
Conservation Area

Appraisal &

Management Strategy

March 2010

Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy Breusyans Ranndir Konservyans Hellys ha Framweyth Dyghtya March 2010

This Conservation Area Appraisal and Management plan was commissioned by District Council. It was endorsed by Council as a material consideration within the emerging Local Development Framework by Cabinet on 24 April 2010. The recommended changes to the boundaries of Helston Conservation Area were authorised by Cornwall Council and came into effect on 24 April 2010.

Alan Baxter Alan Baxter

Prepared by Alistair Fair, Lucy Markham, Robert Thorne and Pete Widdrington Reviewed by Susan Lawson Issued March 2009 (Drafts issued September 2008 and January 2009) Revised March 2010 Cornwall Council

T:\1530\1530-030\DTP Data\Indesign Docs\Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy 2009-01.indd

This report is the copyright of Alan Baxter & Associates and is for the sole use of the person/organisation to whom it is addressed. It may not be used or referred to in whole or in part by anyone else without the express agreement of Alan Baxter & Associates. Alan Baxter & Associates do not accept liability for any loss or damage arising from any unauthorised use of this report.

Alan Baxter & Associates LLP is a Limited Liability Partnership registered in , number OC328839. Registered office 75 Cowcross Street, London, EC1M 6EL. © Alan Baxter & Associates 2009 Contents

Summary of Special Character...... 4 Landscape: open spaces and planting...... 26 Traffic and movement...... 47 Uses...... 48 1.0 Introduction...... 5 Landmarks and views...... 27 Character areas...... 30 Building maintenance...... 50 2.0 The Planning and Regeneration Context...... 6 Historic architectural detailing...... 50 National planning policies...... 6 5.0 Issues and Opportunities...... 33 Sustainability and heritage...... 51 Local planning policy: Existing...... 6 Boundary of the Conservation Area...... 33 Archaeology...... 53 Local planning policy: Future...... 6 Buildings at risk...... 33 Public appreciation and tourism...... 54 Regeneration context...... 6 Negative buildings...... 33 Specific guidance...... 54 Gap and opportunity sites...... 34 Part One – Appraisal ...... 7 Key development sites...... 55 Public realm...... 35 3.0 Situation and Historic Development...... 9 Sustainability...... 36 9.0 Protection and Enforcement...... 59 Geology and topography...... 9 Traffic...... 36 Existing statutory designations...... 59 Helston’s nodal position: historic movement and transport...... 14 Article 4 directions...... 59 Part Two – Management Strategy...... 37 Tin mining and Helston’s status as a stannery and coinage town...... 15 Buildings at risk...... 61 6.0 Introduction...... 39 Helston as a local centre...... 15 Repair notices/urgent works/Section 215 notices...... 61 4.0 Characterisation...... 18 7.0 Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats...... 40 Landmark buildings and views...... 61

Settlement form and movement...... 18 Strengths and Weaknesses...... 40 Reviewing development in the Conservation Area...... 61

Building types and ages...... 20 Opportunities and threats...... 41 Summary...... 61

Materials and architectural details...... 21 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles...... 42 10.0 Implementation...... 62 Listed buildings...... 23 Public realm...... 42 Actions arising from this Management Strategy...... 62 Buildings of local interest...... 24 Planting and green space...... 46 11.0 Bibliography...... 65 Public realm...... 25 Views...... 47 Appendix: Statement of community involvement...... 66

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2009 3 Summary of Special Character Derivas berr a nas Arbenek

The special character of the Helston Conservation Area can be summarised as follows:

• Extensive (even exceptional) survival of good-quality eighteenth- and nineteenth-century buildings which make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. A large number within the central core are listed.

• Attractive historic public realm.

• Pleasant topographical situation, with views through the town that focus on its significant landmarks, and beyond to the countryside.

• Network of pedestrian ‘opeways’ linking the various parts of the town centre.

• A tight urban grain in the historic core, with buildings of 2–3 storeys that are predominantly built to the street line. The palette of materials is coherent and comprises granite, killas and slate. Buildings are relatively plain though with some broadly classical detailing, especially in the case of high-status buildings. Many historic shopfronts.

• Away from the historic core, there are ‘historic’ suburban areas which are less densely built up and which in places have a somewhat informal, even rural character.

Helston Conservation Area Boundary

4 Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 Alan Baxter 1.0 Introduction 1.0 Kommendyans

Helston is one of the most handsome towns in Cornwall, distinguished This Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Strategy was During the preparation of this document a number of people have by its landscape and topography, and by its architecture. It can trace commissioned by Kerrier District Council in May 2008. The Appraisal been generous with their help and advice, in particular, members of its origins to the early medieval and pre-medieval periods, but much describes what is the special interest which has justified the the Kerrier District Council Conservation Team. Much of the research of its character derives from the prosperity which it experienced in designation of the Helston Conservation Area. It then looks at how for this project has drawn upon work previously undertaken by the the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, when it was a major that special interest can be preserved and enhanced, and also what Cornwall and Scilly Urban Survey in 2002, which should be referred to centre for the local tin-mining industry. Its rich heritage, expressed in threats it faces. for further detail on the history and character of Helston. the variety of its historic streets and buildings, makes it an extremely attractive place to live, work and visit. The Management Strategy which forms the second part of this This document has been produced in conjunction with the local document is essentially a plan of action, based on the findings in community and seeks to reinforce local pride in Helston and a sense The Helston Conservation Area was designated in 1969 and since the Appraisal. It includes general recommendations for the use of local identity. In this respect, it is not simply a planning document then has been extended twice (in 1985 and 2005). The aim of a of planning controls across the area as a whole, as well as specific for use by the Local Authority, but should be of interest to all who conservation area is to preserve and enhance the features which recommendations for particular streets and locations. There are also live and work in Helston, and those who visit. A public consultation contribute to an area’s special architectural and historic interest. proposals for public realm improvements to enhance the area and meeting about this study was held in the town on 18 September 2008, Such features of course include historic buildings, but also other people’s enjoyment of it. including representatives of local organisations. A careful record was aspects of the townscape including paving, trees and planting, walls kept of the points raised at that meeting, all of which have been taken and boundaries and open spaces. The aim is to protect the historic into account in producing the final version of this document. environment as a whole, not just individual buildings. The designation of a conservation area brings into force planning controls to help manage the impact of change on the historic environment. 1.0 Introduction 1.0

Coinagehall Street, viewed through the Grylls Monument

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 5 2.0 Planning and Regeneration Context 6 2.0 Kettesten Dowrlennans2.0 Planning and Regeneration Context the historic built environment is set out in Planning Policy Guidance A full statement of policies for the identification and protection of Areas) Act 1990 updated and consolidated previous legislation. Civic Amenities Act; the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation The power to designate Conservation Areas originates in the 1967 National planning policies notes the need for new development to respect the form and layout appropriate to this status in Policies B.EN6 and HS550. Policy B.EN6 Structure Plan, and the Kerrier Local Plan sets out a policies Helston was designated as a historic settlement in the Cornwall buildings. including discussion of archaeology, conservation areas, and listed comprehensive set of policies covering the built environment, Chapter Four of the Kerrier District Local Plan comprises a and Management Strategy will be of use informing the LDF. the Structure Plan and Local Plans. The Conservation Area Appraisal Development Framework (LDF) is being produced which will replace currently used for reference in decision making. A new Cornwall Local Pre-Inquiry Plan. The Revised Deposit Draft Local Plan was prepared in 2002 with Regional Spatial Strategy, elaborated by the Kerrier District Local Local planning policy is shaped by the Cornwall Structure Plan and Local planning policy character or appearance of the conservation area, or part of it. Permitted A direction under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General to be replaced with a single document PPS5 in the near future. desirable to preserve or enhance’ (para 4.1). PPG15 and PPG16 are due or architectural interest, the character or appearance of which it is 15 Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010



1994). changes







areas 1995


may are









preserve but





the cases). The setting of the Conservation Area is also recognised as and appearance of the Conservation Area (other than in exceptional or materials; and where it preserves and enhances the character or architectural features; where it incorporates local building styles and design character of the area; where it preserves existing heritage be permitted where: it respects the scale, height, massing, alignment approach for Conservation Areas: development in such places will the building or its setting. Policies B.EN11 and B.EN12 adopt a similar their special interest is not compromised by inappropriate work to Policies B.EN9 and B.EN10 seek to protect listed buildings such that remains are thought to exist. possible archaeological remains by imposing conditions where such of the historic street, block and building patterns, and seeks to protect views; or where green space penetrates the built-up area. the local character of the town or village; where it is essential to public forms a green open foreground or background setting essential to Significance will not be allowed where the setting of a town or village states in policy ENV6 that development within Open Areas of Local a clearly-definable settlement boundary. The Local Plan furthermore setting of a particular settlement, or a locally-distinctive land form, or contribution significantly harmful to either an open area which makes an important edge of towns and villages will not be permitted where this would be Significance. Policy ENV5 states that development on within or on the that much of this landscape be designated an Open Area of Local contribution to views of and from the town. The Local Plan proposes The landscape around Helston is noted as making an important the period 2000–2011, and for limited industrial workspace expansion. continued housing development, with some 830 houses envisaged in Helston was cited in the Kerrier District Local Plan as a focus for being important.









landscape been restored as a result of the THI funding. Street has been converted into flats. Various properties have been sympathetically upgraded. The former hospital/workhouse in around the Guildhall, in Wheelbarrow Lane, and in Cobbled Ope have These various initiatives have yielded results. The public realm Townscape • Countryside • identification • local • initiatives are intended to assist in regeneration the town: than the Cornwall average, unemployment is also high. A number of acknowledging that, while economic activity is significantly above the European Union Objective 1 Single Programming Document, The town is identified as one of Cornwall’s main settlements in Regeneration context based regeneration; 2000, with a focus on local distinctiveness, character, and heritage- for Objective 1 support in the South Kerrier Integrated Action Plan, economic growth;










(THI) Market






Coastal 2003-2008.



Alan Baxter potentially



of Initiative;

eligible Part One Appraisal

Rann Onan Breusyans

3.0 Situation and Historic Development 3.0 Displegyans istorek a Hellys

The name Helston is first recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 Geology and topography as ‘henlistone’, combining the Cornish ‘hen’ and ‘lys’ (‘disused administrative centre’) with the Old English suffix tun (town). Helston occupies the eastern side of the narrowest part of the Helston’s topographical situation is important in explaining its Cober Valley. To its north, the western slopes of the valley are less existence. The height of the bowling green is some 82.6 feet above The history of Helston has been discussed at length in academic abrupt while the alluvial plain which forms the floor of the valley is sea level, with the road below being around twenty-five feet. There publications (such as H. Spencer Toy’s History of Helston, Oxford, significantly wider. To the south, approaching the coast, the same is thus a drop of some sixty feet from the green to the plain. The 1936) and also in recent survey documents (e.g. the Cornwall and is true of the western slopes. The town itself is located on an area of defensive advantage of this situation was recognised at an early Scilly Urban Survey, 2002). The following section does not intend to Mylor slate with bands of dolerite (diabase) which gives way to granite stage, for there are many references to a castle in medieval Helston, replicate such studies, but instead elucidates certain key themes in the to the north. The many watercourses in the Helston area, including the reputed location of which was the present bowling green. On history of Helston which have shaped the historic development of its the Cober, exist to drain the upland granite area. The propensity this site, the castle would have stood at the head of virtually a sheer urban fabric. These themes are: of slate to shear into thin planes means that it is easily eroded, and cliff, with a commanding view over the river valley. It was erected so the passage of these watercourse has created the distinct hilly by Edmund, between 1272 and 1300, and, given • Helston’s geology and topography, which explains its location and topography of this area. Compared with the area to the north and the strategic advantages of the site, may well have replaced an basic form west, there are few mineral deposits, and indeed those which are earlier structure. Certainly the royal status of the estate at the time of • Helston’s nodal position, created by its geological and topographical found here are some distance from the town, in such places as Domesday hints at significant earlier settlement in the area. By the late situation and Breage. fifteenth century, the castle was in ruins, and in the sixteenth, John Leland, an antiquary, was only able to see certain vestigial remains of • Tin mining and Helston’s status as a stannery and coinage town, In their recent landscape characterisation study, Cornwall County it. Nonetheless, its existence has left important traces on the urban both of which explain its medieval growth and the high status of Council located Helston within Character Area 6, ‘Mount’s Bay East’. fabric in determining the line of Coinagehall Street, the width of which many of its buildings This area is characterised by inland (flat bottomed) river valleys, immediately by the bowling green hints at the former existence of a scattered farms on gently undulated hillsides, and areas of woodland • Helston as a local centre, which explains its continued role following market in front of the castle. Indeed, the cruciform arrangement of as well as a farming pattern of medieval origin. the decline in tin mining from the nineteenth century the main streets in Helston allow it to be read as a planned settlement focussed on the castle. 3.0 Situation and Historic Development Historic and Situation 3.0

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 9 3.0 Situation and Historic Development 10 Geology and topography Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 Helston Alan Baxter Historic roads

Later realignment of historic roads

Helston’s topographical situation Relationship between the historic road network and Helston’s topographical situation 3.0 Situation and Historic Development Historic and Situation 3.0

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 11 3.0 Situation and Historic Development 12 Cornwall & Scilly Urban TheSurvey historic development of Helston showing the way in which the town had not much expanded beyond the medieval core before 1945 Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 side of the site to descend the hill. that travellers continuing from Helston to are forced to one site and the steep slope of the terrain away from that site both mean church. Similarly, the focus of Coinagehall Street on the historic castle descends steeply from the Market Place before rising gradually to the ground by the sloping topography. Thus Church Street, for example, the cruciform arrangement of the main streets is distorted on the Helston’s topography is important in generating much of its character: have only created a tidal harbour at some distance from the town. plan to breach the Bar was put forward in 1837, but even that would There is also no known archaeological evidence of a port at Helston. A by longshore drift, precludes the passage of shipping up the river. has existed since at least the early fourteenth century. The Bar, created this report is not clear as Pool (and thus possibly the Loe Bar) far as the town in the eighteenth century. However, the accuracy of Daniel Defoe recorded seeing boats trading up the Cober estuary as Local legend suggests that there was formerly a port at Helston, and remained until it was dissolved in the sixteenth century. the road to Penzance; it later moved to the bridgehead below where it Hospital of St John was founded in the thirteenth century high above foundation of two medieval hospitals in the town. In particular, the high administrative/religious status of Helston is also evident in the and early Christian lann enclosures. The favourable location and eastern boundary of the churchyard resembles those of rounds along the route from the north to the Cober crossing. The curvilinear there may well have been early settlement immediately in its vicinity, valley from the castle site, and there is again some evidence that The church, too, occupies a commanding position across a shallow Alan Baxter This drawing incorporates information from the Ordnance Survey which is © Crown Copyright. ABA Licence: AL1000 17547

River Development Historic and Situation 3.0

Historic Road

C19 Road Realignment (remains the main road)

Railway (now disused)


Castle Site

Principal historic movement routes

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 13 3.0 Situation and Historic Development 14 streets. Thus the opening of the railway station in 1887 prompted this amount of post-medieval building which had taken place beyond the medieval core comprised the bulk of the town, with the limited The four main streets form Helston’s historic focus. As late as 1945, nature of its plan, with four roads converging at the present Guildhall. communications in the town’s development is found in the cruciform established market. The evidence of the important role played by natural administrative and trading focus of a wide area, with a long- steep hills. With these routes converging upon the town, it forms the to the peninsular is the road through , which involves North/south routes also pass through the town, as the only other way avoid the Loe Pool to the south and the hilly ground to the north. certain significance. All east/west routes pass through the town, to valleys and at the entrance to peninsular has afforded it a at the narrowest part of the divide between the Helford and Cober west and the agricultural areas to the south and east. Its position is located at the convergence of the mining areas to its north and regional road network and its relationship with the locality. Helston a pronounced nodality in terms of its position within the historic Helston’s geological and topographical location has afforded it and transport Helston’s nodal position: historic movement of the Market Place Coinagehall Street, focussed on the former castle site, was originally the location Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010












the large amount of post-1945 house-building which has taken place re-routed for a second time yet further away. These new roads reflect to Meneage Street by Trengrouse Way. Through traffic recently been was re-routed along Clodgey Lane to by-pass the town centre, linked changes have taken place. The main road (now designated the A394) Hill and thence through St John’s. In the twentieth century, further the route had passed either along Cross Street or along Almshouse back on itself to pass along the valley at the lower level. Previously side of the former castle site (now Monument Road) before turning Burgage Plans, saw the main road re-routed around the southern construction The historic movement pattern has been altered over time. The being hemmed in by high walls and made up of steps. of narrow pedestrian lanes, with Wheelbarrow Lane and Cobbled Ope ‘opes’ The main roads within the historic core are connected by a network of recognition of the prosperity which mining was bringing to the town. below the church in the eighteenth century as a street of large villas in exception to this approach comes in the form of Cross Street, laid out development on Godolphin Road. The only significant historical

and exposed for repair structure that is usually hidden but was House in Church Street, showing the timber

















the ‘Penhellis’,




culminating presumably to avoid the potential issues of its sloping situation. being located on what was then the north-eastern edge of the town, from Helston in a sometimes circuitous manner, and the station with the line following the contours of the landscape as it proceeds was determined to a significant degree by topographical issues, were plans to continue the service to Lizard. The course of the branch which left the Great Western mainline near , though there in the executed scheme. Helston was the terminus of the branch, had been intended remained at least as important as passenger use Great Western, though the goods traffic for which the earlier schemes in the 1850s. When the railway finally arrived, it was operated by the Wheal national railway network. Initial plans to build a railway as far as the Between 1887 and the 1960s, Helston was also connected to the commercial focus of the town remains unchanged in the historic core. the main routes out of the town to the north and east, though the development streets (especially Meneage Street and Street), this suburban employer. Initially located between and behind the medieval main existence, since the 1940s, of the Culdrose airbase as a major local as a result of Helston’s ongoing role as an economic centre and the

expression Vor




were subsequently





forward and





taken 1830s, Alan Baxter



then along

again Tin mining and Helston’s status as a stannery and coinage town In 1305, Helston’s role in the tin-mining industry made its first , the architect for ‘Penhellis’, also designed two century, when its population ceased to grow and much less new appearance when it was created a stannery town, that is, a town for of the main public projects of that time, the Tudor Gothic Grylls building took place. The 1908 Ordnance Survey map shows little the regulation of the industry. In 1492, it also became a coinage town, monument (1834), which closes the vista down Coinagehall Street, evidence of new development except the arrival of the railway in to which tin was brought for the purposes of taxation; the hall was and the Greek Revival Guildhall (1835-9). Buildings originally in the 1887 and various institutional buildings – for instance, the Union located close to the junction of Coinagehall Street and Almshouse middle of Coinagehall Street at its west end also explain its width: Workhouse (1855, now housing), the Passmore Edwards Institute, Hill. Mining was small-scale compared with what was to come, but perhaps connected with the original market, they were demolished Penrose Road (1898) and the Police Station, Godolphin Road (1902). nonetheless had an important effect on the physical fabric of the in c. 1830 and a new Market Hall (now the Folk Museum) was built in Similarly, there was relatively little re-building, and it is for this reason town. 1837-8. These works of the 1830s (no doubt accompanied by other that Helston retains much of its late eighteenth- and early nineteenth- rebuildings along the main commercial streets) gave Helston much of century fabric. The evidence for Helston’s expansion in the medieval and early the distinctive architectural quality which is still evident. modern periods as a result of its mining-induced prosperity and In the early twenty-first century, Helston remains an important status is found mainly in its property layouts, including the alleys and commercial and administrative centre. Additionally, the airbase at opes between the plots on the main streets. The town developed Helston as a local centre Culdrose is a major local employer (c. 3,000 military personnel and c. in a seemingly planned fashion along Coinagehall, Wendron, and Helston is long-established as a market town and commercial centre 700 civilians). Beyond the Conservation Area the town has expanded Meneage streets, but today there is little architectural evidence for the region, aided by its well-connected location, proximity significantly since 1945, with the addition of private and local of that growth. More recent frontages may well conceal earlier to agricultural land, and general prosperity. The original market authority housing (often on sites behind the medieval main streets) surviving fabric: the Angel Inn, in Coinagehall Street, for example, place, located in front of the castle site and dictating the width plus town edge industrial and residential developments, facilitated is a nineteenth-century refronting of a sixteenth-century building. of Coinagehall Street at this point, has already been mentioned. by new bypass roads. The population of Helston has almost doubled Many medieval towns in the West of England experienced a ‘great Helston’s role as a local centre sustained the town following the in the last fifty years, but the focus of the town is still the area where it rebuilding’ in the sixteenth or early seventeenth century, but it seems decline of the tin-mining industry in the second half of the nineteenth was founded over a millennium ago. that in Helston the experience was delayed until the mid-eighteenth century.

The increasing productivity of local tin mines following the introduction of steam-powered pumping had direct architectural consequences for Helston, in both public and private projects. The legacy of the period c. 1750–1840 is evident in the large number of buildings from this period throughout the town, and especially along Church Street and Cross Street, the historic routes into the town from Redruth and Penzance. St. Michael’s Church was rebuilt in 1756-61 by Thomas Edwards, an architect with mining interests whose design derives from Christopher Wren and Nicholas Hawksmoor’s earlier Development Historic and Situation 3.0 London churches. No. 5 Cross Street (‘the Great Office’) was built at about the same time as solicitors’ offices and later the headquarters of a local bank. No. 10 Cross Street, with its shallow bow windows, followed in 1783, and 35 Church Street in 1778. The sequence of new residences built along Cross Street culminated in the handsome villa ‘Penhellis’ of 1840, set in landscaped grounds.

Folk Museum (former Market) Grylls Monument

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 15 3.0 Situation and Historic Development 16 Tithe map showing Helston in the 1830s Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 Helston in 1877 Alan Baxter 3.0 Situation and Historic Development Historic and Situation 3.0

Helston in 1908

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 17 4.0 Characterisation 18 4.0 Deskrifans 4.0 Characterisation The Angel Hotel strikingly • views • sloping • integrated • tight • a • number of key elements: Helston has a strong, locally-distinctive character, derived from a the principles set out here. Conservation Area to receive consent. Such proposals should refer to will preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the to buildings and the public realm need to demonstrate that they conservation area. This is important because proposals for alterations This section describes the character and appearance of the Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 fabric; large gardens of the houses in Cross Street; and across the town; and buildings of 2-3 storeys; medieval burgage pattern); size/relationship of the individual property plots (which follow the





the historic







eighteenth- of



both opes



in and


green terms


and lanes



of area nineteenth-century

enclosure connecting





is from


formed the

narrow main









streets discussions whole conservation area before the focus shifts to more localised Lane. In what follows, general themes are considered in terms of the sub-areas of particular character are noted: Cross Street and Five Wells indeed rural in feel. Within the historic core, two distinct, noteworthy similar Godolphin Road towards the station and along Meneage Road are and scale. Further afield, the ribbon developments leading along nonetheless is remarkably homogenous in terms of age, materials The historic core is varied in terms of building function but homogeneity • historic • centre by successive relief road schemes, but the principal streets Guildhall. Much through traffic has been diverted away from the town fashion along four main streets whose cruciform plan is centred on the centre of the town remains its historic core, arranged in a planned increased the size of Helston to the north and east, the commercial Although twentieth-century housing developments have vastly Settlement form and movement ‘jettied’ Classicised medieval buildings in Meneage Street, with characteristic but much variation in detailing.

first in

age streetscape






architectural building



Five style

such idiom,





Lane, if






(largely (leats)


‘suburban’ ‘suburban’





or stone) current state. particularly those leading to car parks, are rather less attractive in their former stables, and (in some cases) the landscape beyond. Others, cobbled surfaces; they provide interesting glimpses of service areas, opes in the Five Wells area are particularly pleasant in their stepped, streets (for example by the Cattle Market, and at Trengrouse Way). The commercial streets with car parks located on sites behind the main parts of the town centre, and more prosaically in connecting the main Lane. They perform a valuable role for pedestrians in linking different have and contribute to the tight organisation of the original core. Some alleyways. These opes are part of the medieval layout of the town The principal bus stops and taxi rank. to the former railway station). Coinagehall Street accommodates the to the Guildhall) and Wendron Street from west to east (the Guildhall traffic along Meneage Street from south to north (Trengrouse Way Street , in particular, are exceptionally busy. A one-way system routes and for buses. At certain times of the day, Church Street and Cross remain important vehicular routes for residents shopping in the town, alterations Perfect Shape, a building of 1691 in Meneage Street, disguised by later















Alan Baxter of




and This drawing incorporates information from the Ordnance Survey which is © Crown Copyright. ABA Licence: AL1000 17547 4.0 Characterisation 4.0

Conservation Area

Vehicle movement

Pedestrian movement

Car Park

Bus stop

Taxi Rank

Barrier to pedestrian movement


Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 19 4.0 Characterisation 20 inns, and residential properties in essentially continuous terraces on and Meneage streets. Coinagehall Street comprises a mixture of shops, The commercial focus of the town is found particularly on Coinagehall lined by older buildings, with more modern infill on sites to their rear. twentieth century and which means that the main streets are typically ‘ribbon’ building, at some distance from the Market Place, is indicative of the is a stone in its side wall dated 1691. The existence of this historic first glance in its rendered elevation with modern windows, but there buildings: 75 Meneage Street, for example, seems strikingly banal at facades. Sometimes, later facades obscure the historic origins of these buildings have been given eighteenth- and nineteenth-century façade. Elsewhere, for example in Meneage Street, medieval jettied that there may be traces of this town house behind the current a sixteenth-century town house, and the listing document suggests hiding earlier fabric: the Angel Hotel, for example, has its origins in interventions. Many buildings have been altered, with later re-facings seventeenth-century buildings, as well as some twentieth-century Nonetheless, there are also surviving examples of sixteenth- and reconstruction (though within the original medieval plot layout). prosperity of the town at that time and the way that this prompted date from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, reflecting the Within the historic core of Helston, the majority of historic structures Building types and ages The informal layout of houses in Lady Street Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010








the Helston when it was built – a key historic buildingThe former town jail, located on what would have been the fringe of commercial uses. Church Street is primarily residential, though with evidence of former head of Sanctuary Lane, a narrow ope leading off Wendron Street. been some civic presence in this area, as the town jail is located at the location of the railway station from 1887, but there must always have The existence of some of these buildings surely reflects the nearby station, the police station, and the rear of the school in Penrose Road. a chapel (now the cinema), the Godolphin Club, the ambulance buildings in this area, including the site of the former grammar school, later converted to retail use. There are a number of important civic eighteenth-century townhouses, the ground floor of which was residential. Indeed, the properties along its commercial part are Wendron interwar house, in good condition. mixture of terraced cottages and grander villas, No. 30 is an interesting Meneage Road has a largely nineteenth-century suburban feel, with a yards and cottages retain a residential use. Beyond Trengrouse Way, been converted to function as shops. Behind others, original service (such as 3 Meneage Street) were originally residential and have commercial, at least as far as Trengrouse Way, though some properties both sides of the street. Meneage Street is more straightforwardly









becomes Retail and public buildings mix in Coinagehall Street dense urban grain which encloses the streets. street, and thus their height and proximity to the street creates a within the historic core form continuous terraces, parallel with the enclosed areas setting them back from the street. Many buildings hard to the pavement, that is, few have front gardens, yards or other bays wide. The vast majority of buildings on the main streets are built Market Place and two storeys further away. Most are two or three height: usually three stories along the principal streets around the The typical historic building in Helston is two or three storeys in integrated with residential buildings. Street. Throughout, chapels, halls and public buildings are closely older structures intermixed with the high-status buildings along Cross with surviving buildings of seemingly agricultural origin, and there are from different ages: St John’s Road, for example, combines terraces John’s. A notable feature of these side streets is their mix of buildings cottages in Lady Street/Almshouse Hill to terraced housing at St Much of the rest of the conservation area is residential, ranging from grounds. a number of large properties, some of which are set within their own Cross Street comprises high-status eighteenth-century housing, with Alan Baxter Materials and architectural details The period in which many of Helston’s historic buildings were There are a few instances of high-quality brickwork, such as the early Rooflines on sloping streets are often stepped between adjacent constructed – the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, during the nineteenth-century townhouse at 2 Church Street, but in many cases properties, which may be higher or lower than their neighbour. The mining boom – means that the classical manner predominates. brick is covered by render. Brick window details are a particular feature result is a distinctly lively, ‘saw-tooth’ appearance which emphasises In some cases, such as the Guildhall, this classicism is explicit and of the terraces by Castle Green, where these details contrast with the the individual properties. Roofs are generally steeply pitched and academic in feeling; in lower-status buildings, it is implied by regular predominantly stone elevations. Something similar is seen elsewhere slated – many were originally thatched. Slates were typically attached fenestration and classical window details rather than by direct appeal in the St John’s area, e.g. on the Free Methodist Church or the cottage by wooden pegs to wooden laths. In some cases, slates are arranged to antique precedent. at 1 St John’s Road. distinctively in diminishing courses. Traditionally, ridges were formed with angular tiles in clay. Many unlisted properties have, however, had The dominant building materials are locally-sourced: granite, elvan, Stucco and rendered surfaces are found throughout the town, but their roofs replaced with modern (often large) tiles, sometimes affixed and killas, usually laid roughly to courses and often used in large particularly in the commercial core and in Cross Street. Most are with metal clips. blocks. Non-local materials are scarce, with notable exceptions such currently painted in pale colours. In the case of 28-34 Godolphin as the Devon limestone of the Methodist chapel in Coinagehall Street. Road and the adjacent properties, stucco is combined with attractive In Godophin Road and Meneage Road, Victorian middle-class houses High status buildings along the principal streets are typically ashlar patterned bands; 44/46 Godolphin Road have vertical stucco bands at often have attractive gable ends, with ornately carved wooden soffits, (smooth) faced; those in service areas, such as Five Wells Lane, are the ends of the elevation, the former also being stuccoed over killas particularly where they form semi-detached pairs or are at the end of usually finished in rubble stone. Granite is often used for quoins, rubble. 120 and 122 Meneage Street are distinctive for having rubble terrraces. This is the case for e.g. nos. 11 and 13 Godolphin Road and keystones, and other dressings. It forms an effective contrast in terms stone at the lower level and stucco at first-floor. 54 Wendron Street. of its colour and texture with the killas stone. The extent to which these quoins and keystones are ‘formal’ varies according to the status There are examples of slate tile hanging throughout the town, High killas rubble walls (up to three metres) with slate and tile caps of the building on which they are found: in the case of 122 Meneage particularly on rear elevations and in some cases front elevations are found particularly along opeways and in rear yards, defining plot Street, for example, they are roughly-cut. (in Lady Street and Five Wells Lane, at at 5 Meneage Street, where and lane boundaries. They are a distinctive feature of the historic core. the slates seem to hide a medieval ‘jettied’ building), and also a few The retention of similar walls (though without the tiled caps) in the instances of horizontal timber cladding. grounds of the former Meneage hospital makes for an attractive and original frontage to the new cottages constructed here. 4.0 Characterisation 4.0

The Guildhall is a prominent Stone used for decorative emphasis on the former workhouse Brick townhouse, Church Street Rendered surfaces, Meneage Street classical building

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 21 4.0 Characterisation 22 11 & 13 Godolphin Road, with original sash windows and ornate gables Many • Upper • panes. casements, and horizontal sliding sashes, glazed with small and large There is great variety in the design of domestic windows, with sashes, are also of note. (Mike Abel, 45 Meneage Street). Nos. 1, 6, 27 and 42 Coinagehall Street (Wearne’s Jewellers, 15 Meneage Street) and the nineteenth century war Street. These are of various dates, and good examples include: inter- particularly along Meneage Street, Church Street, and Coinagehall There are historic shopfronts throughout the commercial core and

Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 surviving examples including: noticeable on e.g. no.74 Godolphin Road. There are some good do survive. The loss of such windows is regrettable and is especially residential properties has been more patchy though a good number Street and Godolphin Road, survival of original windows on sash windows – partly by virtue of their listed status. In Wendron core, and are found especially on Meneage Street. –

‘Art remains of 54 have lost their central sashes, the structure of the windows Nos. 54/56 Wendron Street – though the timber bay windows


Deco’ floor



residential at









in (Julian






retain the







Meneage • Historic Meneage Street

detached villas in Meneage Road) former Street (examples include no. 123 Meneage Street [adjacent to the consistent with those found in Godolphin Road and Wendron windows survive (eg. Nos. 22–23 Meneage Road) they are generally it comes to the survival of original windows, but where original – ornamental – – those –

red colour most of the windows are currently attractively painted in a dark around the junction of Almshouse Hill and St John’s Road, where No. 46 Godolphin Road: ground floor bay window only, with replacements for earlier windows. adjacent cottages may well be eighteenth- or nineteenth-century and sash above. The sash window to this property and also the No. 16 Godolphin Road: sliding casement window at lower level mouldings. different parts of the bay and carved brackets supporting its Nos. 1–2 and 11–13 Godolphin Road: good timber bay windows with sashes; the bays at the upper level are slightly smaller than






that finials

ground ‘saw-tooth’



Meneage to now

floor; its


used ‘roof’





squash are








patchy windows,







visually but allow important ventilation to properties. been capped, blocked or removed. Chimneys are not only important stone and red brick. Many are however now no longer used and have Chimneys are an important feature of the town, being formed of with their original windows, modern replacements predominate. Survival of original iron guttering is very patchy: even on properties nos. 111–115, which are listed). status houses in Cross Street but also to some in Meneage Street (e.g. There are distinctive carved wooden porches not only to the high- Many • Tall walls of rubble stone topped with tiles behind Meneage Street The • had all-white sash windows. line and reflects the fact that few Victorian properties would have 11 Godolphin Road). This approach creates interest along the street frames being painted in different, complementary colours (e.g. no. combination of colours, with the opening sashes and supporting terrace. fenestration here has significantly damaged the character of the original windows: indeed, the extensive replacement of historic












properties in




the Alan Baxter



of Listed buildings There are a significant number of listed heritage structures in Helston, particularly in Coinagehall Street, around the Market Place, in Church Street, and in the Five Wells area. Listing is not a preservation order but an identification stage where buildings are marked as having exceptional architectural or historic interest. Where changes are to be made, listed building consent must be sought, in addition to planning permission.

The definitions of various listing ‘grades’ used are as follows:

Grade I: buildings of outstanding architectural or historic interest

Grade II*: particularly significant buildings of more than local interest

Grade II buildings of special architectural or historic interest. The vast majority of buildings are listed at this grade.

In June 2008, the listed buildings included the following: (This information is from Kerrier District Council, cross-checked with English Heritage).

Chapel Row This drawing incorporates information from the Ordnance Survey which is © Crown Copyright. ABA Licence: AL1000 17547 Grade II: No.1; no. 2; ‘The Cottage’

Church Street Grade II*: St Michael’s Church; no.50

Grade II: no.2, no.4 (Red Lion), no.5, nos.6&8, nos.10&12, no.14, nos.16&18, no.20, no. 21, no.22, no.23, no.25, no.31, no.33, no.35, no.40, no.42, nos.43&45, no.44, no.46, no.48, walls to no.48, no.49, Characterisation 4.0 churchyard walls and gates, churchyard steps and railings, churchyard tombs (Brentone tomb, Cock tomb, Drew tomb, Gluyas tomb, three chest tombs, Penberthy tomb, Trengrouse tomb, William chest tomb), open water conduits at side of street, Andrew Hall, schoolhouse to south of former National School, schoolhouse to north of former National School, National School gate piers and railings.

Coinagehall Street Conservation Area Boundary Grade II*: no.58 and associated walls Grade II* Listed Building Grade II: no.1, no.3, nos.4&6, nos.5&7, nos.8&10, nos.9&11, no.13, no.15, no.16 (Angel Hotel), no.17, nos.18&20, no.22, no.23, nod.24&26, Grade ii Listed Building no.27, no.29, no.32, no.32A, no.34, no.35, no.36 (Fitzsimmons Arms), no.43, no.49, no.50 (Blue Anchor), no.51, no.52, no.53, nos.54&56, Buildings of local interest (Potential locally listed) stable at rear of no.58, Methodist chapel, open water conduits at side of street. Scheduled Ancient Monument

Listed Buildings & Buildings of Local Interest

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 23 4.0 Characterisation 24 no.18 Meneage Road entrance screen, market place steps and paving telephone boxes, gun from HMS Anson, Helston Museum and Grade II: no.3 (plus walls), Alliance and Leicester, Drill Hall, two K6 Grade II*: Guildhall Market Place walls, railings and piers), no.11 Grade II: nos.1–7 (plus railings), no.8 (plus coach house), no.9 (plus Lady Street Grade II: no.16, nos.18&20, no.24, no.28–34, no.44, no.46 Godolphin Road Wheelbarrow Lane Grade II: Five Wells well head, footpath + walls and steps leading along Five Wells Street no.15, no.11, lamp posts (by nos.5, 9, 11 and opp. no.1), no.13 (plus wall), no.8, no.9, no.10, no.11, coach house to no.11, rear garden wall at walls and outbuildings incl. icehouse to no.4, no.5, no.6, no.7, no.7A, Grade II: no.2 (plus garden buildings, walls, piers and pump), no.3, Street Grade Cross Street ‘Blue walls) Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010


(plus II*: no.17,








‘Nansloe’ stone






with kitchen Former Meneage Workhouse


garden Godolphin Club, walls + steps + drain of Trewhon (itself not listed). nos.55&55A, no.59, no.61, nos.63&65, former Baptist Church, Grade II: no.2, no.9, no.11, nos.19&21, no.27, no.39, no.43, no.52, Wendron Street Grade II: Old town prison and attached walls Shute Hill street Grade II: no.2 + walls, no.8 + walls, walls to NW and SE sides of the Penrose Road Grade II: no.2, nos.3&4, Monument Cottage Grade II*: Grylls Monument Monument Road cottages) no.123A, nos.125&127, Meneage Hospital (plus its walls and lodge no.115, nos.119&121, no.120, no.122 + associated walls, no.123, no.62A, nos.80&82, no.89, no.92, no.94, nos.96&98, nos.111&113, Inn), no.33 (Bell Inn), nos.44&46, nos.47&49, no.51, nos.53&55, no.54, no.20, nos.21&23, nos.26&28, no.27, no.29, no.30, no.31 (Rodney Grade II: no.1, no.3, nos.4&6, no.5&7, no.15, no.16, no.17&19, no.18, Meneage Street St Michael’s Churchyard: Cross Street: archaeological features. They are: Monuments in Helston. This designation is usually applied to Cornwall County Council’s GIS database lists four Scheduled Ancient Scheduled ancient monuments Cross (also listed at Grade II*) Wayside cross and cross slab; Trevena Cross building at the historic entrance to the town Police Station, Godolphin Road: a high-status public nos.12/14 (pair of stone cottages) no.19 (thatched) Cross Street no. 42 (good shopfront, characteristic 1st floor bays, carriage entrance) Barclays Bank Coinagehall nos.27/29 Band) Hall (nineteenth-century, former Boys’ school, now used by Town no.39 (cottages) are of particular interest: Potentially almost all buildings could be locally-listed but the follwing Church Street Penhellis Barn Church Lane merit careful handling. buildings, or as being especially fine/intact examples which would These examples have been chosen either as important local public addition to a local list. Strategy discusses further) would therefore be candidates for initial making a particularly important contribution and (as the Management the conservation area, the following buildings have been identified as Survey) as having historic value and making a positive contribution to Area have been identified (e.g. by the Cornwall and Scilly Urban Although many of the unlisted buildings in the Helston Conservation Buildings of local interest Street No. 22 Meneage Road Alan Baxter Godolphin Road Public realm Police station (early twentieth century, notable also for its later changes, such as the post-war ‘Police’ sign above the door) The Helston Conservation Area has traditionally been characterised network of roadside conduits (known as kennels). Lined with dressed nos. 11,13 by a varied palette of materials, many of which were locally sourced, granite (and in some cases having cobbled bottoms), these were including granite kerbstones and paving slabs, and cobbles. intended both as water supply and as a way to remove excess Meneage Road rainwater, and to the latter end many properties’ drainpipes continue All Saints Chapel Surfacing and kerbstones under the pavement to reach the conduit. The kennels are bridged Cemetery Chapel at intervals, traditionally by large stone slabs, and the effect of these Road surfaces within the Conservation Area are tarmac. In much of the nos.15 & 16 (semi-detached Victorian villas) at the entrances to properties (e.g. in Church Street, where they run historic core, high-quality granite kerbstones reflect the established nos.22, 23, 24 (detached double-fronted Victorian villas) up against the front walls of the houses) is often striking. Also notable prosperity of the town; those in Coinagehall Street were reinstated no.27 (Victorian villa with ‘Gothick’ window at first floor) is the disused kennel at Shute Hill, which ‘steps’ down the hill in a under the Townscape Heritage Initiative scheme. Further away from Nansloe Lodge manner akin to a waterfall. the centre (e.g. St John’s Road), the kerbstones are often modern Villa at corner of Meneage Road and Anson Way concrete. A characteristic feature of Five Wells Lane, much of Lady The kennels retain their function as drains; water is also periodically Meneage Street Street and Almshouse Row is the absence of any formal separation of pumped along some of them. The sound and sight of water make no. 41 (Horse & Jockey) pedestrians and vehicular traffic. These streets, like Penhellaz Road, an important contribution to local character. However, the linkages no.45 (Mike Abel Pet Shop, with good nineteenth-century shop front) thus retain a rural, ‘village’ feel which contrasts with the planned between the kennels are individual properties’ downpipes are no. 50 (townhouse) ‘urban’ feel of the commercial centre. In other streets, the pavements not always functional, while some of the kennels (e.g. at points on nos. 57/59 ‘come and go’: in Godolphin Road, for example, the changing building Coinagehall Street) have been unsympathetically repaired with nos.65–67 (low terrace with arched opening) line reflects the varied ages of the properties, and it was evidently not concrete or (on Almshouse Hill) bridged with modern concrete slabs. Roofed wall in rear yard adjacent to Old Farm Cottage possible to create a pavement along the entire length of the road as a result of the prior existence of some properties. Pavements Penhellaz Road Pavements in the historic core are largely of stone slabs, reflecting no.3 (stone cottage with sash windows) In some cases, there are interesting variations in height between the high historic status of these areas. In some cases, such as in Cross Bridge Cottage the road and pavement. In parts of Godolphin Road, for example, the pavement is significantly higher than the road, being raised on Street, the slabs appear to be relatively old. Particularly noteworthy Penrose Road chunky stone slabs. Parts of Meneage Road also feature pavements are those at the lower end of Coinagehall Street, which date from Former school of 1897/1905 significantly higher than the street, raised up and separated by tall the eighteenth century and feature traditional fan-shaped curved stone slabs and railings. scoring intended to prevent them from becoming slippery in wet St John’s Road weather (an important consideration on this sloping street). A notable Free Methodist Chapel Characterisation 4.0 Kennels and conduits characteristic is the varied size of the slabs that have been used to create the pavements. In Church Street, they have a pronounced Along Coinagehall Street, Wendron Street, Church Street and Penrose Wendron Street rectangular shape, spanning virtually the whole width of the Road (and in other parts of the town centre) is found a complex Ambulance station (early twentieth century) pavement whilst being relatively narrow. nos.54–56 (Gothic-gabled semis at the corner of Penrose Road)

65–67 Meneage Street 3 Penhellaz Road Former school, Penrose Road, now used as a Ambulance station, Wendron Street Community Centre

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 25 4.0 Characterisation 26 to some historic pavements, e.g. in Cross Street. Utility company works have resulted in insensitive concrete patching bench is paralleled by the course of the kennel. furniture is found to the side of the Guildhall, where a curved stone A particularly successful juxtaposition of paving, kennel and street cobbles in a more sympathetic attempt to achieve the same solution. square create a smooth way for those less able to navigate the cobbles. The cobbles. Some modern concrete infills have been introduced to Often Wheelbarrow Lane – feature a particularly attractive mix of materials. Some of the pedestrian opeways – notably Cobbled Ope and Coinagehall Street) have in a number of cases worked loose. to pavements at crossings (e.g. at the junction of Church Street and somewhat alien material within the local context. Brass studs attached ‘monoblock’ the section of Lady Street closest to Coinagehall Street has modern unattractive mixture of degraded modern slabs. Godolphin Road and slabs of rather rough texture. Parts of Coinagehall Street have an works have seen pavements in Meneage Street replaced with modern – Monument Road being something of a failure in this respect. Recent composite slabs or tarmac, with varying degrees of success Some pavements have been replaced partly or wholly with modern and Coinagehall Street, reproduction Victorian lanterns respect the age reproduction lamps. Elsewhere in the heart of the town, such as in Cross Street retains a number of listed Victorian lantern stands with Street furniture Cross Street Poor Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010

(equally quality





importantly) brick



Guildhall paving





arranged the




of in

Kennel in Church Street

feature the historic a



stone grooved



stone area.



slabs a

and buildings such as the church. Modern orange litter bins detract from the setting of some historic Distinctive • Historic • Red • Pump • two • including: There terms of scale or form. afield, however, modern streetlights are not so successful, either in design, pedestrian opeways. Such railings are typically rather utilitarian in the conservation area are typically found as mobility aids along the building line) similarly create a sense of clutter. Railings elsewhere in Meneage Street to the library and clinic, where railings (and a stepped Much the same can be said of the pedestrian way leading from the movement of pedestrians, restricting access across the junction. contribute to the sense of constriction at this point. They dictate artist-designed Street and Meneage Street. While the intention to use bespoke, Distinctive railings have been deployed at the junction of Wendron Railings Church Street Slab bridging kennel, relatively recent) around the town at the junction of Wendron Street and Meneage Street setting of which is slightly compromised by the fire escape stair).

are telephone listed



other ‘A394

often K6





notably Penzance’


are bollards



by is ‘standard’



‘historic’ Castle

sign with


the boxes


affixed heraldic modern



to Grooved slabs, Coinagehall Street


to the

crest elements.


park wall

of side


(some of



the public


Lloyds of

Guildhall ‘heavy’,






(the Bank views – as the next section of this document further discusses. as an Open Area of Local Significance for its role as a backdrop to The open space around the town is defined by the Kerrier Local Plan grass verge beyond the cemetery, with some attractive planting. have larger front gardens, while Meneage Road itself features a wide especially along Godolphin Road and Meneage Road, properties do not be appropriate here. Further away from the centre, however, Church Street Historic paving slabs, and mostly built up the street line: there are few streets with front gardens, from the street line. Elsewhere in the historic core, properties are leafy feel, for here the properties on one side are distinctively set back Coinagehall Street and which also gives Cross Street itself a somewhat belt which forms the foreground for views of St Michael’s Church from Nonetheless, it plays an important role. These gardens create a green private hands, such as the gardens of the properties in Cross Street. The majority of green space within the Conservation Area is in Market area features an attractive park and lake. which would also benefit from a new planting scheme. The Cattle be better treated. There is open space at the Castle Green car park, hands, but the area around it forms a useful public amenity and could and the cemetery on Meneage Road. The Bowling Green is in private with the exception of the Bowling Green, St Michael’s Churchyard, There is very little public open space within the Conservation Area, Landscape: open spaces and planting clutter. and similar signs, again on their own posts, often intrude and create posts, though some historic examples do survive. Parking control Street signs are often modern plastic items, standing on their own Signage







feel. varying Replacement paving slabs of




Coinagehall Alan Baxter


Street Landmarks and views Helston’s hilly situation means that there are a number of significant Views of St Michael’s Church also occur throughout (and beyond) the In contrast to the consistent, open view of the countryside seen views from one part of the town to another, and from the town to town, either directly or glimpsed through opeways or other openings along Coinagehall Street through and above the Grylls Monument the countryside. These views are all important in contributing to in buildings. They act as an anchor for movement. The foreground at its end, Church Street offers an unfolding sequence of views. the town’s distinctiveness, and form a useful anchor for visitors and of these views from the Grylls Monument and Guildhall consists of St Michael’s church can be seen from the Guildhall before residents as they move through it. They also mean that the rear of the gardens of the houses in Cross Street, which act as a distinctively disappearing from view as the street descends the hill. On reaching many properties is visible. open, ‘green’ foil to the church. A variation on this view is seen from the ‘kink’ at which the street changes direction slightly, the church Penrose Road, where the steep valley to the north side of the street once again is in view at the summit of the slope. The view west from Coinagehall Street/Market Place/Wendron Street allows views of the church over the rooftops of more recent housing through the Grylls Monument to the opposite side of the river valley in the valley. Significant landmarks and views are shown on the plan overleaf. is especially striking and offers a reminder of the strategic value of the site. A variant on this view is seen from the Trengrouse Way car park From the church, views of the town are dominated by the Guildhall (located above Meneage Street), from where the distant hills are seen and the rear of the premises on Wendron Street. with the rooftops of the town acting as foreground. Another variant of the view exists in Penrose Road, looking towards Church Street. 4.0 Characterisation 4.0

Effective curved bench by the Guildhall

Busy, heavy railings at the junction of Lanterns in Cross Street Historic pump, Cross Street Verge planting, Meneage Road Meneage and Wendron Streets

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 27 4.0 Characterisation 28 Coinagehall Street 1 9 5 Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 Through Gryll’s Monument of Rooftops and hills from Treng rouse Extension car park Church Street from Market Place 2 St Michael’s Church from Gryll’s Monument 6 View down Wendron Street 10 View up Penrose Road 7 Former Workhouse from Meneage Street Coinagehall Street 3 St Michael’s Church from corner of Lady Street and 11 Guildhall from the bottom of Church Street 4 Grylls Monument and hills from Coinagehall Street 8 St Michael’s Church from Meneage Street Alan Baxter 12 St Michael’s Church from 13 View down Church Street 14 Guildhall and town from bottom of Church Street St Michael’s Church

17 St Michael’s Church from Five Wells Lane 15 St Michael’s Church from 16 St Michael’s Church and bottom of Church Hill rooftops from Penrose Road 4.0 Characterisation 4.0

Conservation Area 18 St Michael’s Church and No. 4 Cross Street from Gryll’s Monument Landmarks 19 Hall from St John’s Road Direction of view This drawing incorporates information from the Ordnance Survey which is © Crown Copyright. ABA Licence: AL1000 17547 Landmarks A St Michael’s Church, Church Street E Methodist Church, Coinagehall Street B Hall, Penhellaz F Guildhall, Market Place C No. 4, Cross Street G Former workhouse, Meneage Street D Gryll’s Monument, Coinagehall Street 20 Methodist Church 21 St Michael’s Church from from Cross Street Castle Green car park

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 29 4.0 Characterisation 30 larger detached villas indicative of its suburban status. Meneage Road progresses from cottages set back from the road to workhouse, and the cemetery, for example. Beyond the cemetery, the outskirts of towns are located here: the nineteenth-century more modern buildings. Historic buildings traditionally found on represent established settlement nuclei are interspersed with less densely built-up. Historic cottages and rows of housing which the modern junction with Trengrouse Way, Meneage Street becomes much sustained building behind and between these axes. Beyond immediately behind its main roads; only since 1945 has there been particularly well the way in which the town grew along and ‘Historic distinctive character within the core. Street and Five Wells Lane (dealt with below) form particular areas of buildings on the yards and opeways behind these streets. Cross high-status buildings on the main streets and service/low-status grain. Relatively hierarchical in terms of the distinction drawn between Historic core characteristic. Nonetheless, there are some common themes: residential, civic and leisure buildings, and this is an important it contains: the historic core, for example, encompasses commercial, station. Each of these areas is diverse in terms of the type of buildings nineteenth-century historic fringe leading along Meneage Street, and the predominantly Three distinct areas can be seen in Helston: the historic core, the Character areas Meneage Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010

Road, fringe : the planned heart of the settlement, with a tight urban


’: Meneage Street and Meneage Road represent mixture





Wendron styles,


Street, and








fringe’ the


Helston forms a useful cross route between Church Street and St John’s, i.e. the from the town centre, and remains primarily residential. The road Cross Street was developed as a well-off suburb set at a small distance been used as a location for filming. nineteenth centuries. Its attractive historic character means that it has of Helston’s mining prosperity in the late eighteenth and early Street, and the church itself. The area is distinctive for its embodiment on the west side of Church Street north of its junction with Cross This character area encompasses Cross Street itself, plus the properties Cross Street noted: Within the historic core, two areas of particularly distinct character are Godolphin Road at the beginning of the twentieth century. town when built. It was superseded by the current police station on located on Sanctuary Lane, and would have been on the edge of the line/pavement line both alter to accommodate them. The town gaol is cottages are interspersed between these buildings, and the building of entry into Helston from and the north. A number of older here in 1887 as well as the historic status of this road as the main point presumably a response to the opening of Station Many of these properties date from the nineteenth century, and were larger properties set back from the street within their own gardens. planned Railway ribbon

beyond : Wendron Street and Godolphin Road is less densely-




more Cross Street




with Grylls Monument and Guildhall. forming an attractive foreground to views of the church from the across a minor side valley of the Cober to Coinagehall Street whilst prominent gardens of this area, which allow views from Cross Street houses elsewhere in Helston of similar status and age, they lack the density elsewhere in the historic core. Although there are other thus created is important in that it contrasts with the greater building side, their own grounds, often with mature trees (especially on the south (on the north side) are built up to the street; others are set back in town until the middle of the twentieth century. Some of the houses reflects the way in which the street was located on the edge of the Although the character area is large, the building density is low and cottages at the west end of the street and around the church. style decorative details, notably carved wooden porches. Their suburban the high status origin of this area. Many retain original window and range of architectural styles, but the properties consistently reflect Imposing villas are set amongst smaller properties. There is a diverse Lane gives pedestrian access to Five Wells and Coinagehall Street. long one of the main ways into Helston from the south-west. Tanyard historic roads to Penzance and Redruth respectively and was in fact

but offers





such Villa, Cross Street









leafy, ‘rural’ Alan Baxter




the feel This drawing incorporates information from the Ordnance Survey which is © Crown Copyright. ABA Licence: AL1000 17547 4.0 Characterisation 4.0

Conservation Area Boundary

Proposed Extensions

Character Area

Cross Street Area of District Character

Five Wells Lane Area of District Character

Extensions & Character Areas

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 31 4.0 Characterisation 32 settlement. It is laid out along narrow and sinuous streets, many of within a valley below Coinagehall Street and the planned medieval This area was historically a focus for industry and services, located Five Wells Lane kerbstones, lanterns (listed), and a water pump. The suburb. reinforce the idea of this area as a distinct, relatively self-contained as the former National Schools, are also found here. These buildings 1712-1714). Several nineteenth-century institutional buildings, such Hawksmoor (and especially the latter’s St Alfege, Greenwich, of upon the London churches by Christopher Wren and Nicholas The church was rebuilt between 1756 and 1761, its design drawing Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 Porch detailing, Cross Street









paving contrasts with its mostly Victorian neighbours 30 Meneage Road, a twentieth century villa,

slabs, may additionally be causing structural damage to the retaining wall). poorly-maintained modern railings and a barrier of parked cars (which The basin is below the level of the lane, from which it is separated by itself is set within a spacious cobbled and stepped basin; it is listed. connect the well to the main streets of the historic core. The well The focus is the eponymous well, and the opeways exist in part to Buildings are of a variety of materials, notably rubble stone. is built and arranged in a somewhat piecemeal fashion, the impression and, together with the mixture of terraces and cottages found here, pedestrians make no separation between the two forms of traffic, streets are found. The routes which are used by both vehicles and enclosure created by the hillsides on which Coinagehall and Cross which have high boundary walls which add to the natural sense of






than Poor




railings streets





from an unattractive, unrelieved bulk. store, which, although slate-hung in deference to local practice, forms Coinagehall Street. It is dominated by the rear of the Woolworths retains its service function, being close to the rear of properties in The section of Five Wells Lane between the well and Lady Street the well creates a somewhat looming presence. In addition, the large modern dormer window of the house opposite


street Five Wells Lane Five Wells Lane The unrelieved bulk of Woolworths dominates Alan Baxter

5.0 Issues and Opportunities 5.0 Testennow ha Chonsow

Helston enjoys a rich heritage, as the number of listed buildings in Boundary of the Conservation Area Negative Buildings the Conservation Area demonstrates. Historic buildings are largely well-maintained, if sometimes spoiled by the uncritical replacement The Helston Conservation Area currently covers the historic The following buildings are judged to make a negative contribution of windows with non-matching uPVC items. As the following sections settlement and its nineteenth-century ‘ribbon’ extensions. It is broadly to the character and appearance of the Helston Conservation Area, show, few are at risk; equally, few are deemed to detract unduly from consistent with the pre-1945 extent of the town and the way in which for one or more of various possible reasons including their scale, the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. its late nineteenth-century economic decline preserved much of the architectural style, detailing, or materials. The rear of Woolworths, for eighteenth-century fabric. example, is over-scaled and monolithic in its unrelieved appearance, Strategically, the local retail and service economy appears to be and it towers over the houses in Almshouse Hill. Although, in many relatively prosperous: Helston is still a regional commercial centre, Two small extensions are proposed, namely the inclusion of ‘Trehayne’ cases, they are in good condition and productive use, works to these and while through traffic is now routed around the town, it retains a and St Michael’s Rectory on Church Lane, and Lower Well Lane. These buildings present opportunities to render them more in keeping key nodal position that could well be better-exploited. The town still are historic properties of some age and their inclusion would thus be with their neighbours, while demolition on these sites would be enjoys the advantages of its good topographical situation, though consistent with the rest of the Conservation Area. encouraged where replacement would make a more positive more in terms of its picturesque location than in the original defensive contribution to the appearance of the Conservation Area or its setting. sense. Nonetheless, in this respect, Helston remains relatively Buildings at risk undeveloped as a tourist centre, and more could productively done to Coinagehall Street: Bowling club – flat-roofed pavilion; flat-roofed There are very few buildings at risk in Helston, which is testament to attract visitors – particularly on the basis of its attractive built heritage, public toilet by Monument. the town’s continued prosperity. its potential role as a centre for local produce and crafts, and perhaps Five Wells Lane: Gates to the substation adjacent to the well; rear also its history as a stannery town. Church Street: Former Boys’ school, now used by the town band of Woolworths store; house with dormer window No.20a. Strategies for the various gap sites and enhancement opportunities overlooking well. identified here are set out in the Management Strategy. St John’s Road: Outbuilding on the northern corner of Drippy- Godolphin Road: No.5; No.17A; Nos.28/30; Lower Silver Hill. Droppy. 5.0 Issues and Opportunities and Issues 5.0 Negative buildings: Local policy Kerrier District Local Plan

B.EN11: development will be permitted in the Conservation Area if it respects the scale, height, massing, alignment and design character of the area; where it preserves existing heritage or architectural features; where it incorporates local building styles or materials; and where it preserves and enhances the character and appearance of the Conservation Area (other than in exceptional cases). The setting of the Conservation Area is also recognised as being important in this respect.

B.EN12 Demolition will be permitted where the structure to be demolished makes no significant contribution to the character or appearance of the area and detailed proposals for the re-use or redevelopment of the site have been approved. Lower Silver Hill, a modern development set back from Godolphin Road Flat-roofed bowling club pavilion

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 33 5.0 Issues and Opportunities 34 This drawing incorporates information from the Ordnance Survey which is © Crown Copyright. ABA Licence: AL1000 17547 Building that make a negative impact, Buildings at risk and Opportunity/Gap Sites Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 Opportunity/gap site Building at risk to the conservation area or its setting Building which makes a negative contribution Conservation Area Boundary

Church Street: to achieve the same objective: there are various vacant or underused sites which offer opportunities enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, remodelling or replacement would present an opportunity to In addition to the buildings listed in the preceding section, where Godolphin Road Lady Street Meneage Street Penrose Road: Penhellaz Road: St John’s Road: Wendron Street Gap and opportunity sites Meneage Street Wendron Street Monument Road Planning Policy Guidance 15, para. 4.17: which has a well-established character of its own. designed with respect for their context, as part of a larger whole new buildings should imitate earlier styles, but that theyopportunity shouldto enhance the area.be What is important is not that to appearance of the area: their replacement should be a stimulus no positive contribution, or indeed detract from the character andMany Conservation Areas include gap sites, or buildings that make

imaginative, :

: : : : ‘Anchorage’



now used for parking. Band); Former chapel at corner of Penrose Road, Yard behind former Boys’ school (now the Town Site of former station (current Rifle Club). Open site opposite the end of Tanyard Lane. Car dealer open lot at the corner of Grange Road. Open ground to north side. Derelict farm building on west side of the road. school site, gates intact). Car park beside Godolphin Club (former grammar

bungalow. upon the Conservation Area these buildings do impact the Trengrouse Way car park – although outside Chemist); Clinic, library and supermarket within unattractive south side (side of Boots the to the supermarket, library and health centre: (Helston No.110 (Dibblers); Volkswagen dealer high Gap sites and opportunity sites. Extension to the front of the Flora Hall cinema; No.6



setting; Garages);








Row: store; should



Lane Alan Baxter






Street. as

an Public realm Historically, Helston’s public realm has comprised a rich palette Five Wells Lane: Railings around the well require particular of local materials. Inevitably, some of this richness has been lost attention. where modern replacements have been deployed. There are some public sites and streets, however, where enhancements would Horse and Jockey Lane: Cluttered public realm; wall at the head of have a particularly beneficial effect, over and above the repair or the lane currently functions as a barrier to reinstatement of the historic townscape; options are further detailed movement and means that the onward in the Management Strategy. pedestrian route is not especially clear.

Castle Green car park: Currently unattractive but at a prominent Market Place: View down steps towards Church Street is gateway to the town, with potential to obstructed by Guildhall fire stairs. upgrade the car park and the access to Meneage Street: ‘Cluttered’ railings at junction of Wendron Coinagehall Street (see Management Street and sense of constriction. Building here Strategy). are also some what shabby. Coinagehall Street: Somewhat desolate site behind the bowls Shute Hill: Poor opeway surface and railing at centre. club. 5.0 Issues and Opportunities and Issues 5.0

Car park, Wendron Street A key issue is to rationalise intrusive Modern plastic signage standing on signs its own posts

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 35 5.0 Issues and Opportunities 36 management strategy section. Recommendations of how this might be achieved are set out in the and businesses make serious efforts to reduce carbon emissions. be struck, and it is important that the local authorities, residents character, as described in the inset. That said, a balance needs to Conservation Officers where it would otherwise threaten special the application of Part L is at the discretion of building control and to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. Therefore, further on page 51), but the installation of these is usually detrimental sustainability of uPVC windows is a complex issue and is discussed the perception that uPVC windows are more energy efficient (the have an adverse effect on the Conservation Area. There is also as wind turbines, solar water heating and photovoltaic cells, could the destroy their historic and architectural significance. For example, efficiency or flood resilience of historic buildings could damage or However, there is a risk that measures to improve the energy buildings (Ecohomes and Code for Sustainable Homes). for carbon emissions from the construction and operation of new the energy efficiency of buildings. There are also progressive targets Building Regulations came into force in 2002 and seeks to improve take measures to reduce energy use in their buildings. Part L of the to meet these targets it is critical that every household and business accounts for 46% of the UK’s carbon dioxide emissions, and so in order Operational energy in buildings (to heat, ventilate and light them, etc) 2050. dioxide emissions by 20% (of 1990 levels) by 2010, and by 60% by contribute to climate change. Current targets are to reduce carbon commitments to reduce carbon emissions, which are believed to the human race, and the UK Government has made a number of Climate change is probably the greatest long-term challenge facing Sustainability Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010









2.9 Building Regulations Part L1. Sections 2.9–2.11: 2.10

c) b) buildings situated in conservation areas, a) listed buildings; Historic buildings include:

advice of the local planning authority’s conservation officer. consumption, it would be appropriate to take into account the balance between historic building conservation and energy to the building fabric or fittings. In arriving at an appropriate building, or increase the risk to the long-term deterioration the work does not prejudice the character of the historic the extent that it is practically possible, always provided that aim should be to improve energy efficiency where and to historic buildings needs to be recognised. In such work, the The need to conserve the special characteristics of such d)

and which are referred to as a material consideration in a buildings which are of architectural and historical interest world heritage sites. national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty, and buildings of architectural and historical interest within local authority’s development plan,

Cross Street (photo: local resident) Traffic travels at speed, mounts the kerbs, and sometimes gets stuck in in Meneage Street are causing damage to kerbs. especially keenly in Church Street and Cross Street. Lorries delivering of traffic and parking can create particular issues. These are felt enlivening the streets and bringing trade, but the negative effects Routing traffic through the town can have positive benefits in Traffic Alan Baxter Part Two Management Strategy

Rann Dew Framweyth Dyghtya

6.0 Introduction 6.0 Kommendyans

This Management Strategy develops the findings of the Appraisal to consider how best the special character and appearance of the Conservation Area can be protected and enhanced. It begins with an outline of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing the Helston Conservation Area. The second section then considers how the character and appearance of the Conservation Area could be enhanced, referring to general and specific issues. The third section sets out the ways in which the Conservation Area is and can be protected by statutory and local means. The final section considers how this plan can be implemented, who will be responsible for it, and how it should be funded.

Although some of the action points are particularly relevant to the local authority, the strategy is intended for everyone who lives or works in the Helston Conservation Area, as well as those who visit it. Like the Appraisal, it is the product of local consultation and discussion. It is intended as a practical, achievable document, not a set of empty aspirations. 6.0 Introduction 6.0

St Michael’s Church, silhouette

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 39 7.0 Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats 40 summarised as follows: of the nineteenth century and the 1950s. These strengths can be the relative lack of development in Helston between the middle developed from the medieval period until 1945, and particularly Conservation Area can mostly be traced from the way that the town In Strengths and Weaknesses 7.0 Nerthow ha Gwannderow,7.0 Strengths Chonsow and ha GodrosowWeaknesses, Opportunities and Threats The • The • Helston’s • Coinagehall Street Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 Area. in the high proportion of listed buildings within the Conservation a local mining and commercial centre in this period and recognised century buildings, reflecting the particular prosperity of the town as picturesque network Coinagehall Street upon the former castle and marketplace, and the by the cruciform arrangement of the main streets, the focus of Helston to the attractive countryside beyond. and allows good views from many points across and beyond which in part explains the town’s existence (in a defensive sense)


substantial substantial



its topographical


buildings, routes

survival survival


the ‘opes’

of of


significant Helston’s Helston’s






eighteenth- medieval





layout, of

and the



nineteenth- characterised



often Helston’s • Good • A • Trengrouse Way gives little impression of the riches of Helston Town Centre the • development and its current economic position: Helston’s weaknesses are largely bound up with its post-1945 physical There • whom units. There is a high proportion of independent traders, some of good deal of footfall and a relatively small number of empty shop prepared by Kerrier District Council in 2005 records that there is a Station and Helston. Culdrose’. There is a regular and well-used bus link between Redruth minutes nearest mainline railway station is at Redruth, some twenty-five community events as Flora Day and the . modern traffic levels almost certainly necessitate the provision of industrial developments to relate well to the historic core. While with commuter inflows from Falmouth, Redruth, and .



road is



drive local

relative strong

of of


post-war high

identity, away,





housing evident


other is




a in (especially

Cornish retail




centre. popular





for the



housing) Helston

town size









The RNAS There • The • Helston’s • Although • There • buildings. was relatively little sense of pride or interest in Helston’s history or in conjunction with this study, that other than Flora Day, there affordable housing in the town. operations would have a particularly negative effect on the town. part explains Helston’s relative prosperity, and so any reduction in and around 700 civilians. The existence of the naval air base in Culdrose, which in 2003 employed some 3000 military personnel quality destination which it has the possibility to become in view of the Furry Dance, for example), the town is not presented as the tourist remain the principal regional centres. historic nature and topography; also Falmouth, Penzance, and Truro the historic town centre in view of the constraints imposed by its quality areas through which these routes pass provides little sense of the relief roads and by-passes, the somewhat anonymous nature of the


was is

of of


economic its Helston’s there



historic opportunity





strong historic

dominance townscape





Town core,



by and


or Profile

a local

any consultation

attractive the single


for facilities identity

employer, Helston



meetings provided to Alan Baxter

notes visit



in a

within held

lack the

of Opportunities and Threats The Kerrier District Local Plan Deposit Draft of 2004 proposes the • Although Kerrier’s town profile notes that there are a greater provision of 1240 new homes in Helston in the coming decades. This number of medium-sized retail premises in Helston than Redruth development will add significantly to the local population, and in this or , there are few premises which would currently be respect may both be an opportunity for the economic growth of the suitable for use by new larger (probably chain multiple) retailers. town as well as a threat to its character. As a result, there may be pressure to create further out-of-town premises, or to adapt existing town-centre units in ways that would In addition to the 1240 new homes, various other developments are have an adverse effect on the character and/or appearance of the proposed: Conservation Area.

• industrial and business units at Clodgey Lane, on the edge of • Traffic management schemes within the central area could Helston; fail to take note of the special character and appearance of the Conservation Area; they might also have an economic • development of a new tourist information centre, community hall, disadvantageous effect by discouraging visits through the and market on the former Cattle Market site near Castle Green; imposition of further one-way systems, parking restrictions, or • a new hotel to be operated by the Whitbread Group as part of the pedestrianisation. Significantly, a scheme to alter flows in the town ‘Premier Inn’ chain, to open summer 2008. centre proposed in the 1990s was abandoned after receiving a hostile reception from the local population. Such developments present various positive opportunities for Helston: • Equally, however, an expanded Helston may lead to further vehicular congestion in the town centre, something which is already • the status and economy of the town will be enhanced and and issue and threat. consolidated by an expanded residential and employment base; • Town fringe developments may well lead to the further • the opportunity will exist to promote the town as a tourist centre anonymisation of Helston’s approaches. in a more concerted way than is presently the case and perhaps also to stimulate local pride and an interest in Helston’s history and Over and above any potential threats that may result from buildings; development, the St John’s area of Helston has been identified by the Environment Agency as being at risk of flooding. The impact of • developer funding (perhaps through a Section 106 agreement) climate change and rising sea levels on the Loe Bar are not yet known, could be applied to improvements to the streetscape and public but if the Bar was overwhelmed by the sea and the Loe Pool became realm; tidal, then this area of Helston would be at further risk. Market Place and view of St Michael’s Church • sustainable and improved transport policies could mitigate the More generally, and as is common in many Conservation Areas, effects of traffic and parking in the Conservation Area. Helston’s immediate character and appearance are threatened by: However, the developments may also pose threats, particularly to the Conservation Area. Some of these will be consistent with threats 1) the replacement of original sash windows with uPVC items posed to Conservation Areas elsewhere in Cornwall and beyond, but 2) the loss of front gardens for parking (and the related alteration to others are specific to Helston: front boundary walls with breezeblocks). 7.0 Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats and Opportunities Weaknesses, and Strengths 7.0 • the out-of-town location and prevailing road layout in these areas may be to the detriment of the Conservation Area, favouring town fringe retail (such as the existing Tesco supermarket, which is likely to be expanded in the near future) over the town centre shops.

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 41 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 42 the • take two principal forms: the Management of Conservation Areas Conservation Area could be enhanced. English Heritage’s This section looks at how the character and appearance of the 8.0 Penrewlys dyghtya8.0 hag Management Afina and Enhancement Principles or streets. part then gives specific action points applicable to smaller sub-areas Conservation Area but illustrated with specific examples. The second the section deals with general themes, applicable to the whole with the English Heritage guidance in mind. The first part of The action points set out within this section have been developed pro-active • adjacent to the Guildhall High-quality Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 intrusion and the rationalisation of street signage. reinstatement of historic surfaces, or the reduction of traffic distinctive architectural features or traditional shop fronts, the a designed historic landscape, a scheme for the restoration of Appraisal of the area as detracting from its character or appearance










of management

sites states that enhancement can





setts in the Five Wells area A mixture of attractive cobbles and stone repair

detailed Guidance on

of This will involve the various local authority departments who may maintenance/repair works, so that it does not become degraded. realm informs proposals for its improvement, as well as any essential relate to that whole. It is essential that a holistic approach to the public thinking about the streetscape as a whole, and how individual parts fragmented due to incremental changes and a lack of strategic its distinctive features and buildings. It could, however, become The realm, drawing on the precedents set by the existing street fabric. Helston Public Realm contractors, and property owners. be responsible for the town, as well as the utility companies, private and city’s ‘The


squares’ measure





the – John Ruskin

of potential


streetscape a





civilisation to



in Herringbone-pattern paving in Lady Street





known used




cities, of








the and








a 1.2 1.1 Principles: • •

Paving the Way Streets for All, South West with reference to key guidance documents, such as: Conservation Area. should enhance the special character and appearance of the document, is not compromised. Works to the public realm such that its character and appearance, as defined in this be adopted, even where works are relatively minor in scale, Any proposals affecting the public realm should be developed A considered, holistic approach to the public realm should avoids this kind of obvious alteration Repairs to historic paving should be made in a sensitive way that (CABE, 2002) (English Heritage, 2005) Alan Baxter Paving Historic paving materials survive in a number of places and add a The junction of Meneage and Coinagehall Streets has also become distinctive quality to Helston’s public realm. The traditional paving rather degraded. material in the town centre is granite, arranged in large rectangular slabs of irregular size but which often span the whole width of the A large number of weeds grow in summer, with an adverse effect on Actions: pavement. Some historic paving slabs survive in Cross Street, and on the pavements. Particular points where work should be prioritised are as follows. Coinagehall Street where they have a fan-shaped pattern scored to Principles: These works will involve the local authority and local partners, such prevent slipping. Granite is also widely used for kerbstone, setts, and 1.3 There should be a presumption in favour of the retention as Helston Town Council: as a lining for the kennels. or reinstatement of historic, local paving materials (such as • Coinagehall Street, to replace modern degraded slabs with granite kerbstones and cobbles) where appropriate within In some places, high-quality historic materials are mixed with modern paving that respects and compliments the historic paving and the Conservation Area. Where historic paving materials are substitutes of varying quality: architecture of the street – ideally granite. reinstated, they should be the same size unit as historic • Along Wendron Street, historic granite kerbstones exist alongside examples, where possible. • Horse and Jockey Lane (see the suggestions set out in this modern paving slabs; near to the Guildhall, the original kerb line on document) 1.4 In areas with historic character, modern materials, such this street is denoted by the kerbs remaining in the middle of the as monoblock brick paving or aggregate slabs, should be • Junction of Meneage Street/Coinagehall Street, to remedy the (presumably widened) pavement. avoided. Necessary health and safety interventions, such as sense of constriction here. • In Lady Street and on parts of Godolphin Road, there are instances studded pavements at crossings, should be carefully designed • Wendron Street of brick blockwork paving arranged in a herringbone fashion. and implemented. (In areas that do not have historic character, While this approach may be visually appealing, the material and a high-quality contemporary approach could be appropriate). • Castle Hill Steps arrangement are somewhat alien in the local context, and the results 1.5 Essential roadworks and utility company installations should • Shute Hill are somewhat incongruous when combined with the retained not compromise or degrade the public realm, whether historic granite kerbstones. • Clodgey Lane/Godolphin Road junction or not, and surfaces should be correctly reinstated upon • The upper part of Coinagehall Street (e.g. outside Barclay’s Bank) completion. The Local Authority should make maximum The Local Authority and their local partners should prepare a repair features a variety of different modern paving slabs juxtaposed with use of its powers under the New Roads and Streetworks Act and maintenance programme for materials that are damaged or historic kerbstones. In addition, where posts and similar items have to inspect works by utility companies and to apply financial have missing elements. been inserted into the pavement, they have been secured with penalties in cases where reinstatement is inadequate. Weeding should be undertaken at regular intervals in the summer. concrete.

Other areas feature purely modern materials: the northern end of Godolphin Road, for example, has modern paving slabs and kerbstones on its western side. Meneage Street also features modern aggregate slabs of varied quality which do little to compliment the Conservation Area or respect the historic palette.

Where historic surface materials do survive, in some instances Principles Enhancement and Management 8.0 they require sensitive repair – such as repointing with appropriate materials or patchwork infilling where stones are missing.

In some key locations, the public realm is degraded: the area behind the Grylls Monument and Bowling club, at the head of the steps which lead to Castle Green, forms one such instance where substantial enhancement would have beneficial effects. The Trengrouse Way car park and the ope connecting it to Meneage Street (Horse and Jockey Lane) also present a somewhat unattractive environment: notwithstanding the sloping site, the wall which faces those arriving from Meneage Street is somewhat hostile in appearance, while the The mixture of historic and modern paving materials in Coinagehall Street High-quality bench, New Cut, Redruth – a good example of what could be should be rationalised so that the setting of the historic setts and kerbs is done at Helston ope is not especially attractive – despite featuring some historic enhanced granite setts.

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 43 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 44 sympathetic to the prevailing character of their setting and that Care should be taken that any future re-design of these items is The current style of street sign is not overtly historic in its materials. and St John’s Road, attached to the wall of the adjacent property. Many historic signs survive, e.g. at the junction of Almshouse Hill colour scheme has been used in place of the usual black-on-white. mounted on posts, with a local crest. In some areas, a gold-on-black The majority of street signs are relatively modern plastic items, management signs. categories: street nameplates, pedestrian wayfinding, and traffic The signage within Helston can be divided into the following Signage towards the boating lake and park. The introduction of any new conventional Tourist Information centre. By the Grylls Monument, there is a more figure-post signage, with the latter signing visitors to a now-closed town centre. At the Guildhall, there is a mixture of wall-mounted and Pedestrian wayfinding signs are placed at strategic points in the would be better than free-standing units. without damaging the character or fabric of historic structures, this should be carefully considered: where they can be mounted on walls standard items are not uncritically applied. The location of signs ideally signs should be wall-mounted, however Black and gold variant of the usual style of street nameplate in Helston: Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010





pedestrians some markings. the streetscape itself can, in certain circumstances, avoid the need for Once again, the use of different surface materials and changes within Street markings can also have a negative impact on the public realm. changes within the streetscape itself. avoided altogether through the use of different surface materials and island. Often, however, the need for traffic management signs can be Penrose which could well be integrated with the railings found at this point. Meneage streets, for example, there is a plethora of signs, some of approach to the public realm. At the junction of Wendron and consideration of their location should form part of a co-ordinated Traffic signs can also contribute to street clutter, and so careful removing superfluous signage. approach which should also take care to reduce street clutter by wayfinding system should take place as part of a co-ordinated Historic road sign, Market Place











little Speed calming using traditional materials, Hexham, Northumberland formulated by the Local Authority and their local partners. reviewed and a maintenance strategy for them should be The condition and number of historic street signs should be most appropriate form, materials, style and mounting of new items. work to develop an integrated strategy for signage, considering the The local authority, Town Council and local business owners should Action: 1.8 1.7 1.6 Principles:

Signage be taken. less intrusive measures (such as changes in road surface) could should be preserved and maintained. would not be the case. Historic street signs and nameplates nameplates should be avoided as far as is practical where this Conservation Area: standard solutions e.g. for street where this is possible without damaging historic built fabric. or existing posts (e.g. telegraph poles) rather than new posts according to an integrated strategy, and mounted on walls Street and traffic signage should be carefully located Signs or street markings should be avoided wherever other,





qualities Alan Baxter


the Lighting Street furniture Principles: Along Coinagehall Street, Cross Street, and Church Street, street The effective use of street furniture presents the opportunity to 1.13 The style and location of benches, litter bins, railings, bus lighting is provided by traditional lantern-style units, with those create a lively, attractive public realm. The area adjacent to the shelters, and other essential items of street furniture should in Cross Street being of historic origin. In the commercial part of Guildhall, where a curved stone seat echoes the line of the kennels, respect the character and appearance of the Conservation Meneage Street, wall-mounted units are in use. Elsewhere in the is especially successful in design and use terms, and sets an example Area in their design, be that historic or, where appropriate, Conservation Area, lamps are of modern design, either mounted onto for the reworking of other focal areas, such as to the rear of the Grylls contemporary. telegraph poles (e.g. Penrose Road) or their own posts (e.g. Wendron Monument. 1.14 Standard ‘catalogue’ items should be avoided in favour of Street, where these posts are taller than many of the adjacent designs which echo (and ideally imaginatively re-interpret) buildings). While utilitarian lamps may be appropriate at some The railings at the junction of Meneage Street and Wendron Street are local traditions and which complement their setting. distance from the centre, the gradual replacement of these items well-intentioned (in that they are custom-commissioned items) but close to the historic core (e.g. along Wendron Street) would enhance the effect is a little heavy at this constricted point. 1.15 New street furniture should not create intrusive visual ‘clutter’ the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. and should be carefully located in relation to historic buildings, Standard catalogue items used within the Conservation Area, such spaces and views. The opes are a distinctive feature of the town, connecting its different as the railings at Shute Hill or Kerrier’s orange litter bins, do little to areas and linking the main streets to car parks. Feature lighting could enhance the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. 1.16 Where ‘boxes’ are required to house controls for electronic/ increase night-time use. Such treatments would, however, need to be telephone equipment, these should be located as Where ‘boxes’ are required to house controls for electronic equipment carefully considered to avoid excessive intrusion. unobtrusively as practically possible and should be detailed such as traffic lights, these should be located as unobtrusively as so that they do not detract from the Conservation Area’s practically possible and should be detailed so that they do not detract character or appearance. from the Conservation Area’s character or appearance. Principles: 1.9 The size and scale of street lighting fixtures should respond to Where bus shelters are deemed to be necessary, attention should Action: the height of the surrounding buildings. be given to their effect on the streetscape views, particularly in The Local Authority and Town Council should review the design Coinagehall Street. The shelters should be designed and located such 1.10 Tall lighting tructures which tower above the street should be and location of the proposed bus shelters in Coinagehall Street that they do not take up the entire width of the pavement and so that avoided where other solutions would achieve the required as a matter of urgency. The aim should be to arrive at a design they do not detract from the setting of historic buildings. level of lighting. which does not detrimentally affect street views whilst nonetheless 1.11 Where possible, fittings should be incorporated into the adequately sheltering people as they wait for buses. existing fabric, using wall mountings (subject to appropriate The Local Authority and their local partners should review the consents), but should be designed to avoid damage to historic current provision of street furniture and should remove items which buildings as well as being appropriate in scale. detract from the character and appearance of historic buildings or 1.12 The provision and style of lighting should recognise the which create excessive clutter. character of Helston as a market town, not a major urban area. High-quality contemporary fittings may be appropriate in The orange litter bins should be replaced as a matter of priority. areas that do not have obvious historic character. In the longer term, the Local Authority and their local partners 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles Enhancement and Management 8.0 should work to define an appropriate palette and style of street furniture for Helston, bearing in mind the need for an integrated Action: approach that also encompasses street lighting and signage. The local authority should develop an integrated lighting strategy for Helston, working in conjunction with the Town Council and other local stakeholders.

The possibility of feature lighting to historic buildings or the opes should be investigated by the Local Authority and Town Council. Traditional-style bollard, Historic light fitting, Coinagehall Godolphin Road Street

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 45 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 46 good effect. repairs. Some granite kerbs have, however, recently been reinstated to by the use of modern slabs as bridges and by the use of concrete for intermittent and its appearance has occasionally been compromised in Penrose Road and Almshouse Hill, though its use appears to be The system remains intact along Coinagehall and Church streets, and summer months. that they are clean and also plays a role as street coolant in the gutters, but the water supply which runs along some of them ensures core. Those in Coinagehall Street are listed. They not only act as The kennels are a distinctive and historic feature of Helston’s historic The kennels 4. 3. From April 2009, maintenance will be carried out by the new unitary 2. 1. different organisations: The management and operation of the kennels involves a number of Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010

Helston Town Council provides temporary grills for the section of appear to have no other responsibility for the kennels. are stored in the Guildhall for the rest of the year. works) for Flora Day as this area is part of the Flora Dances. new kennels outside the Guildhall (part of the recent landscaping authority. while KDC is responsible for the invert and bed/base. Cornwall County Council (CCC). Kennels is then split between Kerrier District Council (KDC) and although the leats pass through private land. Kennels between and Water ma Trout at the top of the town The system then subdivides but maintenance of the town centre Kerrier District Council currently maintain the supply link to the

CCC is responsible for the leat kerbs

The Town Council

The grills concrete linings could be replaced with historic materials. identify areas where repairs should be prioritised and where should involve an examination of the state of the kennels to with defined responsibilities for their maintenance. This strategy A clear management strategy for the kennels should be devised, Actions: 1.20 1.19 1.18 1.17 Principles:

possible where they have been lost. presumption that such materials should be reinstated when the kennels, these should be retained and repaired. There is a slabs. Crossings should be formed in the traditional way, with stone connected and running. The kennels should be regularly weeded. Where historic materials have been used to construct or line The kennels should remain uncovered as far as is possible. The kennels should remain in use, with the water supply

Kennel, Church Street Street and St Michael’s Church. in The expansive green space provided by the private gardens of houses noteworthy for its wide verge and mature planting. Area. The part of Meneage Road furthest from the town is particularly to a more open environment towards the fringes of the Conservation up, urban feel within the centre of the historic core, which gives way Churchyard, and the cemetery on Meneage Road. The result is a built- Area, with the exception of the Bowling Green, St Michael’s There is relatively little public open space within the Conservation Planting and green space



forms would benefit from enhancement Kennel, Coinagehall Street – in such condition as





between Alan Baxter

Coinagehall Views Traffic and movement Principles: 2.1 Property owners across the whole Conservation Area should A distinctive characteristic of Helston is its topography and the views As the ordered arrangement of its main streets and its nodal position maintain and enhance their gardens. which are created by this topography. The view along Coinagehall both demonstrate, Helston has always depended on movement for its Street from the Guildhall through the Grylls Monument of the fields existence. This fact is as true today when people travel to the town for 2.2 The Local Authority and their local partners (where on the other side of the valley is especially noteworthy; variants on work or shopping as it was historically, when the town was a com- appropriate) should work to maintain and enhance the this view occur from the Trengrouse Way car park extension, and mercial centre and a focus for the production of coins. The significant appearance of public open space. from Wendron Street. Prospects towards St Michael’s Church from change is the rise of the car, and the pressure which car use places 2.3 Proposals for development which would affect Helston’s the Grylls Monument, Lady Street, and Penrose Road are also notable, upon roads which were not designed for motorised traffic. In many important landscape setting should be carefully reviewed although this view from the side of the Guildhall is blocked by a metal towns, one of the biggest threats to the quality of conservation areas in the light of the relevant Kerrier District Local Plan Policies, fire escape. Looking in the other direction, there are attractive views is not the way in which buildings are treated, but rather the negative especially ENV5 and 6 (as well as the discussion of Views in the of the historic core from the church. In all these cases, inappropriately effects of traffic and parking. situated or scaled new development (or planting) could potentially next section of this Strategy). These policies protect open land It is often assumed that the best solution to the conflict between obscure such views. which makes an important contribution to a settlement or its vehicles and pedestrians is to ban the car and introduce setting. The way in which the town’s topography distorts the cruciform pedestrianisation, but the adoption of such a solution can have 2.4 The loss of historic front gardens for car parking should arrangement of the principal streets on the ground means that there negative effects, especially at times when the streets are not busy be resisted, and policies towards on-street parking which are interesting views along these streets. The views along Church and in small towns where the commercial area is relatively compact. would prompt demand for off-street parking should not be Street and Coinagehall Street (in both directions) are particularly good A moderate degree of traffic not only has practical benefits, but also implemented. Where it is essential that gardens are altered, in this respect. can enliven a street. Similarly, banning street parking or imposing traditional walling materials and methods should be used in new one-way systems can be problematic in that it may deter people Principles: place of breeze-block construction, and driveways denoted from coming into the town centre, particularly if they are physically 3.1 New building, street furniture, and other developments (e.g. with gateposts of an appropriate design. disadvantaged. An additional, particular issue in Helston is the solar panels) should have particular regard to views into and narrowness of many of the pavements. 2.5 New residential properties should have walled front gardens out of Porthleven. English Heritage’s Seeing the history in the where this is an element of local character rather than solely view: a method for assessing heritage significance within views Some attempts have been made to deal with the problems in providing off-street parking. should form the basis of such assessments. Helston, and through traffic is routed away from the centre into more recent residential and industrial areas. This has both advantages and 2.6 Monoblock brick paving should be avoided throughout the disadvantages: less congestion in the centre, but potentially fewer Conservation Area. Action: ‘chance’ visits as a result of the somewhat anonymous nature of much 2.7 Planting should favour local and regional species where The Local Planning Authority should protect and manage the of the town edge area, which gives little indication of the quality of appropriate. significant views noted within the Conservation Area Appraisal, the historic centre. Fringe development also provides an incentive to and should include these views within the Local Development build new residential and retail units away from the centre. Framework. Action: The issue is to find the best balance between vehicles and the quality A contest such as ‘Helston in Bloom’ could be used to strengthen Options should be explored for the redesign of the Guildhall fire of the place that they serve. Helston already has the advantage of its 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles Enhancement and Management 8.0 the sense of local pride. This could be organised by Town Council escape stair, so that the view of St Michael’s Church from the compactness and its central network of opes, which aid walkability. with support from the local authority and other local stakeholders. Market Place is improved. Within the Conservation Area, the balance can be improved in several ways:

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 47 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 48 Some • Within • • Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 walking. car park and Parc-an-Dower, as part of a general aim to promote enhance the Castle Hill steps, and the link between the Somerfield The local authority and their local partners should work to and Church Street as a matter of priority. which to reduce the volume and speed of traffic in Cross Street The local authority and Town Council should consider ways in Action: 4.3 4.2 4.1 Principles: Green. parks at Trengrouse Way, to the rear of the Angel Inn, and at Castle in other selected locations, but which should focus on the main car where they do not impede traffic flows (e.g. Coinagehall Street) and cycling. pedestrian routes may be beneficial in promoting walking or buses stopping or waiting in the town centre. undertaken in such a way that it does not cause congestion from surrounding area, and any further network development should be the town centre. Helston enjoys good bus connections with the general management, to discourage people from driving into

materials. wherever possible, e.g. by the intelligent use of surface character of Helston. Standard solutions should be avoided typical modern developments. movement routes, and should avoid the introverted nature of to create off-street parking). on-street parking might encourage the loss of front gardens of the Conservation Area (as an extreme example, banning need to preserve and enhance the character and appearance Traffic calming measures, if necessary, should respect the New buildings should face pedestrian and vehicular The need for on-street parking should be balanced with the




in itself,






with the






bays and the specialist retail market that the town currently offers. would need to be weighed against the risks of weakening the city core town centre. The economic advantages that such retailers could bring retailers and so there may be future pressure to build outside the which would currently be suitable for use by incoming chain multiple large units than other centres in the region, there are few premises greengrocers within the town centre. Although the town has more independent shops. In particular, there are a number of grocers and Helston has a distinctive retail environment that is notable for its many Retail opportunities posed by the town’s historic building stock. integrated within the existing fabric and should take advantage of the presents a constraint. The introduction of new uses should be the Conservation Area, while the number of listed buildings also stock and identity: there are few possible development sites within expansion in the core without damaging Helston’s historic building The town has a defined edge and core. There is little capacity for Uses post, which logically would be found at the centre of the town. out-of-town location may not be the best for a tourist information reuse of a prominent site. However, there is a risk that their slightly Castle Green. Such plans are to be welcomed and will see the effective tourist information facilities on the former Cattle Market site near Plans are currently being developed to provide new market and both be disadvantageous. linking the two, and the hostile public realm of the car park itself, may virtue shoppers visiting the store may well venture into the historic core by for the town centre as well as a much-needed car park. Potentially, The




proximity, compromise the economic life of the area Parking in Meneage Street, the removal of which might











‘draw’ of


ope Greengrocer’s shop, Meneage Street be easier than premises above shops. well as just such a centre – indeed, access to its upper levels would underused in its role as a community venue and could function can be gained. The former school in Penrose Road is currently sectors. These might be located above shops, if satisfactory access flexible premises for small businesses, perhaps in the creative/IT Opportunities should be sought to convert or construct low-cost explored in conjunction with a tourism strategy (see below). The notion of Helston as a specialist retail centre should be fortieth anniversary of the Conservation Area’s designation in 2009. contest, Conservation and to work to enhance the character and appearance of the Helston’s businesses should be encouraged to work together Centre Manager. Authority, with local partners and perhaps working with a Town A retail strategy should be developed for Helston by the Local Action: 5.2 5.1 Principles:

would enhance historic buildings. historic fabric, while refurbishment is encouraged where this reinforced, and its independent stores supported. New retail premises should be closely integrated with the The town centre retail core should be maintained and













‘Helston celebrating Alan Baxter



the Residential Gap’ and opportunity sites, negative buildings The historic ‘suburban’ areas of St John’s and Cross Street are close a sustainable model for working and living in close proximity. Its The Conservation Area Appraisal identified a number of buildings to the town centre and add to Helston’s attractiveness as a compact, provision may, however, be complicated by the need to provide which detract from the character and appearance of the Conservation walkable place. satisfactory independent access without compromising the historic Area, as well as ‘gap’ and opportunity sites which could productively building or the character/appearance of the Conservation Area. Shop be redeveloped. The location of many of the post-1945 housing estates behind and owners may also be wary of having strangers living in the upper levels between the historic main streets means that there is a significant of their buildings from a security point of view. Principles: amount of housing close to the town centre, though it does not 5.4 New building should reflect the grain of the historic always relate well to the historic core and suffers at points from a The former school at Penrose Road also offers an opportunity to settlement, respect important views (see also principle somewhat anonymous appearance. create new housing. School buildings can make very attractive 3.1), and should be inspired by the proportions, massing residential conversions, though this example may be deemed better and materials of surrounding historic buildings. The The location of the most recent estates at some distance from the suited to commercial/office use. English Heritage/CABE document Building in context: new centre creates further issues for traffic and the focus of the town. development in historic areas should be used by property Principles: There is potential to create housing above the retail units in the owners, developers and the local authority as a particular 5.3 Proposals to provide residential accommodation in the upper central area (e.g. in Meneage Street). Such housing would improve guide when building anew or extending/restoring existing levels of town centre properties are encouraged the natural surveillance and vitality of the town centre, and offers properties (see also principles 7.1–7.6). 5.5 New developments should add to the variety and texture of the Conservation Area.

5.6 The Local Planning Authority should where possible and practicable promote the redevelopment of gap and opportunity sites, and the enhancement/replacement of the building deemed in the Appraisal to make a negative contribution to the quality of the Conservation Area in accordance with policies set out in the relevant Local Plan and in national planning guidance.

Action: Options for the enhancement of the sites identified in the Appraisal should be considered. These options may be as straightforward as landscaping in the short term.

The local authority should consider whether development briefs would be appropriate for and should press for development of the 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles Enhancement and Management 8.0 highest architectural quality on these sites, bearing in mind their prominence in views.

Options for the enhancement of specific sites are set out later in this Strategy.

Former school, Penrose Road, a candidate for conversion to residential or business use

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 49 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 50 and enhancement through targeted interventions, community action scheme Although measures such as the Townscape Heritage Initiative grant public face of their buildings and the streets where they stand. their houses or premises, but they often feel less responsible for the buildings repaired. People generally recognise the need to redecorate are weeded, gutters and drains cleared; old notices removed and as much on everyday care and maintenance: whether the footways and – proposals to develop or alter buildings or to change the landscape The focus of Conservation Area measures is on times of change Building maintenance buildings and to help people to become involved. SUSTRANS. The aim is for individual building owners to look after their street improvements, such as the DIY street projects managed by in the country there are useful examples of grassroots schemes for can also reap rich rewards, particularly in residential areas. Elsewhere historic architectural detailing Properties in Meneage Road retaining much Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 sections on historic detailing and windows. as slated roofs and historic boundary walls) – see also the next residents with a maintenance guide for specialist items (such The Local Authority and/or their local partners should also provide by the Local Authority and/or their local partners. practical advice, would be an incentive and should be produced A leaflet outlining possible collective DIY measures, including Action: 6.1 Principles:


take the lead in promoting such work. common areas; the Local Authority and Town Council should individual and collective maintenance of their buildings and Residents and property owners are encouraged to carry out


been However,











of Area


depends and both have replacement plastic downpipes. changes. 54 retains its elaborate gable soffits, but 56 has lost these, (if modified in the case of 54) but their effect is let down by roofline the case of 54 and 56 Wendron St: both have their original windows survive, other changes can have a negative effect, as is evident in Godolphin Road, and Castle Green Terrace. Even where windows particularly damaged the character and appearance of Meneage Road, – being environmentally unsustainable. Such replacements have and appearance of a Conservation Area whilst – in the longer term windows or gutters with uPVC items, can often damage the character Well-intentioned works, such as the replacement of degraded historic fabric. replacement soffits and other details have seen the loss of historic Castle Green Terrace, which no longer reads as a unity). Similarly tiles have damaged the character of some properties (e.g. at the architectural features are concerned. However, replacement roof core means that there is a good survival rate where original The significant number of listed buildings within Helston’s historic Historic architectural detailing positive feature. Monoblock paving should, however,an appropriate be avoided. material, and the reused historicabsolutely gateposts necessary.are another This example features goodCar retaining parking wallsshould in only be created within front gardens where it is cfm?articleid=38900. sourced, which can be downloaded at www.cornwall.gov.uk/index. document summarising what is available and where it may be and their use is encouraged. The local authority has produced a Local materials make an important contribution to special character, with more appropriate materials and in a more appropriate style. and their local partners should encourage their reconstruction blockwork, either to accommodate parking, the Local Authority Where front boundary walls have been remodelled with concrete retaining alternative to uPVC replacements. refurbishment as a practical, efficient, sustainable and character- prepare a leaflet outlining the benefits of sash window repair and The Local Planning Authority and/or their local partners should work (see Chapter 9). Listed buildings should be reviewed for possible unauthorised Local Authority to protect historic features (see Chapter 9). Article 4 directions should be implemented and enforced by the Action: 7.7 7.6 7.5 7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1 Principles:

Where (sash) windows is encouraged. uPVC windows, replacement in due course with wooden traditional design. should be located on rear or side elevations, and should be of Generally this will mean slate. materials and method of deployment should be found. designation restricts the addition of cladding. where this is already the case. In addition, conservation area (such as vertical stacked courses for garden walls). arrangement/use inspired by prevailing historic patterns Officer. should be sought from the Local Authority’s Conservation possible in terms of material, style, colour and form. Advice essential, these should match the original as closely as doors, chimneys, stone detailing, historic front walls. retained. These may include: sash windows (see also below), details and features (as discussed in the Appraisal) are to be Where roofs are replaced, a close match with the existing Stonework should not be painted or rendered except Local materials should be used wherever possible, and their On properties with Article 4 directions that currently have Where replacement of historic architectural features is There should be a presumption that historic architectural








conversions, Alan Baxter

these Sustainability and heritage Insulation Materials The application of Part L of the Building Regulations to buildings There is potentially a conflict between the need for an historic The materials used to construct new buildings and repair or alter in the Conservation Area is at the discretion of the building control building to ‘breathe’ (to prevent water particles from collecting, existing buildings can have a significant environmental impact. This officer and conservation officer and does not need to be fully applied. causing damp and consequent decay) and the need for airtight partly relates to the embodied energy used in their manufacture, but However, households and businesses occupying these buildings buildings to prevent heat loss. However, the inclusion of a special also to the energy used to transport them – building materials are (and the local authority) should still do as much as they can to reduce membrane that prevents the transfer of heat but not the passage of usually heavy so this can be energy intensive. Ideally materials should their energy consumption and carbon emissions – which will not only water next to the insulation can mitigate this. Insulation in the roof is be: target climate change but can also be financially advantageous. This most effective as a significant proportion of heat can be lost here (1/3 • locally sourced said, a balance must be struck between measures to reduce energy of central heating); ventilators may be required in the eaves, to ensure use and the need to preserve the character and appearance of the that the loft does not become damp once it is insulated. However, • renewable, sustainable sources Conservation Area. adding wall insulation, even internally, can cause unacceptable changes in the proportion of a room and the loss of historic features. • low embodied energy Pre-1939 buildings are often ‘low-energy’ in their very nature, having Insulation of external walls is also unlikely to be appropriate on listed • free from ozone-damaging chemicals or gases being designed to make maximum use of daylight, to retain heat in buildings, and would need to be very carefully designed to minimise Frequently traditional materials, such as locally sourced wood and winter and to be cool in summer in an age where electric lighting and the impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area stone, are the most sustainable. The manufacture of concrete releases central heating were not widespread or indeed invented. Often the when proposed for unlisted buildings and is unlikely to be appropriate carbon dioxide. sustainability of these buildings can be enhanced by considering the when the external walls are unrendered stone. ways in which they were intended to be used, ventilated and heated. Sash windows, for example, are extremely effective ventilators when Windows Renewable energy used as originally conceived, with the upper and lower halves opened There is a presumption in favour of the retention of original windows. As explained above, measures to improve the energy efficiency of to the same amount. Draught-proofing windows and secondary glazing are very effective buildings should be exhausted before renewable energy generation low-interventionist measures to reduce heat loss. Reinstating internal is considered. Micro-renewables are expensive, are likely to be Fortunately, the most effective measures for reducing energy interventionist, and in many cases are ineffective. Ground source consumption are those that require least intervention in the fabric of wooden shutters where these have been lost can also be very effective. Many windows in the Conservation Area have been replaced heat pumps are unlikely to have an impact on the character and the buildings and townscape, and often are not visible from outside appearance of the Conservation Area; although the potential impact the building. For example, attic roof insulation is the best way to with uPVC items, but although they reduce energy loss, these windows are not sustainable, because they: on below-ground archaeology should be considered. Photovoltaic reduce heat loss from a building but cannot be seen externally and so cells, solar water heating, and wind turbines are likely to have an has no impact on the Conservation Area (except in the rare instances • are not easily repairable and have a limited life span (usually less impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area and that the roof line needs to be altered to install it). However, the than 20 years); should be designed to minimise this; for example photovoltaic cells installation of photovoltaic cells and wind turbines on buildings can and solar water heating are likely to be more acceptable on south- • have a high embodied energy (this is the energy used in potentially have an adverse impact on the character and appearance facing rear roofs than when visible from the street. English Heritage manufacture); of the Conservation Area, and less interventionist measures to guidance should be followed when installing micro-renewables in the reduce energy consumption should be implemented before micro- • create pollution during manufacture. Conservation Area. renewables are considered. Compounding this, micro-renewable energy generation is currently not very efficient and the production of The local authority should encourage residents and businesses to The impact on the setting of the Conservation Area should be 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles Enhancement and Management 8.0 photovoltaic cells for example is energy intensive; renewable energy replace uPVC windows with double-glazed replicas of the original properly considered when determining the appropriate location for generation is substantially more effective at the macro level, with, for window in wood, to the original proportions; potentially this could large-scale renewable energy farms. example, large-scale off-shore wind farms. be facilitated with grants. Such replacements would have the additional benefit of improving the character and appearance of the conservation area. The authorities should also promote the refurbishment of existing sash windows where these remain, which may involve replacing damaged window cords, repairing stuck sashes, removing rot, and draughtproofing.

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 51 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 52 cyclists could also be persued. Promotion of Redruth as a destination for cycling holidays or leisure over vehicular traffic, and accessibility to public transport improved. urban environment: pedestrians and cyclists should have priority transport over cars. This should be reflected in the design of the forms of transport, such as walking and cycling, and the use of public from vehicular traffic. The local authority should promote low carbon 27% of UK carbon emissions are from transport, and much of that Transport Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 building’s age, style and materials. mitigation measures should be designed to be compatible with the In order to preserve the character of the Conservation Area flood Modifications • Permanent • Temporary • Conservation Area the most appropriate protection measures will be: affect the character and appearance of the area. Within the or pavements would be inappropriate because it would significantly through the modification of ground levels. Even the raising of streets few opportunities for flood protection in the conventional way, i.e. Because the Conservation Area is already fully developed there are through in the Conservation Area during times of exceptionally heavy rain it is not inconceivable that water damage might occur elsewhere Parts of the town are low-lying and therefore at risk of flooding, and Flooding Energy consumption reduction damage if flood water enters a building. prevent flood water reaching the building;

lack light B fit low energy Boiler monitor useof curtains close walls plaster aBle supplier - renew from energy Buy

of flood flood

adequate to ulBs


barriers barriers

run-off. proof proof windows draught

& vapour Board insulate roof floor

to to

doors property light fittings &fixtures light fittings install efficient energy

fittings Reduce eneRgy consumption cost /levelofinteRvention


boundaries, and


services 100mm & vapour Board insulate laze glaze windows secondary

designed to w

alls reduce

to efficent Boiler install energy & kitchen units inB install heat recovery (iii) (ii) it (i) notes that development will not be permitted where: As regards new development, Kerrier District Local Plan Policy CS5 the end user, especially where the proposed use is residential. new use will need to be balanced against the impact of flood risk on Conservation Area the potential benefit to the area from the proposed residential use, may increase flood risk. Where that is proposed in the Change of use, particularly from commercial or industrial to lazed glazed windows install douBle

diversity of its habitats and their associated wildlife and plant life. harm or cause of significant harm from flooding or to flood control works; replenishment of surface or ground water; it would create a risk of, or be likely to be the cause of, significant it would be liable to flood or it would create a risk of or be the athroom




pollution Biomassoiler wind turBines - photovoltaics - solar water heating - - - on site install renewa micro Bles

significant geneRate ene Rgy pumps heat source ground






the of




supply Alan Baxter



the Principles: Action: 8.1 Residents and businesses are encouraged to adopt low In the short term, guidance on the best measures to make historic intervention measures to reduce energy consumption buildings more energy efficient and on microrenewables should (e.g. roof insulation, thick curtains, low energy light bulbs, be distributed by the local authority, for example via the website energy efficient boiler, secondary glazing) and such changes and when responding to planning applications. should be made before permission is granted for more interventionist measures (e.g. replacement windows, The local authority and their local partners could encourage photovoltaic panels, solar water heating, wind turbines). businesses providing locally sourced materials. The Council could include publicity for local building materials when responding to 8.2 As was discussed in policy 7.1, there is a presumption planning applications. in favour of retaining original windows; they should be draught-proofed or secondary glazed to improve energy The Local Authority should work with local partners and the efficiency rather than replaced. Environment Agency to address the issue of flooding. 8.3 There is a presumption in favour of replacing uPVC windows in historic buildings with double-glazed wooden replicas of the original windows. 8.4 There is a preference for building materials that are Archaeology locally sourced, from renewable, sustainable sources, and manufactured with low embodied energy and without In addition to the Scheduled Ancient Monuments in Helston, there releasing ozone-damaging gases. (See also principle 7.3) is potential for below-ground archaeology relating especially to the town’s medieval growth. 8.5 The local authority should promote walking, cycling and the use of public transport over cars. Design of the public realm should give priority to pedestrians and cyclists over vehicular Principle: traffic where appropriate, improve accessibility of public 9.1 Advice should be sought from the Conservation Officer when transport. planning building work so as to avoid damage to possible archaeological remains through appropriate mitigation 8.6 The modification of ground levels is generally not an measures. appropriate method of flood prevention in Conservation Areas.

8.7 Where required, flood protection measures should be designed to be compatible with the building’s age, style and materials. They should be provided in a way that minimises their impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area whilst addressing risks. 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles Enhancement and Management 8.0

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 53 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 54 working with the Town Council. role in this issue, co-ordinating the efforts of local businesses and environment. A town centre manager could well play an important local identity and pride in Helston’s history and its historic built Just as important is the need to develop and promote a sense of to stay in the town. inducing visitors to the Lizard peninsular to stop at Helston functions, perhaps focussing on local produce and crafts as a way of also provides an attractive setting in which to develop specialist retail quality town has the potential to become well-known for the particular theme park is nearby, offering a variety of rides and exhibitions. The the fame of Helston, drawing in many interested visitors. Flambards Furry Dance are well-known traditions which not only contribute to trail and a comprehensive museum of local life. Flora Day and the Helston already makes provision for visitors, with an informative town Public appreciation and Tourism Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010









environment en route , or historic buildings shopfronts can spoil Insensitive modern appointed and to define the scope of their role. businesses to establish whether a Town Centre Manager could be The local authority should work with the Town Council and local as the wells, the kennels, or materials used in the buildings. there is potential for further on-site interpretation of such features The Town Trail is a good contribution to the visitor experience, but (the location of the nearest railway station). between Helston and other centres in the area, not least Redruth Conservation Area. It should also bear in mind the relationship necessitated by additional traffic and visitors within the strategy will of course need to consider the other infrastructure guidebooks or the railway company’s on-train magazine). Such a for new specialist retail and other attractions (e.g. by inclusion in something with which to draw in tourists and as a pleasant setting of its exceptionally attractive historic built environment as tourism strategy for Helston which seeks to maximise the potential The local authority and their local partners should develop a Action : Castle Green Terrace windows spoil the effect of Mismatching replacement • Conservation Area has been compromised, including: Nonetheless, shop fronts such as nos. 15 and 21 Meneage Street. Appraisal identified a number of particularly good examples of historic has cities, perhaps also because so many retailers are local and so there worst of the inappropriate refrontings found in other towns and that these fronts are protected. Helston seems to have escaped the that there are a good number of surviving historic shop fronts and The number of listed buildings within the Conservation Area means Shop fronts in Meneage Street and Coinagehall Street Specific guidance Jobcentre, • A •

10.3 10.2 10.1 Principles: of 1691, banally-refronted Trengrouse Way, notably no. 75 Meneage Street, which is a building ‘Betfred’,

number not

design guide. lattice grilles set behind window glass. measures with external roll boxes) should not be allowed. Where security shops in Helston, these should be taken up. such as the rounded glazing bars which are characteristic of Area. Where opportunities exist to reinstate historic features, respect the scale, materials and forms of the Conservation fronts. Alterations (e.g. to accommodate signage) should Area favouring the retention of historic and traditional shop There should be a presumption throughout the Conservation Reference should be made to the local authority’s shopfront Backlit signs and intrusive security shutters (especially those



of Coinagehall

there the the



same corner



some pressure


Street. near






junction apply




a Meneage


be of

Meneage provided


quality streets Alan Baxter


by Street


means style’.




of Five Wells Lane Principles: Key development sites As the Conservation Area Appraisal noted, Five Wells Lane was 11.1 Car parking along the side of the well should be restricted The Conservation Area Appraisal identified several buildings which historically a focus for industry and services, located in the valley lest this cause further structural deterioration. The degraded detract from the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, bottom between Coinagehall Street and Cross Street/Church Street. modern railings should be replaced: an appropriate as well as ‘gap’ and opportunity sites which could productively be Leading from the sinuous lane itself are a series of opeways; also replacement design should be researched and commissioned. redeveloped to enhance the area. General principles for development included is Lady Street. The Appraisal noted a number of features 11.2 Boundary walls along the opes should be carefully maintained are set out above. In what follows, specific suggestions for selected specific to this area that contribute to its informality, including: key sites and buildings are set out.

• little distinction along the roads between space for vehicles and pedestrians Actions: Gap site: former Grammar School, Wendron Street The potential to illuminate boundary walls (and the well) as part of This site, adjacent to the Godolphin Club and former Ambulance • a piecemeal mixture of terraces and cottages a wider lighting scheme for the town should be considered. Station, represents a particular ‘gap’ in the streetscape. It is currently • variety of buildings materials, including rubble stone and slate used for car parking and is operated privately. A new building here hanging If the Woolworths site is redeveloped, the bulk of the existing would offer the opportunity to restore the street line. It should building should be carefully reviewed. respond to the scale and massing of its neighbours, not least as the • the sense of enclosure within the opeways, generated by the high site is visible from Church Street and St Michael’s Church, and should walls at their sides reuse the surviving gates of the school. • the attractive mixture of cobbles and stone setts in the opeways (recently restored) The strategic use of this site could be considered in conjunction with the future of the former school in Penrose Road, which backs onto this Three particular issues were noted: site. Appropriate uses might include residential, or – in conjunction with the school – small business units. • the poor quality railings dividing the eponymous well itself from the lane

• car parking adjacent to the well, which not only screens it from view but may be causing structural damage to the retaining wall and railings.

• the unrelieved bulk of the Woolworths store, which looms over the houses in Lady Street 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles Enhancement and Management 8.0

Historic shopfront, Coinagehall Street The well, Five Wells Lane Grammar school site, Wendron Street

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 55 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 56 style and materials so that the reconstruction can be clearly read as perhaps in a contemporary reinterpretation of the traditional local the walls up to the former roofline (evident on an adjacent building), the lower level could be excavated. A new structure could continue pose several design challenges. Its surviving walls should be retained; The part-survival of this building plus its infilling and prominent site one of the most attractive parts of Helston. park. It enjoys a prominent location that is visible from the Guildhall, in with the lower level infilled and the surface now used as a private car This site comprises the remnants of a former chapel on a sloping site, and Church Street Gap site: former Chapel at junction of Penrose Road ‘gateway’ to the proposed buildings on the former Cattle Market, then the of the Castle Hill steps. If the Tourist Information centre is relocated to the Grylls Monument but also by virtue of its position at the head This site occupies a key central location, not least as the backdrop and environs Public realm and negative buildings: Bowling Green green space. Alternatively, this site could be landscaped and used as a small public such. Road, offering scope for various possible new uses.Former chapel at the junction of Church Street and Penrose Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010









increased. Seek • seek • seek • • Work on this site should therefore: adjacent to the Monument have also been noted. quality particular, is somewhat sorry in appearance. In addition, the poor to the public realm of this area: that part behind the clubhouse, in Particular enhancement opportunities have been discussed relating There •

bowling green itself. The space around the green is a valuable public appropriate local materials. architectural style that is more appropriate in this context, and with should take care not to dominate in the backdrop to the monument. problematic and alien in the local context, but any alterations flat roof, pebbledashed walls and uPVC windows are particularly planting (provided that planting does not obscure views) Hill steps with new surfacing, lighting, and perhaps also benches/ improve the public realm environment at the head of the Castle and which might subsidise the bowling operation. capitalise amenity much-used e.g. at lunchtime.

enhancement enhancement to appearance


improve some




the ‘gateway’


or or

the quality

replacement replacement










a Flora Centre, Wendron Street clubhouse of of


site the the

and public bowling and


its and benches


toilets attractive

clubhouse. the



in around





the enhances its setting and that of the Conservation Area. responds to the historic building in a contemporary idiom, and which entrance condition and fails to provide a particularly welcoming or attractive windows of the main building in its arched roofline, it is in poor sion on its street side. While this extension picks up the round-headed as a cinema. It is listed at Grade II and features a single-storey exten This building – a former chapel – now fulfils a variety of roles, not least Wendron Street Negative building: Flora Centre front extension,









‘feature’ Alan Baxter


which - Trengrouse Way Car Park

This area is a key movement route for pedestrians walking between the entrance to the supermarket and Meneage Street and the town centre. Pedestrians currently need to deviate from the desire line to reach Somerfield, either walking up the steep steps and around the main car park, or along the narrow access road conflicting with vehicles.

The space at the top of the ramp is a poor environment for pedestrians with conflict from vehicles accessing the lower car park, rear servicing yard and tired public realm. It is proposed that this area be upgraded as a priority, with the pedestrian realm extended across the access road allowing priority over vehicles, new street furniture and enhanced landscaping provided, and new widened steps up to the main car park to encourage people to use this route to the supermarket rather than the edge of the access road.

It is recommended that Horse and Jockey Lane be improved with new surfacing and railings. Building steps into one half of the path would give pedestrians the choice of using either the ramp or steps, and the hand rail should be moved to the sides to increase the feeling of space and reduce congestion.

The quality of the environment would also be improved by encouraging local shop/property owners to improve the facades of their buildings - these businesses would in turn benefit from the improvements to the public realm.

A long term possibility is to relocate the Clinic and Library to the site of the lower car park by negotiating a land swap. The lower car park site would provide a fantastic setting for these civic buildings with commanding views across Helston. The car park area would be consolidated on one level, and improvements made to the layout and landscaping. The additional benefit of this proposal is that the current Key issues and opportunities on the Somerfield/Library site. access road to the lower car park would freed up for predominantly pedestrian usage as the library and clinic would only need vehicular Principles Enhancement and Management 8.0 access infrequently.

The 1960’s Clinic and Library are tired, and the opportunity to re-build these facilities on the lower car park site would also allow the consolidation of the car park.

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 57 8.0 Management and Enhancement Principles 58 Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 Possible improvements to the area between the car park and Meneage Street crossing, Photo 2: Space at top of ramp and service road. The pedestrian environment is poor, with lack of a proper potential safety hazard, especially for those withPhoto limited 1: The mobility existing ramp is constrained by central railings and is very steep in sections causing






surfaces. Alan Baxter 9.0 Protection and Enforcement 9.0 Gwith ha Konstrinans

This section considers how the character and appearance of the doors and windows except where an identical design/material/finish town are listed at Grade II; there are six at Grade II*. Such designations Conservation Area can be protected by statutory and local means. is used, installation of decorative lighting, addition of solar panels/ carry the requirement to secure Listed Building Consent for works, in These means include: conservation area designation, listing, local dormers/rooflights, addition of extraction/ventilation equipment. addition to planning permission. listing, and the introduction of Article 4 directions. Again, it is important to note that these designations are not intended to ‘freeze’ The Kerrier Local Plan (Revised Deposit Draft with Summary of Pre- Locally-listed buildings the Conservation Area by preventing change, but to make sure that Inquiry Changes) also places restrictions on development within and Local Authorities have the power, though the Local Planning necessary changes are undertaken in an informed and considered close to the Conservation Area, affecting buildings and landscape Framework, to include buildings on a local list and to develop manner. setting: its content is discussed further in the Conservation Area Appraisal. policies to protect these buildings from inappropriate change Conservation Areas are defined by Planning Policy Guidance 15 as or development. Although these buildings have no statutory ‘areas of special or architectural interest, the character or appearance However the Local Plan is not saved and it has little weight in planning designation, their inclusion in a local list can be a material of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’. In this respect, the policy terms. In order for the Conservation Area to be properly consideration when determining planning applications. In some designation of conservation areas is intended to ensure that policy considered as a material consideration, there should be relevant cases, it may be appropriate to serve an Article 4 direction to remove addresses ‘quality of townscape in its broadest sense as well as policies in the Local Development Framework being developed by permitted development rights and thus to secure the building (see the protection of individual buildings’. Factors such as the layout Cornwall Council. below). of boundaries and thoroughfares, ‘mix’ of uses, the appropriate Action: The Conservation Area Appraisal identified a number of significant but scaling and detailing of contemporary buildings, and the quality In order for the principles in this Management Strategy to be unlisted buildings. They have been chosen either as important local of advertisements, street furniture and shop fronts are therefore all adequately enforced, they should be linked to the emerging public buildings, or as being especially fine/intact examples which important. Controls are also placed on the lopping and felling of trees, policies in the Local Development Framework and the would merit careful handling. It is recommended that they are added for which notice to the local authority must be given by property Management Strategy be adopted as material consideration. to a local list. owners. Satellite dishes are not automatically allowed. The Conservation Area should be periodically reviewed for Action: Conservation area consent is required for the total or substantial unauthorised works, e.g. the addition of satellite dishes or cladding. The Local Planning Authority should develop and publicise a demolition of any unlisted building in a conservation area, subject to local list of buildings, using the list of buildings identified in the various exceptions related to the size of the building in question. The Conservation Area Appraisal as a starting point. The local list should 2008 Heritage Protection Bill proposes that this consent be merged

be periodically reviewed. Enforcement and Protection 9.0 with planning permission. Conservation area designation also restricts Extensions to the Conservation Area other ‘permitted development’ rights, requiring permission to be The Appraisal proposed two small extensions: ‘Trehayne’ and St sought for works which would otherwise be automatically allowed Michael’s Rectory on Church Lane, and Lower Well Lane. These are Unlisted buildings including the addition of various types of cladding, alterations to historic properties and their inclusion would thus be consistent with Planning Policy Guidance 15 states that there should be a roof forms (such as the addition of dormer windows), the addition of the rest of the Conservation Area. presumption in favour of the retention of unlisted buildings (whether satellite dishes to walls and roofs fronting highways. The size of house locally-listed or not) that make a positive contribution to the character Action: and industrial extensions which may be constructed without planning or appearance of a Conservation Area, and advises that any proposals The Local Planning Authority should extend the Conservation Area permission is also restricted. Various controls relating to tree pruning that include the demolition of such buildings should be assessed boundary as detailed above. and felling also exist. The situation changes periodically, and anyone against the same broad criteria as proposals for the demolition of a proposing to undertake work should check with the Local Authority listed building. The quality of a replacement building may be taken Conservation Officer to be sure. Existing statutory designations into consideration in such cases. Commercial properties within conservation areas have very limited The existing statutory designations within the Conservation Area permitted development rights, and are required to obtain permission are detailed in the Conservation Area Appraisal. Helston has a Article 4 directions for works including changes to roofing material/roof profile, removal significant number of listed buildings within its central core: indeed, A direction under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning of architectural features, replacement of shop front, replacement of on Coinagehall Street, the majority of buildings are listed. Most in the (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 may be enacted to

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 59 9.0 Protection and Enforcement 60 desirable to extend the direction to cover solar panels. and chimneys to the sides and rear of properties as well as the fronts. It would be Conservation Area in 2002. This direction protects historic doors, windows, roofs An Article 4 (1) direction was approved for the Town Centre part of the Helston permitted. development can never be carried out, but that it will no longer be automatically 4 direction restricts the right of landowners to carry out such works. It is not that unfortunate as the replacement of windows or painting of a stone elevation – can have are are generally acceptable are automatically granted planning permission, and In normal circumstances, small alterations to listed buildings of a kind that preserve the character or appearance of the conservation area, or part of it. protection already) (Listed buildings are also shown on the map as they have a degree of statutory shown. The following street sections are recommended for Article 4 (2) directions as which have a high public presence. that are exceptional examples of their type, are not currently protected, and therefore only recommended in the first instance for a small number of streets appearance has been detrimentally diminished. Article 4 (2) directions are (in terms of replacement windows and indeed roof slates) that their overall may be problematic to enforce. Some areas have already seen such alteration require properties within the Conservation Area extensions. Such directions, however, It is tempting to propose a blanket Article 4 direction for all unlisted residential Meneage Road Godolphin Road Wendron Street prepared for affected houses. walls should be explored. A leaflet explaining their implications should be scope of the existing Article 4 (1) to include solar panels and historic boundary directions as above should be enacted, and the possibility of extending the Subject to a review of policy, resources and further consultation, Article 4 (2) Action: Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010






resources guttering, garden walls and railings. To protect historic windows and doors, roof/gable details, gable details, and front garden walls/railings. To protect historic windows, doors, porches and roof/ eroded. which reflect its historic origins, and which are being which contribute to the character and interest of the area, To protect historic windows, doors, and roof/gable details









However, of















so Article 4 directions Grade Building Grade II* Listed directions Proposed Article 4 (2) force Article 4 (1) direction in II Listed Building Alan Baxter Buildings at risk Reviewing development in the Conservation Helston is an attractive town and on the whole property owners seem The simplest, cheapest form of action in the first instance may be for Area to maintain their buildings to a good standard. A small number of property owners and the local authority to work together to secure The development control powers which are available to the Local buildings at risk were identified in the Conservation Area Appraisal: guidance for appropriately-qualified specialists. The pursuit of these Planning Authority as a result of listed building and Conservation matters by means of legislation can take a long time – sometimes Area designation are outlined in Section 2 of the Conservation Church Street: former Boys’ school, now used by the years or decades. Area Appraisal and are expanded upon in Appendix One of this town band Management Strategy. No. 20a Landmark buildings and views St John’s Road: outbuilding on the northern corner of Action: Drippy-Droppy. Landmark buildings and structures are identified in the Conservation The Local Planning Authority should periodically review properties Area Appraisal (page 27-29). The key landmarks are the Grylls in the Conservation Area to note any works to listed and unlisted The Local Authority currently has a register of Buildings at Risk. Monument, which forms the termination of views along Coinagehall buildings which may have been made without the relevant Street, and St Michael’s Church, visible from a number of points in the consents. These might include the conversion of front yard areas Action: town. for car parking, the removal of boundaries (such as railings) which The Local Planning Authority should continue its system of might be considered to be part of their curtilage, or the addition of The prevailing height of buildings in the town is two-three storeys. monitoring and reporting buildings at risk or in disrepair. Repairs saellite dishes to such buildings should be undertaken as a matter of priority and Although it is unlikely that a town of Helston’s size and status would new uses found for them. be subject to pressure for taller buildings, proposals for buildings of even two-three storeys should be considered carefully in terms Summary of their impact on views, as the hilly topography of the town centre It is imperative that a consistent, transparent and public approach means that several ‘gap’ sites, such as that of the former grammar Repair notices/urgent works notices/Section to enforcement is taken by the Local Authority. This will require school on Wendron Street, occupy prominent locations that are 215 notices appropriate resourcing. The support of local partners should be visible from some distance. Equally, works to the Trengrouse Way car obtained so that management is a shared undertaking. Where buildings degenerate to a significant degree, a number of park may block the attractive views of the town and beyond which powers exist for local authorities to remedy the situation. At present, currently exist from here. the only potential candidate for the application of these powers is the outbuilding at the corner of St John’s Road and Drippy Droppy. The Action: powers include: New developments – even low-rise ones – should be considered in • requiring the owner of the building in disrepair to make it safe terms of their impact on views, in accordance with current English or demolish it under the terms of the Building Act 1984 (a power Heritage guidance (Seeing the history in the view).

which is modified for Conservation Areas so as to prevent the loss of Enforcement and Protection 9.0 significant buildings)

• repairs under Section 54 of the Listed Buildings Act to make a listed building (and, exceptionally, unlisted buildings in Conservation Areas) wind- and watertight.

• A Section 215 ‘Untidy Site’ notice can be served under the terms of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, requiring owners to improve the appearance of demolition sites and other untidy land. Such notices can be served on buildings, and so are useful for those which are ‘adversely affecting’ the ‘amenity’ of its area. They can also be used creatively on heritage sites: for example, to reinstate an original wall around a site rather than simply tidying the mess.

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 61 10.0 Implementation 62 Development Framework and its associated documents. of this strategy, as they can be incorporated within the new Local However, this is a timely moment to implement the recommendations division of responsibility in caring for it is bound to be complex. of priorities. Because of the character of the Conservation Area, the short chapter summarises these measures and suggests an order out, would enhance and protect the Helston Conservation Area. This The previous chapters have examined the measures which, if carried 10.0 Kowlwrians 10.0 Implementation This document should be ratified and adopted by the Council. the creation of the new unitary Cornwall Council approached. adoption as the mechanism for adopting and making policy ceased as However, this document was not put to Kerrier District Council for of comments made (see Statement of Community Involvement). Members, public and stakeholders and has been amended in light This document has been subject to formal consultation with elected Adopting, monitoring and updating this Plan Actions arising from this Management Strategy Low: Medium: High: Priorities have been devised as follows: Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010


items which would help protect, manage or improve the enhancement which would have a benefit, but not an immediate priority undertaken within two-five years character and appearance of the Conservation Area, to be Area two years) to prevent degradation of the Conservation







accompanied by consultation workshops. amended in the light of other events. The review process should be the actions specified here have been achieved, or how they should be of its adoption. This review should monitor and assess how many of It is important that the Management Plan is reviewed within five years following a statutory period of public consultation. be produced and the Statement of Community Involvement updated in the Core Strategy of the LDF. A Sustainability Appraisal will need to Management Strategy would need to be reviewed in line with policies adoption as material consideration to the LDF. The principles in the Management Strategy element of this document, is put forward for and draft Local Plan and LDF work. It is recommended that the on a Core Strategy for Cornwall, bringing together previous saved A new Cornwall Local Development Framework team is working consideration Strategy as material Adopt the Management in the LDF this document to the policies Link the principles set out in local policy in this document and adopt as Evaluate the principles set out Action Local authority Local authority Local authority Responsibility High High High Priority Sustainability • Historic • Building • New • Traffic • Views • • Public • and enhanced, relating to the following themes: appearance of the Helston Conservation Area could be maintained Chapter 8 set out a series of principles by which the character and Management and enhancement principles



realm, and







paving, Within two years Within two years Within two years Timescale



street Alan Baxter

furniture Protection and enforcement action points Chapter 9 discussed how statutory and local policy are essential to the protection of the Conservation Area’s special qualities. A series of Action Points was set out, and these should be implemented within the next three years in the first instance and thereafter on an ongoing basis:

Action Responsibility Priority Timescale Application and monitoring of Article 4 directions to Local authority High Within 12 months; ongoing protect significant architectural and historic features; monitoring produce guide for affected properties Add buildings identified in the Appraisal as being of Local authority High Within 12 months; ongoing local interest to a local list of significant buildings monitoring Extend the Conservation Area to include ‘Trehayne’, Local authority High Within 12 months the Rectory, and Lower Well Lane Identify and evaluate options for gap/opportunity Local authority with input from High Within 12–18 months sites identified in this document local partners Assess pavements for poor-quality reinstatement of Local authority with input from High Within 12–18 months historic surfaces by utility companies; seek remedy local partners work by legal means Inclusion and protection of views deemed significant Local authority Medium Within three years in the Appraisal within the Local Development Framework Monitor Buildings at Risk Local authority and local partners Ongoing Ongoing Monitor and enforce unauthorised changes to listed Local authority, and local partners Ongoing Ongoing buildings/changes to unlisted buildings which where appropriate require permission by virtue of C.A. designation Implementation 10.0 Serve Urgent Works, Untidy Site notices; monitor Local authority Ongoing Ongoing, when necessary pavements and follow up poor quality utility works reinstatement using powers available.

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 63 10.0 Implementation 64 inevitably the principal burden in caring for it falls upon the Local and the Town Council as well as the Local Authoirty. However, enhancement will need input from local people, businesses, Area can be a shared responsibility, and its management and The preceding section indicates the extent to which the Conservation Resourcing for these projects. take the lead in establishing the feasibility, responsibility and funding summarised here for ease of reference. The Local Authority should could be implemented with special reference to Helston. They are Chapter 8 also set out various action points by which principles Management and enhancement actions concerted fashion. be exercising its powers and responsibilities in a consistent and and responsibilities, and – at least as importantly – to be seen to commits upon it by the planning legislation. It is essential that the authority Planning Authority, not least because of the obligations placed Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010









powers Weeding and maintenance to pavements/kennels Annual junction Review landscaping at Clodgey Lane/Godolphin Rd ‘Helston ordinate matters viability and role of a Town Centre manager to co- Develop retail and tourism strategies; investigate Hill, Godolphin Rd Street, Wendron Street, Castle Green steps, Shute Pavement/public realm improvements: Meneage and clinic reviewing options for the best location of the library of Horse and Jockey Lane/Somerfield car park, Develop design and strategy for the enhancement community DIY actions, sustainability on historic detailing, windows, local materials, Production/publicisation of guidance literature assess, repair/restore historic signage etc Review, rationalise signage, advertisements strategy; repair/restore linings and reinstate water Review management and operation of the kennels; Street design for traffic calming, Cross Street and Church Develop traffic strategy for the town and especially to compliment the historic setts and kennels aggregate slabs to replace modern units and in order using Coinagehall Street pavement surface improvements, Seek/allocate funding and develop design for Wells Lane solution for enhancement of the historic well at Five Seek/allocate funding and develop design/structural integrated strategy, especially for lighting Review street furniture and public realm; devise Action





competition; materials








than Local authority with local partners Local partners Local authority/Town Council Centre manager if appointed partners as necessary, e.g. Town Local authority with input from local Local authority with local partners partners as necessary Local authority with input from local partners as necessary Local authority with input from local Local authority with local partners Local authority with local partners partners as necessary Local authority with input from local partners as necessary Local authority with input from local partners as necessary Local authority with input from local partners as necessary Local authority with input from local partners as necessary Local authority with input from local Responsibility Ongoing Ongoing Low Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium High High High High High Priority Ongoing Ongoing Within five-ten years designation in 2009. of Conservation Area fortieth anniversary opportunity to recognise Within five years – but Within five years Within five years Within five years Within two years Within two years Within 12 months Within 12 months Within 12–18 months Within 12 months Within 12 months Timescale Alan Baxter Action Responsibility Priority Timescale Review street furniture and public realm; devise Local authority with input from local High Within 12 months 11.0 Bibliography integrated strategy, especially for lighting partners as necessary Seek/allocate funding and develop design/structural Local authority with input from local High Within 12 months 11.0 Rol Lyvrow solution for enhancement of the historic well at Five partners as necessary Wells Lane Historic sources Local authority reports National policy documents Seek/allocate funding and develop design for Local authority with input from local High Within 12–18 months Coinagehall Street pavement surface improvements, partners as necessary The principal sources for the historical analysis contained in this report Cornwall County Council, Cornwall Structure Plan (2004) CABE/Office of the Deputy Prime Minister,Paving the Way (2002) using high-quality materials (granite) rather than have been: Cornwall County Council, The Cornish Building Stone and Slate Guide CABE/English Heritage, Building in context: new development in historic aggregate slabs to replace modern units and in order Cornwall and Scilly Urban Survey, Helston (2002) (2007) areas (2001) to compliment the historic setts and kennels Develop traffic strategy for the town and especially Local authority with input from local High Within 12 months Nikolaus Pevsner and E. Radcliffe,The Buildings of England: Cornwall Cornwall and West Devon Landscape Mining Partnership, Cornwall English Heritage, Streets for All: South West (2001) design for traffic calming, Cross Street and Church partners as necessary (Harmondsworth, 1970) and West Devon Mining Landscape World Heritage Site Management Street Plan, 2005–2010 (2005) English Heritage, Guidance on Conservation Area Appraisals (2005) John C.C. Probert, Worship and devotion of Cornish Methodism (1978) Review management and operation of the kennels; Local authority with input from local High Within 12 months English Heritage, Guidance on the management of Conservation Areas repair/restore linings and reinstate water partners as necessary David St-John Thomas, A regional history of the railways of Great Britain (2006) Review, rationalise signage, advertisements strategy; Local authority with local partners Medium Within two years (1966) English Heritage, Conservation Principles: Policies and guidance for the assess, repair/restore historic signage etc H. Spencer Toy, The history of Helston (1936) sustainable management of the historic environment (2008) Production/publicisation of guidance literature Local authority with local partners Medium Within two years on historic detailing, windows, local materials, Planning Policy Guidance 15: Planning and the historic environment community DIY actions, sustainability (1994) Develop design and strategy for the enhancement Local authority with input from local Medium Within five years Planning Policy Guidance 16: Archaeology (1990) of Horse and Jockey Lane/Somerfield car park, partners as necessary reviewing options for the best location of the library and clinic

Pavement/public realm improvements: Meneage Local authority with input from local Medium Within five years Bibliography 11.0 Street, Wendron Street, Castle Green steps, Shute partners as necessary Hill, Godolphin Rd Develop retail and tourism strategies; investigate Local authority with local partners Medium Within five years viability and role of a Town Centre manager to co- ordinate matters ‘Helston in Bloom’ competition; best shop display Local authority with input from local Medium Within five years – but partners as necessary, e.g. Town opportunity to recognise Centre manager if appointed fortieth anniversary of Conservation Area designation in 2009. Review landscaping at Clodgey Lane/Godolphin Rd Local authority/Town Council Low Within five-ten years junction Annual community ‘tidy up’ Local partners Ongoing Ongoing Weeding and maintenance to pavements/kennels Local authority with local partners Ongoing Ongoing

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 65 Appendix 66 Community Involvement Appendix: Statement of consultation process has been undertaken. The consultant team met interested stakeholders and members of the local public, a rigorous In order to create a robust document and gain consensus amongst issue responded to by Kerrier District Council. This feedback has been carefully registered and each comment or town. Feedback forms were handed out. particular concerns with traffic and certain historic buildings in the provided useful local input and highlighted key issues including community to see the summary poster boards and the report. This The afternoon of this event was a chance for people from the local organisations. included local councillors, representatives of the police, and local issues took place, followed by much productive discussion. Attendees stakeholders, the work was introduced, a walkabout to highlight key consultation events were held on 11 September. At the first, for at Helston Library for three weeks between 1–19 September. Two website, reports were available for public download on Kerrier District Council’s A first consultation event was held in September 2008. The draft to the preservation and enhancement of the town. elements we asked stakeholders to provide us with their local knowledge of the with stakeholders to gain their input into the project. More specifically, Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010




















lead Alan Baxter Stakeholder Responses from workshop held 12th September 2008 at Helston Guildhall

Principles Yes No Comments Answers Need to consider town council role in monitoring Community Networks established by One and managing conservation area. Cornwall could provide clearer role for Town Council’s in managing conservation areas. What state is Helston in?

• Much work has been done in 18 months

Spoilt by: • modern day life • cars and parking • buddleia and invasive plants

Economic situation: Advantage over e.g. Redruth that it is further from Truro

Advantage over e.g. Redruth that it is further from Truro

Local businesses strong

Local produce focus is good Appendix Difficulty because things are available Culdrose supports a night-time economy.

Worry about charity shops: • charity shops may well actually take away trade from other shops • charity shops pay reduced rates

Topography and geography

Problem that the town is on a hill – Camborne is flat, and therefore advantageous.

Opeways: • good ways through • businesses thriving

Issue about getting stuff in and out of shops.

Woolworths, Boots load in and out at the front.

Lorries damage kerbs.

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 67 Appendix 68 Much apathy. environment is. Helston locals may not realise how good their Should be more local appreciation their own environment. Actually people in Cornwall know little about Do people know about its history? Is Helston’s history working for it? Problems of busy corner by Guildhall Guildhall: vacancies at upper levels. Coinagehall Street: takeaways, etc. Mixture of units: is it about right? Gates scope to install gates to close at night – Actually many opeways necessary but maybe indication that people hang around. Little amount of litter – even at Five Wells – little No feeling of being unsafe, even opeways. Principles Excellent Threat: council change hasn’t allowed marketing etc – Helston a gateway to Lizard but also Porthleven, Flora Day gets a splash but that’s it. Tourist info closed. Should there be a TIC? Local schools. Curriculum doesn’t allow time. a long way away. Problem in that outskirts of the town are actually Aged population in the town centre. personnel) People in estates don’t come into town (nor Navy Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010











Yes No Comments Answers Alan Baxter Principles Yes No Comments Answers Town centre business development manager .

Promote and market Helston the rest of the time.

Joint marketing museum/leisure centre.

Farmers’ market busy – but down at Coronation Lane. No signage about the rest of the town.

No Chamber of Commerce.

Cattle market: building will have to be managed.

Could this be more wide-ranging?

Tourism kiosk.

Event held at Helston Guildhall 12th September 2008, 2pm–8.00pm. 26 attendees noted by Consultants and comments submitted using feedback forms as detailed below.

Public responses to Questionnaire and Feedback Form

Principles Yes No Comments Answers Appendix 1. Has the exhibition material told you everything 4 6 Where is the water that usually runs down the Actions in the Management Plan need to be you need to know about the CAA’s? kennel? taken on board to resolve this issue.

Would like more info about listed buildings Protection will change but guidance on listed different classes? buildings on KDC web site. Could revisit website

Exhibition mounted too high for elderly/short Look at boards for next exhibition, bigger people and people of limited sight text, spare A3 copies at exhibition would help.

Future policy – what is it?

Visited Library – exhibits too high to be of any Need for signage at venue and could put value. When viewed at Guildhall no streets or street names on exhibition plans. roads identified. Why no DVD or video?

Absolutely not. Library wrong place for On going Laptop presentation might have exhibit. Flyers failed to advise or be delivered. helped, cost-benefits have to be considered. Presentation lacking in clear information. Why not a DVD or arrange viewings?

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 69 Appendix 70 missed out tell Conservation Areas identified on board 2? Please 2. Principles Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010

















have the 7 Yes 1 No Areas I know, this is not tolerated or ignored. Conservation Area. In other Conservation and speeding dangerously through the cars driving and parking on the pavement You Number the boards! Wendron Street? What about the Old Grammar School in area etc (number 1 on town trail) old prison/workhouse site, Sanctuary Lane With resignation. Failure to even show Helston residents about its neglect. shown despite many years of concern by local THE PRISON and its environs – not even Which was board 2? Yes with reservations. antique change them for reproduction modern/ Spring. Please keep these old railings & not Identified be replaced. More Definitely need boundary walls protected. seriously. being conserved if traffic issues are not taken finance will be provided. Helston is not really Does not state the expected outcomes or how sized map please. A real problem with map scale – a large table Johns Road. it. Drippy Droppy in Penhellaz Hill and St. Castle Hill or Bowling Green steps as we know The old water mills, Mill Lane and St Johns, Comments




missed are




quality for









to Management solution to servicing etc? a high level. taken on board to address highways issues at Actions in the Management Plan need to be Highways comments not received but the We could do this on next consultations Future use needs investigation. become a future problem if not maintained. Within CA but needs repair work. Will As above Prison is within Conservation Area I think the railings are beyond repair We already have a shopfront design guide Agree-Article 4 directions for walls Any highways comments? We could do this for the next consultations Answers

Alan Baxter 3. Do you agree with the threats identified to 6 1 Keeping the façade of the original buildings is the quality of the Conservation Area? Please tell very important us what you think spoils the character of the Conservation Area. Cars parked in Five Wells Lane and St Johns area.

Weeds everywhere! Some shop fronts, Management solution needed. Possibility especially in Meneage Street, spoil the with one cornwall? character.

Library and clinic Somerfield stores parking Agree area and top of Horse and Jockey Lane spoil the area’s character. Woolworths and Post Office out of character on Coinagehall Street. Castle Green car park should be improved as at entrance to Helston and near park.

Lack of knowledge of planners is of Absolutely. This wasn’t from me! significance. Overworked Conservation Officer.

Traffic volume in residential areas. Excessive Agree-wondered if a good practice manual. street signage and associated steel poles Streets for All not really being applied properly.

Diagram is not clear enough to show buildings in danger. Find it hard to believe this is the

only building in danger. Appendix

General air of neglect. Weeds proliferate at Management solution needed Shute Hill (Conservation Area) and footpaths. Kennels not flowing, litter everywhere. PAVING.

General neglect – especially in old prison/ As above workhouse & Sanctuary Lane, Shute Hill, Penrose Road and all unused kennels, paving in side streets and weeds everywhere.

Overflowing gutters full of grass. Drains for Funding for a future maintenance scheme down pipes blocked. could be pursued

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 71 Appendix 72 views are most important to you. important to the character? Please tell us which 4. Do you agree that the views and landmarks are Principles Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010 12 Yes No Area Just about everything in the Conservation bottom missing. still needs improvement and grating at the is overgrown and has been cut down but At the bottom of Shute Hill cobbled drain Hill – the wall grows trees but has improved. to Penventon Farm. Porthleven Hill. Shute Coming down Wendron Street looking across development of old prison exercise yard. school seriously threatened by unsuitable back across that area. From old grammar View from top of Shute Hill and view yard which is listed. unsuitable planning applications for prison Yes. From top of Shute Hill across to historic buildings in these areas. large volume of traffic is destroying many Street. Vehicles of excessive size/weight and around town centre, Church Street and Cross Flow of traffic should be more strictly enforced the West on the A394 The first impression of Helston arriving from so important to Helston. enhance all views and landmarks as they are Difficult to say because we need to keep and bowling building) Somerfield car park. Bowling Green (other side of monstrous View down Meneage Street to Church. From bowling green & Somerfield car park. Hall. Street down Coinagehall Street from Town View up and down Church Street and Cross Comments




by Need to double check all views below Answers Alan Baxter Principles Yes No Comments Answers 5. Please tell us if there are specific improvements Helston is scruffy and full of weeds all along Maintenance issue to the Conservation Areas you would like to see the edges of walls in Trengrouse car parking made. area, main high street and the front of the Post Office is disgusting.

Removal of inappropriate signs on lamp posts Highways liaison, enforcement strategy? and shop fronts i.e. Betfred.

Weeds removed. Improved signage to trail Maintenance issue venues.

Drippy Droppy steps, Castle Green car park. Woolworths.

Enforcement – quicker when breaches seen. Enforcement Strategy It should not be better to do work without planning permission because you will get away with it rather than go for permission and get turned down.

Removal of the clutter of modern street Public Realm strategy, good practice manual signage where possible.

Yes. Someone take an interest in the listed prison (1836) I could write volumes. PLASTIC lamps, gutterways etc. Appendix Proper development of old prison site (complete) and restoration of very important old original boundary wall behind – for which no funds available and in my garden!!

Make the kennels run! Management solution needed and budget

The abuse of the Conservation Area by the car Traffic management plan? is the single most important issue. 6. Do you agree with the removal of permitted 8 2 Yes, rules are too slack on some points i.e. Agree on windows, signage covered by development rights (Article 4 Directions) to windows and signage. advertisement control & LBC in cases protect important features in the Conservation Area? Absolutely. It is essential to protect what makes Helston worth visiting and living in.

Yes, permitted development rights are too easily approved.

How are ordinary, low paid people expected Need to provide cost alternatives for to manage the costs involved without imported slate v natural slate, double glazed financial help? v single glazed, upvc v wood etc

Alan Baxter Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy / March 2010 73 Appendix 74 areas you think should be included or excluded. Conservation Area? Please tell us if there are 7. Do you agree with the boundary of the Principles it’s certainly getting there already. Too many charity shops, estate scruffy and soon it will be on a par with Camborne and Redruth, • bankrupt society. • Other comments much. • agents. Soon it will die altogether. Helston Conservation Area Appraisal & Management Strategy/ March 2010

The A Mrs


M overall

B complete







of of

time Helston












7 Yes care

it in

is very


dirty • as possible. • Response

1 No Is This




a statutory




View Terrace and Gwealhellis House. should be included and lower area around Sea The area around the Church as proposed Cornwall. probably the only remaining one of its type in original prison yard. As the complete side is development of the old town prison and Particular attention must be paid to any plan which would make comments possible. But would have welcomed a large, readable Mill buildings along Cober Valley. Conservation Area and Article 4 Directions. things that have happened before the Yes but there must be some help in redressing Yes, most things are covered. Comments a










efficiently Will look at this Town Council’s position? Prison? Is it a private sector project? What is Who is leading on the approach to the Old Could do this at next public consultations Previously assessed enforcement Raise any outstanding cases with Answers

Alan Baxter

75 Cowcross Street London EC1M 6EL tel +44 (0)20 7250 1555 fax +44 (0)20 7250 3022 email [email protected]