Laurel Hill Laurel Hill
PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Laurel Hill Elkton, MD PERMIT #31 Attention Postmaster: Time sensitive material. Requested in home 8-8-08 Lorton ❖ Lorton Valley ❖ Crosspointe National Night Out participants from the Southpointe Estates neighborhood in Lorton gather for a picture before indulging in the ice cream. Bottom row, from left, are: Taylor Plummer and Alex Jones; first row, Ann Van Houten, Allison Bruder, Kevin Mullins and Caitlin Mullins; second row, Bill Van Houtin, Jodi Clarken, Susan Mullins and Han Big Night Out Garcia; third row, Linda Bruder, Doug Bruder, Kyle Mullins, Santos Garcia and Mike Dragonette; and top row: News, Page 3 Jackson Plummer. insideinside Classified, Page 15 Classified, ❖ Faith, Page 13 ❖ Sports, Page 12 Cat Came Back News, Page 3 Top Marks For Cancer Center News, Page 4 Photo By Esther Pak/The Connection By Esther Photo www.ConnectionNewspapers.comAugust 7-13, 2008 Volume XXII, Number 32 Clifton/Fairfax Station/Laurel Hill Connection ❖ August 7-13, 2008 ❖ 1 News Feline, Lost and Found Blind therapy cat rescued after five-day search in Fairfax Station. By Rebecca Koenig and several have been eld- The Connection erly at the time of their adoption. To Davidson, the by Photo heodore was lost, and the rewards of welcoming an situation did not seem additional animal into her Tpromising. The blind cat, family make the work re- Rebecca Koenig a former therapy animal, quired to care for them escaped from his worthwhile. owner’s home on “It takes a great deal of “It’s nice to Thursday, July 24.
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