Debre Berhan University College of Social Sciences & Humanities Department of Geography and Environmental Studies

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Debre Berhan University College of Social Sciences & Humanities Department of Geography and Environmental Studies DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND VARIABILITY ON RURAL LIVELIHOODS AND COMMUNITY RESPONSES: THE CASE OF MERHABETE WOREDA, NORTH SHEWA ZONE, AMHARA NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE, ETHIOPIA. By: Kefelegn Chernet July 2020 Debre Berhan, Ethiopia DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE AND VARIABILITY ON RURAL LIVELIHOODS AND COMMUNITY RESPONSES: THE CASE OF MERHABETE WOREDA, NORTH SHEWA ZONE, AMHARA NATIONAL REGIONAL STATE, ETHIOPIA. By Kefelegn Chernet A Thesis Submitted to the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies to Presented in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of science in Environment and Sustainable Development. Advisor Dr. Arragaw Alemayehu Debre Berhan University Debre Berhan, Ethiopia July, 2020 DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES THESIS SUBMISSION FOR DEFENSE APPROVAL SHEET – I This is to certify that the thesis entitled: Impacts of climate change and variability on rural livelihoods and community responses: the case of Merhabete woreda, North shewa zone, Amhara national regional state, Ethiopia. submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science with specialization in Environment and sustainable development of the Graduate Program of the Geography and Environmental studies, College of Social Science and Humanities, Debre Berhan University and is a record of original research carried out by Kefelegn Chernet Id. No PGR 028/11, under my supervision, and no part of the thesis has been submitted for any other degree or diploma. The assistance and help received during the course of this investigation have been duly acknowledged. Therefore, I recommend that it to be accepted as fulfilling the thesis requirements. Arragaw Alemayehu (PhD) _____________ ______________ Name of Advisor Signature Date DEBRE BERHAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES APPROVAL SHEET – II This is to certify that the thesis presented by Kefelegn Chernet, entitled: Impacts of climate change and variability on rural livelihoods and community response: the case of Merhabete woreda, North shewa zone, Amhara national regional state, Ethiopia and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Science (Geography and Environmental Studies, Specialization in Environment and Sustainable Development) complies with the regulations of the university and meets the accepted standards with respect to originality and quality. Signed by the Examining Committee: External Examiner: - Alem‟metta (PhD) Signature_______________ Date __________ Internal Examiner: - Gebre Tafere (PhD) Signature______________ Date __________ Advisor: - Arragaw Alemayehu (PhD) Signature_______________ Date__________ Chairman of Department: - Ephrem Tegegne (PhD) Signature___________ Date__________ STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR I declare that this thesis is my genuine work, and that all sources of materials used for this thesis have been profoundly acknowledged. This thesis has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Master of Science (MSc) at Debre Berhan University and it is deposited at the University library to be made available for users under the rule of the library. I declare that this thesis is not submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of any academic degree, diploma or certificate. Brief quotations from this thesis are allowable without special permission, provided that accurate acknowledgement of source is made. Requests for permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in part may be granted by the head of the department or the Dean of College of Post Graduate when in his/her judgment the proposed use of the material is in the interest of scholarship. In all other instances, however, permission must be obtained from the author and advisors of this thesis. Name: Kefelegn Chernet Signature: Place: College of Social Science and Humanities, Debre Berhan University. Date of Submission: 06/11/2012 E.C i ACKNOWLEDGMENT Above all, I would like to thank the Almighty God without whose support, it would have not been possible all my wishes to come in to reality. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Dr. Arragaw Alemayehu for his supervision, valuable guidance, and intellectual encouragement, critical and constructive comments from the early design of the proposal to the final write up of the thesis. I, really, appreciate his kind and tireless effort. My special thanks go to my all teachers at Debre Berhan University who taught me courses with their critical methodologies which I should practice them throughout my life. I am very much grateful to my Mother Aselefech Mekuria, Brother Getachew Chernet, to my sister Atsede Chernet, to Demise Tajebe and Aster Abebawu for their support, encouragement, love and care during my stay in the study area and during attending class. I would like to give my sincere thanks to Ato Demise Tajebe for his paper support and kindness, and also I want to express my deepest thanks and respect for Yimechach Getachewu and her family for their unlimited support includes printing of household questionnaires, to Ato Sisay Simeneh from Amhara Forest Enterprise for his mobile card gift and all my friends who supported me in all aspects. Without your support in all direction the completion of the work was impossible. Finally I want to thanks Ato Letike Chernet, team leader of Agricultural extension in Merhabete woreda Agricultural development office, to Ato Dejene Terefe officer in Merhabete woreda Administration office and Wugagen Mamo Health extension worker in Ofina Sibewasha kebele for their genuine response and support in providing necessary information, guide and assisted the data collection method from selected kebeles. I also want to thanks all other who participated in this research process. ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ASCI Amhara Credit and Saving Institution CCV Climate Change and Variability CEEPA Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy for Africa CNCR Carbon Neutral and Climate Resilient CRGE Climate Resilient Green Economy CSA Central Statistical Agency DA Development agent EPA Environmental Protection Authority EPE Environment Policy of Ethiopia FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FGD Focus Group Discussion GHG Green House Gases GOs Governmental Organizations GTP Growth and Transformation Plan HHHs Household Heads IMF International Monetary Fund IPCC Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change KII Key Informant Interview MWADO Merhabete Woreda Agricultural Development Office MWAO Merhabete Woreda Administration Office iii NAPA National Adaptation Programs of Action NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NMA National Meteorology Agency NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NSZADD North Shewa Zone Agricultural Development Department PCI Precipitation Concentration Index SPSS Statistical Package for Social Science SSA Sub-Saharan Africa UNDP United Nations Development Program UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WMO World Meteorology Organization DEFINITION OF LOCAL TERMS Kebele Lowest administrative unit in Ethiopia Woreda Forth tier of government administration unit, which is closely equal to district. Kola: Arid/ low land Woina Dega Sub humid area Dega Humid area iv Table of Contents Pages STATEMENT OF THE AUTHOR ................................................................................................. i ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................................................. ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ........................................................................ iii LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................... ix LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................... x LIST OF TABLES IN THE ANNEX .............................................................................................. xi ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................... xii CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................... 1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 1 1.1. Background of the study ......................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Statement of the problem ....................................................................................................... 4 1.3. Objectives of the study ........................................................................................................... 5 1.4. Research questions ................................................................................................................. 6 1.5. Significance of the study .......................................................................................................
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