Virginia Square Sector Plan Public Participation Process
Prepared by Arlington County, Virginia Department of Community Planning, Housing and DevelopmentPlanning Division Virginia Square Sector Plan Public Participation Process Great appreciation is expressed to the members of the Virginia Square Sector Plan Review Committee and others who consistently contributed their time and valuable thinking to the plan development process. These mem- bers participated in numerous review committee meetings, public work- shops, the creation of the envisioned sector plan concepts, and assisted County staff in the writing and review of the draft plan. Virginia Square Sector Plan Review Committee Ed Rea, Chairman Ben Axelroad, Ballston Partnership – Urban Environment Committee DeAndra Beck, Ballston-Virginia Square Civic Association Sheila Bodner, Virginia Square Condo Association Al Branigan, Tower Villas Dennis Burr, Ballston-Virginia Square Civic Association Clifford and Patricia Chieffo, Arlington Arts Center Charles Denney, Pedestrian Advisory Committee Eric Dobson, Planning Commission, Alternate Dan Donahue, American Legion Post 139 Dr. Carl Floyd, Virginia Square Medical Center Bill Gearhart, Lyon Village Citizens Association Lewis Gulick, Secretary, Lynbrook Community Carrie Johnson, Planning Commission Glenn Lazarus, St. Charles Borromeo Church Dennis M. Leach, Pedestrian Advisory Committee & Transportation Commission Grady Malone, St. George’s Episcopal Church Connie McAdam, Tower Villas John McCracken, Virginia Square Civic Committee Eric Miller, Ashton Heights Civic Association Tom Petty, Ashton Heights Civic Association Tom Sawner, Ballston-Virginia Square Civic Association Patrick Smaldore, Ashton Heights Civic Association Stanley E. Taylor, George Mason University John Teem, St. Charles Borromeo Church Kate Wilson, Ballston-Virginia Square Civic Association Special thanks to Ed Rea, Chairman, Lew Gulick, Secretary, and Carrie Johnson, Planning Commission, whose leadership and countless hours assisting staff and the review committee led to the successful adoption of this plan.
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