THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C ** WEDNESDAY, AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. A-42 DECEMBER 1«. I*S3 Where and When I _ The Passing Show Current Theater Attractions I sums TOMORROW And Time of Showing | ¦ MUMlmf Life Casts Bleak Shadow Stage. SCMM . Arena Stage “Charley’s SWAGE SPECTACLE Aunt"; 8:30 p.m. HOLDEN OF THE THOUSAND-MILE SAFARI# In Shubert's New Play Catholic University “Anti- IWILUAM gone”; 8:30 p.m. By Jay Carmody Sam S. Shubert—“ln the Sum- “In the Summer opened ¦1 HHMfPARKER House” which at the Shubert Theater mer House”; 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. last night is that “different” play again. It is so not different that Screen. all the agonized writing by Mrs. Jane Bowles, or the multi-flavored Ai| JOHN nm Ambassador “Hondo”; 1:30, acting by Judith Anderson, and the others )n M-G M’t +/ made it comprehensible to at 14 3:30, 5:35, 7:40 and 9:40 p.m. least one spectator. Capitol “Escape From Fort | “IN THE SUMMER HOUSE." a new .J X- Like William Saroyan, Tenne- . play by Jane Bowles, produced by Oliver IflßnV* Bravo”; 11:25 a.m., 1:30, 3:35, Smith and the Playwright’s Company, Imm see Williams and fragmentary directed by Jose Quintero, scenery by 4:40, 7:45 and 9:50 p.m. O’Neill, per- . Smith, costumes by Noel Taylor, light- Eugene Mrs. Bowles ing by Peggy Clark, music by Paul Columbia “Take the High spective on life is unconventional. . Bowles, associate producer. Lyn Austin. Ground”; a.m., 1:30, 3:35, At the Sam S. Shubert. 11:25 r| It gives off glints which she cap- The Cast. 5:40, 7:45 and 9:55 p.m. tures in arresting flashes of wist- j ’ < Gertrude Eastman-Cuevas. Dupont “Martin Luther”; IfSfib ful meaning, the sum total of Judith Anderson

Molly, daughter ... 11:45 a.m., which is sheer confusion. her Elizabeth Ross 1:40, 3:40, 5:35, 7:40 ! Mr. Solares Don Mayo and 9:45 p.m. Poor humans ungifted with i Mrs. Lopez Marita (Reid) i Frederica Miriam Colon Mrs. Bowles’ perception are likely’ Esperanza Isabel Morel Keith’s “The Glass Web”; ¦ i Alta Gracia Marjorie Eaton 11:50 a.m., 1:50, 3:50, 5:50, 7:50 to leave “In the Summer House” Quintina Phoebe Mackay up when i Lionel . Logan Ramsey and 9:50 p.m. much more mixed than A Figure-Bearer Paul Bertelsen they entered. One, for instance, Another Figure-bearer. George Spelvin Little—“Tumbleweed”; 11:55 , Vivian Constable Muriel Berkson might depart convinced that life Chauffeur a.m., 1:55, 3:55, 5:55, 7:55 and Daniel Morales tODTWMU is a macaroon filled with grey Mrs Constable Mildred Dunnock 9:55 p.m. KiroiMMW Inez Jean Stapleton see it witheut dust, another that grit and ambi- MacArthur—“The Gentle Gun- | fUtsssj and illusory vir- tion are foolish Dunnock. Both and man”; 6:30, 8:10 and 9:50 p.m. tues, that life is a are widows and a third Metropolitan—“Hondo”; 11:30 And fourth both are unhappy, although for lonely nightmare. a different Marriage, ROMANTIC TWO—Arlene a.m., 1:30, 3:35, 5:35, 7:40 and that the theater is another. reasons. Dahl and Fernando Lamas furnish BETTY , residually represented by their the love interest in “The Diamond Queen.” The costume 9:45 p.m. The author of “In the Summer been I MONROE GRABLE went far too respective daughters, has drama will open at the Ambassador and the Warner tomorrow. Ontario "Those Redheads LAUREN House” to much a failure and motherhood is From Seattle”; 2:40, 4:25, 6:10, trouble to write play fleet- 1. in the Raw! Against Claw in the a as p.m. BACALL 30 minutes Fans | lovely have gone ' | hollow. some of it sparkling 7:55 and 9:40 ingly not to Miss Anderson's daughter but most of that grows from fright and frag- Savage oke farther and made it more lucid. it designed to prove that these j ility a Palace—“ How to Marry a Mil- "HOW TO ; (Betsy Ross) is shy and fright- into firmness that is too A disbelief in the way other 1 introverts to expedient lionaire”; 11 a.m., 1:10, 3:20, mere ened of the virtues of grit and never listen one for even a young ac- MARRY A dramatists write is no justifica- another. tress as as 5:30, 7:40 and 9:50 p.m. ambition which the mother capable Miss Ross to Playhouse—" tion for renouncing it altogether. It is no doubt ungrateful to conceal. Roman Holiday”; S 1 MILLIONAIRE” recommends. The girl's answer TtCMNICOtO* The presence of players of the say so, but the best of the dia- 11 a.m., 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20 and is to retreat into the summer 1 Among the rollicking Mexi- 9:30 p.m. TREMtiEMus stature of Miss Anderson and i logue in the play is the inspired cans who 1 WMT CinvmoScopv SHOUT* house where, she vegetates with provide such blissful Little Boy Lost”; 11 foR ' jj the play inti- drunken gibberish delivered Plaza—“ Miss Dunnock in the honeysuckle and her comic i by relief from the torment of their iJ-J W«N Diinfty carlo©* mates that its obliqueness does Miss Dunnock. This hauntingly a.m., 12:20, 2:40, 4:35, 6:20, 8:05 "C©ronell«n Cored©" relationship California neighbors are a couple mystify them. That is some- books When the lonely figure who looked and 10:05 p.m. VZCT Technicolor not becomes intolerable, the mother in vain of extraordinarily gay perform- thing. Just what, they fail to for love has some bitterly Silver Spring—"Back Street”; V. ' escapes byway of a desperate comic ers. One of these is Jean Staple- I clear. observations to are 2,4, 6,8, and 10 p.m. METROPOLITAN make marriage into a well-off. wallow- make. They ton’s imitation of a simple wait- L3Sr ** * * made with as- Trans-Lux “From Here to Open 11». m. Fat 10th RE. 7-0612 lim6S lodai) ing family. The be- the excellence ress valiantly resisting the On the surface. “In the Sum- Mexican sociated with Miss Dunnock’s Eternity”; 11:10 a.m., 1:15, 3:25, wildered daughter marries an complexes of her American cus- 5:35, p.m. has its piquancies. reputation i 7:50 and 10 * mer House” equally young lobster as an actress. : tomers, the other a longer sus- Its characters might be relatives bewildered Warner—“ This is Cinerama”; yi AMBASSADOR bar attache and everybody lives Much more elusively written tained but less intense fight 1 ON OUR WIDE SCREEN Open Ip. m. CO. 5-5595 18th & Cel. Rd. 1 *#»1 U of Saroyan's, couple of widows 2:30 and 8:40 p.m. *¦ villiKTIRKOenONIC tOUN© ¦ U -3D a ever, is the mother played by Miss against the same harrowing daughters, and a col- just as unhappily as and their Anderson. This woman is the force by Marita Reid. I TAKE THE NIGH of uninhibited Mexicans. j Miss Dunnock's mother prob- lection domineering type, energetic, self- Oliver Smith has designed a Chamber Music Concerts Southeast House and Slouit PTA“~~ There are many colors of comedy lem is different. Her daughter GROUND!'I ish, self-deceiving and destined pair of seductively tropical The first in a series of four JI RrtrtWIOMMtK K* MAIDEN I in the relations of these and devours life in gulps exceeded in LISNER AUDITORIUM in the end to find life as hollow settings the ’ concerts by the Chamber This Fri.—B:3o faces size only by the mother’s drinks beach for Mexicans free P.M. “In the Summer House” as the woman who surrendered to show how much less Group Trio will be given at 8:30 THIS FRI.—B:3O P.M. which she consumes to escape morbid CARDOZO AUDITORIUM the normality of this quite without a fight. Miss Anderson j j than the others are their simple, p.m. tomorrow in the Interna- bravely. life’s emptiness. The daughter ; with majesty that HELSINKI this is killed—by being plays her a | j earthly lives. ! tional House, 1825 R street N.W. Platoffs It is not the surface that in case should be much more rewarding World-Famous pushed over a cliff by the other UNIVERSITY counts, however. It is the neu- than it turns out to be. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. rosis of these Southern Cali- j girl—but apparently without a TODAY Thru Friday 1-11 F.M. A role almost difficult CHORUS the and ; ripple of excitement on any one’s as as fornians mothers the senior in the of Finland DON COSSACK daughters quartet juxtaposed; , part. that of women play is that assigned to Miss ' * CHORUS and DANCERS to the robust simplicity of the i j The intimation of all this is Distinguished,Touching s Unusual Martti Turunen, And. Ross. Sponaorshlp which the play | that much must happen in "In Under of Tickets SI.BO. $2.40, $3.60 Mexicans with This is the daughter of Miss ...ExeHtmenU H. E. The Minister si Finland deals the Summer House.” The ac- J L Priced: **,/ Films of More Than Routine Merit Your Husband” with Madeleine inel I ITT! » SIDNEY LUST THEATERS 7 ySJjy “BEAUTY AND THE DEVIL”—Comic Gallic twist on the Carroll and “A Miracle Can V Vth THHT IUWHN H C legend. Fres Parking Hollywood Diary ~ Henry Fonda, Happen” with “COME BACK, LITTLE SHEBA”—Stunningly acted by Shirley Jimmy Stewart, Paulette God- Booth. « HILLSIDE DRIVE-IN Film's Fine, but Premiere The stars sup- | dard, etc. were FROM THE PAGES OF A GREAT “”— and collide in Africa. 6200 Marlboro Pike S.E., Less Than for Jimmy posed to get a percentage for > BOOK ITI a Mile From D. C. Line. JO. 8-7979. Was Too Much “MOULIN ROUGE”—Colorful recall of Toulouse-Lautrec and Children Under 12 Free. Open 6:15. that one but, in spite of the his times. Btars 6:40. RICHARD WIDMARK. By Sheilah Uraham names, the picture "PICKUP ON SOUTH STREET." at high-grade “SCARAMOUCHE”— 7:20. 9:20. why in a king-size swash- ( HOLLYWOOD. Gale Storm films seven “My Lit- flopped—which is it’s on TV | buckler. Margie” TV-ers, tapes five ra- . . In “Don’t Trust Your Hus- BELTSVILLE Jimmy Stewart was so nervous | tle “THE SEA AROUND US”—Award-winning documentary on life DRIVE-IN night made a band.” his imperial highness, Blvd. at the premiere of “The Glenn dio shows, last in the deep. I Bmlto. WE. 5-5800. Open 615 appearance on the Bob Mike Romanoff, plays a maitre VIRGINIA MAYO. DALE ROBERT- Story’’ that he walked guest Biilßlm “SEVEN DEADLY comedy SON. "DEVIL'S CANYON," Techni- Miller SINS”—Put to rout with and drama. Hope And she still D. “A very high class maitre : color at 7:05. 9:15. out of the theater when the TV show. D.” ROTH’S THEATRE :, ,r* “TlTANlC”—, down Santa Mike told While making the v and disaster at sound failed at one point. I finds time to ride me. sea. All FM STEPHEN McNALLY Claus lane with her three little picture, the cast really lived. No ; Hlslapn VIROINIA MAYO didn’t see him come back. He j DALE sandwiches for them—Romanoff S ROBERTSON. "DEVIL'S CAN- have —it’s one of the best boys! YON." Technicolor, at 7:03. 9:20. should ** * * supplied the eats: Dover sole pictures of his . . . And j j Last 9 Days TO r fty career. Forty years ago come January, flown in from England, game, DRIVE-IN THEATERS KB THEATERS BETHESDA CLARK GABLE ' June Allyson, as Mrs. Miller, was I Roach, with capital, be- and steaks. AVA GARDNER simply sensational. Hal sll6 GIANT, came a motion-picture producer. ABC DRIVE-IN THEATRE WIDESCREENS “MOGAMBO” The preem juggled the usual AT APEX. LANGLEY 'Technicolor) at 7, 9:30. j His is the one studio here still AMUSEMENTS. “Family Showplace of the Sontheaat” NAYLOR. FLOWER . . BING Hwy.. twosomes. . Don- CROSBY 7100 Indian Head 3 Miles WYMAN, Hollywood being operated by fIIFVFRIV JANE the man who ~ From the D C. Line, a Direct Route 4813 Moss Ava WO 6-4600 bllliTbilisi ald O'Connor came with Sheila Ont South Capitol AD|E¥ STERLING HAYDEN. built it. Millionaire Hal cele- St. S.E. to ABC. Proa Parking "SO BIO.” at 9:15 . Connolly—while his usual date, Children Under 13 Fears Free. CLARK 7. brates the anniversary with u t m> Open 0 P.M LO. 7-3633 GABLE. AVA GARDNER. Tomorrow-Frtday. "MOGAMBO." twoed with a pm i Tonight "MOGAMBO” (Technicolor!, 1:10, Marilyn Erskine, -LITTLE BOY LOST Ends . . Van Heflin In new feature-length movie and a y up [| “TOMAHAWK." in color. Feature 3:15. 5:20. 7:25. 9:30. e r C HAND Warner Actor Merv Griffin. Don,, gpqtms oroi at [ /H .. ; new TV series. 1 at 6:30 and 10 P.M., plus IDA LU- HYATTSVILLE E AST O his new “Francis” picture, PINO In "WOMAN IN HIDING." at SUMATRA." Technicolor, at 0:30. re Time is flying or something— 9 8:30 Only. 8:1(1. 9:5u. “Now you won’t NEW YORK Sf mrasrstii'ftfiSi* Academy said: columnists Roth * AVI. AT 14TH I Award Winner! VIRGINIA mayo, write Preston Foster doesn’t mind PLA2A . BURT LANCAS- KAVUinnn mean to ENJOY DELICIOUS ¦WtITTUUU have anything playing FOOD AI TER “COME BACK LITTLE . a grandfather with a 10- THE ABC—SANDWICHES. HOT p.m. SHEBA.” DEVIL'S CANYON," Technicolor, at about me.” What could he mean j COFFEE. 7:10. 9:30 Shorts at 6:30 and year-old grandson in his TV’d FRENCH FRIES. ICE 8:50 -> m. | 7:13, 9:23, by that? CREAM. MILKSHAKES. HOT “Water Front.” TODDY. Wtroc M|| | , Stewart, grin—before Tlbno I'llEsls with a And with Sally Mansfield get- GINGER ROGERS. — - incident "TOP HAT." at 6:30. _B:J (1, 9:30. the sound failure ting a percentage for playing ! VIRGINIA MAYO. DALE ROBERT- I “Darling, SON "DEVIL'S (Techni- said to Wife Gloria: lady AIRPORT CANYON" Mil(I JEANNE CRAIN, JEAN PE- leading in “Rocky Jones, oV'TsiSo color). 6:35. 9:30. Also KEITH LAR- -I'UliU TERS. "VICKI," at 7, 9. they (the photographers) want “TITANIC,” BABARA STANWYCK. SON in "SON OF BELLE Space Ranger,” the little girl at STARR" each other like CLIFTON VEBB. 7:05 and 10:40. in Technncolor. at 8:10 only. us to look at from plus "BLOOD ON THE MOON.” Chicago reckons she’ll have On ” we’re in love.” Our ROBERT MITCHUM. at 0:03. Car- H arrived, her own home in Bel Air and a ; STARTING toon Located In Arlington on U. S. LANGLEY al- by fOMd'fiftliW PANORAMIC-WIDE SCREEN Route 1, just over the I4thSt. Bridge. CLARKE *7 Cadillac 1958. Right now she Thursday. GABLE-AVA GARDNER in Stanley Warner Theaters most bulging out of her dress. *, MOGAMBO" and "BIG MOGAMBO." Technicolor. 1:00, rides a bus to work from her s® LEAGUER.” 3 05. 7:2(1. 9:35 P.M. you gained weight?” I MW 5:10. “Have apartment. SPLENDOR AKCO COLOR E. her. “My nurse laced me M. LOEW'S AMBASSADOR asked Marie Wilson, flying to John Wayne, -3:30. straight- Hono- NT. VERNON OPEN AIR HscARTHOB.r "Hondo." 1:30. up too tight,” she The International Cinema 5:35. 7:40, 9:45. 3 DIMENSION lulu for two weeks over the holi- Rt. 1. So. of Alexandria. SO. 8-8733. ON OUR GIANT SCREEN IN WAR- faced. Christmas with Vittorio Winter Policy! Open Fri., Sat., Sun.! NERCOLOR days, has filmed two “My Friend Holidays! LAST 2 DAYS! Now they have And Starts Fri.: “THE Gassman is out. Irma” shows to see her through. GUNFIGHTER.”pIus "LAURA." Suspense plunges across the moors of Ireland! J. Arthur Rank presents aVAI nil 6-2600. "Mogambo." a date in Genoa for New Year’s An Gable, intereviewer asked Marie if CIHICFT Leesburg Pike. Route 7 "THE GENTLE GUNMAN." with HTfUslin Clark Ava Gard- . . . Nicky with . . Fea- ner, 6:43, eve. Hilton any keep aunaz.l Boi yi at 9:20. she takes exercise to At i. x Roods ture at 6:30. 8:10 and 9:55 Doren, looking more Policy! Open P.M. Maimie Van her gorgeous figure. “Only ten- Winter Week-Ends. Shorts at 7:55 and 9:35 P.M. 11 3 - 24 03 than ever. Stars Fri.: “CAPTAIN BLOOD” and ftyr GRANI) • like nis,” she replied. "I play ommm "PAULA.” UIUUIU Plunder of the don’t Georgia Ava and Farragut mi ftlfV ! Sun," . 6:30, 8:10. 9:30. . G. Robinson, . . Mrs. Edward | well, but people seem to enjoy IrUliUni St NW BA 3-2200 time since her jyNNKU. out for the first j watching me on the court.” An SUPER CHIEF DRIVE-IN Rene Clair’s Great French Hit! RFVFRI V L1 3-3300. Free Park- OXiTIiIUiImg "Devil's Canyon" serious operation, and Eddie got if On the Indian Head Hwy., yia South understatement, ever I heard Capitol “BEAUTY AND THE (2-Di. Virginia Mayo. of attention pho- •BURLESQUE'^ St., «»4 Mi. From I). C. Line. Dale Robert- a lot from the one! On the Right—No Traffic Haxarda. DEVIL” son. 6.00. 7:45, 9:35. tographers. ** * * All Children Under 13 Free! With GERARD PHILIPE. MICHEL Pft | UPPT w. 6-2315. Free Park- Hudson, talking about Winter Policy! Open Friday. Saturday SIMON. "One of the most magnifi- wflasTEilll jng, Canyon." Rock j Young and Sunday Only. cent I "Devil's Robert swears he’ll from abroad!”—N. Y. Times. Virginia Mayo. Dale Robertson, 6:00, his “Four Poster” scene from NATIONAL "A work of art!"—Newsweek. Fea- i I 7:50, never do a stage play again. SYMPHONY ture at 6:30. 8:05 and 9:50 P.M. 9:50. the Univcrsa 1-International That’s a pity—l thought HOWARD MITCHELL, show, confided: "I’d like to him ME. NearPark- do terrific in “The Country Girl” PFMTRAI 8-2811. whole play, I guess I’m Conductor WINELAND bfaninHfa ms "l'hy Ncighboi s the but at the Biltmore here. THEATERS Wife," Hugo Haas. 12:35, 3:35, 6.33, not the type. Too tall." Suzan Bob Hope has said it before, TONIGHT Arlington-Fall? Church. Vft. 9:40 "Rainbow Round My Shoul- Cabot, who played the wife, Goo h JA. 7-4286 der," Frankie Laine. 11:15, 2:20, j but he means this time—he says Constitution Hall 8:30 F.M. ANACOSTIA !u T2 5:20 8:20. was certainly short. 4*24 too —to take it easier. He’s on radio JULIAN . MARILYN MAX- THE BYRD CINEMA * * ** WELL in “EAST OF SUMATRA." in RA. 6-6600. "Mogam- every day, a TV show every four Technicolor, at 2:10. 1:40. 7:15. 101 S. Wayne St. irFtIMFnV and Jack Bean 8:45. RICHARD DENNING IN "TAR- STEWART GRANGER. , ALnniiUlbo” Clark Gable. Ava weeks. And Bob’s one of the OLEVSKY 1:05, Gardner, they “will be GET HONG KONG at 3:35. . 6:55. 9:30. confirm married few stars who makes movies Violinist famed on three contintnts 6:10, 8:40. in Raphael Sabatlnl’s shortly after the first the "Master of his Instrument"— of while doing television. Plus the London Times LI 7-3200. Free Parking "Superb M “SCARAMOUCHE” DFVIII year.” banquets and benefits that would musical artist"— In Technicolor. 7:09. 9:13. j rUin "Devil's Canyon,” Virginia though Boston Herald '"7;'n Mayo 3:20, 5:25, 7:25, 9:30. Even collapse any one else. On Our Wide Screen CLARK GABLE, 1:20. "Hondo” BRAHMS VIOLIN AVA in IDI mCTAH Edna Ferber’s "So swore after she’d never | Fred Murray pop- GARDNER fUMilWmifWBig." Jane Wyman. Mac keeps CONCERTO CAVAVC°. 3-1068. "A Lion ts make another picture with John ping up through “MOGAMBO” the Streets." on television D *le Robertson, Virginia In Jame* Wayne, she’ll be his co-star in Copland “Appalachian Sprint" "INCREDIBLY ENTERTAINING ) In Technicolor, at 6:43, 9:15. Cagney. 6:20 9:35. "Fighting Law- ; Mayo "Devil's Canyon,” " Shostakovich Symphony I Carmody, in Technicolor. man Wayne Morris, 8:24. “The Wicker Basket,” a murder AMUSEMENTS. No. Star r(MAI 4703 Marlboro Fike Md TICKETS: $1.20 to $3.60 lfUlUi|r g. mystery. With “Hondo” such a JO 51 3, Pacing UffVCAM Dale Robertson, Virginia RA 6-2100. "They i BOX OFFICE GREGORY PECK CLARK GABLE AVA WllsaUN CIIFRIIIAII - SYMPHONY GARDNER in Mayo. "Devil’s Canyon." aobniunn Neighbor's Wife,” Hu- hit, all is sweetness now with Kltl's, IX3O G St. NA. 8-733* Technicolor, ' N.W.. in go nags. Cleo Moore. 6:15. 8:00. the two stars. CONSTITUTION HALL AFTER 7:00 “MOGAMBO” per- tvMWAWOaawfVfo In Technicolor at 6:45. 9:15. fjlpop 's first Young actor, U( LAST UIsErBEr formance in •-**•«• Parking Bob Arthur—the i 13 DAYS , Technicolor. «*||I»pr lV' Free W Song." ailsYCi* "Thy Neighbor's Wile," not the producer—was dashing So Suspense vlunges PI AYHHIKF am llllTirNichols Ave at Atlantic “Torch OO across (he moon F* HiLHnia vl io j 5000 Hugo Haas, Cleo Moore, 1:40, 3:40, to the studio for an interview, '¦ f 5:40, XyV of Ireland! On Our Widei Sciecn. VIRGINIA BUCKINGHAM Book by Rachel 40. 9:40. ON OUR GREAT MAYO. ROBERTSON. STE- I SCREEN. when he fell and broke his hand DALE Carson. "The Sea Around Us." in PHEN McNALLY. In "DEVIL’S CAN- i Technicolor. In five places. It then became YON." in Technicolor at 7:15. 9:55. I dash to hospital instead. EXCITING, Plus True Life Adventure Thriller. TAVfIMA RA. 3-1312. Free Park- a the “AN “COULD HARDLY “SUPERB SCREEN "BELOW THE SAHARA." in Techni- JEFFERSON lAlVUPlA jng, "so Big." Jane Mervyn Le Roy can be the color. at 6:15. 8:50. Wyman. Sterling Hayden. 8:55, 9:ift NOW mats. ELOQUENT FILM.” BE SURPASSED ”. ADVENTURE. pointment In Honduras." In Tech- Dore Schary of Warner Broth- Dirk Bogradr^^lj W J nicolor. —Carmody, Star NY Timtt —Coe, Pet I TIVAIIto - A-1806- "Thy Neigh- ers—if he wants. Merv cut his PLAYING 2°orm f CONGRESS llTUX« bor’s Wife," Hugo Haas, directing Warners. He On Our Wide Screen. CLARK GABLE niBV Savannah St at 13« h St. S.E. Cleo Moore. 2:25 4:10. 6, 7:30. 9:40 teeth at AVA GARDNER, in rAna } tlk aio a., io discovered Lana Turner for the 2 2233 JUDITH ANDERSON “MOGAMBO” Internatlanal Cinema Tim* noTAVH wo. «-A too. "Devil s brothers—but they didn’t hang mmm UrIUTTI* Canyon." Dale Robert- l 6:45. "LA RONDE." 6:35. 9:35 is Technicolor at 9:15. on to her. THOSE A IOUIS dt ROCHEMONT product** with NIAIIMocGINNIS "GIGI.” 8:10 son. Virginia Mayo. 2:05. 4. 5:55 Jh Zhe Summer Mouse ’ I 7:45 9:40. ON OUR GIANT SCREEN Between now and January 10. : A now ploy by JANE BOWLES I LAUREL SfT THE |;.budheads lAST 14 DAVS GLENN FORD. ANN SHERIDAN. w* JEANNE CRAIN- AMUSEMENTS. MILDRED DUNNOCR ZACHARY SCOTT. “APPOINTMENT 74 4 doors open at : IN HONDURAS.” in Technicolor, at duoont ii 3o “VICKI” hiseb-bethesda o l I M 6:10. 8:00. 9:50. | TROMgEATTLE 1332 CONN AVI. FEAT.—II:4S, 3.40, 5:35, 7:40, 9:45 ” At 6:00. 7:47, 9:34 In * v 1:40. ’ :*«*» , '** ¦ " Cop h M NATIONAL "SKBSSI - v ••••• CAPITOL ß “THIS ABOVE ALL” j • '?o HEWTOM SkTSiE 4 6:10. 9:30 "AMERICA'S FIRST THEATRE” -Agnes Moorchead Two Reissue Hits! MARILYN MON- FORREST TUCKER AND JEAN 8::10 • Mats. Wed. * Sat.. ‘2:30 J ROE in "NIAGARA.” in Technicolor, LESLIE in HUGO HAAS Teresa Brewer-Guy Mitchell “THY NEIGHBOR'S WIFI" OPENING CURTAIN at 7:55. RICHARD WIDMARK in Theatres “FLIGHT NURSE” 8:05 Only NIGHT J "KISS OF DEATH.” at 6:20. 9:35. 8 O'CLOCK SHARP! At 6:00, 7:43. 9:30. IN-AFRICA TECHNICOLOR SPECTACLE! 3707 Mt Vernon Ave nrrn 1723 Kino s* ki 9-3449 AMMfCA'i 1 OFRMAM IIZiIiU Parking Sooce i TUinun 4H, Vo KI 9-2424 GEORGETOWN and EDMOND O BRIEN WANDA HEN- Washington « Repertory Cinema JACK PALANCE in DRIX ‘THE ADMIRAL WAS A MOGAMBO HUM 2 DAYS! Va. Jsr—.^Hßfc£T LAST LADY.” OiISHWIN HfYWAIOJ J TECHNICOLOR j|| MARLON BRANDO in JOHN STEIN- “Flight to Tangier” Thrilling Drama '‘VIVA ZA- Tecnmcolor, 7:43, BECK'S” at 6:00. 9:28 0-90041 d4US PATA Directed by oar mi |PPPP U«h Near R. I. Ave. N.E. Kl, VIRGINIA~^ FRISCO Jbaair lA 6. 3112 JOAN CRAWFOHO and MICHAEL J& FIRST ANNUAL PROGRAM WILDING “TORCH SONG,” GABLEGARDNER MB Northeast Art Cinema in OF SURREALIST IMPRESSIONIST MICHELE MORGAN and Technicolor! Doors open 5:43 P.M. Fea- mHSL. FILMS. EDUARDO FILIPPO in Arlington. I ture at 6:00. 8:00 and 10:00 P M. Bemheimer's Foirlington, Vo. PARKING! SIMMY UMTS FREE PARKING! Phene fPMTPF ¦ BOX OFFICE Y0« PONT J OPEN 600 “THE SEVEN DEADLY IrLninL 4 1000 Fraa Forking. w* J Bess.M UTt SAOWTORMrr I n CM ¦ CALLOWAY ¦ OPEN 10 «.m. MIIP GUmi! SComina: PETERS. if rami earnsri JEANNE CRAIN. JEAN SINS” GALA NEW YEAR'S EVE I ts t:is a. m. UUamypo romoaaow maw mman Finn P 2105 Po Avo. N.W. Lonls “VICKI’' IrMVlsli RE 4-0194 At 6:35. 9:20 PERFORMANCE DECEMBER 31 bmaii orders VVAKIVBK Two good pictures with Spanish dialogue. Va. Fhone 786 ACCEPTED UttisndC Sts. N. W. IESDA CHEVERLY “ADVENTURE IN RIO." with NINON KFinPRTfunr HA Foirfox. —SEAT SALE NOW- ¦¦¦¦¦¦ Pbsnt: Mttraoedtan Mali | SEVILLA. LUIS ALDAS." at 6:30 9:30. Pm Forking SHIRLINGTOTT^'&T "EL GRAN CAVALERA." with FERNAN- JOAN CRAWFORD In ‘ TORCH SONO.” JOSE FERRER. ZSA ZBA GABOR. IBM RO SOLER. RUBEN ROJO." at 9:00. in Technicolor. Alexandria- Information “MOULIN ROUGE." Technicolor. BFILMED * t