Prophets of God
Luke. 6:22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake. 23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets. Jer. 7:25;25:24;26:5 Prophets of God. Enoch—Gen. 5:24, Jude 1:14 Abraham—Gen. 12:1; 15:17;Acts 2:30 Joseph— Gen. 40:8, Job— Moses—Exodus 2:10; Due. 18:15;Chp., 28: 34:10, Joshua— Deborah—Judges 4:4, Unnamed—Judges 6:8—to Israel Samuel—1Sam. 3:20;Acts 13:20 Gad—1Sam. 22:5; 2Sam. 24:11. David in the Psalms 22:all Nathan— 2Sma. 7:2-4,17;12:1,5,7,13,15,25;23:36. Solomon—in Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Ahijah—1Kings 11:29 to Israel. Shemaiah—1Kings 12:22. Unnamed—1Kings 13:1-33. Hanani —2Chron. 16:7. Jehu—1Kings 16:1,12. Eliezer—2Chron. 20:37. Elijah—1Kings 17:1. Unnamed —1Kings 20:13,22. Unnamed—1Kings 20:28. Unnamed—1Kings 20:35-42. Micaiah—1Kings 22:8. Elisha—2Kings 3:11 Unnamed—2Kings 9:4 Unamed—2Chron. 25:7 Unamed—2Chron. 25:15 All God’s prophets—2Kings 17:13,23. Hosea, Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Habakkuk. Zephaniah. Isaiah—2Kings 19:2 Servants the Prophets—2Kings 21:10 Huldah—2Kings 22:14; 2Chron. 34:22 Prophets—2Kings 23:2;24:2.
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