Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Thursday, 6th December 2018, 19.15 Small Village Hall, Bridge Street, Wye

283/18 Present: Cllr Reece (Vice Chairman), Cllr Bartley, Cllr Bouverie, Cllr Vousden, Richard Sinden (Community Warden), D. Baines (minutes) Apologies: Cllr Dod, Cllr Ovenden, Cllr Shoults, Cllr West

284/18 To receive declarations of the existence and nature of any Disclosable Pecuniary Interest (DPI) and any Other Significant Interest (OSI) from members concerning items on the agenda Cllr Bartley declared a voluntary OSI as member of the Village Design Group and Wye Historical Society. Cllr Bouverie declared an OSI in relation to item 289/18 (grant application from Our Place Wye)

285/18 Public Open Session There were no members of the public present.

286/18 To approve the Minutes of the previous meeting The Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 1st November 2018 were approved as an accurate record, proposed by Cllr Bartley and seconded by Cllr Vousden.

287/18 To receive an update regarding progress of actions and resolutions from the last meeting. Councillors noted updates regarding action points from 1st November which included IT provision at the PC Office (items purchased and installed), real time travel diary form (completed) and planning applications (responded to as agreed).

288/18 To receive any oral or written reports, and authorise any action A written report had been received from PCSO Aaron Newell, which was read out to those present. The main items to note included a small number of reported crimes and the recent setting-up of three Neighbourhood Watch groups in the village. The Community Warden also reported on crime in the village with 11 incidents noted as having taken place during the last month. He went on to emphasise the importance of reporting criminal activity to the police and outlined steps being taken to promote effective crime prevention and safety measures, to include articles in future parish council newsletters as well as Facebook posts. A small number of free shed alarms were still available, which could be obtained by contacting the Community Warden. Further details were provided of the Neighbourhood Watch scheme recently started in the village and which had to date been taken up by residents of Ramsfield and Havillands (with both locations supporting a 98% take up rate), and more recently in Oxenturn Road.

The Our Place Wye group community lunches continued to run successfully with 25 regular attenders, a Christmas lunch planned for 19th December, followed by a break with the first session of 2019 taking place on 9th January.

289/18 Finance a. To receive any updates from regarding the Village Caretaker Scheme and authorise any action As no further update had been received from the borough council on this issue, it was not possible to discuss this item. The Clerk was requested to chase this up with the ABC Officer. b. To receive any grant applications and authorise any action (Cllr Bouverie left the room for the duration of the discussion) Councillors considered an application from the Our Place Wye group (OPW) for a grant to enable purchase of the Mendip Connections website template, a tool used to map local support available and log volunteers. It was agreed to support the grant application for £500 (proposed by Cllr Bartley and seconded by Cllr Vousden). OPW would be asked to clarify who the invoice for these works would be made out to and whether VAT was included in the £500 quotation. It was noted that an Our Place Wye website domain name was available for the group to take on when they wished to do so. c. To note submission of V.A.T. reclaim forms to HMRC It was noted that the Responsible Finance Officer had submitted VAT reclaim forms for the financial years 2014/2015, 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. A claim for 2017/2018 could be submitted once the accounting software was fully up to date with expenditure for the year to date. d. To authorise tree works at the Recreation Ground (removal of dead willow tree) It was agreed to proceed with these works (with all in favour) and that the funds be drawn from the Henderson Environment Fund. £450 had been quoted for removal of the tree. Councillors asked whether some of the wood be left at the scene to rot down and whether this would reduce the cost of the works. The clerk was authorised to proceed, and enquire as to removal of part, only of the diseased tree. e. To agree a budget and authorise the Clerk to order wood chips for the Jungle and nearby footpath. The cost of wood chips purchased in 2017 for the play areas amounted to £1,155, the cost this year had been quoted as £1,221. The Clerk was authorised to proceed on this basis (proposed by Cllr Vousden, and seconded by Cllr Reece). It was agreed in addition, to move a portion of the existing woodchip on to the Jungle footpath. f. Wye Village Hall & Recreation Ground Stage 2 works i. To receive a verbal report and to authorise any action ii. To consider any outstanding items regarding the LEADER funding profile and payment procedures and authorise any actions Councillors heard that a small number of items were awaiting completion, including painting of car park lines, with a pedestrian path and disabled bay. A spell of dry weather was needed before this work could be started. g. To note any income received Receipts amounted to £2,329.75 which included a small amount of allotment income, a donation towards the purchase and planting of a liquidambar tree at Churchfield Way. In addition, the Churchfield mowing contract income had been received for the period up to December 2018, amounting to £2,044. h. To approve the cheque list and authorise payments The decision to approve the cheques and authorise payments was proposed by Cllr Bouverie, and seconded by Cllr Reece. Cheques would be signed at Parish Council office on the next day. A list of payments is included at the end of the minutes.

It was noted that a cheque had been issued to Crown Garden Services, outside of meeting time (cheque no. 5162), signed and authorised by Cllrs Bartley and Reece. Details were included in the cheque list for this meeting.

290/18 PLANNING a. Ashford Borough Council correspondence requesting a meeting to consider findings of the recent Housing Needs Survey. To note the request and authorise any action Councillors heard a request from Mark James, Development Partnership Manager at Ashford Borough Council to meet and discuss outcomes of the survey. It was agreed to arrange a meeting for the New Year, with as many Councillors to attend as were available.


b. To consider planning applications i 12/01245/AM03/AS Conningbrook, Road, Kennington. Revision to the approved site plan ii 12/01245/AM04/AS Conningbrook, Willesborough Road, Kennington. Re-wording of Condition 27 iii 12/01245/AM05/AS 1 Conningbrook Avenue, Ashford. Re-allocation of 10 spaces across the site iv To consider any applications received, but not listed above It was agreed to make no comment on these applications.

c. To note decided applications i 18/00314/CONB/AS Wye School, Discharge of Condition 5 (Biodiversity) - permitted ii 18/01031/AS The Barn, Cuckolds Coombe Farm, Rd, TN25 5PP. Rear extension- permitted iii 18/01422/AS Plot 2 Former Wye College Pig Unit, Amage Road. Variation of conditions 3 & 17 of planning permission 18/00660/AS to amend plans relating to parking and accesses - permitted iv 17/01178/CONB/AS Wye Village Hall, Bridge Street, Wye. Discharge of condition 3 - permitted The decisions of Ashford Borough Council Planning Department were noted.

d. To consider any tree applications i Decided application - Oxenturn House, Upper Bridge Street, Wye. Permitted T1 crown lift to 6m over road and weight reduce lower laterals over the road. T2 ash - fell. T3 ash – crown reduce. T4 (group of Leyland Cypress) – crown lift. T5 Ash – crown lift. The decision of Ashford Borough Council Planning Department was noted. ii New application - 18/00235/TC 6 Cherry Garden Lane. Silver Birch (T1) 16.5m high - Fell to hedge height 1.75m Plum tree (T2) - 13m high, Reduce crown to 8.5 m. Conifer (T3) - 18m high - Fell to ground. Yew (T4) - 14m high, fell to hedge. It was agreed to make no comment on this application

e. Telereal Trillium (TT) sites To receive an update, and approve any action, regarding WYE3 Masterplan and other TT sites No matters were discussed under this item.

f. Planning appeals and enforcements To hear any updates regarding outstanding planning matters and consider any actions required With the 10th December deadline for the Goods Yard (17/01646/AS) response to the Planning Inspector approaching, a draft letter would be sent to Councillors for review over the next few days.

291/18 Village matters a. To receive any notes from the Flood Working Group meeting (04/12/18), to consider any recommendations and authorise any action Councillors heard a report of a very positive meeting of the group, attended by Annie Thurgaland, Watercourse Officer at the Kentish Stour Countryside Partnership, covering modern techniques of flood prevention. It was agreed (with all in favour) to affiliate to the National Flood Forum. b. To review the provision of public transport to and from Wye village and consider any actions to overcome weaknesses Options to improve bus services available to Wye residents were considered, and included making an approach to Chalkwell bus company currently providing transport to Wye Free School pupils, to see whether their vehicles could be used to provide a service to during school hours. The Wealdon Wheels project operating in , and was also proposed as an option for investigation and it was agreed to contact the chair of Pluckley Parish Council to inquire as to the possibility of extending the scheme to Wye. The Chalkwell bus company would also be contacted and asked to consider the proposal for a Canterbury service during the school day. c. To consider the options for relocation of the Parish Council defibrillator and agree a suitable site Possible locations for installation of the defibrillator included Churchfield Way at the WCs, the

3 Village Hall and the Co-op. Councillors heard that the Tennis Club was also considering installing a device. It was agreed to bring this item back to a future agenda, with feedback as to 1) whether the tennis club were intending to install at their location and 2) if the Co-op would be willing to have a device located at their premises. d. To authorise remedial measures and apply to Public Rights of Way Service for a temporary diversion notice to enable a short section of footpath AE116A (beside the primary school staff car park) to be regraded, an all-weather surface laid and any related works to be undertaken It was reported that an officer from Kent County Council was expected to visit the site in the next week, and had requested details of the works to be undertaken. e. To note the installation of the Armistice centenary plaque and authorise any further action Installation of the plaque was noted. It was agreed not to pursue listing of the Wye War Memorial at this time. f. To receive a report of Ashford Borough Council’s Village Confines Workshop (30/11/18) and authorise a public consultation and any other actions arising Councillors heard a verbal report from Cllr Bartley regarding the exercise to draw map lines around village confines, in order to inform planning applications. Having both a Neighbourhood Plan and confines map, Wye had not been invited to take part in the process (although the whole of the WYE3 area was not considered). It was agreed to wait for the outcome of the ABC Local Plan process before reconsidering this item.

292/18 To receive correspondence, and authorise any action a. KALC announcement of a national review of National Parks and AONBs (ends 18/12/18) b. KCC Consultation - Libraries, Registration and Archives strategy (ends 29/01/19) It was agreed to consider the library consultation at a future meeting.

293/18 To note for information Ashford Borough Council Briefing – the Ashford app reporting tool and Ashford For You Magazine KALC – Ashford Area Committee minutes (14/11/18) KALC - new website and members login KCC - Inside Track issue 255 NALC – CEO Bulletin (16/11/18 & 23/11/18) These items of correspondence were noted.

294/18 To hear & note items from Councillors for the next agenda or for information only Councillors requested that Our Place Wye correspondence be included in future agendas.

295/18 Dates of next meeting o Thursday 20th December at 19.15 R&GP committee in the Wesley Room o Thursday 3rd January at 19.15 Parish Council meeting in the Small Village Hall (tbc)

296/18 Resolution That under the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following item of business because of the commercially sensitive nature of the business. 297/18 To discuss any commercially or legally sensitive business relating to Telereal Trillium sites including WYE3 Masterplan and Wye College Buildings and authorise any actions. 298/18 Staffing matters

299/18 Close of meeting The meeting closed at 21:30

These minutes are signed as an accurate record.






Agenda Item Action Required By whom number

289/18d Removal of To proceed with the work but to request removal of part, Clerk willow tree only of the diseased tree and for other remains to be left on at the site. Recreatiaon ground 289/18e Woodchips To proceed with purchase and installation of wood chips Clerk to the play area 290/18a Housing Arrange meeting with Housing Development Manager Clerk Needs Survey 291/18a Flood To affiliate to the National Flood Forum Clerk Working Group 291/18b Local bus To contact the chair of Pluckley Parish Council to inquire as Clerk services to the possibility of extending the scheme to Wye. The (Chalkwell), Chalkwell bus company would also be contacted and asked RB to consider the proposal for a Canterbury service during the (Pluckley) school day. 291/18c Defibrillator Bring back to a future agenda having checked whether, Clerk location 1) the tennis club were intending to install at their location and 2) if the Co-op would be willing to have a device located at their premises.

5 Cheque list

cheque inv date payee name reason chq no. total C N Gasson 29/11/2018 (Out of meeting payment) Crown Garden Services #CGS135 5162 443.25 26/10/2018 The Curtain & Blind Co Ltd Collection, cleaning & fitting of 5163 474.00 curtains (Village Hall) #9342 26/10/2018 The Curtain & Blind Co Ltd Supply and fit curtains (Village 5163 2,218.80 Hall) #9343 18/11/2018 Toby Gardner Tree planting at Churchfield 5164 180.00 Green #615 13/11/2018 Palmstead Liquidambar tree #11816 5165 97.49 15/11/2018 Rialtas Business Solutions Move accounting software to 5167 30.00 laptop #26393 13/11/2018 TDP Longwood planter (for Bridge 5168 227.52 Street) #83342 (165/18c) 20/11/2018 Gordon Engraving Village Hall sign #55352 5170 696.00 (Commercial) Ltd 26/11/2018 Rose Williams Cleaning of WCs #82 5171 273.75 30/11/2018 Methodist Hall Hall hire #101642 5172 35.00 29/11/2018 Judge Architects Ltd RIBA Stage 5 - construction 5173 416.40 (Village Hall) #JA-INV-0164b 29/11/2018 Jeff Austen Lawncare Services #26 5174 550.00 01/12/2018 Clerk Salary pay period 9 5175 1,920.26 01/12/2018 RFO Salary pay period 9 5176 713.90 05/12/2018 David Buckett Internal Audit #1010 5177 463.50 04/12/2018 Wye Village Hall Hall hire #2403 5178 27.00 08/10/2018 Wye Village Hall Hall hire #2344 5179 27.00 05/12/2018 Play Inspection company Annual inspection and 5180 240.00 accompanied site visit #33704 03/12/2018 Stafford Perkins Rent - 2B Briar Close #SI327 5181 1,300.00 06/12/2018 C N Gasson Crown Garden Services #CGS136 5182 243.00 06/12/2018 Breem Construction Village Hall works interim 5183 23,160.00 certificate no. 4 #17-479 06/12/2018 Breem Construction Village Hall works interim 5184 26,844.01 certificate no. 4 #17-480