Carnac Island Nature Reserve Management Plan Will Be Will Plan Management Reserve Nature Island Carnac The
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helpful in managing visitation, it may become necessary during necessary become may it visitation, managing in helpful implementation of many of the Department’s activities. Prior to Prior activities. Department’s the of many of implementation Cover image courtesy of Jean-Paul Orsini Jean-Paul of courtesy image Cover island’s values. Commercial operators conducting activities on activities conducting operators Commercial values. island’s While the education of visitors and access restrictions will be will restrictions access and visitors of education the While 2003240-05-600 uals, is encouraged to be involved in both the planning and planning the both in involved be to encouraged is uals, management plan and where they do not compromise the compromise not do they where and plan management Department’s operations. The community, as groups or individ- or groups as community, The operations. Department’s the island will only be issued where they are consistent with the with consistent are they where issued be only will island the ate behaviour. ate Community involvement is an integral component of the of component integral an is involvement Community following a public ‘Expression of Interest’. Licences to access to Licences Interest’. of ‘Expression public a following marine environments is important to try to reduce inappropri- reduce to try to important is environments marine size and its high conservation value. These would only be issued be only would These value. conservation high its and size visitors are educated about the potential impacts of litter in litter of impacts potential the about educated are visitors ORKING WITH THE COMMUNITY THE WITH ORKING W licences be issued in consideration of Carnac Island’s physical Island’s Carnac of consideration in issued be licences Conservation and Land Management] Land and Conservation therefore regular refuse collection is required. Ensuring that Ensuring required. is collection refuse regular therefore management issues). It is recommended that only ‘E’ Class ‘E’ only that recommended is It issues). management Dr Andrew Burbidge [Research Fellow, Department of Department Fellow, [Research Burbidge Andrew Dr • and beer cans/bottles are occasionally found on the island and island the on found occasionally are cans/bottles beer and ment. (limited number of licences issued due to environmental or environmental to due issued licences of number (limited leave litter behind. Even so, litter such as flotsam and jetsam and flotsam as such litter so, Even behind. litter leave Nic Dunlop [Seabird and Island Ecologist] Island and [Seabird Dunlop Nic • the positive actions visitors can take to support island manage- island support to take can visitors actions positive the immediate limits on the number of operators) and ‘E’ Class ‘E’ and operators) of number the on limits immediate vided for the disposal of litter on the island, and it is illegal to illegal is it and island, the on litter of disposal the for vided in Section C) and other rules to be observed on the island, and island, the on observed be to rules other and C) Section in The Department issues two types of licences—‘T’ Class (no Class licences—‘T’ of types two issues Department The Personal Communications : : Communications Personal ing negative impacts on aesthetics. There are no facilities pro- facilities no are There aesthetics. on impacts negative ing Zoning (see scheme classification land the impacts, human tial a public consultation process. consultation public a Litter can provide major hazards for island fauna as well as hav- as well as fauna island for hazards major provide can Litter to amend the situation. the amend to raising awareness about the island’s conservation values, poten- values, conservation island’s the about awareness raising contrary to this management plan, it will be amended through amended be will it plan, management this to contrary to be beyond sustainable levels, appropriate action will be taken be will action appropriate levels, sustainable beyond be to Education and interpretation programs will concentrate on concentrate will programs interpretation and Education of the beach). the of significant, improved knowledge. If any proposed revisions are revisions proposed any If knowledge. improved significant, , No 26 (3), pp. 61-64. pp. (3), 26 No , Corella egetation’, V aaeetPa o 47 No. Plan Management be ongoing and, if the level of commercial tour activity is found is activity tour commercial of level the if and, ongoing be impact on the island’s fauna (e.g. interfering with sea lion’s use lion’s sea with interfering (e.g. fauna island’s the on impact Revision may be required sooner than 10 years in the light of light the in years 10 than sooner required be may Revision Islands off Perth, WA and Consequences for the for Consequences and WA Perth, off Islands impacts on the environment. environment. the on impacts commercial operations and recreational users. Monitoring will Monitoring users. recreational and operations commercial the future if they are considered to be having a significant a having be to considered are they if future the either revoked by the Minister, or a new plan is released. is plan new a or Minister, the by revoked either ‘Increasing Numbers of Pied Cormorants Breeding on the on Breeding Cormorants Pied of Numbers ‘Increasing and encourage appropriate behaviours that minimise adverse minimise that behaviours appropriate encourage and mation derived will contribute to assessments of the impacts of impacts the of assessments to contribute will derived mation this stage. However, the use of these items may be prohibited in prohibited be may items these of use the However, stage. this not revised after 10 years, it will remain in force unless it is it unless force in remain will it years, 10 after revised not Rippey, E., Rippey, J. J. and Dunlop, N. J (2002), J N. Dunlop, and J. J. Rippey, E., Rippey, • ownership of the island, engender support for its management, its for support engender island, the of ownership information about the island’s natural environment. The infor- The environment. natural island’s the about information is considered relatively benign and hence will be permitted at permitted be will hence and benign relatively considered is Minister for Environment and Heritage. However, if the plan is plan the if However, Heritage. and Environment for Minister ments. Such programs should also foster a sense of community of sense a foster also should programs Such ments. that a monitoring program be established to collect baseline collect to established be program monitoring a that Zoological Society of London, UK. London, of Society Zoological beach umbrellas and small sun-shelters, whilst not encouraged, not whilst sun-shelters, small and umbrellas beach current for a period of 10 years from the date of approval by the by approval of date the from years 10 of period a for current appreciate and understand the natural and cultural environ- cultural and natural the understand and appreciate the near island benthic marine communities, it is important is it communities, marine benthic island near the , vol 4, pp. 301-305, pp. 4, vol , Conservation Animal decoys’, et, football and other ball games are not permitted. The use of use The permitted. not are games ball other and football et, The Carnac Island Nature Reserve management plan will be will plan management Reserve Nature Island Carnac The tions and opportunities available, and assists the community to community the assists and available, opportunities and tions ations on fauna such as nesting/roosting seabirds, sea lions and lions sea seabirds, nesting/roosting as such fauna on ations species to ‘safe’ habitats: responses of fairy terns to terns fairy of responses habitats: ‘safe’ to species (in Section C). Active sports such as crick- as such sports Active C). Section (in Zoning in described of the island. Such a program informs the public of the attrac- the of public the informs program a Such island. the of enable assessment for impacts of commercial tourism oper- tourism commercial of impacts for assessment enable To change the KPI where it is considered unrealistic. considered is it where KPI the change • Jeffries, D.S. & Brunton D.H. 2001, ‘Attracting endangered ‘Attracting 2001, D.H. Brunton & D.S. Jeffries, • that these activities be limited to the areas of eastern beach as beach eastern of areas the to limited be activities these that is vital to achieve the vision and objectives for the management the for objectives and vision the achieve to vital is nature conservation values are permitted. It is recommended is It permitted. are values conservation nature do not allow operators to take passengers onto the island. island. the onto passengers take to operators allow not do considered unrealistic, or unrealistic, considered An effective information, education and interpretation program interpretation and education information, effective An , vol 19, pp. 405- 16. 16. 405- pp. 19, vol , Management Wildlife Australia’, vation, passive recreational activities that do not impact on impact not do that activities recreational passive vation, Island (e.g. licences for boat-based interactions with sea lions) sea with interactions boat-based for licences (e.g. Island change the objective in this management plan where it is it where plan management this in objective the change • for improving community awareness about island ecosystems. island about awareness community improving for lions, Neophoca Cinerea, Off The West Coast Of Western Of Coast West The Off Cinerea, Neophoca lions, Although Carnac Island is reserved primarily for nature conser- nature for primarily reserved is Island Carnac Although Furthermore, wildlife interaction licences pertinent to Carnac to pertinent licences interaction wildlife Furthermore, Carnac Island Nature Reserve provides a valuable opportunity valuable a provides Reserve Nature Island Carnac 1992, ‘Breeding Biology And Movements Of Australian Sea Australian Of Movements And Biology ‘Breeding 1992, alter its management to better address threats, address better to management its alter • licences is administered under the Wildlife Conservation Act.