Federal Register/Vol. 63, No. 164/Tuesday, August 25, 1998/Notices
Federal Register / Vol. 63, No. 164 / Tuesday, August 25, 1998 / Notices 45247 indicated. The application also will be and thereby engage in making and or the offices of the Board of Governors available for inspection at the offices of servicing loans, pursuant to § not later than September 8, 1998. the Board of Governors. Interested 225.28(b)(1) of Regulation Y; Money A. Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago persons may express their views in Station, Inc., Columbus, Ohio, and (Philip Jackson, Applications Officer) writing on the standards enumerated in thereby engage in data processing, 230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago, the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the pursuant to § 225.28(b)(14)(i) of Illinois 60690-1413: proposal also involves the acquisition of Regulation Y; and DJJ Leasing Limited, a nonbanking company, the review also Cincinnati, Ohio, and thereby engage in 1. Advance Bancorp, Inc., includes whether the acquisition of the leasing personal or real property, Homewood, Illinois to engage de novo nonbanking company complies with the pursuant to § 225.28(b)(4) of Regulation through its subsidiary, Advance standards in section 4 of the BHC Act. Y. Applicant also applied to acquire an Bancorp, Inc., Homewood, Illinois, in Unless otherwise noted, nonbanking option to acquire 19.9 percent of Star extending credit and servicing loans, activities will be conducted throughout Banc Corporation. pursuant to § 225.28(b)(1) of Regulation the United States. Star Banc Corporation, Cincinnati, Y. Unless otherwise noted, comments Ohio, also has applied to acquire 19.9 Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve regarding each of these applications percent of the voting shares of Firstar System, August 19, 1998.
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