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QUBS Moss Species

QUBS Moss Species

Queen’s University Biological Station Species List:

The current list has been compiled by Dr. Ivy Schoepf, QUBS Research Coordinator, in 2018 and includes data gathered by direct observation, collected by researchers at the station and/or assembled using digital distribution maps. The list has been put together using resources from The Natural Heritage Information Centre (April 2018); The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (February 2018); iNaturalist and GBIF. Contact Ivy to report any errors, omissions and/or new sightings.

Based on the aforementioned criteria we can expect to find 37 species of mosses (phylum: Figure 1. The fire ( purpureus) is Bryophyta) present at QUBS. All species are one of the most widespread species of mosses found considered QUBS residents. Species are in Canada, and is commonly seen at QUBS. Its reported using their full ; common prevalence can be traced back to its ability to tolerate name and status, based on whether the species is highly disturbed habitat and higher pollution levels of global or provincial concern (see Table 1 for than other mosses. Research in this species has details). revealed that fire mosses might have a - pollinator relationship with that may be Table 1. Status classification reported for the analogous to those shown by other arthropods with mosses of QUBS. Global status based on IUCN Red flowering . Photo courtesy of Mark Conboy List of Threatened Species rankings. Provincial status based on Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre SRank.

Global Status Provincial Status Extinct (EX) Presumed Extirpated (SX) Extinct in the Wild (EW) Possibly Extirpated (SH) Critically Endangered (CR) Critically Imperiled (S1) Endangered (EN) Imperiled (S2) Vulnerable (Vu) Vulnerable (S3) Near Threatened (NT) Apparently Secure (S4) Least Concern (LC) Secure (S5) Data Deficient (DD) Unrankable - insufficient information (SU) Not Evaluated (NE) Unranked - not yet assessed (SNR) Conservation Status Rank Not Applicable (SNA)

Common Global Provincial Class Order Family Scientific Name Name Status Status Ribbed Bog NE S5 palustre Moss Bartramia Common Apple Bartramiaceae NE S5 pomiformis Moss Bryum argenteum Silvery Bryum NE S5 Ontario Rhodobryum Rhodobryum NE S5 ontariense Moss Bryum laevifilum Syed's Bryum NE SU Thomson's Mniaceae Mnium thomsonii NE S3 Leafy Moss Buxbaumiales Buxbaumiaceae Buxbaumia aphylla Bug-on-a-Stick NE S2 Ceratodon Fire Moss NE S5 purpureus Whip Fork flagellare NE S5 Moss Dicranum Waxyleaf Moss NE S5 polysetum Pincushion NE S5 glaucum Moss Fine-leaved Dicranum fulvum NE S5 Broom Moss Lesser Pocket- bryoides NE S5 Moss Fissidentales Water Pocket Fissidens fontanus NE S2 Moss Schistidium Common Beard Grimmiales Grimmiaceae NE S5 apocarpum Moss Drepanocladus Knieff's Hook- NE S5 aduncus Moss Streamside Leptodictyum Leptodictyum NE S5 riparium Moss Campylium Yellow Star NE S5 stellatum Moss Drepanocladus Ringless Hook NE S5 exannulatus Moss Campyliadelphus Bristle Star NE S5 chrysophyllus Moss Hygroamblystegium Brookside NE S5 varium Brachythecium Rough-stalked NE S5 rutabulum Ragged Moss Brachythecium River Ragged NE S5 rivulare Moss Stairstep Moss NE S5 splendens Red-stemmed NE S5 schreberi Feather Moss Big Shaggy- NE S5 triquetrus Moss Ptilium crista- Ostrich-plume NE S5 castrensis Moss Homomallium Adnate hairy- NE S3 adnatum grey Moss Common Global Provincial Class Order Family Scientific Name Name Status Status Plagiothecium Bright Silk Hypnales Plagiotheciaceae NE S5 laetum Moss American Tree Climaciaceae NE S3 americanum Moss Leucodontales Hedwig's Hedwigiaceae Hedwigia ciliata Fringeleaf NE S5 Bryopsida Moss Juniper Polytrichum Polytrichales Polytrichum NE S5 juniperinum Moss ruralis Star Moss NE S5 Tortella tortuosa Twisted Moss NE S5 Russow's Peat russowii NE S5 Moss Sphagnum Fringed Peat NE S5 fimbriatum Moss Sphagnum Northern Peat NE S5 capillifolium Moss