East Asian History NUMBER 19 . JUNE 2000 Institute of Advanced Studies Australian National University Editor Geremie R. Ba rme As sistant Editor Helen Lo Editorial Bo ard Mark Elvin (Convenor) John Clark An drew Fraser Helen Hardacre Colin Jeffcott W.]. F. Jenner Lo Hui-min Gavan McCormack David Marr Tessa Morris-Suzuki Michael Underdown Des ign and Production Helen Lo Bu siness Manager Marion Weeks Printed by Goanna Print, Fyshwick, ACT Th is is th e nineteenth issue of East Asian History in the seri es previously entitled Papers on Far EasternHistory. The journal is published twice a year Contributions to The Ed itor, East Asian History Division of Pacific and Asian History Research School of Pacific and As ian Studies Australian National University Canberra ACT 0200, Au stralia Phone +61 2 6249 3140 Fax +61 2 6249 5525 email
[email protected] Subscription Enquiries to Subscriptions, East Asian History, at th e above address Annual Subscription Au stralia A$45 Overseas US$45 (for two issues) iii CONTENTS 1 Lu Xun's Disturbing Greatness W. j. F.Jenner 27 The Early-Qing Discourse on Lo yalty Wing-ming Chan 53 The Dariyan ya, the State of the Uriyangqai of the Altai , the Qasay and the Qamniyan Ceveng (c. Z. Zamcarano) -translated by 1. de Rachewiltz and j. R. Krueger 87 Edwardian Theatre and the Lost Shape of Asia: Some Remarks on Behalf of a Cinderella Subject Timothy Barrett 103 Crossed Legs in 1930s Shanghai: How 'Modern' the Modern Woman? Francesca Dal Lago 145 San Mao Makes History Miriam Lang iv Cover calligraphy Yan Zhenqing M�Y��, Tang calligrapher and statesman Cover illustration Magazine advertisement for the medicine Bushiming THE EARLY-QING DISCOURSE ON LOYALTY � Wing-ming Chan �*Jkfijj The drastic shift of the Mandate of Heav en in seventeenth-century China 2 ZhangTingyu iJ1U!33: (1672-1755) et aI., provoked an identity crisis among the Chinese literati and forced them to comp., Mingshi [History of the Ming dynasty! reconsider their socio-political role in an er a of dynastic change.