Comparative Analysis of the Bryophyte Floras of Northwest Belarus Concrete Fortification and the Carpathians

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Comparative Analysis of the Bryophyte Floras of Northwest Belarus Concrete Fortification and the Carpathians Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 24: 23-27, 2011 BRC DOI 10.2478/v10119-011-0025-7 Comparative analysis of the bryophyte floras of northwest Belarus concrete fortification and the Carpathians Anastasia Sakovich1 & Gennadij Rykovsky2 1Department of Botany, Faculty of Biology and Ecology, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Ozheshko 22, Grodno, 230022, Republic of Belarus, e-mail: [email protected] 2V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany, Belarusian National Academy of Sciences, Academic 27, Minsk, 220072, Republic of Belarus, e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: The detailed research of bryophyte flora, carried out in 2008-2011 on fortifications from the times of the First World War and Second World War in Grodno district, resulted in recording 101 species, of which 95 species were true mosses (Bryophyta) and 6 species were hepatics (Marchantiophyta). Because the substratum displayed certain ecological similarity with carbonate rocks, we made comparative analysis of the species list. The total of 28 rare and very rare (in Belarus scale) bryophyte species were recorded, of which 3 species were included in the Red Data Book of Belarus; 3 species had a conser- vation status at the European level. Key words: bryophyte flora, concrete fortifications, carbonate rocks, comparative analysis 1. Introduction These constructions occur more often in the western part of the country. Older fortifications, built before the First In general, within a region, bryophyte floras retain World War (WWI), were the most interesting to us, in more ancient features than vascular floras. At the same particular the forts encircling Grodno town which are time, the mobility of bryophytes should not be under- especially extensive. Another complex of fortifications, valued. This mobility is a consequence of pioneer Molotov Line, belongs to the times before the Second strategy in settling ëvacantí places and various substrata. World War (WWII). This strategy sharply distinguishes bryophytes from vascular plants which are characterized by greater 2. Study area and natural conditions dependence on the substratum because of the presence of developed root system. In addition, vascular plants Belarus is situated on the Eastern European Plain. possess well differentiated integumentary tissue and Grodno town is in the west of Belarus (53∞6í N, 23∞9í E), endohydric conductive tissue. The features of bryophyte near the Belarusian Moraine Ridge, on the Nyoman organization allow their early settling of anthropogenic river. The Nyoman river occupies the 5th place among substrata which are usually not occupied by tracheo- Belarus rivers with respect to the size of its water-colle- phytes for a long time or at all. However, anthropo- ction area and the bulk of water. The lands of Grodno genic substrata are usually colonized by bryophytes after administrative district lie in two physiographic districts, a time, when their surface undergoes some destruction, Grodno Eminence (200-250 m a.s.l.) and Nyoman e.g. due to exposure to weather conditions, which are Lowland (50 m a.s.l.) (Zhmoydyak 2009). About 40% sufficiently unstable in Belarus owing to temperate cli- of Grodno district area is woodlands. Swamps are not mate. Concrete constructions, and first of all, fortifica- very extensive and, generally, are confined to Nyoman tions erected to fend off enemy attack, draw a special Lowland. Among characteristic features of Grodno Emi- attention in Belarus because of their bryophyte flora. nence is its kame-moraine-erosion type of landscape CHOROLOGY © Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaÒ (Poland), Department of Plant Taxonomy. All rights reserved. 24 Anastasia Sakovich & Gennadij Rykovsky Comparative analysis of the bryophyte floras of northwest Belarus concrete fortification... predominated by coniferous forests on sod-podzol soils. a fortress of broad arrangement. According to the ini- Nyoman Lowland is characterized by water-glacial, less tial project, the fortress was to have consisted of 16 often by lake-glacial landscapes with the predominance forts. In the subsequent plan, the number of forts was of mixed forests, consisting of pine, oak, birch and ash. reduced to 13. The construction works were supposed The climate of Grodno town and Grodno district has to finish in 1917. Grodno was declared a fortress in a transitional character from marine to continental one. August 1913, but works on the main fortress line were The study area lies in a belt of temperate climatic, with only beginning at that time. By the beginning of WWI, the predominance of temperate air masses, the alterna- none of the forts was at least 50% ready. Construction tion of which creates unstable type of weather, espe- work in the fortress did not stop almost till the evacua- cially in winter period. Grodno district is situated in the tion in August 1915 despite the outbreak of the war and zone of sufficient moistening, with 600-650 mm of rain- proclamation of siege. Before the retreat of the Russian fall per year. The main part of rainfalls is associated army from Grodno, an order was issued to destroy all with cyclone activity. The dominance of the Atlantic fortifications of the line which was achieved with dif- air determines high relative air humidity. Mean atmo- ferent degree of success. Fort IV is the single completely spheric pressure is 1017 mm of mercury in winter and preserved facility (Pivovarchik 2006). 1013 mm in summer. Average temperatures are 13 Molotov Line. When the area of Western Belarus to15∞C from April to October and -2 to -3∞C from No- became part of the Soviet Union and the frontier moved, vember to March (Klimat Grodno 1982). Thus, Grodno the building of a new fortification line started with ur- district has moderately continental climate, meeting the gency. The fortification was given an unofficial name requirements of many bryophyte species, the evolution ÇMolotov Lineí. The 68th Grodno Fortification Area of which occurred in similar conditions. (ÇUkrepraioní) was built in 1940-1941 in the vicinity of AugustÛw Channel. The construction was not fini- 3. Material and methods shed by the beginning of the war, but on the 22 June, 1941 the pillboxes accepted the thrust of hostile forces. Field floristic research was carried out by the de- Grodno Fortification Area was the most powerful of tailed route and total recording methods (Zhukova 2000) the all fortifications erected in the west of the country. in 2008-2011, embracing 12 forts of Grodno fortress, The total of 606 pillboxes along the front of 80 km of and also 12 pillboxes of the 68th Ukrepraion (Molotov the Nyoman river, west of Sopockin and to Goniπdz Line). The main studied materials were bryophyte town was planned to be built with the defence area of samples deposited in the herbaria of Grodno State Uni- 5-6 km in depth. However, by the 1st of June, 1941, versity (GRSU) and V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Ex- only 165 constructions were erected, of which 67 were perimental Botany (MSK-B). Morphology and anatomy in Sopockin uezd (Pivovarchik 2006). of bryophytes were examined by means of conventional light optical devices. Specimens were identified by 4. Results and discussion a widely accepted method of comparative anatomy and morphology (Ignatov & Ignatova 2003, 2004; Rykovsky These fortifications, appearing as artificial rock-like, & Maslovsky 2004, 2009). Species nomenclature and carbonate-enriched habitats, can play a role of suitable taxonomy followed (Ignatov et al. 2006) with the follo- ecotopes for settling of some mountain bryophytes in wing modification: we did not distinguish the Polytri- plain areas. A part of species, having mountain ecolo- chopsida class, taking into account that the phylo- gy, is historically present in flora of Belarus. But some genetical distance between Bryopsida and Polytricho- of them could enter Belarus later, from the Ukrainian psida is sufficiently smaller than between this class and and Polish Carpathians. The latter species are of the Sphagnopsida and Andreopsida (Rykovsky 2010). greatest interest with respect to florogenetics. As a result Geographical elements were determined following of long-term effect of various natural factors on con- (Lazarenko 2001; Rykovsky & Maslovsky 2004, 2009). crete fortifications, their initial characteristics under- Comparisons of the studied bryophyte flora with floras went changes. Also the destruction of the fortifications of the Ukrainian and Polish Carpathians in order to find in WWI, which led to the appearance of many a relationship in their origin were carried out according microniches suitable for various species played an im- to (Zerov & Partyka 1975; Stebel & Ochyra 2008; Stebel portant part in the development of bryophyte flora. et al. 2010). The description of studied fortifications is Moreover, the devastation of the surface of these con- given below. structions continues permanently. It leads to the Grodno fortress. The forts studied in this research development of semi-natural plant communities with are permanent defensive points of support an were con- bush and tree levels, with shadowed conditions and structed in 1912-1915. They stretch over the distance wetter microclimate. The surface of the constructions of about 60 km, which classifies the fortifications as is being covered by tree litter, while sand and humus Biodiv. Res. Conserv. 24: 23-27, 2011 25 are drifted here by water flows and by wind, and so pH are 9 following species: Campyliadelphus chryso- and trophic characteristics of the substratum change. phyllus, Didymodon rigidulus, Encalypta streptocarpa, An important factor is also the washout of carbona- Orthotrichum cupulatum, Schistidium crassipilum, tes from concrete constructions, indicated by the Syntrichia virescens, Tortella tortuosa, Tortula mucro- presence of stalactites and stalagmites in some construc- nifolia, T. muralis. These species are more peculiar to tions dated from WWI. This process should lead to de- concrete constructions, but the species with other eco- crease in substratum alkalinity. The presence of a wide logical preferences occur here, with the exception of range of bryophyte ecological groups, from basiphilous hyperacidophilic ones.
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