Glebe Report and the City of Ottawa's Recreation & Culture Department

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Glebe Report and the City of Ottawa's Recreation & Culture Department ' Roberta Bondar visits Central Park On March 28, astronaut Roberta Bondar, Chair of Canada Trust's Friends of the Environment Foundation came to Central Park to acknowledge the community based tree planting project undertaken by the Glebe Community Association and local volunteers. She addressed a number of area residents, project organizers, local officials, and a group of Grade 3, 4 and 5 students from Mutchmor Public School. Her visit was one of several in the Ottawa area organized by FEF Ottawa Chair, Steve McCormick, to view community based environmental initiatives supported in part by FEF funding. Since the Central Park Re-Planting project began in 1992 it has received $1,500 in funding; $500 from Canada Trust in 1993, and $500 each from the Glebe Report and the City of Ottawa's Recreation & Culture Department. Labour, assistance and training have come from many other sources as well. The Patterson Creek Park tree planting initiative also received $500 from Friends of the Environment. Photo: Susan Thomson Astronaut, Roberta Bondar (1.) addresses gathering at Central Park, With her is Steve McCormick (ctre.) & Coun. Jim Watson. Neighbourhood Watch begins A very successful Glebe program so effectively. Ovei North Neighbourhood Watch 15 neighbours had volunteered Great Glebe Garage Sale (GNNVV) meeting was held on as Block Captains and gone Tuesday April 12 at the Glebe door to door to obtain well over May 28: Spread the word Community Centre. Over 100 90% participation in the pro- people filled the downstairs gram. To this end, Sergeant BY JIM FOSTER meeting room. Sergeant Garage Sale Enviro-mugs. We Corbeil announced that the also Jacques Corbeil and Senior GNNW will receive two Neigh- Scoop, lift, turn, dump, a need your help to ensure Constable Gary our community's sale is Schuiteboer bourhood Watch signs. Ideas hand on each control, he a suc- ("Skate") of the Ottawa Police smiled with glee. My favourite cess. Make it a point to tell from the community were indicated that they had never sought for placement of the Great Glebe Garage Sale pur- someone new about the sale to- seen such a fast chase is a red and black me- day. Our incredible flying turnaround in signs and two locations were the creation of a Neighbour- identified: one at the south- chanical shovel I bought for banner will be seen waving hood Watch my above Bank Street programme. Much east corner of Bronson and three year old son Se- at Second credit is due to Brian and Mar- bastien. Avenue by the third week of Chamberlain and the other at jorie Lynch, Coordinators of the north-west corner of Bank I watched him dredge canals May. Many thanks to The An- the tique Glebe North Neighbour- and Powell. through the slush in our Shoppe and Newcom De- hood Watch for organizing the backyard last week for half an velopments for their co-op- Continued on page 2. hour. That's five minutes eration. longer than the box the dish- You can register for the sale Glebe Singers concert May 14 washer arrived in and the by dropping your forms off at Everyone is welcome at the teer choir directed by Janice shovel was only five dollars. the Glebe Community Centre, Glebe Singers' Spring Concert! Gray and accompanied by Ann I'm not sure who likes it more, 690 Lyon St. S., The Glebe It will take place at 8:00 p.m., Boyd. We are always looking Sebastien or me, but it really is Apothecary at 778 Bank St or Saturday May 14, at the Church The Tea for new members: if you are a treasure - something I would Party, 103 Fourth of the Blessed Sacrament come us have Avenue. See page 2 interested, and hear loved as a kid. That's of the (Fourth Avenue at Percy). perform and meet us at the re- what makes the sale so special Glebe Report for the Great Our music ranges from jazz to Glebe ception following the perfor- to me, finding that chance Garage Registration folk songs from Newfoundland mance. item like a five dollar four form. and Africa. The major work is pocket door with three free As always we ask registrants Mass in G by Franz Schubert. hinges that fit your house to donate 10% of their proceeds The Ottawa Valley Chamber without a minor renovation. from the sale to the Ottawa Food Ensemble will be performing INSIDE The thrill of a great purchase Bank. Approximately three as well as accompanying our is surpassed only by the oppor- days before the sale regis- presentation of the Mass. Capital Column 6 tunity to empty our basement trants will receive a garage We are able to present our GCA 7 of every surplus item I've sale kit which includes helpful concert free of charge due to tripped over in the last ten hints and a donation card. the support of Glebe busi- GNAG 10 months. Please have this completed and nesses. Thanks to Home Hard- Business 17 We are focusing our atten- ready for pick-up by 3 p.m. ware, Loeb Glebe, Inniss tion on advertising the sale May 28th. Tax receipts will be Pharmacy, The Book Bazaar, School News..... 22-28 this year. Susan and Kathryn mailed by the Ottawa Food Puggwash Children's Books, Kidspace 32 our Great Glebe Garage Sale Bank. The sale is always a the Scotia Bank, The Glebe Em- Post 30,31 publicity gurus have placed great kick off to summer. porium, The Framing Experi- ,Observation ads in over 10 different publi- Many thanks from the Glebe ence, Marala, Nicholas, Fel- cations. A Community Association. Have Quote of the Month press kit will also be lenas, Arbour Recycled Prod- May is building distributed to T.V. fun! her house. and radio ucts and Croissant Express. With apple blooms stations. The kits will For more information, call A include voluntary collection will She is roofing over the one of our classic Great Glebe Jim Foster 563-3570. be taken and sent to a charity. glimmering rooms. The Glebe Singers is a \faun- Richard Le Gallienne N EWS Best tulip fest yet Want to Build Up, Slim Down or The Cowboy Junkies, Skydig- and visitors to experience the Get Energized? gers, Murray McLauchlan, the Tulip Capital's spring celebra- WOMEN'S BODYBUIIDING Doughboys and Blind Boys of tions at special savings. build and sculpt muscle Alabama a VOLUNTEERS NEEDED improve strength lead list of 27 Main build self-confidence Stage concerts that will be Ottawa's oldest event, the 6 lectures, 10 gym sessions featured in Ottawa's favourite Tulip Festival is run by com- Fee: $90 + GST concert setting: the outdoor munity volunteers who dedi- stage at the Canadian Tulip cate their time, skills, and en- cn VITALITY PLUS for healthy people with a few extra pounds Festival, presented by Canada thusiasm to the event. Eight revitalize yourself Trust in Major's Hill Park, May hundred jobs are waiting for slim and firm your body 18-23. 22 low-impact fitness and pool classes Opening with 'Ottawa applicants. Fee: morning $110 + GST Night,' the festival will feature Tobias Keogh, volunteer co- (includes weekly discussion group) Quebecois music, punk, funk, ordinator, believes the Cana- II evening $82 + GST (no discussion group) dian Tulip Festival rap, pop, folk, blues and jazz is popular WEIGHT TRAINING FOR OLDER ADULTS throughout the week, as well because it is run by people in rebuild lost muscle and strength as a host of multi-cultural per- touch with the community. regain movement ability and vigour formers. Volunteers make new friends, 6 lectures, 10 gym sessions for people 50 or older However, the real star of this enjoy the weather, and help Fee: $90 + GST year's festival is an exotic the community. They also re- Ilk LIES PLUS FITNESS Turkish Village, a mini-tented ceive a T-shirt, admission, re-energize yourself build stamina and flexibility 'city' the Festival imported meals, certificate, and a Thank 23 fitness and pool classes for people 50 or older from Turkey. As centerpiece You Party. Fee: $82 + GST of the event's theme, 'Turkish "We depend on our volun- Tulip Tribute', the area salutes teers, they make the COACHENG FOR RUNNERS Festival 12 lectures and 12 training sessions the culture of the tulip's origi- bloom," says Keogh. For in- for beginners or those running less than 4 km nal home. From fortune tellers formation on becoming part of learn physical and mental training techniques to magnificent the world's increase aerobic fitness carpets, the largest tulip festi- Fee: $115 + GST fascinating area has constant val, call 567-4447. entertainment, displays, and delicious cuisine. Festival TuliPasses (pre-sale 4 tickets) are just $12 and pro- Programs start from May 9. vide unlimited admission to Call 788-4480 weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Major's Hill Park for all con- certs, the Turkish Village, and Physical Recreation Centre other activities including MetLife Kid's Town, Family Ac- tivity Land, and the Craft Vil- Carleton lage. Kids TulipPass buttons UNIVERSITY available at McDonald's Restaurants are 501T. Neighbourhood TuliPasses are only available Watch, continued prior to the Festival, May 1-17, For at Canada Trust, Japan Camera, Coordinators Brian Lynch Ninevah's Sake" Shoppers Drug Mart, Pizza Hut, and Peter Ostapchuk became Everyone is invited to "For Church from 1991 to 1993. Eatons, Jubilee Jewellers and members of the Ottawa Neigh- Ninevah's Saker, a musical Additional performances will Tulip Boutiques in major malls. bourhood Watch Association based on the Old Testament take place at Woodroffe United For more information, call the and are encouraged to meet story of Jonah, to be held at Church, Glen Cairn United Tulip Hotline: 567-4447.

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