Elections Last Week, in Addition, Voters Will Pass on Containing More Than 600 Signa- Elected Separately by the Voters
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DUtrikution Today 1 'if •^^ ttfcf after^ oTtwlgM. High 21,800 tocjay to H*j JW; twignt la the Ms. Tomotww dwdy, cWnc* of .nww. SM Wfci * DIAL SH I-0010 VOL. 85, NO. 164 IMUil «Ulr. MonJu . amuck w. Steni CM*. Fwtti* Wi «1 M Bui UdM UtlUoUl >i*JUbC 0(U»M. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE 14 Board Races on Tap t.23 Voters in 21 local and one re members for one of their1 seats. School, and S, 8, 7, and 8 at the gional school districts in the up-He opposes James B. Ilch, 95 Oakland Street School. Polls are MARLBORO — Township Cleft March date, and the mayor re- per Monmouth County area will Locust Ave., Samuel Carotenuto, open from 4 to 9 p.m. Floyd Wyckbff has set a tenta- quested the latest possible date go to the polls tomorrow to 29 Buena PI., and Dr. Herman tive date for the cfcange-of-gov- in May. The referendum, by law, elect board of education mem- O. Wiley, 326 Shrewsbury Ave. Middletown % ernment referendum for Tuesday, bers and pass judgment on 1963- Voters will ballot on a $910,364 : ; must be held between March 21 Six candidates — two of them 64 school budgets. current expense appropriation April 23. • ; v/ v'.\ - ;. •ndMay 21. ,.-... incumbents — are seeking three There are contests for board and a $34,260 capital outlay budg- The move to change the' form i Councllmen, Mayor posts on the Board of Education. posts in 14 of the 22 districts, et. Approval will result in a of government wls Instituted by The Mayor-Council Plan E form Seeking re-election for his sixth which comprise 23 municipalities. school tax rate estimated at $1.30, the Marlboro Township Citizens' of government provides for five full term on the board Is Donald Although most regional boards up six cents over last year. Commitlee, which filed petitions councllmen and one mayor, each D. Johnson. Seeking his second held their elections last week, In addition, voters will pass on containing more than 600 signa- elected separately by the voters. full term on the board is Warren the Tinton Falls board sheduled a board plan to buy property at tures calling for the Plan % type If the referendum is. approved, DeBrown. its voting tomorrow — with state 14 Tower Hill Ave. for no more of government under the Faulk- candidates for' mayor and five permission — to prevent conflic than $15,000. Funds would be ap- The other candidates are Dr. ner Act. The movement startedcoundlmeh would file petitions and confusion with the election propriated from the capital sur- Brinton 3. Miller, Louis A. following ,the governing body's and run for election in Novem- proposal of a downgrading, ordi- of the Monmouth Regional dis- plus account. Reissner, Robert Murray and ber, and would take,office Jan. Richard C. Leahey. nance which was scrapped last trict. New Shrewsbury and Districts 1, 2, 3, 4, and 12 month, "*• • • • ' 1.1*4.' Shrewsbury Township, which will ballot at the high school; The board is seeking approval Mr. Wycfcoff said tM» d«te was Because there U no time for comprise the Tinton Falls grade 9, 10, and 11 at the River Street (See ELECTIONS, Page 3) not officially set,' pending th« a primary (flection this'year,: the school district, are also part of Ironlng-flut of provisions for »b-first Mayor; apd. Council would the Monmouth high school dis- aentee ballots. He said the date, run as non-p«rtisain. All subse- trict. however, is a "compromise/' thequent election;. would be on a •local board elections normally 32-CentTaxIncrease Citizens' Committee wanted a (See CHANGE, Page 2) are held the second Tuesday in February, They were delayed on day this ye,ar to avoid conllicl with Lincoln's Birthday. Seen for Eatontown For Union BeacH LOOIf FAMILIAR? — That our East Coast it not th» only arka that foals the force EATONTOWN — There will be cents, an Increase of seven cents; ,th« sea is shown in this photo of wave breaking over tea wall at Redondo Beach, Red Bank a 32-cent hike in the tax rate local district school tax, 72 cents, here this year, according to the an Increase of 24 cents; regional Calif., scattering spectators, Waves up to 25 feet were reported in West Coast Donald D. Devine, 93 South St. a certified public accountant, is municipal budget introduced by high school tax, 72 cents, a de- ,'stpr/n.. , , , . ! . (AP Wirephoto) contesting three incumbent board Borough Council at a special crease of one cent, and county End of a Dream? meeting last night. tax, 49 cents, an increase of two The estimated 1963 rate is $2.48 cents. UNION BEACH - What had been described by local per $100 of assessed valuation The tax rate for the regional officials as a bright dream for a major new tax ratable may ; A public hearing on the budget high school dropped a penny be- soon be a thing of the pasd , . is scheduled for Wednesday, cause it figured on a higher as- , The "dream" was a proposal by a Perth Amboy business March 13, at 8 p.m. sessed valuation than last year's, syndicate, made several months ago, for a $10 to $15 million The budget appropriates Mr. Carusoe said. sports-recreation center at Conasconk (East) Point. ' $537,333.86 for municipal pur- According to the auditor, 29 Borough Council revealed last' night that the group, Rest cents of the tax dollar here goes poses. Of sum, $228,441.98 headed by Dr. Benjamin V. Cannata, Perth Amboy, has asked that is to be raised in taxes, for local schools and an equal the governing body for, "outright sale" of the 134-acre tract increase of $35,440.10 over amount for the regional high "without contingencies." ' •'- • . -'' • the amount raised last year. school. County tax claims 20 The borough has insisted on a number of "contingencies" Have Month to Mull Problems cents, the reserve for uncollected Police Account Up including construction of. access roads, sewer plant, water plant, Appropriations for school and taxes 12 cents, and local pur- filling of the land, and others, and up to this week, the syndi- By CHRISTOPHER MrNICLIER eluding some $85 million for New. Jersey Turnpike, was pro-a major change in New Jersey's school aid. posed 3 three weeks ago but the county taxes bring the total budg- poses'the remaining 10 cents. cate had tentatively agreed to most of them. TRENTON (APj-«ew Jersey's financial policies, the state Sen- required legislation has not been et figure to $1,034,041.48, or NECESSARY SAFEGUARD legislators are off on a month's Hughes' $750 million bond is- ate postponed postponing a sweep- introduced, It faces GOP opposi- $167,793.52 more than last year. Mayor William F. Rpdgers last night termed the contingen- vacation, leaving behind some $1.5 sue for school, highway and in- ing revision of the state's proper- tion, The budget appropriates cies as "necessary safeguards" and said he felt the syndi- billion In budget, bond; and taxstitutional construction, to be fi- ty tax laws. Probe Theft Sensing that 1963 could make $25,000 for payment of bond prin- proposals. nanced from future tolls of the The law, twice postponed since cate's new position showed "a lack.of sincerity." cipal, an increase of $15,000 over Council voted to reject the proposalfor outright sate of its enactment in 1960, is doomed ' Both houses of the state legis- last year. Borough auditor Her- At Keyport the land. : , . : " ' • ' ' to postponement again when the lature -adjourned" Monday- until Senate reconvenes, majority bert A. Carusoe said that figure KEYPORT —• Police are lnves- ' The mayor declared that if the syndicate's new propos- includes the first payment on the : March 11 after listening.'to Gov. leader Charles W. Sandman Jr., tigating the breaking and entry al is its last, "there is no need for further discussion." Richard J. Hughes deliver his an-IraE. Wolcott Dies, street improvement bonds, as and theft of $90 in small change R-Cape May, said. Several sena- In other business, council announced that it will apply nual budget message. He proposed well as payment on sewer bonds. from Frledland Brothers, Locust for $17,000 more in federal aid to complete the beachfill tors said they wanted to hold the a - $547 million spending program A $7,470 increase in the amount St., late Sunday or early yester- 'project — the government has already granted $35,000 — and tax law off until they see what for the year beginning July 1. ippropriated for police salaries day. an unspecified amount of state aid for drains on Sixth St. happens to the bond and sales Also left behind were a dozen Ex-Sheriff Was 79 tax proposals. -*73,500 this 'year—will provide Police said the theft was re- Council also Voted to apply for federal sewer aid, with no for one new patrolman and a ported yesterday when the ve- amount specified. The,governing body received a letter from pleasures, introduced in the Sen- EATONTOWN - Former Sheriff administrator! this office .'has The property tax reform law 1 general pay Increase for depart- netian blind firm opened for bus- the state Department of Health commending tha borough for ate and-the Assembly, calling for Ira E. Wolcott, 79, died yester- ever had." was drawn up in 1960 by a com- enactments? a 3 per cent retail ment members, he said. iness,. iU efforts to provide the town with sewen.