1. The Webster-Hayne debate was part of an ongoing discussion about what issue?

• A) slavery • B) the rights of Native Americans • C) state’s rights • D) political parties Correct !! Next Question

2. What did ’s practice of rewarding his political backers become known as? • A) • B) popular sovereignty • C) checks and balances • D) the spoils system Correct !! Next Question

3. President Jackson attacked the Second National Bank of the U.S. claiming it was ______. • A) causing inflation • B) unconstitutional • C) causing a panic • D) a pet bank

Correct !! Next Question

4. Whose policies controlled the nation’s money supply during most of Jackson’s presidency?

• A) state banks called “pet banks” • B) Nicholas , president of the National Bank • C) merchants in the Northeast • D) Jackson and Congress Correct !! Next Question

5. What was the central principle of Jacksonian democracy?

• A) practicing the spoils system • B) easing the voting restrictions to include women • C) spreading political power to the common man • D) using tariffs to increase revenue Correct !! Next Question

6. What development led to the ?

• A) people worried about the nation’s economy • B) too much money in circulation caused inflation • C) state banks issued too much money • D) all the above Correct !! Next Question

7. An early and important defender of states’ rights was ______.

• A) • B) Andrew Jackson • C) John C. Calhoun • D) Correct !! Next Question

8. The present-day Democratic party traces its roots to the supporters of ______.

• A) • B) Andrew Jackson • C) William Crawford • D) John Q. Adams Correct !! Next Question

9. In 1832, Andrew Jackson risked losing votes in the North when he _____.

• A) asked Nicholas Biddle to renew the charter for the National Bank

• B) decided how much money state banks receive

• C) pushed the bill to renew the national bank through Congress

• D) vetoed the bill to renew the National Bank of the U.S. Correct !! Next Question

10. After passing the Nullification Act of 1832, the people of South Carolina threatened to ______. • A) secede from the Union • B) use force to uphold the federal law • C) pass a compromise tariff bill • D) lower earlier tariff rates Correct !! Next Question

11. Passed by Congress in 1830, this law allowed the president to make treaties with Native Americans.

• A) Native American Freedom Act

• B) Tolerance Act

• C) Indian Removal Act

• D) Save-Our-Land-Act Correct !! Next Question

12. The harsh journey of forced removal of Indians from their homes in Georgia to the West. • A) Trail of Weeping • B) Trail of Tears • C) Oregon Trail • D) Tear Trail Correct !! Next Question

13. Andrew Jackson’s election victory in 1828 depended on support from this group of people.

• A) wealthy people • B) politicians • C) the common people • D) Native Americans Correct !! Next Question

14. This resulted from a widespread concern about the nation’s economic health.

• A) Tariff of Abominations • B) Indian Removal Act • C) Great Depression • D) Panic of 1837 Correct !! Next Question

15. This resulted from an increase in the money supply and a decrease in the value of money.

• A) wealth • B) inflation • C) deflation • D) surplus Correct !! Next Question

16. Who was President of the National Bank?

• A) William Crawford • B) Nicholas Biddle • C) Henry Clay • D) Daniel Webster Correct !! Next Question

17. What was another name for the election of 1824?

• A) the Corrupt Deal • B) the Corrupt Election • C) the • D) the Corrupt Agreement Correct !! Next Question

18. When no candidate won an electoral majority in the 1824 election ______.

• A) there were numerous recount votes

• B) the election was decided by the Senate

• C) the election was decided by the Supreme Court

• D) the election was decided by the House of Representatives Correct !! Next Question

19. Whites demanded Indian land in Georgia and other states so ______.

• A) Jackson signed an agreeable treaty with them for their land

• B) Jackson allowed the courts to settle the argument

• C) President Jackson forcibly removed the and others

• D) Jackson bought the land from the Cherokees at a fair price Correct !! Next Question

20. The “Corrupt Bargain” between Adams and Clay laid the foundation for the ____.

• A) harsh treatment of the Native Americans • B) spoils system and the introduction of new political parties • C) disagreements between Jackson and Biddle • D) Nullification Act Correct !! Next Question

21. Who was the first President to die in office?

• A) John Tyler • B) John Quincy Adams • C) • D) William Henry Harrison Correct !! Next Question

22. What President was blamed for the Panic of 1837?

• A) Martin Van Buren • B) Nicholas Biddle • C) Andrew Jackson • D) John Tyler Correct !! Next Question

23. What political party was opposed to the concentration of power in the chief executive (President)? • A) the Nationalist • B) the Federalist • C) the Whig • D) the Republican Correct !! Next Question

24. “Tippecanoe and Tyler too” refers to ______.

• A) the compromise proposed by Henry Clay

• B) the Presidential election of 1840

• C) the Tariff of Abominations

• D) the Corrupt Bargain Correct !! Next Question

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