceable.

(2) That this House:

(a) acknowledges the importance of local councils providing safe roads for their communities,

(b) recognises that local councils in bushfire-affected areas require additional support to rebuild and improve local roads, beyond the funding provided by existing programs and bushfire recovery funding, and

(c) calls on the Government to allocate significant funding to bushfire-affected councils in the 2020-21 Budget to enable rapid repair and recovery of local roads.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

446. Ms Boyd to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to cancel certain authorisations and titles that permit exploration for and mining of minerals and petroleum (including coal seam gas) in the Central Coast’s drinking water catchment areas; to prohibit the grant, renewal or modification of those kinds of authorisations and titles; to prohibit certain interference with water in those drinking water catchment areas; and for related purposes.

(Central Coast Drinking Water Catchments Protection Bill)

(Notice given 25 February 2020)

449. Mr Field to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the devastation brought about by this season’s fires on the State’s forests is unprecedented, with as much as 40 percent of national parks and state forests and 25 percent of the state’s softwood plantations being impacted,

(b) few forests were left unscathed by the fires which burnt softwood plantations around Tumut, National Parks and State Forests of the South and North Coasts, 2769 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(c) core Koala habitat around the Central Coast, South West and North Coast was decimated and large tracts of the World Heritage Blue Mountains and Gondwana rainforest were burnt, some for the first time,

(d) drinking water catchments across the state burnt risking water quality impacts,

(e) some timber mills were lost to the fires and the Eden woodchip mill was damaged,

(f) a number of the most damaging fires started in state forests and plantations, including the Currowan fire on the South Coast which started in the actively logged Currowan State Forest,

(g) the future of the state’s forests, the forestry industry and its workers is uncertain given the widespread impacts of the fires,

(h) the industry was already facing significant resource pressures, particularly on the North Coast, with supply of high quality saw logs anticipated to drastically reduce after the conclusion of current wood supply agreements between 2023 and 2028,

(i) the evidence suggests that current wood supply agreements have overcommitted timber that has required unsustainable logging,

(j) the lack of long-term planning would have seen timber mills close and regional jobs lost, possibly within this term of Parliament, even before the impact of this season’s fires on wood supply,

(l) the renegotiation of wood supply agreements due to happen within this term of Government must fully consider the impacts of the fires on wood supply and the ecological value of the state’s forests as well as the increased future fire risk from climate change,

(m) there is a significant opportunity to reimagine the future of our forests and the economic future of forestry workers including by transitioning to a more sustainable timber industry through developing and replanting plantations, retooling workers as public land managers and repurposing many state forests as recreational reserves with ecotourism opportunities.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) place a moratorium on logging while a full assessment of the impact of the fires on the ecological values of the state’s forests and on wood supply is conducted, and

(b) acknowledge the urgent economic and ecological need to address the future of the forestry industry in New South Wales and formulate a long-term plan for the future of the state’s public forests and for a sustainable forestry industry.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

450. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House calls on the Government to undertake and publish economic modelling relating to the consequences of its net-zero emissions by 2050 policy, specifically detailing the impact on:

(a) State Domestic Product,

(b) household income, and

(c) employment levels in various industry sectors and regions of the State.

(2) That this House notes the impact of the equivalent policy in New Zealand where economic modelling showed a 15 per cent reduction in future average household income levels. 2770 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

451. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) climate change was the primary driver behind the scale of the unprecedented 2019/2020 bushfire season which resulted in: (i) 25 people killed in New South Wales, (ii) 5.3 million hectares (6.7 per cent) of land burnt in New South Wales including more than 80 per cent of the World Heritage listed Greater Blue Mountains area and 54 per cent of the New South Wales components of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage property, (iii) at least 800 million native animals killed in New South Wales with 60 threatened fauna species affected by the fires, including at least 32 species for which 30 per cent or more of all recorded locations occur in the burn areas, (iv) toxic bushfire smoke blanketed major population centres for over two months leading to a spike in emergency department presentations for respiratory problems as well as increasing health risks for pregnant women and people with respiratory illness and heart disease, children and the elderly, (v) additional carbon emissions that are nearly equivalent to Australia’s annual carbon emissions,

(b) the Bureau of Meteorology has long predicted that climate change would result in an increase of disruptive extreme rainfall events like the 391.6 millimetres of rain which fell over Sydney in four days creating chaos and threatening the quality of Greater Sydney’s water catchment, and

(c) 99.4 per cent of New South Wales remains in drought despite record rainfall in Sydney, with one-third of the state experiencing 'intense drought' exacerbated by record low winter rainfalls due to climate change.

(2) That this Houses notes that:

(a) climate change is an existential threat to humanity with its severe effects already being felt around the world,

(b) the Special Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) found that to avoid a more than 1.5 degree Celsius rise in global warming, global emissions would need to fall by around 45 per cent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching net- zero emissions by around 2050,

(c) the current Paris agreements have the world on track to reach 3.5 degree Celsius to 5 degree Celsius of warming by 2100 and that we are likely to reach 1.5 degree Celsius of warming within a decade resulting in sea level rises, increased extreme weather events and dangerous climate tipping points,

(d) 3 degree Celsius of warming may result in outright social chaos and 4 degree Celsius is considered incompatible with the maintenance of human civilization, and

(e) the negative impacts of climate change on New South Wales will continue to grow each year as emissions increase and temperatures continue to rise with increasingly catastrophic social and economic costs.

(3) That this House declares a state of climate emergency and calls on the Government to accept the declaration of the Climate Emergency summit held in Melbourne on 14-15 February 2020, including that: 2771 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) climate change must be accepted as an overriding threat to national and human security, with the response being the highest priority at national and global levels, and

(b) Australian Governments must immediately cooperate with the global community in order to: (i) cut greenhouse gas emissions rapidly to zero, stop all fossil fuel expansion and develop a plan to phase out the existing fossil fuel industry rapidly with adjustment programmes for frontline communities, (ii) drawdown atmospheric carbon concentrations to a safe level from the current 413 ppm level, (iii) work to prevent tipping points and damage while the zero-emission and drawdown goals are being achieved, (iv) integrate adaptation and resilience measures into the economic restructuring needed to restore a safe climate and repair ecosystems.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

452. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House acknowledges that:

(a) more than 37 per cent of the national park estate in New South Wales was burnt during the 2019-20 bushfire season including: (i) over 40 per cent of key bioregions, (ii) 80 per cent of the Blue Mountains National Park, (iii) thousands of hectares of the northern half of Mt Kosciusko National Park, (iv) 55 per cent of Gondwana Rainforest Australia World Heritage property,

(b) the bushfires have resulted in the deaths of an estimated 800 million native animals and a substantial loss of biodiversity within national parks, with current predictions for this loss at: (i) 35 per cent of rainforests, (ii) 41 per cent of wet sclerophyll forests, (iii) 53 per cent of heathlands, (iv) more than 70 per cent of the historically observed locations for six threatened species, including the long-footed potoroo, Philoria Pughi, Hastings River mouse and brush- tailed rock-wallaby, (v) 24 per cent of all koala habitat in eastern New South Wales, (vi) 32 threatened species at more than 30 per cent of their historically observed locations, (vi) 114 threatened species at more than 5 per cent of their historically observed locations, (vii) 95 per cent of recorded locations for threatened plants,

(c) the National Parks and Wildlife Service has faced systemic cuts in previous years including: (i) $121 million cut from national parks in the 2016-17 state budget including approximately 100 ranger jobs, (ii) $80 million cut from the department overseeing national parks in the 2019-2020 state budget, (iii) a reduction of the department’s 289 rangers, including 28 senior rangers, to 193 in 2018, (iv) reduction in area managers charged with planning hazard reduction burns from 50 to 37 in 2017 in addition to 778 parks and wildlife jobs being altered, downgraded, moved, or deleted, (v) the loss of decades of institutional knowledge due to restructuring and budget cuts, and

(d) the National Parks and Wildlife Service undertook 75 per cent of all-hazard reduction burnings in New South Wales over the past four years including 137,500 ha of hazard reduction last year, with a five-year rolling average target of 135,000 ha. 2772 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(2) That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) immediately halt the clearing of threatened species habitat on public and private land, including logging of public native forests, until a comprehensive statewide assessment has determined the size, size and location of habitat that needs to be protected to prevent further species extinctions in New South Wales, and

(b) restore senior park ranger positions and increase the National Parks and Wildlife Service’s funding to double the amount prior to the 2016-2017 budget.

(Notice given 25 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 55)

*458. Rural Fires Amendment (NSW RFS and Brigades Donations Fund) Bill 2020: second reading—Mr Shoebridge

462. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) earlier this month, while visiting the town of Albury, the Honourable Emma Hurst MLC was approached by distressed residents who had discovered that native cockatoos had been shot and left to die at a local golf course,

(b) this was legally allowed to occur, despite the existence of humane alternatives to managing cockatoos, because the golf course had been granted a “Landholder’s Licence to Harm Protected Native Animals” by the Government, and

(c) after the devastating loss of life during this bushfire season, the people of New South Wales do not want to see any more unnecessary harm to animals.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to put a moratorium on licences to harm protected native animals.

(Notice given 26 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 56)

463. Mr Field to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 12 December 2019, the Minister for Agriculture, the Honourable , and the Member for Bega, the Honourable , announced an amnesty from prosecution to allow fishing in five protected marine sanctuaries in the Batemans Marine Park,

(b) the decision to open these areas of the Marine Park to fishing was given concurrence by the Environment Minister Matt Kean on the day of the announcement on 12 December 2019,

(c) the amnesty applies to five sites in Batemans Marine Park including Brou Lake, Clarks Bay, Forsters Bay, Montague Island and Nangudga Lake, the amnesty acts to override the existing regulated zoning for these five marine sanctuaries, guaranteeing that prosecution for breaching sanctuary zone rules will not occur,

(d) to legally change the regulated sanctuary zoning for these sites under the Marine Estate Management Act 2014 a community consultation process is required, therefore in this way the amnesty is simply a way to avoid the requirements of the relevant legislation, 2773 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(e) in answers to questions on notice, the Minister for Agriculture has acknowledged that neither the Marine Estate Management Authority, the Marine Estate Expert Knowledge Panel, or local Batemans Marine Park Staff were informed of the decision before the announcement,

(f) in answers to further questions on notice following the announcement the Minister for Agriculture indicated that only ‘targeted’ consultation had occurred with past members of the Bateman Marine Park Advisory Committee,

(g) a small number of individuals representing the recreational fishing community were invited to attend the staged announcement of the decision with the Minister for Agriculture and Member for Bega which was revealed through a social media post from the Minister on the day of the announcement,

(h) the announcement was made despite a review of the management plan for the Batemans Marine Park currently being undertaken, but for which public consultation on potential changes, including to zonings, has not yet been made public or been opened for public submissions,

(i) in a Budget Estimates hearing on 10 September 2019, the Minister for Agriculture, Adam Marshall was asked by Mr Justin Field: “Can you assure the community that the review process, the pilot process currently being run, will be open and transparent and that no decisions with regards to rezoning will be made outside of that process?", to which the Minister replied: “I can assure you and assure this Committee that the process that is being undertaken right now by the DPI in reviewing those sanctuary zones will be robust, will be fulsome and will ensure that all members of the public have a chance to have their say. Then I will make a considered decision at the conclusion of that process",

(j) in a follow up question the Minister for Agriculture was asked: “So there have been no commitments made by the Government privately to some stakeholders to remove marine sanctuaries?”, to which the Minister replied: “Certainly I have made no commitments in that regard.”,

(k) both the Minister for Agriculture and the Member for Bega have said publicly since the December amnesty decision that the announcement delivered on a 2019 election commitment and have pointed to a media release from the Member for Bega dated 28 February 2019 as evidence of the announcement,

(l) it is understood that no such election commitment was agreed by the then relevant Minister, Niall Blair, before the election and no announcement was made by the Minister or the Department of Primary Industries at that time, nor was the Minister or any other member of the Government quoted in or involved in the statement by the Member for Bega at that time,

(m) the February pre-election media release from the Member for Bega makes no commitment to lift sanctuary protections but rather proposes to fast-track consultation on a range of issues relating to the park and specifically notes that, “It is a legislative requirement to undertake consultation and the government has determined to move this way quickly.”,

(n) in speaking with local community members about the process to date, it is clear they had been given the impression in consultation with departmental staff over the course of last year that the election statements by the Member for Bega would be considered as part of the current management plan review pilot being conducted for the Batemans Marine Park, which reflects the evidence provided by the Minister in the September Budget Estimates hearings, and

(o) just before the March 2019 State election, the media reported a secret recording where the Member for Bega, in speaking to a group of local recreational fishers, publicly criticised marine park staff for enforcing rules in sanctuary zones and referred to plans to influence the makeup of the Marine Park Advisory Committee, reportedly saying: “That hasn’t happened by accident… I’ve been involved in it, making sure people who are our friends on that 2774 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

committee with the very clear intent to make sure that the pilot works well and obviously we start to get some results”.

(2) That his House agrees that the Minister for Agriculture and the Member for Bega have acted in a way that undermines public confidence in the decision making processes for the protection of the marine estate in New South Wales, a process that was created by the Coalition Government through its Marine Estate Management Program and the passage of the Marine Estate Management Act 2014 to ensure evidence based marine estate planning to address the key threats to marine ecosystems and to protect the diverse environmental, recreational and commercial interests in the coastal and marine environment.

(3) That this House call on the Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Environment to remove amnesty provisions for all sanctuary zones in the Batemans Marine Park and to allow the marine park management review pilot for the Batemans Marine Park and future marine park pilots to be completed in a thorough and transparent way.

(Notice given 26 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 56)

464. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Water NSW or Sydney Water:

(a) all documents related to the decision to stop using the Warragamba Dam as a source of water during the week commencing 10 February 2020 due to an influx of fire and flood debris in the catchment, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 26 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 56)

465. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) we are currently living in a state of climate emergency,

(b) the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations has stated that livestock farming is the leading cause of climate change, creating roughly 7,516 million tons of CO2e emissions per year,

(c) according to research at John Hopkins University: “If global trends in meat and dairy intake continue, global mean temperature rise will more than likely exceed 2 degrees Celsius, even with dramatic emissions reductions across non-agricultural sectors”, and

(d) the single biggest thing any individual can do to lessen their impact on future extreme weather events caused by climate change is to adopt a plant based diet.

(2) That this House encourages all Australians to adopt a plant-based diet in order to mitigate the effects of climate change.

(Notice given 26 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 56)

2775 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

466. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the Riverstone Wetlands in Western Sydney are home to over 100 species of birds, including the critically endangered Curlew Sandpiper as well as serving as a breeding site for the endangered Green and Golden Bell Frog,

(b) the Riverstone Wetlands are the only flood-free haven for migratory birds in western Sydney, including treaty-protected species from New Zealand, Korea, Japan, China and Siberia,

(c) the flood-free location of the Riverstone Wetlands also makes it the last site in Western Sydney without the introduced fish Gambusia which devastates Green and Golden Bell Frog colonies, and

(d) the Government has proposed to bulldoze the wetlands and replace them with new wetlands to be constructed in the nearby floodplain.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to work with the Federal Government to purchase the land containing the Riverstone Wetlands and rehabilitate the wetlands as a vital habit for threatened bird and frog species.

(Notice given 26 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 56)

468. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) bushfires across New South Wales have burned more than five million hectares of land, destroying landscapes including wet sclerophyll forests and rainforests and killing over a billion native animals,

(b) in many bushfire affected areas, including Manyana on the New South Wales South Coast, current development approvals will mean the removal of the only remaining intact forest - the removal of these wonderful trees will have a devastating impact on wildlife and the mental health of local communities,

(c) these intact forests are the biospheres that are essential to repopulate the surrounding burnt forest, and

(d) potential subdivisions must be revisited to ensure fire safety for communities following these fires.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) declare an immediate moratorium on all clearing for development in all bushfire affected areas, and

(b) review all planned subdivisions in light of recent bushfire destruction and community safety concerns.

(Notice given 27 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 57)

469. Mr Franklin to move—

(1) That this House notes that: 2776 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) Round One and Round Two of the Stronger Country Communities Fund (SCCF) has already provided $300 million to local infrastructure projects for communities across regional New South Wales, with Round Three providing an additional $100 million,

(b) at least $50 million of Round Three of the SCCF was dedicated to youth-related projects and programs,

(c) regional councils, incorporated and not-for-profit organisations were eligible to apply for funding,

(d) funds are split across 93 regional local government areas, and

(e) over 500 projects will be funded through Round Three with more than 250 of these benefitting regional youth.

(2) That this House notes that the Stronger Country Communities Fund will:

(a) provide programs and infrastructure that will enhance opportunities for young people in regional New South Wales,

(b) support regional young people to become work ready, improve their mental and physical wellbeing, stay connected and access opportunities, and feel connected to and valued by their community, and

(c) boost the liveability of communities so young people can stay, live, work and thrive in regional New South Wales.

(Notice given 27 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 57)

470. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House acknowledges that:

(a) Australia has some of the highest levels of media ownership concentration in the Western World with Rupert Murdoch alone owning 57.5 per cent of Australian media and news outlets and nearly 70 per cent of print media,

(b) Rupert Murdoch has repeatedly used his media empire to influence Australian politics, swaying the outcome of multiple elections at a state and federal level with overtly partisan coverage,

(c) Rupert Murdoch has used his media empire to promote lies and misinformation about climate change and its impacts and actively encourages climate-denialism among its readers, and

(d) Newscorp outlets published multiple stories exaggerating the role of arsonists and downplaying the contribution of global heating during the 2019-2020 Australian bushfire emergency.

(2) That this House condemns Rupert Murdoch for the damage he has inflicted upon Australia’s politics, democratic institutions and public discourse and for his concerted campaign to undermine all meaningful attempts by governments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

(Notice given 27 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 57)

472. Ms Hurst to move— 2777 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Australia is currently in the middle of a severe, devastating drought that is affecting humans and non-human animals across the country, and gives serious reason for us to look critically at our nation’s water usage,

(b) the agriculture sector accounts for over 60 per cent of all human water usage in Australia, the vast majority of which is used by the animal agribusiness industry, and

(c) it takes approximately 20 times more water to produce a kilogram of beef than it does a kilogram of rice, fruit or vegetables.

(2) That this House notes that transitioning towards a plant-based agricultural system is essential to reduce our water usage, and that every Australian can do their part to conserve water by adopting a plant-based diet.

(Notice given 27 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 57)

473. Mr Pearson to move—

(1) That this House condemns painful, mutilating or lethal medical experimentation upon any primate species that has:

(a) opposable thumbs,

(b) friendships outside of kinship bonds,

(c) elaborate language,

(d) high intelligence,

(e) binocular vision,

(f) expressive faces,

(g) complex social systems, and

(h) the capacity for complex symbolic mathematics.

(2) That this House notes that the ground-breaking study of baboons by Dr Shirley Strum entitled “Nearly Human” found that baboons:

(a) exhibit all of the characteristics listed in paragraph 1, and

(b) show “extraordinary … planning and insight”.

(3) That this House questions why the Government considers it to be ethically acceptable:

(a) to perform procedures on baboons such as those conducted at Royal Prince Alfred including: (i) electrocution, (ii) procedures to test treatments for conditions such as pre-eclampsia, diabetes, kidney disorders and vascular diseases, and

(b) for baboons to be subjected to experimental xenotransplantation where they suffer: (i) a short life of extreme confinement while being used as hosts for pig-human hybrid organs, (ii) in the hope of providing humans with harvestable organs. 2778 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(4) That this House calls on the Government:

(a) to end all primate medical experimentation including experimental procedures taking place at Prince Albert Hospital, and

(b) for the Wallacia primates to be rehomed to an animal sanctuary where they can express their natural behaviours and live without fear and pain inflicted by humankind.

(Notice given 27 February 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 57)

474. Mr Banasiak to move—

(1) That this House notes:

(a) that on Wednesday 18th March 2020 at least four cruise ships freely disembarked in Sydney, one of which was the Royal Caribbean Ovation of the Sea, with passengers witnessing at least four passengers being snuck off by staff and into a white van waiting for them before anyone else could disembark,

(b) two days later on Friday evening, some passengers were notified via email that there had been one person known to be infected on board two days prior to disembarking in Sydney, and that all passengers should self-isolate, and that this notice seemed to have been sent in conjunction with NSW Health,

(c) that at least eight passengers on that ship have now tested positive to Covid-19, one of those being the uncle of the Hon Mark Banasiak, and

(d) That the passenger has been reported for failing to self-isolate by Mr Banasiak, who, unlike the Prime Minister, knows what decisive leadership means.

(2) That this House condemns:

(a) Royal Caribbean and any other cruise company that has knowingly allowed infected people to disembark in Australia and put their profit before people’s safety, and

(b) the Federal government for continuously cutting funding to Border Force to the point where they have to adopt an ineffective risk assessment approach to security, rather than a comprehensive biosecurity strategy.

(3) That, given some cruise ship operations have demonstrated a devastating lack of corporate social responsibility, this House calls on the government, once this emergency is over, to review all operating licences and procedures for all cruise ship operators in New South Wales.

(Notice given 24 March 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 58)

475. Mr Latham to move—

That, in light of the public health emergency facing New South Wales, this House urges the Government to ensure that the $15 million donation to Wyong Hospital offered by the Wallarah 2 coal mine project be accepted.

(Notice given 24 March 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 58)

2779 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

476. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Workers Compensation Act 1987 to establish presumptive rights to compensation in respect of COVID-19 for workers in certain employment with an elevated risk of exposure to that disease.

(Workers Compensation Amendment (COVID-19) Bill)

(Notice given 24 March 2020)

477. Mr Field to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Minister Matt Kean, MP, Minister for Energy and Environment, and the Department of Premier and Cabinet:

(a) A copy of the draft of the Liddell Taskforce report, and its covering briefing, provided to the Minister for Energy and Environment in December 2019,

(b) A copy of advice provided to the Liddell Taskforce by the Australian Energy Market Operator, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 24 March 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 58)

479. Mr Searle to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2016 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Customer Service or the Long Service Corporation relating to allegations of corrupt conduct and maladministration concerning the Long Service Corporation:

(a) all briefing notes and any draft or final reports prepared by either Anthony Lane or Mathew Lyon, internal auditors within the former Department of Finance, Services and Innovation,

(b) all interview transcripts for Tony Gavan, Paul Devaise, Elizabeth Roberts and Kathy Skuta,

(c) all TRIM file records or other records concerning allegations of corrupt and maladministration,

(d) all meeting notes and correspondence between Kirsty Ruddock, Director - Compliance and Investigations, Department of Industry and Planning and investigators at the Long Service Corporation concerning undervaluation of construction projects in New South Wales,

(e) all meeting notes and correspondence between any local councils and investigators at Long Service Corporation,

(f) all correspondence between Craig Duncombe, Manager of Compliance, Elizabeth Roberts and Kathy Skuta concerning fraud, referrals to the Foreign Investment Review Board or Australian Tax Office and the undervaluation of construction projects in New South Wales,

(g) any meeting notes, briefing notes, or emails prepared by either Kathy Skuta Elizabeth Roberts regarding a meeting held at Long Service Corporation concerning the loss of revenue though undervaluation of construction projects, and

(h) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House. 2780 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 12 May 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 59)

481. Mr Searle to move—

That this House:

(a) notes that 11 May 2020 marks the tenth anniversary of the death of the Hon. Jeffrey William Shaw Q.C.,

(b) notes Jeff Shaw’s many achievements for working people and the wider community as a: (i) barrister, (ii) member of the Legislative Council, (iii) great reforming Attorney General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Fair Trading, (iv) learned and compassionate Justice of the Supreme Court, and

(c) acknowledges Jeff Shaw’s contribution to public life in New South Wales.

(Notice given 12 May 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 59)

482. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes with sadness the death of Jack Mundey AO, unionist, environmentalist and social justice activist on 10 May 2020.

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) Jack Mundey was a passionate unionist who was the NSW Secretary of the Builders Labourers’ Federation,

(b) while fighting for the safety and wages of building workers, Jack Mundey formed alliances with activists fighting to protect and conserve historic buildings, homes, bushland and public spaces from developers,

(c) the Green Bans movement, led by Jack Mundey: (i) saved housing in the Rocks, Victoria Street Potts Point, Woolloomooloo, Glebe and Chippendale, (ii) stopped the destruction of the Botanical Gardens, Centennial and Moore parks, (iii) fought and saved urban bushland in Kelly’s Bush in Hunters Hill, (iv) campaigned for world leading heritage, environmental and planning laws,

(d) Jack Mundey was also responsible for the first pink ban placed on Macquarie University after one of their residential halls expelled a student for being gay,

(e) in 2000, Jack Mundey was made an Officer in the Order of Australia “for service to the identification and preservation of significant sections of Australia's natural and urban heritage through initiating ‘Green Bans’ and through the Historic Houses Trust of New South Wales”, and

(f) Jack Mundey continued his activism throughout his entire life, in recent times joining the campaign to save the and protect the heritage of Parramatta, in particular the Parramatta Female Factory.

(3) That this House passes on its deepest condolences to Jack’s family and the many community members who campaigned with Jack for a fairer and more sustainable New South Wales.

(4) That this resolution be communicated by the President to the family of Jack Mundey.

2781 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 12 May 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 59)

488. 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe Day: resumption of the adjourned debate (3 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Mrs Maclaren-Jones:—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) this year marks 75 years since the end of the Second World War and May 8 is Victory in Europe Day also known as VE Day, and

(b) VE day marks the surrender of German High Command to the allied forces, ending the war in Europe, and is an opportunity for us to remember the sacrifices of those who served and died in the war.

2. That this House pays tribute the brave Australian servicemen and women who served during the Second World War, and those who have served and are serving in the Australian Defence Forces. —Mr Farlow. (15 minutes)

Debate: 1 hour and 42 minutes remaining.

*490. Water Management Amendment (Transparency of Water Rights) Bill 2020: second reading—Mr Banasiak.

494. Mr Banasiak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend State Environmental Planning Policy (Koala Habitat Protection) 2019 to clarify matters relating to core koala habitat and the application of the development assessment process to primary producers; and for related purposes.

(Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Koala Habitat) Bill)

(Notice given 12 May 2020)

495. Mr Latham to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 February 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Treasurer, NSW Treasury, the Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans, the Office of Sport, the Attorney General, the Minister for Regional NSW, Industry and Trade, and the Minister for Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney:

(a) all documents relating to requests for financial support from the National Rugby League (NRL), and any government response to such requests,

(b) all documents relating to requests from New South Wales barristers for rent relief for their chambers or other forms of financial assistance, and any government response to such requests, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 12 May 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 59)

2782 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

498. Mr Field to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Water Management Act 2000 with respect to the information used for predicting inflows to water sources, and calculating water allocations, under certain management plans.

(Water Management Amendment (Drought of Record) Bill)

(Notice given 12 May 2020)

499. Mr Banasiak to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2017 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales, the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, the Deputy Premier, and Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade, the Department of Premier and Cabinet or the Premier:

(a) all documents concerning the decision to repeal the Koala Habitat Protection State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) 44 and replace it with the SEPP Koala Habitat Protection 2019,

(b) all correspondence from industry stakeholders and environmental groups concerning consultations on the SEPP Koala Habitat Protection 2019,

(c) all documents concerning the creation of a new definition of "core koala habitat" within the SEPP Koala Habitat Protection 2019, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 12 May 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 59)

500. Mr Field to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to prohibit waste incinerator facilities in residential areas; and for other purposes.

(Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Waste Incinerator Facilities—Residential Exclusion Zones) Bill)

(Notice given 12 May 2020)

502. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That the Procedure Committee inquire into and report on the rules for witnesses answering questions in committee hearings, including:

(a) the most effective way of implementing a requirement for witnesses to be directly relevant in answering questions,

(b) providing measures to enforce a requirement for direct relevance including expressly empowering the chair to intervene during a non-directly-relevant response to prevent unnecessary loss of time,

(c) whether distinct rules for witnesses answering questions are required during online hearings,

2783 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) other appropriate provisions to ensure questioning is both fair and efficient during committee hearings, and

(e) any other related matter.

(Notice given 12 May 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 59)

505. Mr Banasiak to move—

(1) That this House condemns the previous and present coalition government for:

(a) failing to support the taxi industry during the illegal operation of rideshare by turning a blind eye to this illegal operation for 18 months,

(b) setting up an unequal working environment by placing overwhelming requirements on taxi owners, that contrasts with very little requirements for rideshare companies,

(c) failing to properly enforce point to point regulations with rideshare companies and drivers who continually flout rank and hail and car signage rules,

(d) allowing local government and private entities to set up preferential partnerships with rideshare that go against the point to point regulations that are supposed to protect rank and hail for taxi industry,

(e) approving DiDi rideshare service despite it blatantly breaching point to point regulations with regards to taxi markings, and

(f) failing to adequately enforce the collection of the Passenger Service Levy from rideshare companies.

(2) That this House condemns the current Government and its transport minister for:

(a) blatantly ignoring the plight of the taxi industry during COVID-19, whose drivers are losing money daily because a legal obligation for taxis not rideshare to be on the road exists within the point to point regulations, and (b) failing to provide any industry specific support to this essential service.

(3) That this House calls on the Government to grow a conscience and immediately release money from the passenger service levy that has been earned off the back of taxi drivers to be used to ensure this essential service can return post COVID-19.

(Notice given 12 May 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 59)

506. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the closure of pubs and clubs due to the COVID-19 pandemic has seen all poker machines in New South Wales turned off for the first time since 1956,

(b) the closure has also seen people in New South Wales save over $28 million per day on poker machine spending, equating to $1.2 billion dollars since the first day of lockdown,

(c) on 26 April the Sydney Morning Herald published the stories of individuals with problem gambling who are experiencing relief following the closure of poker machine venues during the COVID-19 lockdown, and

2784 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) the COVID-19 pandemic presents a unique opportunity for the Government to reduce the number of poker machines in pubs and clubs and therefore reduce the harm to our communities caused by gambling.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) offer gaming licensees a payment for each gaming machine entitlement voluntarily surrendered,

(b) provide financial support to pubs and clubs to transition to a revenue model that does not cause harm to individuals while allowing them to retain staff, provide safe community spaces and rebuild their businesses, and

(c) develop a plan to transition to a poker machine free NSW as part of the state’s COVID-19 recovery.

(Notice given 13 May 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 60)

*507. Water Management Amendment (Water Allocations—Drought Information) Bill 2020: second reading—Mr Veitch.

510. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the confinement, slaughter and consumption of animals has been linked to a range of serious diseases,

(b) the current COVID-19 pandemic is believed to have spread to humans from 'wet markets' in China, where animals are bought live and slaughtered on the spot for human consumption,

(c) factory farming methods used in Australia have also been proven to cause disease, primarily due to the overuse of antibiotics and intensive confinement of animals in stressful, unsanitary conditions, and

(d) examples of other zoonotic disease that have spread from farmed animals to humans include E.Coli, salmonella, mad cow disease, avian influenza and swine flu.

(2) That this this House acknowledges the drastic health risks associated with all systems of confining, slaughtering and consuming animals.

(Notice given 2 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 61)

514. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) more than 400 Aboriginal people have died in custody in Australia since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, and

(b) not a single police officer or prison guard has been held responsible for any of these deaths.

(2) That this House condemns police brutality against Aboriginal people.

(Notice given 2 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 61)

2785 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

516. Mr Pearson to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend certain legislation to improve the welfare of racehorses and establish a racehorse registration scheme; and for related purposes.

(Racehorse Legislation Amendment (Welfare and Registration) Bill)

(Notice given 2 June 2020)

518. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the demand for land by the animal agribusiness industry is the primary cause of deforestation globally,

(b) deforestation is a major contributor to the climate emergency because it adds carbon dioxide to the air, and removes the ability of the natural environment to absorb existing greenhouse gases, and

(c) deforestation and land clearing also affect our native plants and animals, with approximately three-quarters of Australia’s 1,640 plants and animal species listed as 'threatened' by the Government having habitat loss listed as one of their main threats.

(2) That this House recognises that a transition from animal agribusinesses to a sustainable plant-based agriculture industry is essential in order to slow the effects of climate change, and protect our native plants and animals.

(Notice given 2 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 61)

522. Mr Pearson to move—

(1) That this House commends:

(a) the selfless citizens of the small coastal township of Manyana who formed the Manyana Matters Environmental Association, and

(b) the commencement of legal action in the Federal Court to protect 20 hectares of remnant bushland that: (i) is subject to a 2008 approval for development as a housing estate, (ii) is now an important refuge for many native animals since the unprecedented bushfires raged through the region during last summer, (iii) may also include the endangered greater glider amongst its inhabitants.

(2) That this House expresses thanks to the developer, Ozy Homes for:

(a) listening to the Manyana community express its concerns, and

(b) exercising restraint in not clearing the land prior to the commencement of the court action.

(3) That the House calls on the Government to:

(a) purchase the Manyana development from Ozy Homes, and

(b) establish a nature reserve on the development site to ensure the ongoing survival of the animals at risk of local extinction due to loss of habitat.

(Notice given 2 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 61) 2786 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

524. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That the Standing Committee on Social Issues inquire into and report on the protection and promotion of the rights of children and young people with disability, and in particular:

(a) whether existing regulatory and oversight mechanisms are sufficient to protect and promote the rights of children and young people with disability, and protect those children and young people from abuse, neglect and exploitation,

(b) whether children and young people with disability should be included under the remit of the Ageing and Disability Commissioner,

(c) measures to address the abuse, neglect and exclusion experienced by children and young people with disability within the public school system,

(d) discrimination and hardship faced by children and young people with disability, and

(e) any other related matter.

(2) That the committee report by 30 June 2021.

(Notice given 2 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 61)

526. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the closure of pubs and clubs in New South Wales due to the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the 91,382 poker machines in these venues being turned off for the first time since 1956,

(b) the closure has seen a collective savings of over $18 million per day on poker machine spending in NSW, equating to $1.2 billion dollars,

(c) during this time many people have spoken publicly about how the shutdown has helped them save money, pay off gambling related debts and bring relief to themselves and their families from the harms caused by their addiction,

(d) with hundreds of thousands of people in New South Wales losing their jobs as a result of COVID-19, the risk of a new generation becoming addicted to poker machines is high and needs an immediate response from the Government, and

(e) with pubs and clubs reopening on 1 June 2020, the Government needs to urgently act to reduce the harm gambling causes to individuals, their families and communities.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to:

(a) provide tax relief and other incentives to pubs to transition away from gambling, including surrendering poker machines and converting gambling rooms into socially responsible entertainment spaces, and

(b) mandate harm reduction measures including $1 bets, mandatory pre-commitments and banning loyalty programs at all gambling venues.

(Notice given 2 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 61)

2787 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

527. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the New South Wales Police Force, the Minister for Police and Emergency Services (the Minister) or the Department of Communities and Justice (the Department):

(a) all correspondence (including emails, WhatsApp messages, text messages, Signal messages), between the New South Wales Police Force, the Minister or the Department and the Daily Telegraph or Channel 7 regarding the release and broadcast of video footage of the Minister following a collision with another driver that occurred on 27 October 2019,

(b) any briefing documents or legal advice circulated between the New South Wales Police Force, the Minister or the Department and the Daily Telegraph or Channel 7 regarding the release and broadcast of video footage of the Minister following a collision with another driver that occurred on 27 October 2019,

(c) any briefing documents or legal advice prepared for internal use by the New South Wales Police Force, the Minister or the Department, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 2 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 61)

529. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) antimicrobial resistance is a major global health concern that is caused by the excessive use of antibiotic-type drugs, leading to the rise of superbugs that are highly resistant to treatment,

(b) a major contributor to antimicrobial resistance is the animal agribusiness industry, who use antimicrobial drugs to promote rapid growth before slaughter and to prevent the spread of diseases in animals who spend their lives in filthy conditions, often surrounded by their own faecal matter,

(c) these antimicrobials are then consumed by humans if they ingest meat, eggs or dairy, which can increase their risk of developing antimicrobial resistance, and

(d) as a result, the European Union and United States have both banned the use of antimicrobials as growth promotants.

(2) That this House notes the human health risks associated with antimicrobial resistance, and recognises that antimicrobials should not be used to promote animal growth or as a routine preventive disease measure in the animal agribusiness industry.

(Notice given 3 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 62)

530. Mr Latham to move—

That this House calls on the Government to exempt agriculture and mining from its net zero carbon emissions by 2050 policy, in recognition of the Deputy Premier’s warning that such a policy would destroy agriculture and mining in New South Wales. (Notice given 3 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 62)

2788 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

531. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the animal agribusiness industry is not only responsible for the deaths of millions of land animals killed for food each year, it is also responsible for the deaths of countless native and non-native animals through the use of 1080 poison,

(b) 1080 poison is legally allowed to be used on non-native animals such as dogs (including dingoes), foxes, pigs and rabbits, however, it can also be accidentally ingested by companion animals and protected native species, and

(c) whether they are the intended targets of the poison or not, animals that ingest 1080 poison suffer slow, agonising deaths that start with vomiting, anxiety, disorientation and shaking, followed by frenzied running, screaming fits, and seizures which can last up to 48 hours before their eventual death.

(2) That this House acknowledges the hideous pain and suffering caused by the use of 1080 poison by the animal agribusiness industry, and calls for its usage to be banned in New South Wales.

(Notice given 3 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 62)

532. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House notes the finding of the December 2019 CSIRO/Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) GenCost report on the cost of electricity generation, such that: "When storage is added to solar and wind, this raises their costs to a similar level to that of fossil fuels without a carbon price or risk premium".

(2) That this House agrees, as a matter of fact, that based on the 2019 GenCost report, and factoring in huge cost of grid reconstruction and public subsidies to accommodate renewables, coal-fired power is not only more reliable but also cheaper than renewables.

(3) That this House supports reliable, dispatchable sources of electricity generation to keep the lights on in New South Wales and power up our economy, including manufacturing and industrial jobs beyond the limits of a 'lifestyle economy'.

(4) That the House notes the contents of the Government's November 2019 Electricity Strategy, using earlier GenCost material to conclude: "Renewables are now the most economic form of new generation, with a mix of wind and solar firmed with gas, batteries and pumped hydro expected to be the most economic form of reliable electricity".

(5) That this House notes that this mistake was also repeated in the Government’s March 2020, Stage 1, net-zero emissions plan.

(6) That this House urges the Minister for Energy and Environment to update the New South Wales Electricity Strategy and other related policy documents to take account of the new CSIRO/AEMO GenCost findings.

(7) That this House further notes the latest GenCost report findings, in looking at the future energy mix to reduce emissions, that: "In some scenarios carbon capture and storage and nuclear small modular reactors (SMRs) could play a larger role than previously projected" and "From the early 2030s, nuclear SMR capital costs reduce substantially, underpinning the low range of SMR costs in the 2040 Levelised Cost of Electricity (LCOE) results".

(8) That this House declares its support for following the science on energy policy, as outlined in the December 2019 CSIRO/AEMO GenCost report.

(Notice given 3 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 62) 2789 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

534. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Nambucca State Forest is recovering from the drought and is now an important reservoir for endangered wildlife, as 60 per cent of State Forests north of Coffs Harbour were burnt in the 2019/2020 bushfires,

(b) the forest provides important habitat for endangered animals including the powerful owl, koala, little bent-wing bat and yellow-bellied glider,

(c) logging has begun in the unburnt southern section of Nambucca State Forest,

(d) there is a plan to log most of the remaining forest this year, and

(e) the Gumbaynggirr Indigenous community does not consent to the logging operations as there are sacred songlines, scar trees, sacred waterholes and dreaming sites located throughout the forest which the community want to stay protected.

(2) That this House commends:

(a) the efforts of local activists including the Nambucca Valley Conservation Association, the Bellingen Environment Centre and the local indigenous Gumbaynggirr Conservation Group to raise awareness about the logging of this coastal public forest, and

(b) the 23,070 petition signatures gathered in favour of protecting this important forest.

(3) That this House calls on the Minister for Energy and Environment to provide a formal response to the community to their petition.

(Notice given 4 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 63)

535. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 26 May 2020, Councillor Clare Raffan put forward a notice of motion seeking to ban the sale of fur on Canterbury-Bankstown Council property and called on the Government to establish a task force to address the issue of fur being mislabelled as synthetic,

(b) Canterbury-Bankstown is the second council to seek a ban on fur this year, after Clover Moore, Lord Mayor for the City of Sydney moved a Mayoral Minute on the issue in March 2020, and

(c) the rejection of fur by New South Wales councils is reflective of the community’s disdain for this cruel industry.

(2) That this House congratulates Canterbury-Bankstown Council and the City of Sydney for taking a stand against the cruel fur industry.

(Notice given 4 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 63)

536. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) there have been repeated attacks aimed at the People's Democratic Party one of the biggest opposition parties in Turkey by the Turkish Government, 2790 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) as of 1 June 2020, 45 of the 65 municipalities won democratically by the People’s Democratic Party were undemocratically taken over by the Turkish government,

(c) 22 co-mayors in the municipalities have been arrested, and

(d) 13 People's Democratic Party Members of Parliament are still behind bars.

(2) That this House notes that around 15,000 People's Democratic Party members and volunteers have been detained and around 5,000 are still imprisoned.

(3) That this House recognises President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and its ally, the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) has been escalating their attacks on the People's Democratic Party and Turkish democracy since local elections were held in 2019.

(4) That this House calls on the Federal Government to publicly acknowledge the threat to democracy in Turkey and demand that the Turkish Government reinstate all democratically elected People's Democratic Party mayors and end its persecution of the People’s Democratic Party and other opposition parties in Turkey.

(Notice given 4 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 63)

537. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) cats and dogs are beloved companion animals that hold a special place in the hearts of Australians,

(b) while the notion of eating dog and cat meat is horrifying to most members of our society, there is growing concern within the community about an underground dog and cat meat trade occurring in New South Wales and around Australia, and

(c) cats and dogs are protected by anti-cruelty laws, and the sale of dog and cat meat is illegal in New South Wales, however despite this there is no law that specifically bans the eating of cats or dogs.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to close this legal loophole and introduce legislation that bans the consumption of dog and cat meat in New South Wales.

(Notice given 4 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 63)

538. Mr Searle to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 35 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Office of Local Government, Natural Resources Commission, Environment Protection Authority, Water NSW, Essential Energy, Hunter Water Corporation, Sydney Water Corporation or Landcom relating to department and agency assets:

(a) all Strategic Asset Management Plans,

(b) the Asset Management Plans,

(c) the Asset Register, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

2791 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

539. Mr Searle to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 70 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Premier and Cabinet, Infrastructure NSW, Parliamentary Counsel's Office, Greater Sydney Commission, Australian Museum Trust, Library Council of New South Wales, Trustees of the Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences, Sydney Opera House Trust, Resilience NSW, Ombudsman's Office, Public Service Commission, New South Wales Electoral Commission, Office of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission or Office of the Inspector of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission relating to department and agency assets:

(a) all Strategic Asset Management Plans,

(b) the Asset Management Plans,

(c) the Asset Register, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

540. Mr Searle to move—

(1) That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Energy and Environment relating to Clean Air for NSW:

(a) the Environment Protection Authority’s draft Clean Air for NSW policy framework forwarded to the Minister on 15 May 2019,

(b) any briefing notes, cover letters or other accompanying documents provided to the Minister alongside the Environment Protection Authority’s draft Clean Air for NSW policy framework,

(c) all statements from the Minister’s office in response to enquiries by The Guardian which were included in an article on Saturday 6 June 2020 titled ‘NSW government abandons plan for air pollution policy after five years of planning’, including all notes or correspondence related to the drafting and approval of all statements, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(2) That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Energy and Environment relating to Clean Air for NSW:

(a) any draft versions of the Environment Protection Authority's draft Clean Air for NSW policy framework,

(b) all correspondence regarding the Environment Protection Authority’s draft Clean Air for NSW policy framework, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

2792 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

541. Ms Sharpe to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 42 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Communities and Justice, Crown Solicitor's Office, NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, Fire and Rescue NSW, Office of the NSW Rural Fire Service, Office of the NSW State Emergency Service, Multicultural NSW, Office of Sport or Institute of Sport relating to department and agency assets:

(a) all Strategic Asset Management Plans,

(b) the Asset Management Plans,

(c) the Asset Register, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

543. Mr Fang to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the history of our nation, whether aspects are seen from a positive or negative perspective, should be retained and acknowledged as a guiding light for future generations,

(b) in response to calls for Wagga Wagga’s Lord Baden-Powell and Captain Cook Drives to be renamed, a petition in the name of the Honourable Wes Fang MLC was launched to protect these historic street names, and

(c) this petition has so far been signed by almost 200 people in three days, with many more people without access to the online form contacting the Honourable Wes Fang MLC's office to offer their support, calling for these historic street names to be retained.

(2) That this House acknowledge the importance of preserving and maintaining history as a means to both celebrate the achievements of humanity as well as learn from our mistakes.

(3) That this House condemns:

(a) the recent spate of vandalism and destruction of historic statues, plaques and memorials, and

(b) the ‘cancel-culture’ movement currently underway and those attempts to erase our history.

(4) That the House supports artists such as Chris Lilley and television shows such as Little Britain and Fawlty Towers as parts of cultural history.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

544. Mr Veitch to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 49 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of Regional NSW, Department of Primary Industries, Local Land Services or the Forestry Corporation of NSW relating to department and agency assets:

2793 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) all Strategic Asset Management Plans,

(b) the Asset Management Plans,

(c) the Asset Register, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

545. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) each year, approximately three million animals, including cattle, sheep and goats, are exported from Australia alive to be slaughtered overseas,

(b) these animals in the live export trade are crammed onto planes and ships for up to a month, where they face overcrowding, extreme temperatures and inadequate ventilation, causing illness and death for many animals along the way, and

(c) although 75 per cent of Australians want to see live export come to an end, there is a possibility that the industry will grow in New South Wales when the Western Sydney Airport opens in 2026, which will expand Australia’s live export trade through air travel.

(2) That this House condemns the Federal Government for permitting live export to continue.

(3) That this House calls on the Government to take steps to stop live export taking place from any port in this state.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

547. Mr Donnelly to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Ministry of Health, Health Professional Councils Authority Office, Mental Health Commission, Health Care Complaints Commission or NSW Ambulance relating to department and agency assets:

(a) all Strategic Asset Management Plans,

(b) the Asset Management Plans,

(c) the Asset Register, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

551. Mr Pearson to move—

(1) That this House acknowledges the racist history of New South Wales in the dispossession of Aboriginal lands, language and culture, including the: 2794 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) renaming of landmarks that reference violent crimes against Aboriginal people such as Poisoned Waterholes Creek or Massacre Island, and

(b) use of offensive racial epithets in geographical names such as Gin’s Leap and Black Gin’s Creek.

(2) That this House recognises that there are geographical place names in New South Wales that are named after colonists who participated in:

(a) acts of violent dispossession of Aboriginal land, and

(b) killing Aboriginal elders, men, women and children.

(3) That the House calls on the Honourable MP, Minister for Customer Service to direct the Geographical Names Board to conduct a review of all New South Wales geographical place names to identify and rename place names that are:

(a) racially offensive,

(b) referencing violence against Aboriginal people, and

(c) named after colonists who engaged in the killing of Aboriginal people.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

552. Mrs Maclaren-Jones to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the month of June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness of Australia’s second deadliest cancer, and

(b) every week in Australia, 103 people will lose their battle with bowel cancer and a further 300 are diagnosed with bowel cancer.

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) Bowel Cancer Australia is a national charity dedicated to the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment for those affected by bowel cancer,

(b) to mark Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, Bowel Cancer Australia runs Red Apple Day to raise funds and awareness for bowel cancer,

(c) this year Red Apple Day will be on Wednesday 17 June, and

(d) the apple is the logo for Bowel Cancer Australia and their message that bowel cancer is treatable and beatable if detected early.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

553. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 56 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Customer Service, Service NSW, Safework NSW, Information and Privacy Commission, Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal or Office of the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission relating to department and agency assets: 2795 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) all Strategic Asset Management Plans,

(b) the Asset Management Plans,

(c) the Asset Register, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

556. Mrs Houssos to move—

(1) That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since the 1 March 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the NSW Department of Education:

(a) a list of electronic devices provided to the 2,213 NSW Public Schools, by order of school, including the number of devices provided to each school, the dispatch date and the date received by the school,

(b) a list of internet connectivity devices provided to the 2,213 NSW Public Schools including the number of devices, amount of internet data available on each device, the dispatch date and the date received by the school, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(2) That NSW Department of Education provide indexes for any papers returned in hardcopy in no less than 12 point font and in electronic copy in a searchable format.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

559. Mr Secord to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 63 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of The Treasury, SAS Trustee Corporation, Destination NSW or Western City and Aerotropolis Authority relating to department and agency assets:

(a) all Strategic Asset Management Plans,

(b) the Asset Management Plans,

(c) the Asset Register, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

562. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that: 2796 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) the Australian pet food industry is worth approximately $4 billion dollars and feeds approximately 24 million companion animals each year,

(b) inadequate regulation of the pet food industry has led to the rise of “4D pet meat”, which is meat taken from the significant number of animals who arrive at slaughterhouses dead, dying, diseased or disabled,

(c) in recent years, there have been a number of incidents in Australia where animals have become seriously sick or died from consuming contaminated pet-food, and

(d) despite a 2018 Federal inquiry calling for increased regulation of the pet-food industry, neither the NSW or Federal Government has taken steps to address this issue.

(2) That this House notes with concern the lack of regulation in the pet food industry, and the harm it has caused to both farm and companion animals alike.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

563. Mrs Houssos to move—

(1) That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Education, TAFE Commission or the NSW Education Standards Authority relating to department and agency assets:

(a) all Strategic Asset Management Plans,

(b) the Asset Management Plans,

(c) the Asset Register, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(2) That NSW Department of Education provide indexes for any papers returned in hardcopy in no less than 12 point font and in electronic copy in a searchable format.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

564. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House notes that since the implementation of social distancing:

(a) as reported by ABC’s 7:30 Report and ANROWS, 1800RESPECT has seen a 20 per cent increase in usage of their online chat service, and a decrease of approximately 5 per cent in phone calls from women in March 2020 compared to the previous year, with a greater proportion of calls being received late at night,

(b) as reported by the Australian Government’s Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet, MensLine support and information hotline has seen a 34 per cent increase in men calling to report domestic violence concerns between February and March 2020,

(c) as reported by the Department of Communities and Justice, Safer Pathway services have seen a 10 per cent increase in the number of domestic violence client referrals in March 2020 compared with the previous year, 2797 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) as reported by Community Legal Centres Australia, in March 2020 compared with March 2019, there has been a 4 per cent increase in Community Legal Centre (CLC) clients experiencing domestic violence, and Domestic & Family Violence work in the CLC sector has increased by 13 per cent, and Domestic Violence Protection Orders have increased 15 per cent,

(e) as reported by Women’s Safety NSW, an April 2020 survey of frontline domestic violence workers and service providers found that half of respondents to the sector survey reported seeing an increase in instances and severity of domestic violence and abuse during the lock- down period, with: (i) 47 per cent of respondents observing an increase in women reporting violence for the first time, (ii) 45.5 per cent of respondents observing women deprioritising their own safety over material needs, (iii) 75 per cent of respondents stating that women have reported that they have experienced additional barriers to accessing services,

(f) as reported by ABC’s 7:30 Report, Women’s Community Shelters have seen a 30 per cent increase in calls to their services in March 2020 compared with February 2020, and

(g) as reported by BOCSAR, police recorded crime data does not show an increase in domestic violence in March or April 2020 compared with the previous year.

(2) That this House acknowledges that:

(a) domestic violence and abuse can take many forms, and that no one type of abuse is more serious than another,

(b) our crimes legislation does not currently recognise many forms of abuse which may occur in domestic relationships,

(c) the vast majority of violence and abuse continues to go unreported to police as indicated by the Australian Bureau of Crime Statistics Personal Safety Survey,

(d) data on domestic violence as reported by BOCSAR is inconsistent with reports from a variety of frontline specialist domestic and family violence services,

(e) the reports and evidence provided by frontline specialist domestic and family violence services as to the prevalence, patterns of perpetration and victimisation and impacts of violence and abuse are valuable sources for informing the Parliament and the public as to the actual realities of domestic and family violence, and

(f) the cost of misrepresenting the prevalence of domestic violence and abuse has the potential for extremely negative consequences for victims and survivors of that violence and abuse.

(3) That this House recognises that, in light of current legislative gaps and the complex factors at play behind any increase or decrease of the reporting of domestic violence incidents, particularly to police, police crimes data alone paints an incomplete picture of domestic violence and abuse in New South Wales.

(4) That this House calls on the Government to ensure data collection on domestic violence and abuse, and associated analysis, is accurate and representative of best-practice understandings of domestic violence and abuse, by:

(a) ensuring BOCSAR analysis of domestic violence crime statistics recognises that not all forms of domestic violence and abuse are currently reported to police or recognised as domestic violence incidents by the police, and 2798 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) ensuring future analysis of domestic violence crime statistics undertaken by BOCSAR expressly recognises that data which is based only on reporting to police provides an inconclusive picture as to the actual incidence of domestic violence.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

565. Mr Graham to move—

(1) That this House expresses its dismay at the destruction of ancient Indigenous caves at Juukan Gorge in Western Australia.

(2) That this House calls on the relevant Minister in New South Wales, the Premier, to assure the House that a similar act could not occur here in New South Wales.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

568. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) approximately 650 million chickens are raised for meat in Australia each year, largely in intensive production facilities,

(b) these chickens are selectively bred by industry to grow at three times their natural rate, making it difficult for these young birds to walk or stand under their own weight,

(c) research has shown that broiler chickens live in chronic pain for the last 20 per cent of their lives, during which time they will hardly move due to joint pain, and

(d) each year, around 26 million chickens in Australian broiler facilities will die prematurely from illness, trauma or starvation because their bodies are so large and painful, they can no longer move to reach food and water.

(2) That this House condemns the immense cruelty of farming of chickens for meat.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

569. Mr Latham to move—

That this House unreservedly supports the dedicated, brave New South Wales police and prison officers working for community safety during this difficult time of Coronavirus, economic recession, illegal protests and feral attacks on public property, and records its thanks to the officers for their service to the people of New South Wales.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

571. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 20 January 2020, a Brisbane mother of four, a small businesswoman named Katrina Tait posted on a Facebook page her objection to Drag Queen Story Time in Brisbane libraries, stating: "What happened to protecting children’s innocence and letting them just be kids. Why the need to have adult entertainers reading them stories. Hardly good role models with many involved in drugs and prostitution etc. Feeling scared for our children’s future", 2799 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) Mrs Tait made no mention of homosexuality in her Facebook post supporting an ACL petition against the Brisbane City Council decision on library story time,

(c) on 23 January 2020, Mrs Tait received an email from Mr Garry Burns, telling her he would be pursuing her through the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board even though she lives interstate and that he would be seeking an apology and "monetary damages" in relation to her Facebook post,

(d) Mr Burns did not explain to Mrs Tait how he was affected or harmed by the Facebook post,

(e) on 29 January 2020, Mr Burns sent Mrs Tait a media release he had issued, doxing her business name, address and mobile phone number and stating: “I’m just like a vicious Alsatian dog. Once I grab hold of a gay haters leg, I won’t let go until the bone is bloodied and bare. One way or another, I will get that remedy from Mrs Tait, even if it takes me years in court",

(f) after the threatening harassment of Mrs Tait, on 13 February 2020 the NSW Anti- Discrimination Board accepted a complaint from Mr Burns regarding "homosexual vilification", waiving its capacity to reject the complaint on the basis that Mrs Tait was covered by section 49ZT of the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 (NSW) – that is, she had not mentioned homosexuality; and had made her comments "reasonably and in good faith" as part of public discussion and debate,

(g) on 11 March 2020, Ms Connie Santiago of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board wrote to Mrs Tait telling her she was under investigation,

(h) on 27 April 2020, Ms Santiago again wrote to Mrs Tait, telling her the NSW Anti- Discrimination Board had "the power to compel you to provide information" and threatening to refer the matter to the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT),

(i) Ms Santiago has continued to correspond with Mrs Tait's lawyers, creating undue stress, harassment and financial pressure, demonstrating yet again, that under this out-of-control NSW Government tribunal, the process is the punishment,

(j) Mr Burns has continued with his unhinged, vexatious and threatening messages in this and other matters, having been emboldened and empowered by the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board over the past seven years in hundreds of accepted and investigated complaints, including scores of investigations against people who do not even live in New South Wales, and

(k) no complaint against Mrs Tait has been lodged with the Queensland Human Rights Commission, demonstrating yet again the forum shopping which the New South Wales anti- discrimination complaints handling laws have facilitated.

(2) That this House condemns the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board for:

(a) its handling of the Burns and Tait matter and similar investigations involving the serial complainant Garry Burns that, over many years, have wasted scarce public money better utilised elsewhere in the New South Wales legal system,

(b) emboldening and empowering Mr Burns as part of a business model accepting serial, vexatious complaints to give the false impression of the Anti-Discrimination Board doing important work, and

(c) diminishing the public credibility of anti-discrimination action in New South Wales on genuinely important matters by being bogged down in its support for and fostering of Mr Burns.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

2800 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

572. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) measure only the monetary value of goods and services and do not measure domestic and unpaid work or other non-market transactions,

(b) GDP and GSDP are impacted by certain transactions in perverse ways compared to the social value of those transactions – for example, GDP and GSDP are positively impacted by: (i) sales of formula milk but not a child being breastfed, (ii) payments made to someone to clean your house but not cleaning your house yourself, (iii) payments made to someone to look after your child but not caring for your child yourself, (iv) increased costs of crime and policing, (v) expenses of cleaning up an oil spill, (vi) the sale of wood from a felled tree but not the social and ecological values of a tree left unfelled,

(c) the European Union has been working since 2007 on a 'Beyond GDP' initiative, and the European Parliament resolved in 2011 that: (i) "GDP is a measure of production and does not measure environmental sustainability, resource efficiency, social inclusion and social progress in general", (ii) "GDP can be misleading in the sense that remedial measures following certain incidents such as accidents and natural disasters are treated as a benefit instead of a cost", (iii) "there are other indicators that influence and explain the living standards in a country and that have not been quantified until now although relevant indicators exist", (iv) "achieving and sustaining quality of life involves important, consensual factors such as health, education, culture, employment, housing, environmental conditions etc … indicators which measure such factors should be assigned a greater role", and

(d) more recently, New Zealand’s government has formally recognised the limitations of GDP by moving to explicitly consider other indicators of wellbeing in making budget decisions.

(2) That this House:

(a) acknowledges that GSDP is a flawed and limited economic indicator and cannot measure wellbeing or levels of economic inequality,

(b) acknowledges that not every economic activity that increases GSDP will be beneficial for the wellbeing of the people of New South Wales and that many such economic activities may in fact be harmful to the people of New South Wales, and

(c) calls on the Government to minimise its reliance on GDSP figures and to make policy decisions on the basis of broader indicators of productivity and wellbeing in New South Wales, including factors relating to wealth inequality, income inequality, housing security, life expectancy, health outcomes, education levels, environmental sustainability, leisure time and personal security.

(Notice given 16 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 64)

574. Mr Primrose to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 30 June 2017 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Education relating to the Newcastle Education Precinct: 2801 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) all documents that provide advice, briefing papers, reports or assessments relating to the creation of the Newcastle Education Precinct,

(b) all documents that provide advice, briefing papers, reports or assessments including but not limited to, service needs reports, preliminary infrastructure plans, or feasibility studies, relating to funding estimates, source and timeline, student demand forecast and a new primary school,

(c) the indexed list of all documents, returned under this order of the House, provided in hardcopy in no less than 12 point font and in electronic copy in a searchable format, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 17 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 65)

577. Ms Boyd to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Act 2007 with respect to coercive control and abusive behaviour in domestic relationships; and for related purposes.

(Crimes (Domestic and Personal Violence) Amendment (Coercive and Controlling Behaviour) Bill)

(Notice given 17 June 2019)

578. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) fish farming is a form of intensive aquabusiness where fish are bred in underwater enclosures and slaughtered for human consumption,

(b) similar to intensive farms on land, intensive fish farms are overcrowded, unfamiliar environments that prevent fish from moving around freely and expressing their natural behaviours,

(c) there is a large body of scientific evidence which demonstrates that fish are highly intelligent animals that feel pain and suffer in a similar way to humans,

(d) farmed fish suffer from high levels of stress, injury and disease, in part because they have no way to escape attacks from other fish, parasites and predators,

(e) the conditions of fish-farms are so traumatic that it is common for up to one quarter of salmon to float lifelessly on the surface of their tanks, suffering from a condition that scientists say is akin to severe depression, and

(f) at the end of their lives, these captive farmed-fish are then slaughtered using the same inhumane methods used on wild fish, including being gutted alive while fully conscious.

(2) That this House acknowledges the pain and suffering of fish held captive in fish farms.

(Notice given 17 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 65)

580. Mr Secord to move—

That this House opposes any move to increase the GST.

2802 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

581. Mr Pearson to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Office of the Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission or Greyhound Racing NSW relating to video footage of greyhound races:

(a) all video footage of the following races held at Maitland Greyhounds, Bloomfield Street, Maitland on 27 April 2020: (i) Race 3 run on the 4th/5th Grade 450m at 6.40 pm, (ii) Race 4 run on the Non Graded 400m at 7.02 pm, (iii) Race 5 run on the 5th Grade 565m at 7.18 pm, (iv) Race 6 run on the 5th Grade 400m at 7.35 pm,

(b) all video footage of Race 5 Ladbrokes Maiden Final 400m held at the Gardens Greyhound and Sporting Complex, 104 Sandgate Rd, Birmingham Gardens, on 15 May 2020 at 5.02 pm,

(c) all documents relating to the removal of video footage from Dogs.com.au of races held at Maitland Greyhounds, Bloomfield Street, Maitland on 27 April 2020 or at the Gardens Greyhound and Sporting Complex, 104 Sandgate Rd, Birmingham Gardens on 15 May 2020, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

582. Mr Mallard to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 4 February 2020 ACON, in partnership with NewSouth Publishing, released the book "Fighting For Our Lives", written by journalist Nick Cook; the book explores the early history of ACON and the broad community movement that gathered in New South Wales in response to HIV/AIDS, which is now viewed internationally as a global best practice response to HIV,

(b) ACON (formerly the AIDS Council of NSW) is Australia's, if not one of the world’s leading community organisations specialising in HIV and sexuality and gender diverse health, which of course has its creation as a result of the AIDS crisis in NSW in the 1980s,

(c) the book explores how, in the early years of the AIDS epidemic, marginalised communities (mostly people living with HIV, gay men, sex workers and people who injected drugs) came together to form organisations such as ACON, which gave them a voice in the AIDS response,

(d) these marginalised communities built an unprecedented alliance that brought together community, clinicians, researchers and policy makers – a partnership that made Australia’s response to AIDS one of the most successful in the world,

(e) on exploring the community response to the epidemic through the accounts of survivors, ACON's archives and various other historical material, the book reminds us of the challenges that faced affected communities as they dealt with an emerging health crisis in the 1980s and 1990s, and how these communities took that struggle into their own hands and in the process, created an entirely new model of public health, 2803 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(f) in exploring this period in Sydney's history, "Fighting For Our Lives" also reflects on the hate and violence experienced by members of the LGBTQ community during this time, where some tragically lost their lives often as a result of HIV/AIDS prejudice,

(g) the work in this place through the parliamentary inquiry into Gay and Transgender Hate Crimes Between 1970 and 2010 has been important for the community and acknowledged,

(h) fighting For Our Lives has been released to commemorate the 35th anniversary of ACON, and

(i) in attendance at the launch amongst many community leaders past and present were: (i) Don Baxter: Former President and later CEO of ACON, (ii) Robert French: Former Vice President of ACON, (iii) Mark Orr: Former President of ACON, (iv) Nicolas Parkhill: Current CEO of ACON, (v) Dr Justin Koonin: Current President of ACON, (vi) David Buchanan SC; Former Director ACON, (vii) Nick Cook: Author of Fighting For Our Lives, (viii) The Honourable Shayne Mallard MLC.

(2) That this House acknowledges the 35th anniversary of ACON and all community members, staff, medical professionals, policy and political leaders amongst others, who have contributed to its success as well as to the Australian HIV/AIDS response; people living with HIV for their strength and resilience; and all those who have tragically been lost to AIDS.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

583. Mr Borsak to move—

(1) That this House expresses concern that the Honourable David Elliott, MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, continues to act in a manner unbefitting a minister of the Crown.

(2) That this House notes the inadequate responses received from the Honourable David Elliott, MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services, to questions concerning his unauthorised use of prohibited firearms asked during the Budget Estimates 2019-2020 inquiry, and again via written Questions on Notice on 27 April 2020 and 25 May 2020.

(3) That this House further notes that:

(a) on 7 September 2018 the Honourable David Elliott, MP, used the carriage service Facebook, to incite an act of crime against The Greens, having stated: “Dear God … next time the Greens slag off at a cop or prison officer please help them see the error of their ways by maybe making them a victim of crime”, and

(b) on 10 May 2020 the Honourable David Elliott, MP, used the carriage service Facebook, to imply that he would pardon any fines imposed by police officers in exchange for a donation to his brother-in-law’s favourite charity, stating: “If you’re up for a good cause why don’t you put a few quid in and make sure your name is recorded. That way if you cop a police fine over the next little while I’ll know who to pardon … or not.”

(4) That, given the controversy surrounding his actions and behaviour, this House expresses no confidence in the Honourable David Elliott, MP, Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

584. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that: 2804 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) over 33,000 people have signed an online petition, started by the Coalition for the Protection of Greyhounds, opposing the draft NSW Greyhound Welfare Code of Practice,

(b) the petition calls on the Government to overhaul the draft Code, which would allow the greyhound industry up to ten years to improve sub-standard kennels, and for racing greyhounds to be confined in a 3m2 space, for 24-hours a day, without any exercise, and

(c) in 2020 alone, there have been 24 deaths and over 1,000 injuries on greyhound tracks in New South Wales as a result of this cruel industry.

(2) That this House condemns this sham Code which will do nothing to protect or improve the lives of greyhounds in New South Wales.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

586. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) there are serious concerns with the current proposed changes to the Victims Support Scheme,

(b) victim-survivors, experts and advocates have all raised concerns that the changes will make access to support harder and materially impact access to justice, and

(c) an Open Letter calling for the withdrawal of the changes and a statutory review was sent to the Commissioner of Victims Rights on 29 May 2020 and now has been signed by over 86 organisations and 438 individuals.

(2) That this House affirms that any changes to the Victims Support Scheme must be victim-survivor led.

(3) That this House calls for an immediate statutory review of the Victims Rights and Support Act 2013 and withdrawal of the implementation of the proposed reforms.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

587. Ms Boyd to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Anti-Discrimination Act 1977 to make it unlawful to discriminate against a persons on the grounds the persons are, or have been, sex workers.

(Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Sex Workers) Bill)

(Notice given 18 June 2019)

588. Ms Hurst to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2015 in the possession, custody or control of Regional NSW or the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales relating to Shoalhaven Zoo and the Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986:

(a) all documents containing any revocation, suspension or other action taken by the Regional NSW, or the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, in respect of any licence, permit or approval issued to Shoalhaven Zoo under the Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 or accompanying regulations, 2805 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) all documents containing the results of any audit or inspection of Shoalhaven Zoo,

(c) all records of corrective action requests (CARs), or documents containing details of whether or how the CARs were complied with,

(d) all documents containing complaints regarding Shoalhaven Zoo, or any action taken in response to a complaint,

(e) all records of any investigations undertaken in respect of Shoalhaven Zoo, and

(f) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

589. Mr Latham to move—

(1) That this House condemns The Guardian newspaper for:

(a) being funded from the profits of slavery while hypocritically campaigning for the destruction of statues associated with colonial Australian history, and

(b) opposing the abolition of slavery in the United States.

(2) That the House calls on those who have collaborated with The Guardian as contributors, specifically Mr David Shoebridge MLC and Senator Mehreen Faruqi to disassociate themselves from this racist history and apologise for their links to slave funded media propaganda.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

590. Ms Boyd to move—

(1) That this House acknowledges that 14 to 20 June 2020 is Refugee Week, with the theme “Celebrating the Year of Welcome”.

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) there are 25.9 million refugees and 3.5 million asylum-seekers worldwide,

(b) Australia has resettled or permanently protected 18,750 refugees in the past year, 0.07 per cent of the global total, and

(c) 439 people remain in Australia’s offshore detention centres, including 2 children.

(3) That this House recognises:

(a) the real and valuable contributions that refugees and asylum seekers make to communities across New South Wales, and

(b) the additional difficulties refugees face when resettling in Australia, particularly those caused by trauma.

(4) That this House recognises the excellent work of service providers and advocacy groups in assisting refugees and asylum seekers throughout New South Wales. 2806 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(5) That this House recognises the 65 local government areas across New South Wales that are declared Refugee Welcome Zones and commends their work to help ensure refugees are welcome and supported in their communities.

(6) That this House confirms that all people living in New South Wales should be entitled to feel safe and secure and enjoy a dignified life which includes adequate housing, income support, education, health care and contact with family and loved ones.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

591. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) communities in the Far West NSW are among the most disadvantaged in Australia with a First Nations man who is born and lives in Wilcannia having a life expectancy of 36.7 years,

(b) the Royal Commission in Aboriginal Death in Custody recommend that Aboriginal inmates be housed in facilities close to their families and communities,

(c) despite this, the Government has closed the Ivanhoe Warrakirri Correctional Centre and will transfer inmates further away from their families, and

(d) since the centre opened in 1999 it had a particular focus on working to support Aboriginal and Torres Islander Inmates.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to :

(a) urgently reverse the closure of Ivanhoe Warrakirri Correctional Centre, and

(b) invest in Far West NSW to provide comprehensive Justice Reinvestment programs to support families and communities.

(Notice given 18 June 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 66)

592. Auditor-General—Take note of report: resumption of the adjourned debate (4 August 2020) of the question on the motion of Ms Sharpe: That the House take note of a Performance Audit report of the Auditor-General entitled “Their Futures Matter”, dated July 2020—Ms Sharpe speaking. (15 minutes remaining)

Debate: 1 hour remaining.

593. Mr Searle to move—

(1) That the report of the Independent Legal Arbiter, the Hon Keith Mason AC QC, on the disputed claim of privilege on documents relating to an order for papers regarding TAFE underpayments be laid on the table by the Clerk.

(2) That, on tabling, the report and submissions are authorised to be published.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

594. Mr Searle to move—

That under section 5 of the Legislation Review Act 1987, Mr Shaoquett Moselmane be discharged from the Legislation Review Committee and Mr Anthony D'Adam be appointed as a member of the committee. 2807 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

595. Mr Searle to move—

That Mr Moselmane be discharged from the Joint Standing Committee on the Office of the Valuer General and Mr Mookhey be appointed as a member of the committee.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

596. Mr Searle to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution, in electronic format, the following documents created since 1 January 2017 in the possession, custody or control of the Office of the Premier, the Office of the Deputy Premier, the Office of the Treasurer, the Office of the Minister for Local Government, the Office of the Minister for Sport, Multiculturalism, Seniors and Veterans, the Office of the Minister for the Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs, and the Arts, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, The Treasury, Regional NSW, the Office of Sport, the Office of Local Government, or the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment relating to community funds and grants:

(a) all documents concerning the applications, assessments, correspondence, recommendations, approvals and funding allocations relating to: (i) the Stronger Communities Fund, (ii) the Stronger Country Communities Fund, (iii) the Regional Cultural Fund, (iv) the Greater Sydney Sports Facility Fund, (v) the Regional Sports Infrastructure Fund, (vi) Start Strong Capital Grants, (vii) the Growing Local Economies Fund, (viii) GO NSW Equity Fund,

(b) The Treasury review of Jobs for NSW, which included reviewing grants and funds,

(c) the indexed list of all documents, returned under this order of the House, provided in hardcopy in no less than 12 point font and in electronic copy in a searchable format, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

597. Mr Searle to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Transport for NSW or the Minister for Transport and Roads:

(a) the South East Sydney Integrated Service Plan as referred to in Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 application number 20T-0973, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

2808 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

598. Mr Searle to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment relating to the Brandy Hill Quarry expansion proposal:

(a) any ministerial or departmental correspondence, briefings or directions provided to the Independent Planning Commission or Commissioners which were not publicly available, relating to the Brandy Hill Quarry expansion proposal, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

599. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) 4 August 2020 is National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, a day to focus on First Nations kids, culture, family and community, and

(b) National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day was established by 'SNAICC – National Voice for Our Children' in 1988 to recognise the many Aboriginal kids living in orphanages and institutions do not know their birthday and that this day was for them.

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) Aboriginal children continue to be removed from their families at alarming rates in New South Wales and 40 per cent of children in out of home care are Aboriginal despite representing only 5 per cent of all children,

(b) the proportion of Aboriginal children and young people in out of home care is increasing,

(c) in 2019, Professor Megan Davis released ‘Family Is Culture’, a detailed and groundbreaking report from her independent review of Aboriginal children and young people in out of home care,

(d) the Family is Culture report makes 125 expert recommendations and a further 3,000 recommendations on individual cases that were reviewed, and

(e) the Government recently released its response to the report which was four pages long, failed to address the bulk of the 125 recommendations and contains no additional funding.

(3) That this House calls on the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services to:

(a) implement the legislative reform called for in the Family is Culture recommendations, and

(b) provide the funding necessary to properly support Aboriginal families with early intervention and support services to avoid child removals.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

600. Mr Borsak to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

2809 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) progressively since February 2020 the state of New South Wales, together with the rest of Australia and the international community, has faced an unprecedented COVID-19 public health pandemic,

(b) addressing the severe and unprecedented threat of the pandemic has necessitated sweeping and previously unimaginable public health order restrictions on the normal day to day life of the citizens of New South Wales,

(c) those changes have had, and continue to have, a significant impact on the physical, social, psychological and economic circumstances of the citizens of New South Wales as part of the collective effort to temper and manage the consequences of the pandemic, and

(d) public confidence and compliance with public health order restrictions is paramount to managing and preventing the spread of COVID-19.

(2) That this House notes that:

(a) on or about Friday 13 March 2020 the Leader of the Government in this place, the Hon Don Harwin, relocated from his primary home at Elizabeth Bay, Sydney, to his holiday home at Pearl Beach on the Central Coast,

(b) subsequently, when the issue of his relocation became public, the Hon Don Harwin said, that he had chosen to move out of Sydney for health reasons as someone with comorbidities and a history of respiratory problems. He said “I have two residences. I have chosen to live at this one for health reasons.”,

(c) the Hon Don Harwin also said his work from home arrangements were better at Pearl Beach than they were in his “small apartment in Sydney”. The Hon Don Harwin said “I live in a very built up area in Sydney with high density and here I have windows that can open so that I can have the fresh air and I can walk in fresh air and I have more room in my house than here than I would have in my small apartment in inner Sydney”,

(d) when the relocation issue became public the Premier said, on 9 April 2020, “I was advised a few days ago … he has been there for 3 weeks … [h]e’d made that decision prior to and I don’t want to disclose his underlying health conditions, he may choose to do that. He’s made that decision prior to the restrictions that’s where he would base himself for his own personal health reasons. I’ll let him explain that. That’s not for me to disclose his underlying conditions and he advised me of this a few days ago …”,

(e) on Tuesday 17 March 2020, a Mr Geoffrey Winters returned from the United Kingdom and travelled to the Hon Don Harwin’s holiday home at Pearl Beach where he remained as a guest,

(f) under NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Quarantine) Order 2020 dated 16 March 2020, commencing from the beginning of 17 March 2020, Mr Winters was subject to a mandatory quarantine period of 14 days commencing from his arrival in New South Wales and ending at midnight on the 14th day after that arrival being the end of Tuesday 31 March 2020. Under clause 5(1)(d) of the Order a person in quarantine in suitable premise was not permitted to allow any other person to enter the premises unless the other person usually resides at the premises. At the time the Hon Don Harwin’s primary home was at Elizabeth Bay, Sydney,

(g) under NSW Public Health (COVID-19 Restrictions on Gathering and Movement) Order 2020 dated 30 March 2020, commencing from the beginning of Tuesday 31 March 2020, a person in New South Wales was restricted on leaving the person’s place of residence without a reasonable excuse,

(h) at the time the Hon Don Harwin was discovered at his holiday house with his guest Mr Winters on Wednesday, 8 April 2020, he tried to hide the presence of Mr Winters by stating to the Daily Telegraph that he had no “guests coming and going from this house” despite photographic evidence to the contrary, 2810 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(i) Mr Geoffrey Winters was self-isolating at the Hon Don Harwin’s Pearl Beach holiday home to prevent any chance of infecting an ill person at his usual home. Mr Winters chose to self- isolate at the Hon Don Harwin’s Pearl Beach holiday home out of fear he could infect a relative if he returned home. The NSW Police Commissioner said information was provided to Mr Winters that he could not isolate at his normal residence due to the health of someone else in that house,

(j) during the time of Mr Winters’ quarantine stay at the Hon Don Harwin’s holiday home, the Hon Don Harwin travelled from his holiday home in Pearl Beach to Sydney on more than one occasion,

(k) specifically, the Hon Don Harwin travelled from his Pearl Beach holiday home to Sydney on two publicly known occasions:

(i) firstly, on Thursday 19 March for “essential meetings”, remaining in Sydney for five days before returning to Pearl Beach after the one day special sitting of Parliament on Tuesday 24 March 2020, (ii) secondly, on Wednesday 1 April 2020 for the day for a medical appointment. This was also the first day Mr Winters was free from quarantine,

(l) during the first occasion the Hon Don Harwin went clothes shopping on Sunday 22 March 2020 at Westfield Eastgardens, approximately 20 minutes drive from his primary home at Elizabeth Bay residence,

(m) when first asked about travelling from his Pearl Beach holiday home, the Hon Don Harwin only nominated one occasion, the medical appointment in Sydney. He made no reference to the 5 day visit to Sydney for essential meetings and the special sitting of Parliament,

(n) despite the grave seriousness of the pandemic, the Hon Don Harwin did not disclose to the Premier, his fellow cabinet ministers or his parliamentary colleagues, including when he attended Parliament for the special sitting on Tuesday 24 March, that a person under quarantine was staying with him at his Pearl Beach holiday home,

(o) additionally, the Hon Don Harwin did not disclose to the Premier, or as far as is publicly known other cabinet ministers or parliamentary colleagues, that he had “relocated” from his Elizabeth Bay primary home to his Pearl Beach holiday home until a few days prior to 9 April 2020,

(p) in response to the media reporting of Mr Harwin’s conduct, the Premier expressed her disappointment stating that the “perception is horrible” and that “It’s not just about sticking to the rules, it’s about making sure there’s a perception that everybody is sticking to the rules including members of Parliament … I regret and apologise to everybody that somebody from my team took this action,”,

(q) the police sought an explanation from Mr Harwin for his conduct and subsequently issued a $1,000 penalty infringement notice for breach of the COVID-19 public health order restrictions. The issue of this infringement notice was reviewed by the Police Commissioner, Mr Fuller, prior to its issue,

(r) after stating that he did not wish his actions to “cause a distraction”, Mr Harwin moved back to Sydney and apologised to the Premier and the NSW community, insisted that he had sought official advice in order to adhere to the public health order, and resigned as a minister of the Crown,

(s) Mr Harwin challenged the fine imposed by the NSW Police and on Friday 3 July 2020 the matter was withdrawn by the NSW DPP in the Gosford Local Court on the basis of insufficient evidence,

2811 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(t) notwithstanding the DPP decision not to proceed, the NSW Police Commissioner issued a statement that he stood by his original decision to issue the Hon Don Harwin with the penalty infringement notice, and

(u) later that day, the Hon Don Harwin was reappointed as a Minister of the Crown, the Leader of the Government in the Legislative Council and Vice-President of the Executive Council.

(3) That this House considers there are grounds on which to could conclude:

(a) that the above mentioned conduct of the Leader of the Government, the Hon. Don Harwin, in the middle of an unprecedented public health crisis when any non-compliance with public health orders was potentially life threatening, was not only a grave misjudgement but, in the words of the Premier, created a horrible perception that a member of parliament was not sticking to the rules,

(b) that the Hon. Don Harwin’s conduct undermined trust in the NSW Government and its strong community messaging that members of the public must comply with public health orders to keep NSW safe from COVID19,

(c) that the failure of the Hon Don Harwin to inform the NSW Parliament, his colleagues in this House, or in the other place, that he was residing with a person subject to a mandatory 14 day COVID19 quarantine in his Pearl Beach holiday home at the time he attended the special sitting of Parliament on Tuesday, 24 March 2020 is a fundamental and disgraceful breach of the necessary mutual trust and confidence between honourable members of this House, and

(d) that the egregious personal conduct of the Hon Don Harwin falls alarmingly short of the standard expected of the Leader of the Government, a Minister of the Crown and a member of this House.

(4) That this House orders the Leader of the Government, the Hon Don Harwin, to attend in his place at the Table at the conclusion of formal business on the next sitting day following the passing of this resolution to explain his conduct and in particular to answer the following specific questions:

(a) why he stated that he had moved to his holiday home at Pearl Beach because of health reasons but at the same time had Mr Winters join him at his holiday home knowing that Mr Winters was serving a mandatory COVID19 quarantine period of 14 days and therefore posed a serious risk to his health,

(b) how Mr Winters was transported to his holiday home at Pearl Beach from Sydney airport and whether Mr Winters left his holiday home at any time during Mr Winters' 14 day COVID19 quarantine period,

(c) whether he left his holiday home on any other occasion during Mr Winters' COVID19 quarantine, apart from the aforementioned trips on 19 March 2020 for five days and 1 April 2020,

(d) whether he hosted any other guests at his holiday home during the period of Mr Winters’ 14 day COVID19 quarantine,

(e) whether he had any other visitors at his holiday home during the period 13 March 2020 to 10 April 2020, and

(f) whether, on his visits to Sydney in March 2020 and April 2020, he advised anyone, including any of his parliamentary colleagues, that at the time he was sharing his holiday home with Mr Winters that Mr Winters was serving a 14 day COVID19 quarantine, and if so who, and if he didn't advise anyone, why he didn't.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

2812 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

601. Mr Fang to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) during the recent summer bushfires, local station manager David Eisenhauer worked up to 18 hours a day for 50 days at Tumut’s Sound of the Mountains radio station as the Dunns Road fire tore through the Snowy Valley,

(b) on one occasion a widespread blackout left his local station as the only voice in the region while the fire bore down on Adelong, providing important and potentially life-saving updates from the RFS, and

(c) Mr Eisenhauer’s team were often sleeping in the station at the height of the fires and spent weeks broadcasting information direct from the RFS and other authorities.

(2) That this House:

(a) recognises the vital importance of local radio to rural and regional communities and the invaluable service they provide on a day to day basis, and

(b) commends Mr Eisenhauer and his team for their dedication and steadfastness during the summer of fires and for going above and beyond for their community.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

602. Mr Veitch to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Regional NSW or the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales:

(a) all documents concerning the independent assessment of the socio-economic impacts of the NSW Commercial Fisheries Business Adjustment Program, being undertaken by Professor Kate Barclay, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

603. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to prohibit certain waste to energy incinerators.

(Environmental Planning and Assessment Amendment (Prohibition of Waste to Energy Incinerators) Bill)

(Notice given 4 August 2020)

604. Mrs Ward to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 26 June 2020 the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) announced that the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup will be hosted by Australia and New Zealand, 2813 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) the FIFA Women’s World Cup is among the largest women’s sporting events in the world,

(c) this will be the first FIFA Women’s World Cup hosted in the Asia-Pacific region, the first in the southern hemisphere,

(d) this will be the first co-confederation hosted FIFA World Cup and will feature players from 32 nations around the world,

(e) with 1.5 million spectators expected to attend, 16,000 of those will visit New South Wales, injecting $21 million into the New South Wales economy, helping drive tourism, hospitality sectors and local businesses,

(f) this announcement is solely possible because of the hard work that local football clubs and organisations in New South Wales and the thousands of community volunteers who dedicate their spare time and effort to the sport, and

(g) the government’s Active Kids program has encouraged the participation of around 40,000 young women and girls in football each year since its inception in 2018.

(2) That this House congratulates:

(a) Football Federation Australia and New Zealand Football on their successful joint bid to host the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup,

(b) local grassroots football clubs who are producing World Championship players, and

(c) the Matildas and Football Ferns and wish them every success in the competition.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

605. Mr Mookhey to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents relating to Insurance and Care NSW (icare) and the State Insurance Regulatory Authority:

(a) all documents created since 13 May 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Treasurer, The Treasury, the Minister for Customer Service or the Department of Customer Service regarding icare,

(b) all documents created since 13 May 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the State Insurance Regulatory Authority relating to mispayment of the Pre-injury Average Weekly Earnings (PIAWE) payments,

(c) the following documents in the possession, custody or control of Insurance and Care NSW (icare): (i) all documents prepared for all icare Board meetings since 1 January 2018, (ii) all documents which record decisions made by the Board since 1 January 2018, (iii) all documents created since 1 January 2018 for all meetings of the icare Board’s Investment and Asset Committee, People and Remuneration Committee, Customer, Innovation and Technology Committee, Audit and Risk Committee and Foundation Committee, (iv) all documents which record decisions made by the icare Board’s Investment and Asset Committee, People and Remuneration Committee, Customer, Innovation and Technology Committee, Audit and Risk Committee and Foundation Committee, (v) Mr John Nagle’s contract of employment as icare Chief Executive Officer, (vi) the current contracts of employment for all icare Group Executives, (vii) a document listing all bonus or performance based payments received by an icare executive in addition to their salary, including the value of each bonus or performance based payment, and the recipient of the payment by year or financial year as applicable, 2814 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(viii) all documents disclosing any decisions to withhold or reduce the bonus paid to Mr John Nagle, as referred to by Mr John Nagle in evidence to the Legislative Committee Standing Committee on Law and Justice on 3 July 2020, (ix) all correspondence between the icare CEO and Chair of the icare Board since 1 January 2019, (x) all documents regarding Mr John Nagle’s offer to resign in 2019 and his decision to resign in 2020, (xi) all Risk Registers prepared by all icare Business Units, between 2016-2020, (xii) all documents prepared by the icare Internal Compliance Team regarding the review of any icare contract between 2016-2020, (xiii) all documents relating to the tender and selection of RSA Archer and Perceptive as contractors to icare in any capacity, (xiv) all documents relating to the tender and selection of CapGemini as an icare contractor, (xv) all documents produced for or recording any meeting held by the icare Board Audit Risk and Compliance Committee where External Actuaries attended to discuss claims liabilities and the solvency of the Nominal Insurer and the TMF funds, (xvi) all contracts entered into between Korn Ferry and icare, (xvii) all documents produced by Korn Ferry for icare and by icare for Korn Ferry, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

606. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) penalties for animal abuse in New South Wales are among the lowest in the country, with a maximum penalty of just $5,500 or 6 months imprisonment for an animal cruelty offence,

(b) in 2018, the Government published a discussion paper in which it acknowledged that NSW Police Force, RSPCA and Animal Welfare League all view the current penalties as “insufficient and out of step with community expectations”,

(c) despite this feedback from enforcement agencies, and strong community support, the Government has failed to increase penalties for animal cruelty, and

(d) the existing, weak penalties in New South Wales do nothing to deter animal abuse, and ignore the strong link between violence against animals and violence against humans.

(2) That this House calls on the Government to urgently increase penalties for animal abuse.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

607. Mr Fang to move—

(1) That this House acknowledges that:

(a) in regional New South Wales pharmacists are a trusted and often key health professional,

(b) the Government is supporting the NSW Branch of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia to train community pharmacists in regional NSW to identify and assist local community members with mental health issues, and

(c) the Guild will deliver face-to-face and online training through 100 workshops to over 5,000 pharmacists and staff across regional New South Wales. 2815 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(2) That this House thank the Pharmacy Guild of Australia for their work and support in developing training to upskill their members in mental health training.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

608. Mr Primrose to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, created since January 2013, in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment or the Minister for Water, Property and Housing:

(a) all documents concerning any modelling that was completed on the drought of record of the Lachlan Valley case study, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

609. Mr Latham to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Education Act 1990, the Education Standards Authority Act 2013 and the Teacher Accreditation Act 2004 to provide that schools must recognise that parents are primarily responsible for the development and formation of moral and ethical standards and social and political values in their children, including an understanding of personal identity and questions of gender and sexuality and to prohibit schools, teachers, and training courses from teaching gender fluidity, and for other purposes.

(Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill)

(Notice given 4 August 2020)

610. Mrs Ward to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 21 June 2020, the Minister for the Prevention of Domestic Violence, the Hon Mark Speakman SC MP and the Acting Minister for Multiculturalism, the Hon Dr MP launched the “Speak Out” campaign,

(b) "Speak Out" is a state-wide awareness raising campaign that encourages victim-survivors of domestic and family violence to contact the NSW Domestic Violence Line,

(c) the challenges associated with the necessary public health orders for self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to circumstances in which domestic violence incidents may have gone unreported, highlighting the difficulty for victim-survivors to approach services or authorities for help,

(d) since April 2020 six women and one man were killed in domestic violence murders in New South Wales, and

(e) the NSW Domestic Violence Line, 1800 65 64 63 is a free, 24 hour confidential support line with interpreters available – the Line can help victim-survivors to develop a safety plan, find accommodation, including for their children, provide information about available services and advise on how best to contact police, lawyers and the courts. 2816 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(2) That this House:

(a) thanks all frontline and support staff who work with domestic violence victim-survivors and their children every day, and

(b) encourages all people in New South Wales to "Speak Out" whenever they believe domestic violence may be occurring.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

611. Mr Graham to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Transport for NSW or the Minister for Transport and Roads relating to mobile phone offences by drivers:

(a) all internal correspondence within Transport for NSW regarding the offence of ‘Driver use mobile phone when not permitted – camera detected – Corporation’,

(b) all correspondence between Transport for NSW and the Minister for Transport and Roads regarding the offence of ‘Driver use mobile phone when not permitted – camera detected – Corporation’,

(c) all briefings provided to the Minister for Transport and Roads regarding the offence of ‘Driver use mobile phone when not permitted – camera detected – Corporation’, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

612. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, the NSW Environmental Protection Authority and Forestry Corporation:

(a) surveys of the impacts of the 2019/20 bushfire season on koala habitat and populations,

(b) all documents regarding the impacts of logging on threatened species habitat after the 2019/20 bushfire season,

(c) all documents regarding mitigation measures and additional conditions introduced to reduce the impact of logging operations on threatened species and threatened species habitat after the 2019/20 bushfire season,

(d) minutes of all meetings by the NSW Koala Strategy Independent Expert Advisory Panel, the NSW Koala Strategy Board and the NSW Koala Strategy Interagency Committee created since 8 May 2018,

(e) briefs, board papers, communications and advice provided by or to the NSW Koala Strategy Independent Expert Advisory Panel, the NSW Koala Strategy Board, the NSW Koala Strategy Interagency Committee and the NSW Chief Scientist created since 8 May 2018,

(f) any responses or comments from the NSW Koala Strategy Interagency Committee on the implementation of the Koala Strategy or on the whole of government response to Portfolio 2817 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment's report no. 3 entitled "Koala populations and habitat in New South Wales" created since 8 May 2018, and

(g) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

613. Mr Franklin to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) the COVID-19 pandemic has been, and still is, an extremely difficult and challenging time for communities, and

(b) the pandemic has significantly increased the demand for assistance from charitable and community support organisations.

(2) That this House:

(a) thanks the following organisations for the substantial support they have provided to their local communities: (i) the Red Cross for establishing their COVID CONNECT telephone outreach service, (ii) the North Coast National Show Society for their work with NSW Health, local Council and the NSW Police Force to provide accommodation during COVID-19 and to provide support for local business, (iii) sporting organisations who are involved in the Play for Lives Campaign such as Football Far North Coast and the Lord’s Taverners, (iv) the Rotary Club of Ballina-on-Richmond who, in partnership with The Cove Restaurant, has provided over 1,600 free meals to those in need, (v) the Byron Community Centre for their initiatives of the Community Pantry and free phone counselling, (vi) Support Lismore for their online campaign to encourage people to get behind local businesses, and

(b) thanks and acknowledges all community-based organisations across New South Wales for their dedication and commitment to supporting local residents through this extremely challenging time.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

614. Mr Graham to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to amend the Roads Act 1993 to provide for the declaration of toll-free periods for new tollways; and for related purposes.

(Roads Amendment (Toll-free Period) Bill)

(Notice given 4 August 2020)

615. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That the report of the Independent Legal Arbiter, the Hon Keith Mason AC QC, on the disputed claim of privilege on documents relating to an order for papers regarding the Stronger Communities Fund be laid on the table by the Clerk.

(2) That, on tabling, the report and submissions are authorised to be published. 2818 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

616. Mr Franklin to move—

(1) That this House note that:

(a) the third meeting of the Regional Youth Taskforce occurred on 19 July 2020,

(b) the meeting was held in Queanbeyan and via teleconference,

(c) the meeting focused on Wellbeing, the second pillar of the NSW Regional Youth Framework, which aims for young people to be mentally and physically healthy, safe and thrive in their communities,

(d) taskforce members discussed: (i) normalising conversations around mental health, (ii) reducing stigma around seeking mental health and wellbeing support, (iii) introducing life skills as a subject in schools, (iv) streamlining government and non-government services, (v) educating more young people on the connection between mental and physical wellbeing, (vi) the impact of COVID-19 and restructuring restrictions, and

(e) protocols were in place to meet with government COVID-19 health advice.

(2) That this House affirms its continued support for the role of and contributions made by the Regional Youth Taskforce.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

617. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) Their Futures Matter was the Government’s primary response to the 2016 Tune Review into Out of Home Care, and

(b) the 2016-17 Budget allocated $190 million over four years to Their Futures Matter with the aim of transforming the child protection system to improve the lives of vulnerable children and young people.

(2) That this House notes that the recent Auditor General’s Review into Their Futures Matter found:

(a) “the governance and cross-agency partnership arrangements used to deliver the Their Futures Matter reforms were ineffective”,

(b) “the key objective of the reform was not established” and “their futures matter did not realise its policy intent”,

(c) “the reform concluded in June 2020 without a strategy or plan in to place to achieve its intent”,

(d) “a lack of independence, authority and whole-of-government effort”, and

(e) “the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) did not progress its agency bid for the 2020–21 Budget. There was no strategy in place for building on these supports beyond the life of the reform, to achieve its policy intent.”. 2819 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(3) That this House notes that:

(a) despite estimating that it would reach over 40,000 children, Their Futures Matter only assisted 6,261 vulnerable children and families over four years, and

(b) the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services has allowed this important reform to lapse without a plan, strategy or funding bid to support reform of a system in crisis.

(4) That this House condemns the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services for failing to deliver this significant reform for vulnerable children and young people in New South Wales.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

618. Mr Banasiak to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet or the Special Minister of State and Minister for Public Service and Employee Relations, Aboriginal Affairs and the Arts relating to the records of motor vehicle use by the Hon Don Harwin:

(a) all documents, including any log books, vehicle use registers, records of trips, toll accounts or usage, drivers’ records, diary entries, emails and other electronic communications, or fuel card or fuel use records concerning the use of any motor vehicle assigned to, used by or used on behalf of the Honourable Don Harwin between 13 March 2020 to 10 April 2020 inclusive, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

619. Mr Franklin to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on Saturday 20 June 2020 the Surf Life Saving Far North Coast Branch held its Awards of Excellence for the 2019/2020 season,

(b) the Awards were streamed online for the first time in the branch's history due to the COVID- 19 pandemic restrictions,

(c) the Surf Life Saving Far North Coast Branch combines ten surf lifesaving clubs, a jet rescue boat service and the North Coast Boat Series extending from Fingal Head in the north to Yamba in the south,

(d) Awards of Excellence recognised the dedication of members to Surf Life Saving and their outstanding commitment to keep all beachgoers safe, and

(e) recipients of the Awards were: (i) Young Surf Life Saver of the Year – Bede Curnow – Cudgen Headland, (ii) Lifesaver of the Year – Paul Ransom – Fingal Rovers, (iii) Patrol Captain of the Year – Beau Monks – Byron Bay, (iv) Patrol Team of the Year – Patrol 4 – Fingal Rovers, (v) Training Officer of the Year – Matthew Bell – Cudgen Headland, (vi) Assessor of the Year – Kris Beavis – Ballina Lighthouse and Lismore, (vii) Facilitator of the Year – Michael Pontefract – Evans Head and Casino, (viii) Services Team of the Year – Cudgen Headland Event Organising Team, 2820 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(ix) Administrator of the Year – David Rope – Cudgen Headland, (x) Official of the Year – Debbie Pawsey – Evans Head and Casino, (xi) Coach of the Year – Samantha Miller – Lennox Head and Alstonville, (xii) Masters Athlete of the Year – Joe Dougherty – Yamba, (xiii) Surf Sports Athlete of the Year – Bailey Copeland – Cudgen Headland, (xiv) Young Surf Sports Athlete of the Year – Lily O’Sullivan – Cudgen Headland, (xv) Surf Sports Team of the Year – Cudgen Headland Pool Rescue Team, (xvi) Young Volunteer of the Year – Sven Loemker – Cudgen Headland, (xvii) Volunteer of the Year – David Field – Cudgen Headland, (xviii) Jacob Lollback Encouragement Trophy – Luke Chaffer – Cudgen Headland, (xix) President’s Trophy – Lily O’Sullivan – Cudgen Headland, (xx) Competition Point Score Trophy – Cudgen Headland SLSC, (xxi) Newcastle Permanent Junior Club of the Year – Salt SLSC, (xxii) Newcastle Permanent Education Club of the Year – Cudgen Headland SLSC, (xxiii) Newcastle Permanent Administration Club of the Year – Cudgen Headland SLSC, (xxiv) Newcastle Permanent Surf Sports Club of the Year – Cudgen Headland SLSC, (xxv) Newcastle Permanent Lifesaving Club of the Year – Byron Bay SLSC, (xxvi) Newcastle Permanent Overall Club of the Year – Cudgen Headland SLSC, (xxvii) recognition Plaque awarded to Ballina Jet Boat “Surf Rescue 40” Far North Coast Crew, for outstanding service to Surf Life Saving on the Far North Coast Branch over the last 49 years.

(2) That this House congratulates:

(a) all award recipients for their hard work and dedication to Surf Life Saving,

(b) all clubs and their members for their contribution to communities across the Far North Coast, and

(c) Surf Life Saving Far North Coast Branch for their innovation during the COVID-19 pandemic in streaming the 2019/2020 Awards of Excellence online.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

620. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution, in electronic and searchable format, the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Education or Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning relating to the enrolment capacity of public schools:

(a) a document listing the enrolment capacity of each public school in New South Wales, as at 1 February 2020, including the school name, permanent and non-permanent classroom capacity and electorate,

(b) a document listing the enrolment capacity utilisation of each public school in New South Wales, as at 1 August 2020, including the percentage over or under capacity, school name and electorate,

(c) a document listing the number of permanent and demountable classrooms at each public school in New South Wales, as at 1 August 2020, including the school name and electorate,

(d) a document listing each public school in New South Wales which is over its enrolment caps as at 1 August 2020, including the school enrolment figure, school name and electorate, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

2821 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

621. Ms Hurst to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2015 in the possession, custody or control of Regional NSW or the Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales relating to the Australian National Baboon Colony at Wallacia, New South Wales (the Facility):

(a) a document listing the current number and species of animals held at the Facility,

(b) all documents recording details of research conducted on animals at, or obtained from, the Facility,

(c) all documents recording the fate of animals at, or obtained from, the Facility subjected to research,

(d) all documents disclosing funding or other financial support provided to the Facility,

(e) all licences, permits, accreditations and approvals issued to the Facility, or to any other person or organisation for the purpose of conducting research on animals obtained from the Facility, under the Animal Research Act 1985 and its accompanying regulations,

(f) all documents recording any revocation, suspension or other disciplinary action taken in respect of the Facility, or any other person or organisation in relation to research conducted on animals obtained from the Facility, under the Animal Research Act 1985 and its accompanying regulations,

(g) all documents recording the results of any audits or inspections of the Facility, or any other person or organisation in relation to research conducted on animals obtained from the Facility by the Department of Primary Industry or the Animal Research Review Panel,

(h) all records of complaints received regarding the Facility, or any other person or organisation in relation to research conducted on animals obtained from the Facility, including all records concerning any action taken in response to those complaints by the Department of Primary Industries, the Animal Research Review Panel or any other body,

(i) all records of any investigations undertaken in respect of the Facility, or any other organisation in relation to research conducted on animals obtained from the Facility, by the Department of Primary Industries, the Animal Research Review Panel or any other body, and

(j) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

622. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution, in electronic and searchable format, the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Education or Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning relating to the Cooler Classrooms Program:

(a) a document listing all schools that have completed installation under the Cooler Classrooms Program since 15 October 2019, including the date of completion, the mean maximum January temperature of each school and electorate,

(b) a document listing all schools in the construction phase under the Cooler Classrooms Program as at 1 August 2020, including the date construction commenced, the mean maximum January temperature of each school and electorate,

(c) a document listing all schools in the design phase under the Cooler Classrooms Program as at 1 August 2020, including the expected commencement date, the mean maximum January temperature of each school and electorate, 2822 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) a document listing all schools in the tender phase under the Cooler Classrooms Program as at 1 August 2020, including the expected commencement date, the mean maximum January temperature of each school and electorate,

(e) a document listing all schools in the due diligence phase under the Cooler Classrooms Program as at 1 August 2020, including the commencement date, the mean maximum January temperature of each school and electorate,

(f) a document listing all schools approved in round one of the Cooler Classrooms Program but not listed in paragraphs (a) to (e) of this order, including the commencement and completion for date for each school, the mean maximum January temperature of each school and the electorate,

(g) a document listing all unflued gas heaters removed as part of the Cooler Classrooms Program since 1 February 2019, including the number of heaters at each school, the school name and electorate, and

(h) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

623. Mr Roberts to move—

That, under standing order 53, an Address be presented to the Governor requesting that Her Excellency may be pleased to cause to be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in relation to the administration of justice:

(a) all documents, including emails and other electronic communications, concerning any investigation or enquiries undertaken or decisions made by the New South Wales Police Force regarding potential or actual breaches of orders made under the Public Health Act 2010 in relation to the COVID-19 restrictions on gathering or quarantine by the Honourable Don Harwin or Mr Geoffrey Winters,

(b) all documents, including emails and other electronic communications concerning any penalty infringement notice issued to the Honourable Don Harwin in relation to a breach of orders made under the Public Health Act 2010 concerning the COVID-19 restrictions on gathering and movement, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

624. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution, in electronic and searchable format, the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Education or Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning relating to unflued gas heaters in public schools:

(a) a document listing all unflued gas heaters in all public schools in New South Wales, including the following details: (i) school name and the electorate it is located within, (ii) heater installation date, (iii) heaters that replaced an existing unflued gas heater, (iv) heaters that were installed in a new school or classroom, 2823 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(b) a document listing all unflued gas heaters removed in all public schools in New South Wales between 1 January 2012 and 1 August 2020, including the removal date, school name and electorate, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

625. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Energy and Environment, Minister for Agriculture and Western New South Wales, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment and the NSW Environmental Protection Authority:

(a) all documents created since 1 January 2019 regarding the potential impact of aerial baiting on dingo populations,

(b) all documents created since 1 January 2019 relating to the loss of livestock caused by wild dog or dingo populations including number of losses,

(c) all documents created since 1 January 2015 relating to the DNA testing of wild dog and dingo populations in New South Wales,

(d) all documents created since 1 January 2015 detailing aerial wild dog baiting including locations, maps, frequency of baiting and the quantity and dosage of baits used, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

626. Mrs Houssos to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 7 days of the date of passing of this resolution, in electronic format, the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Education or Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning relating to the Key Learnings review:

(a) the terms of reference of the Key Learnings review,

(b) the Key Learnings review report provided to the Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning by the cross cluster advisory panel,

(c) a document listing all submissions made to the Key Learnings review, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

627. Mr Latham to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, New South Wales 2824 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

Police Force, or the Department of Community and Justice relating to breach of public health order by the Honourable Don Harwin:

(a) all documents, including emails and other electronic communications, concerning any investigation or enquiries undertaken or decisions made by the New South Wales Police Force regarding potential or actual breaches of orders made under the Public Health Act 2010 in relation to the COVID-19 restrictions on gathering or quarantine by the Honourable Don Harwin or Mr Geoffrey Winters,

(b) all documents, including emails and other electronic communications concerning any penalty infringement notice issued to the Honourable Don Harwin in relation to a breach of orders made under the Public Health Act 2010 concerning the COVID-19 restrictions on gathering and movement, and

(c) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

628. Mr Latham to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents created since 1 January 2020 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment or Minister for Energy and Environment relating to Renewable Energy Zones (REZ) in New South Wales:

(a) all advice, projections, modelling and costings from the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment or the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to the Minister for Energy and Environment on the establishment of Renewable Energy Zones in New South Wales,

(b) any document disclosing the firming capacity needed to make REZ effective,

(c) any document disclosing the creation of electricity grid connections as a consequence of the establishment of REZ,

(d) any document disclosing the impact of REZ on electricity prices, supply and reliability in New South Wales,

(e) any document disclosing the impact of REZ on coal-fired power stations, in particular, the early closure of stations and the consequential impact on energy security and prices in New South Wales, and

(f) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

629. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) government websites are the interface for the people of New South Wales to interact with government and access the services they need,

(b) everyone should have an equal access to public information and services through government websites,

(c) government websites are currently lagging 12 years behind the gold standard for online accessibility, in that they are only required to meet accessibility guidelines from 2008, 2825 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) there was an important update to accessibility guidelines in 2018 that enhance the requirements, ensuring all people can access online information and services, and

(e) currently, there are people with disability in New South Wales who cannot access essential government services and information because government websites have not kept up with technology advances and changing standards.

(2) That this House calls on the government to:

(a) mandate that all government websites and online processes are fully accessible to people with disability, and

(b) mandate that all government websites are immediately updated to the 2018 accessibility guidelines to ensure everyone with disability has full access to their government online.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

630. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) 28 August 2020 is Wear It Purple Day, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2020,

(b) Wear It Purple is a grassroots, student-run organisation that was founded in 2010 by high school student Katherine Hudson and first year university student Scott Williams to support young people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer,

(c) Wear It Purple was founded in response to the high suicide rate amongst LGBTIQ young people,

(d) in the last decade, Wear It Purple Day has been proudly celebrated by schools, universities, police, corporations, governments and organisations all over the country, and

(e) Wear It Purple wants to “create a world that is safe for all young people, within which they are free to learn, grow and belong”.

(2) That this House congratulates Wear It Purple on 10 years of celebrating and supporting young people.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

631. Ms Sharpe to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 30 July 2020, Australian state and territory governments agreed to revised Closing the Gap targets for the first time since 2008,

(b) the 2008 Closing the Gap targets had been largely unmet,

(c) for the first time, Closing the Gap target areas include justice, out-of-home care, suicide, language preservation, housing and land rights, and

(d) the out-of-home care target is to reduce the over-representation of Aboriginal children in care by 45 per cent by 2031.

(2) That this House notes that: 2826 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) New South Wales has one of the higher proportions of Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care in Australia at 40 per cent,

(b) by comparison, in Victoria, 26 per cent of children and young people in care are Aboriginal,

(c) in New South Wales, the proportion of Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care has grown by one percentage point every year for the last four years, and

(d) based on current numbers, New South Wales would need to reduce the number of Aboriginal children and young people in out-of-home care by over 3,000 within 13 years to reach the new Closing the Gap target.

(3) That this House calls on the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services to:

(a) implement the legislative reform called for within the 'Family is Culture' review into Aboriginal children and young people in out of home care,

(b) increase funding to early intervention and support services for Aboriginal families to avoid child removals, and

(c) outline how the Government will meet these ambitious targets to close the gap for Aboriginal children and young people in contact with the child protection system.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

632. Ms Sharpe to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of passing of this resolution, the following documents created since 1 January 2019 in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Families, Communities and Disability Services and the Department of Communities and Justice:

(a) all documents, including those available only in electronic format, related to the release of information held by the Department of Communities and Justice to the CREATE Foundation regarding children in out-of-home care in New South Wales, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

633. Mr Borsak to move—

That this House notes that:

(a) on 4 July 2020, the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party’s candidate for the Eden-Monaro by- election, Mr Matthew Stadtmiller, polled 5,058 votes, 5.34 per cent of the primary vote, supported by a modest but highly effective campaign,

(b) the Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party outpolled The Nationals in an overwhelming majority of the Eden-Monaro polling booths,

(c) The Nationals candidate for the Eden-Monaro by-election was local Queanbeyan Palerang Councillor and former Deputy Mayor, Mr Trevor Hicks, who polled just 5,405 votes, only 6.62 per cent of the primary vote, representing a reduced vote for the Nationals by 1,494, down from 6,899 primary votes at the 2019 general election, 2827 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) Mr Hicks was strongly supported by the local State member and Deputy Premier, Mr , MP, who personally promoted Mr Hicks candidature through local State Government announcements, robocalls and direct mail,

(e) some local residents actually thought Mr Barilaro was The Nationals candidate given the strength of his personal campaign for Mr Hicks, especially as Mr Barilaro had earlier put his hand up to run for the seat before suddenly and inexplicably pulling out when he learned his colleague Mr Andrew Constance MP, wanted to run too,

(f) The Nationals campaign featured an array of crazy, desperate antics designed to both attract media attention and undermine the campaign of their coalition partners, the Liberals, including: (i) Mr Barilaro publicly confirming his Nationals party room confession that at the 2019 general election he preferenced the Labor candidate for Eden-Monaro, Mike Kelly, before the Liberal candidate, Fiona Kotvojs, (ii) Mr Barilaro refusing to rule out running at the next Federal general election for the seat of Eden-Monaro if the Liberals failed to win the seat, (iii) Mr Barilaro lavishing generous praise on the Labor by-election candidate Kristy McBain during the course of the by-election campaign, including referring to her as a personal friend and a great local mayor on Sky which the Labor party then cleverly ran as a campaign endorsement for Ms McBain, (iv) sensational claims published by The Australian newspaper that The Nationals candidate Mr Hicks was busted handing out Labor approved how-to-vote cards which urged Nationals voters to preference Kristy McBain before the Liberals if they wanted “a member who will work with John Barilaro”,

(g) Mr Barilaro’s shameless sabotage of the Liberals campaign helped Labor retain the seat of Eden- Monaro, with one wag saying, 'With friends like Barilaro, who needs enemies', and

(h) the poor Nationals result in the Eden-Monaro by-election should be seen as directly reflecting on Mr Barilaro’s erratic and doomed leadership of The NSW Nationals and signals an acceleration in the decline of the Nationals as a truly representative political force in regional New South Wales.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

634. Mr Borsak to move—

(1) That this House notes with deep concern the recent actions and statements of the Deputy Premier, Mr John Barilaro, MP, including:

(a) on 5 July 2020 when he attacked a proposal on New South Wales electoral redistribution by the recently resurrected Leader of the Government, the Hon Don Harwin, MLC, describing it as 'a dog act' and a 'vengeful square up' for calling Mr Harwin out for staying at Pearl Beach in breach of COVID19 restrictions,

(b) regularly attacking fellow ministerial colleagues and decisions of his own Cabinet in the media, as if he wasn’t even in the room when the decision was made,

(c) publicly confirming his Nationals party room confession, that at the 2019 Federal general election he voted for the Labor Party ahead of the Liberals in the seat of Eden-Monaro,

(d) publicly announcing his candidature for the Eden-Monaro by-election then suddenly and inexplicably withdrawing it when his Liberal colleague Mr Andrew Constance, MP, decided to run,

(e) referring to Mr Constance using a profanity in text messages which contributed to the withdrawal of Mr Constance from the Eden-Monaro by-election,

(f) on 4 July 2020 on Sky News stating that he would have won the Eden-Monaro by-election if he had run despite lacking the courage to stay in the race when Mr Constance put his hand 2828 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

up and ignoring the fact that his own strongly endorsed candidate only polled 6.5 per cent of the vote,

(g) on 8 July 2020 announcing funding for the testing of flying electric cars in Narromine, yet failing to adequately fund more immediate needs like critical regional health services, and

(h) on 13 July 2020 proposing that the Melbourne Cup should be run in Sydney.

(2) That this House notes that many in the NSW Nationals and Liberal parties are now questioning the motives behind Mr Barilaro’s erratic and self-indulgent behaviour and the continued viability of Mr Barilaro’s leadership with some now openly calling him “Bonkers Barilaro” and personally blaming him for the Coalition’s failure to win the Eden-Monaro by-election, and

(3) That this House notes that as a result of Mr Barilaro’s leadership, the voters in regional New South Wales are increasingly turning away from the Nationals and towards the surging Shooters, Fishers and Farmers Party which not only won two more Nationals seats at the 2019 State election but again outpolled the Nationals in a majority of the polling booths at the 2020 Eden-Monaro by-election.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

635. Mr Borsak to move—

That leave be given to bring in a bill for an Act to establish an express right for indigenous and non- indigenous Australians to hunt within the State; to constitute a NSW Hunting Council and confer function on it relating to hunting; to authorise and regulate access to public land in the State, including National Parks and other reserved areas, for the purpose of hunting and to authorise and regulate the methods of hunting in the State; and for related purposes.

(Hunting Bill)

(Notice given 4 August 2020)

636. Mr Field to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, that are not otherwise publically available, created since 1 January 2017 in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Water NSW or the Minister for Water, Property and Housing:

(a) for each of the following infrastructure projects: Menindee Lakes Project; Wyangala Dam Wall Raising, Upper Mole River Dam, Dungowan Dam, and Macquarie River Re-regulating Storage: (i) any draft business case, (ii) any final business case, (iii) any feasibility study, (iv) any hydrological modelling report, (v) any modelling assessment report, (vi) any scoping study, (vii) all capital investment, economic, socio-economic or environmental impact reports, (viii) any tender document or contract with WaterSecure, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

2829 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

637. Mr Field to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 28 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents, created since 1 January 2017, in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Water NSW, the Minister for Water, Property and Housing or the Hunter Water Corporation:

(a) any independent study, report or analysis commissioned by Hunter Water Corporation concerning new dams or dam expansions, desalination, water conservation or water efficiency, or demand management,

(b) all documents concerning the gap analysis investigations (referred to in the answer to Legislative Council Question on Notice number 1266) in relation to options being considered as part of the Lower Hunter Water Plan,

(c) all documents concerning the costings for options being considered as part of the Lower Hunter Water Plan including the costings used as part of the development of ratings for each option type (referred to in the answer to Legislative Council Question on Notice number 1266),

(d) all documents concerning any options shortlist for the development of the Lower Hunter Water Plan,

(e) all documents concerning the development criteria being used to assess options for the Lower Hunter Water Plan (referred to in the answer to Legislative Council Question on Notice number 1264),

(f) any Geotechnical studies or analysis undertaken by or commissioned by Hunter Water Corporation concerning new dams or dam expansions being considered as part of the Lower Hunter Water Plan,

(g) all documents concerning any engagement with local governments as part of the development of the Lower Hunter Water Plan,

(h) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

638. Ms Hurst to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) approximately eight million ducks are slaughtered for consumption in Australia each year,

(b) the majority of these ducks spend their lives confined in intensive factory farms, without any access to water sources to swim, preen or bathe,

(c) this is despite the fact that ducks are aquatic animals that require water to clean themselves, regulate their body temperature, and take pressure off their joints,

(d) deprivation of surface water can lead to severe health problems for ducks including lameness, dislocated joints, broken bones, splay legs, heat stress and keratoconjunctivitis, which is a serious eye condition that can cause blindness, and

(e) despite these well-known health issues, the existing Model Code for Poultry in Australia does not require ducks to be provided with access to appropriate water sources.

(2) That this House acknowledges the pain and suffering of ducks farmed in New South Wales, and the failure of our laws to cater to their most basic needs.

2830 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

639. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that today is national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children's Day.

(2) That this House commits to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children in NSW by:

(a) ending policies that see them removed from their families and country as part of a continued Stolen Generation,

(b) abolishing police watch lists like the STMP where Aboriginal children are significantly targeted by police,

(c) directing funding away from prisons and policing to community support programs and education, recreation and social opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children,

(d) delivering self-determination, and

(e) negotiating treaty.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

640. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the standing and sessional orders, during the current session and unless otherwise ordered, in instances where a report of the Independent Legal Arbiter on a disputed claim of privilege is received more than two weeks before the next sitting of the House:

(a) on receiving a report of the Independent Legal Arbiter appointed to evaluate a disputed claim of privilege on documents returned to the House under standing order 52 the Clerk is to refer the report to the Privileges Committee for consideration,

(b) the Privileges Committee is authorised to undertake the role usually performed by the House in dealing with disputed claims of privilege over returns to order under standing order 52, including taking the decision to make public the report of the Independent Legal Arbiter and any documents over which privilege has been claimed but not upheld by the Independent Legal Arbiter,

(c) any document authorised to be made public by the committee under this resolution is deemed to have been presented to the House and published by the authority of the House, and

(d) on the next sitting day, the committee is to report to the House what action, if any, it has taken under this resolution.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

641. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) workers at Woolworths Wyong Distribution Centre have been locked out after striking for fair pay and conditions,

(b) Woolworths pay warehouse workers outside of Sydney $5 less per hour for performing the same work, and 2831 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(c) the reasons why the workers are on strike are to demand: (i) fair wage increases so they are on a level playing field with distribution centres in Sydney, (ii) a ratio of 80 per cent permanent to 20 per cent casual staff and conversion to permanent to be based on length of service, (iii) and that Woolworths stop enforcing unsafe pick rates.

(2) That this recognises that:

(a) these workers have kept going to work in a pandemic to make sure shelves stayed stocked, they deserve fair pay and conditions in return,

(b) this dispute is not about Woolworth's capacity to pay this is a company that has underpaid workers $315 million and has seen a ten per cent increase in sales because of COVID-19.

(3) That this House calls upon Woolworths to make sure their workers have fair pay and safe conditions.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

642. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Premier, the Deputy Premier, or Minister for Local Government relating to Stronger Country Communities:

(a) the official guidelines for Round 2 and Round 1 of the grants,

(b) the applications submitted for each round of funding,

(c) all correspondence about the assessment, allocation and determination of individual grants including notification of recipients and media,

(d) all documents relating to the rejected applications or projects, including email correspondence, and

(e) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

643. Mr Shoebridge to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Department of Communities and Justice relating to civil claims against police:

(a) a list disclosing the total cost in each year from 2016 to 2019 of settling civil claims against police including matters relating to: (i) unlawful searches, (ii) illegal arrest, (iii) false imprisonment, (iv) trespass, (v) assault, (vi) harassment, (vii) malicious prosecution, (viii) other civil liberties infringements or claims resulting from police misconduct,

(b) a list disclosing the total cost in each year from 2016 to 2019 of court judgements for civil claims against police including matters relating to: 2832 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(i) unlawful searches, (ii) illegal arrest, (iii) false imprisonment, (iv) trespass, (v) assault, (vi) harassment, (vii) malicious prosecution, (viii) other civil liberties infringements or claims resulting from police misconduct,

(c) a list disclosing the following information relating to civil claims against police in each year from 2016 to 2019: (i) the number of civil cases brought against the NSW Police Force, (ii) the number of civil cases settled, (iii) the number of cases brought by current or former officers, (iv) the number of cases brought by citizens, and

(d) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

644. Mr Shoebridge to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) on 13 May 2020, the House agreed to an order for the production of documents concerning the investigation undertaken by the Assistant Police Commissioner into the circumstances of a car collision involving the Minister for Police and Emergency Services that occurred on 27 October 2019,

(b) on 3 June 2020, a return was received to this order which included two boxes of privileged documents and two boxes of non-privileged documents,

(c) the police records produced in compliance with the order for papers made multiple references to video recordings of the incident involving the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, however no recordings were provided as part of the return, and

(d) according to the Interpretation Act 1987, a document means any record of information, and includes: (i) anything on which there is writing, or, (ii) anything on which there are marks, figures, symbols or perforations having a meaning for persons qualified to interpret them, or, (iii) anything from which sounds, images or writings can be reproduced with or without the aid of anything else, or, (iv) a map, plan, drawing or photograph.

(2) That under standing order 52 there be laid upon the table of the House within 14 days, the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the New South Wales Police Force, the Minister for Police and Emergency Services or the Department of Justice:

(a) video footage of the Minister for Police and Emergency Services following a collision with another driver that occurred on 27 October 2019 and which was referred to in documents returned on 3 June 2020 concerning the police investigation involving the Minister for Police and Emergency Services, and

(b) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

2833 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(3) That, should the Leader of the Government fail to table documents in compliance with this resolution, it is open to this House to take all necessary action, including censuring the Leader of the Government, adjudging the Leader of the Government guilty of contempt and suspending the Leader of the Government for whatever period necessary to cause compliance with this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

645. Ms Faehrmann to move—

That, under standing order 52, there be laid upon the table of the House within 21 days of the date of the passing of this resolution the following documents in the possession, custody or control of the Minister for Energy and Environment, the Minister for Regional New South Wales, Industry and Trade, the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, the NSW Environmental Protection Authority and Forestry Corporation:

(a) surveys of the impacts of the 2019/20 bushfire season on koala habitat and populations,

(b) all documents regarding the impacts of logging on threatened species habitat after the 2019/20 bushfire season,

(c) all documents regarding mitigation measures and additional conditions introduced to reduce the impact of logging operations on threatened species and threatened species habitat after the 2019/20 bushfire season,

(d) minutes of all meetings by the NSW Koala Strategy Independent Expert Advisory Panel, the NSW Koala Strategy Board and the NSW Koala Strategy Interagency Committee created since 8 May 2018,

(e) briefs, board papers, communications and advice provided by or to the NSW Koala Strategy Independent Expert Advisory Panel, the NSW Koala Strategy Board, the NSW Koala Strategy Interagency Committee and the NSW Chief Scientist created since 8 May 2018,

(f) any responses or comments from the NSW Koala Strategy Interagency Committee on the implementation of the Koala Strategy or on the whole of government response to Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment's report no. 3 entitled "Koala populations and habitat in New South Wales" created since 8 May 2018, and

(g) any legal or other advice regarding the scope or validity of this order of the House created as a result of this order of the House.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

646. Ms Faehrmann to move—

(1) That this House notes that:

(a) face masks are an effective method to protect individuals from the transmission of COVID- 19 by reducing the risk of an individual contracting or transmitting the virus,

(b) the Premier has given a ‘strong recommendation’ that people wear masks when they are in enclosed spaces, while working in customer-facing roles in hospitality or retail, when attending a place of worship or if they are in an area of high community transmission,

(c) on 24 July 2020, NSW Health issued a directive that requires all healthcare workers at public hospitals and community health settings to wear face masks when they are within 1.5 metres of a patient, and 2834 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(d) this directive does not apply to healthcare workers in private hospitals, general practice clinics or aged care facilities and other non-public healthcare services.

(2) That this House calls on the government to require all healthcare workers in New South Wales to wear a mask when they are within 1.5 metres of a patient regardless of whether they work in a public or private healthcare setting.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

647. Mr Pearson to move—

(1) That this House congratulates the Australian academic Dr Clive Marks, for his research conducted at the University of Auckland where he successfully developed techniques that replace lethal animal bioassays:

(a) by using new non-lethal and in vitro methods, and

(b) which has the potential to greatly accelerate research and development towards a more humane management of introduced animals.

(2) That this House acknowledges the importance of Dr Marks' previous work:

(a) as the head of the Victorian Government’s Vertebrate Pest Research Department,

(b) where he has published widely on aspects of fox biology and control in independently peer- reviewed science journals, and

(c) including successful major research on the prevention of extreme distress and pain of 1080 (Sodium fluoroacetate): (i) by the addition of analgesic and sedative compounds to the outer coating of bait despite criticism and rejection of the method by fellow researchers, (ii) which provided the mechanism for reducing egregious harm to baited animals, (iii) which acknowledged that 'introduced' wild animals suffer pain just as much as native wildlife.

(3) That this House commends Dr Marks for writing his thought-provoking article; 'Killing Schrödinger’s Feral Cat' published in the Animal Studies Journal, Volume 2(2), 2013, which questions the ethics of animal research that causes prolonged suffering and an excruciating death for its animal subjects.

(Notice given 4 August 2020—expires Notice Paper No. 67)

* Council bill



1. Mr Tudehope to move—

(1) That Mr Shaoquett Moselmane be discharged from the Joint Select Committee on the Anti- Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill.

(2) That: 2835 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(a) the resolution of 18 June 2020 appointing the Joint Select Committee on the Anti- Discrimination Amendment (Religious Freedoms and Equality) Bill be amended by omitting paragraph (5) and inserting instead: '(5) The Committee to consist of: (a) Nine members of the Legislative Assembly as follows: (i) Three Government members, namely Hon Gabrielle Upton MP (chair), MP and MP, (ii) Three Opposition members, namely MP (deputy chair), MP, and MP and (iii) Three cross-bench members, namely MP, MP and Joe McGirr MP, and (b) Five members of the Legislative Council, namely three Government members, one Opposition member, and one cross-bench member', and

(b) this House requests the Legislative Assembly to agree to a similar resolution.



1. Road Transport Amendment (Mobile Phone Detection) Bill 2019: consideration in committee of the whole—Mrs Taylor.

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 12 November 2019)

2. Budget Estimates 2019-2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (18 June 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Harwin: That the House take note of the Budget Estimates and related papers for the financial year 2019-2020—Mr Harwin speaking.

3. Planning Legislation Amendment Bill 2019: second reading—Mrs Taylor.

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 6 August 2019)

4. Better Regulation Legislation Amendment Bill 2020: second reading—Mr Tudehope.

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 2 June 2020)

5. Casino Control Amendment (Inquiries) Bill 2020: second reading—Mr Tudehope.

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 4 August 2020)

6. Strata Schemes Management Amendment (Sustainability Infrastructure) Bill 2020: second reading— Mr Tudehope.

(Standing orders suspended for remaining stages, Tuesday 4 August 2020)

* Council bill


2836 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020


(Debate on committee reports and government responses takes precedence after Questions on Tuesdays until 6.30 pm according to sessional order.)

1. Standing Committee on Social Issues: Report No. 55 entitled “Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019”, dated August 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (20 August 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Mallard: That the House take note of the report—Mr Mallard speaking. (12 minutes remaining)

2. Joint Select Committee on Sydney's Night Time Economy: Report entitled “Sydney's night time economy”, dated September 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (15 October 2019) of the question on the motion of Mrs Ward: That the House take note of the report—Mrs Ward speaking. (15 minutes)

3. Standing Committee on Law and Justice: Government response received on 9 August 2019 to Report No. 67 of the Standing Committee on Law and Justice entitled “2018 review of the Workers Compensation Scheme”: resumption of the adjourned debate (15 October 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the response—Mr Shoebridge speaking. (15 minutes)

4. Standing Committee on Law and Justice: Government response received on 9 August 2019 to Report No. 68 of the Standing Committee on Law and Justice entitled “2018 review of the Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme”: resumption of the adjourned debate (15 October 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the response—Mr Shoebridge speaking. (15 minutes)

5. Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry: Report No. 41 entitled “Right to Farm Bill 2019”, dated October 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (22 October 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Banasiak speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

6. Standing Committee on Law and Justice: Report No. 72 entitled “Mining Amendment (Compensation for Cancellation of Exploration Licence) Bill 2019”, dated October 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Fang: That the House take note of the report—Mr Fang speaking. (12 minutes remaining)

7. Select Committee on the Use of Battery Cages for Hens in the Egg Production Industry: Report entitled “Use of Battery Cages for Hens in the Egg Production Industry”, dated October 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Ms Hurst: That the House take note of the report—Ms Hurst. (15 minutes)

8. Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs: Report No. 52 entitled “Road Transport Amendment (Mobile Phone Detection) Bill 2019”, dated November 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the report—Mr Shoebridge speaking. (9 minutes remaining)

9. Public Accountability Committee: Report No. 4 entitled “Regulation of building standards, building quality and building disputes: First Report”, dated November 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (13 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the report—Mr Shoebridge speaking. (10 minutes remaining) 2837 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

10. Committee on the Independent Commission Against Corruption: Report No. 1/57 entitled “Review of the 2017-2018 Annual Reports of the ICAC and the Inspector of the ICAC”, dated November 2019: resumption of the adjourned debate (19 November 2019) of the question on the motion of Mr Martin: That the House take note of the report—Mr Martin speaking. (15 minutes)

11. Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education: Report No. 40 entitled “Measurement and outcome-based funding in New South Wales Schools—Informed by the Data: Evidence-based education in New South Wales”, dated February 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (25 February 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Latham: That the House take note of the report—Mr Latham speaking. (15 minutes)

12. Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry: Report No. 42 entitled “Implementation of the recommendations contained in the NSW Chief Scientist's Independent Review of Coal Seam Gas Activities in New South Wales”, dated February 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (27 February 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Banasiak speaking. (15 minutes)

13. Portfolio Committee No. 2 – Health: Report No. 52 entitled “Operation and management of the Northern Beaches Hospital”, dated February 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (27 February 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Donnelly: That the House take note of the report—Mr Donnelly speaking. (10 minutes remaining)

14. Standing Committee on Law and Justice: Report No. 73 entitled “2019 Review of the Dust Diseases Scheme: Silicosis in the manufactured stone industry”, dated March 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Donnelly, on behalf of Mr Fang: That the House take note of the report—Mr Fang speaking. (15 minutes)

15. Public Accountability Committee: Report No. 5 entitled “Budget processes for independent oversight bodies and the Parliament of New South Wales”, dated March 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the report— Mr Shoebridge speaking. (14 minutes remaining)

16. Portfolio Committee No. 1 – Premier and Finance: Report No. 49 entitled “Work Health and Safety Amendment (Review) Bill 2020”, dated March 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2020) of the question on the motion of Ms Moriarty: That the House take note of the report—Ms Moriarty speaking. (15 minutes)

17. Standing Committee on State Development: Report No. 46 entitled “Uranium Mining and Nuclear Facilites (Prohibitions) Repeal Bill 2019”, dated March 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (24 March 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Veitch, on behalf of Mr Martin: That the House take note of the report—Mr Martin speaking. (15 minutes)

18. Standing Committee on Social Issues: Report No. 56 entitled “Modern Slavery Act 2018 and associated matters”, dated March 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 May 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Mallard: That the House take note of the report—Mr Mallard speaking. (15 minutes)

19. Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Transport and Customer Service: Report No. 11 entitled “Sydenham- Bankstown line conversion”, dated April 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 May 2020) of the question on the motion of Ms Boyd: That the House take note of the report—Ms Boyd speaking. (15 minutes)

2838 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

20. Public Accountability Committee: Report No. 6 entitled “Regulation of building standards, building quality and building disputes: Final report”, dated April 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (12 May 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge: That the House take note of the report—Mr Shoebridge speaking. (15 minutes)

21. Portfolio Committee No. 1 – Premier and Finance: Report No. 50 entitled “Budget Estimates 2019- 2020”, dated May 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Ms Moriarty: That the House take note of the report—Ms Moriarty speaking. (15 minutes)

22. Portfolio Committee No. 1 – Premier and Finance: Report No. 51 entitled “Budget Estimates 2019- 2020 relating to the portfolios of Jobs, Investment, Tourism and Western Sydney and the Legislature”, dated May 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Ms Moriarty: That the House take note of the report—Ms Moriarty speaking. (15 minutes)

23. Portfolio Committee No. 2 – Health: Report No. 53 entitled “Budget Estimates 2019-2020”, dated May 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Donnelly: That the House take note of the report—Mr Donnelly speaking. (15 minutes)

24. Portfolio Committee No. 3 – Education: Report No. 41 entitled “Budget Estimates 2019-2020”, dated May 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Latham: That the House take note of the report—Mr Latham speaking. (15 minutes)

25. Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry: Report No. 43 entitled “Budget Estimates 2019-2020”, dated May 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Banasiak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Banasiak speaking. (15 minutes)

26. Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs: Report No. 53 entitled “Budget Estimates 2019-2020”, dated May 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Shoebridge (on behalf of Mr Borsak): That the House take note of the report—Mr Borsak speaking. (15 minutes)

27. Portfolio Committee No. 6 – Transport and Customer Service: Report No. 12 entitled “Budget Estimates 2019-2020”, dated May 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Ms Boyd: That the House take note of the report—Ms Boyd speaking. (15 minutes)

28. Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment: Report No. 2 entitled “Budget Estimates 2019- 2020”, dated May 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (2 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann: That the House take note of the report—Ms Faehrmann speaking. (15 minutes)

29. Select Committee on Animal Cruelty Laws in New South Wales: Report entitled “Animal Cruelty Laws in New South Wales” dated June 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (4 June 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Pearson: That the House take note of the report—Mr Pearson speaking. (15 minutes)

30. Committee on the Ombudsman, the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission and the Crime Commision: Report entitled “2020 Review of the Annual Reports of Oversighted Bodies”, dated June 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (4 August 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Khan: That the House take note of the report—Mr Khan speaking. (12 minutes remaining)

2839 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

31. Committee on Children and Young People: Report No. 1/57 entitled “2020 Review of the Annual Reports and other matters of the Office of the Advocate for Children and Young People”, dated June 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (4 August 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Donnelly: That the House take note of the report—Mr Donnelly speaking. (15 minutes)

32. Portfolio Committee No. 7 – Planning and Environment: Report No. 3 entitled “Koala populations and habitat in New South Wales”, dated June 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (4 August 2020) of the question on the motion of Ms Faehrmann: That the House take note of the report—Ms Faehrmann speaking. (15 minutes)

33. Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs: Report No.54 entitled “Rural Fires Amendment (NSW RFS and Brigades Donations Fund) Bill 2020”, dated July 2020: resumption of the adjourned debate (4 August 2020) of the question on the motion of Mr Borsak: That the House take note of the report—Mr Borsak speaking. (15 minutes)





1. Ms Boyd to move—

That, during the current session, standing order 28 be varied as follows:

28. Opening statement

(1) The President, on taking the Chair each day, will read the following statement:

I ask all members to stand in silence and pray or reflect on your responsibilities to the people of New South Wales.

(2) The President may nominate another member, or request the Clerk, to read the statement.

(Notice given 22 October 2019)




1. Mr Field to move—

That, under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987, this House disallows the Water Management (General) Amendment (Exemptions for Floodplain Harvesting) Regulation 2020, published on the NSW Legislation website on 7 February 2020.

2840 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 25 February 2020)



* 1. Crimes (Appeal and Review) Amendment (Double Jeopardy) Bill 2019

Referred to the Standing Committee on Law and Justice on 30 May 2019 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) – On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

* 2. Mining Amendment (Compensation for Cancellation of Exploration Licence) Bill 2019

Referred to the Standing Committee on Law and Justice on 6 June 2019 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) – On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

*3. Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Complaint Handling) Bill 2020

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs on 27 February 2020 for inquiry and report. (Referred at conclusion of mover's second reading speech) – On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

4. Work Health and Safety Amendment (Information Exchange) Bill 2020

Referred to the Standing Committee on Law and Justice on 4 August 2020 for inquiry and report—due 11 September 2020. (Referred on receipt of the message from the Legislative Assembly) – On the tabling of the report, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

* Council bill



1. Firearms and Weapons Legislation Amendment (Criminal Use) Bill 2019

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 5 – Legal Affairs on 24 March 2020 for inquiry and report—due 22 September 2020.

*2. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Restrictions on Stock Animal Procedures) Bill 2019: Second reading—Mr Pearson.

Referred to Portfolio Committee No. 4 – Industry on 17 June 2020 for inquiry and report—due last sitting day in September 2020.

(Item No. 579—Restored to Notice Paper 17 June 2020) 2841 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

* Council bill ______



Contingent on the President calling on any notice of motion or the Clerk being called upon to read any order of the day: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith that a particular order of the day or motion on the notice paper be called on forthwith.

Given by:

Mr Borsak Mr Searle Mr Shoebridge

(Notice given 7 May 2019)


Contingent on the President calling on any notice of motion or the Clerk being called upon to read the order of the day: That Standing Orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith that:

(a) resolution of the House of 7 May 2019 relating to the election of the Assistant President be rescinded, and

(b) the resolution of the House of 28 June 2007, as amended, relating to the position of Assistant President be rescinded.

Given by:

Mr Shoebridge

(Notice given 7 May 2019)


Contingent on any Minister failing to table documents in accordance with an order of the House: That Standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith adjudging the Minister guilty of a contempt of the House for failure to comply with that order.

Given by:

Mr Buttigieg Ms Jackson Mr Searle Mr D'Adam Mr Mookhey Mr Secord Mr Donnelly Ms Moriarty Ms Sharpe Mr Graham Mr Moselmane Mr Veitch Mrs Houssos Mr Primrose

(Notice given 4 June 2019)

Ms Boyd Ms Faehrmann

(Notice given 5 June 2019)

Mr Field

2842 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

(Notice given 6 August 2019)

Mr Shoebridge

(Notice given 7 August 2019)


Contingent on any Minister failing to table documents in accordance with an order of the House: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith for censure of the Minister.

Given by:

Mr Buttigieg Ms Jackson Mr Searle Mr D'Adam Mr Mookhey Mr Secord Mr Donnelly Ms Moriarty Ms Sharpe Mr Graham Mr Moselmane Mr Veitch Mrs Houssos Mr Primrose

(Notice given 4 June 2019)

Ms Boyd Ms Faehrmann

(Notice given 5 June 2019)

Mr Field

(Notice given 6 August 2019)

Mr Shoebridge

(Notice given 7 August 2019)


Contingent on the second reading debate on the Education Legislation Amendment (Parental Rights) Bill 2020 being adjourned for five calendar days, I will move: That:

(a) the bill be referred to Portfolio Committee No. 3 - Education for inquiry and report, and

(b) on tabling of the report by Portfolio Committee No. 3 - Education, a motion may be moved without notice that the bill be restored to the Notice Paper at the stage it had reached prior to referral.

Given by:

Mr Latham

(Notice given 4 August 2020)


Contingent on Minister Harwin having given an explanation concerning his conduct during the COVID- 19 pandemic: I will move that standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith for censure of the Minister.

2843 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

Given by:

Mr Borsak

(Notice given 4 August 2020)


Contingent on Minister Harwin having given an explanation concerning his conduct during the COVID- 19 pandemic: I will move that standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion of no confidence in the Minister to be moved forthwith.

Given by:

Mr Borsak

(Notice given 4 August 2020)


Contingent on Minister Harwin having attended in his place according to resolution of the House to give an explanation concerning his conduct during the COVID-19 pandemic, I will move:

That, it be an instruction to the Public Accountability Committee that:

(a) as part of its current inquiry into the NSW Government's management of the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee inquire into the conduct of the Honourable Don Harwin MLC during the pandemic and any other related matter,

(b) the Honourable Don Harwin be invited to appear as a witness before the committee and give evidence in relation to his conduct and any other related matter, and

(c) the Committee report on that part of its inquiry that relates to the Honourable Don Harwin MLC by Monday 14 September 2020.

Given by:

Mr Banasiak

(Notice given 4 August 2020)



§ Central Coast Drinking Water Catchments Protection Bill 2019 Second reading negatived 21 November 2019

§ Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Amendment (Restrictions on Stock Animal Procedures) Bill 2019 Second reading negatived 27 February 2020 Restored to Notice Paper 17 June 2020

Constitution Amendment (Water Accountability and Transparency) Bill 2020 Second reading negatived 4 August 2020 2844 Legislative Council Notice Paper No. 48—Wednesday 5 August 2020

§ Private Members’ Public Bill

David Blunt Clerk of the Parliaments


Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales