Abalinx 28 February 2020 Peter Adamis

Welcome to the combined Abalinx ENews Letters. The reason for introducing ENews Letters was to provide a voice for the Grass Root elements of the Liberal party. The reason for this arose out of the many emails sent out to members by Ian Quick who undermined the President and that of the then Opposition leader. It is one thing to criticise and another to undermine and erode the very values we as Liberals support the Liberal party. We did not join the Liberal party merely to be used as cannon fodder, misused by others as the young Liberals have been used in the past.

We joined to assist in winning government and laying the foundations for future generations. No man or woman can reach the heights of greatness without having the support of the grass roots to sustain them. No man or woman remains in public office abusing women and long time supporters. No man or woman remains in power if they have driven rough shod over the bodies of grass root members. There are many lessons to be learnt since the introduction of Abalinx ENews Letters.

The writers and contributors involved are a conglomeration of like minded individuals each with their own personality, thoughts on life, skills, knowledge and life experiences. They have contributed their time and effort in producing the ENews Letters because they believe that the current administrative Committee led by Robert Clark have lost their bearings and steered away from Liberal party values. Minority and inconsequential groups of individuals have taken it upon themselves to terrorise, harass, intimidate and in some cases threaten members of the Liberal party. This did not go down well with 'true blue', 'dinky die' Aussies who 'call a spade a spade' and always 'fight the good fight' and therefore created the concept of Abalinx ENews letters. We have tried to use humour as a means of demonstrating what is wrong with the Liberal Party in . We have provide the grass root members with another means of communication and provide hope that not all is lost. After all how many times have we heard that the Liberal Party is a broad church and that there is room in it for everyone. There are many who long for a return to stability, fair play and the values and beliefs that we as Liberal hold so dear. Freedom is at the top of the list and as such we expect everyone in the Liberal party to uphold those beliefs and do what is right for All Australians and not the few. After all is that not what makes us Australians unique. We are a resilient race of people bonded by the diverse threads that make up the fabric of our society.

As a matter of historical record the first twenty Abalinx ENews Letters have been combined into one package as a permanent reminder that where tyranny resides their always a voice of reason and opposition. There are many lessons contained within, lessons which will assist the new generation of Liberals emerging now as we speak. Click on the link to download a copy of the complete article: Humour and the reasons for Abalinx ENews Letters.

We have added a number of cartoons to amuse the reader and to remind the grass roots and those at 60 Collins Street that they those that seek public office cannot do it alone, but are dependent on the thousands who toil into the night while their companions slept. To download a copy of the combined Abalinx ENews Letters click on the following: Combined Abalinx ENews Letters 1 - 20

Although we followed the Abalinx ENews Code of Conduct Charter, we often used humour and cartoons to take the sting out of the serious side of matters and assist us to grin and bear the difficulties we face as we go about our daily lives. They are not intended to degrade or humiliate any living person. Readers using their imagination can put two and two together and ascertain for themselves what the cartoons are trying to achieve.

In closing let us all remember what is most important as members of the Liberal party and why we as members remain true to the values and beliefs set in stone many years ago. It is to win government. To win government we need to be united, vigilant and free to discuss in a robust manner any item or issue that is not compatible with the Liberal values. That includes poor performance, elitism, inadequate policies, inappropriate use of the National Code of Conduct, harassment and others forms of censorship.

Peter Adamis is a Journalist/Social Media Commentator and writer. He is a retired Australian military serviceman and an Industry organisational & Occupational (OHS) & Training Consultant whose interests are within the parameters of domestic and international political spectrum. He is an avid blogger and contributes to domestic and international community news media outlets as well as to local and Ethnic News. He holds a Bachelor of Adult Learning & Development (Monash), Grad Dip Occupational Health & Safety, (Monash), and Dip. Training & Assessment, Dip Public Administration, and Dip Frontline Management. Website:

ABALINX NEWSLETTER 1. This is the first of many newsletters yet to come. The information provided is only as good as the sources who provide it and even then one must be cautious when taking such news on board. Today in the world of technology where Artificial Intelligence reigns supreme it is difficult to separate the truth from fiction and vice versa. Yet we shall try to remain as factual as much as possible.

WHAT HAPPENED TO KARINA OKOTEL? While I have always found her charming, invigorating, informative and very engaging; the once rising star Karina Okotel has disappeared from political view. Members are asking questions why is she is absent. Has her political that her star has dimmed, fallen or extinguished? I am told by senior Conservatives that nationally Karina had lost their support. In fact it is alleged that she had run around visiting the offices of Senators attempting to gain their support. What in fact happened was that all of the Senators being pursued abandoned her before the Federal ballot and carried only support from twenty dissident members. Some are even saying that Karina has been dealt a political snub and has been ostracised from the Liberal Party for her disloyal political behaviour. Now others in the so called know are using innuendoes, gossip, whispers to accuse her of alleged disloyalty after all her good work. It has been alleged that Karina actively worked against the past President Michael Kroger and undermined him rather than working with him. But I ask myself whether this is mere scuttlebutt and misinformation or is there more to her disappearing from the political scene.

LEADERSHIP IN QUESTION. According to one well-placed source, The Victorian Liberal Party President Robert Clark has clashed with one well known serving member over the dates of the pre-selections. During their discussion, it was alleged that Robert Clark’s reply was ”I want this out of the way as quickly as possible as the Federal Election comes first and then the State Election”. He went on to say that “all Federal pre- selections will completed in 2020 and State pre-selections in 2021” and that “those Federal MPs who are not happy they can retire”. Robert Clark was told: “I hope you get booted out the way you lost your seat”. If the allegations are true then Robert Clark’s behaviour has alienated members and are questioning his capacity to lead the party into the future.

ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE. The current Administrative Committee has unfortunately upset all the Victorian Federal Members with the decision to conduct all the pre-selections in January 2020. Yes every Victorian Liberal Party Federal Member has complained. According to well- placed sources amongst the elite members of the party, the vote was split with Michael O’Brien voting against the motion. Does this mean that Michael O’Brien is beginning to see the light and the shenanigans of those on the Administrative Committee or does it mean that the current Administrative Committee is a paper tiger lacking in leadership, ideas, strategies, policies and lost the members confidence. Is Michael Obrien distancing himself from the leadership?

STATE COUNCIL. The final Victorian Liberal Party State Council for 2019 is upon us soon and it is expected to be a robust, tiring and animated gathering of members from throughout the State. Scores to be settled behind the façade of civility, jockeying for position, making and breaking alliances and the gathering of the factional clans. In fact a fly on the wall would probably pass out from the deluge of information and decide to deposit its waste elsewhere. Still State Council has a role to play, the only time when many members from across the State are able to meet and greet and share knowledge and experiences face to face as well as meeting parliamentarians and rub shoulders with other Liberal elite. The outcomes of this State Council will soon become the catalyst for change in 2020

CONSERVATIVE HEARTLAND BEING CHALLENGED. It is alleged that Progressive Left Wing members of the party are challenging the Conservative Right in their traditional heartland. These groups of pseudo hybrid Liberals eager to wrest control use their current roles and positions by casting doubt on Federal members by bringing into question their personal lives and their recent performances. They are being influenced by the same old tired whisperers, the bush lawyers, canines and wannabee self-seeking sycophants. We shall hear of them again soon.

SALE OF LIBERAL HEADQUARTERS & CORMACK FOUNDATION. When the sale of 104 was successfully negotiated by the past President, a very healthy bank book emerged on the resignation of Michael Kroger. (Interesting to note that those who worked in undermining the past President are being coy and embarrassed by the wealth they inherited.) It is now more than twelve months since the sale and in that time those funds in the bank have not been reinvested but remain in the bank accruing a mere 2% interest. This is a disgrace and a good demonstration of poor funds management and certainly a loss of financial investment. This responsibility falls upon the shoulders of the current President, Robert Clark. Let us not forget the insidious attacks against Michael Kroger by those who should have known better when the past President successfully negotiated with the Cormack Foundation on behalf of the Liberal Party. Again this responsibility falls upon the current President Robert Clark who has so far procrastinated as leader and some say is manipulated by others. This is not the sign of good governance and throws the leadership into question as who is running the party.

RESURRECTION OF MATTHEW GUY. Should the Liberal party resurrect Matthew Guy is doing the rounds. Matthew Guy has been busy in his electorate, shoring up his defences and ensuring that his survival is intact. One is of the opinion that we shall see more of Matthew Guy in the future. We note that one of his advisers is now employed at the Administrative Tribunal along with others. This is a good thing because Matthew was being provided with false and damaging advice. With one adviser disappearing from view what of the others involved in providing poor advice. Will they simply go and allow Matthew Guy to reinvent himself. This is something that Matthew Guy can do on his own. He is after all a very smart operator. I for one would like to see Matthew Guy return to the forefront.

SCOTT MORRISION. Scott (Schomo) Morrison has defied everyone’s expectations. He has gathered around him a capable team of good men and women. He has relocated and/or given plum jobs to potential party hacks overseas posting and thus securing his survival from potential interparty strife. He comes across a very personable and much admired figure, liked by the young and the elderly. He is not afraid to tackle the challenges faced by this nation and has conducted himself well on the world stage. Schomo is not afraid to steer the good ship through the muddy waters of diplomacy and has made clear Australia’s role in the Pacific regarding the trade wars between the USA and .

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Preamble. This week’s ENewsletter is an alternative point of view. Therefore it is important to note the distinction between what is fact and that of the fiction being heralded by party hacks as the truth.

Tony Nutt Post Election Report. Liberals expected a new beginning and recommendations that would unite the party and therefore an independent review was required, not those of a biased investigator. The following comments are the view of a number senior aggrieved Liberals: "What a lot of unmitigated rubbish. Rehash of Kemp’s report." One must "remember that it was Kemp/Snell/Ryan who collectively destroyed the structure of the Victorian Division at Costello’s bidding,

"There is nothing of substance in Tony Nutt’s report and certainly does not provide the vision expected from someone who has been a former Victoria State Director." “Tony Nutt's report on the 2018 state election loss will be remembered for its long-windedness, without addressing the “nut” of the problem.” “The matter of a former State Director inappropriate use of funds had no bearing on the election and Nutt’s report is garbage".

Over the years Liberals have watched former Premiers and members lose their seats on. For example fell into office in 2010 because as John Brumby said, Labor had too much wear & tear. Baillieu & Co didn't have an agenda/program on assuming office & failed to develop one in office. Inertia set in. Napthine with less than 2 years as Premier, was unable to rescue the hapless government.

As history shows, went to the 2010 state election without an agenda, the 2014 election without an agenda & then the 2018 election still without an agenda. This way, the state MPs in fact were very lucky and fluked the win in 2010 & lost in 2014 & 2018 through their own complacency & inactivity.

State Assembly - Low Quorum. Reliable sources indicated that the recent at State Assembly on Friday night 15 November, attendance was very poor and one of the lowest seen since Robert Clark took office. Senator Scott Ryan as the guest speaker may have perhaps been the reason. In fact one senior Liberal advised that the low attendance is an indicative of Senator Ryan’s poor stocks in the Party today. Most attendees were Senator Scott Ryan’s diehard fan club. I am of the belief that the Constitution where it is stipulated that a quorum is 60 delegates, of whom at least 20 must be country delegates, seeking an assurance that the quorum was met. Unfortunately this was not the case. Questions are now being asked as to whether a quorum was present.

A New Horizon - Perhaps. I am on record stating that a generational change is required. The Liberal party in Victoria will be struck with an avalanche of new generation of members. However, history has clearly demonstrated that youth that is not regulated and guided end up being a problem. Members of the new generation are fed-up with the continual battles of the old guard and are not happy that new concepts, ideas and thought processes are being denied a voice. One begs the question why then roles of the Federal/State Committee training has been given to Liberal Party Headquarters without any consideration for the involvement of volunteers. The Liberal Party has a dearth of highly qualified people with political and training experience, yet are not being considered. The new generation are keeping their powder dry waiting for the moment to wrest control from the negative elements and sycophants that have infiltrated the Liberal Party. This new generation are of the belief that the political paradigms of the past were found to be wanting and are keeping the powder and horn dry.

Cash flow and stopping the decay. That having been said, members are reminded that it was Michael Kroger the past President, who resolved the building issue and left 37 million in the bank for party. He took on the group Cormack with his own money for the party and won money which should have been the party's and no one had done so previously. He settled the Mantach issue when it was not handled by any President before him and resolved the decadence and decay within the Liberal Party in Victoria. Senator Scott Ryan. Senator Ryan went out on a limb supporting Greg Mirabella in the recent Senate preselection and lost to Sarah Henderson. Senator Ryan’s status as a powerbroker (“General”), has fallen from grace and supporters are melting away. He is not looking good at all and soon he will be facing a preselection of his own.

A preselection where he will be going against Sarah Henderson for the number one Victorian Liberal Senate spot. It must be noted that Sarah Henderson inherited the Number One sport on the “relocation” by former Senator Mitch Fifield). Liberals are tired of Senator Ryan and his preoccupation with the “black arts” of Party politics locally and in Canberra.

Locally, Senator Ryan has led a very ordinary group of ineffective party members and has “duchessed” numerous underwhelming members into leading roles in the organisation, candidate, and in turn some into parliamentary positions. In Canberra, Senator Ryan has played leading role in federal leadership spills, including and Tony Abbott, which were not well received by Party members.

In the meantime, it is of interesting to note that Senator Ryan has not delivered anything of substance to Victoria, Australia or the Liberal Party. While he currently holds the prestigious position of President of the Senate, this is purely a ceremonial role and it is evident that he prefers to focus on Party politics.

His recent symbolic move to vote against the Government last Thursday is one example that he has lost the plot. This action has not won him any friends in and outside Canberra. Therefore, based on his performance or rather lack thereof, it is clearly time for Senator Ryan to retire gracefully before he is removed.

Western Region. The rank and file have been saying that they are tired of the local member who lost touch with the electorate. Members have gone as far as stating that the member’s spouse is unwelcome at meeting. Northern Region. Privately, members in the Northern region have become fed-up with the Administrative Committee poor handling of Annual General Meetings and are seeking to redress matters. Members in McEwen, Scullin, Calwell and Jaga Jaga are not happy with the current administration and are calling for change.

Maribyrnong & Essendon. It is alleged that Bill Rizopoulos, Chairman Maribyrnong FEC with support from Karina Okotel, Grant Hutchinson, Bernie Finn and Scott Ryan & staffers have stacked 40 plus new members into Essendon SEC, and more into Maribyrnong FEC, many not local. The stacking far exceeds the 5% in any one month threshold, thereby triggering an investigation as prescribed in the Constitution. Hence it has been officially brought to the attention of the Secretariat and discussed at Admin, where it was resolved not to do anything about it. There may be other ways to address this matter, together with Bill Rizopoulos and others nefarious activities. More to follow.

State Council - November 2019. The recent State Council has been described by one senior Liberal as a “Love in” festival. (A “Love in” is a meeting of self-glorification and praise of one another). The exception was who rallied the troops to promote the values that made Victoria great. Josh Frydenberg paid tribute to his fellow Federal Victorian Liberals colleagues such as: Tony Smith, Scott Ryan, , , Kevin Andrews, , Gladys Liu , , Jane Hume, , , Tim Wilson and James Paterson, and David Van.

Robert Clark on the other hand played down any tensions between Federal MPs and decisions made by the current floundering Administrative Committee and appeared unmoved by attempts to change his mind. Attempts to find a peaceful solution to the bitter war of words between the Administrative Committee and that of the Federal MPs failed dismally. Many members are angry that they were denied a vote on the candidates for this year's election campaign and are asking whether it is time for a change in the leadership. The Administrative Committee performance to date is questionable and members are looking forward to the 2020 State Council. This is another nail in the coffin for Robert Clarks diminishing leadership assets. Michael O’Brien display of leadership was welcomed and is being labelled as a man of ideas and creative concepts. More to follow.

Please note that while ENewsletters are an alternative point of view, Abalinx About policies remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews at Members interested in receiving the newsletter may subscribe to or alternatively request to be added via email: [email protected]


STATE ASSEMBLY. The Victorian Division is in meltdown! State Assembly no quorum 15 November & 6 December. On Friday night, State Council was advised of a change of venue. Robert Clark advised the small gathering that as the meeting was unconstitutional it was to be considered an informal meeting. This is an embarrassment and another nail in the coffin for his leadership. One is led to believe that there was such poor numbers that the meeting lacked a quorum. This is not the first time so it seems. Members were angry, upset and as a result left the meeting in disgust. Therefore it came as no surprise that State Assembly ended in uproar resulting in Clark shutting it down without any Christmas & New Year greetings! Sen James Paterson when asked about extraordinary early federal pre-selections replied that since he is not up for preselection he would not comment.

Sen Sarah Henderson on the other hand provided comment explaining that the early federal pre-selections are unnecessary, unhelpful & opposed by the Prime Minister. It is alleged Ian Quick flew into Sen Henderson in an intimidating, bullying & threatening manner. Senator Henderson sought a right of reply, only to have Robert Clark hastily & rudely shut the meeting down. This is not a good outcome for Robert Clark and his Administrative Committee and a good demonstration of incompetence and inept. Has the Victorian Division become a liability, can it rise from the depths it has fallen, will it remain in the shadows and worse of all, will it become the “poor arm” of Australian Liberals? Food for thought!

THE GREAT DELEGATOR. Robert Clark has become the great delegator. Unable to make decisions and lacking the vision to lead the party to government. He is being advised and counselled by a group that lack the wisdom and political experience to navigate the current political failings within the Victorian Liberal Division. As the State President he commenced proceedings at the recent State Council crying out to the political wilderness the loss of the 2018 state election. His remedy was to announce more committees, including a new committee to oversee the existing committees which one would think was the role of the Administrative Committee.

His long winded dissertation attempt at justifying the very early opening of preselection’s for federal seats, against the wishes of many, including all Victorian sitting federal members has not gone down well at all. The State President's lengthy and complicated explanation/justification for early preselection’s left delegates and members more confused and frustrated. In the meantime, the Division is trading with a $100,000+ net loss. 5 months July to November a $500,000+ loss! No fundraising of any significance during Robert Clark & Company's reign. Members are angry regarding the decision for extraordinary early & unjustified federal pre-selections. The Prime Minister has declined invitations to major Victorian fundraiser until the Division gets its house in order. questions, how can his government be returned in 2022 when the Victorian Division is on fire? Without positive changes in the Victorian Division, history will judge Robert Clark leadership whilst President harshly.

ROBERT CLARK SHOULD RESIGN. Swapping John Howard for Kevin Rudd was never a good idea. Swapping Kroger for Clark has been a disaster. With no experience in running the Party organisation, Clark was always going to be out of his depth. However, no one could believe that after one year he has already become the worst President in the history of the Party. He has set up a record number of committees which is about his only claim to fame. We are drowning in meetings, reports, minutes, drafts, agendas, venues etc. etc. This is what Labor governments do when they have no idea what to do.

Perhaps the biggest debacle is the war he has started with Scott Morrison, Josh Frydenberg and all the Federal MPs over early Federal Pre selections. I thought we were supporting Scott Morrison and the Federal Liberal Party. I didn't realise we were actually opposed to him. This fascicle situation has embarrassed the whole division and humiliated Clark and his small band of supporters including Quick, Russell Joseph, Sean Armistead, Holly Byrne and Matt Makin. The hatred of the Clark regime by Liberals across the country I'm told is partly the reason Karina Okotel got smashed for Federal MP 82-29. Clark even managed to humiliate Michael O'Brien along the way. Trying to suspend former MP Adam Kempton, spending 10's of thousands of dollars on legal reports which were then rejected, presiding over a collapse in fundraising are just some of the legacies of Clark and co. Clark should do the decent thing and resign immediately.

MCNAMARA ELECTORATE RECRUITMENT (MELBOURNE PORTS). Would it not be nice to be an “Owen Guest” at the recent McNamara’s recruitment night held at an exclusive address hosted by Own Guest; a six months Party Treasurer. The guest speaker was Tim Wilson who allegedly attacked conservatives and traditional members within the Liberal Party. There was a luke-warm response from a group of Malcolm Turnbull’s supporters including Holly Byrne who was in attendance. Party Treasure Own Guest and other former Malcolm Turnbull worshipping faction operatives. This group are allegedly running a campaign to convince older wealthy Liberal voters of left wing persuasion to organise and vote against conservatives and subservient Liberals.

OWEN GUEST SHOULD RESIGN. Someone called Owen Guest is the current treasurer of the Victorian Division. After Kroger sold the building for $37m. According to the money has been sitting in the bank at 2% interest for the whole year! Financial people tell me the stock market has gone up over 15% meaning the bumbling and indecision over where to invest the money has cost us over $4m in lost income. Well done Owen and Robert.

Branch members fight hard for every dollar they raise yet Clark and Guest have cost us $4m because they didn't seem to know how to invest our money. This is appalling, bordering on disgusting. Perhaps in one of his boring newsletters Clark can apologise to the Branch members, explain how he and Guest have so mismanaged our money and on what date they will both resign. Preferably before Christmas. According to The Age they still haven't received the $1.8m promised by Cormack which was half the overdraft. It's unbelievable that Clark and Guest can show their face at any Liberal Party meeting given the carnage they have wreaked on the Victorian Party.

QUICK NEWS. It is exactly 12 months since Ian Quick was threatened with expulsion and it would appear that he has made his mark within the Liberal party. He has kept the members informed of Administrative Committee decisions and one wonders whether his actions were in the spirit of Liberal Party values and beliefs or whether there were in his interests? However we must give credit where it’s due; he has certainly worked hard behind the scenes to ensure that his group of acolytes and sycophants ensure they remain in control. Three examples of Ian Quick:

1. The First example is: At the recent State Council where members who attended, snickered under their breaths when Ian “Quick” began to raise the concept of the Four Cs’, namely: Culture, Conduct, Compliance and Complaints! Few members could imagine a less suitable person to conduct such a session. Some members laughed openly at Ian “Quick” and called him a hypocrite.

2. The Second example is: Ian Quick has been so keen to assist the Secretariat that it is alleged that he has been ringing many if not all electorates, offering his vast experience and requesting to become the Returning Officer. Suffice to say many have kindly refused his offer of support. It is further alleged that a number of electorates have complained about a number of Returning Officers actions at Annual General Meetings. None of which have been responded to we are led to believe.

3. The Third example is: Last weekend at the Flinders AGM, Ian Quick was seen to arrive early and offered his services as the returning Officer, only to be told that it was taken. He remained to observe the destruction of his supporters and was seen to depart quickly and quietly with Russell Joseph for what must have been a long and sobering journey home.

What was the Party leadership thinking one may ask? Who can forget "Quick News" and other toxic media commentary? Ian Quick with his Quick News emails undermined and challenged the integrity of Matthew Guy, Michael Kroger and Josh Frydenberg. Yes Ian Quick is certainly not leaving the grass to grow beneath his feet. Is his mentor the “Whisperer” or has he taken the mantle of mischief for himself? It comes at to surprise to the elders that Ian Quick and his emails is the author of an administration; that is seen as floundering, lacking moral fibre, seeking scapegoats, conducting useless investigations, poor or no investments, and finally creating disunity within the rank and file members. Menzies had he been alive would have given Ian Quick his marching orders.

GOLDSTEIN. Tim Wilson is an interesting and perplexing character that some members believe does not fit in with the Liberals values. However based on his performance I believe that Tim does reflect some Liberal values depending on what values members consider important. A charming chap, with some radical ideas, whose views and positions have reversed the full spectrum of national policies from his days at the IPA campaigning for free speech and against climate change. Tim Wilson now bemoans the Religious Freedom Bill (RFB) and demands action on climate change. He campaigned to win his seat by two votes, promising much and yet after five years as the candidate has failed to graduate from the back bench. I believe this an important point if we take into the equation Andrew Robb, and David Kemp, Ministers in their first term.

FLINDERS. Flinders AGM on Sunday 1 December at the local Liberal watering-hole, The Rye Hotel, produced back- to-back wins for Greg Hunt’s team and the good people of the Peninsula. It is alleged that Russell Joseph in Flinders spent some two months telling members that he would challenge Greg Hunt., telling anyone who would listen that Greg Hunt was the problem. Russel Joseph blamed Greg Hunt, Michael Sukkar and others about toppling Malcolm Turnbull as Prime Minister. It appears that Russel Joseph (coveted Flinders), Peter Angelico (coveted Dunkley) Regan Barry, Jack Cook and others brainwashed young Liberals are working together with the aim of destabilising Flinders and Dunkley electorates.

Is it their aim is to discredit Scott Morrison and his team, hence the reason Greg Hunt was challenged by the renegade , another of Malcolm Turnbull’s acolyte. Suffice to say, long-time and acclaimed Flinders Chairman Peter Rawlings didn't pull any punches calling out recent negative commentary and divisive conduct from a cabal so-called self-styled local leaders. The turnaround at the Flinders AGM went to show that organisations can only run on negative activity for so long. Russell Joseph and his small group of supporters were soundly defeated in every position they stood for and Russell Joseph withdrew rather than being challenged by long time activists.

KEEPING THE POWDER DRY. Grass roots members have come to the realisation that there is no room for complacency and that it was imperative that the Liberal party within Victoria recovers, reinvents itself and rebuilds to recover electorates lost to Labor. As a result, there is a grass roots revolt that is silently gathering momentum. Take for example what has happened in the electorates of Gembrook, Latrobe, Bruce, Deakin, Gellibrand, South Barwon, Scullin, McEwen, Higgins, Gippsland South and others yet to come. There is an obvious purge being conducted against recalcitrant and renegade members whose values are not compatible with the Liberal party. Given Liberal Party beliefs and values, there is no room for pseudo Liberal Party self-styled “Generals”, “Fumblers”, “Whisperers”, “Janus acolytes”, and Sycophants; who have nothing better to do than to undermine the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party. Their actions and indecisions are damaging and eroding the good work of the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and his team.

RENEWAL IN THE WEST. A coalition of Liberals who have had enough of stagnated electorate leadership by the “Fumbler” have gathered around Jenny Matic and other activist Liberals. They are taking the management of their electorates into their own hands. Jenny Matic, a long time Liberal and political activist is different, enlightening and a breath of fresh air; attracting new members who are looking for a new way of doing things. While the incumbent “Fumbler” continues to stir the pot in the West, members are no longer interested in his patronage and he may be forced in self liquidation. Once a bright Liberal young star, the “Fumbler” has lost his shine and it is time he fell into a black hole.

SCOTT MORRISON LEADERSHIP TEAM. On a much brighter note, it is pleasing to point out that in Saturday’s Australian, the Scott Morrison Leadership Team is shown. The full story can be obtained from at the following link: Scott Morrison and his inner circle.

STATE COUNCIL SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES. The pervading theme of State Council was one of mourning the loss of the 2018 state election over and over again. Feedback from members of the recent State Council was not good at all. Members have described the Tony report as utter drivel and “Delegates were left wondering what happened to the Nutt report on the 2018 state election”. “Is Nutt is acting like an emu with his head stuck in the sand dunes”. “Is Nutt's report to be shelved/ignored like so many other recent reports to the current Admin Committee? No wonder members are giving Tony Nutt’s report a shellacking.

Please note that while ENewsletters are an alternative point of view, Abalinx About policies remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews at Members interested in receiving the newsletter may subscribe to or alternatively request to be added via email: [email protected]

CHAOS, MAELSTROM AND POLITICAL STORMS. Christmas can’t come “Quick” enough for Robert Clark and his rag-tag band of backers on the Administrative Committee. The Victorian Division is imploding through hopeless and hapless leadership! I am told by sources in the know, so to speak, that this was to be expected of course as seven of the fourteen directly elected members of the 2019 Administrative Committee have lost their seats to Labor at the 2018 State Election. Robert Clark lost to Labor, Ian Quickie was a poor candidate, Russell Joseph, Cassandra Marr, Amy Johnson, Sean Armistead Matt Makin fall into the same category.

Members have since put two and two together and have come to the conclusion that the above members (with the exception of Robert Clark) of the Administrative Committee do not have any political credentials or political integrity. One senior Liberal described them as losers, but I have been around long enough to realise that calling them losers is a bit harsh. I would have used the words “lacking political experience” rather than losers. What are we doing asked the senior Liberal? I don’t know the answer and I was not in a position to vote for or against. All that I know is that they undermined the past President, Michael Kroger and Matthew Guy.

The Annual General Meeting season has been, and continues to be, disastrous for Robert Clark. The select few on the Administrative Committee, some staff, and the usual political “sycophants”, “Janus assassin”, “whisperers”, “generalissimos”, “fumblers”, “has-beens” and “wannabees” have much to answer for. The list is endless. There have never been so many Annual General Meetings rescheduled, cancelled, and relocated to achieve the desired results. Complaints from members are generally being ignored, and if heard dismissed, by the current Administrative Committee. Robert Clark and the Administrative Committee is being held accountable, accused of the same actions as that of their predecessor. It has now been alleged that Robert Clark and his motley crew will allow only those Annual General meetings that are compatible with their political strategy and in line with their faction’s favour.

ESSENDON AND THE WEST. In a recent example, sources indicate that the Secretary of Essendon SEC Michael Horner, a staffer in Senator Ryan’s office, called the Essendon AGM without any reference to the SEC Chairman. Following a complaint from the Essendon Chairman, Robert Clark ruled that the Secretary’s notice of the Annual General Meeting stands. Is it because the Secretary got his out first and does this imply that “First in Best dressed”! If that is the case then it would appear that any member can call an Annual General Meeting anytime! Such is the importance of the Annual General Meeting to the “Generalissimo” and the Fumbler that it is to be held at a Moonee Ponds address.

RELIGION AND POLITICS ARE NOT GOOD COMPANIONS. Authorities have it that Bill Rizopoulos methodologies of alleged branch stacking at Maribyrnong and Essendon has now become quite a problem for the Victorian Division. More so for Robert Clark and his cohort of political wannabees and has-beens when it was officially brought to their attention earlier this year. What was Robert Clark and company reaction one may ask? Did they choose to turn a blind eye or merely go with the flow? Now it has now been revealed that most of Bill Rizopoulos are from the congregation of the Avondale Heights Coptic Church. Many of them are from far distant suburbs. Bill Rizopoulos Coptic folk, when attending a local meeting of new Party members recently, were allegedly heard to say: “We’re not interested in the Liberal Party! We came to discuss God”.

To make matters worse Bill Rizopoulos Coptic supporters advised him that he had said that they could talk about gay conversion theory amongst other matters. Fortunately for Bill Rizopoulos, Karina Okotel’s brother Joshua Bonney was in attendance and he was able to calm them down on this occasion. It has also been discovered that most of these members have signed up as discounted party membership rates as students, unemployed, pensioner etc. The question is whether this a classic branch stacking strategy.

The Liberal Party is a broad “Ecclesia” (Church) and accepts any members who believe in its values. Having said that, readers should note that I am certainly not against God or a person’s religion as I as religious as the next bloke. It’s just that I am not amused by those who ram their particular belief down my throat. In fact the above story reminds of another group that met for the express purpose of praying to drive out the demons of other Liberal Party members because they were not compatible with their religious beliefs. Where will it all end is the question? The sooner these members are removed from any position of responsibility the better. As the 2019 Annual General Meeting season draws to a close, the “Generalissimo” and his mate the “Fumbler” are pulling out all stops to shore up as many state council and State Assembly delegate positions as they can. In a recent example, it is alleged that Senator Scott Ryan’s staffer Michael Horner, acting as Returning Officer, was “sprung” handing out several more ballot papers than there were eligible voters in the room! (Cast our minds back to a time when Charley Daniel, a former Scott Ryan staffer, was good at this too!).

Sources close to senior members advised that Blake Dunn, Secretary of Nepean SEC, recently distributed an error laden notice for a deliberately rescheduled AGM, either to confuse members or render the AGM invalid. Another piece of juicy gossip is that the “Whisperer” is now making overtures to some of his formerly aligned political party activists who jumped when told to. However despite those overtures they are becoming a minority and will soon be relegated to the political desert of oblivion. A sign that their reign is over.

SOCIAL MEDIA SNIPPETS. Occasionally the ENewsletter will include snippets taken from Social Media outlets. Readers can make their own minds up what the snippet is all about. In this case the jury is out whether Amy Johnstone is being mischievous, malicious, facetious, or just plain capricious.

It is alleged that Amy is in fact being a bully and is harassing the elder members of the party for reasons known only to her. I don’t know what to say to these accusations, but if one reads the comments in the social media snippets they may have a different point of view.

ADMINISTRATIVE BUREAUCRACY. The Liberal Party is drowning in administration, red tape and bureaucracy! More reports, reviews, strategic directions, more strategic plans, research, more committees, forums, standing committees, more expressions of interest (what happened to the last lot?), revitalisation, ideas, policies, charters, procedural rules, forms etc., and to top it all off, the pre-eminent committee of all time; the Council of Central Committee Chairs (C4)! Sir Humphrey Appleby has nothing on our Clark! Death by committees and inertia!

Jan Cooper may have good intentions and does what she can to bring about what she believes is best for all Liberals. Her comments on social media above can best describe the current Administrative committee. How will any of this nonsense contribute towards winning the Federal and state elections in 2022? One year gone and the clock is ticking! The old truism holds true here: if you are failing and don’t know what to do, form another committee or two! If Robert Clark re- read his latest circular, surely even he would see that it is a load of bureaucratic twaddle! Thank goodness it’s nearly Christmas! We (including Robert Clark) need a much earned break after digesting all of that trivial nonsense!

WOMENS QUOTA? Mary Woolridge has come out to state that she is resigning. Using her resignation to attack the Liberal party in a subtle manner stating that the Victorian Division should consider a Woman’s Quota. What utter drivel. Our women in the Victorian Division of the Liberal party are extremely mature, highly intelligent, strong willed, compassionate and ambitious. They win pre-selections based on merit and not on a quota system as indicated by Mary Woolridge. Honestly Mary Woolridge has much to offer still and yet she resigns because she does not like being in the political wilderness.

John Renyard above on social media believes that “good Liberal women are overlooked”. I am not too sure about that given the past history of our women in Victoria. Having said that, I must say that as much as I like Ted Baillieu, it was unfortunate that in 2018, he leapt to the defence of former Federal Victorian MP Julia Banks, who announced that she was quitting Parliament after being bullied and intimidated by her colleagues amid the chaos of the leadership spill. Interesting to see where Ted Baillieu’s support was. After all we all know what Julia Banks did after she quit the Liberal Party just ask the members of Flinders. Furthermore, I am not convinced that Mary Woolridge point of view has resonated well with rank and file. Why did she wait until she announced her resignation to come out in support of women? Her comments are inappropriate and a slap in the face for our women who have worked hard for all Victorians. It’s a shame that Mary Woolridge has forgotten about the women who took up a political career. The women below are those who strived to represent Victorians:

Dame Ivy Wedgwood, Dame Marie Breen, Dame Margaret Guilfoyle, Gloria Joan Child, Dorothy Goble, Jeannette Patrick, Prudence Sibree, Marie Tehan, Lorraine Elliott, Ann Henderson, Jan Wade, Denise McGill, Leonie Burke, Kay Patterson, Karen Synon, Andrea McCall, Joan Chambers, Judith Troeth, Frances Bailey, Sharman Stone, Sue Wilding, Hilda Baylor, Janice Kronberg, Wendy Lovell, Kelly O'Dwyer, Lorraine Wreford, Deanne Ryall, Helen Shardey, Andrea Coote, Wendy Smith, Elizabeth Miller, Maree Luckins, Rosemary Varty, Heidi Victoria, Louise Asher, Sophie Mirabella (nee Panopoulos,) Christine Fyffe, Inga Peulich, Helen Kroger, Jane Hume, Sarah Henderson, Donna Bauer, Donna Petrovich, Cindy McLeish, Georgina Crozier, and others. PETITION. With members believing that the current leadership is unsustainable, and that the Party can’t afford to wait until the May AGM/State Council, calls are growing for the requisitioning of a Special State Council meeting early in the New Year, the purpose of which would be to dismiss the Admin Committee and elect a new one. This petition is gathering momentum and soon the results of it will be known. I am sure that in due course members will hear more of this in the near future.

I on the other hand believe that should a Special meeting of State Council be called upon, only the current 2019 State Council delegates will be considered. However that is not to say that other non-delegates cannot sign the petition to add value and weight. I am told that all members of the Liberal party are encouraged to sign.

EARLY PRESELECTION’S AND CAMPAIGNING. Irrespective of the Tony Nutt post-election report, forget about the numerous committees, put aside the lost revenue, the lack of leadership, the cronyism and the instability caused by early pre-selections, it would appear that the gutless pseudo social media profile Dingo Alfred Jmes has finally made sense. Will this mean that electorates in the East will suddenly become an attractive option for those seeking high office early than expected. Watch this space for inside deals, surprise candidates, members retiring, shifting of alliances, generational change and pressure being placed on incumbent members and those non performers.

PAST CAMPAIGNING METHDOLOGIES. As for the past two election campaigns, let us not kid ourselves, members have come to the conclusion that the American style of campaigning is limited and that the public prefers to see their members rather than receiving electronic campaign material. The electronic concept has its place but not at the forefront. Such campaign methodologies belong in the background silently gathering campaign intelligence and supporting the candidates. Michael Sukkar’s campaign methodologies are proof of how a campaign should be conducted. Delegates and members departing the recent State Council at Ballarat, commented that it is difficult to see how the Victorian Division can ever win another state election based on current settings. New State Director Sam McQuestin from Tasmania must be wondering what he has taken on by transferring to the Victorian Divison.

REMOVE POOR PERFORMERS. Well is this not exactly what the past President Michael Kroger stated all along. Let the truth be known shall we and call a spade a spade. After all the past twelve months has not been a bed of roses has it? Non performers should resign early and make way for new blood and not hang onto electorates fumbling about or having barbeques each New Year to demonstrate their alleged or perceived power and influence. Take a leaf out of “Dingo Alfred Jmes social media comments above and do the right is the message to all non-performers.

INTIMIDATION AND THREATS. It has been reported that an alleged offence may have occurred. If this is true then the matter and the matter has been brought to the attention of Robert Clark. If not then it is a matter for the Police. The alleged offence apparently involves an SEC Chairman and a member of the Administrative Committee. Both members are being accused of issuing blackmail and threatening emails to members. Those affected members believe they have no option but to go to the police. This is not the Liberal party that I joined.

MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR. As this is the final ENewsletter for the year, I wish to thank all the contributors from across the Victorian Division. No matter which group, faction or Liberal community one belongs to, I wish all good Liberals a very Merry Christmas, a very Safe, Happy New Year. Stay strong always and be of good cheer. 2020 is a new year, a year of change.

ENEWSLETTERS SUBSCRIBERS. Although the original subscriber’s data base of 12000 was contaminated in 2018 and destroyed; it is now being rebuilt with support from many sources. This week’s additional data was added from sources in the public domain.

It has taken ten long months to rebuild it and we are continually adding more members. Members wishing to subscribe/unsubscribe may do so by request via email at [email protected] ENewsletter may be obtained at under the menu ENews. This ENewsletter is about allowing members know what is going on within their electorate and in their name. Their contributions are all appreciated and thank you for taking the time to read it.

EXCLUSIVE FESTIVE SEASON ENEWSLETTER We could not leave the year 2019 without going out on a good note. Therefore a special Festive season ENewsletter to whet the appetite of all members. Abalinx ENews wishes to thank all the contributors for their support and for providing the information. This is your ENewsletter. Special thanks to Ian Quick for his inaccurate assessment and analysis and we wish him well in his endeavours. The “Quicker” he and his mates resign the better.

Governance. Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee have mismanaged almost everything they have touched, including: an expensive investigation, into four Party members, (the recommendations of which were ignored) resulting in the eventual failed motion to suspend one of them at State Assembly; expenditure on consultants to find new office accommodation, only to reject the recommendations and move just around the corner; expenditure on investment advice, only to ignore the same; expenditure on a world-wide search for a new State Director, only to appoint someone from across Bass Straight.

Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee have presided over the most chaotic and shambolic annual general meeting season in the history of the Victorian Division. Their inability to manage the AGMs where democracy has been circumvented to suit their factional purposes has been shameful. Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee (particularly Ian Quick and Russell Joseph) have brought the Victorian Division to its knees over the unnecessarily early federal pre-selections (commencing in January 2020 for an election mid- 2022 or later!) purely for their factional purposes, and to meet the demands of a certain nervous Victorian Senator.

Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee have talked ad-nauseam about setting strategic directions, strategic plans etc., and have established multiple panels, committees, sub-committees, boards, taskforces, research groups etc; however, to date they have not produced anything of substance, other than some wish-lists, to guide the work of the Division in the lead up to the 2022 federal and state elections.

Membership. Robert Clark and factional his supporters on the Administrative Committee have presided over the largest decline in Party membership in the history of the Victoria Division. Although Marcus Bastiaan and Paul Mitchell who increased the membership, the Victorian Division now is at its lowest membership ever.

Participation. Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee have seen membership participation plummet, as evidenced by the failure to reach a quorum at the last two meetings of State Assembly. Membership participation is now at an all-time low. Members are voting with their feet; to stay away.

Financial Management. Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee have massively mismanaged the Victorian Division’s funds. The Division has posted a trading loss for the last five months exceeding $500,000. They have left the $37 million proceeds from the sale of 104 Exhibition Street in the Party’s day-to-day trading account thus forgoing investment income of more than $1 million.

Fund Raising. Robert Clark and his factional supporters have not raised any funds. They have been resting on their laurels following the sale of 104 Exhibition Street, ($37 million) and in the knowledge that there will not be any elections until 2022.

Office Accommodation. Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee chose not to make a decision about long-term office accommodation, opting for yet another non-decision, taking up temporary rented accommodation at 60 Collins Street. The Victorian Division is effectively homeless.

Policy Devcelopment. Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee have talked a lot about policy development, however beyond establishing multiple committees, little has happened.

Communication. Robert Clark introduced an occasional email update to members, which has been generally well received. However, an objective assessment of the update would find that it is repetitive, and full of uninteresting and uninspiring administration.

Advancement. Robert Clark In light of his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee cannot possibly expect to advance to re-election at the 2020 AGM/State Council. The best they can do is resign/retire gracefully before the members run them out of town.

Federal Election 2019 – Victoria. Robert Clark and factional supporters on the Administrative Committee believe that through their good work, the Victorian Division performed well at the 2019 federal election. So much for spin. A more objective assessment is that the Victorian Division only won twelve seats, and as such was the worst performing division in the country. That the Victorian Division did as well as it did, is largely down to the then Acting State Director Simon Frost, who elected not to see out his secondment following the election citing a difficulties working with a hostile Administrative Committee. There’s an enormous amount of work to be done to improve the Victorian Division’s performance.

Victorian State Election 2022. Robert Clark and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee have chosen to largely ignore the 2018 State Election Review, (Nutt Report) preferring to continue to bemoan the election loss and blame anyone and everyone. Spreading the blame is the order of the day!

Report Summary. Robert Clark in the lead up to State Council Elections in June 2019, he and his factional supporters on the Administrative Committee, and their broader factional member supporters, sold the proposition that they would unify and unite the Victorian Division, and implement good governance. As it turns out, they have managed to divide the Party more than ever, and have made a complete mess of the Party’s governance.

WHY THE CHAOS. Why are these people Ian Quick and company blowing, causing havoc, creating a political civil war and dividing members. The local gossip or take on this is that over in the East where the Conservatives are found there is a chap who is mates with Ian Quick. This chap has apparently asked, discussed or influenced Ian Quick to change the timing of the preselections. To do so will thereore ensure that at least 60 members who would have been eligible may not be if the preselections are held early. If this is the case, does this mean that Ian Quick is seeking the job as the members Chief bottle washer or janitor in his mates office. I say this because Ian Quick is certainly not qualified for the job.

The Victorian Division of the Liberal Party is on fire as the AGM season winds up for 2019! AGMs at Nepean, Maribyrnong & Essendon blew up last night (Wednesday 18 December 2019) like nothing ever seen before. It is alleged that at the Nepean AGM 2018 candidate, Russell Joseph, verbally & nastily abused local Party stalwart Robb Hampson, prompting a walk out of members. The meeting was disbanded. While at the Maribyrnong & Essendon AGMs, held in Senator Scott Ryan’s Office in Moonie Ponds, Bernie Finn MP verbally attacked Party stalwart Diane Plim with a most unparliamentarily and misogynistic spray of abuse which will be the subject of multiple complaints by multiple witnesses to multiple authorities.

At the same meetings, new Member & a Bill Rizopoulos stack, (of which there were 20/70 present), Sandy Spanos attacked Senator Ryan alleging that the AEC, for which he was formerly responsible for, is corrupt. Spanos alleged that the AEC is complicit in multiple voting at multiple polling booths in the Maribyrnong Electorate. Ryan responded angrily that he would not tolerate such allegations in his Senator Office. Spanos stood her ground. The Victorian Division under Robert Clark’s hapless, inept, careless & at times destructive, leadership & Quick’s malevolent behaviour, is in chaos & burning to the ground. The Special State Council Meeting cannot come soon enough to stem the rot.

QUICKS NEWS – FACT OR FICTION. Just when all was going well, we find that Blake Young the Vice President of the Young Liberals was being intimidated or threatened with a six month ban or expulsion which was later withdrawn. All because this bright young man had the courage to write a letter to the Administrative Committee. On the other hand we have that “God like Hermes” (Ian Quick) sending out his messages to Liberal Party members on Administrative matters. Mr Ian Quick has not realised the enormous harm that he is doing by stealth and that his hypocrisy has not gone down well. As such members have been compelled to respond in kind to Ian Quicks email shown below.

IAN QUICK FICTION 1. It has been a long time - more FACT. Robert Clark has no experience in running the Party than a year - since I last sent out a newsletter. Until recently, there organisation, Clark was always going to be out of his depth. hasn't been much of a need, as we have a much better Party However, no one could believe that after one year, has already President - Robert Clark. become the worst President in the history of the Party.

IAN QUICK FICTION 2. However, members have been FACT. Ian Quick, the post-election review recommended contacting me asking why some Federal MP's are showing so hundreds of changes which you and the rest of Robert Clarks Admin much interest in frustrating this Admin’s decision to restore party committee have failed to act on. Nowhere in the Nutt or Kemp democracy and have candidates in the field as soon as possible reports does it recommend preselecting candidates two and a half for the next Federal Election - something every post-election years before an election. Ian Quick is not interested in Party review recommends. On the face of it, their response doesn't democracy. seem rational - as we can't reasonably wait till after the next redistribution (finishing sometime late 2Q 2021), and many target seats could do with a candidate now. After all, there is a reasonable chance we will have the next federal election 3Q 2021! IAN QUICK FICTION 3. So what's going on? Why are some of FACT. Ian Quick is holding preselection’s later in the year so it them having issues? The answer is simple: after pre-selections seems and is not cancelling them. Ian Quick has taken it upon were cancelled in 2018, some MPs have become addicted to not himself to be the spokesperson for his rag tag of sycophants who having to face the members in a preselection again. Delaying pre- have hoodwinked the members into believing him. However as life selections (as in 2018) is a tactic to end up cancelling pre- is what it is, history will soon unravel the likes of Ian Quick and his selections. There are two underlining (and largely factional) crew. reasons behind the hostility to Admin's decision: IAN QUICK FICTION 4. The pre-selections need to be held FACT. Ian Quick should know that Federal Members and the after State Council next year (May) as then "they" will control Administrative Committee have no power to carve up seats and Admin and simply re-endorse sitting members like they did last appoint candidates, nor do they have the power to “Cancel pre- year (which was supported by all sitting members - what a selections”. Ian Quick should cease hiding behind the constitution. surprise) - ignoring the constitution amendment to stop this No one likes a hypocrite. happening. They want to wait till after redistributions have been done, so then the Federal MPs can carve up existing seats Members are hoping that Ian Quick is correct and that by May between themselves, rather than submit themselves to the 2020 he and his mob will no longer control the Administrative members - which they can do easily via Admin if they control it. Committee.

IAN QUICK FICTION 5. Note that winning more seats is FACT. Members are asking Ian Quick whether he ever make it nowhere on their agenda. If we want to win Indi, Dunkley, to Indi, Dunkley or Corangamite during the last election campaign, Corangamite, to name a few, we need candidates there as soon or only this year during his own State Council campaign. as possible. Delaying them to 2021 is political idiocy. The key problem here is a number of Federal MP's who want to put their The “Key Problem” is that Ian Quick is putting his own factional own factional shenanigans ahead of the party's need to win more shenanigans ahead of the Party’s need to win seats then he goes seats. No wonder we have gone from 19 federal seats in Victoria around blaming others for doing exactly the same thing. What a in 1996 to 12 today - and leaving preselection to later isn't going to hypocrite. solve this imbalance! IAN QUICK FICTION 6. Ironically, when Michael Kroger FACT. Ian Quick is seeking to open preselection’s 30 months opened up sitting member state seats on the 21/11/2016 (ie two before the Federal election, not 19 months. It is no wonder members years before the last state election), and then actively ran a are wondering what the main problems are why so quick about. The candidate against the sitting Member in the most marginal State Pre-selections were opened 24 months before the State Melbourne seat - nobody had a problem! And in 2018 when federal Election as there are 128 seats to pre-select, considerably more pre-selections were cancelled, fed MPs said it was "a matter for than the 42 Federal seats requiring preselection. the Party"! Josh Frydenberg had no problems challenging the sitting member for Kooyong (Petro Georgiou) in early 2006 - 19 FACT. Ironically it was Michael Kroger the past President who months before the next federal election - so why would he be ensured the Victorian Liberal Party Victorian Divison remained worried about something similar, in the same timeframe, financially stable and removed the corruption. happening now?

IAN QUICK FICTION 7. And don't Federal members know FACT. Doesn’t the State Vice Presidents know that Ian Quick that ringing up party volunteers and abusing them is not how to get sending the Liberal Party members wide emails and attacking what they want? Haven't they noticed the new National Code of Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is not how to get what Ian Quick wants? Conduct, which applies to them? The contempt some Federal Has Ian Quick read the Administrative Committee’s code of Members are showing volunteer party members is breathtaking. conduct? Perhaps the section relating to publicising Administrative The choice is simple: We can do the pre-selections now, via deliberations to non-Administrative members or the entire Liberal plebiscites to let members decide, and get candidates into seats Party database which he is emailing is not compatible with one we need to win, or we can do them later and Admin will make the another. Ian Quick, the Administrative Committee and Robert Clare decision, and it will be close to impossible to win more seats. That have run what is considered the least democratic in the Liberal is the choice. Party’s history. Now Ian Quick goes even further by misleading the entire Liberal Party’s membership about the preselection time table. IAN QUICK FICTION 8. Why are we doing the current FACT. Ian Quick and Robert Clark appointed Grant Hutchinson timetable? 1. We have to win more federal seats. We had to recruit and secure the preselection of candidates at the last 19 liberal held federal seats in Victoria in 1996. We have only 12 Federal election. Six of those candidates quit before the election today, even though Victoria has more seats. leaving the Party without candidates in major marginal seats. Not a good track record I must say. Even the Whisperer was better.

POLITICAL CYBERWARFARE- Ian Quick was proven to have leaked insistently during the 2018 State Election campaign undermining Party Leader Matthew Guy and Party President Michael Kroger, and who can forget Quick News circulated to thousands attacking the Party. I guess Abalinx ENews is the result of Ian Quick cantankerous ravings. Therefore it is fair to ask why Ian Quick is so concerned about the Party’s electability now. IAN QUICK FICTION 9. To win more seats, we have to FACT. The only campaigning Ian Quick is interested in is the State have candidates on the ground early. That is, earlier than we have Council. To be honest members are beginning to question Ian done in some other elections. Post-election reviews keep Quicks credentials on campaigns. I have been a campaign Manager pounding the fact to get candidates earlier, and I've never met a for some 25 years and in all that time, I have never seen or heard of candidate, running for a seat we currently don't hold, who didn't Ian Quick being involved in any campaign, seen him man a booth, say more time would have been better. No one has to quit their job door knock, hand out How to Vote cards in an electorate or raise any to campaign! We need candidates to organize around, both for money. votes and fund raising. Note: Labor is already campaigning in some key seats! IAN QUICK FICTION 10. Sitting MPs are always done first. FACT. Ian Quick, this is an easy one which can be best described It provides certainty to the party and candidates. The idea that an as: Julia Banks betrayed the Liberal Party Victorian Division and the MP might go “rogue” if defeated is merely an argument never to throughout Australia have challenges, as that idea intensifies closer to a poll! Furthermore, it is insulting to think any Victorian MP would betray It is insulting to members to receive such emails from Ian Quick and our party like that. it is an affront to member’s intelligence. IAN QUICK FICTION 11. We can't wait till after the next FACT. Ian Quick should know that the request from the entire redistribution. We don't know if there is going to even be a Federal Membership is to run preselection’s in October 2020. redistribution until June 2020. By the time it is finished it will Misleading members about a date in 2021 could be seen as “gravely probably be May/June 2021. The next fed election can be between detrimental”, a term Ian Quick has used to justify his failed 7/August/2021 and 21/May/2022. The South Australian election is expulsions and suspensions of factional foes. in March 2022, and the Tasmanian one will be April/May 2022. We potentially have no time to do member plebiscite preselection’s Politics is politics and as such Ian Quick must realise that sooner or between the finish of the redistribution and the calling of an later his reign will come to an end. His thoughts and those of his election. Even if we do have a couple of months spare, depending recalcitrant sycophants will soon come to an end. The youth of today on who is running Admin, it will be used as an excuse for Admin to are not the same as that of Ian Quicks generation and seek integrity, do them instead of the members (as Admin did in 2018) - and still honesty and a fair playing ground. be too short a time to have candidates in the field if we want to win seats. IAN QUICK FICTION 12. The redistribution is unlikely to be FACT. The truth is that a new seat will be added in the North West, significant. The last redistribution (2018) created one new seat, and an additional seat may or could be added in the South East. and juggled the existing ones around. No existing EC was This will displace almost every electorate in the state. How would changed to the point that it was deemed to be not a continuing EC, Ian Quick know more about the AEC than our Federal members? not one. And the average 2PP change was 1.2% (some up and Maybe he doesn’t know better and this is all a ruse to achieve some some down). Stories going around the party of a possible '5 seats other objective or mission he has set his mind upon. being deleted' are just made up stories with no factual basis.


IAN QUICK FICTION 13. Given all that, Admin has sensibly FACT. One asks of Ian Quickie whether the Federal Members, decided to do the sitting members next February 2020, so that we Federal Secretariat and State Secretariat have a better idea on the can then move on to the target seats in the following months. election campaign plan. After all it was it not Ian Quick, Robert Clark Those targets will be done on a case by case basis, in consultation and Grant Hutchinson who lost 6 candidates on the way to the with the respective FECs to make sure that they are ready to have election. I am quite sure that members do not want a repeat of the a preselection. This would result in us having candidates in target same. seats in the first half to mid next year - to give them somewhere from a year to a year and a half to campaign. We can then move What Ian Quick has failed to realise is that Long term campaigning on to longer term target seats (late next year, unless some seats is a drain on resources, the wellbeing of volunteers is at risk, funds are ready earlier), followed by (whenever appropriate) the seats and fundraising difficult and sustaining a long campaign does not with very large margins sometime before the next election. produce the results indicated by Ian Quick. IAN QUICK FICTION 14 If we want to win more seats, nobody FACT. Using the words “Political idiocy” is unbecoming of an has put up a credible alternative to the above. We should have Administrative Committee member and it smacks of elitism. It is not candidates in the field for at least 12 months before the first the embers who started the “Civil War, it is Ian Quick, Robert Clark possible date for an election (Aug 2021), and FEC's need a who are waging a political battle with the Prime Minister at time candidate to organise around. To get that to happen we have to when we need to be united with Scott Morrison. Shame on Ian start with sitting MPs at the start of 2020. Anything else is political Quick, Robert Clark and the rest of their political cartel.. idiocy. FACT. If Ian Quick truly wanted to win more seats, he would spend less time playing internal factional games and putting his alleged campaign and organising talents toward fundraising, recruitment and campaigning.

NAME AND FAME PEOPLE OF INTEREST ENEWS will periodically display members whose actions are not in the best interests of the Liberal Party.

ROBERT CLARK SHOULD RESIGN. Swapping John Howard for Kevin Rudd was never a good idea. Swapping Kroger for Clark has been a disaster. With no experience in running the Party organisation, Clark was always going to be out of his depth. However, no one could believe that after one year he has already become the worst President in the history of the Party.

He has set up a record number of committees which is about his only claim to fame. We are drowning in meetings, reports, minutes, drafts, agendas, venues etc. etc. This is what Labor governments do when they have no idea what to do.

SEAN ARMISTEAD. As a Rainbow Warrior, Sean Armistead is taking members for granted! Members laughed when one of his cronies advised him on social media to run for the President of the Liberal party. Sean Armistead is the same bloke who accused another Liberal veteran member of wrong doing and complained on social media that his complaints were ignored. This chap has much to learn and is not learning that he is being rejected.

It is alleged that Sean Armistead is trying to lock out members by forcing them to register beforehand on the premises of “buildings safety”. From someone who is a university qualified EOH&S consultant this is utter clap trap. On reflection it appears to me that they used the same excuse last year to lock out voters.

IAN QUICK. I believe that Ian Quick latest efforts warrant a motion at the next State assembly to: to be suspended in the same manner as Blake Young was initially suspended. That that Ian Quick has a history of disloyalty to the Liberal Party, the Constitution and certainly to the platform of the Liberal Party. In addition Ian Quick should be suspended as guilty of conduct gravely detrimental to the best interests of the party.

Ian Quicks emails have done enormous damage and he needs face the members and explain why he is sending out emails. Furthermore why is it that he has made himself the spokesman for the Administrative Committee when traditionally that is the role of the President. I wonder whether it is because of poor leadership that Ian Quick believes he can fill the vacuum.


A Happy New Year to one and all. May 2020 be the beginning of a new generation. A Generational Change where the old is replaced by the new. Our condolences and sympathy to all those who have suffered during the bushfires


1. Robert Clark. President. 2. Owen Guest. Treasurer. Age: 62 Age: 47 Bio: Member of parliament 30 years, Minister Bio: Failed candidate for McNamara, plays 4 years. Tall timber in the forest of deadwood. royal tennis, best friend of Mantach ally Employment: Unemployed. Caroline Elliott. Employment: Unemployed

3. Ian Quick. Male VP. 4. Holly Byrne. Female VP. Age: 62 Age: 44 Bio: Mantach factions lead leaker and briefer. Bio: Often seen but seldom heard. Close ally Coveters the seat of Kooyong, spent five of Mantach numbers man Frank Greenstein. years undermining Matthew Guy, Josh Employment: Immigration consultant Frydenberg and Michael Kroger. Employment: Unemployed.

5. Amy Johnson. Female VP. 6. Matthew Makin. VP Male. Age: 32 Age: 45 Bio: 5-minute Liberal, extreme left-wing Bio: Self-described corporation and councillor focused on recruiting Turnbull governance expert with several failed Liberals. ventures under the belt. Coverts Western Employment: Unemployed. Region seat. Employment status: Unemployed

7. Sean Armistead. General Male Admin. 8. Cassandra Marr. Female General Age: 43 Admin. Bio: Failed Frankston candidate, long time Age: 35 Mantach ally, often found lurking around the Bio: 5-minute Liberal, failed candidate for Melbourne branch and Young Liberal Annual Sunbury. Works for the well-known bully and Ball. Coverts senate. harasser Bernard ‘fumbler’ Finn. Employment: Part time checkout assistant at Employment: Staffer Blockbuster Video.

9. Karen Egan. Female General Admin. 10. Russell Joseph. Male General Admin. Age: 60 Age: 60 Bio: Failed candidate for Northern Region, Bio: Staffer turned failed candidate for failed publican. Nepean. Coverts Flinders. Employment: Unemployed. Employment: Unemployed

While the Prime Minister Scott Morrison is out supporting those fighting the fires, members must remember that Robert Clark was part of the do nothing Baillieu Government. Robert Clark as part of Baillieu’s government did not increase hazard reduction burning sufficiently and therefore is personally to blame for the bushfires. He has no credibility on this issue and should be called out on it. Members are wondering where Robert Clark and his Administrative team are doing to support Victorians fighting the fires.

It is the belief of many members that Robert Clark and his Administration is more interested in attacking party members and briefing journalists against Michael Kroger and Josh Frydenberg than he is in briefing journalists in support of Scott Morrison. No leadership from the Admin Committee. Robert Clark is more interested in preselection stacks and starting fires in the Victorian Division than stopping the real fires that are taking lives and destroying the livelihoods of our strongest supporters. NAME AND FAME PEOPLE OF INTEREST ENEWS will periodically display members whose actions are not in the best interests of the Liberal Party.

GRANT HUTCHINSON Shooting to Liberal Party recognition after his narrow loss in the Evelyn preselection, Grant Hutchinson worked to make a name for himself as an earnest and honest broker. Seeking out any opportunity to enter himself into any decision to dispense his legalistic wisdom. To many early on Grant came across as an odd but reasonable fellow. As a self-promoting committed Christian, he struck up a close relationship with Karina Okotel and the evangelical religious right within the Liberal Party, hosting and funding summer camps with fellow evangelical activist Kyle Hoppit and various other younger religious Party Members. Many former supporters of Grant’s could not accept his reasoning to challenge Tony Smith, the Speaker of the House, and due to this and other issues he lost his converted Vice Presidency at last year’s State Council. Grant however remains active, working the delegates in Casey ever hopeful of an early retirement. Nothing wrong with ambition if you are capable, that is the question hanging over Grant Hutchinson’s head.

KARINA OKOTEL Some would refer to Karina Okotel as the traitorous disgraced former Vice President. Others just refer to her as Karina. Know nation-wide as the grinning assassin after attempting to knife senior conservatives Michael Sukkar, Peter Dutton and Mathias Corman, she is today known as the grinning assassin after her 88-12 defeat at Federal Council. While few today seek her association, she remains active supporting her former mentor, turned enemy, turned reluctant rescuer Frank Greenstein. Around the Western Metro Karina has been quietly redoubling her efforts doing what Karina does best; meeting and greeting large numbers of Party members on behalf of Frank and her Mantach faction allies. Many questions remain regarding the conduct of Karina and her troubled brother Joshua Bonney, all of which have been covered up by the Clark/Quick Admin.

BILL RIZOPOULOS Having finally found something that he is good at, Rizopoulos has been busy stacking new members, many of them his fellow countrymen, from all over Melbourne, into Maribyrnong FEC, and Essendon SEC, far exceeding the trigger point for an investigation by Party HQ. With the AGM season over, and Bernie Finn and Scott Ryan’s numbers on the 2020 State Council, and likely in turn, the 2020 Administrative Committee, diminished, their backers on the Administrative Committee overlooked Rizopoulos’s branch stacking in Maribyrnong and Essendon. What a difference a year or two can make! Meanwhile, Rizopoulos, a self-styled fanatical religious and political operative, (some say nut-job) working from a den at back of his tyre garage in Sydney Road Coburg, with the help of State President Robert Clark, has been busy building his own brand and the Rizopoulos Faction in the West, holding evening soirées in Footscray with free-flowing good quality wine from a very generous sponsor.


Robert Clarks Praetorian Guard? How does a relative unknown member make a name for themselves in today’s political world of technology? Does they stand out in all kinds of weather handing out How to Vote Cards on behalf of a Liberal candidate? Does they stand up at State Assembly and State Council to debate a motion? Do they character assassinate others to climb the social ladder”? Do they spread malicious and biased rumours to gain an unfair advantage? Do they bully, intimidate and harass members to get their way? Or are they just happy to belong to the Robert Clark Praetorian Guard? Questions that can only be answered by observation and monitoring an individual’s actions. These questions of course may fit anyone seeking high office, power and influence.

Since the letter was received it is alleged that Robert Clark's Praetorian guard of Ian Quick, Grant Hutchinson and Sali Miftari have hit the phones coercing and "bullying" petition signatories to withdraw their support. Complaints have been written to the Party's disputes committee as to how a suburban lawyer Grant Hutchinson, and ‘International Strategic Consultant’ Sali Miftari received the names and contact details of petition signatories - considering neither are on the Party's Administrative Committee. This again represents yet another breach of process by Clark and his cronies. Recently a well-known bully and abuser took to Facebook to defend his former colleague Robert Clark, staff member Cassandra Marr and fellow Admin conspirators.

The members post evokes the usual windmill of rage and idiocy. Attacking Petition Signatories as playing “Silly games” and of disloyalty to the Party. If it weren’t so hypocritical it might be funny. Sean Armistead, Holly Byrne, Owen Guest, Members of the Janus Group, Whisperers, Fumblers, Rainbow Warriors, Sycophants, Wannabes, Lefties and others of their ilk are likely candidates for Robert Clark’s Praetorian Guard?

“ROBERT CLARK’S LETTER TO THE VICTORIAN DIVISION AND THEIR ANALYSIS”. Has Robert Clark shot himself in the shoe by taking on too much? Has he demonstrated the leadership necessary to lead the Liberal party to Government? Is Robert Clark the leader or is he being fed information contrary to the interests of the Victoria Division. So many questions that go unanswered and Liberals are being held hostage to the numerous political innocuous activities of Robert Clark and his company.

In the lead up to last year’s Christmas Liberal Party Members received an extraordinary letter from President Robert Clark. Described to me by a concerned Party Member as “Clark’s thousand-word (529) suicide note” the document is riddled with lies and deception. We can only provide the information and it is up the members of the Victorian Division of the Liberal party to separate the wheat from the political chafe. Some of the claims are examined below along with the review and analysis by our team.


I’m writing to inform you that Party yesterday received a requisition under Timing: Robert Clark and his Admin cronies were made the Party's constitution from a number of State Council members seeking to aware that their decision to hold early pre-selection’s was require the Party to hold a special meeting of State Council within the next strongly opposed by the entire Federal Party for months. few weeks. Robert Clark and his Admin cronies were also aware of the The requisition. The requisition seeks to have State Council pass a motion petition’s circulation two weeks prior to its submission. Of to prevent the Party from starting or continuing any pre-selections for the course, what is “most concerning” is Clark’s arrogance - to next Federal election until after 1 October next year. Together with the expect that defying and demeaning the Prime Minister and requisition, its organisers have also submitted another motion that has Treasurer would result in any other outcome. apparently not been signed by the supporters of the requisition, and which seeks to substitute a date of 1 September instead and make other changes Blocking All Preselection’s: Preselection’s are not being to the original motion. It is, of course, the right of any 50 State “Blocked” they are being run after the draft redistribution Council members to sign a requisition and to require the Party to incur the boundaries are set. costs of holding an additional State Council if they consider it justified. However, both the timing and the terms of this requisition are most “It is difficult to see the logic” as to why Robert Clark wants concerning, as is the confusion and uncertainty created by its proponents to run pre-selections in seats that will almost certainly have submitting two different motions. changed their boundaries in six months, meaning that it is Timing. The organisers of the requisition have chosen to lodge it on the last possible that those preselection’s will have to be rerun on day before the secretariat closed for the Christmas-New Year period. As a new boundaries a matter of months later. result, secretariat staff risk being forced to cancel or reschedule their holiday plans in order to make the extensive preparations required for the holding of “We cannot afford to risk a repeat of what happened a State Council. As well, the timing chosen to lodge the requisition may last time”: Robert Clark digs deeper into his pit of require the State Council to be held at a time when large numbers of hypocrisy; reaffirm his opposition to last elections delegates are away on vacation. If so, this will deprive many delegates of reindorsements - DESPITE ROBERT CLARK BEING the ability to attend and vote, thus undermining both the fairness of the PRESENT AND VOTING IN FAVOUR OF THOSE SAME timing and the legitimacy of any resolution that may be passed. REINDORSEMENTS ON ADMIN IN 2018.

Blocking all pre-selections. The terms of the requisition seek to prohibit “We have been going backwards in Victoria over the the Party from starting to preselect any candidates for the next Federal last 20 years”: This is perhaps the only honest comment election until after 1 October next year, and to require a halt to all current made by Robert Clark. We all note that during those years preselection processes. This applies not only to current Liberal held seats, you were the member for the very safe Liberal seat of Box but to potential target seats such Corangamite, Dunkley, Indi, McEwen, Jaga Hill. Our Party spent a decade plus out of government Jaga, McNamara and Isaacs, as well as the traditional Labor seats that we because of chronic underperformers like you, and now you need to seek to win over time. seek to educate all of us as to how we can win. The statement is as extraordinary as it is exasperating. It is difficult for me to see the logic of simply forcing a seven or eight month deferral of pre-selections, unless it is a prelude to further attempted deferrals Next Steps: Robert Clark lies again. He and the new State or other changes. The main result achieved by such a delay, on its own, is Director both sought oral advice from Constitutional Chair to prevent the Party from being able to complete pre-selections for Darryl Williams on the day the petition was submitted. In candidates for target seats until into 2021, even though the next Federal both cases Darryl is understood to have said petition was election could well turn out to be in late 2021. constitutional.

Pre-selections at which ordinary Party members decide who the Party’s The State Director then communicated to the current candidates will be are a vital part of the democratic structure of our Party, Admin Committee confirming the constitutionality of the but a full and open pre-selection process for all seats takes many months to petition and seeking to hold the meeting as soon as complete. We cannot afford to risk a repeat of what happened last time, possible. Robert Clark has now subsequently unilaterally when pre-selections were deferred for so long that pre-selections for Liberal overruled the State Director and his Constitutional held seats had to be scrapped, and pre-selections and endorsements for Committee Chair seeking to thwart the process and buy other seats were late and rushed. time.

Bernie Finns Fanatic supporters. As a long-time supporter of Bernie Finn, I am somewhat disappointed that he went over to the “Dark Side”. I often wondered when he jumped ship from being the bright Morning star to the “Death Star of politics”. The diminishing cesspit of delusional, dissipated and disastrous Finn supporters went especially mad when egged on by the ‘Fumbler’. The most shocking comment goes to local council hopeful Phil Darth who was threatening to get physical and “Smack” new members he determines are “stacks”. Another consistent contributor David 'Dingo' Everist - father of newly employed Victorian Farmers Federation staffer Charles Everist - added his dim-witted insights, and the embattled former McEwan Chair Liam Sheehan compared new Party Members to “faecal ooze leaking from the glove puppets”. Good to see the ’Fumbler’ surrounds himself in likeminded friends.

MEMBERS CONTRIBUTIONS. To ensure transparency, fair play, we seek member’s contributions. Keep them short and simple without provocation and malicious language and they shall be published. Your views are important. Please address them to Abalinx ENewsletter at: [email protected] This is your chance to express your views. Contributor’s names will not be published if requested. All Abalinx ENewsletters may be found at

1. Sunbury Falls! One by one the dominoes have been falling for the Finns in the west. No amount of propping up by Senator Scott Ryan, his staffers and the inept State President Robert Clark, seems to be enough to save the Fumbler.

2. The Great Petition! Defend his former colleague Robert Clark, ("With Clarky") staff member Cassandra (Don't call me Cassie") Marr and their Administration.

3. Robert Clark email! What a disgrace! Largely written by Clark's right hand man Ian Quick. (Mr Quick doesn't like that name for some reason!) President Clark lectures members (volunteers!) telling them that the requisitioning of a Special State Council meeting is provided for in the Party's Constitution, however Members who exercise this provision are troublesome and should go away.

4. Power surge! It is alleged that Sean Armistead was trying to lock out members by forcing members to register beforehand on the premises of “buildings safety”. On reflection it appears that they used the same excuse last year to lock out voters. We find it hard to believe in this day age but wonders never cease. The impossible may be possible and maybe people can be fooled all the time.

5. Social media butterfly! Ian Quick is on Facebook now! He said he would never join Facebook. He always said people who use Facebook must never mention him or include photos of him. He berated people who accidentally posted photos of him & asked the Liberal Party to take action against those who did. "The party is being ripped apart by people who want control at any price," failed vice-presidential candidate Ian Quick said in a personal newsletter distributed to party members.

6. The Final Question - Who will be our White Knight? If ever the Victorian Liberal Party has needed a white knight it is now. Captain Robert ‘Ahab’ Clark’s cloak of political madness is ripping apart the Victorian division. With our Party more at war with itself than ever before. Clark’s refusal to schedule a Special State Council will possibly result in an additional motion to spill the Party’s Administrative committee, and failing that the Party will almost certainly be taken into Federal Administration. So who will stand tall and ensure members have their say? This responsibility surely falls upon the shoulders of the newly appointed State Director Sam McQuestin - who by the end of January will be empowered by the constitution to call a special State Council meeting with or without Clark’s support.

7. Lost but not forgotten! Never before have the democratic rights of Members been so trampled upon. This isn’t the Liberal Party we once knew; once one of the largest and most successful volunteer organisations in Victoria.

8. Incompetence. In less than a year President Robert Clark and his inexperienced and incompetent supporters on the Administrative Committed, aided and abetted by a collection of former Mantach people, including Sen Scott Ryan, the Finns, Frank Greenstein and Company, have brought the Victorian Division to its knees. Mismanagement abounds!

9. Unsolicited calls. Following receipt of President Clark’s most recent circular, (ramblings) probably drafted by Quick, backed up with unsolicited telephone calls from Quick, Miftari and Hutchinson, urging Member signatories to the withdraw their names from the requisition, Members (volunteers) are left wondering what the hell is happening?

10. The party is being ripped apart by people who want control at any price," failed vice-presidential candidate Ian Quick said in a personal newsletter distributed to party members. Who is calling the kettle black Mr Quick?


GRASS ROOTS POINT OF VIEW. During the past twelve months Grass root members and seasoned political campaigners of the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party have expressed concerns that the organisation is weak, in disarray and lacking strategic direction.

Members are angry that inappropriate governance and alleged financial mismanagement have occurred under the leadership of Robert Clark. Members expected that the organisational wing of their Party would be run as a business with expected corporate accountability and responsibility. This is not the case.

Those recalcitrant members who undermined Matthew Guy and Michael Kroger expected many changes in leadership within the Victorian Division but did not have the desired outcomes as expected. With the resignation of Michael Kroger as president, Robert Clark as president lacks the leadership qualities of his predecessor who had the ability to look objectively at the organisation with a fresh set of eyes.

Robert Clark and his crew promised much and within twelve months turned a once vibrant Liberal Party into a cesspool of iniquity. We the grass root members believe there are many influencing factors impeding speedy and lasting reforming progress, which must be addressed urgently.

It is no use if grass root members are being intimidated, bullied, and ignored as volunteers and campaign managers. There are numerous instances where such incidents have occurred and yet they are being ignored by Robert Clark and his motley crew of sycophants. While Scott Morrison and his federal parliamentary companions are involved in the current Bushfire crisis, Robert Clark and his select group of ten have defied the Prime Minister and going ahead with early pre-selections.

Mr Ian Quick was certainly quick of the mark to sending his “QUICK EMAIL correspondence to members describing what he felt was in the best interests of Victorian Liberals. Robert Clark went on to make matters worse by sending his version of why pre-selections needed to be conducted early. All of this against the wishes of Federal parliamentarians, including the Treasurer Josh Frydenberg. On reflection the current Victorian leadership has not been welcomed as far as increasing the Victorian liberal vote and the potential of winning the next State Election are slim indeed.

The younger Victorian grass roots members appear to be stronger than ever as several Victorian Senators and Members of Parliament are beginning to see via the results of the Annual General Meetings.

The Dark Side or those involved within the Janus Group of followers are seeking shelter with any group that appears to be gaining strength and as a result the Dark Side is losing its influence. It is no wonder that party members are dismayed at these events, feel disillusioned and are being encouraged to take a far more active part in working together for the Party to defeat the ALP at the next State election.

However despite all their good intentions the younger grass roots members face a current hostile administrative committee, led by a president (Robert Clark) who lacks the qualities and charisma necessary to lead the party forward. In fact his financial responsibilities are on the

same level as his leadership responsibilities. Very low indeed. Joshua Anthony Frydenberg is an Australian politician who has been Treasurer of Australia and Deputy Leader At the State level, there is still dissatisfaction at the 2018 election loss, with little hope of of the Liberal Party since 24 August 2018. regaining government in the next term. Anger still exists at how the “Mantach” problem and A member of the Australian House of Representatives for the seat of Kooyong to those who allowed corruption to occur and not be detected by then incumbent office August 2010. bearers.

The interaction formerly generated at the grass roots level, provided information, policy discussion and policy direction – all most necessary for the Liberal Party – and for our Ministers and local politicians to be aware of contemporary community feelings and attitudes.

At present, the various Standing Committees, committees, electorates and other entities appear to operate as isolated silos of information with little connection to each other, let alone a coordinated approach to strategic organisational management. It is probable that this factor along with a lack of financial governance and accountability contributed most of all to the root INTRODUCING “SUPER QUICK” cause of an employee being able to defraud the organisation. DARK SIDE HERO OF THE YEAR Who is faster than a speeding bullet, can A new generation is waiting silently in the wings, willing to discuss with all members involved jump tall buildings, can fly without a no matter their ideology, persuasion, left, right, progressive, traditionalist or conservative to parachute, strong as a mallee bull, afraid of provide alternative structures, and recommendations for change with the hope that they may conservatives, distributor & communicator of untruths & fibs, defys the Australian assist in pushing forward a case for complete organisational review. Prime Minister. Who is this individual that Those that cling to power for powers sake are doomed to be ousted and relieved of their lives in his ivory tower. It is none other than that mighty super hero: responsibilities. The Political cemetery is littered with the bodies of tyrants, vagrants, sycophants, Generals, Whisperers, Fumblers, Corrupters, Janus Group, Left wing Loonies, “SQ” SUPER QUICK? and Rainbow Warriors.


Where are they now? Where are their friends? Remember Damien Mantach, the former Victorian Liberal Party State Director who stole $1.5 million from the Victorian Division 2010-14, and who shares responsibility for the catastrophic 2014 state election loss. Released from prison November 2018. Today: Damien is “seeking new opportunities”.

Every organisation/executive/committee has an informal “inner executive”. The Mantach period inner executive consisted of: Damien Mantach, Tony Snell, Frank Greenstein, Peter McWilliam, Caroline Elliott, and “Ex-officio” Scott Ryan. Only Tony Snell has ever accepted responsibility for the appalling and unforgivable failings of this period.

Andrew Abercrombie, Treasurer during Mantach period. Member, Liberal Party State Finance Committee - didn’t see anything. Following the Mantach fraud, famously declared that he viewed his role as Party Treasurer as “purely ceremonial!” Remarkable! Presided over Party trading losses of $7 million 2010-14. Today: Andrew Abercrombie has gone missing.

Tony Snell, Victorian Liberal Party President during the Mantach period. Member, Liberal Party State Finance Committee - didn’t see anything. Very embarrassed and very apologetic. Scott Ryan (the “General”) counts Snell as a “great mate”, as he does the Mirabella’s, Finns, McWilliams, Mulholland’s etc. There seems to be a theme here. Today: Tony Snell is very seldom seen.

Frank Greenstein, Vice President during the Mantach period. Member, Liberal Party State Finance Committee - didn’t see anything. Instrumental in $700,000 being wasted on the disastrous 2014 Sam Ozturk for Yan Yean campaign. (Sam’s never been seen since) Scott Ryan number one devotee. Active supporter of Robert Clark, Bernie Finn, Cathy Finn, Karina Okotel, Sali Miftari, Jacky Douglas, Mirabella’s, Mulholland’s, Russell Joseph, Grant Hutchinson, Peter Angelico and Co.

Long-term mentor to, and promoter of, Sean Armistead - “We like Sean!” was/is a constant refrain. Self-appointed talent scout for prospective candidates and committee members. Responsible for numerous dud candidates including Ben Collier, John Hsu and Chris Jermyn. Self- appointed Liberal Party multi-cultural guru - how can anyone forget Frank’s big multi-cultural dinners? Today: Frank Greenstein is making a big comeback, particularly in the west of Melbourne.

Peter McWilliam, (former Sydney-sider) Vice President during Mantach period. Member, Liberal Party State Finance Committee during a Mantach period - didn’t see anything. Alleged that Tony Snell’s supervision of Damien Mantach was inadequate, thus allowing Mantach to commit fraud. That’s “mates” for you! Instrumental in $700,000 being wasted on the dismally failed 2014 Sam Ozturk for Yan Yean campaign. Scott Ryan devotee. Active supporter of Sean Armistead, Bernie Finn, Cathy Finn, Jacky Douglas and Co. Today: Peter McWilliam is still active in the background.

Scott Ryan, Senator during a Mantach period. Didn’t suspect anything. Very close to Damien Mantach. Controlled the numbers at State Council, State Assembly and pre-selection’s during Mantach period 2010-14. Self-appointed go-to-person during the Mantach period. Controlled the Victorian Division. Hence the name the “General”. How Scott must long for those days! Remember all those guest appearances in person and by video (while also present) at numerous State Assembly meetings 2010-14! Today: Scott Ryan is back in business following 2019 State Council/AGM. However, his numbers collapsed at the recent Mirabella Vs Henderson Senate preselection. Ominous signs.

Fiona Ogilvy-O’Donnell. Member Administrative Committee during Mantach period. Didn’t see anything. Today: Fiona Ogilvie-O’Donnell is seldom seen. Noni Bartlett, Member Administrative Committee during Mantach period. Didn’t see anything. Today: Noni Bartlett is very seldom seen.

Caroline Elliott, Vice President during Mantach period. Member, Liberal Party State Finance Committee – Although she is alleged to have said she knew about Mantach she didn’t do anything. Scott Ryan devotee. Keen supporter of Sean Armistead. Today: Caroline Elliott keeps a low profile.

Fran Henderson, Member Administrative Committee during Mantach period. Didn’t see anything. Following discovery of the Mantach fraud, was heard to declare loudly that she is “Very proud!” of her time on the Administrative Committee. Good grief! Active supporter of Scott Ryan, Robert Clark, Sean Armistead, Bernie Finn, Cathy Finn, Jacky Douglas, Karina Okotel, Bill Rizopoulos and Co. Mentor to young left-leaning members e.g. Sali Miftari, and particularly staffers e.g. Charley Daniel. Today: Fran Henderson is an armchair commentator - “Ask Fran”. Always on Facebook.

Joshua Morris. Member Administrative Committee during Mantach period. Didn’t see anything. Sponsored by Frank Greenstein, Caroline Elliott, Fran Henderson & Co. Almost invisible as Upper House Member for Western Victoria Region 2014-18. Lost his Western Victoria Region seat at the 2018 state election. Identified as a “rising star” by his sponsors! Very keen to make a return to the Victorian Parliament in 2022, or perhaps even the Senate. Today: Joshua Morris is a staffer and an active supporter of Amy Johnson, Bernie Finn, Cathy Finn, Cassandra Marr and Company.

Conclusion. While the Mantach people and their friends prefer to think that memories of their shameful period have faded with the passing of time, nothing could be further from the truth. Rather, memories of the Mantach period have been refreshed under the current shambolic Clark/Quick and Co leadership. And they have only been in office for one year! NAME AND FAME PEOPLE OF INTEREST HOLLY BYRNE Slipping onto the Administrative Committee in 2017 Holly has flown under the radar for some time. Formerly working as a staffer for Kevin Andrew’s she jumped ship to join the leafy street faction in Higgins. Holly has an inner-city network, sprouting from her expensive schooling and well networked family. Today Holly organises State Council delegates in Higgins, McNamara and Kooyong for Frank Greenstein, between fetching coffees for Georgie Crozier. Unfortunately politics is not always what it seems Holly. Good luck to Holly, learning the factional ropes. We hope she does not get entangled.

OWEN GUEST This indoor hat wearing, inner city crooner is the son of James Guest - the former member of Monash Provence and the lucky recipient of the Guest family fortune. While Own tries hard, he doesn’t cast the shadow his father did. Owen lives in a mansion next to mum and dad, while ‘managing’ the family fortune, that had Labor amused as he played the ‘small business Liberal’ during his tilt at McNamara. Owen’s closest friend and confidante of Mantach ally Caroline Elliott and Mantach numbers man Frank Greenstein. Owen’s recent achievement is recruitment of Mum & Dad’s friends to the Liberal Party, & not knowing To invest $38,000,000.00 Liberal Party money for 12 months.

SCOTT RYAN. Some say you should save the best till last. Not in this case. Scott Ryan has made a career of knifing fellow Liberals like Tony Abbott. As the most active leaker and briefer in Federal Parliament Scott’s reputation is recognised nationally. Getting his start in student politics Scott almost came unstuck after a run in with former Treasurer Peter Costello.

Years later after being resuscitated by Michael Kroger he was at it again. Manipulating the preselection system during the 2008 organisational reforms to ensure he could beat the popular Helen Kroger. As Scott’s current Senate term draws to a close, the Liberal Party won’t miss the quixotic musings and savage knife work of this soon to be “former”.

THE DARKS SIDE. The Dark Side of Victorian Politics. Hidden out in the West of Melbourne reside the Dark side of Political Wannabees. Organised, orchestrated and supported by none other than the High Priest (Lord Sith of Politics – aka The General), that recalcitrant general of the dark art. Operating in shadows and darkness of the political jungle swamps, these monks of the Dark Side are afraid to come out into the open lest they become exposed to the sun’s rays and be condemned to political oblivion.

The High Priest has gathered about him the Sycophants, Whisperers, Recalcitrants, Political Wannabees, Left Wing Progressives, Looney Lefties, Janus Group, Villains, Hangers on, Groupies, Drongos, Enforcers, Intimidators, Rat bags, their hero Super Quick (aka SQ), Dingoes, Corrupters, incorrigibles, Assassins and the Fence Sitters.

Every month they meet in the office the High Priest (The General) and with nothing else to do on a constructive level, they plot and plot and plot even more on how to erode the good work of the Conservatives. Their objectives are simple: Introduce chaos, strife, uncertainties, fear, and political uncertainties in order to gain and retain power at any cost.

NATIONAL CODE OF CONDUCT. It is pleasing to see that there is a National Code of Conduct in place. However I wonder how many have breached it already in the past and continually to do so. Will this put a stop to harrassment in the workplace and stop the dilly dallying or worst still abuse of power. The current crop of at the helm within the Victorian Division have much to answer for. They seek out those who do not agree with them and attept to suspress their freedom of speech. Over the next few months leading up to the State Council in 2020 mebers will be advised of the corruptive practices and fraudulent concepts that have eroded the trust of members.

The following examples are but the tip of the iceberg at the moment and go to the heart of the problems we face today. I am certainly no saint and I can tell you that when I reach the Pearly gates I have some quick explaining to do. Still, I beg the question whether such a code of conduct will bring back the respect for our politicions or are they aimed at the rank and file as a means of controlling behaviour.

Somewhere, sometimes members will read in the news of political bush fires being extinguished by those engaged in dousing the fire with gifts, promises and being placed in lucrative positions worth thousands of tax payers dollars. We read about those members and staff given plum jobs at a time when they not even qualified for the role. Have members been offered plum jobs to keep them quiet, and who is responsible for making such deals and lucrative positions.

In my time as a political activist, I have seen cases of alleged corruption at its best and often wonder why and how. The recent publicised case of Bob Hawkes daughter coming out in the news media seeking damages from her fathers estate is not new but it does highlight the erroneous and insididous activities that go on behind closed doors and within the corridors of power. Let us not kid ourselves that it does not happen behind the Victorian Division walls of respectability. Some time ago, allegations of sexual harrassment and even alleged claims of rape were running through the long corridors of power. From time to time we heard of staff being molested and yet all goes quiet after a period of consternation, bickering and deals made behind closed doors. A hint to where such matters occurr are easy. Monitor the staff that leave of their own accord or are forced to leave for one reason or another.

There are some members that could certainly take a leaf out of the Code of Conduct and apply it to their person. I am appalled by the lack of respect demonstrated by the few bad apples within our parrty that give it a bad name. The current crop at the helm led by the Panda is not condusive to the well being of the rank and file. I have been around long enough to witnes the erosion of Liberal Party values and beliefs that mad this Division great. The sooner Robert Clark and his sychophantic cronies come to realise that they are not welcome nor respected the better. Better for all if the resign by their own hand.

MEMBERS CONTRIBUTIONS. To ensure transparency and fair play, we seek member’s contributions. By using the Abalinx ENewsletter charter as a guide, keep comments short and simple without provocation, malicious language or anything of a defamatory nature and they shall be published. Your views are important. Please address them to Abalinx ENewsletter at: [email protected] This is your chance to express your views. Contributor’s names will not be published if requested. All Abalinx ENewsletters may be found at

1. As a long-time member of the Party I am horrified at the actions of the State President and the Admin. Committee calling for applications for pre -selections with the intention of holding pre-selections for all seat in Feb/Mar. This I patently ridiculous when, not only, redistributions have yet to be finalised but all Federal & State sitting politicians oppose it.

I understand the funds for the sale of 104 (thank you Michael Kroger for negotiating such a profitable deal) are sitting in a bank account earning possibly just 2%. The local share market has risen by some 20% this year so surely a proportion of those funds should have been invested in the market. Obviously the Treasurer is not up to the job. Why aren’t the funds being managed by a professional body such as the Future Fund or at least the expertise of Peter Costello being utilised. Robert Clark is obviously not up to the job and the sooner the Feds step in the better.

2. Robert Clark, Ian Quick and Company have “disallowed” the requisition for a Special State Council meeting on a technicality. They don’t appear to believe in democracy or the will of Party members. I gather another requisition for a Special State Council is being prepared, and I guess it will be along the lines of a motion of no confidence in the State President and the Administrative Committee. What a mess! Clark is hugely out of his depth and Ian Quick is desperately mad.

3. The pre-selections may need to be held twice if the boundaries in Victoria are altered during 2020. It looks like Victoria may pick up another federal electorate in late 2020, so it makes sense to defer pre-selections until well into the year if not early 2021. I am very surprised that Robert Clark is not aware Victoria might get another seat.

4. Employer is not going to be happy when advised by an employee that they intend to stand for pre-selection. The message given is there is no long term commitment to the employer. The employer may not share the same political leanings and it is likely a valid reason could be found to terminate employment. Our Constitution demands that pre-selected candidates live in the seat, how is that possible if the boundaries haven’t been finalised? I understand research has been done and there is absolutely no correlation between early pre-selections and success at the ballot box. I could go on.

5. It appears that 50 members can call for a Special Meeting of State Council, as per the Constitution, however it will only proceed if the State President / Administrative Committee agree. This is hard to fathom when State Council, is the Party’s ultimate governing body. To a lay person, it appears that there is a conflict within the Constitution regarding the role of the Administrative Committee and the role of State Council. In the meantime, Robert Clark, Ian Quick and Company (the famous 10) are being most disrespectful to the spirit of the Constitution, the Victorian Division, MPs, and particularly the volunteer Members, treating them in this appalling manner. They may live to regret their dictatorial and ham-fisted approach.

6. Karina Okotel has published a "stinging" religious response to Abalinx ENewsletter 6 on Facebook. She has few supporters. However if people knew what others have endured over the past year, they would find the Abalinx newsletter, tame indeed! Karina Okotel has infuriated members with her constant barrage of wanting to save people with her religious dogma. She has much to answer for. Disloyalty, causing mayhem and disunity, leaking to the press, spreading malicious rumours and untruths. So much for her alleged Christian attitudes and undermining Matthew Guy and Michael Kroger. Her brother Bonney has also much to answer.

7. Early pre-selections have never been successful. They have been tried in the past and have failed. Candidates and campaign volunteer teams suffer from stress, overwork and suffer personally and finally as a result. Return to the days where Branches were the eyes and ears of the Liberal Party. The reforms of Kemp have done absolutely nothing to bring the Liberal Party to government.

8. I look forward to the ENewsletters. Each time one arrives I make a nice cuppa of coffee, sit in a quiet place to read the latest news.

DISCLAIMER UPDATE: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute, Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]









RESPONSE 1. Robert Clark in his email is trying to buy time. Even Robert can see that the requisitions for the special state council meeting will not go away. The requisitions will keep on rolling in; more quickly & with even more signatures. The rank and file volunteer membership have had enough of being treated with sustain by Robert and his supporters on the administrative committee.

Meanwhile, the Victorian Division is complete paralysed. Having been moribund for over one year, the Division finds now itself unable to function at all due to the state president's and his supporters on the administrative committee's unreasonable & unconstitutional intransigence. In the meantime, when are Robert Clark and his supporters on the administrative committee going to do something constructive about winning a federal election and a state election in 2022? (See Below for Robert Clarks email to members.)

RESPONSE 2. There are various claims and counterclaims regarding the pre-selections for the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party of seats held by sitting members. The Parliamentary Library has produced this fact sheet about the likelihood of Victoria being allocated an additional seat at the expense of Western Australia:

I am assuming that the Administrative Committee is aware of this information because it would be inconceivable that they would be ignorant of such facts. The AEC and ABS will let us all know on 3 July 2020 or shortly thereafter if Victoria will indeed get another seat in the Federal Parliament triggering a complete redistribution and delaying the setting of final boundaries until mid-2021. This would require all pre-selections to be (re)conducted on the new boundaries (as it would be undemocratic to not allow a full membership plebiscite on the correct boundaries).

This would not matter except for the allegedly high number of members who would all of a sudden become entitled to vote if contested pre- selections were opened and held later. These are the people who joined from mid-2018 to support the Liberal Party after Scott Morrison became leader and before the Liberals comprehensively lost the 2018 State election. Due to secrecy about membership numbers, I can't tell you how many are in the Menzies electorate which is one electorate where the media believe a strong challenge is likely. It would also mean that people whose memberships are not renewed this year would cease to be members on 1 June 2020. It would eliminate a number of members cajoled by "exuberant recruiting" in an attempt to shore up the Turnbull group in the Liberal Party at the 2019 State Council. (See Below for Robert Clarks email to members.)



The time seems opportune for an effort to secure unity of action and organisation among those "faction" which stand for a liberal, progressive and "conservative" policy. "As Liberals we" are opposed to socialism with its bureaucratic administration and restrictions of freedom.

To resist effectively those aspects of "Robert Clark and his administration" to which we the grass roots" are opposed to, "we must come to an agreement that inter factional rivalry and battles of influence" are not in the interest of the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party". "We need to regain" public support, "confidence in our abilities to form a coalition" to match Labor’s organisation "with a broad church of our own who Liberal likeminded grass roots members.

The Liberal Party "Broad Church" is a conglomeration of traditionalists, Progressives, Nationalists, Conservatives, Farmers, Small Business, Womens Associations, Professionals, Employers, University Students, Veterans, Academics and the Mums and Dads. However despite the traditional Broad Church of Liberals, who appear to be forever in battle; the emerging new generation of young Liberals seek unity and shy away from factionalism. They are fed up with those seeking to remain in power for powers sake.

The new generation silently waiting in in the wings seek to" participate in a full and frank discussion, entirely free to make "their" own decision and not bound by the "minority" of those currently in power in the Victorian Division". The current administration under Robert Clark through their draconian policies have alienated members; while their political methodologies and archaic strategies are seen as repugnant and alien.

"I am of the belief that the majority of grass roots members believe that they have endured far too much and have been neglected and their points of view and input disregarded or not acknowledged". "Therefore it is" most desirable that those of us who share the same broad political beliefs should first see if a basis can be found for unity. A successful outcome of such discussion might quickly and completely alter the current "of the Victorian Division politics". Robert Clark and his administration must resign to ensure the integrity and credibility of the Liberal Party in Victoria remains intact. To ensure transparency and fair play, we seek member’s contributions. By using the Abalinx ENewsletter charter as a guide, keep comments short and simple without provocation, malicious language or anything of a defamatory nature and they shall be published. Your views are important. Please address them to Abalinx ENewsletter at: [email protected] This is your chance to express your views. Contributor’s names will not be published if requested. All Abalinx ENewsletters may be found at The following are but a few selected for publishing:

1. Sent to Liberal Parliamentarians by Contributor: I agree that candidates should not be preselected early, that would be a mistake. The idea that a candidate should be on the ground, early is wrong .It only attracts the wrong type of candidate, a candidate who needs a “safe seat” to survive. The Liberal party already has parliamentarians of mediocrity, and all of them to be general, have no idea of how to win an election, and use a failed methodology. You would think that in the State of Victoria after so many losses that someone who knew how to win an election would be appointed as an election adviser and reform the existing political methodology that is a proven failure. It would be a good idea, erven if not practicable for all the current members to face preselection, so that a better quality candidate might apply... Please name one parliamentarian who was successful in private industry.

2. Why is the State Director Sam McQuestin at the Secretariat phoning around signatories to first requisition for special State Council asking if they were coerced into signing? And so the stalling continues. The Victorian Division is paralysed. If the Division was a government instrumentality (which it is not) it would be put into administration. External administrators would have been appointed by now. Meanwhile, nothing that will turn a vote for federal & state elections 2022 is happening. The Victorian Division is moribund. (See Below for Robert Clarks email to members.)

3. This is the truth the party needs to hear. I applaud your work, well done. Thank you for your Newsletters. They are a breath of fresh air to many of us who remain silent. Describing what occurs behind the scenes is utterly disgusting and does not belong to decent people.

4. Robert Clark and his supporters such as Quick, Armistead, Hutchinson, Guest and their group of supporters should resign immediately for the good of the party.

5. The attacks on Peter Adamis and Abalinx E News are disgraceful. People should take a hard look at themselves. Last time I checked the Liberal Party was the Party for free speech. If those individuals criticising Abalinx for exposing home truths do not like it, then they would be better suited in a party which respects censorship - perhaps the Australian Communist Party! We are lucky diggers like the author of this newsletter fought for our right to freedom of speech and expression. Long may these rights remain in Australia and in the Liberal Party! Power to Abalinx and E News!

6. When I joined the Liberal Party we fought the Labor Party, the Democrats, and the Unions. We were united and any disagreements were hammered out behind closed doors. The antics of Ian Quick and his emails has resulted in your E-Newsletters being published. I am not surprised at the back lash against Ian Quick. In my day he would have been suspended.

7. We are in desperate need of a leader that will unite the Victorian Division, not destroy it as we are currently seeing the administration of Clark and his crowd of misfits. I am disappointed in Robert Clark, I always believed him to be a decent man and now find he is responsible for mayhem in Victoria. He must do the right thing and resign.

8. How can Robert Clark and the Gang of Ten direct a special state council motion? The motion only permits Administrative Committee to set the date of the meeting, not make a ruling on the validity of the motion. What a disgrace. FEDERAL INTERVENTION NOW!

9. The circular calling for applications for endorsement for the twelve Victorian Liberal held federal seats is out. What a farce! Issued to give the pretence of business as usual (It's all under control, we're in control, nothing to see here) the twelve pre-selections can only founder. They will be withdrawn as a result of the pending special state council meeting, and would have been made redundant as a result of the pending federal redistribution anyway. Hopeless!

10. Well done to you Peter and whoever is helping you write your newsletters. I may not agree with all that you and your contributors have written, but I do congratulate you on exposing those intent on making changes to our organisation of volunteers. Robert Clark has forgotten that as employers we cannot afford to release our employees for long campaigns. The public will tire of being subjected to long campaigns.

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute, Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]



Dear Members,

I'm writing further to my email of late last year, to update you about requisitions the Party has received seeking to hold a special meeting of State Council within the next few weeks.


In brief, the requisition I informed you about in my previous email was referred to the Party's Constitutional Committee for advice, and the Constitutional Committee has advised that both the original and the amended versions of the motion proposed by the requisitionists are unconstitutional and therefore the requisition is invalid. However, the organiser of the requisition has now lodged a second requisition seeking to overturn the Constitutional Committee's advice and, if successful, to again prevent any Federal pre-selections being started prior to 1st September and to terminate all pre-selections already underway.

This second requisition has also been referred to the Constitutional Committee for advice, including on the constitutional validity of each of the various motions it proposes. Once that advice is received, the Administrative Committee will make any necessary arrangements for the holding of a special meeting of State Council. I have asked the State Director to make inquiries and provisional arrangements regarding potential dates and venues. This further attempt to delay the Party’s pre-selections, if successful, will have significant consequences for the pre-selection of candidates for key target seats we want to win at the next election, as well as for traditional Labor seats that we need to seek to win over time.

Invalidity of first requisition. The Constitutional Committee has provided detailed written advice on the first requisition. That advice is that the requisition is void and of no effect, meaning that it has not validly requisitioned a special meeting and no such meeting should be held as a result. The Constitutional Committee have advised that the Party's constitution does not give power to State Council to direct the Administrative Committee about the timing of the holding of pre-selections, as the requisition sought to do. The Committee points out that the constitution expressly makes a number of the powers of the Administrative Committee subject to direction of State Council, but does not do so for other powers, including the power to determine the timing of the holding of pre-selections.

Flexibility needed. The timing of pre-selections is often a crucial decision with important electoral implications, on which the Administrative Committee needs to have as much flexibility as possible, and the capacity to exercise judgment, sometimes at short notice. It therefore makes sense that the drafters of the constitution would not have intended to allow crucial decisions on pre-selections to be tied up by a resolution of State Council, potentially months in advance and without full knowledge of the facts and considerations involved, save by full and careful consideration of an amendment to the Party’s constitution.

Advice available on Party's web site. Given the importance of the Constitutional Committee's advice, the Administrative Committee considers that all Party members should be able to read the full terms of the Committee's conclusion and their reasons. Accordingly, a copy of the Constitutional Committee's advice is being made available on the member resources page of the Party's web site. This advice includes a full copy of the requisition as lodged, save for the redaction of the membership numbers, phone numbers, email addresses and signatures of the requisitionists. (Note that, following the lodgement of this first requisition, some requisitionists have contacted the State Director asking to withdraw their support for the requisition.)

A second requisition. On Friday last week a second requisition document was emailed to the State Director, and a signed original was lodged with the State Director yesterday. This requisition proposes four lengthy motions, which I am setting out in full at the end of this email. As you will see, the first motion seeks to re-state part of the existing wording of the constitution on the role the Administrative Committee, about which the Constitutional Committee has already advised. The practical effect, if any, of this motion is unclear. The second motion seeks to declare that the Party's constitution means something the Constitutional Committee has concluded it does not mean, namely that State Council can overrule the Administrative Committee about the timing and other arrangements for pre-selections.

The third motion seeks to direct the Administrative Committee not to start any pre-selections prior to 1st September this year, whether for Liberal held seats or for other seats, and to scrap existing pre-selection processes. This would include allowing sitting MPs to be challenged after 1st September even if they have not been challenged when preselection applications close as scheduled on 29th January. The fourth motion seeks to amend the constitution, for pre-selections for the next Federal election only, to set aside all current preselection processes and to prohibit any pre-selections being started before 1st September 2020.

Overriding the constitution. The Party's constitution includes (at clause 27.2) a mechanism to enable unclear issues about the meaning or effect of the constitution to be resolved. This is a mechanism that needs to be used properly and responsibly to seek to arrive at the correct legal interpretation of the constitution, in other words, at the interpretation a court would reach if the issue were taken to court. The mechanism should not be used simply to interpret the constitution to mean whatever best suits those doing the interpreting. For many years, the Constitutional Committee has operated as the accepted authority for advice on the meaning and effect of the Party's constitution, providing its advice on what it considers to be the best legal interpretation.

The Constitutional Committee currently consists of 10 well qualified members, chaired by respected QC, Daryl Williams. In my view, the attempt by the requisitionists in their second motion to overturn without constitutional justification the clear legal advice provided by the Constitutional Committee, and instead to impose their own interpretation of the Party's constitution, is very dangerous for the future proper running of our Party. If successful, it creates a precedent for a simple majority vote either at State Council or on the Administrative Committee to declare that the Party's constitution means whatever that majority wants it mean, by-passing the normal requirement for a two-thirds vote of State Council to amend our constitution.

Timing of pre-selections. The second issue raised by the requisition is that of the timing of pre-selections. This issue is one on which there are a range of considerations and views, and it is ultimately a matter of judgment. The Administrative Committee resolved last October that pre-selections for Liberal held seats would commence early this year, in order to open the way for pre-selections for selected target and other seats to be held during the course of 2020. I set out in my previous email the Administrative Committee's reasons for starting pre- selections earlier than has been done for recent elections. The key reason is to have candidates in the field earlier for the crucial seats we need to win, so we can win more seats. The requisitionists want to delay the commencement of pre-selections for a period of 7 ½ months, from 15th January until 1st September. However, it is hard to see the logic in a delay of this period in itself, which may mean that additional delays are also being envisaged for the future if these initial delays are implemented.

Federal re-distribution. One concern that has been raised about timing is the likelihood of a Federal redistribution, and thus the possible need to re-assign pre-selected candidates once the new boundaries are known. This likely redistribution does indeed create significant difficulties for all political parties. However, any new boundaries are unlikely to be known until well into 2021, meaning the proposed 7½ month delay will make no difference to this. We either have to postpone pre-selections until after the new boundaries are known, and risk running out of time for a full pre-selection process and not having candidates in seats for long enough time to win them (as happened before the last election), or else we have to start pre-selections prior to knowing the new boundaries, and make any adjustments afterwards.

Vetting. Another concern that has been raised is the need to have proper vetting of candidates. Better vetting of candidates is of vital importance, as the last election showed. However, the Administrative Committee has already addressed this issue, adopting a new candidate vetting mechanism for Victoria based on the well-regarded NSW model, including expert and detailed candidate background checking.

"Quality candidates". Concern has also been raised that quality candidates will be deterred by early pre-selections, particularly those who have jobs that they wouldn't be able to keep once they became a candidate. However, to avoid this possibility by delaying all pre-selections would require pre-selections to be delayed until very close to the next election. This would mean that for every "quality candidate” the Party might succeed in attracting by such a delay, there would likely be multiple seats we would fail to win because our candidates in those seats weren't given enough time to campaign. It is far better to follow the approach the Administrative Committee has adopted, namely to decide on pre-selection timing for target seats on a case by case basis, so that in the relatively rare case where there is a known high calibre potential candidate for a specific target seat who is not currently able to nominate, this can be taken into account in setting the pre-selection dates for that seat, but without requiring the delay of pre-selections for all other seats.

Parliamentary majority. It has also been claimed that early pre-selections will put the Parliamentary majority of the Morrison government at risk. However, this assumes that, if any of our MPs are challenged and are not pre-selected, they would cease to support the government. No evidence has been provided to support this grave insinuation against our MPs.

No sufficient reason for change. For all of these reasons, while there will always be a range of views and competing considerations regarding the best timing for any pre-selections, in the view of the Administrative Committee, there is no sufficient reason to throw away the many advantages of the pre-selection arrangements that were resolved upon by the Administrative Committee in October last year and notified to Party members at that time.

Applications for Liberal-held seats open tomorrow. A reminder that, as resolved by the Administrative Committee, applications for endorsement for all Liberal-held House of Representatives electorates will open tomorrow, Wednesday, 15th January, and close at 5pm on Wednesday, 29th January.


Hon Robert Clark State President Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division)


Motion 1. This State Council affirms that, pursuant to clauses 11.4 and 13.4 of the Constitution: a. State Council is the governing body of the party; and b. The Administrative Committee conducts the business and affairs of the party subject to the direction of State Council

Motion 2. Pursuant to clause 27.2 of the Constitution, this State Council: a. rejects and does not ratify the determination of the Administrative Committee that the powers to determine pre-selection timings (under clauses 21.3 and 21.3A of the Constitution) are exclusive to the Administrative Committee, and that the Administrative Committee does not exercise those powers under the direction or oversight of State Council; b. directs that the meaning and effect of clause 11.4 of the Constitution is that State Council, as the governing body of the Party, has the inherent power to override or countermand decisions of inferior bodies such as the Administrative Committee; c. further directs that the meaning and effect of clause 13.4 of the Constitution is that all decisions of the Administrative Committee are ultimately subject to the direction of State Council made by way of an organisational motion; and d. with particular regard to pre-selections, directs that the meaning and effect of clause 21.1(a) of the Constitution is that anything done by the Administrative Committee pursuant to its powers under clause 21 of the Constitution to ensure that "all necessary action is taken for the preselection of candidates" is subject to any direction by State Council. This includes, for instance, aspects such as the date of opening and closing of nominations, nomination fees, dates of conventions, and all other issues associated with the proper conduct of pre-selections in accordance with the Constitution.

Motion 3. If this State Council endorses the interpretation of the Constitution set out in Motion 2, this State Council further resolves, and directs the Administrative Committee, as follows: a. in compliance with clause 21.3A of the Constitution, that nominations for preselection for the next Federal Election are to open no earlier than 1 September 2020; b. to the extent that any preselection processes have already commenced and/or been closed or concluded as at the date of this meeting of State Council, those pre-selections are to be set aside, with nominations opened afresh, no earlier than 1 September 2020; c. in Liberal-held seats requiring a convention after 1 September 2020, the State Director is to propose a timeline that ensures completion of the preselection and endorsement process by 18 November 2020, in compliance with clause 21.3A of the Constitution; and d. to provide for the unlikely event of an early election, if the Federal Director of the Liberal Party advises the Administrative Committee that a Federal Election is likely before 1 July 2021, the Administrative Committee may amend the schedule for pre-selections as it considers reasonably necessary.

Motion 4. This State Council resolves that the Constitution be amended to insert the following provision:

30.6. 2020-2022 Pre-selections – Special Provision a. Subject to this clause 30.6, nominations for preselection of candidates for the Federal Election to elect the 47th are to open no earlier than 1 September 2020. b. To the extent that any preselection processes have already commenced and/or been closed or concluded as at the date of this meeting of State Council, those pre-selections are to be set aside, with nominations opened afresh, no earlier than 1 September 2020; c. In Liberal-held seats requiring a convention after 1 September 2020, the State Director is to propose a timeline that ensures completion of the preselection and endorsement process by 18 November 2020, in compliance with clause 21.3A. If the Federal Director of the Liberal Party advises the Administrative Committee that a Federal Election to elect the 47th Parliament of Australia is likely before 1 July 2021, the Administrative Committee may amend the schedule for pre-selections provided for in this clause 30.6 as it considers reasonably necessary.





The Administrative Committee has resolved that applications for endorsement for the following Electoral Divisions are called today, 15 January 2020 and will close on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 at 5:00pm: An application fee of $3,000 applies to applications for endorsement for these Electoral Divisions. To obtain an application form please call the State Director's office on (03) 9652 3114.













Applications for Endorsement for the Casual Vacancy in the Victorian Legislative Council

The Administrative Committee has resolved that applications for endorsement for the anticipated casual vacancy in the Victorian Legislative Council for the Eastern Metropolitan Region caused by the retirement of the Hon Mary Wooldridge MP are called today, 15 January 2020 and will close on Wednesday, 29 January 2020 at 5:00pm. An application fee of $2,500 applies to applications for endorsement for the casual vacancy. To obtain an application form please call the State Director's office on (03) 9652 3114.




Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder how bright you are. A wonderful nursery rhyme from my youth. I have been a member of the Liberal Party for some 30 years and not once in that time would I demonstrate disloyalty to the values and beliefs of the party. I have a Duty First attitude, inherited from my 30 years Australian Defence Force Career and it has held me in good stead. I would argue, disagree, fight the good fight and still support the Liberal Party when the time came for election campaigns.

Now I find someone whom I respected, to be demonstrating everything that the Liberal Party does not stands for. Karina Okotel, once the darling of right and progressive conservatives, a shining star whose actions indicated that she was going places. However ever since she allegedly leaked emails to the press and was found to be undermining Matthew Guy and Michael Kroger, my respect for her diminished. I find that she has been seduced to the Dark Side by the Whisperer, the General and the Fumbler and their confederates the Rainbow Warriors, Sycophants and Social Media Butterflies.

I have known of Karina Okotel for some time and initially impressed with her person, character and overall demeanour. I was under the impression that she was going places and would day be the shining star amongst the new generation. However while MANTACH MATES I was overseas in Europe for an extended holiday due to health related reasons, I was subjected to numerous emails and telephone conversations regarding the actions of Karina Okotel. At first I put all the negative feedback due to gossip, jealousy and character assassination. Upon my return, I conducted my own research and found to my dismay that the information provided to me was accurate.

As a result, I began to conduct my own investigation and unearthed much of what is now the basis of my results below. To say that I am disappointed in Karina Okotel would be an understatement for I feel betrayed and somewhat disillusioned with what Karina had been doing by stealth. This lengthy Political Biography is as a lesson to others that what you sow you must reap. GOOD MATES This political biography is based on Karina Okotel’s contribution to the Liberal Party and it up to the readers to decide what is in the best interests of the Party. Remembering that Robert Clark and company have failed to admonish her for her negative actions. “THERE IS ROOM FOR ALL” IN THE BROAD CHURCH OF THE LIBERAL PARTY. JOHN HOWARD.


As someone who voted for Karina Okotel at State Council, organised for her during the senate campaign and defended her right to be heard during the Same Sex Marriage debate I like many Liberals was shocked with her behaviour and ongoing denials, prevarications and misinformation. After Karina Okotel attempted to conflate criticism of her treacherous and dishonest behaviour with religious persecution, it is time to explain why I and so many other Liberals no longer support Karina Okotel and her so called ‘Okotel Faction’.

MEMBERS AWARENESS. Like many people reading this I consider myself a Christian, I believe in God and do what I can to live a moral life. I do not believe my Christianity entitles me to a higher moral status than others, or an opportunity to judge others. I also consider myself a Conservative and my values align with those of Tony Abbott, Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton. However just because I am a Christian and a Conservative doesn’t mean I will ignore lies and bad behaviour that is confusing and destroying our Party.

THE ‘OKOTEL FACTION’. A group of members engaged by Karina Okotel and part of her secret Facebook page “Values Based Liberals”. Most have been Party members for only a few years, and over the last two years have run a malicious and damaging campaign seeking to divide our Party.

KARINA OKOTEL’S RISE THROUGH THE LIBERAL PARTY. Karina Okotel was first discovered under the wing of left- wing faction numbers man and Mantach ally Frank Greenstein. Having been recruited by him after joining the Liberal Party in 2010, Karina Okotel was mentored and sponsored financially by Frank onto Glen Eira Council. Once elected Karina Okotel soon worked to win favour with Frank’s nemesis and Liberal Party power broker Michael Kroger, who was newly elected to the State Presidency. Karina Okotel won favour with Michael Kroger’s team through providing important insights into Frank and his factions organising strategies, who was who and any titbits of gossip and information. For the first twelve months she ran a double agent role, soliciting information for senior Right operatives, and feeding bogus information back to Frank and his Left allies. For this piece of political bastardry, she was supported for the third spot on the Liberals senate ticket.

When I first met Karina Okotel, I like many conservatives were delighted to see an apparently similar minded multicultural young woman seeking leadership in our Party. Karina Okotel following her successful preselection to the senate was then elected to Admin with the support and patronage of State President Michael Kroger, Womens Section Chair Carol Walters, former Vice President Sandra Mercer Moore, Josh Frydenberg, Alan Tudge, Greg Hunt, Michael Sukkar, Jason Wood, Andrew Robb and Sarah Henderson. Karina Okotel spent her time on admin furiously building relationships with Party members all over the state, having learnt what it takes to win preselection. Karina Okotel’s privately stated focus was on getting herself elected to Parliament. Her first choice was a Federal seat, understood to be either the Senate or replacing Kevin Andrews for the seat of Menzies.

During Karina Okotel’s role in the marriage campaign Karina Okotel received a lot of scrutiny about her earlier progressive views, and her apparent changing of political stripes. Many traditional conservatives were not convinced by her presentations during the Marriage debate. Nonetheless they were proud to rally behind a hard-working young woman advocating on their behalf. It seemed after the Marriage Campaign things changed dramatically for Karina Okotel. She became obsessive about defining herself as a “Conservative” and as a “Christian”. This was seemingly at odds with her aggressive politicking. However as she often explained to newer members she recruited, dishonest and underhanded action could be always be explained through scripture, one such phrase she and her supporters deployed was “Be wise as serpents and innocent as doves” Matthew 10:16. Then came her and the ‘Okotel Factions’ campaign to denounce others as fake conservatives and political Christians. At this point Karina Okotel started to associate more closely with failed Evelyn Candidate and self-promoting Christian Grant Hutchinson. The two of these political players began picking off young conservative members with their pitch about “True Christians” and “Fake Christians”. Grant used the offices of Hutchinson Legal and camping retreats co-hosted by Kyle Hoppitt to befriend and “convert” younger members to the “Okotel Faction”. The aim of the group was a Christian only faction within the Liberal Party.

Screen shots obtained by Abalinx News from various secret chat groups display a tale of religious fanaticism and aggressive sectarianism.

In one particular WhatsApp group titled “The True Christians” members discuss internal Liberal Party plans to organise against other conservatives and recruitment strategies to take over the Party and force policy change. These conversations largely sought to define true conservatives from fake conservatives. One former members of the chat group who left describe the fanaticism as a form of “madness”.

In another secret Facebook chat group the “Helmeted Honey Eaters” - purportedly just for Protestants, which included Grant Hutchinson, Karina Okotel and Joshua Bonney - the members of the group ridiculed other Christian denominations such as Catholics, Latter-Day Saint’s and those of the Jewish faith, as well as denouncing their Admin colleagues, Members of Parliament and various senior Liberals. The chat group’s name “Helmeted Honey Eaters” was purportedly thought up by Karina Okotel and Grant Hutchinson, taking its name from the endangered Helmeted Honey Eater bird, a native of Victoria’s East.

Karina Okotel and her faction joined up and took over the South Croydon Branch to use as a launching pad for apparently “Christian Policy” in the Party. Her brother Joshua Bonney was instrumental in manipulating the agenda and running training nights to recruit and elect Okotel Faction loyalists. It was at this point that Karina Okotel drafted and submitted several policy motions on transgender issues and same sex counselling.

For the most contentious motions Karina Okotel used other branches. In one case she emailed the Menzies Young Liberal Branch to submit her so called “Conversion” motion. Karina Okotel kept her name off the motion and denied involvement when asked by senior Liberals after the matter exploded in the Fairfax Press. Only later upon investigation emails emerged that had been sent by Karina Okotel to the Young Liberal Branch instructing them to submit the motion. The Australian Newspaper revealed her dishonesty in a later article. This left many conservatives wondering whether Karina Okotel was in fact either not courageous enough to submit them herself, or did not believe in the motions she drafted.

At the time the motions caused an uproar within the Party, and then Party President Michael Kroger stepped in to withdraw the contentious motions. This incensed the ‘Okotel Faction’. The ‘Okotel Faction’ had up until then been content to quietly undermine Michael Kroger and his Party allies; Josh Frydenberg, Michael Sukkar, Greg Hunt, Helen Kroger, Matthew Guy, Marcus Bastiaan, Russell Hannan, Ivan Stratov, Georgie Downer, David Lau, Tim Smith, Nick Lamanna, Bev McArthur, Greg Hunt, Alex Lisov, Sarah Henderson and Paul Mitchell. However after Michael Kroger stepped in to remove the contentious motion the attacks on Michael Kroger and his allies became public, targeted and nasty.

The understood aim of the ‘Okotel Faction’s had been to find a safe Liberal Seat for Karina Okotel and a new paid staffing role for her brother Joshua Bonney. This ambition purportedly only came to the forefront when Western Region MP Simon Ramsay announced his retirement weeks from the election. Karina Okotel used her role as Vice President to lobby for an Admin Preselection, expecting consensus support to fill the vacancy. It is then understood that Joshua and fellow ‘Okotel Faction’ members worked the phones and held meetings to promote the concept among members - the response was lukewarm at best. When State Liberal MP’s found out about ‘Okotel Faction’ plan, they rapidly moved to draft long term Western Region identity and Vice President Bev McArthur. Ultimately Bev was elected.

From then on, the ‘Okotel Faction’ swapped allegiances from the Kroger, Frydenberg, Sukkar alliance governing the Party, back to Karina Okotel’s former mentor and left-wing power broker Frank Greenstein. It is alleged that figures within her new factional grouping promised Karina Okotel a senate vacancy to entice her to leak against Matthew Guy during the election campaign and to attack her former Admin allies.

Many serious allegations of organisational misconduct have been raised against Karina Okotel by members of the Party and MPs. To date Karina Okotel has received no sanction or admonishment. Many believe Karina Okotel is being protected by the group she helped support back into power – the very same group she betrayed years earlier to be promoted by her friend’s enemies.

I have been a Party member for 30 years. I have seen many come and go. Traitors, lairs, frauds and manipulators and of course those sycophantic wannabees. As a volunteer Campaign Manager for 28 Years, I have never seen anyone as ruthless and foolish as Karina Okotel. From her meteoric rise within the Party to her unprecedented fall, much can be learnt by Liberals about the nature of power, religion and desire. I am very disappointed at such abuse of power. What Karina Okotel has done is cast a dark shadow on all those of an ethnic background and has divided the Liberal Party.

BACKGROUND AND INCONSISTENCIES. Some may feel what is written above is a stinging critique. However, over the past year many Liberals have spoken to me about what they heard, what they saw and why they ultimately walked away from the ‘Okotel Faction’. Below are some of Karina Okotel’s Public V. Recorded policy positions, and just some of her documented instances of purported political bastardry, leaking and dishonesty. I hope that the ‘Okotel Faction’ will fade into the past and no one else will be caught up and used by these brutal players.



GAMBLING. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: Karina Okotel expressed her strong opposition to the damaging and dangerous impact of gambling in our community during her preselection.

Karina Okotel’s Record: 6.11.2013 while on Glen Eira council Karina Okotel voted AGAINST recognising the public health crisis caused by poker machine gambling and voted against resolves to raise public awareness.

Source: Council Minuets Archive: Glen Eira: Meeting 6 November 2013

LIQUOR. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: Karina Okotel has expressed during her preselection a deep concern about the impact of alcohol on families and rising rates of domestic violence. Karina Okotel previously worked for a government body providing support to “people living with vulnerability and social disadvantage”. This included helping people with “drug and alcohol issues”.

Karina Okotel’s Record: Karina Okotel’s local government election campaign was funded by Liquor distributor ‘Donald’s Town’. Paying for her promotional material and campaign activities. Another donor was Left faction numbers man Frank Greenstein.

Source: Barwon Community Legal Services submission to the ‘National Human Rights Action Plan’ 31.8.2011 Source: Glen Eira Council Archived Records 9.4.13 Source:


SAME SEX MARRIAGE. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: “Its ok to say NO.” Spokeswoman for the no vote during the same sex marriage campaign. Karina Okotel’s Record: Karina Okotel expressed her earlier views during the marriage campaign as “I thought that if two consenting adults want to marry what does it hurt anyone else?“

Source: Melbourne Press Club Address 13.9.2017

CHILDREN’S SEX EDUCATION. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: Karina Okotel’s response during the Same Sex Marriage campaign was “it should be up to a parent to decide when their child is exposed to sexualised content.” Karina Okotel has provided the same response within the Liberal Party regarding the Safe School program. Karina Okotel’s Record: Karina Okotel has subsequently written in support of core Safe Schools curriculum content, stating “In schools today, children are taught that sexuality is fluid which I do not disagree with.”

Source: jewel-liberal-crown/ Source:

SAME SEX ADOPTION AND PARENTING. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: Karina Okotel’s advocated that all children deserve a mother and a father, she has also purportedly advocated within the Liberal Party that children do better when raised by heterosexual parents. Karina Okotel’s Record: When asked by Tony Jones on the ABC whether Karina Okotel had a issue with same sex parenting Karina Okotel responded with “No, no I don’t have any issue with Gay people parenting.”

Source: Q&A, ABC - 23.10.17 same-sex-marriage-debate/10650139

ABORTION. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: Karina Okotel has articulated a prolife position during preselection and supported the prolife cause during her courting of the Conservative right. Karina Okotel’s Record: According to multiple senior sources from Toorak based Canterbury Evening Discussion Group (Woman’s Section), when asked whether she was pro-choice, her response was words to the effect of ‘You don’t need to convince me, I have seen first-hand what happens to women in Uganda when they don’t have safe legal access to abortion.’

THE POLITICISATION OF INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIANS. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: Regarding the ‘Change the Date’ campaign Karina Okotel criticises the left for using minorities to attack Australia’s history and identity “this is how the left consistently treat minorities – as pawns to be used for their own purpose to rewrite history and disassociate Australia from its British heritage.” Karina Okotel’s Record: Karina Okotel’s submission to the Rudd government’s ‘National Human Rights Action Plan’ – expressed her negative views on Australia’s humans rights record and sought to use Aboriginal Australian’s to make her point. “It is inaccurate to say that ‘Australia has a strong human rights record…in particular, policies affecting indigenous people including those giving rise to the Stolen Generation.”

Source: Source: Barwon Community Legal Services submission to the ‘National Human Rights Action Plan’ 31.8.2011

CRIME AND AFRICAN GANG VIOLENCE. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: Karina Okotel appeared on the ABC the day before the state election and spoke at length regarding one of the Liberal Party’s key election promises to clean up African Gang violence and Victoria’s rising rate of crime. She stated during the interview that “Crime is skyrocketing in Victoria, we need to look at the real statistics” and strongly supported Matthew Guy’s tough on crime approach.

Karina Okotel’s Record: In the days after the election in Karina Okotel’s leaked a private email she states “We ran such a divisive campaign. No migrant of colour could vote for us.” She also stated on Sky News after the election “We focused on crime very heavily and to our detriment”.

Source: ABC, The Drum 23rd November Source: liberals-marched-off-cliff/news-story/035200be166fe4225aaab9e2b8c06d56 Source: Okotel-okotel-wont- criticise-leakers-of-her-victorian-election-email/news- story/c136cd4d7a70334cd17e45f8a4ad1b02


KARINA OKOTEL’S POLITICAL BASTARDRY. Whilst I was overseas I was receiving numerous emails and phone calls from various sources detailing the acts and instances. I was disappointed to read all the negative emails about Karina Okotel, because I had believed she was a decent person and I found them hard to believe. Upon returning I followed up the complaints and was even more disappointed to find they were true.

LEAKING. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: I would never leak against the Liberal Party. An undertaking Karina Okotel made as a member of our party’s Administrative Committee. Karina Okotel’s Record: Karina Okotel has been CAUGHT multiple times leaking internal documents to Fairfax Media. Two cases were investigated by the Lawyer HR Legal, and the report’s findings were suppressed by her ally current Party President Robert Clark. To date Karina Okotel has not been publicly admonished for her actions.

TREACHERY. Karina Okotel’s Public Position: I would never do anything to damage the Liberal Party. An undertaking Karina Okotel made as a member of our party’s Administrative Committee.

Karina Okotel’s Record: Visited State Parliament in the lead up to the 2018 election to meet with a group of State MP’s about releasing a series of “dirt files” on senior Liberals and preselected candidates. The assumed intention was to bring down Matthew Guy and the coalitions election campaign. Several of the MP’s were so shocked they reported the incident to senior Liberals. When approached Karina Okotel denied any knowledge of it.

KARINA OKOTEL’S PUBLIC POSITION: Supportive of senior conservatives such as Peter Dutton, Michael Sukkar, Tony Abbott and Mathias Corman.

Karina Okotel’s Record: In the lead up to the October 2019 Federal Council, Karina Okotel visited some of the Parliamentary offices and spoke to staffers of the following conservative Federal members; Amanda Stoker, Andrew Hastie, Zed Seselja, Tony Pasin, Connie Ferravanti-Wells, Mathias Corman and Eric Abetz attacking Victorian conservatives’ Michael Sukkar, Tim Smith and their organisational allies. The response Karina received was shock and disgust. In one particular case, a member of parliament cut Karina off and asked her to leave their office. Many were appalled that Karina Okotel spoke to brutally against her former supporters, the very people who had introduced her to many of them. This act was one of the reasons why she was dumped as Female Federal Vice President for Tim Smith ally Caroline Inge.

CIRCULATING DAMAGING MATERIAL 1. Western Metro Preselection 2018. Karina Okotel was caught and then lied to the State Director regarding the circulation of disparaging material regarding candidate Hamish Jones. Directly contravening 21.12 (d) of the Party’s Constitution. A complaint was submitted to the State Director by party member Sol Green, when confronted by the Party’s Admin Committee Karina Okotel changed her story and admitted to sending the messages. Karina Okotel was not sanctioned by Robert Clark.

CIRCULATING DAMAGING MATERIAL 2. Senate Preselection 2019. Karina Okotel was again caught circulating disparaging material regarding successful candidate Sarah Henderson. Again, directly contravening 21.12 (d) of the Party’s Constitution. When questioned about the circulation she prevaricated and refused to respond. Karina Okotel was not sanctioned by Robert Clark.

FAKE LETTER: In 2018 after the State Election loss Karina Okotel wrote a 1,500+ word letter to one of her Federal Executive colleagues. The same letter was leaked to News Corp journalists before the recipient even opened it! The letter titled “What went wrong?” was a savage critique of Leader Matthew Guy, Shadow Minister Ryan Smith, President Michael Kroger, State Director Nick Demiris and Admin colleagues. The content was a storm of conspiracy theories, lies and baseless criticism designed to damage former allies and set a narrative for Frank Greenstein to take over. When Karina Okotel was asked on Sky News about the leaked letter she would not criticise the leaker, instead trying to justify her actions: “It has been an emotional time so I understand that people might do things that are what they think is right at the time.” Karina Okotel was not sanctioned by Robert Clark.

SUNDAY MEETINGS AND VOTING: Karina Okotel’s Public Position: Doesn’t support Sunday AGMs or voting on Sunday’s because it discriminate against Christian’s ability to attend and vote. Campaigned and spoke at Admin in 2018 regarding Sunday meetings discriminating against “faith communities”. Karina Okotel’s Record: At the Admin meeting on the 23.5.2019 Karina Okotel, Grant Hutchinson and Robert Clark voted in favour of Sunday voting, later purportedly misleading members by blaming Michael Kroger for the change.

CONCLUSION: Beware of false prophets, (Dark Side) which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Matthew 7:15


1. 2. Okotel-okotel-out-of-contention-after-liberals-dispute/news- tory/d473773efa41c34803e9ddbbea96b30c 3. 4. Okotel-okotel-one-of-several-hopefuls-vying-for-the-liberal-partys- vacant-senate-spots/news-story/602cdd90948ba736334a58e65d720e20 5. gyki7y.html 6. 7.,-says-liberal-vice-president/11372898 8. Okotel-okotel/lyle-shelton-and-Karina Okotel-okotel/ background/news-story/4059578f7d3ed56722f557bd286fd702 9. 10. gyki7y.html 11.

DISCLAIMER UPDATE: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute, Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]



GRASS ROOTS POINT OF VIEW. At this very moment the Liberal party Victorian Division is in transition. The current President, Robert Clark and his gang of ten are on their last legs, in a vain attempt to stitch up deals and create new alliances. In each case they are failing because they have lost the confidence of members. It is a well-known paradigm that once your credibility is shattered and exposed to ridicule, the best one can do is resign and allow a new coalition of the willing to take over.

Robert Clark should take a leaf out of Sir Robert Menzies legacy and resign. Sir Robert Menzies once resigned for the good of the party and in doing so demonstrated leadership at a crucial time in the history of Australian politics. What we need now is a fighting platform that we can use as a spring board to move forward with some degree of confidence.

Factional infighting is nothing new! In 1972 the Liberal Party Federal President made a public statement shortly after the electoral defeat. Within that statement he said that: “The personal ambitions and feuds inside the Parliamentary Liberal Party since the death of Mr. Harold Holt have been deadly and destructive. That sort of conduct must be buried with the past.” Some 48 years later, what has changed?

With the imminent collapse of Robert Clark and his gang of ten on the Administrative Committee, measures must be taken to ensure the integrity of the Liberal party remains secure. Members in the electorate are seeking new leaders, hence the changes of delegates and representatives at the recent Annual General Meetings. This action by members was undertaken as a result of being neglected, their views overlooked and their volunteer status taken for granted.

The current Administration Committee under the poor leadership of Robert Clark has created an environment of fear and intimidation unprecedented in the history of the Liberal Party. In the past the major players always were able to hammer out the creases from the fabric that bound us all and as such we were united when it came to the elections. Today, what we see is interference by members of the Administrative committee with tactics that commensurate with the jack boots of a socialist regime.

We need to capture the imagination, hearts and minds of the public, especially those dissatisfied with the current Labor government and provide an alternative strong government. To achieve this, the current crop of long time Liberal party parliamentarian members should review their status and make decisions in the best interests of the party. We desperately are in need of new blood and infusion of new ideas, concepts and policies to win government. Time for a generational change.



Fumbler who was present & 'in his glory' in the Generals office on 18 December for the Maribyrnong FEC highly 'stacked' AGM with whole the Stackers family and extended families & associates. During one of the Fumbler's tirades he was jumping up as speaker, happily 'filling in every gap during vote counting breaks. He began by stating that the problem with the Liberal Party is that so many people/members are running around criticising the Party.

Then he launched into the greatest scorn filled, derisive, foul attack on the previous administration stating they were totally incompetent, lost the last election for us and did untold ALLEGATIONS damage to the Party. He went on to say “Thank goodness we now have finally a top rating administration under Robert Clark that is really putting it all together now and taking us on the The following allegations were road to success”. provided by Liberal party members:

We heard him rant like this recently in the West at previous events and sadly, number of people 1. At Maribyrnong AGM held in the in attendance believed him. To cap it off, someone in the audience waited for a gap in his tirade office of the General, a member close and said: “Mate, we came tonight to hear truth and integrity and we're not getting any are we?” to the “Stacker”, on the aftermath of The Fumbler turned to the side and said angrily, heard by a number of witnesses, “Shut up you several glasses of red wine alleged silly old woman, why you don’t stick your head up the bum of a bear”. Those who heard this said that “the Australian Electoral clearly were aghast. Commission was corrupt and allowed people vote more than once When the attendees were leaving, the Fumbler positioned himself so that he could shake all the and to meddle with the ballot hands, with very big staged & trumpeted 'Happy Christmas' and had his white limp paw out to boxes”. us. Many of us refused to take it telling him “You were heard to make very lewd disparaging The General was speechless and was remarks to a lady in the audience and we are taking it further. The Fumbler responded in a loud allegedly saying that “this wasn’t voice. “You can complain to whoever you like” The Fumbler then turned his back on us and possible because the AEC was in went on shaking hands. his portfolio of responsibility”. To this the member allegedly responded “Well you Following the recently released Federal guide for dealing with such matters we have lodged by telling the General: know Jack Shit”. complaint. However, there are many of the grass root members who have absolutely no The General went on to allegedly state that “this confidence that anything will result here in Victoria. An undertaking that Mr Fumbler will not conversation can’t be happening in his speak to us in a bullying, intimidating, or demeaning manner again. As a consequence of this office” and quickly left. notification, he will not seek to retaliate in anyway, or encourage others, including Mrs

Fumbler to do so. 2. According to a source close to the incident, the Fumbler after offloading The Fumbler always adds at events, that members should send to him any local issues that on the long time, loyal elderly Liberal they have and he’ll raise it in parliament. Well we have unknowingly done this in the past with woman, then turned his attention to an issue or two and his office doesn’t even acknowledge or give follow up on anything like this. Fred Ackerman and allegedly said: The Fumblers office doesn’t even acknowledge or give follow up on anything like this. As for “As for you, I understand there is a his ‘hot air’ in Parliament, as soon as he stands up, everyone, Members of Parliament and/or fast tram coming up the street, you visitors get up for a break .and leave. Those of us who have gone to Parliament in town have should go and stand in front of it”. seen it happen personally. The Fumbler in our opinion is an embarrassment, hopeless, banging on pointlessly. We feel that he is a lazy, stumps up, never appearing to do his research or 3. It is alleged that the Fumbler in provide information based on fact. Sheer embarrassment. We notice in the ‘Finn Review’, the another incident turned to the side and Fumblers speeches full of utter drivel. He is not a good representation of what we Liberals stand angrily spoke to a member: “Shut up for. you silly old woman, why you don’t stick your head up the bum of a While the General was present during the Fumblers meandering self-promotional speech a bear”. Those who heard this clearly member of the audience made the following comment: “'During the Federal election, in the west, were aghast. Maribyrnong was the only electorate to go backwards on results”. (It is of interest to note, that the Maribyrnong campaign, was run by none other than alleged Branch stacker along with the 4. Heard on the grapevine that there candidate none other than Christine Stow). The General upon hearing the comments answered has been a number of incidents of by saying that, “there is always an effect like this in the seat where the leader prevails”. bullying, misconduct and harassment, Campaign’s deluded management, the Stacker& shocker of a candidate who kept trading on of staff at Members of Parliament social media promoting herself and misusing personal assets to gain sympathy which had a electoral offices, have occurred. The zero effect on the overall campaign. National Code of Conduct could not have come at a better time. There are The Fumbler turned up at The Essendon SEC the other night on the 10 Jan in Footscray. We several complaints outstanding from found it odd he didn’t interject once, very subdued and did not give his usual rant. It may have last 2019 that are still sitting in at 80 had something to do with Fred Ackerman being in the chair. Fred Ackerman had called in Helen Collins Street, to which no response or Kroger as Returning Officer & Beverley McArthur as guest speaker. The end result was that the an acknowledgement, has been 'Branch stacker's' numbers prevailed and now his stooges and puppets are in the Essendon received. This is not a good look for SEC. Robert Clark and his gang of ten.


"Robert Clark is the State President of the Victorian Liberal Party. I’ve known him for close to 30 years and served with him in Parliament for 19 years, both in Government and Opposition. He is a man of complete honesty and integrity. When he tells you something, you know it’s true. He also has an intellect that can best be described with that all too often used word, awesome. Robert is principled and courageous. He has none of the ego problems often seen in people at the top. He’s down to earth and modest to a fault. In short, if everybody in politics was like him, politics wouldn’t have the bad name it does.

When he became a shock victim of the 2018 election campaign debacle, he would have been well within his rights to pack the caravan and head north. Instead, he listened to the pleas of grassroots party members and took on the presidency of the party. He inherited a basket case. With just a few months to turn things around before the federal election, Robert immediately instituted change and put in place a campaign team that delivered a result that was way and above beyond anything anyone in the entire nation expected from Victoria.

Without those changes, “Bull Shitten” would now be in The Lodge. It’s not exaggerating to say Robert Clark was largely responsible for saving the Morrison Government. Since then, Robert has worked to return democracy to the Victorian Division and destroy the toxic culture of the previous administration. Those now plotting to undermine and remove Robert should consider all this and have a good, hard look at themselves. If they continue to put their own interests before what is best for the party, we will all too soon return to the failure that delivered us the 2018 thumping - with the promise of more to come!"

GRASS ROOTS RESPONSES TO FUMBLER Preselection coming up soon Fumbler? You have been spinning out of control, with friends like this! Your paid advertisement is a tad hypocritical and desperate and we wonder who's protecting who? You state you have known him for 30 years! Perhaps you've been there too long! Perhaps you need to reflect on the past and see your errant ways have not been a positive effect on the new generation.

For goodness sake, Robert Clark lost his seat after nearly 30 years; he can't be that good at his job! Get a real job Fumbler, you are a disgrace. Fair go Fumbler! Didn't Scott Morrison PM, the Victorian federal members including Josh Frydenberg, Greg Hunt, Dan Tehan, Alan Tudge and team, Acting State Director Simon Frost, & Queensland have something to do with the Morrison government's miracle win?

Not to forget the Bill we couldn't afford catastrophic campaign performance! The Fumbler is renowned for proffering similar references for Party leaders and presidents over many years, only to roundly dump them later and besmirch their record. Watch out Clarky! (A little bit of gratuitous advice for the Fumbler: it's often best to keep quiet, especially when things are going from bad to worse for you and your team!)

SOCIAL MEDIA SNIPPETS FROM THE DARK SIDE To be fair and transparent, selected snippets of social media are added occasionally. It is interesting to read their comments and to understand what their motives, ambitions and what they are trying to achieve.


LEFT WING LOONIES. Mainly found amongst the river banks of the Yarra River. Homeless and seeking shelter from the Greenies who seduce them with their climate change scenarios.

FALLEN STARS. Found on the Dark side of the galaxy where man fears to tread. Known to frequent black holes when their star has diminished and no longer of any use. Fallen stars are known to explode spontaneously and fade away when discovered unstable.

RAINBOW WARRIORS. Those who chase rainbows, prancing amongst the meadows with the elves, fairies, gnomes and Tinkerbells. Known to hide amongst the toadstools. Whisperers, Fumblers and Platypus on-liners are known associates of Rainbow warriors.

JANUS SYCHOPHANTS. A Janus Sycophant is a mindless two faced drone prone to making silly errors of judgement, silly political statements. Outrageous social media comments and in general an uncouth bunch that congregate in the Moonee Ponds region in late January of each year.

PSEUDO LIBERALS. Considered a dangerous species. They infiltrate traditional havens of Liberals and create chaos and mayhem. Know to distribute misinformation and disinformation. Can be recognised by the bleeding heart profiles.

WANNABEE ACOLYTES. Acolytes are those who hang on the coat tails of those in power and seek favours for their misdeeds. Known to frequent the corridors of power, offices of the Generals, the Fumblers, and occasionally found in the scrub amongst the carnivorous dingos. Approach with caution.

HYENAS & DINGOES. Carnivorous and cannibalistic in nature. Dingos are native to the country areas while their Hyena cousins have been imported through several illegal means. An active bunch of predators that seek out fallen stars, failed fumblers and rotten and corrupt political meat eaters. Their bark is worse than their bite.


Every year Senator Scott Ryan’s Australia Day BBQ in the Moonee Ponds region. It was the only time Victorian Dark Side members could meet up with others and find out what was happening in the party. The Dark Side were advised that the BBQ has been postponed, not cancelled and possibly held in March due to the lack of interest. Free food is never cheap, but political fibs and yarns are!

To ensure transparency and fair play, we seek member’s contributions. By using the Abalinx ENewsletter charter as a guide, keep comments short and simple without provocation, malicious language or anything of a defamatory nature and they shall be published. Your views are important. Please address them to Abalinx ENewsletter at: [email protected] This is your chance to express your views. Contributor’s names will not be published if requested. All Abalinx ENewsletters may be found at Due to an increase in feedback we have incorporated as many feedback comments as humanly possible. We apologise for not including everyone’s contributions.

1. If what is being distributed in your ENewsletters is true then we as Liberals in Victoria ae finished as a political force.

2. I have received a telephone call from Grant Hutchison attempting to persuade me to complain about your ENewsletters, but I refused on the basis that it is one person’s opinion and should not be censored. This is a free country and people in power need to be held accountable.

3. I don’t who you are, but thank you bringing these matters to my attention. You are like a breath of fresh air providing me with information that is not readily available except when friends visit me at home. Thank you ever so much.

4. The Liberal Party is not the Progressive party and it is not the Conservative party. Modern or New Liberals, Liberal Conservatives etc are all welcome though. The Liberal Party is a mainstream party and is most successful when it embraces freedom, free enterprise and social equality. It really is as simple as that. The Liberal Party will not be successful when splinter groups Left, Right, Progressive, Conservative, religious, anti-religious etc attempt to take over the Party.

5. Robert Clark served Victoria as a Minister well, but in my opinion is out of his depth and lacks the charisma and skills to lead the Liberal Party to government. I believe that for the good of the party he should resign. I don’t know the others on the Administrative Committee and cannot comment on their knowledge.

6. Who does Karina Okotel think she is? She is not above everyone else. I am disappointed by her turncoat behaviour. She should consider another line of work.

7. Why don’t you ask the current administration how many functions have been conducted, how many events have attracted campaign funds and who is responsible for investing our funds.

8. Whoever this bloke Ian Quick is, he is not convincing anyone that early pre-selections are a good idea. He is not an employer, not a businessman. What does he do for a job, I wonder? Does he not know of the potential damage to the party when electorate boundaries change? Who in his right is going to release employees for such long periods to campaign months if not years ahead of an election? What about those Members of Parliament that find they have lost a preselection, what is their incentive to perform. None. Think again Mr. Quick.

9. The State Director sent an email to members regarding the National Code of Conduct. Maybe he should send it to a certain parliamentarian in the Upper House to stop his foolishness and boorish behaviour. That member is an absolute disgrace the way he carries on in public and disrespects Liberal Party volunteers.

10. Religion is one thing, ambition is another. Christianity and Conservatism are not the same thing, Using Christianity as a political vehicle and what ever happened to the Victorian Division? I say never judge a book by its cover, but I am in two minds about Karina Okotel. She should take a break from politics and review what she wants from life.

11. We are both stunned that in a country with the freedom to practice religion, the vilification of those who choose to. Let alone within our own party. Like family we can agree to disagree but at the end of the day we are united as members of the Liberal party. We have religious and non-religious members who in reality should all be on the same side.

12. Has anybody bothered to ask what the Membership levels was prior to the State and Federal Elections? At what level are they now? It would be an interesting exercise just to find out.

DISCLAIMER UPDATE: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute, Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]





GRASS ROOT MEMBERS. Grass root members seeking urgent support for third & final requisition for special state council meeting. A special state council meeting must be held to allow the Victorian Division to remove the gang of ten currently riding roughshod over the Constitution, and allow the Party begin governing itself again

As you will be aware, the Administrative Committee, by a majority of one, (10/9) has dismissed the two previous Requisitions from members for a Special State Council Meeting, concerning the unhelpful, unnecessary and unprecedented early preselection timetable for Victorian Liberal-held federal seats.

In dismissing the requisitions, the Administrative Committee has relied upon particular interpretations of the Constitution, suited to the Administrative 1. Allegations of a member of parliament found Committee’s purpose of denying Members their rights to a Special State Council drunk and heard threatening to put two high profile Meeting under the Constitution 11.10. Through interpreting the Constitution in young Liberals up against the wall and ???? this manner, and in acting in this way, the Administrative Committee is also going against the spirit of the Constitution, and indeed that of a volunteer 2. Allegations of a member of the Administrative member organisation. The Administrative Committee is striking at the very Committee seeking to investigate long time members of foundations of the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party in an unreasonable, the Liberal Party. Apparently the member is a Rainbow irresponsible and unprecedented manner. Hence the need for this third and final Warrior and one of the Janus Sycophant supporter.. requisition.


Victorian Liberal Party members have absolutely no confidence in the current Administrative Committee. As stated in the above The first rule of politics is to show that you can govern yourselves. A Special State Council Meeting must be held to allow the Victorian Division to remove the gang of ten currently riding roughshod over the Constitution, thereby allowing the Party to begin governing itself properly once more. The situation the Victorian Division currently finds itself in is calamitous.

Fundamentally, a gang of ten (President, Robert Clark; VPs, Holly Byrne, Ian Quick, Amy Johnson and Matt Makin; Treasurer, Owen Guest; Members, Cassandra Marr, Sean Armistead, Karen Egan and Russell Joseph) are exercising their vote to defy the provision in the Constitution (Clause 11.10) for the calling of a Special State Council Meeting (10/9). It really is as simple as that. Any commentary to the contrary by the gang of ten, and/or their supporters, is designed to obfuscate the situation with extraneous information making it deliberately confusing, and therefore difficult to understand.

To recap, the Administrative Committee, by a slim majority of one, determined to open pre-selections for Victorian Liberal-held Federal seats on Wednesday 15 January, just eight months into the current term of government. For all the reasons outlined elsewhere, this extraordinarily early and unprecedented opening of pre-selections by the gang of ten, has caused much consternation and anger within the Victorian Division. Tellingly, it is not possible to find any support within the Victorian Division for the extraordinarily early opening of pre-selections, other than from the gang of ten, and of course, their small band of obsequious supporters.

The State Director, and in turn, the Administrative Committee have previously been presented with two Requisitions for a Special State Council Meeting regarding the extraordinarily early federal pre-selections, both of which were disallowed by the Administrative Committee. A third and final requisition has now been submitted to the State Director for presentation to the Administrative Committee. More about that later. In disallowing the first two requisitions to hold a Special State Council Meeting, the Administrative Committee has overridden the Special State Council provision in the Constitution, (Clause 11.10) and even more alarmingly, has usurped State Council’s legitimate and superior Constitutional power. In light of the above, the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party is in paralysis and verging on anarchy. As if that was not enough, we now hear that the gang of ten is considering abandoning the regular State Council and AGM currently scheduled for 23-24 May 2020. In this manner the current Administrative Committee would continue to hold office for a further twelve months, or more. Readers of the Abalinx ENewsletter may say that this is not possible, however there is nothing to stop them.

The third and final requisition for a Special State Council Meeting, actions the ultimate and final step available to Members; a motion of no confidence in the Administrative Committee, the removal of the Administrative Committee, and the election of a new Administrative Committee. These are uncharted waters for the Party, however in light of the unreasonable and unconstitutional actions of the gang of ten, unavoidable. Readers of the Abalinx ENewsletter will recall that Robert Clark and the gang of ten, and their supporters, pledged at the 2019 Administrative Committee elections, to unite the Victorian Division and to provide good governance. They have failed dismally on both counts. As has been reported elsewhere, the actions and inaction, of the gang of ten are consistent, if nothing else. Led by President Robert Clark, the Administrative Committee has failed at every turn. Particularly, and shamefully, they have not done a single thing towards winning votes in Victoria for the 2022 federal and state elections. Meanwhile, all other areas of operation including stewardship, policy development, membership retention and recruitment, fundraising, finance, office accommodation etc are moribund.

Senior members of the Party were concerned when Robert Clark and his gang of ten were elected to the Administrative Committee, believing that they were very inexperienced in Party matters and did not have the capacity to lead the Party. Sadly, their observations have proven to be correct. Worse still, Robert Clark and his gang of ten have been found to be a nasty group of individuals, wreckers, hell bent on destroying all that is/was good about the Victoria Division. Their legacy will be that of a Division in a complete shambles requiring nothing short of a miracle to restore it to its former glory. Robert Clark’s leadership as president has been abysmal. He will go down in the history of the Victorian Division as the worst president ever. He should resign. The sooner we see the backs of Robert Clark and his gang of ten the better.


I write to draw your attention to the recently adopted National Code of Conduct for members of the Liberal Party. The National Code of Conduct can be found here. National Code of Conduct.

Unsolicited circulars distributed recently under the title “Abalinx Newsletter” would appear from time to time not to meet the standard prescribed in the National Code of Sean Armistead – Mimmie Claudine Chi Conduct. I am in receipt of a number of complaints with regard to a number of these Watts. I would have entered the fray, however circulars and will be reviewing these complaints in the coming days. I was dropped from Web warriors as well. Ignore the small group who seem to highlight I ask you to familiarise yourself with the National Code of Conduct to ensure that you at African rather than crime, they don’t get, they all times act in manner that is compliant with this code. never will.

Regards They of course are entitled to their opinion but it does hurt when we think crime can be Sam McQuestin compartmentalised by skin colour, religion. In State Director fact geography, family structure and access to ------economy can be greater determinations for FROM: ABALINX ENEWS potential issues of criminality. Stay, we need amazing people like you in the party who are Dear Mr. McQuestin, incredible community leaders.

Thank you for your email regarding the "National" Code of Conduct. I realise that you Karina Okotel. Please remember that our have inherited a difficult job and that you are bound by the terms of your contract. I have President Robert Clark, is a volunteer. For him included for your information the Abalinx ENewsletters Code of Conduct Charter, in particular to be criticised for being a which you should familiarise yourself with. Christian is appalling. If you are a fellow Christian, please remember to uphold Robert In view of alleged complaints, please confirm to me that similar letters have also been in your prayers. written by you to Mr. Ian Quick, and to Mr. Robert Clark. Mr. Ian Quick over his numerous emails to members and Mr. Robert Clark for his misleading texts and Christine Stow. Why is this grub allowed to messages he is sending to party members. In addition to the above, what action or what stay in the party? are you doing about the bullying allegations of party members by Mr. Bernie Finn. Dale Sheehan. Relevance Deprivation Syndrome… Desperate desperates!!. Need to Furthermore, please demonstrate to me exactly, what material contravenes the National take a bex and a good lie down!!! Go home Code of Conduct in the Abalinx ENews Letters and take the old sheila with you!!

Thank you in anticipation Karina Okotel. It is time that those to follow Jesus are no longer discriminated against our Peter Adamis Party. Robert Clark, Bernie Finn MP, Grant Director Hutchinson, Kyle Hoppitt, Bill Rizopoulos and Abalinx & Associates I for amongst other things being “Evangelicals” and “Christians” To ensure transparency and fair play, we seek member’s contributions. By using the Abalinx ENewsletter charter as a guide, keep comments short and simple without provocation, malicious language or anything of a defamatory nature and they shall be published. Your views are important. Please address them to Abalinx ENewsletter at: [email protected] This is your chance to express your views. Contributor’s names will not be published if requested. All Abalinx ENewsletters may be found at Due to an increase in feedback we have incorporated as many feedback comments as humanly possible. We apologise for not including everyone’s contributions.

1. A National Code of Conduct was circulated Friday 17 January by new State Director Sam McQuestin. And not before time! “Member(s) of the Liberal Party should treat others with dignity, courtesy and respect. A great initiative and not before time.

2. Worryingly for the Liberal Party, it has been alleged that the Okotel sub-faction, under the spiritual leadership of her mentor, began conducting prayer meetings to pray for non-Conservative Party members. Is she for real?

3. If Own Guest is the Treasurer, what action has he taken regarding our investments and what has he produced to date regarding attracting sponsors and creating much needed capital for future campaign funds.

4. It is not often in modern day politics that you find a person who is the complete package: an honest and sincere family person, a young mother, a Christian who lives by Christian ideals, a conservative, a charismatic leader, an excellent communicator, someone committed to the Liberal philosophy, and photogenic. Was Karina Okotel that person or has she fooled us all.

5. The Liberal Party is not the Progressive party and it is not the Conservative party. Modern or New Liberals. It is a broad church that welcomes everyone. The Liberal Party is a mainstream party and is most successful when it embraces freedom, free enterprise and social equality. It really is as simple as that. The Liberal Party will not be successful when splinter groups Left, Right, Progressive, Conservative, religious, anti-religious etc attempt to take over the Party.

6. My wife and I enjoy your ENewsletters Peter, they make us both laugh and very different from the sanitised version that are fed to us through the Liberal party “In the Loop. Well done. Keep it up. Your ENewsletters are far better that those sent to us by Mr. Ian Quick.

7. Liberals should take a leaf out of Labor’s campaign theme: IT’S TIME. Yes it’s time we got rid of Robert Clark and his gangly crew he calls the Administrative Committee. I have had a gutful of the intimidation and threatening phone calls. This is not North Korea. Get on with the bloody job of winning government.

8. I find this all amusing to be honest with you. During the reign of Michael Kroger et al, those of the Progressive Left and Socialist were attacking the leadership and blaming Michael Kroger and Matthew Guy for everything. They attacked them on their campaign structure, they attacked them on the Cormack legal case, they attacked anyone who was associated with them and now we have these same individuals keeping Mum about the activities of Robert Clark and his supporters. I am not sure if Michael Kroger was dealt a bad hand in the first place.

9. All of a sudden everyone has gone quiet ever since Abalinx ENews letters were being distributed. Why is that so? Why have all the so called factions gone underground? Are they conducting irregular warfare because they are unable to silence Abalinx ENews contributors? It is plain to see that the grass root members had enough of the over bearing and intimidating attitude of the current leadership and Administrative Committee. What are we stupid? There are thousands of us who are professionals, work on the land, tradies, business individuals and entrepreneurs waiting for a leader to unite everyone. If Ian Quick had not begun his silly little email correspondence attacking other members, maybe, there would not be a need for the Abalinx ENewsletters.

10. It was only 12 months ago ‘Okotel’s Faction’ candidate Kyle Hoppitt was telling Latrobe Liberal he would challenge Jason Wood. Good to see his change in political affiliations, supporting Jason and grinning with his staff and local young liberals. Congratulations to Kyle for leaving the ‘Okotel Faction’, a smart New Year’s resolution.

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute, Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]





Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division)

29 January 2020

Dear Member,

I wrote to you previously about two requisitions the Party has received seeking a special meeting of State Council to overturn the current pre-selections processes for Liberal-held seats and to delay a start to pre-selections for any Federal seats until September. It is Alleged that someone has been fiddling A third requisition. The Party how now received a third requisition from the same with the Annual General Meeting Delegates requisition organisers. Proposals in this requisition included to dismiss all members of the returns. Allegations of closed envelopes Administrative Committee and replace them with new persons to be elected on the spot, and being opened and tampered with prior to to prohibit any Party spending on holding any required pre-selection conventions, including their submission to the State Director. threatening not to pay the wages of any Party staff for working at a pre-selection convention. Naughty naught to those recalcitrant I am setting out the full text of this requisition’s proposed motions at the end of this email. sychophants.

In my view as President, the behaviour of the organisers of these multiple requisitions is It is alleged that members of the current becoming increasingly wild and irresponsible. The proposal to deny wages to Party staff Administrative Committee have intimidated should be condemned by all decent and fair-minded Party members. I am confident that many members via telephone calls. Naughty persons who were persuaded to sign the requisition were not aware that the requisition naughty to those individuals. Don’t they threatened Party staff in this way. know that mobile phones and answering machines are able to record conversations. The Constitutional Committee has now provided initial advice that many of the motions proposed by the latest requisitions, including the threat to Party staff, are It is alleged that a staff member was set up unconstitutional. However, the Committee has advised that three of the proposed motions are and removed on pretext of disloyalty and valid, namely: standing up for themselves. That naughty Member of Parliament responsible should a motion to amend the Party’s constitution to scrap the current preselection process and be ashamed of themselves. require those pre-selections to be held again in September, and to prohibit any other Federal pre-selections being started until September, It is alleged that a senior party member and a current sitting member of Parliament were a motion declaring support for good governance, effective election preparations and the involved in a conspiracy to funnel tens of experience of Liberal MPs, and a motion of no confidence in the Administrative Committee. thousands of dollars through a party members business to circumvent electoral Setting a date. Accordingly, it is necessary to hold a special meeting of State Council on commission rules. Very naughty people! the valid aspects of these requisitions. The lodging of a further requisition has forced a delay Abalinx ENews is currently investigating in the calling of a meeting, but fortunately it will be possible to consider the valid aspects of these allegations and will provide details both requisitions at a single meeting, thus avoiding the expense and inconvenience of holding when all the facts have been confirmed. multiple State Council meetings unless more requisitions are lodged.

The State Director is currently making inquiries as to the availability of various possible venues on the short notice involved, while trying to avoid clashes with other upcoming Party meetings such as the Young Liberal Movement AGM and the Eastern Metropolitan Region casual vacancy convention. I recommend that State Council delegates aim to keep their next few weekends as free as they are able, and make arrangements to appoint a proxy if unable to attend in person.

The issues at stake. The Administrative Committee remains committed to winning more Federal seats in Victoria than just the 12 of 38 seats that we currently hold, and to holding pre-selections on timelines that will maximise the campaigning time available for our target seat candidates. It is hard to see a good reason to cancel all current pre-selections at this late stage and then re-commence them again just seven months later.

The Administrative Committee considers it vital that the Party reaffirms its commitment to open and fair pre-selection processes decided on in the best interests of the Party as a whole, and recommends that delegates vote against any move to amend our constitution to overturn and delay Federal pre-selections. This upcoming special State Council will be making crucial decisions about the future of pre- selections and the future direction our Party. I urge all delegates to make every effort to attend and have your say.


Hon Robert Clark State President Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division)

(Note: Copies of the Constitutional Committee’s advice on the first and second requisitions are available on the Party’s web site. It is expected that a copy of the Committee’s advice on the third requisition will be made available after the completed advice has been received.)



Motion 1. This State Council affirms that: a) the good governance of the Liberal Party is of great importance; b) effective preparations for the upcoming federal and State elections are critical; and c) our Federal and State Parliamentary teams have considerable experience, and their advice on election preparations should be listened to carefully.

Motion 2. This State Council, pursuant to clause 18.2 of the Constitution, directs that the State Finance Committee must not pay, incur, or approve any expenditure (or obligation to incur any expenditure) relating to or in any way connected with the holding of pre-selections for Federal Seats prior to September 2020, including (without limitation) in relation to: a) hiring a venue or venues to hold such pre-selections; b) printing notices or other materials in relation to such pre-selections; or c) making payments to any members of the Party's Secretariat (or other persons) who purport to conduct or assist in the conducting of any such pre-selections (including the re-imbursement of costs or expenses, or the payment of wages or salaries), and any such approval (including any approval provided prior to the adoption of this motion) is void.

Motion 3. This State Council resolves that it has no confidence in the Administrative Committee as presently constituted.

Motion 4. This State Council resolves and directs that all positions on the Administrative Committee elected pursuant to clauses 11.2 and 11.3 of the Constitution be and are vacated, with those members automatically removed from the positions to which they were elected under clauses 11.2 and 11.3 of the Constitution.

Motion 5. This State Council resolves and directs that any positions on the Administrative Committee vacated by this State Council be filled by elections to be held forthwith at this State Council under the supervision of the State Director as returning officer, with nominations for the vacated positions accepted from the floor of State Council.

ABALINX ANALYSIS OF ROBERT CLARKS EMAIL. In essence it means that any decisions being made at the Special State Council are not binding. Not only is this scandalous but a breach of the constitution and a mockery of the democratic system. This Administrative Committee should hang their heads in shame and resign immediately. They have failed miserably the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party members. Robert Clarks only achievement is starting a war with the Prime Minister. PURPOSE OF THE PARTY The purposes of the Party should be reviewed and defined. In this, the Division must review its current committees system and their composition. The Division has too many committees and they seem to be devoid of any proper purpose or operating towards a defined set of aims and aspirations. LIBERAL PHILOSOPHY

The purposes of the Administrative Committee, its political and administrative responsibilities 1. Liberalism looks to each individual should be defined clearly and this depends on what the legal/corporate structure of the as its primary concern. Division will be. At present, the Administrative Committee, the main governing arm of Division, seems disjointed and at times perceived to be hostile to the members always 2. The State exists to serve fractured. The current members on the Administrative Committee, spurred on by the the individual. frequency of the internal early pre-selection electoral cycle and at odds with the membership base appear to be always pursuing their own personal and factional interests and aims. 3. Liberalism aims to develop a free society in which human personality The role, composition and appointments to the Constitutional Committee must be reviewed and initiatives may flourish. and defined clearly. This committee is charged with providing advice and assistance to the administration concerning possible reform and ‘advice’ on the meaning and function of the 4. It recognises that talents and Division’s Constitution. aspirations are diverse and seeks to create equality of opportunity so that In the past, it has functioned well, but in recent years, its function has lessened and individuals may seek fulfilment. diminished providing compliant ‘advice’ to the various factional controllers in office at particular times. Its advice at times has been wrong or tainted to accord to the need of one 5. It cherishes human freedom and faction to assert its control over another. In the long term, it is not functioning as a key fount seeks to preserve the maximum of considered opinion upholding the general interests of the membership as required by the individual freedoms compatible with Constitution. the rights of others.

‘a ’ Largely, the manner in which changes or dd-ons to the Constitution (amendments) have 6. It recognises the creative and been drafted and worded have contributed to the dysfunction of the Constitution at crucial strengthening qualities of human times. This Committee is in urgent need of reform. The Division has to resolve whether its endeavour and seeks to stimulate the ‘ ’ function is to judicial and advisory or purely political as is currently the situation. competitive spirit.

Organisational structure. The Party’s Constitution in Clause 13.4 states that “Subject to 7. It recognises, too, the need for the direction of State Council, the Administrative Committee shall conduct the business and affairs of the Party other than policy formulation in conformity with the spirit of the policy and material well-being but places the Platform of the Party and shall have such other powers and functions as may be conferred emphasis upon the development of upon it from time to time by State Council”. spiritual and moral values and those qualities which enlarge mankind’s Therefore, State Council must be regarded as the supreme governing body of the Party. vision. However. The perception amongst members is that “Admin” and the Secretariat control the Party. This is further exemplified in various handbooks and materials for office bearers and new members as shown below.

CHECKS & BALANCES Our system of government is one of checks and balances. It requires compromise… compromise between the Executive and the Parliament, compromise between one house and another, compromise between the States and the Commonwealth and compromise between groups of persons with legitimate interests and other groups of legitimate interests.

While the following text goes on to remark that a t a state-wide level, the Party is There is room for compromise… administered by its State Council and the Administrative Committee led by the State indeed demand for it…in a system of President, the current organisational structure is unclear and confusing. checks and balances. Peter Costello. Strategic management. The Division lacks a strategic plan and so seems to act in a rudderless fashion with much reactive rather than proactive management. To ensure a strategic plan is successfully implemented, the organisation’s “state of readiness” must be evaluated. This involves assessing the existence of:

1. A strong organisational vision,

2. The necessary skills of staff, volunteer office bearers and grassroots members, 3. Incentives to act,

4. The resources necessary to accomplish the task, both financial and non-financial, and

5. A clear action plan to accomplish the strategy.

The following gap analysis is presented below to outline the results where there are missing components. It has been a long time, more than a year, since I last sent out a newsletter. Until recently, there Successful Strategic Implementation hasn't been much of a need, as we Vision Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Success have a much better Party President ------Skills Incentives Resources Action Plan Confusion - Robert Clark. Ian Quick 15 December 2019 Vision ------Incentives Resources Action Plan Anxiety Are we Victorian Liberals just a Vision Skills ------Resources Action Plan Gradual Change bunch of losers? Robert Clark (29 November 2018) Vision Skills Incentives ------Action Plan Frustration Vision Skills Incentives Resources ------False Starts

If all these components are in place, assuming there are no changes in environment, competition and political landscape, success is more likely to be achieved. Without a clear vision, confusion over where and why the strategy is important may result. Without the necessary skill sets, staff and volunteers may feel anxious about their ability to accomplish the task. Without incentives to act, at best, gradual change may occur.

Without the necessary resources to implement the strategy, frustration may occur. Finally, without a solid action plan that provides clear direction for the organisation and its many electorate conferences and branches, there are likely to be many false starts. In fact any groups within the organisation will have difficulty coordinating their efforts, overcoming role conflict andThe price of liberty is eternal maintaining a focused effort without appropriate leadership and political direction. vigilance. The price of freedom from MORE TO COME - NEXT ENEWS LETTER corruption is also eternal vigilance. Robert Clark 22 November 2018

When the disastrous pre-selection MATES OF A BYGONE ERA commence their will much expected unclaimed pre-selection baggage. Will those responsible remain to gather up the luggage, that is the question!!!!!!!!!

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. The price of democracy is eternal diligence. Robert Clark 6 November 2018


From: Sam McQuestin - STATE DIRECTOR To: [email protected] Date: 29 January 2020 REFERENCE TO STATE ASSEMBLY

Good afternoon Mr Adamis

Administrative Committee will be considering at its meeting on Thursday whether to refer you to State Assembly on account of material about other Party members contained in your recent newsletters. As a result you have a right to be heard either through attendance at the meeting or through remote participation by video-link or dial-in.

Could you please let me know should you wish to exercise the right to be heard. The Administrative Committee meeting will be at the Secretariat offices, level 2, 60 Collins Street from 7pm on Thursday (tomorrow). Should you have any queries about this process please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Sam McQuestin State Director Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division)


From:[email protected] - ABALINX ENEWS LETTERS To: Sam McQuestin Date: 29 January 2020

Dear Mr. McQuestin,

Thank you for your message,

I note your correspondence. Unfortunately, due to the complete absence of notice of the specific allegations against me, the lack of time to prepare a response after taking advice and personal commitments to provide care of my mother who is unwell, I am not in a position to attend the meeting.

Please note that I have yet to receive a response from you regarding the actions being taken in relation to my concerns that I and other members have reported to you concerning Mr. Ian Quick, Mr. Robert Clark and Mr Bernie Finn. As they clearly have an irreconcilable personal conflict of interest, it would be improper for any of these to participate in any way with any decision relating to any allegations they have caused to be made against me.

It does seem to me that any reasonable person would regard this Star Chamber as having all the hallmarks of a factional stitch-up by people with an axe to grind.

Any comments I have made relate solely to my legitimate and protected opinion of the antics of these persons who are breaching their fiduciary and moral obligations to the membership at large. As office-bearers of the Party holding a position of great trust, they should be open to robust criticism and welcome active member involvement. Instead, they are hurtling the Party towards an abyss. It horrifies me that their twisted interpretation of the Constitution is such as to preclude any right of the membership to hold them to account and overturn their factionally inspired destruction of the Federal Parliamentary Party. It is they, not I, who are bringing the Party into disrepute.

It pains me that a professional such as you is forced to act against the interests of the Party by the vindictive petty little Idi Amins who have temporarily levered themselves into positions of ostensible authority. I look forward to the State Council meeting where they will be consigned to a sad footnote in the otherwise proud history of the Victorian Division of which I have been a member longer than almost all of them.

Yours sincerely

Peter Adamis Director Abalinx & Associates

To ensure transparency and fair play, we seek member’s contributions. By using the Abalinx ENewsletter charter as a guide, keep comments short and simple without provocation, malicious language or anything of a defamatory nature and they shall be published. Your views are important. Please address them to Abalinx ENewsletter at: [email protected] This is your chance to express your views. Contributor’s names will not be published if requested. All Abalinx ENewsletters may be found at Due to an increase in feedback we have incorporated as many feedback comments as humanly possible. We apologise for not including everyone’s contributions.

1. Grant’s Liberal Party friends are: Karina Okotel, Joshua Bonney, Bill Rizopoulos, Kyle Hoppit, Christine Stow, Jan Millard, Moira Deeming, Andrew Deeming, Bernie Finn, Cathy Finn, Scott Ryan, Michael Horner, Frank Greenstein, Fran Henderson and Anthony Mitchell. Grant appears to have little knowledge of, or commitment to, Liberal ideals.

2. Grant has a particular interest in the West, where he hangs around in Maribyrnong and Essendon in particular, with Billy the branch- stacker Rizopoulos. Often with Karina Okotel and Joshua Bonney in toe.

3. Thank you for your Abalinx ENewsletters without which members wouldn't a clue what's happening in the Liberal Party today. The Party's official bulletin In the Loop has never been much good, but lately it has become a repetitive and stale. Week after week the same tired old notices reappear. Keep up the good work!

4. If what you have written about Karina Okotel and Grant Hutchinson is true, surely they should be expelled from the Liberal Party for bringing the Party into disrepute.

5. Grant was sponsored into Liberal Party committee work, and subsequently the administrative committee as Metropolitan Male VP, to fill a casual vacancy, by Karina Okotel. Grant won the casual election for VP late 2018 as the Karina Okotel candidate, whereby Karina stitched up an unholy preference deal with the Scott Ryan faction and Quickie to get Grant up. Three more unlikely bedfellows one couldn’t imagine. Surprisingly they are still all together to this day.

6. Thank you for your ENewsletters, especially the ones about Karina Okotel and Grant Hutchinson. I have been a party member for a long time and have worked at most levels, including as a candidate. I have contributed substantially in time, money and other resources, and to think that people like Karina and Grant have conducted themselves in this appalling way disgusts me enormously.

7. Heard that Senator Scott Ryan's Australia Day barbecue was cancelled due to a lack of interest. The Senator's staff have been phoning around members who registered to attend, advising them of the new date of Sunday 8 March. They have also been phoning regular attendees who hadn't registered, asking why not, and encouraging them to register for the new date. Meanwhile, for anyone confused, Australia Day is still on 26 January!

8. Disappointed to read what is happening in the Liberal party I must say. We should be united and working together and not at each other’s throats.

9. Ever since Abalinx ENews has been created, social media groups have stopped communicating because they fear they have been infiltrated. I guess that what happens when members become angry hurt and let down, they retaliate to those intent on creating mischief. Ian Quick is one of them. He should just go away and leave the Liberal party.

10. The ongoing failure of the Admin Committee, and the State Director, to schedule the Special State Council meeting, following three requisitions, means that the Party is in a permanent state of paralysis.

11. Tired of the current Admin Committee, and the parlous State of the Party, State Assembly delegates are considering demonstrating their disgust by staying away from State Assembly meetings until the state council special meeting is held.

12. To think that Karina Okotel, Joshua Bonney, Grant Hutchinson, Bill Rizopoulos and crazy supporters, were plotting to take over the Liberal Party and turn it into their own rabid right wing ultra-Conservative Party. Frightening!

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute, Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]



From: Sam McQuestin To: [email protected] Date: 31 January 2020

Dear Mr Adamis

I again remind you that as a member of the Liberal party you are bound by the Party’s Code of Conduct. You are hereby instructed to remove from your web site, or any public platform, forthwith all material that is, or may be considered to be defamatory, denigrating or harassing of other Party members or otherwise in breach of the National Code of Conduct, and to cease sending any further such material to Party members.

The National Code of Conduct can be found here. Again I ask that you familiarise yourself with the code ensure that your actions are not in breach of the code.



From: Abalinx ENews To: State Director Date: 31 January 2020

Dear State Director

I am very confused by your email. No one has had the courtesy to contact me and point out to me any comment about them or a colleague they find incorrect or in breach of the Code. It has been alleged that as that Please advise with specificity the particular comment or comments that you have been instructed a female adviser left a State fall(s) outside the rights of all members to engage in robust exchanges of views and expression of parliamentarians electorate honestly held opinion. office as a result of harassment and bullying Please state explicitly for each comment the person you believe the comment relates to, their role in issues by two male the Party, the provision of the Code that the comment infringes and what it is about each comment colleagues. One colleague is that causes it to fall outside the National Code of Conduct. Please explain why it does so and what now working at the could be done to alter the comment so it does not breach the Code. Administrative Tribunal and the other has found It seems to me that in circumstances where a special State Council is being convened to consider employment elsewhere. Some whether it lacks confidence in the Administrative Committee that it would be completely at variance are rewarded and others left with the intent and purposes of the Constitution for vigorous animated debate to be curtailed. out to pasture.

I am all in favour of the Code protecting those without a voice or power but it ought not be used by the powerful or in authority (or pulling the strings behind the scenes) to stifle criticism of their actions. This would be breathtakingly hypocritical, completely at odds with its stated objective and offensive to party members. If my written comments have hurt the feelings of anyone who falls within the category of an innocent victim, I will promptly and wholeheartedly retract any comment and apologize for it.

Yours sincerely

Peter Adamis Director Abalinx & Associates

ENews has been advised that there is a problem in McEwen. There are some people fence-sitting and causing grief. There is one lady in particular who runs a "very successful" International Women's organisation, but it is not registered.

It does look like she is desperate to suck money out of any source she can. She has got herself elected into a responsible position that enables her to extract membership details and use them for commercial business purposes.

We believe that she is working to get people onto Scott Ryan's group. She is definitely in cahoots with Dingo that country canine. She appears to dislike the General, and prefers Super Quick and the Fumbler. It was so good to tip Bernie Finn out of the Sunbury SEC.

A member who reported the abuse directed at him over the past Electorate year did not receive a response at all from the Secretariat. Another example of poor governance on the part of Robert Clark and his gang of ten.

Grant Hutchison aka the ‘Prophet’ has continued to contact members of the party drumming up support the distribution of the ENewsletters. The responses he expected from members were not compatible with his ideology and political views.

Members are questioning the wisdom of the President and that of the Liberal party’s Treasure regarding financial investments. Just who is running Victoria/

One thing that comes up at some meetings is the sale of 104. Mr. Robert Clarke was presented with a gift of $37 million. This money has not been All of a sudden the political social media chat wisely invested, and interest gained from the groups went quiet. I am not surprised. Had funds, does not cover the rental on 60 Collins they not realised that they had been infiltrated Street. Thus, it is no longer $37 million. some months before. Have they not heard what a honey pot is? Don’t they realise that Members are perplexed at remarks made when there are numerous pseudo profiles in Robert Clarke took over, that the Victorian Division existence. was "bankrupt". This is of course, if you don't count the $37 million for 104 and the funds that Michael Kroger got from the Cormack Foundation for breach of contract.

The "new" offices are only a temporary measure as the lease expires around June, this year. Members are not impressed with Robert Clark and his clowns who vision. It looks like the good ship Victoria has lost its moorings. To ensure transparency and fair play, we seek member’s contributions. By using the Abalinx ENewsletter charter as a guide, keep comments short and simple without provocation, malicious language or anything of a defamatory nature and they shall be published.

Your views are important. Please address them to Abalinx ENewsletter at: [email protected] This is your chance to express your views. Contributor’s names will not be published if requested. All Abalinx ENewsletters may be found at Due to an increase in feedback we have incorporated as many feedback comments as humanly possible. We apologise for not including everyone’s contributions.

Only 4 candidates for the plum No. 1 Eastern Metropolitan Region Upper House vacancy! (Formerly Mary Wooldridge) What does this say about Robert Clark's Victorian Division? Moribund! Where will Robert Clark and his gang of ten find candidates to fill all the federal and state seats in 2022? Impossible! The battle will be between Nick McGowan and Asher Judah. My money is on Asher who has worked hard in the electorate. Nick McGowan was given a cushy job and now he wants his third crack at a seat.

As you are probably aware by now, the Special State Council meeting, as advised by Clark yesterday, won't amount to much. Allowed: motion to scrap federal preselection process; motion to support good governance; motion of no confidence in Administrative Committee. Disallowed as unconstitutional: motion for Administrative Committee members to vacate positions; motion to elect new Administrative Committee from the floor.

Brilliant just brilliant, thank you for highlighting the abuse of power, the intimidation and harassment of women in the party. Good on you for having the courage to stand up to the Administrative Committee.

The Constitution is being interpreted by Daryl Williams, Chairman, Constitution Committee, on behalf of Robert Clark, to suit Clark's purposes. For the Party to find itself in this appalling & desperate situation there's something terribly wrong with the President, Administrative Committee, Chairman of the Constitution Committee and the Constitution itself.

What is Keith Wolohan doing in challenging Kevin Andrews? Is he not better off in a State seat. Wolohan is not suited for the seat of Menzies and he is certainly not an Andrew Hastie or is he trying to emulate him.

“This bloke had just arrived from South Africa.(Frank Greenstein) He was not even an Australian citizen and was probably quite happy to work under the apartheid government oppressing black people —and he is recruiting the same types to one of the branches in the Caulfield area, which I found bizarre”. Andrew Jackson, Ex Liberal party Member and a past Australian Defence Force Officer dated 30 October 2008

Louise Staley should be concentrating her focus on identifying and shaming those members of Parliament responsible for the bullying and harassment of women in the party.

A motion of no confidence in the Administrative Committee may be carried and the Administrative Committee will continue on their merry way doing what they do best; destroying the Liberal Party! Appalling!

What you write is all fine and good, in hindsight but the grass root volunteer base was rudderless, lacked leadership and electorate’s closed shop, put up cultural and societal barriers and each had their own small kingdoms so to speak.

Why has Karina Okotel all of a sudden stopped going to meetings. Has she and the Okotel faction gone underground into the catacombs. Where is her brother Joshua, Scott Ryan, Frank Greenstein and Grant Hutchinson?

There is an old saying: ‘that a person should not be throwing stones at glass houses’. In this case the galls house is the current Administrative Committee hidden from view in 60 Collins Street. Now it seems that because of ENews letters being distributed the Administrative is being tagged with the brush of ‘who is calling the kettle black’

Good to see that political brawling amongst the factions has not died out. Life would be dull without them. Remember what that ex-Prime Minister Turnbull once said: “There are no factions in the Liberal party”.

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute, Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]




Quick Liberal News V's Abalinx ENewsletter. Party Vice President Ian Quick has a colourful history of producing "Quick Liberal Newsletters", first as an ordinary Party member, then as an Administrative Committee member, and most recently as Vice President.

SQ the fox says he needs more time to fix the Over the years, Quick Liberal News has carried Party up! Clark and his gang of ten clowns have much criticism of the Administrative Committee, hatched a plan to postpone May 23-24 State and particularly Party leadership, including the Council & AGM to November. Why not when they following: "Is this the ALP"; "More like the ALP"; can have the Constitution interpreted say what "is this the ALP or even worse?"; ".....are we now they like? SQ says the Party will be like the ALP"; "....members verbally abused, unrecognisable when he has finished. harassed and intimidated "; ".....members are legitimately afraid to discuss issues"; "The Party Rumour and innuendo continue to swirl around a is being ripped apart by people who want control certain long-standing Upper House member, at any price"; "Fair and transparent processes having a propensity to attend ultra-Conservative have been abandoned"; "Member Farming" and rallies for young activists at home and abroad so on.

Heard on the grapevine that the Fumbler wants Quick having joined the ranks of the to stay on for two more terms, making 30 years Administrative Committee, and most recently as as an MP. While his recent 20 years as an MP Vice President, has not held back, providing Big Birthday Bash was a big of a fizzer, with Mrs much commentary from inside the Committee. The Rainbow Warrior has a list of 250 Fumbler struggling to sell 100 tickets (5 for each members he wants investigated and year of "service") and only two MP's turning up, Most recently Quick distributed yet another suspended. It seems to be common Fumbler says he has more work to do. In fact, he missive "Quick Federal Update" where he knowledge now. Particularly since the says he has only just begun! Hold on to your pontificates endlessly on the virtues (according rainbow Warrior has added the names seats! to Quick) of the extraordinarily early federal pre- of the requisitions. He says they (we the selections, including: "... (Federal) MPs have grass roots) are disloyal. What is he, Word reaches Abalinx Offices that the become addicted to not having to face the judge, jury and executioner? What a Mornington Peninsula Seagull may be members....."; ".....Federal MPs want to put their joke this clown is! moonlighting as a land developer down that way. own factional shenanigans ahead of the Party's Is Seagull the new John Woodman on the needs....". All this from his position of Vice More recently the rainbow warrior has Peninsula? Does Seagull have Accreditation to President. Wow! added the names of the Special State act as a developer? Is Seagull using Liberal Council Meeting requisitions to his list Party contacts amassed when he worked as an Quick even went to the extent of contributing to for investigation and suspension, Electorate Officer to conduct his new venture? an Australian Financial Review article "Vic making his list about 400 members! Surely not! Liberals being 'ripped apart' by faction fight" State Council delegates should prepare where he was quoted as saying "Many members for some very, very long State Avid readers of In-the-Loop will have observed have lost faith in Party processed" and "I have Assembly Meetings! Crazy stuff! that local Branch, SEC and FEC fundraising has produced three newsletters... sent to thousands almost ground to a halt. Is this another indication of people in the Party, and not a single thing I've Investigations into the alleged money of how badly the Victorian Division is performing written has ended up in the media". Really Ian! laundering schemes and misuse of under Robert Clark and his clowns on the Unbelievable! Liberal party campaign funds is still administrative committee? How will local state under way. Members of interest are and federal campaigns in 2022 be funded if no Somehow, Quick appears to be immune from being contacted individually. money has been raised locally? Party proceedings for his commentary, and Researchers are compiling the exempt from admonishment. How can this be? evidence Avid readers of In-the-Loop will have observed Especially when Peter Adamis is being hauled that local Branch, SEC and FEC fundraising has over the coals for his Abalinx ENewsletter? Allegations, of links between a member almost ground to a halt. Is this another indication Hardly seems fair, particularly when Quick, from in the East, challenging a long sitting of how badly the Victorian Division is performing his exalted position as a member of the Federal member and that of the under Robert Clark and his clowns on the Administrative Committee, and Vice President, is Opposition Leader. It smells of a administrative committee? one of the judges and executioners. Please conspiracy. More to come. explain! More about Mr. Ian Quick soon!

In my view as President, the behaviour The Fumbler's an unappreciative snivelling of the organisers of these multiple squealer! When the Fumbler was under the requisitions is becoming increasingly pump during Michael Kroger's presidency, he ran wild and irresponsible. Robert Clark 29 squealing to Michael Kroger seeking support. January 2020. Michael Kroger did the right thing as President and supported the Fumbler to the hilt. Ms Okotel refuted claims the Liberal Party had a problem with women, but Ever since Michael Kroger's retirement the insisted officials had to do more to Fumbler has viciously derided his service to the respond to complaints. 1 August 2019 Party at every Party gathering he attends and all

Imported from South Africa, Frank Greenstein over Facebook. That's appreciation or you! The works his magic on locals at Footscray Luna Fumbler's all class! Festival yesterday. Frank loves nothing more than a good multicultural festival to harvest support for Scott Ryan's faction! Little do Frank's new friends know that they will be used as pawns in his renowned factional shenanigans?

Shameful, maybe, but it’s nothing new as many a young Liberals have found out that once their use by date is over, Frank is not there for them.

There are no factions in the Liberal party. Malcolm Turnbull.

Missing Persons! Has anyone seen: Karina Okotel, Joshua Bonney, Grant Hutchinson, Billy Rizopoulos, Michael Horner, Chrissie Stow, Jan Millard, Marijke Rancie, Moira Deeming, Andrew Deeming, Fran Henderson, Frank Greenstein, Sean Armistead, Peter Angelico, Holly Byrne, Peter McWilliam, Ian Hocking, Cassandra Marr and Hamish Jones?

It is often observed that the Liberal Party is a broad church. Robert Clark

Christine Stow is not happy at all with the attention and her words alone demonstrate her annoyance. Well done Christine. You tell them. Don’t let the ‘guys’ bully you.

Double standards or what! How come Peter They all seem to have vanished. Their friends Adamis has fallen foul of Clark's Administrative may be looking for them. They'll likely turn up at Committee for his ENewsletter, when Ian Quick Scott Ryan's Great Australia Day Barbecue in and his Quick Liberal News get off “Scott” free? What gives here? Political immunity? Witness’s March. Yes, that's right, Scott Ryan is having Australia Day in March! (Someone forgot to tell protection? Fair go Clarky! Captain Cook!)

GRASS ROOT OPINION. Concerned Liberal members in the West are perennially dismayed when the announcements of Patron seats for Senators is delivered to find that Sen Scott Ryan is again allocated to some west metro/regional areas as patron. For how many years has this been the case and for how many years has he been the glaring missing quantity in the west? His Moonee Ponds office is a ghost house, the one staff member there famous for spending his days becoming expert in ‘Game of Thrones’.

Does the Hon Senator even know the way to Melbourne’s west is the common cry??? He’s made a couple of VERY rare appearances over his parliamentary terms when called on by The Fumbler to appear as speaker at an event, he gives a potted delivery then is widely famous for having to depart as soon as possible. Even where an event is held in his own office, he’s mostly notable for his absence or leaves immediately after his ‘few words of welcome’.

Where was the Hon Senator during all recent election campaigns in the west? You would consider wouldn’t you that, given his own vote result is dependent on raking in the federal numbers, that he would show a least a modicum of interest, even perhaps turn up once, or be in touch with campaign organisers to offer support …. You guessed it, it never happens!!!! Not only is he a blank space, it translates to his office as well. A hard working campaign committee member tells the story of how very hard it was to prize an item from the Hon’s office to use as a raffle prize. The answer was... ‘Oh, our cupboard is bare, we’ve had so much going on we haven’t had time to do anything about such items.’ It was also devilishly hard to get some help in the middle of the pre-polling period in a federal election, the booth’s a stone’s throw from the Hon’s office, when we’d run out of absentee voter guides …. Seemed to take the office about half a day to print a few.

The Fumbler’s record in this regard is worse actually given he doesn’t have to be away for his job. Campaigning groups and local activists never have to be concerned about The Fumbler missing an opportunity to join in campaigning events and tasks, he happily misses all of but has been known on an occasion or two to notify folk with an apology as he has ..’a family emergency (the family apparently is always suffering one serious crisis or another), or ..’I’m out campaigning in Sunbury’ where he was never seen by the way, we’ve checked.

There have been a few rare occasions when he’s arrived to join in at a campaigning location, manages a quick photo opportunity then has to fly as he has …. yes, another family emergency ….we know then that the “Review’ publication must be needing a few more mug shots to fill its empty spaces… spaces which would nicely match it’s empty, banal rhetoric and meaningless reporting anyway . His other favourite escapism, as it’s been reported, is to turn up for the usual ‘hellos’, and then be seen sitting in his car around a corner with his coffee and the paper.

How sad it is to relate such dismal accounts from the west but all true. We lament, then dream of the day when we may have at least one parliamentary member in the west who actually DOES SOMETHING IN THE WEST!!! At the moment this space is glaringly BLANK!!

A major question arises regarding the possibility of Robert Clark’s and the Rainbow Warrior’s plan to use State Assembly to prosecute recalcitrant members when Clark’s Assemblies are now famous for not being able to raise a quorum … but then of course, he’s very famous for fudging this as well, disguising the fact very cunningly, hiding his embarrassment behind a smoke screen provided by SQ who is known for his quick draw out of the holster to secure from computer attendance data translated into a scribbled note to the El Presidento who then proceeds unabashed, unashamed from the podium ignoring calls to reveal attendance numbers.

On another famous occasion, El Presidento shot to stardom by cancelling State Assembly in his opening welcome, cunningly forgetting to mention that a quorum hadn’t been reached and smugly announcing he’s now determining that the meeting would be an ‘informal gathering’ . Members were further disillusioned, especially those who’d travelled long distances to honour their obligations as delegates, believing that El Presidento may be turning on a happy event with Christmas festivities and even a happy hour as Christmas was so close, but no, Christmas or well-wishing wasn’t part of his remit.

In fact not one mention of thanks to hard working, sacrificial volunteers was to be heard let alone wishes for their well-being or enjoyment of end of year festivities. Does El Presidento ever show any bonhomie or pleasure in associations with members? Has anyone ever seen it? Is this one of the many missing ingredients marring his presidency??

It has been raised with El Presidento repeatedly that if he focuses on anything, he should focus on stopping the leaks to the press so evidently coming from the Admin Committee. A member reports that when she raised this El Presidento replied ‘Yes, this should be stopped, I can’t have this happening in my presidency!!’ So what was his focus then, was it looking after Party interests …. Clearly not! THE DARK SIDE ROGUES GALLERY


Bullying and sexual assault allegations have plagued the Liberal Party for the last year. Senior officials deny they have a "woman problem" but concede the party's culture needs to change. They say adopting a code of conduct shows the party is committed looking after its members. Parliamentarians and people in positions of influence, whether they like it or not have a responsibility to demonstrate the very values created by Sir Robert Menzies post World War 2. The Liberal party has strayed much from its original mooring and like a lost ship it needs to be salvaged before it sinks in the depths of political oblivion.

The allegations of disgraceful behaviour are like an iceberg. An iceberg of gigantic proportions and larger than the one that sank the Titanic. In this case the Iceberg is heading towards Robert Clark Clark may struggle for a quorum at State and his gang of Ten on the Administrative Committee supported by members of the Constitutional Assembly on Friday night. Delegates are committee. Robert Clark has a mere four months to clean their act up before they are removed tired of Clark and can't wait to see the unceremoniously from the positions of responsibility. Our women, young Liberals and staffers are back of him and the clowns he calls the at risk by those intent on preying on them. Administrative Committee, in May.

The National Code of Conduct has come at the right time, but many are questioning how it will be He has failed to achieve a quorum at the enforced. Women in particular are being targeted by males and men are being intimidated and last two meetings and things aren't threatened by those in powerful positions. The Liberal party across the nation needs to clean up its looking good for Friday night. Added to act before it is too late. The following allegations are but the tip of the iceberg. this, Delegates are still furious about the rude manner in which Clark abruptly and We have had instances where some brave women have come out and spoke against sexual rudely dismissed Senator Sarah harassment and intimidation, only to be spoken to by others that it was not in the interest of the Henderson at the December State party. But then again there were other women in strong and entrenched positions of power and Assembly meeting. influence that failed miserably to stand up to the bullies in the Liberal party. These powerful women had the opportunity and yet did not do what was the right thing. I guess that power and influence Since the agenda for Friday night features are seductive political drugs, difficult to be weaned off. Like Cocaine, morphine and other drugs of an introduction to the new National Code dependence, it takes a strong will and courage to tell it as it is. of Conduct, Delegates are incredulous to think that they are to receive a lecture on I am not convinced that the National Code of Conduct is enough and that more is needed to weed ".....treating others with dignity, courtesy out the undesirables that bring the Liberal Party into disrepute. I am not saying that we should and respect, enabling everyone to forget about the past, but merely learn from that such behaviour will not be condoned. We must contribute in a cohesive manner to our keep in mind that although many are too embarrassed to report them, we must stand by those that objectives as set out in our Constitution do. If we fail to support them, then we fail to do our duty as a member of this society. The following ..... Free from discrimination, vilification, are but some of the incidents that have occurred. bullying, harassment or other inappropriate behaviour". 1. A former Young Liberal member, said that in 2015 a Liberal staffer forced himself onto her in her home. Meanwhile, Clark and his gang of ten 2. Former high profile parliamentarian accused of sexual harassment, pleads not guilty to the supported by the Constitutional alleged assault by a female admirer. Committee have complaints regarding 3. State Parliamentarian accused of unwanted advances onto a female member of his staff. inappropriate conduct piling up at 60 Member of Parliament denies allegations. Collins Street, and no credible and 4. Bullying and intimidation of a former female adviser to a high profile parliamentarian. Female transparent process in place to manage adviser unable to find employment as she is black listed. them. Appalling! 5. State Parliamentarian found drunk and disorderly in a public place. Threatens to destroy the Liberal party hierarchy. 6. Secretarial staff have been intimidated and threatened in the past by members and parliamentarians. Volunteer campaign managers have been threatened and intimidated whilst operating out of the Secretariat. 7. Parliamentarians found in excess of the legal requirement whilst at the wheel. Not once but twice and three times. 8. Liberal Party members accosting female staff at local restaurants in the Melbourne City area after attending State Assembly meetings. 9. Two women who say they were sexually assaulted while working for senior politicians have blasted the Liberal Party's culture, as pressure grows for action on a long-awaited review ordered in the wake of last year's federal leadership turmoil. 10. Former Liberal senator says party must reform after ‘deplorable’ sexual assault allegations. MEMBERS CONTRIBUTIONS: To ensure transparency and fair play, we seek member’s contributions. By using the Abalinx ENewsletter charter as a guide, keep comments short and simple without provocation, malicious language or anything of a defamatory nature and they shall be published.

Your views are important. Please address them to Abalinx ENewsletter at: [email protected] This is your chance to express your views. Contributor’s names will not be published if requested. All Abalinx ENewsletters may be found at Due to an increase in feedback we have incorporated as many feedback comments as humanly possible. We apologise for not including everyone’s contributions.

Scott Morrison and Josh Frydenberg certainly have their hands full - there's the drought; the bushfires; the Corona virus and the Victorian Division to contend with! Welcome to 2020!

Since I have been receiving Abalinx ENews Letters, I have not laughed so much. Keep up the good work. Don’t let them get to you, keep exposing them for who they are.

I used to be a member of the Liberal party for many years and left in disgust. It is good to see that some has the courage to stand up to those in power and tell it like it is.

Robert Clark does not deserve to be President. He had a good job as the Attorney General and lost his seat. Why did he think that he could become President? What did he think he was going to do? Change the world. He has now sullied his once squeaky clean image by surrounding himself with a bunch of no bodies.

Another political activist who tried to infiltrate the North was Jacquie Douglass. Jacquie Douglass underestimated the Northern alliance held together by Peter Adamis and instead ended up working for Craig Ondarchie. Jacquie Douglas attempts to reconcile herself with those of different ethnic cultures and communities failed because of her alleged hostility towards new arrivals and as such used them instead. These new members quickly woke up to her and dumped her and paid only token friendship towards her.

Having exposed the internal manifesto of Scott Ryan and his acolytes, Liberal party members should be asking questions what they knew about, the alleged corruptive practices, the alleged hidden financial ‘money laundering’ and the manipulation of candidates and a generation of young Liberals. The case of the State Director, Damien Mantach’s previous misdemeanours, but employed him anyway. The deliberate erosion of Party membership and working towards concentrating power in the hands of a few.

Members must look forward to the May State Council elections and reflect on the above and consider carefully who they should endorse as the next President and a new Administrative Committee. Choose wisely or see another eight years in political purgatory.

If I were to pinpoint where the good ship Liberal party Victoria left its moorings and shifted away from port, I would say it was when Jeff Kennett lost the election back in the nineties. When Jeff Kennett lost the Frankston by-election as a result of my mate Peter McLennan passing away on the eve of the election, (Peter was the member for Frankston).

Christine Stow was one of their political spies who tried to make out that she was a political activist and who was year after year denied any responsible position or role in the North. Finally she decided to move onto pastures more suited to her political preferences. Preferences that were controlled by none other than her political mentors, Scott Ryan and Frank Greenstein and her mate the Fumbler.

Just what are all these Committees created by Robert Clark and his Administrative Committee think they are doing. What has happened to the Candidates program is it going the same way as the young Leaders that was used by Scott Ryan and Company. In my time we had qualified people with experience in life, political, training and campaigning techniques. Our role was to identify, those capable of meeting campaign schedules, ability to find solutions, follow the advice of their mentors, spoke well, presented themselves in manner that was acceptable to their electorate and able to absorb information and work well with people. What is in place now is jobs for the boys and girls only good for pasting stamps on envelopes.

We can thank Robert Clark for another twelve years of opposition. Well done Clarky. You had help from you friends on Admin to assist you.

Don’t know who you are at all, but what you are doing is helping me understand the mechanisms behind the veil of secrecy that is currently being displayed to those of us who are volunteers. Thank you.

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute, Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]




This week’s ENews Letter 15 is a special edition on Ian Quick. His beliefs, sayings, quotes, tantrums and idiotic statements deserve to be published again and again so that members within the Victorian Division are refreshed of the shenanigans carried out by Ian Quick.

ENews Letters are as result of Ian Quicks Emails to members. Nothing has been done to or to Karina Okotel or Ian Quick reprimand them for them for political disloyalty to the Liberal party.

WHAT IS BEING DONE ABOUT QUICK? This is the most frequently asked question asked at all Liberal Party meetings and events. Members are tired of Ian Quick’s domineering demeanour, intimidation, bullying, lecturing and his infamous Quick newsletters. Ian Quick expounds an opinion on every subject imaginable, particularly on all matters relating to the Liberal Party. Members have had enough of Ian Quick. Members ask “What has Ian Quick contributed to the Victorian Division?” The answer is not much of any value.

Locally, Ian Quick drove the members of Burwood SEC mad with his domineering and insufferable It is now being alleged that as a result style. Following the loss of Burwood at the 2018 Victorian state election, under Ian Quick’s chairmanship of Ian Quicks emails to members, (SEC and Campaign Committee) he quickly transferred out to Hawthorn SEC. Word has it that a huge membership has fallen to an all-time sigh of relief was breathed at a Burwood. One can only imagine the response from Hawthorn SEC low. From approximately 12,000 in members. 2018 it has now dropped to approximately 8,000 members. Ian Quick has been / is a member of almost every Liberal Party committee known to man and woman, including of course, the Administrative Committee, where he is Metropolitan Male Vice President. He It is alleged that Robert Clark and his dominates all committees on which he sits, boring members to tears with his self-styled encyclopaedic gang of ten through their witch hunts, knowledge on every topic imaginable. investigations, and un-Australian political actions have failed in their Ian Quick’s hobbyhorse is the Party’s Constitution though, which he elaborates on at every available duty as office bearers. opportunity, and with great verve. The only problem is that he frequently interprets the Constitution to suit his own purposes at the time. A particular current case in point concerns the requisition for a Special It is alleged that that Ian Quick and State Council Meeting. Ian Quick is vehemently opposed to members exercising their constitutional Sean Armistead aspire to the right to hold a Special State Council Meeting. How dare they! Ian Quick has an unfortunate inability to Presidency and if not successfully listen to anyone but himself, leading to poor decisions, particularly on any committee that he chairs. preferred the role of State Director. A bit farfetched and beyond their State President, Robert Clark, indebted to Ian Quick for his election as president via the Quick block of capabilities. votes, (and Scott Ryan and Karina Okotel blocks) has compromised his ability to lead the Party to such an extent that anarchy now prevails. Robert Clark has been known to refer to Ian Quick as an expert Allegations of misconduct are rife on the Constitution, ICT, Property and Finance, to mention just a few. within all major parties and although the Liberal party has embraced the Ian Quick has established a Party member data base, illegally, and inclusive of almost all members of National Code of Conduct it appears the Victorian Division, from which he distributes his Quick Liberal News. He has used his Quick Liberal that it should be reviewed. Marija News extensively to denigrate fellow Party members, and particularly the Party leadership. He Taflaga and Katrine Beauregard of commenced his commentary as an ordinary Party member, continued as a member of the the ABC discussed the reasons Administrative Committee, and more recently as Vice President. Why stop now? why in their article some six months ago. Yet nothing appears From time to time there has been the added confusion of multiple Quick publications: “Quick Liberal to have been doe to alleviate the News”, “Quick News” and “Real Quick News” etc. For a while concerns women have in the there it seemed that even Ian Quick was Liberal Party. Liberals have confused about which was which! As readers of this lowbrow commentary we certainly were! It is the requested that the National Code Quick Liberal News that most infuriates Party members though, producing the questions: “How does of Conduct be reviewed. Ian Quick get away with it?” and “What is being done about Quick?” ABALINX NEWS LETTER TEAM CONDUCT A ‘QUICK’ ANALYSIS OF EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE ABALINX ENEWS EARLY PRE-SELECTIONS

The Abalinx ENews team met to discuss who the most despised member of the Administrative Committee was.

To decide the winner, Abalinx ENews conducted an ‘Early Pre-selection’ to ascertain who would be the winner.

Mind you there were many contenders and besides the President, Sean Armistead, Amy Johnson, Many members had stories of problems in State Assembly is a significant body in Owen Guest and Holly Byrne, Ian Quick by far their area of the party, but say if they speak out the Party; indeed it has some powers deserved to be crowned with ‘D’ tag. they will be verbally abused, harassed, and that Admin does not. The Constitution

intimidated. Ian Quick governs key elements of State The twenty Abalinx ENews delegates having been Assembly, and also gives it power to advised in advance attended the meeting at an I find it appalling that the party has got to the make 'Standing Orders' to govern how undisclosed location the ‘Early Pre-selection. After a point that members are legitimately afraid to it runs. Ian Quick few sherbets for medicinal purposes only the discuss issues. Ian Quick discussions took place. The Constitution requires a meeting to

This is the party of free speech and be held every two months, with notice The delegates analysed and took into account all of responsible behavior - why is it that we now to go out 7 days before hand, and the Ian Quick emails, the Abalinx articles, listened to seem to be more like the ALP with intolerance creates a 'Steering Committee' to various acrimonious testimonies by the delegates for members asking questions or wanting effectively run it. Steering Committee and considered the recent actions of Ian Quick on proper processes? Ian Quick calls the meetings, and also sets the the current Administrative Committee. agenda, as per the Standing Orders.

This is definitely not the party I and many Ian Quick The articles by Abalinx written in the year 2018 after others joined, which is why quite a few a string of emails were despatched by Ian Quick members have told me they are not planning I could fill this entire newsletter with a revealed the character of Ian Quick. It appeared that to renew their membership over the coming report of the meeting, but instead want the articles were written specifically for a whole new weeks. Ian Quick to concentrate on some of procedure generation of young Liberals who were monitoring issues that concerned me. Ian Quick the battle raging within the Liberal Party. So many Victorian members are now feeling

powerless in their own party. Ian Quick I may address other issues in a future A List of those are articles are shown below: newsletter, but I want to see if they get

It's about proper governance, accountability resolved before commenting on them. A. Ian Quicks skill with the quill and the duty for all of us to ask probing Ian Quick

questions – even where they are B. The black fox – Ian Quick uncomfortable. Ian Quick Being a party member was always C. Quick to be investigated (well, it used to be) a two way street – Many people are appalled – and for often you give your time and money, and the D. A Quick Response conflicting reasons. But if we as a party don't party gives you a say in pre-selections care for the rule of law. Ian Quick and the members of parliament should E. Liberal Ian Quick threatened with expulsion listen to you. Ian Quick But with pre-selections now not in the hand of Never before in the history of the Liberal Party had the membership in Victoria, instead in the If you have an opinion about what is there been such acts of devilry, disloyalty and hands of a small number of "faceless men", going on in Canberra, or in Victoria, undermining of a leader of the opposition (Matthew serious questions need to be asked on how contact your local Member/Candidate Guy and that of the President (Michael Kroger). that may have influenced votes in Canberra. and let them know your views. Ian Ian Quick Quick These articles obviously affected the voting and it was not a difficult choice to make. Although to be I think it is a new low point, but stand to be Contact members of Admin (all their fair, there was one who voted for the President, corrected if members want to send my what details are on the party web site). Robert Clark. Still one vote out of twenty is a very they think the lowest point of this (used to be) Ian Quick good effort on the part of Robert Clark. A pity that wonderful Victorian Division of the Liberal these votes were not a State Election preselection, Party. Ian Quick I find this all a very sad comment on the Ian Quick would have won hands down. state of our party. Ian Quick


ENGAGING THE BRAIN BEFORE IT IS Ideas that are not compatible TALKING ABOUT? TRANSMITTED TO ONES MOUTH. with ones actions tend to IS IT THE PRESIDENT become lost in the wilderness. Don't accept any of these deflections as an answer, What do we do when the President of and don't let the topic be changed! Ian Quick the party deliberately withholds Faceless men don’t like being held to account information from the members, and lets I have produced three newsletters (this is the fourth), - but I'm certainly not going to stop no matter the meeting drag on to the point that sent to hundreds of people in the party, and not a how loudly they complain. Ian Quick people he doesn't want voting leave? single thing I've written has ended up in the media. Ian Quick Yet (for example) a meeting of just 4 senior Certainly if you wanted a say in key pre- members ended up in a full featured article in the selections, there is not much point being here What do we do when the President and newspaper. Ian Quick under the current management. Ian Quick ruling faction have seemingly no interest in anything resembling Where does that leave the rest of us? Should we use I was told by the president that I had no respecting members and proper the media as a tool in the internal battle over the authority to move a motion on Admin, and that processes? Once again, he’s treating control/future of the party? Certainly, Admin and the he as Chair rejected it. Yet Admin members in us all with absolute contempt. Ian Quick Parliamentary party haven't seemed to have a his faction have moved circular resolutions! problem with. Ian Quick Ian Quick I find it almost unbelievable that the President and Admin are going with a I was getting tired of being compared with some First of all, I would like to thank Russell Joseph fabrication about records been lost, and Chilean dictator (I prefer El Presidento, for life), so I who is hell-bent on the truth about him not then blatantly ignoring the constitution. thought I would take on the role of Saddam's getting out and keeps trying to get my Ian Quick Comical Ali instead (circa 2003). Ian Quick accounts closed down what he fails to realise we have a membership 1,782 and so its I, and others, have requested that the I am taking a lot of flak for killing democracy in the like door after the horse has bolted, and I have President should appoint a different party, so want to make up some excuses and try and many accounts. Chair to Steering Committee (as he has redirect to another topic. Ian Quick Ian Quick the power to do), preferable somebody who knows what the rules are and is Oh shit, I just realised most of you are probably What do we do now the party has become, for prepared to follow them. He has so far hearing I cancelled party democracy for the first all practical and ethical purposes, the ALP? declined to do so. Ian Quick time. Maybe I shouldn't have sent this email. When we have gone from the most democratic Ian Quick division of the Liberal Party to probably the I've been getting quite a few phone least? Ian Quick calls from confused members since the Unlike many other parts of the constitution that President sent out an extraordinary (unfortunately) rely on common sense and normal When factional loyalty counts for more than email a few hours ago. processes to say that the party can't do the opposite. competency or work done for the party? Ian Quick Ian Quick I have asked the Party President to do something about the abuse I received. This is being done by Admin so it can be a factional I have complained to the State Director. Who So far I have had no response or any pick into a guaranteed spot in parliament. Another did nothing! Ian Quick sign of action. Ian Quick nail in the party democracy coffin. Ian Quick If you have a problem keep raising it until you The decision was planned for a year He is the one who has just done something get an answer relevant to the problem. Ian ago and you should all just get over it. unprecedented in the history of State Assembly. Ian Quick Ian Quick Quick

As usual we try and make ENews as interesting as possible. In this edition of ENews from around the State we have selected Peter Angelico. Tim Wilson and Amy Johnson to take out the grapevine prizes.

After much discussion with our contributors It was not easy to distinguish between the three who got the first bottle of wine from the grapevine. As such it was decided that all three contestants should be awarded a bottle each. Well done Peter, Tim and Amy.

PETER ANGELICO. Peter Angelico proves yet again Liberal Party was right not to pre-select him or endorse him over the years of failed political activism. Peter in his usual tactless COMPASS STATE TALES manner took to Web Warriors to unload on two of the government’s popular ministers, Josh Frydenberg and Michael At the recent Romsey-Lancefield General Sukkar. meeting. All the barrels were loaded and almost all attendees paid out one member He and his mate Steve Holland made themselves look pretty for refusing to sanction a McEwen pre- foolish last week after having their mates on Admin like Sean selection. Armistead brief journalists about Steve Holland the ‘Wonder Kid’ intention to challenge Frydenberg and Sukkar The music went back and forth. After the meeting this member approached another Predictably Stevie and Angelico didn’t see their sabre rattle member (Richard Cranium – aka RC) and through; in a similar way to their own political careers. We wish advised him that he would be at his place them well in their endeavours to recruit the remaining members to pick up another trailer on Wednesday. of the Angelico family to the South East Business Branch. RC told him that he could not go to his place, and besides the trailers were not there. The member asked where they TIM WILSON. Tim Wilson staffer Daniel Elberg made quite as were and he replied that they were not at stir on the Caulfield Young Liberals Face book page (during his place. office hours) attempting to rally naïve young Liberals to support his employers factional electoral ticket. Members over the The member told him that he would be years have grown tired of local MPs having their staff do the having the trailers sign-written, and he told grubby and muddy of politics. me that he refused to allow me to sign write the trailers. Maybe Tim Wilson should spend less time in Sydney and more time in Goldstein. We wish Daniel all the best cutting his teeth The member reminded RC that they are for the Turnbull Left Faction of the Victorian Division Liberal not his trailers and that he would be at his Party. A bottle of red for Tim Wilson’s efforts. Keep up your place on Wednesday to collect one or two carbon footprint Tim. and the number plate for the trailer that I now hold. It appears that the discussion got rather heated by RC and his son. AMY JOHNSON. Country Vice President Amy Johnson weighs in on the debate on pill testing. An enthusiastic The member reminded RC that the trailers supporter of pill testing Amy attempts poorly to persuade South are to be registered according to the law. Eastern heavy weight Inga Peulich on the merits of State (For their use). RC and his son selected ecstasy. strenuously insisted that they do not have to be registered, to which the member Perhaps Amy’s enthusiasm has been stirred on by the raucous replied that he was the one who was rabble of the reprobates she brought to the Ballarat Annual advised by Police that they needed to be General meeting late last year. We are all ecstatic. registered. The son of RC responded that Police do not know the law. Inga Peulich on the other hand, bless her soul is a champion for all the right causes and it’s a great pity that she lost her seat The member left in disgust at the lack of in the last State election. She still has much to offer the Victorian cooperation and will now be making Division. additional enquiries regarding registration. GRASS ROOTS LETTER 1.

ELECTORATE OF FLINDERS. As members down South we must say that what you (ENews) write is hard hitting and goes to the core of much of the Party problems.

The leadership is weak for sure and the November 2018 coup on the Administrative committee left members floundering and the Party with weak new leaders.

Many of us who were in attendance at the Obviously, you have to be fractionally Recall Annual General Meeting held at Flinders aligned with the President to be able to (Rosebud RSL) last Thursday night witnessed move a motion on Admin. Ian Quick that Ian Quick was again the Returning Officer (RO) as he was on the disastrous night in late We note that senior members of the December. Administrative Committee now admit the real reason for the accelerated At that time Ian Quick and Russel Joseph tried to engineer an invalid State Council delegate preselection timetable has always been to election. In all our years as members we have never seen a greater debacle. Four acknowledged support particular factional candidates (in Liberal members in the area applied to stand but had their names omitted from the ballot paper particular for the electorate of Menzies), by (that we had all seen the day before) and was in the e-mail correct. We advised Ian Quick disenfranchising hundreds of party immediately we saw the omissions and he must, as the Returning Officer, stop the ballot as it was members who would have been able to invalid. He refused. vote at pre-selections held later in 2020 or 2021. Andrew Asten A lot of letters went into the Secretariat the very next day and as such they had to redo the ballot last Thursday night. We could not believe it, but Ian Quick was nominated by the Chair to be the Returning Officer yet again. Robert Clark spoke also. Suffice to say, that evening, Russell Joseph’s hold on power was broken as a result of member’s dissatisfaction with his actions.

Yes we have real problems in this Party and no one is leading. We believe that many of the people at the helm have really lost the plot. It’s the Labor Party which we are fighting against yet we expend so much energy and money fighting each other. And for what?

Ian Quick on the other hand has stated in one of numerous emails to members that he has “never heard of another AGM where this has occurred. Normal practice is that the meeting is opened, there are reports, it is then handed to a returning officer who does the election, which may include candidate speeches before the voting. In this case this did not occur, with many members coming, When will Christine Stow learn that not all voting, and leaving before the meeting”. What utter rubbish, Mr. Quick. No wonder he is being social media friends are truly friends but ridiculed and made a fool of in ENewsletters. A good response to Ian Quick. individuals wearing masks and invisible cloaks. How many of them are pseudo GRASS ROOTS LETTER 2. profiles and how many have infiltrated her circle of social media platform. Best to test them all and then realise that what one Robert Clark and his gang wait for the Big One in May! In what will prove to be a pyrrhic victory sees is not what they seem. Just trying to for the inept, hapless, and now malevolent, Robert Clark, and the gang of ten clowns on his be helpful that’s all. Administrative Committee, the signatories to the requisitions for a Special State Council Meeting will likely now revoke their requisitions. Robert Clark, his clowns, and the discredited Constitution It seems that being personally abusive to Committee, have (mis)interpreted the Constitution to suit their own scurrilous and devious aims. party members is fine, but raising issues They have defied convention. And they have, contrary to the Constitution, disallowed the motions that need discussing is a problem. Is this of substance, thus rendering the Special State Council meeting impotent. the ALP? Ian Quick

What a disgrace Robert Clark and his gang of ten are! Who would have thought that Robert Clark would turn out to the leader of what may be termed a “junta-like” operation that is the Administrative Committee of the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party?

It now remains for the State Council delegates to pass judgement on President Robert Clark, Vice Presidents Ian Quick, Holly Byrne, Matt Makin and Amy Johnson, Owen Guest, Sean Armistead, Cassandra Marr, Karen Egan and Russell Joseph, at the Annual General Meeting / State Council in May.

Bring it on! Looking forward, the new leadership must work to strengthen the Constitution to ensure that a gang of ten cannot capture the Party by means of a coup-like operation like this ever Are they Climate Change protesters or again. merely fed up Liberal party members. The sign says it all. “Rober t Clark and his gang of ten must resign now” . GRASS ROOTS LETTER 3. NEVER FORGET Branch Stacking - A point of view or a matter of who is calling the kettle black. Branch THOSE RESPONSIBLE stacking despite the apparatus put into place to stop such practices is still going on in a subtle yet devious way. But what is stacking really all about members ask. Is it about members of parliament afraid of being challenged, or is it merely god strategic play by the challengers. There are positives and negatives for such actions and it would depend upon who you prefer to believe. If a member of parliament does his or her job well then there would be no need for alleged branch stacking to occur. To obtain another point of view I researched and fond that Ian Quick, current a member of the Administrative Committee had a point of view regarding branch stacking.

“What is Stacking and why it is bad for the party? Wikipedia (again) has a good definition ( stacking) but a summary is joining up party members whose whole engagement with the party will be turning up to vote (or proxy their vote to someone else) at AGM, preselection’s, State Council etc. It's pretty clear who these new members are, they won't respond to phone calls or emails, don't come to branch or EC meetings, don't come to fund raisers etc. In itself that might not be 'Branch Stacking' - we have quite a few members who want to belong to the party but don't have time to be actively engaged - however the difference with these members is they will come to meetings when there is a vote on, and will vote a factional ticket.”

Ian Quick March 2018. In view of Ian Quicks point of view, I find it odd that he has not targeted Bill Rizopoulos an alleged branch stacker in the West and asked him a few poignant questions regarding his recruiting activities over a sudden surge in new members. Maybe its farming as Ian Quick has so famously put it in one of his numerous “QUICK EMAILS”. Whatever the case may be, this is an excellent demonstration of who is calling the kettle black by Ian Quick. Do as I say not as I do is another saying that can best describe.


ENews Letters may be a good response to Ian Quicks emails, yet they don’t seem to publicise what is exactly that must be done to rectify or bring about unity within the Liberal party. It is true that ENews Letters are exposing the inadequacies and poor leadership of Robert Clark, but what is the alternative. I have yet to see any solutions being offered in return. True occasionally a writer has contributed some information regarding the party structure and the need to bring together the diverse opinions of the many under one umbrella, but it is not enough.

Readers would like to see concrete policies and strategies that will unite the party and not concentrate so much on the inadequacies of the current administration, poor as it may be. Yes we have seen a decline in membership, yes we have more factions than before, yes we have issues of financial shortfalls and finally we have failed to see events to raise funds for the elections in the future.


You may be aware that the Administrative Committee has taken a series of extraordinary positions, to rule out the substance or the whole of each of the three petitions. To be clear, the constitution does not give the Administrative Committee any power to do this - they have been doing it for their own reasons. They have even gone so far as to refuse a validly-submitted motion to spill the roles of the Administrative Committee, and have confirmed that even if a no- confidence motion was passed in relation to the Administrative Committee, they would ignore it and refuse to step down. This is truly extraordinary.

In this context, they are proposing to hold a special meeting of State Council to consider only the residual matters of the petitions, which would have no practical effect for the Liberal Party whatsoever. This would be a waste of time and resources for the party, and is not something we should support. Therefore in our view, and the views of many of you who we have spoken with in recent days, we should revoke the petitions, and instead allow party members to cast their judgment on the conduct of the relevant members of the Administrative Committee at the next annual elections in late May 2020. PETER MCWLLIAN & FRANK GREENSTEIN

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute. Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]




The Victorian Division’s recent adoption of the Liberal Party of Australia’s National Code of Conduct, is a much needed (belated) and positive initiative. The LPA National Code of Conduct applies to all staff, contractors, members, volunteers and representatives of the Liberal Party.

The LPA National Code of Conduct commits the Liberal Party to providing a productive, rewarding and healthy workplace and environment for all staff, volunteers, members and representatives.

The LPA National Code of Conduct is available at: (Click on link)

As an indication of the importance of the LPA National Code of Conduct, to the Victorian Division currently, it has been published every week, for several weeks, in the Division’s weekly bulletin “In the Loop”.

Under the LPA National Code of Conduct, every person who undertakes activities on behalf of, in the representation of, as a member of the Liberal Party, should treat others with: a. dignity; Allegations of of misconduct by certain b. courtesy and members of Administrative Committee c. respect are divind the Victorian Division.

Thus enabling everyone to contribute in a cohesive manner to the Party’s objectives as set it in Allegations of mistreatment of electorate the Constitution. staff are rife according to high level sources. Under the LPA National Code of Conduct, everyone is entitled to participate in Party activities in an environment that is free from: a. discrimination; b. vilification; c. bullying; d. harassment and e. other in appropriate behaviour

As can be seen from the above, the LPA National Code of Conduct sets out highly commendable ideals, values, aspirations and objectives for the Liberal Party concerning conduct generally, and in particular, for members. In short, a much needed and valuable internal policy, and one that Grapevine: "How many coffees do these members have been asking for, for a very long time. people think I can drink?" A long-time

Member lamenting the number of requests Now for implementation! Adoption of the LPA National Code of Conduct by Divisions of the received from Karina Okotel, Grant Liberal Party is optional, and as stated above, the Victorian Division has recently adopted the Hutchinson and Billy Rizopoulos to catch up Code. for coffee. Some people never give in!

LPA Procedures for Complaints. “The Liberal Party of Australia is committed to ensuring that Grapevine: Parents at SQ’s son's exclusive allegations of inappropriate behaviour are dealt with promptly, confidentially, and in accordance independent school, on hearing that SQ is with the principles of procedural fairness for all parties involved. Complaints must also be dealt Vice President of the Liberal Party, said they with in accordance with applicable legislation.” - LPA National Code of Conduct will be voting Green! Any wonder!

So good, so far, however, the LPA National Code of Conduct notes that complaints relating to Attendees at State Council in Ballarat in breaches of the Code should be dealt with in accordance with each Division’s complaints and November 2019 were dismayed to find SQ dispute resolution procedures and Constitution. Herein lies a major problem for the Victorian leading a session on "Culture, Conduct, Division. Compliance and Complaints". Oxymoron!

While the Victorian Division has a Disputes Panel, comprised of the four Vice Presidents, and a chairman appointed by the Administrative Committee, this arrangement is unsophisticated and most inadequate. It is not anything like best practice for managing complaints within an organisation. Quite particularly, the composition of Victorian Division’s Disputes Panel leaves it subject to factional bias, and indeed the existing Panel makes no provision for procedural fairness at all.

The form for making an Application to the Disputes Panel.

The provisions in the Constitution of the Victoria Division for suspension or expulsion of members are also unsophisticated and lacking in procedural fairness, whereby the process for dealing with disloyalty, improper conduct, or provision of false or misleading information concerning application for membership, is through a motion to State Assembly, where a two thirds majority vote is required to suspend or expel a member. This is a very rudimentary process, and one that the THE MCEWEN TRAILERS SAGA outcome of which is largely down to a factional vote.

Members would have been made aware in Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division) Constitution: the previous ENews letter of the McEwen

trailers saga. Now the tale continues. 4. Expulsion or Suspension The member seeking the trailers advises

that has one of the McEwen trailers now in 4.1 Grounds and Procedures his possession.

Recent History. During 2019 the Administrative Committee referred a member to State The member apparently advised the Assembly for suspension. Following a lengthy presentation from the State President regarding individual who refused to provide the grounds for suspension of the member, including a plea from the President for delegates to suspend the member, and reference to the need to “strength test” the Constitution, the motion to remaining trailers that he would be out on Wednesday (yesterday) to pick up the suspend the member was lost. remaining trailers. The member was told

that he could not have them and the member For the Victorian Division to be successful, and equally for humanitarian and human rights replied that they are not the individual’s reasons, the Division needs a reputable process and procedure for managing complaints, disputes personal property but belonged to the and misconduct. Adoption of the LPA National Code of Conduct has been a most important and McEwen electorate. positive step towards providing a productive, rewarding and healthy workplace for Party staff, volunteers, members and representatives. The individual in question then advised the

member that they (trailers) were not in his It is now incumbent on the Victorian Division take the next step and establish a proper Complaints possession. The member asked where they and Dispute Resolution Policy, inclusive of a properly formed Complaints and Dispute Resolution were and was advised that he would not be Committee, one that will ensure procedural fairness. The LPA Complaints and Dispute Resolution told of their location. Receiving such a Policy provides sound guidance on the the formation of the policy and the committee. Importantly, negative response the ember thought it was the LPA Complaints and Dispute Resolution Policy specifically notes that none of the members if unwise for him to visit the individual without the Complaints and Dispute Resolution Committee members should be members of the State some form of armed escort. Administrative Committee.

The member retired and went to the local LPA Complaints and Dispute Resolution Policy. police who advised that they will only get

involved if requested by the ember. Suffice Nearly all organisations have developed and implemented Complaints and Dispute Resolution to say, the trailers legally belong to the Policies. These are readily available from their websites. McEwen Federal Electorate Council and the

Police are of the belief that the possession A way forward for the Victorian Division: of the remaining two trailers will be regarded Prepare and adopt a Complaints and Dispute Resolution Policy as theft. Prepare and adopt Constitution amendments, if required

Form a Complaints and Dispute Resolution Committee Although there several options and avenues Promulgate and introduce the Policy and Committee open to members to recover the trailers Review the operation of the Policy and Committee recovered, it would appear that using the

legal option is best. If a charge of theft is That the Victorian Division has until recently operated without a Code of Conduct, and relies upon made against the individual then it places the most rudimentary Dispute Panel, which is subject to factional bias, and most inadequate the individual in the same category as Constitution provisions, also subject to factional bias, is a travesty. Damian Mantach, the ex-State Director, who

went to jail and had his membership At the heart of every successful organisation is a healthy internal climate. The establishment of, cancelled. and maintenance of, a healthy internal climate, requires a Code of Conduct and appropriate processes for effectively managing complaints, disputes and misconduct. For as long as these As stated above, the trailers are the property provisions are not in place, the work of the Victorian Division will be severely hampered! of McEwen FEC and therefore may (subject

to conditions) can be used by members of It is worth noting that Abalinx News Letters having its own Code of Conduct Charter ensures the Federal Electorate Council. This is a that information published adheres not only to the its own charter, but also that of simple case that does not need legal action. and within the spirit of the Liberal National party Code of Conduct. More to come.


EMAIL ONE RECEIVED 5 FEBRUARY 2020 From: Peter Adamis From: Sam McQuestin Date: Fri, Feb 7, 2020 at 5:05 PM Date: Fri, 31 Jan. 2020, 11:04 am Subject: REPLY REFERENCE INVITATION TO ATTEND Subject: RE: Reference to State Assembly ADMINISTRATIVE COMMITTEE To: Peter Adamis To: Robert Clark Dear Mr Adamis Cc: Sam McQuestin

Thank you for your email yesterday. Dear State Director

Administrative Committee last night determined to hold a meeting of the Please forward this to the Administrative Committee. Administrative Committee at 5.30pm on Friday, 7th February to consider matters relating to your conduct, including whether to submit ta motion to State Assembly that he be found guilty of conduct gravely detrimental to As I have just come out of hospital after an operation, I am the best interests of the Party on account of his repeatedly sending to large unable to attend tonight. numbers of Party members newsletters defaming, denigrating and harassing various Party members. I note that you have sent me a very superficial list of documents I have produced without any details of what in each of them is You have the right to be heard at the meeting of 7th If you wish to exercise the subject of the concerns. It is impossible for me to reply that right you can do so either through attendance at the meeting or without specific allegations of what it is that the Administrative through remote participation by video-link or dial-in. Committee objects to.

Could you please let me know should you wish to exercise the right to be heard. I do however note that any allegations of defamatory material is not a matter for the Admin Committee. It is not a Court of Law The Administrative Committee meeting will be at the Secretariat offices, which has the authority to determine whether material is level 2, 60 Collins Street from 5.30pm on Friday the 7th of February. defamatory.

Should you have any queries about this process please don’t hesitate to While some would argue the ruling clique on Admin form a contact me. Kangaroo Court, I certainly do not wish it to make determinations of this nature. Regards As for allegations of breach of the Code of Conduct, it horrifies Sam McQuestin State Director me that a Code designed to protect members in vulnerable positions is being misused to silence critics of those in power. This is disgraceful but not unexpected given that the current EMAIL TWO RECEIVED 5 FEBRUARY 2020 Admin Committee acts more like the Supreme Soviet Politburo of the Cold War than as a servant of the membership. From: Sam McQuestin Date: Wed, 5 Feb. 2020, 4:14 pm As for the Admin Committee, please confirm that Ian Quick and Subject: Material relating to complaints Robert Clark (and others) who have an interest in silencing me To: Peter Adamis because I am criticizing their performance as office bearers will

Dear Mr Adamis take no part in deliberations as to whether to refer me to State Assembly. In your list of publications, they are the people Further to my email of Friday 31st of January please see below the matters allegedly "hurt". I have received specific complaints about. I suspect sadly that I will get no justice from the current 1. ENewsletter Edition 8 of Abalinx Newsletter - with particular reference leadership so I will need to defend myself before my peers at to comments with regard to Mr Sali Miftari State Assembly. It would be too much to hope that they would act in the interests of the Party and resign. 2. ENewsletter Edition 3 - with particular reference to comments with regard to to Mr Russell Joseph contained under the heading Flinders. Yours sincerely

3. ENewsletter Edition 12 - with reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of conduct Peter Adamis Abalinx & Associates Director . 4. ENewsletter Edition 3 - with reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of conduct.

5. ENewsletter Edition 2 - with reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of conduct.

6. ENewsletter Edition 8 - with reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of conduct.

7. ENewsletter Edition 11 - with reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of conduct.

8. ENewsletter Edition 10 - with reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of conduct.

IQ loves the Constitution! Not enough to prevent him from writing a 9. ENewsletter Edition 6 - with reference to comments that it is alleged new one though. The ultimate achievement! Word has it that IQ, The breach the National code of conduct. Prophet, the Seagull and Peter Angelico the South-East controller,

have been burning the midnight-oil working on a brand new 10. ENewsletter Edition 9 - with reference to comments that it is alleged Constitution and it is almost ready to go. This will fixture the Party right breach the National code of conduct. up once and for all!

11. Article entitled “Would the real Karina Okotel please stand up.” - with IQ Liberal News in demand! IQ says he had been receiving lots of reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of positive feedback regarding his famous Quick Liberal Newsletters. conduct. Members want more he says! He says he'll have to oblige!

12. Article entitled “unmasking the prophet alias Grant Hutchinson.” - with Some of IQ's crazy ideas. IQ wants to change the computer operating reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of system at 60 Collins Street from Microsoft to Linux. He says Microsoft conduct. is a "conspiracy" and expensive, while Linux is free. Never mind all the

compatibility issues. 13. Article entitled “Who is running this circus” - with reference to comments that it is alleged breach the National code of conduct. IQ says the Australian Curriculum is terrible, with which many would

agree. However, IQ says he can/has rewritten the Australian I remind you that have the right to be heard at the meeting of 7th If you curriculum Prep to Year 12. God help us! wish to exercise that right you can do so either through attendance at the meeting or through remote participation by video-link or dial-in. IQ: Isn't he the guy who until not long ago operated undercover. IQ

had been a serial nominee (unsuccessful) for election to his local Could you please let me know should you wish to exercise the right to be council, City of Boroondara, and always tried to keep his Liberal Party heard? membership secret.

The Administrative Committee meeting will be at the Secretariat offices, This included "hiding" from the camera at Party events and chastising level 2, 60 Collins Street from 5.30pm on Friday the 7th of February. members who posted photos featuring him on Facebook, (Who would

Should you have any queries about this process please don’t hesitate to want to?) even reporting them to the State Director!? contact me. What happened to cause IQ to "come out" with leaks/quotes in The

Age, a Financial Review feature article, and now he even had a Regards Facebook page? Why the bug change?

Sam McQuestin State Director Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division)

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute. Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]



I don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong. Nor do I like people who say I pray for you when they know that's not so. So many people have been hurt and we cannot let that go on.

The above words are not mine but those of President Donald Trump who spoke recently to the American people.

Those very words would resonate well within the borders of Victoria and yet they have not been listened to by the current administration led by Robert Clark. At night when sycophants, recalcitrants innocuous weeds plot to burn down our broad church of Liberals others are at working diligently to right the wrongs. In Victoria we have at our disposal assets worth millions that are not being invested wisely. Nor is the current location of the Secretariat in a place where it is accessible to all members.

We should be investing in our members by developing their skills and knowledge of how to win campaigns and subsequently win government. Unfortunately those currently tasked with the responsibility of leading our Liberal party towards a bright future have much to answer for and have let us all down.

From where I stand, I see nothing but committees with not set agenda that will culminate in potential worthwhile strategic policies. I do not see our brightest individuals being identified and selected for future roles. What I see is a 'job for the boy's and political storm troopers and wannabes seeking hangouts. I no longer see events being publicised, fund raisers, political debates, policies being discussed or groups acting in a professional manner. For those unsure of the reasons Abalinx ENEWS LETTERS were created, let me be blunt and call a spade a spade. ENEWS LETTERS have been created as a result of Ian Quicks disloyal and corrosive emails.

If any member deserves to be suspended it is Ian Quick. Had I remained a delegate, I would have put forward a motion to suspend Mr. IAN QUICK for a period of six months. I would not seek to remove his membership because he like all freedom loving people has the right to express his opinion. ENews Letters tested and exposed that myth of democratic right of expression. In fact ENEWS Letters demonstrates the hypocrisy of the current administration. The Administrative Committee led by Robert Clark is devoid of integrity and has no credibility at all.

Although I am recovering from an operation, I relish the thought of being invited to State Assembly to face my peers and thus expose the exponents of change according to their ideology. An ideology that is not compatible with the values and beliefs of our broad church we call Liberal Party. If and when hypocrites come to their senses, maybe just maybe there will be no need for grass root opposition such as Abalinx ENEWS LETTERS. After all there comes a time when the large volunteer base stand up to be counted and say in one loud voice: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Let us not lose sight if what the Army of volunteers which make up our broad church was initially created for. It was not to dictate to the parliamentary party but merely to support it to win government. Let us put aside our differences and points of view to win government. That is our role as members of the party are responsible for. Do not stifle debate and do not attempt to censure someone for his passionate points of view. We are all one family. Josh Frydenberg accuses Anthony Albanese of hypocrisy over sports rorts scandal (See also below)


Speaking at State Assembly at The Scots’ Church Hall on Friday evening, Robert Clark berated Members who signed the requisition/s for a Special State Council meeting, (originally initiated regarding the extraordinarily early federal pre-selections) sermonising that they were misguided, disruptive and irresponsible, and that their actions were deplorable.

Members were incensed that the State President chose to use his address to State Assembly to launch a factional attack on volunteer Party members in such a sanctimonious, vindictive, unacceptable and un- presidential manner. Robert Clark and his factional clowns on the Administrative Committee appear to have completely lost the plot.

Addressing delegates and members, Robert Clark said that while the Constitution provides for the requisitioning of a Special State Council meeting, on receipt of fifty or more signatures of State Council delegates, this provision has never been used before, and should not be used, except in exceptional circumstances. This is all true. However, the Special State Council provision has been designed as a critical check on the Administrative Committee, and protects the important principle of democratic decision making within the Party.

In declaring, as he did, that the Special State Council provision should not be used except in exceptional circumstances, Robert Clark has taken it upon himself, and his factional clowns on the Administrative Committee, (think Ian Quick in particular) to dictate what exceptional circumstances are, and what are they are not. (Remember Ian Quick; once the great protector of the Constitution and the champion of democracy!) This is an extraordinarily situation, and most undemocratic. State Council is ultimate governing body of the Liberal Party; not the State President.

Returning to the recent requisitions for a Special State Council meeting, Robert Clark and his factional clowns on the Administrative Committee, (supported by the Constitution Committee) having received three requisitions for a Special State Council meeting, and having denied two of the same, eventually acquiesced, and allowed the third requisition, however not before ruling the proposed motions of any substance inadmissible. Hence, the recent revocation of the requisitions for a Special State Council meeting by the requisitions.

Sadly, it can now accurately be said, that the Victorian Division of the Liberal Party has reached the lowest point in its seventy five year history, where the prevailing climate is one of dismay, division, dysfunction, frustration and anger. The Party is paralysed and moribund. A remarkable achievement by Robert Clark and his factional clowns in just seven months! Remember, Robert Clark and his factional clowns, supported by a gaggle of members, including, “I’m with Clarky!” The Fumbler, promised to unite the Party and provide good governance. That went well; didn’t it! Party members are now counting down the days to the Annual General Meeting / State Council in May to unceremoniously remove Robert Clark and his gang of factional clowns.

Meanwhile, Members are left wondering what ever happened to the sense of Liberal camaraderie, fellowship, and common purpose and can do attitude that once pervaded the Victorian Division. The conclusion appears to be, that Robert Clark and his factional clowns on the Administrative Committee, are still completely eaten up by anger over the loss of the 2018 Victorian state election (including and particularly their own positions) and spend every day hell bent on seeking retribution (that is the actual word they use) from those they blame for the loss; including humble Party volunteers. This is a particularly insidious situation for the Victorian Division, and one which, on current settings, will almost certainly result in a loss of ground in Victoria at the 2022 federal election, and no gains at the 2022 Victorian state election.

Commenting on Friday evening’s performance by Robert Clark at State Assembly, a long term Party member and regular volunteer, said they wonder if it has ever occurred to Robert Clark and his factional clowns, that members of the Liberal Party pay money to belong to the Party, and in turn many volunteer their services and resources to support the Party in its work. i.e. Liberal Party Members working voluntarily for the Party actually pay to volunteer! Surely it is not too much for Party Members to expect be treated with respect; more respect than is currently the case in the Victorian Division. Robert Clark concluded his withering address on Friday evening referring to the magnificent work being undertaken by his voluminous and ever growing number of committees, and how we will win the Victorian state election in 2022. Amazing!


Anthony Albanese pictured in Canberra in 2011. The Australian Richard Ferguson FEBRUARY 6, 2020

Robert Clark should heed the advice of senior elders of the The Morrison government has accused Anthony Albanese of “hypocrisy” over Liberal party and realise that it is all over. In fact Jeff is on the sport rorts scandal, pointing to an Auditor-General’s report that found the record stating that when he lost the election when he was Labor leader administered a grants program that “disproportionately” gave the premier he should have left earlier and allowed a money to Labor seats when he was infrastructure minister. successor to take over, Furthermore Jeff known for calling a spade a spade suggested in January 2019 that other Liberal An Australian National Audit Office report in 2011 found ministers “waived” the Party members of parliament should consider resigning. eligibility criteria for projects funded by Labor’s Regional and Local Community Although Infrastructure Program, and that a number of projects from Coalition seats did not get funding. “Whilst the majority of applications received related to projects Robert Clark is no longer a sitting member his position as located in a Coalition-held electorate (55 per cent of all applications), the President is precarious indeed, propped up by Ian Quick and significant majority (some 82 per cent) of these were not approved for funding,” others of his ilk. the 2011 audit office report reads.

I remember Michael Kroger being criticised because he “Whilst 40.3 per cent of all applications related to a project in an ALP-held allowed alleged branch-stackers to run amok with new electorate, just under 60 per cent of approved projects were in an ALP-held recruits, undermined by those close to him and now we see electorate. The approval rate for these applications was 42.1 per cent, which Robert Clark and his sidekicks allowing branch stackers to was more than twice that of projects located in a Coalition-held electorate. expand in the west, dividing members, suspending “Projects located in electorates held by the ALP and independent members were members, failing to investigate allegation of misconduct and more successful at being awarded funding than those located in electorates held failing to abide by the Constitution. Grass roots members are by the Coalition parties.” wondering who is calling the kettle black.

It is clear that Robert Clark has failed to unite the Liberals in The report also found Mr Albanese’s office had set out the projects by electorate, Victoria and has done great damage to the infrastructure in a similar way to the colour-coded spreadsheets former minister Bridget and to the Liberal Party itself. Jeff Kennett to his credit McKenzie used for the controversial sports grant scheme. “In addition to the praised Michael Kroger for putting the interests of the Liberal data originally provided by the department, two new columns were added to the party first by resigning in December 2019. worksheet to identify the electorate in which the project was located and the political party that held that electorate,” the report reads. “The individual project "I take no joy in the fact that people who have served the risk assessments provided to the minister’s office by the department on 15 April party well ultimately have to resign under the circumstances 2009 had identified the electorate in which each short-listed project was that exist, but yes it was necessary, but Michael (Kroger) has located.” recognised that, and for that alone I thank him." High praise indeed. A pity that Robert Clark a former Attorney General Mr Albanese has for weeks accused the Morrison government of “corruption” for cannot see the writing on the wall and resign in the best handing out sport grants disproportionately to target Coalition seats ahead of interests of the party. last May’s federal election. The 2011 report into the infrastructure grants does not mention the same distribution bias towards marginal seats as the most Members have since realised that much deception, recent audit office report into the sports grants scheme. Mr Albanese defended undermining and disloyalty towards Michael Kroger and his scheme on Thursday and pointed out the audit office had not found there Matthew Guy led to a decline. The Liberal Party since the was an “intention” to boost one party over another. State Election have come to regret the resignation of Michael Kroger in December 2018. “I quote from the report: ‘In addition to providing what was considered to be a reasonable geographical spread of approved funding’ — tick — ‘stopping the It is apparent to members that the democratic rights of the proportion of total funding awarded on an electric basis was consistent with the Liberal Party have been blocked in a deceptive and proportion of seats in the House of Representatives — tick,” Mr Albanese said. innocuous manner. It is no wonder that grass root members “Four largest grants, none of them in a Labor seat — not one. have rebelled and have gone viral on social media platforms and newsletters such as Abalinx ENews. “The fact is, the reason why Josh Frydenberg had to go back a decade and didn’t use a single example of a single project was because there isn’t one.” The Some time ago, members voiced their concerns immediately Treasurer had used the report in federal parliament to attack the Opposition after the State election loss and it was no wonder that Liberal Leader and accuse him of hypocrisy. Party members such as Felicity Frederico — a former mayor of the Bayside City Council, said in 2018 that she had been “I’m reminded that there was an ANAO report number 3, 10-11, into a $550 advised by a large number of traditional Liberal supporters million infrastructure program,” the Treasurer said. “The Auditor-General went that they had voted against the party for the first time in their on to say on page 48, and I quote: ‘The awarding of funding to projects lives. disproportionately favoured ALP seats.’ In fact, the Auditor-General found when it came to funding, ALP electorates had a success rate almost three times the This is indeed a catastrophe and nothing has changed since Coalition. Robert Clark was installed as President. Time for a change!


STATE DIRECTOR Benjamin Preiss and Sumeyya Ilanbey February 10, 2020

A senior Victorian Liberal has slammed the party’s central decision-making CORRESPONDENCE committee as dysfunctional and self-interested in a sensational parting spray as From: Sam McQuestin she quit her leadership position. In her resignation letter, obtained by The Age, Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 4:10 PM administrative committee member Jean Hawkins said she was “ashamed” of the Subject: Referral to State Assembly decision to hold pre-selections early this year with the next federal election To: Peter Adamis possibly two years away. "A majority of committee members have proven to be Dear Mr Adamis focused on self-interest and factional interest, not the best interests of our great party or our great country," she wrote. At a meeting of the Administrative Committee held on "In my view, the current administrative committee is Friday 7th of February the following motions were passed; dysfunctional."

Motion 1: That in accordance with clause 4.1(b) of the Jean Hawkins has resigned from the Victorian Liberal Party Administrative Constitution, the Administrative Committee submit the Committee. CREDIT: FACEBOOK following motion to State Assembly: The preselection decision has left long-serving conservative MP and former 'That Mr Peter Adamis be found guilty of conduct gravely minister Kevin Andrews exposed to a challenge for his eastern suburbs detrimental to the best interests of the Party on account his electorate of Menzies. But supporters of the administrative committee have rejected Ms Hawkins’ criticism and described her decision to quit the committee repeatedly sending to large numbers of Party members newsletters defaming, denigrating and harassing a wide as a stunt. In her resignation missive, Ms Hawkins accused the majority of range of Party members.' committee members of focusing on themselves and their factions rather than the party’s best interests. “More than anything else, I am ashamed of the decision on the timetable on federal pre-selections,” she wrote. “As you know, Motion 2: That in accordance with clause 4.1(c) of the the federal members of parliament were effectively forced to beg the Constitution, Mr Peter Adamis be suspended from the administrative committee to amend their timetabling decision; beg privately, beg Liberal Party until the next meeting of State Assembly at in writing, and beg in public.” which the motion submitted by the Administrative Committee is eligible to be considered. Kevin Andrews will have to defend his seat from a challenge by a former soldier. CREDIT: ALEX In light of these motions passing you have the right to be ELLINGHAUSEN heard at this State Assembly meeting? Victorian Liberal president Robert Clark emailed committee Please note that while you are suspended from the Party members, saying he was sorry about Ms Hawkins' decision you remain subject to the obligations of a Party member to to resign but rejected her criticisms. "Needless to say, I strongly disagree with comply with the constitution and with the National Code of the reasons you give, which are based on numerous fundamental Conduct. misconceptions," he said of the decision. One senior Liberal dismissed the resignation, insisting it was unlikely to have any practical consequence. The next meeting of the State Assembly is scheduled for the 20th of March. Confirmation of the time and location for The Liberal said there would be only a handful of administrative committee this meeting will be provided to you once the Steering meetings before they face elections in May. “I think it’s another stunt in a long Committee has confirmed it. For your reference I have line of stunts from people who want to destabilise the party,” the figure said. Mr included a copy of the standing orders for State Assembly. Andrews is the only sitting federal MP in Victoria who is facing a preselection challenge. His challenger, Keith Wolahan, is a barrister and former soldier who completed three tours of Afghanistan. Regards

Victorian federal MPs, led by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, were outraged by the Sam McQuestin administrative committee’s decision to proceed with its preselection timetable. State Director The administrative committee opened pre-selections for sitting MPs early this Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division) year despite fierce protests from internal opponents, who have threatened a Level 2, 60 Collins Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 campaign to have them voted out in May. Mr Andrews won his seat in a by- P: (03) 9654 2255 EA: (03) 9652 3114 M: 0409 314 486 election in 1991 and now holds it on a margin of 7.5 per cent. He has the endorsement of Prime Minister Scott Morrison but party insiders say it is still too early to say whether Mr Wolahan has enough support to topple Mr Andrews. ABALINX NEWS RESPONSE Victorian Liberal Party president Robert Clark. CREDIT: CHRIS HOPKINS

NOT A PROBLEM! Observers expect it will be a tight race to gain enough support from local party members, who will vote for their LETS FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT favoured candidate. The preselection battle for Menzies comes after several internal attempts to overturn the Peter Adamis early timetable and hold a special council meeting of hundreds of party Director delegates to turf the administrative committee. Abalinx & Associates

But last week Mr Clark confirmed the special council meeting would no longer go ahead because some party members who had signed a “requisition” had withdrawn their support.

“The withdrawal of these requisitions means the party can now return to focusing on more productive activities, such as getting target federal seat candidates into the field and building our party profile and presence in marginal and traditional Labor areas,” Mr Clark told members. The administrative committee would have faced a no-confidence motion if the special council meeting had gone ahead. committee-in-parting-shot-20200210-p53zhl.html

Robert Clark as a former Attorney Allegations of Members of the Administrative Committee General must return back to basics and leaking to the media it appears have now become common remember that members of the Liberal knowledge. What is not known is the member or members Party have a right to criticise, question responsible. What they said about the resignation of Jean and discuss in a robust manner any Hawkins is inexcusable. decisions of the Administrative Committee. The Administrative Committee in their wisdom is hounding a long time grass roots Liberal and procrastinating if not Robert Clark should stop seeking out bypassing the allegations against Ian Quick, Robert Clark scapegoats and creating martyrs, and Bernie Finn. Just disgraceful. No wonder Bernie Finn when within his own Administration has suddenly gone quiet. there are members who have clearly demonstrated disloyalty, erosion of Allegations of misconduct, harassment of female members, Liberal Party beliefs and values. suspension of members, defying the Prime Minister, creating division within the party and allowing branch The early pre-selection has created such headaches for members of parliament, stacking to be revived can all be traced back to poor it has also split the party into two. The very diverse threads that once bound the leadership, procrastination and incorrect use of the National Liberal party have become frayed at the edges and the fabric big enough to Code of Conduct. shelter everyone under its broad church concept.

Allegations of poor governance, a dysfunctional The member who recently resigned is a long time Liberal who was disgusted Administrative Committee, deception, misuse of the with the inner workings of the Administrative Committee. A committee led by Constitution, procrastination and self-interest appear to be Robert Clark. The member who resigned is well respected by her peers, correct according to a recently resigned member of the colleagues and members at large. Denigrating her performance is not the best Administrative Committee. Comments leaked to the media form of reconciliation, uniting the party or conducive to relationships. downplaying the member’s resignation as a stunt is poor form indeed and uncalled for. It has become increasingly embarrassing to find that Federal Members of Parliament are being forced to beg Robert Clark and his Administrative Committee to amend their divisive pre-selection ideas and concepts.

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute. Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected] ABALINX ENEWS LETTER 18

Alleged tampering of Annual General Meeting delagates persist. The State Director is powerless to intervene due to lack of complaints. We shall see the end results from intersting electorates very soon.


It is envisaged that within four years, the Victorian Division will see a major shift in in its membership and leadership led by A new generation of Liberals. Since the change of guard, Robert Clark has failed to bring about change that would unite everyone under the one umbrella. As such the young Liberals have been Word has reached Abalinx ENews silently placing key people in electorates with the view of taking over the electorate and inserting their own that grass root members are people. mobilising to suspend Ian Quick frrom the Liberal party. The reason Liberals should take a good look at what is happening quietly in the electorates. None too soon if you ask goven is @conduct gravely me. I have always supported a generational change, especially whilst we are in opposition. We should detrmental to the best interests of be training a new generation, preparing for the next election, supporting the Prime Minister and his the party. Apparently its on account ministers, supporting the Victorian Federal and state Ministers and assisting Michael O’Brien to do his job of his repeatedly sending to large as Opposition Leader. Let the Old Guard remain as Mentors and elders of the party. membes Newsletters alleged defaming, denigrating, and From an organisational perspective, if I were Robert Clark, I would be reviewing the membership wing as harassing a wide range of party it is in great need of an upgrade. Sean Armistead is out of his depth and has done more harm than any members. other Membership officer in the past. His alleged investigations against members who he has judged as undesirable are the very same Liberals who fought tooth and nail to give him the freedom that he enjoys today.

Political direction, campaigns, training, staff matters, use of media and social media, relationships, branches, policies and selection of candidates are but some of the issues that need to be addressed. This can be achieved by a committee consisting of grass root members, campaign managers, Branch Presidents (not Electoral Council Chairmen), State Director, President and facilitated by a member selected from the grassroots. It has been rumoured that Ian Quick, Grant Hutchinson, Russell Robert Clark should give the committee twelve months with funds and material support to visit and Joseph and Peter Angelico have converse with as many members (including those at large). A report no matter what the results are should been burning the midnight oil. Some be presented and acted upon providing the recommendations are within Liberal party philosophy and say that it is a brand new accepted guidelines. If Robert Clark wakes up to himself he can use one of his numerous committees to Constitution designed to give Robert research, explore, observe and report on the Victorian Division and it will require a strategic plan. To lark and his gang of ten more power. ensure a plan of action is successfully implemented, the organisation’s “state of readiness” must be Personnaly I think this is mere evaluated. This involves assessing the existence of: scuttlebut and rumour, but then again in the world of politics, expect a. A strong organisational vision with achievable objectives’ the unexpected. b. The necessary skills of staff, volunteer office bearers and grassroots members’ c. The resources necessary to accomplish the task, both financial and non-financial’ and Members of parliaments, Electorate d. A clear action plan to accomplish the strategy Staff, and members are saying the current State Directors emails for If all these are in place, assuming there are no changes in environment and competition, success is more suspension of long time Liberal very likely to be achieved. Without a clear vision, confusion over where and why the strategy is important may amateurish. The State Director result. Without the necessary skill sets, staff and volunteers may feel anxious about their ability to should be concentrating on accomplish the task. All well said and done, but Will Robert Clark see beyond his glasses. I think not. manageing the Secreatriat.


There are many reasons for the dwindling membership within any organisation and yet despite all good intentions the membership erodes over time. Yes we do tend to blame it all on the leadership, especially when we have an axe to grind or find that the recruiting methodologies do not agree with our own personal biases. ARTICLES I must confess that I too have fallen into the trap of profiling members wrongly, only to find out later that the individual had much to offer. Today I do not look at a member and enquire about the community or ethnic makeup. I simply look at the ember to ascertain whether the Liberal party could benefit from the members skills and knowledge.

When we recruited in the North it was mainly around family based concepts, because that what the demographics of the North demonstrated to those of us who bothered to sit down and create a recruiting programme. Some have gone onto bigger and better things within the party while others were content with remaining within their current branch, SEC or FEC.

I am of the opinion that there are five main stakeholders which are considered essential to membership longevity. They are: the individual member, the leaders, influencers, mentors, and coordinators at all levels within the party. In the North we applied these stake holder concepts effectively. As we were located within the Red Zone (Labor) we were free to practice new models of recruitment, conduct campaign studies and new ideas and concepts. All of these created an air of belonging and empowerment. Our studies over a twenty five year period identified following factors that assisted us to overcome poor membership.

1 Active participation 27 No persona face to face interaction 2 Involved in a political organisation 28 No personal development or growth 3 Bored and listless 29 No personal value 4 Branch structure lacks legitimacy 30 No reason for remaining 5 Constitution too rigid 31 No recruiting drives 6 Disunity amongst members 32 No retention plan 7 Don’t believe in the organisation 33 No sense of loyalty 8 Factional battles undermine trust 34 No sense of pride 9 Goals and recruiting targets 35 No sense of value

10 Identify influencers 36 No vision or definite objectives 11 Ideology not for individual 37 Not getting money’s worth 12 Insufficient activities 38 Not interesting 13 Insufficient incentives 39 Not made to feel welcome 14 Insufficient meetings 40 Organisation out of touch

15 Insufficient mentors 41 People drift away 16 KPI for members of parliament 42 People pass away 17 Lack of acknowledgement 43 Poor communication 18 Lack of relationships 44 Poor communicators 19 Lack of trust 45 Retention matters 20 Membership fees too expensive 46 Self interest Mentor aspiring leaders Set goals 21 47 22 No duty of care 48 The brand is wrong 23 No follow up for new members 49 Too hierarchal 24 No generational change 50 Too many controls 25 No leadership, 51 Too many external distractions

26 No longer fashionable 52 Life skills & experience not considered

Much of the above elements of membership could be arrested by the introduction of a Membership Retention Program - (MRP). In other words the MRP concept would involve a Recruitment, Retention and Review process that will enable planners and financial controllers to forecast trends and seek solutions. Electorates do not need to branch stack if they can identify good, skilled and knowledgeable people and retaining them during periods of political inactivity. Create a family of networks and maintain communication. Robert Clark can still win the vast majority of the grass roots if consults widely and take into consideration the political life experiences and counsel of others.

A MONKS TALE. Here I am sitting in the boardroom sipping a glass of red wine purchased from the Collins Monastery cellars. I am taking time off so that I can plan my next escapade. I am exhausted from all the character assassinations and spreading of malicious rumours that I have to travel incognito at times, hence the dark glasses. Now as I am relaxing, I am wondering who I will shaft next.

My name is Brother 'Ess Kew' and known by my nickname as 'SQ'. My job is to cause chaos, disruption, division and disharmony amongst the various villages below the monastery. I do that so that they fight amongst themselves and leave us to do whatever we want. Yes it's a good life.

It's great being on the board. I don't have to answer to no one. When the Abbot arrives I let him sit on the throne and let him think he rules the monastery. Little does the Abbot know that every day we monks are undermining him! We force our will upon the peasants in the villages below and they in turn rise up against the Abbot. Just the other day we influenced the Deacon, a hired hand from the Apple isle to hang high one of the elders from the villages. But the elder is a crafty bastard and slipped through the noose. We are holding early pre-selections so that we can install our own stooge and thus create jobs for the monk's. Our first preselection will be in village of Menzies.

We are going to win that easy. We have been very crafty and spread misinformation about the Menzies Chieftain. Our candidate is a veteran who will do what he is told. We don't care what the peasants think for we are better than them. Once we get that win up our sleeves we will put a spanner in the younger members and deprive them of any voice. We will crush all of the next generation and bend them to our will. Ahhh yes that wine is soothing to the throat. Nothing like feeling the amber liquid going down the throat. Especially after a hard day of defying the Pontiff in Canberra. We all squealed with joy when we told his eminence that we were not going to be told what to do. After all we rule the roost down under. We may even cancel our annual May festivities and remain all of the peasants and minions below. After all we hold the power. We are all else and no one can touch us.

We shall bribe the Committee of scribes with bottles of sweet wine and nectar so that they will interpret the good book to our advantage and use it against the villagers or anyone who opposes us. We will rule forever. We are the true representatives of the faith. We rule because we control the assets, the finances and have the scribes in our pocket. The Abbott is but a fool who has lost touch with reality. I had better go now as I hear the Abbott shuffling into my chamber. Cheering for now. I will send you another despatch some time later. Brother 'Ess Kew' alias 'SQ'

SOCIAL MEDIA AND THE DARK SIDE The latest to be leaked out of the This silent takeover of the young Liberals is fast becoming a reality. The young Liberals believe that Secretariate is that Ian Quick is alleged it’s not to their advantage to confront Robert Clark and his gang of supporters until all electorates have to have said that he wants to change the completed their Annual General Meetings and the fiasco of the early pre-selections is almost computer system at the Secretariate. He complete. The young Liberals media, communications committees and networks are slowly being believes that the free Linux program will formed to combat the Janus Brotherhood, the Robert Clark sycophants and Scott Ryan supporters. remove many of the loop holes and back Web Warriors has been identified as been a tool used to gather information for the Dark Side and less doors associated with current system is being exposed by members. They are fed up with the Administrators censoring their comments. platforms. This is not what Web Warriors was originally designed for. As someone who has used Linux on his It is alleged that the following members; John Renyard, Jan Cooper, David Everist, Christine Stow, servers in the past, all that I can say is Bernie Finn, Karina Okotel and company, Scott Ryan, Sean Armistead, Ian Quick and those others of good luck with Linux Mr Ian Quick. A their ilk social media platforms have tightened their communication protocols when they realised that good program that requires they had been infiltrated. Gone are the numerous photographs and silly stupid comments, only to be maintenance and update by qualied found amongst the emails sent to one another. John Renyard emails have not gone unnoticed. people. Hm, maybe it’s a job for the Gathering information for the May State Council is time consuming but well worth the trouble if it is to boys. Is not Ian Quick a self professed bring about the removal of Robert Clark and his gang of ten. Computer guru.

Never in the history of the Liberal party have so few been able to create so much havoc and division as these. GRASS ROOTS DISCUSSION PAPER


Preamble. The aims of this discussion paper is to create a robust debate amongst the younger generation. A generation waiting silently in the wings. It is not intended to be seen as another reform document for such documents are to be found everywhere. There is more to come in future ENewsletters.


1. What is the actual legal (corporate) structure of the Liberal Party organisation in Victoria?

2. Should the Victorian Division adopted a legal structure as that of a company (limited in liability)? If so, then legal responsibilities and sanctions to its corporate office bearers for their actions and omissions as defined by the Corporations Act should be involved?

3. Is the future structure of the Party in Victoria better served on modelling it on the legal entities provided for in the Corporations Act?

4. What role is the President to fulfil within a corporatized party structure and what will be his/or her personal and collective responsibilities (for example, that of a Managing Director or Chairman of a Board of Directors)?

5. What role for the members of Administrative Committee (are they to fulfil the role of a Board of Directors with responsibilities and criminal sanctions attaching to them under the Corporation Act (if adopted)?

6. What role for future State Directors? The State Director, if a corporate legal structure is adopted for the Party’s administration, he or she would be in the position of the Chief Executive Officer. He or she would be charged with the responsibility of the day to day administration of the Party’s corporate responsibilities and divorced from direct political decision-making which would remain in the province of the elected Executive of the Party being the President and the Administrative Committee. Imagine a State Director free from the shackles of a biased Administrative Committee but subject to the State Assembly motions.


7. The Victorian Division’s Constitution as it exists currently, is a document that requires a wholesale review and re-writing. The Victorian Division needs less internal party elections and fewer committees. This aspect has led to the Party becoming paralysed by internal dissensions and its governance becoming dysfunctional. This dysfunction has entered all levels of the Party’s function. Moreover the Division must re-examine its relationship with the State/and Federal Parliamentary wings of the Party. More to the point, the Division must have greater scrutiny of the Parliamentary Parties while they are in opposition and developing party policy.

8. The Party institutions of State President, State Assembly, and Administrative Committee should be aligned with the State election cycle. In other words, the Constitution be amended to dispense with bi-annual elections and provide for elections to occur every four years. This reform if adopted, would provide for a more independent and assertive Party administration which would function and carry out its responsibilities and obligations with certainty and devoid of the division, personality politics and rancour that has tormented the effective function of the Division in recent years. It would also provide the Division with a proper balance to deal with the Parliamentary Parties.

9. Indeed, in considering a change to the internal Party electoral cycle from the bi-annual to every four years, raises the issue of how the Division removes any Party official for any misdemeanour or bad behaviour. It would be contemplated that the State Assembly be provided with opportunity in close session to consider, debate such matters. Moreover, today it is appropriate that any sanction or removal should only be allowed to proceed after a successful vote of 2/3 of the State Assembly’s membership has agreed to any sanction before it becomes effective.

10. Some may consider the four year cycle for internal Party elections to be too limiting. The Constitution can be amended to provide that every two years, the State Council renew itself by committing half of its delegates to face re-elections by their local membership. Thus, the base of the Party is guaranteed renewal and provides ‘grassroots’ indications on the overall performance of the Division.

11. The purposes of the Party should be reviewed and defined. In this, the Division must review its current committees system and their composition. The Victorian Division under Robert Clark has far too many committees and they seem to be devoid of any proper purpose or operating towards a defined set of aims and aspirations. Poor performers need to be reviewed and absorbed into proactive committees.

12. The purposes of the Administrative Committee (its political and administrative responsibilities) should be defined clearly and this depends on what the legal/corporate structure of the Division will be. At present, the Administrative Committee led by Robert Clark seems disjointed and at times perceived to be hostile to the grass roots and members at large. The current Administrative Committee chaired appears to be spurred on by the frequency of the internal electoral cycle and always pursuing their own personal and factional interests and aims.

13. The role, composition and appointments to the Constitutional Committee must be reviewed and defined clearly. This committee, is charged with providing advice and assistance to the administration concerning possible reform and ‘advice’ on the meaning and function of the Division’s Constitution. In the past, it has functioned well, but in recent years, its function has lessened and diminished providing compliant ‘advice’ to the various factional controllers in office at particular times. Its advice at times has been wrong or tainted to accord to the need of one faction to assert its control over another. It is not functioning as a key fount of considered opinion upholding the general interests of the membership as required by the Constitution. Largely, the manner in which changes or ‘add-ons’ to the Constitution (amendments) have been drafted and worded have contributed to the dysfunction of the Constitution at crucial times. This Committee is in urgent need of reform and the Division has to resolve whether its function is to ‘judicial and advisory’ or purely political as is currently the situation.


14. Staff at 60 Collins Street needs to be provided with an in depth orientation of the party structure and thoroughly acquaint themselves with local electorate identities that they have been tasked with. As such it will alleviate the misinformation and lack of respect currently being demonstrated towards seasoned campaign managers and staff. The role of the staff members is not to dictate or direct the electorate campaign but rather to contribute and enhance the electorate's campaign.

15. All full time and volunteer staff at 60 Collins Street should be vetted and cleared by a panel comprised of senior members of the party and detailed recommendations made to the State President and Administrative Committee to determine their appointment. Furthermore, no member should be employed if they have been a member of another political party.

16. It may be appropriate that Robert Clark and his Administrative Committee consider the establishment of an Appointments Committee which would be responsible for appointments recommendations being made to the State President and Administrative Committee.

17. When the party was first created the role of the organisation was to support the parliamentary party. Today some after many reforms it is believed that the Parliamentary Party should not be involved in policy making decisions made at the State Assembly policy forums but rather act as guides and provide advice as required.

18. In order that there is no conflict of interest, no member of the Administrative Committee should be able to run for a State or Federal preselection and must resign at least twelve prior to any preselection. This should also apply to the Young Liberals within the Division.

19. The membership section responsible for recruitment of new members needs immediate review. Political direction, campaigns, training, staff matters, use of media and social media, relationships, branches, policies and selection of candidates are but some of the issues that need to be addressed. This can be achieved by the establishment of a committee consisting of grass root members, campaign managers, Branch Presidents (not Electoral Council Chairmen), State Director, President and facilitated by a member selected from the grassroots. They should be given twelve months with funds and material support to visit and converse with as many members (including those at large). A report no matter what the results are should be presented and acted upon providing the recommendations are within Liberal Party philosophy and accepted guidelines.


20. On reflection the Liberal party can probably make better use of funds as the Victorian Division as it currently stands is a disgrace and desperately is in need of an injection of intelligence to reach any reasonable key performance indicator. The funds from the sale of 104 Exhibition Street have not been invested well and the Liberal party is losing interest at a great rate. The renting of 60 Collins Street was a bad choice and does not allow access to all members.

21. Staffing costs and funds to volunteers for work being done needs a thorough overhaul. Was and is the staffs at 60 Collins Street value for money and can information and electronic data is better resourced. Ian Quicks idea of changing to a Linux system is not well thought out.

22. Was the funds expended in identifying flaws in the system when the best approach would be to create an environment of awareness rather than spend funds on a useless witch-hunt and counselling the members responsible if identified. Sean Armistead should hang his head in shame for his alleged attempts to ‘cleanse’ the membership of long time members.

23. What action has been taken to account for funds expended without appropriate authorisation? Who is and/or was responsible for such actions and can we learn from these errors of judgement. Surely the errors of the past would be the trigger for change.

24. What fund raising activities have been conducted since Robert Clark created the early pre-selection concept. What incentives are therefore left for sitting members to raise funds? Why have the grass root members lost interest in raising campaign funds if they are to be hounded and misused? The responsibility rests with Robert Clark and the Administrative team which is currently stifling entrepreneurial concepts.

25. The reforms of David Kemp created an atmosphere of nonpartisan and non-participation of grass root members. The outcome of this was to alienate grass roots members who would traditionally attend functions and assist in the raising of funds. Gone are our listening posts, gone are the guardians of the party, gone are the robust meetings, debates and the interest in maintaining a healthy membership

26. Fund raising was left to a select few and as a result their fund raising activities were recognised in the form of promised seat allocation or positions of political influence. In most cases these alleged promises went unfulfilled. The grass roots members have been taken for granted, misused and politically abused. Just ask the young Liberals who year after year give their time to Liberal party campaigns.

The National Code of Conduct is a document that is merely a guide. Members should acquaint themselves with it in order to understand what is considered appropriate in the sphere of MICHAEL O’BRIEN. It is pleasing to see that the Parliamentary Party a political organisation. under the leadership of Michael O’Brien is being pro-active and out in the suburbs and electorates. Michael said that his tour of the State was Its intention NOT TO STIFLE robust to listen. He went onto say: “I am up to 14 or 15 instalments now. I have discussion and debate, neither was it been throughout regional Victoria and Melbourne's outer suburbs, created to censor criticism of poor anywhere and everywhere. A lot of people feel politicians do too much performance, poor governance and talking and really we should be doing a lot more listening." Well done leadership. Michael. Recently the Leader of the Opposition, Michael O’Brien told the media: “By delivering a Cash for Containers scheme in Victoria, we Every person who undertakes activities will reduce litter, improve recycling and support sporting and community on behalf of, in the representation of, or groups across the state. as a member of the Liberal Party should treat others with dignity, courtesy and Victorians have been calling for a Cash for Containers scheme for years. I’ve listened and an O’Brien- respect, enabling everyone to contribute led Liberal Nationals Government will deliver. Sporting and community groups across Victoria will be in a cohesive manner to our objectives able to cash-in on the introduction of a Michael O’Brien-led Liberal Nationals Government Cash for as set out in our Constitution. Containers scheme. Michael O’Brien said that "I would worry that motorists will wind up paying more for this if Daniel Andrews sells off VicRoads and who will can be sure that their data will be kept safe? Everyone is entitled to participate in Labor is looking to do this in a rush because they've run out of money." He is of the belief that VicRoads Party activities in an environment that is staff are bracing for a major shake-up of the registration and licensing agency that could affect how free from discrimination, vilification, much motorists have to pay on their annual fees. bullying, harassment or other inappropriate behaviour. Furthermore Michael O’Brien has challenged Daniel Andrews Airport Rail Link. “My call to Daniel Andrews and the Prime Minister is, don’t do a half-baked Airport Rail Link and don’t sell Victoria out. The Liberal Party of Australia is a My message to him and my message to Daniel Andrews is, please build the right project, not the one political party and its public reputation is that we’re going to live to regret in five years." important.

DAVID DAVIES. Shadow Minister for Transport Infrastructure, David Although the Liberal Party of Australia Davis told the media: "Labor has botched this project from the start, cannot require compliance with this more interested in a quick, cosy deal: by cutting corners they are now Code by its staff, contractors, members, exposed to a clear delay and a failure to manage toxic soil from this volunteers and representatives in tunnel. Labor can never manage major projects nor their finances, activities unrelated to the LPA, everyone putting taxpayers on the hook.” is encouraged to consider this Code when dealing with others in any The Toll road giant Trans urban has blamed changes to environmental capacity. rules for delays on the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel, amid revelations that the project's builders do not believe they can finish the project by If there are issues or conflicts in the its 2022 deadline. organisation, everyone has a role to recognise those issues and bring them TIM SMITH. Tim Smith bless his heart is not one for sitting on his to the attention of the right people. haunches doing nothing. Like Michael O’Brien he too is out in the electorates bringing the fight to Labor. As the Shadow Minister for The only problem with this is that no Planning and Heritage, Tim Smith told the media: "The process was action was taken against Ian Quick for a farce and Labor circumvented all due process to guarantee they got his disloyal emails that undermined the result they wanted.” Matthew Guy and Michael Kroger. No action was taken against Karina Okotel Four Melbourne councils are set to unite for a Supreme Court and her brother Joshua Bonney for challenge to the North East Link toll road, potentially throwing another leaking information to the media and of the Andrews government’s high-profile transport projects into undermining the leadership. turmoil. DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute. Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected] ABALINX ENEWS LETTER 19



Generational change should not be a matter of when but how. Foundations and political building structures need to be implemented immediately to meet the future political challenges.

Potential leaders should be identified early, mentored, nurtured and provided with the appropriate skills and knowledge to take on the responsibilities of Government. The current leadership programme should not be influenced or managed by members of parliament but suitable skilled professionals drawn from the grassroots.

Major changes need to occur within the Young Liberals in order to make them less factional and more viable. They should be able to operate without interference, and without the influence of patron senators, but come under the direction of the President of the day. The Young Liberals require having their own constitution that mirrors that of the senior organisation, have their own bylaws and regulations to govern them, be open and transparent.

Age limits need to be lowered to be in line with other Divisions and also mirror those of the Greens and the Labor Parties. There should be a Young Liberals Executive that is comprised of a President, Secretary and Treasurer with the President being an observer rather than being a voting member of Administrative Committee. Executive holders are not to be candidates for an electorate as it will be a conflict of interest.

Political staff members should not as a rule hold any position within the party at any level as it is a conflict of interest and being a member at large is the best solution. This in effect will reduce the alleged "conflicts" amongst staffers who feel that they can operate with impudence at the system. It is envisaged that within ten years, the Victorian Division will see a major shift in conservatism and Allegations of intimidation are still being young Liberals fed up with the old guard and their factions. reported and yet those responsible do nothing. It is alleged that Bernie Finn Senior members of the party with lifelong political should be allocated to potential young and aspiring has been advisred to tone done his leaders. The senior members need not be drawn from retired parliamentarians but that a pool of verbal attacks on female members and suitable mentors is identified amongst the grass roots. This is good strategy but at the moment it is to concentrate on his job. Can Bernie laced with a toxic strategy that may come back and bite them. However there is general conception Finn do is the question? amongst the more seasoned political observers and activists' that that there is disarray and disillusioned Young Liberals.

Media and Communications committee has just been formed and seems to be setting out the same agenda as the Membership and branch development committee. Lots of photos on Facebook at events, but does the whole Admin Committee need to turn up? If a proper team approach was being used, responsibilities would be shared.

Grassroots member's contributions whose skills and knowledge of information technology and social Those not on Facebook, or access to media exceed those of the staff at 60 Collins Street are not being utilised effectively. The world has LinkedIn may find articles on Twitter and changed whilst the Liberal party function with political and management mechanisms that belong to far quicker that SQ himself. Click on the a bygone era. Social media has been overlooked on a massive scale. So much information is being icon and enter the world of singing pumped out by bloggers and activists that put the Liberal party to shame. The perception is that there whistle blowers or canaries. does not appear to be a cohesive and up-to-date committee to oversee such matters.

A data base of member's skills and knowledge would be of enormous value to campaigners and policy makers alike. They would tap into the grassroots experience based on their local knowledge of the electorate and put to good use. Acknowledgements should be followed up to ensure that their contributions were valued. This concept has merit and is used by many volunteer organisations to News letters may be accesed directly by enhance their profile and image in the wider community. More to come in future ENews editions. clicking on the icon above. Hand held Mobile versions are available for those with standard laptops.

We are introducing another new concept to keep members up to date. It is called In the Boot, otherwise ARTICLES nknown as ITB. Our job is to keep you all in the loop so to speak. For those that don’t receive official notification through normal channels, this another format.

1. The first is a reminder is the Annual State Council Meeting in May of this year.

ANNUAL STATE COUNCIL MEETING. Members are advised that the 168th meeting of State Council will be held at the Moonee Valley Racecourse on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th of May 2020.

2. STATE COUNCIL MOTIONS. Motion forms and Supplementary Details Forms are available below or and can be downloaded from the Members’ Resources section on the Party’s website; with the closing date for submission of motions 12 noon, Thursday 26 March 2020. The Supplementary Details Form is required for any motions being submitted by a member with the support of 10 other members.

3. EARLY PRE-SELECTIONS. Our second contribution is to remind all those on the dark side not to send out via email information relating to early pre-selections. You may send information for late pre- selections if you wish. A perusal of the constition does not prohibit members from sending candidates campaign brochures to others. However if you have been suspended or expelled, then this does not apply to you the readers.

Don’t be naughty about and do the wrong the thing as it will attract those intent of creating names for themselves at the expense of others. To help those on the Dark Side we have republishied the State Director email, reminding us that its very naughty to publish any material regarding early pre-selections. We are trying to support the current State Director find his feet as he takes such matters very seriously.

WORD OF ADVICE TO THE STATE DIRECTOR: Someone should advise the State Director that we are a political party and we are also volunteers. In the case of pre-selections, members must register to

attend the Menzies preselection. Registrsation closes approximately at 9. 00 am on the 24 February . By that time members who have registered are able to access a copy of the candidates statement by the members website. However if a member wanted a printed copy they would have to contact the membership department at the Secretariate.

Therefore at that moment is what is being reported in news media and what has been sent by the candidates to the members can be quoted by others. This does not convene members conduct during any pre-selectionlet alone an early one created by Robert Clark, Ian Quick and theirvmates on the Adminsitrative Committee. ------From: Liberal Party of Australia (Vic Div) Date: Mon, Feb 17, 2020 Subject: Members conduct during pre-selections To: Members (Liberal party Victorian Division)


Dear Members,

With a pre-selection process having commenced in the Legislative Council seat of Eastern Metro region and the Federal seat of Menzies it is timely to remind members of the Party’s rules around conduct during pre-selections. One particularly relevant section of the Party's Constitution I draw to the attention of members is 21.12 which reads;


(a) No Member or Party Officer shall make or cause to be made any public statement regarding a preselection or endorsement unless expressly permitted by the Constitution or any rules determined by State Council. (b) A Member or Party Officer may make or cause to be made an official statement on behalf of the Party regarding a preselection or endorsement if expressly authorised by the Administrative Committee to do so.

(c) An applicant for endorsement may announce publicly the fact of his or her application for such endorsement and may provide biographical details contained in his or her application for endorsement.

(d) No Member of the Party shall circulate or cause to be circulated any material of any sort whatsoever which – (i) may; (ii) could; or (iii) is designed to; influence any Preselector to a Convention as to how that Preselector should cast his or her vote at such Convention unless expressly permitted by the Constitution or any rules determined by State Council. The mechanism for dealing with complaints arising through this process is outlined in clause 27.6 which reads;


(a) Any member of the Party may complain to the State Director in writing if such member believes that:

(i) an applicant for preselection; or (ii) any person acting with the express or implied concurrence of such applicant for preselection; or (iii) a Preselector at such preselection; has been guilty of conduct gravely detrimental to the Party and which is calculated or likely to affect the outcome of such preselection.

(b) Upon receipt of such complaint, the State Director shall investigate the same and shall report to the Administrative Committee, the results of such investigation. (c) Upon receipt of the State Director’s report, if the Administrative Committee is satisfied that there has been conduct which is gravely detrimental to the Party and which is calculated or likely to affect the outcome of such preselection, by any applicant for preselection, or any person acting with the express or implied concurrence of such applicant for preselection, then the Administrative Committee shall have the power to exclude such applicant for preselection from that preselection convention and from any other preselection convention for which that applicant has nominated.

(ca) If the applicant has already been chosen by a convention, then the Administrative Committee may refuse to endorse such applicant. If such applicant has been endorsed by the Administrative Committee, then the Administrative Committee may set aside such endorsement.

(d) Upon receipt of the State Director’s Report, if the Administrative Committee is satisfied that there has been conduct which is gravely detrimental to the Party and which is calculated or likely to affect the outcome of such preselection by a Preselector to such preselection, then the Administrative Committee shall have the power to disqualify that Preselector from continuing as a Preselector to such preselection and the Preselector’s position shall not be filled by any other member during the currency of such preselection.

(e) Prior to taking any decisions pursuant to this Clause, the Administrative Committee shall give any Member against whom it is considering exercising its power under this Clause the right to be heard. (f) The Administrative Committee shall not exercise any of the powers given to it pursuant to this clause, save and except by a motion voted upon in secret ballot and which is carried by two thirds majority of those members of the Administrative Committee present and voting.

Pre-selections are a hugely important part of the Party’s process to choose those who represent us, and safeguarding the integrity of that process is a matter that I take very seriously.


MISCHIEVOUS PRACTICES BY PURVEYORS OF INIQUITOUS ENTRAPMENT Occasionally we receive innocuous and silly emails at Abalinx ENews. Some are of an entrapment nature, others are sales, non-profit organisations, dating websites and bogus messages from the Tax Office. The best of course are our ‘Nigerian friends’ promising millions upon millions of dollars hidden away in a vault left behind by their colonial masters.

All that they want is your personal details so that they can deposit money into your account. Today, We would like to share with you all another method which I call political entrapment. One can ignore and then have no right of reply if it is used politically against you, or you provide a suitable response to ensure your integrity and credibility. I call these “Come in Spinner” email. The following correspondence is but of those.

From: Dale Clisby To: Peter Adamis Date: 17 February 2020. Hey Peter, Thanks so

much for expressing your interest in volunteering online for the Greens! My name is Dale and I'm Liberals in general have burned too the coordinator for our digital volunteering team. We're really excited to be starting our online volunteer many good people in the past and as program and would love you to be involved. You’ll be helping spread the Greens message online, such members believe that best result is engaging in exciting new campaigning techniques in the online space. Come join us in the new to hold what we have with not much 'Greens Online Action Team'. Thanks, Dale. attention to gaining more seats.

From: Peter Adamis To: Dale Clisby Date: 17 February 2020. You’re pulling my leg? The grass roots membership needs to RIGHT! I never volunteered for the Greens. I have no faith in the bastards. I don't know where you be reengaged and provided with the got your information from May I suggest you remove me from your data base? appropriate tools in which to contribute I don't appreciate phishing email exercises. I have been a Liberal supporter all my life. Have a nice to the party. day. Reforms have failed as they have From: Dale Clisby To: Peter Adamis Date: 17 February 2020. Someone entered your alienated the members from email into our web form, you're not on any database, this is a human answering emails that come in contributing at the Branch level. This from the online volunteer form. Id suggest changing your email or being more careful with who has negative environment needs to be your information. Thanks. reversed immediately.

DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute. Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected] ABALINX ENEWS LETTER 20



The following outline of the early federal pre-selections, and the resultant requisitions for a Special State Council meeting, is provided to readers in the interests of setting the record straight.

This is particularly necessary following State President Robert Clark’s disingenuous statement in his email to members of 8 February 2020, where he stated that “.. many delegates who signed those requisitions have now withdrawn their support, leaving less than 50 signatures remaining. Accordingly, the requisitions have ceased to be valid and the reason for the (Special State Council) meeting has ceased”.

The truth of the matter is, that the signatories to the requisitions determined to revoke the requisitions as the Administrative Committee (or more accurately a 10/19 majority, consisting of State President, Robert Clark; Vice Presidents, Holly Byrne, Ian Quick, Amy Johnson and Matthew Makin; Treasurer, Owen Guest; Cassandra Marr; Sean Armistead; Karen Egan and Russell Joseph), supported by the Constitution Committee, declared the critical motions to the Special State Council void, thereby making the Special State Council meeting virtually useless. Allegations of innocuous Specifically, the Administrative Committee, supported by the Constitution Committee, determined, that Constitutional manipulation while a motion of no confidence in the Administrative Committee was valid, if carried, it would have no being levied at early pre-selection effect. Furthermore, they determined that a motion to spill the Administrative Committee was not valid, procedures. This is certainly not and similarly a motion to elect a new Administrative Committee was also not valid. In the event that a a good sign at all. motion of no confidence was carried, the Administrative Committee (10/9) stated that they would continue in their current roles in contempt of State Council and Party Members. It is alleged that the State Director, Administrative Committee and the The Constitution “11.10 Special Meeting provides that secretariat at 60 Collins Street is drowning in disputes and (a) The Administrative Committee shall on written requisition signed by not less than 50 members of complaints. As the Party implodes State Council forthwith convene a meeting of State Council. under the leadership of Robert Clark and his circus clowns. It is further (b) Such a requisition alleged that local disputes pile up and remain unacknowledged, (i) shall sate the objects of the meeting”. unprocessed and unaddressed. A truly sad state of affairs. The Constitution does not however, provide for the Administrative Committee to void the requisition for a Special State Council meeting, let alone on spurious grounds.

It is clear that the ten members of the Administrative Committee, supported by the Constitution Committee, have acted in breach of the Constitution in respect to the requisitions for a Special State Council meeting.

Early Pre-selections - A Quick Summary. Federal pre-selections for Liberal held seats have An interesting message arrived generally been conducted in a timely manner to enable subsequent pre-selections to be conducted for mysteriously in our email box. Proof target seats not held by the Liberal Party, and finally non-target seats. that ENewsletters is not the only grass root group to be fed-up with While it is accurate to say that pre-selections for Liberal held federal seats were not held prior to the Robert Clark and his dysfunctional 2019 federal election, and that siting members were endorsed by the Administrative Committee, there Administrative Committee. was good reason for this. The Victorian state election, held on 24 November 2018, made it very difficult to conduct the 14 pre-selections for Liberal held federal seats in a timely manner. A gentleman by the name of Andrew McNabb the current Federal The State Council meeting of June 2019 adopted motions to open federal pre-selections for sitting Electorate Council Chairman for Liberal federal members no later than 15 months after the last federal election, and complete federal Latrobe has come out to voice his pre-selections by 18 months after the last federal election. As the last federal election was held on 18 onion publicly. This is his point of May 2019, pre-selections for Liberal held federal seats would not need to open until 18 August 2020, view and contribution. and need not be completed until 18 November 2020. Thus, the opening of pre-selections for Liberal held federal seats on 15 January 2020 was unnecessary. The Administrative Committee, acting on a recommendation from the Federal Seats Committee, chaired From: Andrew McNabb by Administrative Committee member Russell Joseph, determined to open pre-selections for Liberal Date: 18 February 2020 at 6:07:39 held federal seats just eight months following the federal election of May 18 2019. This has been pm AEDT described as extraordinarily early. To: undisclosed-recipients:

On announcing their intention to open pre-selections for Liberal held federal seats extraordinarily early, Subject: Federal Pre- Selection & the Administrative Committee received numerous requests to review their decision. Requests to review Jean Hawkins Admin Committee the decision were received from all federal Liberal sitting members, including feedback from the Prime Resignation Minister, and many Party members. The Administrative Committee chose to arrogantly dismiss all the concerns raised and disregarded the many requests to review their decision outright. Dear Liberal Party Members

In light of the intransigence, even bloody mindedness, of the Administrative Committee, to proceed with I am the FEC Chair for the electorate extraordinarily early pre-selections for Liberal held federal seats, State Council delegates resolved to of La Trobe. I among many other activate the only means available to them to address the situation, that being to requisition a Special members have been concerned State Council meeting, under Constitution clause 11.10 Special Meeting. about the governance issues affecting our party in recent months. Over two months, three separate requisitions were completed and submitted to the State Director / Administrative Committee seeking a Special State Council meeting. The first two requisitions were The reason for my email is to share dismissed by the Administrative Committee, supported by the Constitution Committee. The third and the important information that just final requisition was allowed, however as mentioned above, the motions of any substance were over a week ago, one of the disallowed, thus making the Special State Council meeting impotent. Hence, the responsible decision, Administrative Committee by the signatories to the requisitions, to revoke the requisitions for a Special State Council meeting. members resigned, in protest at the decisions being taken by the Extraordinarily Early Pre-selections – Shortcomings. A federal seats redistribution for Victoria will Committee - who are as you know, be completed by the AEC prior to the next federal election. This will result in a significant redrawing of the party's equivalent to our board of federal electorate boundaries for Victoria due to population growth, and likely produce one additional directors. federal seat for Victoria. Hence: The member of the Administrative  Pre-selections based on the current boundaries are premature and may become redundant; Committee who resigned was Jean  the new rigorous vetting arrangements for applicants for preselection are a work in progress, and Hawkins, who is a long time member yet to be ratified by the Federal Division; and supporter, first joining in  some possible candidates for preselection may not apply so far out from the next federal election 1974. Her resignation letter due to their employment arrangements and commitments; speaks for itself, and I have  a distraction for the federal government very early in their term of office, and approximately two and attached it for your consideration. a half years out from the next federal election;  sitting federal members, some of whom are ministers or assistant ministers, who are not re- It's unfortunate that someone like endorsed, will be sitting for up to two and a half years as “lame ducks”; me has to be the one to ensure this  the Federal Coalition Government currently holds a one seat majority. The loss of a sitting Liberal news is shared - so far there has federal member’s preselection could jeopardise the government’s majority; been silence from the administrative  a large number of Party members are opposed extraordinarily early pre-selections; committee on Jean's resignation,  all sitting Victorian Liberal federal members of parliament, including and particularly the Deputy even though the resignation letter Leader and Treasurer, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, together with the Prime Minister are opposed was shared with the press, link to extraordinarily early pre-selections below.

The Constitution and the Constitution Committee. The repeated blocking by the Administrative SENIOR LIBERAL LASHES OUT Committee, supported by the Constitution Committee, of members’ legitimate requisitions for a Special AT ADMINISTRATIVE State Council meeting, has demonstrated serious inadequacies in the Constitution of the Victorian COMMITTEE Division, including the Constitution Committee. Members have formed the view, that the Administrative Committee when seeking rulings from the Constitution Committee, has been able to orchestrate rulings I note that in addition to the concerns to suit the factional agenda/purposes of the Administrative Committee. Members generally have lost raised in Jean's letter about the confidence in the Constitution Committee. This is a particularly alarming situation. These are matters breakdown in trust between our the that need to be addressed as a matter of priority. Administrative Committee and our federal MPs, and the mishandling by Freedom of Expression and Democracy. Freedom of expression and democracy are two key ideals the Administrative Committee of the of the Liberal Party. Alarmingly, the Administrative Committee and the Constitution Committee have not three Requisitions for a Special been true to these two important ideas regarding the requests by delegates/members for a Special State Meeting of State Council. Council meeting. The Victorian Division is the poorer for the injustice that has been perpetrated by the Administrative Committee, supported by the Constitution Committee. There are also issues of financial concern. In particular: Factions. As is the case with the Victorian Division generally at this time, the matters of early pre- selections and in turn the requisitions for a Special State Council meeting, have been completely 1. Has the party lost up to $6 hijacked by factional feuding, particularly by the so-called “progressives” within the Party. The substance million from the 12 month delay in of the “debate” has been completely lost in the slipstream of factional activities. investing the proceeds of the $37 million sale of 104 Exhibition Street, Party Members look to the State President and the Administrative Committee to provide sound with the share market going up 20% leadership of the Party at all times, and particularly during challenging times. Unfortunately, the leaders (not including dividends) while the have been found to be seriously wanting throughout the entire early pre-selections “debate”, and $37m sat in a deposit at the bank? particularly regarding the requisitions for a Special State Council meeting. The Victorian Division is the poorer for this abject failure. 2. Since May 2019 election, has the Administrative Committee been running a $500,000 operating deficit?

3. Has the Administrative Committee just endorsed an expensive 10 year lease for a premises in the (inaccessible) retail district of Collins Street, rather than THE FORGOTTEN LIBERALS. purchasing a new home for the party as was promised after the sale of Time after time, we keep hearing of generational change and yet the current Administrative Committee 104 Exhibition Street? is far too busy to pay tribute to the myriad of young liberals who year after year assist during campaigns. On the other hand we have the committed ageing Liberals who have been the bedrock of the Liberal The above three points need to be Party year in and year out. In some cases they are cast aside, forgotten for the time and effort put in clarified by the Administrative throughout the years. Who can remember The Lyn Jewels, Vi Hurley, the Harold Eather, the Rae Committee. Kennett, Eva Nagy, Mabs Thrupp, Tony Love, Joy Howley, Peter Katsambanis, Srinivasan Vasan, Margaret Kirby, Karen Synon, Helen Shardey, Jeannette Milnes and many, many others too numerous I will let you read and draw your own to remember. conclusions from Jean's letter, who is comfortable to have it distributed. The youth and the elderly are the only members keeping alive the spirit of what being a Liberal is all about. None of this rubbish we are being fed today. Today’s hierarchy is too busy feathering its own In my view, our upcoming State nest, conducting inquisitions and with hunts that would make the Salem witch hunts and the Spanish Council meeting in May 2020 will be inquisition pale in significance. The sooner the current crop of foolish people resign or depart from the a critical moment to consider these Administrative Committee the better. I have never seen such a disgraceful crew of has been and governance challenges, and act wannabees at the helm. Some were not even born when I joined and others have been far less than I appropriately. in the Liberal Party. They have become a joke. I would rather go down fighting than see such innocuous individuals remain at the helm. Best regards,


MICHAEL O'BRIEN TOLD THE MEDIA: "How long did it take Jenny Mikakos to get out of the nightclub, get on a plane and get back to work?" A group of Labor MPs including a senior minister has been captured on film during a booze-fuelled Bali party. The party in late-December featured Health Minister Jenny Mikakos, who was up the next day to tweet about emergency evacuations ordered for East Gippsland due to towns being threatened by bushfires, as well as about the dangers of heat stress.

GEORGIE CROZIER TOLD THE MEDIA: “Our hardworking doctors and nurses need to be able to go to work each day knowing they are safe, but instead the increase of violence in their workplace under Labor is a growing concern." Hospitals and health clinics across the state are under siege from soaring rates of violence and drug use. Police are called to two assaults a day in Victoria’s hospitals, GP and dental clinics, and other health facilities. In the last year alone assaults soared 18 per cent to 725 — continuing a trend that has seen Victoria Police record a 70 per cent jump since 2015. Ian Quick says that theVictorian DAVID SOUTHWICK TOLD THE MEDIA: "Andrews has dropped the ball on tackling youth crime and Division has never been in beter it's now being left to retired police volunteers to pick up the pieces. With youth offences on the rise and shape. Is Mr. Quick delusional or just a lack of respect for our police, we need to be looking at ways to educate and divert children away from plain sensationalist. a life of crime." ENEWS LETTER & POLITICAL ARTICLES – A NEW CONCEPT Over the past few days, the contributors to ENews Letters have been busy reviewing material to ensure that new developments have been inserted and nothing out of the ordinary has been overlooked. It

would appear that those few members who have been in the Liberal party less than ten years are attempting to change the way we communicate, to stifle robust debates and to stop any criticism of others who are failing to perform. History has demonstrated time and time again that such people come and go and only those committed to Liberal Party values remain.

With less than three months to go, the current regime led by Robert Clark has pushed the boundaries of the grass roots resilience and as such they are fighting back at those who presume that power and influence is indeed their right by inheritance. Everyone associated with such individuals should be asking themselves if that is what they want the Liberal party to be. A party where no one is allowed to question the wisdom of those sitting in the ivory tower located at 60 Collins Street. Think well and ask what of the future. ENEWS LETTERS ARE HERE TO STAY. DISCLAIMER: It is important to note that while Abalinx ENewsletters provides all members with the opportunity to contribute. Abalinx takes no responsibility for what is reported or contributed by any person. The Abalinx ENewsletter is a combination of facts, satire, social media and politics based on contributions by members. Please also read the Abalinx Code of Conduct Charter. Abalinx in the interest of fair reporting will allow any person to respond to any allegation made against them. Despite alternative points of view, all members are encouraged to read the Abalinx about Policies (AAP), which remain relevant. A record of Abalinx ENewsletters are archived under the menu ENews and Archives at In addition, members interested in receiving the ENewsletter may subscribe via email address: [email protected]