Town of Warsaw I H

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Town of Warsaw I H Road Name Roster ROAD ROUTE ROAD ROUTE ROAD ROUTE ROAD ROUTE ROAD ROUTE ROAD ROUTE ROAD ROUTE MAP LOW HIGH MAP LOW HIGH MAP LOW HIGH MAP LOW HIGH MAP LOW HIGH MAP LOW HIGH MAP LOW HIGH NAME NO NAME NO NAME NO NAME NO NAME NO NAME NO NAME NO T BOX & GOURD LANE 602 48 863 1633 ELLIOTTS DRIVE 675 15 0 589 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 28 13109 14170 MILLPOND ROAD 646 21 851 1495 RIDGE ROAD 600 51 8293 9708 h e A BRANHAM MILL LANE 23 0 514 EMMANUEL CHURCH ROAD 664 13 0 447 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 28 15272 15274 MOORES MILL ROAD 677 38 0 279 RIDGE ROAD 600 57 9708 10472 WARSAW ACCAKEEK ROAD 41 0 375 BRYANTS TOWN ROAD 656 31 0 1001 EPPINGS TRACT ROAD 646 5 1203 1322 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 22 15846 16551 MORATTICO CREEK ROAD 59 0 532 RIVER FRONT LANE 59 0 348 Y ACCAKEEK ROAD 46 375 645 BRYANTS TOWN ROAD 656 38 1001 1410 EPPINGS TRACT ROAD 646 8 1322 1419 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 23 16551 17521 MOTHERSHEAD NECK ROAD 609 59 0 1556 RIVERDALE ROAD 655 53 0 1266 T ACCAKEEK ROAD 41 645 2120 BUNKER HILL ROAD 689 43 0 445 ESTATE LANE 1044 43 0 181 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 18 17521 18383 MOTLEY FARM LANE 59 0 576 RIVERVIEW ROAD 672 41 0 339 A N 1 U 2 ARNOLD LANE 626 36 0 157 BURNT HOUSE ROAD 694 16 0 191 HUNTERS TRAIL 60 0 231 MOZINGO ROAD 639 7 0 431 ROBIN ROAD 28 0 116 ATKINSON DRIVE 1037 28 0 184 B ARNOLD LANE 626 37 157 369 F HUSSEYS CREEK ROAD 641 53 0 15 MUDSLIDE DRIVE 1 0 21 ROSE HILL DRIVE 703 36 0 149 O i g C C FALLIN TOWN ROAD 618 30 0 312 HUSSEYS CREEK ROAD 641 54 15 1041 MUDSLIDE DRIVE 3 21 289 ROSE HILL DRIVE 704 36 149 527 B D B N CALVARY CHURCH ROAD 613 48 0 2266 FALLIN TOWN ROAD 618 31 312 720 MULBERRY ROAD 619 43 0 1037 RUFUS ROAD 47 0 406 BELLE VILLE LANE 1002 28 0 243 A NORTHERNMOST BAMBOO LANE 720 53 0 185 CALVARY CHURCH ROAD 613 43 2266 3254 FALLIN TOWN ROAD 618 25 720 1085 I MULBERRY ROAD 619 37 1037 3138 BLUEBIRD LANE 28 0 90 L 691 S E FONESWOOD (! RD BAMBOO LANE 720 58 185 374 CAMP SEVENTEEN ROAD 30 0 412 FARNHAM CREEK ROAD 608 48 0 937 INDIAN BANKS ROAD 710 60 0 536 MULBERRY ROAD 619 30 3138 4429 R BARNFIELD ROAD 650 30 0 736 CANAL ROAD 607 44 0 1467 FARNHAM CREEK ROAD 608 54 937 1106 INDIAN BANKS ROAD 710 59 536 541 MURPHYS PLACE 658 30 0 696 SABINE HALL ROAD 624 28 0 1990 C O 624 Sw am BARRACK LANE 56 0 183 CANAL ROAD 607 38 1467 3839 FARNHAM CREEK ROAD 608 48 1106 1162 INDIANFIELD ROAD 697 29 3 1403 SABINE HALL ROAD 624 35 1990 2835 CAMPUS DRIVE 28 0 352 M (! p T Mudslide BEAVER DAM ROAD 614 47 0 2154 CANAL ROAD 607 31 3839 5331 FARNHAM CREEK ROAD 608 54 1162 2454 ISLINGTON ROAD 632 28 0 1269 N SABINE HALL ROAD 624 34 2835 2884 COLLEGE AVENUE 1035 28 0 279 S Dr Pine Crest BEECH CREEK ROAD 3 0 437 CARTER TOWN ROAD 693 4 0 457 FARNHAM CREEK ROAD 608 48 2454 2927 ISLINGTON ROAD 632 35 1269 3317 NAYLORS BEACH ROAD 634 21 0 2399 SANDY LANE 640 15 0 1573 COLLEGE AVENUE 1035 22 281 332 E k e Dr FINCHS HILL BELL FARM LANE 30 0 707 CARTER TOWN ROAD 693 3 457 697 FARNHAM CREEK ROAD 608 54 2927 3019 IVONDALE ROAD 610 54 0 1184 NAYLORS BEACH ROAD 634 20 2399 2404 SANDY LANE 640 11 1573 2460 COMMERCE PARKWAY 22 0 179 re W C Beech 623 Creek (! RD BELLS DRIVE 629 29 0 422 CARTERS WHARF ROAD 622 3 0 1322 FARNHAM CREEK ROAD 608 55 3019 5200 NAYLORS BEACH ROAD 634 26 2404 2416 SANFORDS LANE 653 23 0 729 COURT CIRCLE 1004 28 0 236 Deerfield BIG BEND ROAD 42 0 370 CARTERS WHARF ROAD 622 6 1322 1916 FARNHAM CREEK ROAD 608 49 5200 5313 J NAYLORS BEACH ROAD 634 20 2416 3900 SCATES ROAD 633 12 0 498 Rd CHINA HILL Dr 638 BIG OAK ROAD 613 18 10 116 CAT POINT DRIVE 15 0 214 FARNHAM LANDING 682 54 0 61 JONES CREEK ROAD 638 7 0 481 NAYLORS BEACH ROAD 634 20 3903 4541 SCATES ROAD 633 8 498 2154 D T u RD BLUES LANE 684 43 0 87 CAT POINT DRIVE 20 214 316 FARNHAM MANOR DRIVE 44 0 231 JONES CREEK ROAD 638 11 481 1509 NEW HOME ROAD 30 0 205 SCATES ROAD 633 12 2154 2471 DELFAE DRIVE 28 0 99 r (! h k Pleasant ug e Mallard BLUES LANE 684 37 87 636 CAVALIER TRAIL 36 0 216 FINCHS HILL ROAD 623 4 0 1201 JONES CREEK ROAD 638 10 1509 1619 NEWLAND ROAD 624 21 0 2100 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD 1060 44 0 137 DELFAE DRIVE 22 99 142 ro y nb Pl ke Dr oc 3 4 5 BOSWELL ROAD 614 43 0 291 CEDAR GROVE ROAD 602 44 0 130 FINCHS HILL ROAD 623 2 1201 1412 JONES CREEK ROAD 638 11 1619 1654 NEWLAND ROAD 624 16 2100 4044 SEA BREEZE COURT 54 0 74 DELFAE DRIVE 28 142 206 Br Trot BOSWELL ROAD 614 37 291 1363 CEDAR GROVE ROAD 602 44 145 2371 FOLLY NECK ROAD 614 43 0 423 JONES CREEK ROAD 638 10 1654 2932 NEWLAND ROAD 624 15 4044 5574 SELFS LANE 644 31 0 288 Rd CARTER TOWN E CLIFFS 693 BOSWELL ROAD 614 36 1363 1573 CEDAR GROVE ROAD 602 49 2371 2516 FOLLY NECK ROAD 614 42 423 2491 JUNIPER COURT 30 0 116 NEWLAND ROAD 624 11 5574 7937 SELFS LANE 644 38 288 743 625 SINGERLY (! RD BOWEN LANE 683 15 0 446 CEDAR GROVE ROAD 602 50 2516 4164 FOLLY NECK ROAD 614 47 2491 3938 NEWLAND ROAD 624 7 7937 10399 SETTLERS LANDING ROAD 1110 36 0 257 EAST JEFFERSON AVENUE 1010 28 0 135 Worker D (! RD R BOWEN LANE 683 20 446 654 CEDAR POINT ROAD 708 42 0 801 FOREST ROAD 651 47 0 574 K NEWLAND ROAD 624 4 10399 10758 SETTLERS LANE 36 0 144 EAST MONROE AVENUE 1014 28 0 144 Way 622 (! 646 BOX & GOURD LANE 602 44 0 531 CEDAR ROAD 29 0 129 FOREST ROAD 651 42 574 860 KELLYS LANE 674 17 0 436 NEWLAND ROAD 624 3 10758 11338 SHANDY HALL ROAD 47 0 1643 D (! BOX & GOURD LANE 602 49 531 863 CHERRY GROVE LANE 12 0 321 FOREST ROAD 651 47 860 1048 KENNARD LANE 35 0 649 NEWLAND ROAD 624 4 11338 13173 SHARPS ROAD 642 43 0 964 F ER R SNYD EPPINGS TRACT CHESTNUT HILL ROAD 621 21 0 964 FOREST ROAD 651 42 1048 1424 KINDERHOOK PIKE 637 7 1 688 NEWLAND ROAD 624 3 13173 13468 SHARPS ROAD 642 48 964 2434 FREEDOM WAY 1038 22 0 192 N RD CHESTNUT HILL ROAD 621 16 964 1143 FOREST ROAD 651 43 1424 2015 KING LANE 31 0 313 NEWLAND ROAD 624 1 13468 13943 SHARPS ROAD 642 47 2434 3609 CARTERS E G W CHESTNUT HILL ROAD 621 17 1143 1786 FOX HUNTERS HILL ROAD 631 35 0 689 NORMANS CORNER ROAD 617 31 0 836 SHARPS ROAD 642 48 3609 3634 622 WHARF L 638 CHINA HILL ROAD 638 4 0 2132 FOX HUNTERS HILL ROAD 631 36 689 802 L NORTH BEND ROAD 1061 44 0 151 SHARPS ROAD 642 54 3634 3800 GEORGE BROWN LANE 22 0 94 (! RD A (! Carters Wharf N CHURCH LANE 695 29 0 137 FOX HUNTERS HILL ROAD 631 42 802 1303 LAKESIDE DRIVE 1005 22 248 249 NORTH FARNHAM CHURCH ROAD 692 44 0 608 SHARPS ROAD 642 48 3800 3876 GORDON LANE 1019 28 0 151 D Boat Landing 645 Pa CLARK ROAD 23 0 260 FRONT STREET 681 58 0 89 LAMBS LANE 688 41 0 713 NORTHERNMOST ROAD 691 2 3 1095 SHARPS ROAD 642 54 3876 4613 nt ROW ic OAK (! o CLIFFS ROAD 625 3 0 769 FRONT STREET 681 53 89 396 LANCASTER CREEK ROAD 60 0 797 SHARPS ROAD 642 53 4613 5948 H CROOKHORN COATES LANE 27 0 474 LANIER ROAD 673 60 0 1175 O SHARPS ROAD 642 58 5948 6052 HAMILTON BOULEVARD 1001 28 0 453 RD COBHAM PARK LANE 660 41 0 740 G LAUREL GROVE ROAD 610 59 0 129 OAK ROW ROAD 638 7 0 2224 SHELTON LANE 54 0 312 HAMILTON BOULEVARD 1001 22 456 760 OAK ROW R MOZINGO u COLE HILL LANE 628 29 0 680 GEORGIA AVENUE 1029 28 0 83 LAUREL GROVE ROAD 610 54 129 950 OAK ROW ROAD 638 4 2224 2679 SHORELINE DRIVE 23 131 612 HARRIS AVENUE 1000 22 0 248 6 PEA RIDGE 7 8 n 9 678 639 (! LN (! RD COLLEGE AVENUE 1035 22 279 281 GRAVEL PIT ROAD 698 28 0 299 LAUREL LANE 29 0 147 OAKLAND ROAD 612 44 0 2152 SHORELINE DRIVE 29 0 131 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 28 CONLEY POND ROAD 611 43 0 1443 GRAVEL PIT ROAD 698 35 299 365 LITTLE CREEK ROAD 29 0 149 OAKLAND ROAD 612 45 2152 3174 SILAS DRIVE 679 28 0 346 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 22 633 COUNTY BRIDGE ROAD 637 11 0 1246 GROVE MOUNT ROAD 635 16 0 1230 LITTLE FLORIDA ROAD 657 54 0 919 OAKLAND ROAD 612 39 3174 4603 SIMONSON ROAD 606 55 0 1449 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 28 14170 15272 (! COUNTY BRIDGE ROAD 637 12 1246 3984 GROVE MOUNT ROAD 635 12 1230 1391 LITTLE FLORIDA ROAD 657 59 919 979 OAKLEY LANE 648 59 0 799 SIMONSON ROAD 606 60 1449 3193 HISTORY LAND HIGHWAY 3 22 15274 15846 KINDERHOOK NEWLAND 637 CRAB POT LANE 41 0 211 LITTLE FLORIDA ROAD 657 54 979 1055 OLD SAWMILL ROAD 30 0 278 SION HOUSE CIRCLE 59 0 430 D S RD H I R (! PIKE TE CREEK VIEW LANE 707 36 78 788 LITTLE FLORIDA ROAD 657 59 1055 1291 OLD TREASURE ROAD 687 49 0 109 SMITH LANE 680 13 0 772 A SC CROOKHORN ROAD 645 8 2330 3026 HALES POINT ROAD 647 55 0 1514 LITTLE FLORIDA ROAD 657 54 1291 1341 OLDHAMS ROAD 203 18 0 706 SMITH LANE 680 17 772 774 IVY LANE 1020 22 0 118 R M Omohundra HALES POINT ROAD 647 54 1514 2099 LUTTRELLVILLE LANE 616 44 0 459 ORCHARD GROVE LANE 29 0 120 SMITHVILLE LANE 30 0 223 A K E E Millpond D HALES POINT ROAD 647 59 2099 4263 LUTTRELLVILLE LANE 616 38 459 2794 OSCAR DRIVE 47 0 261 SNYDER ROAD 622 4 0 2856 J P E N R P P C a C O DEER TRAIL DRIVE 60 0 348 HAMILTON BOULEVARD 1001 28 453 456 LUTTRELLVILLE LANE 616 31 2794 3834 SPRING HILL ROAD 659 12 0 665 JACKSON COURT 1034 28 0 42 O nt PINEY A R 637 ic U K 638 R o P D D H N E DEERFIELD DRIVE 4 0 88 HARD BARGAIN LANE 701 54 0 684 LYELL DRIVE 1040 29 0 59 STRANGEWAY ROAD 636 20 0 947 JONES LANE 1013 28 0 162 T G (! I 637 GROVE Y ID N A (! R B ! DRINKING SWAMP ROAD 627 37 0 142 HAVELOCK ROAD 636 15 0 242 PARISH ROAD 685 11 0 350 STRANGEWAY ROAD 636 15 947 2098 EMMANUEL ( RD N FARMERS DRINKING SWAMP ROAD 627 30 142 1585 HAVELOCK ROAD 636 16 242 423 M PEA RIDGE LANE 678 7 0 717 STURMAN LANE 1027 28 368 689 L N S CHURCH R O PARISH FORK un DRINKING SWAMP ROAD 627 31 1585 2073 HAVELOCK ROAD 636 12 423 1860 MACKEY DRIVE 35 0 85 PINE CREST DRIVE 4 0 172 SUGGETTS POINT ROAD 614 47 0 243 LAKESIDE DRIVE 1005 22 0 248 E 685 D C R RD N RD W DUNAWAY LANE 654 57 0 1087 HEADLEY LANE 669 53 0 233 MALLARD DRIVE 4 0 532 PINEBROOK ROAD 44 0 114 SUGGETTS POINT ROAD 614 53 243 883 LAKESIDE DRIVE 1005 28 249 423 K ! 664 O ( E 10 J
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