ASCLD Crime Lab Minute December 18, 2017 Dear Colleagues, Our organization provides many opportunities to advance your own lab as well as the forensic community at large by sharing resources. Part of each of our own mission is to bring the best of the world of forensic science back to our home jurisdictions. Another part of that mission is sharing the experience and expertise we have developed so that others may benefit. The change is slim a particular lab has developed the best mousetrap that cannot be improved by examining the mousetrap solutions of others. Our Member Resource Committee is tasked with providing this very opportunity. There are currently over 400 full service crime laboratories across the United States. Many of us face the same challenges, offer many of the same services and share the same requirements. There is a tremendous amount of opportunity for improvement by sharing common solutions to common problems, such as policies, procedures, validations and best practices. While these is frequently a need to tailor policies to suit unique local and state requirements, there is no need to reinvent the wheel when your or other labs have developed a well thought through solution. We have a number of resources available on the ASCLD website, including policy on employee DNA databases, reanalysis of evidence, dissemination of case reports and employee reference samples. We also have a number of lab manuals and validation studies posted as well. We are looking for new volunteers to add to our Member Resource Committee to expand this very worthwhile endeavor. If this interests you, please provide your contact information to our Executive Director Jean Stover at:
[email protected] and we will sign you up.