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[email protected] – Registered by Australia Post – Publication No. VA 1548 established 1895 LEADER NumurkahWEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 2020 $1.30 INSIDE RENOVATIONS at the Telegraph Hotel have uncovered an historical photo, the origins of which remain unknown . See story page 5. Aged care thanks See story page 3 Historical Car set alight mystery See story page 2 Strathmerton Greater Shepparton stabbing COVID-19 cases accused refused bail A 35 YEAR-OLD Strathmerton man has been continue to climb remanded to appear before Shepparton magis- trates court in November, following an unpro- FOLLOWING a reallocation of the one active at Maculata Place. A student from Greater Sheppar- voked knife a ack on his neighbour last Tuesday case added to its tally last week - the rst in over two ton College (Wanganui Campus) is also linked to night. months - Moira Shire has returned to a status of this outbreak. e 49 year-old victim of the a ack, which oc- zero active COVID-19 cases; Greater Shepparton’s ere are two active cases that are linked, and curred at his address on McGuire Street at around tally continues to rise steadily however. two other single separate active cases that are not 11pm, is recovering at home having been treated Grave As of yesterday a ernoon, Greater Shepparton linked. All of these people are required to isolate, in hospital a er su ering ve stab wounds. was listed as having 12 active cases - an increase of are being monitored and are being provided sup- e alleged o ender represented himself when 11 in less than a week, with cases rising by three cas- port where required.