Sidney Family Chronology
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This is a repository copy of Sidney Family Chronology. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Published Version Book Section: Brennan, MG (2015) Sidney Family Chronology. In: Hannay, MP, Brennan, MG and Lamb, ME, (eds.) The Ashgate Research Companion to the Sidneys, 1500-1700: Volume 1: Lives and Volume 2: Literature. Ashgate Research Companions . Ashgate Publishing Limited , xxvii - xliv. ISBN 978-1-4094-5038-2 Reuse Unless indicated otherwise, fulltext items are protected by copyright with all rights reserved. The copyright exception in section 29 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 allows the making of a single copy solely for the purpose of non-commercial research or private study within the limits of fair dealing. The publisher or other rights-holder may allow further reproduction and re-use of this version - refer to the White Rose Research Online record for this item. 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[email protected] © Copyrighted Material Chronology Sidneyfamilyaairsareinromangeneralhistoricalinformationisinitalics Aug King James IV of Scotland marries Princess Margaret sister of Henry VIII Apr death of King Henry VII and accession of King Henry VIII executionofedmundDudleybc.greatgrandfatherofSirPhilip Sidney WilliamSidneyc.servesintheenglishexpeditiontoSpainto assistFerdinandKingofAragonandCastileagainsttheMoors deathofnicholasSidneybc.fatherofWilliamSidneywhoisthen servingintheenglishnavyduringthewarwithFrance Apr WilliamSidneyknightedafteranavalengagementoBrestMar Sept KingJamesIVofScotlandkilledattheBaleofFloddenWilliamSidneyghts therewithdistinction Feb CharlesBrandonfriendandpatronofSirWilliamSidneycreatedDuke of Suolk Thomas Howard Sir Williams commander at Flodden restoredtothedukedomofnorfolk Jul SirWilliamSidneyawardedalifeannuityofmarksbyHenryViii Jan of King Louis Xii of France in Feb Charles Brandon secretly marries his widow Mary sister of Henry Viii their union publicly celebrated at greenwich May at this period or later the Sidneys appropriatetheFrenchkingspersonalemblemoftheporcupine SirWilliamSidneymarriesAnnePagenhamd Jun FieldoftheClothofGoldmeetinginthePlainofArdresbetweenHenryVIII and François I of FranceSirWilliamSidneyprominentamongtheenglish jousters SirWilliamSidneyjoinsSuolksmilitarycampaigninFrance birthofHenrySidneydwithHenryViiiasagodparent © Copyrighted Material © Michael G Brennan (2015) From Margaret P. Hannay, Michael G. Brennan, and Mary Ellen Lamb (eds), The Ashgate Research Companion to The Sidneys, 1500–1700: Volume 1: Lives, published by Ashgate Publishing. See: © Copyrighted Material THE ASHGATE RESEARCH COMPANION TO THE SIDNEYS, 1500–1700: VOLUME 1 birthofMaryDudleySidneydwifeofHenrySidney May English Church supports King Henry VIII against the Papacy birth of Robert Dudley d later earl of Leicester uncle of Sir PhilipSidney Jan King Henry VIII marries Anne Boleyn after divorcing Catherine of Aragon May AnneBoleynexecuted May King Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour autumn Pilgrimage of Grace uprising against Henry VIII’s break with the Roman Catholic Church Oct Prince Edward born to King Henry VIII and Jane Seymour Oct Jane Seymour dies SirWilliamSidneyappointedChamberlainuntiltoPrinceedward and his son Henry becomes one of Prince edwards closest childhood companions deathofAnnePagenhamSidneywifeofSirWilliamSidney William Herbert c. later rst earl of Pembroke appointed KeeperofBaynardsCastleonthebanksoftheRiverThames Jan death of King Henry VIII and accession of King Edward VI Jun Norfolk Rebellion begins Apr HenrySidneyappointedagentlemanofthePrivyChamber WilliamHerbertlaterrstearlofPembrokeLordPresidentoftheCouncil ofWales Mar HenrySidneymarriesatAsserMarydaughterofJohnDudleyearlof andWarwick Jul Henry Sidney accompanies the Marquis of northamptons embassy to France Oct Henry Sidney knighted and John Dudley d earl of Warwick createdDukeofnorthumberlandWilliamHerbertcreatedrstearlof Pembroke Apr KingedwardVigrantstheestateandmanorofPenshurstPlaceKentto SirWilliamSidney May marriage of Lady Jane grey and Lord guildford Dudley son of John DudleyearlofWarwickandDukeofnorthumberland www.ashgate.comJun SirHenrySidneywitnessesKingedwardViswill © Copyrighted Material xxviii Copyright material: You are not permitted to transmit this file in any format or media; it may not be resold or reused without prior agreement with Ashgate Publishing and may not be placed on any publicly accessible or commercial servers. © Copyrighted Material CHRONOLOGY Jul death of King Edward VI, reputedlycradledinthearmsofSirHenrySidney accessionJulofLadyJaneGreyexecutedFeb, whoreputedlywas rsttoldofheraccessionbyMaryDudleySidneywifeofSirHenrySidney Jul accession of Queen Mary Aug executiononTowerHillofJohnDudleybearlofWarwickand DukeofnorthumberlandgrandfatherofSirPhilipSidney Feb rebellion against the Spanish marriage proposed for Queen Mary led by Sir ThomasWya orFebdeathofSirWilliamSidneyatPenshurst Mar Sir Henry Sidney accompanies earl of Bedfords embassy to Spain to accompanyPhilipofSpainbacktoenglandforhismarriageJulwith QueenMary May Queen Mary’s Second Parliament accepts terms for the Spanish marriage Jul SirHenrySidneysailsfromLaCoruñaforenglandwithPhilipofSpain royalmarriagecelebratedJul nov Queen Mary’s Third Parliament restores Papal Supremacy to England nov birthofPhilipSidneydnamedinhonorofhisgodfatherPhilipof SpainthehusbandofQueenMary Oct Emperor Charles V resigns the Netherlands in favor of Philip of Spain William Herbert rst of Pembroke Lord President of the Council ofWales Jan Queen Mary’s husband formally becomes Philip II of Spain following his father’s abdication May SirHenrySidneyleavesforDublintobecomeViceTreasurerandgeneral governorofRevenues Apr SirHenrySidneynowinformallyservingasLordJusticeinireland Aug English-Spanish victory over the French at St. Quentinservingintheenglish forces are the brothers of Mary Dudley Sidney Ambrose Robert and HenryandHenryHerbertlatersecondearlofPembrokeandhusbandof MarySidneyHerbertCountessofPembroke Jan loss of Calais, England’s last French possession Apr marriage of Mary Queen of Scots to the French Dauphin, later François II nov death of Queen Mary and accession of Queen Elizabeth I nov Sir William Cecil appointed Secretary of State and Queen Elizabeth’s principal adviser Dec SirHenrySidneypromotedtoLordJusticeinireland Feb PhilipIIofSpainmakesatentativeoerofmarriagetoQueenElizabethITreaty ofCâteauCambrésisAprmarksendofhostilitiesbetweenFranceandSpain accessionAprofFrançoisIIofFrancehusbandofMaryQueenofScots Dec death of François II of France and accession of Charles IX SirHenrySidneyLordPresidentoftheCouncilofWales © Copyrighted Material xxix © Michael G Brennan (2015) From Margaret P. Hannay, Michael G. Brennan, and Mary Ellen Lamb (eds), The Ashgate Research Companion to The Sidneys, 1500–1700: Volume 1: Lives, published by Ashgate Publishing. See: © Copyrighted Material THE ASHGATE RESEARCH COMPANION TO THE SIDNEYS, 1500–1700: VOLUME 1 Oct birthofMarySidneydlaterCountessofPembrokeatTickenhall TicknellnearBewdleyWorcestershire Dec AmbroseDudleyuncleofPhilipSidneycreatedearlofWarwick Jul SirHenrySidneysmissiontoScotlandtomeetwithMaryQueenofScots meetsJohnKnoxwhileheisatedinburgh Oct QueenelizabethMaryDudleySidneyandPhilipSidneycatchsmallpox fearsfortheroyalsuccessionasthequeeninsistsonRobertDudleybeing namedasProtectoroftheRealmMarySidneyisleftwithseverefacial www.ashgate.comNew Arcadia birthofBarbaragamagec.laterwifeofRobertSidneyrst earlofLeicester nov birth of Robert Sidney d later rst earl of Leicester named in honorofhismaternaluncleandgodfatherRobertDudleyd Apr William Shakespeare baptized at Stratford-upon-Avon May Sir Henry Sidney installed as a Knight of the garter alongside King CharlesiXofFrance Sept RobertDudleydcreatedBaronDenbighandearlofLeicester Oct Philip Sidney enters Shrewsbury School with his lifelong friend Fulkegreville Jun SirHenrySidneyappointedasLordDeputyofirelandservesuntil Jul marriage of Mary Queen of Scots and Lord Darnley Jan SirHenryandLadyMarySidneyarriveinDublinafterlosingmuchof theirhouseholdpossessionsandjewelswhenoneoftheirshipsiswrecked Apr Sir Henry Sidney formulates a plan for each of the four provinces of irelandtohaveapresidentandcouncil